Huron Signal, 1850-03-28, Page 4DTA=W ee e. PtMtt/Ltl-WalgP•-"Flf- ty ways, w a.• pkasse, Ittw r asst.-" What ter, p.q r W1i,r.-" 81ack.ag join boots. Ste. G..t.-•• Why, muse ole patent loather ▪ a h. doe's mind It ." Walser .•••••• Pn.rspnes the same.' 1 wean a Na. -ked ea, curry if they Itad'st b.•. pawl leather, Ss." ' 1 Morn at the thought,' said • duke! member, the other dor, during • harrongue. • Yee .a.d ow.. of the ssd•.rce. I see t►a' there is a Brest dent ail color to your face.' " Honest ind•rtry has brought that etas to 'be scaffold,' said a wag,.• bo obverted a cerpealer epos • staging " • And what wall the d.(sadant buying from you whoa you row this wuery is let possession r nes the queen., el ■ lawyer in court obs other day, to a wooers who belnego a one of oar prtnetpsl hotels. • Why, 1 tem Fellow lion at the amt what 1 frequently sill you-bra•dy and sugar.' 'That will dn, sir, you can go now: An Hnr tar La vu. -Den Jobnsnn, go- ng through a churchyard In Surrey. and wenn; poor people weeping over a grave, se0pd uneof the wuaea why they wept t- " Ob," raid she, '• w. hat• I0411 ono precl •ora justice Randall f he kept us all in peace, • ad always was to good se to keep us from g oing Io Ism : the best wan that Slyer heed." •• Well," said Johnson. •' 1 well send yon an elrtp'l to 1r.:• upon his tomb," which wee. "• Guol wn'I;r wonders new and then Hers lite • lawyer, an honest mac." " Peter, what are you drawing !" raid a .ehoo'Lp•inter to hie po11•11. " A house and pig. sir."--" Well, where's the pig 1' •• Ikhird the house sir." In relation to.' printers errors, the best joke ofth• kind, perhaps, is that of a dan- cing master's card .d respect, w herr, ■o in former carer, only on. leiter was changed, making him offer hip most respectf.l altunks to all oho have honored him with their pat- rooage." The following reply to that everlasting ingniry. " How do yet: do r win made by IP original the other day : " Rather stun, thenk'e. 1'ttt got the rhtumatsh in one leg. and • swellin' on t'otber knee, besides hating a Mello touch of the dyeotery, sod I ain't very well myalf wither." Cots -roe AlencpoTR.-A grave and much respected proctor, who has a horror of tobacco. was much grieved to And an es- teemed updergraduate inveterately addicted to cigars, and called him, after early chapel, to his rooms to u.A•ct a mild exp•stu'ation . So, sib,' began the proctor, " you are, 1 hear, tare much in the habit of smoking, and " You are, very ;•rod," was the brazen Interruption,'' :try kind, hut, thank eno,1 never amok•ro early in the morning." This attempt to convert a lecture •galtnt the weed into an invitation to smoke upset the proctor'. gravity, •od broke up the con• (entice. " Be careful how you drink, or you'll wash the colour from your cheeks !" said a gealleman at a fashionable party, as he banded a glass of water to a lady. " There is no danger of your ever tak- ing water enough to remove the colour from your face," was the pot over good-natured retort. " Hog or dog ! that's the question, u the fellow said, whoa he eat down to •duh of sausage,. Wecroo-A young woman so house- maid 10 a entail fsnutV, ahs a Mitch cow - treat be of Ike esbrblisAed church ! 1.0.1 •T Iioma -A clergyman had two daughters, who were much 100 fond of dress, wn...it •al a gnus to hint. 119 had often reproved theme In vain ; attol, p'eachtnE one sabbath day nn the tot .4 pride, he took oc• Ca•to0 to notice, among other things. prid.- in dre... After rpe•klog some ceesuleral, e time on this subj. ct, he suddenly aloppe" shoot and raid, with much feeling and ex pression, '• But you will say, • Inok at home.' My gond friends, I look at home till my heart aches." MEDICAL RECIPES. To sharpen the appetite-awallOw a whetstone. To'giee tone to the stomseh-get it ho- ot with b, -II -metal To " prey at the tie -dollar -owe -Dever run in debt. For Pi tightner.i of the chest -first get your heart "pen with some mils charttahl, laxative, and the lid to your chest will open costly. F.r the n••.r,let•-cease taking too mash of the old range•. Tu come a white .welling to disappear -enter 11 over wren ,lib. -blocking or JApan ,awai�sh . 91 prevent the hair fr"m turning grsy- rawks 4,p tour mind to dye. /PM • ♦a'araet-dam sour •ve. rl I bam n -rt rest and Im 1 r • (e Inn D For Fol, 6.0 -sue -alt y Mir UtIor. Aad finely, if you wish to enjoy a mom. paper -pay fur It. TILE LOAFER. "11e is the moot indepel,A.nt man in it,. world. Ilia draw is the most and atilt the Immo of lila rare. Ile is chrism, to appal.. carolers. A stereo•tpe inviolable fancy - Bash fashion. i1.* hal he weary at on angle of forty -fide degrees: one leg of hi. towns -foto inch cotton pants stock in the top of hie bout, and the thumb of hoe WI hand inserted in the arm -hula of Ms SCSI. He em..bee. arid what Ir more, sew ken to the street -poling the perfume .4 Ms oak eafrtgar in the foci of every lady his meets end swears • With roll, of hewnrahls and awful. Which even M waw timid bis o.ha.f.l,' eat ho 111 • lam the first man nit of nne no.. -he will.' who are a word about it. le or ea iisflod with him✓If and Ibe world. o long Si he has the wherewirttal is sooty, or friends for a drink.bu' thew gone, . I.ani solemnly Memel a poet sad sadly seri 1 hove nn hoose nn prth Nor e0 where aloe I'spoek, Misfortune follows me. %Vh.r'.r abou• 1 gores ! I '...e that .nen 1 .le., Ff.'''. 14...e 1'11 be drivers, Awl mole to loaf about Outside the walla of Heaven, With Imes to bot Ila 11- K• Ornedly bald theme* ow - No mew to clue soap Nes a Ossa tend f4, treat os." TWO 4000 FARMS POR SALE- 011Ntti'teMMm 9 wiles, art the stew with i• about 3 wiles of Go.b. ,oh •1' w a Plot. The firm t. I.':T 10 to let Coons. •100, Tnwedip •d Godrrudt, CONTAINING 164 ACRES. 1. k.... •d at the one sled by Leto Ilur.•s sad at the other by a Yob' c R.»d,-.• the second is LOT 8 a Sib Ceaeem.tua Colbue•e. W. Fh.iauw., CONTAINING 100 ACRES', WWI i•.ituated at abs hectic* o1 two Pu) .ie Roads. For Pa►tievlsre applyto JNO. 111cDONALD, Fog. Oadorkh, 121b June, 1119. •19-D R. %V11.1.1 %al$ & CO CHEMISTS .1YD DRUOGIBT'. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Perfumery, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c. rf�ll}: rubsenh.re her to inform the inh.h E tent. of STRATFORD and the our ✓ ounding Tuwn.Mp•. or well is the publu n general, that ib'•, hate opened the shoes establishment in this Town, where the; will also keep conslaotly on hand • choice meted -tenet of . GROCERIES. HINES. LIQUORS, HARDWARE, ke kc. When they hope by keeping a good • to'•k at low prices to recent, a Pinta "1 p.lhlie patronage. Pbvnciat; s prererintinos and family re- e:pes di.pesed with the greatest accuracy and promptitude. N. B. -Crawford k Imischl' a Mortard wholesale and retail. R. WILLIAMS k Co Srratrn•,1, 14th 1mono•r IASn siren TRAVELLER'S HOME, STRASBUIRG, %VATaa LOU,. 98th February. 1849. 111-1E Snbienber hereby intimater to hie friende and the Travelling Puhli• Pen.. roll,, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of M'ra•hurgh, and will now be found in that well-known holese fr.•t. merle occupied by Mr. Jones, -where he will be ready and able to conduce to the cpm(ort of (hose who may honor hon w tth their patronage. And while he return, thanks for past favor., he hopea, by strict attention to the wants and wishes of his customer., still to merit a continuance of their patronage. JOHN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and att.nti,e Groom.. c2 -n411 HU.tON HOTEL, GODERICH. TAMES GE.•1TI.ES, wmuld re.pel;tf.11y • in- form the inhabitants of G.derieh, and its 51- elnir.. than he will cos..etlr Keep Horses and Carriages FOR HIRE. Mr which he respectfully solicit. the patronage of the public. JAMES GESTi.F.R. 18th Sept. 1849. v2u33-' f NOTICE..-Re!'eised in Store hot No. mother. per Schooner .9.aeration. A Lot of IRON, eonsignr.l tor. C.. G'•.ler ch If the time a not taken away forthwith, it will be sold In pas ,note. CHRISTOPHER CRABS. CmIerieh• Jan. 98, It1(1. J._o•Sl11 CANADA LiFE ASSURANCE C0.HPA1YY. THE Snbirib.r baring been appointed Agent of um ':CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.; is prepared to receive prupn..la f..r Assu• ranee, and will be happy to afford to any person th. necessary information, as to the principles of the !nttnouion. ' J.AMES %VATSON• Gnderich, 13th June. 1819. v9,.t9rf '1'0 BE . SOLI ), N excellent Farm, I'smg Lot No. fns. • s Alanland Conc.o-ren, T"wn•hip 'of G Bench, containing 100 acre. -30 of whish is cleared. Thee land is o/ a .npen..r tv, and well watered. 1t is ruvotM.sart- I► nine mule. from the town nI Gdalertch nn the Ilitron Road, and at the j menton of ••x .Itir,renl road.; e d a. it iii in the center of a populous and prosperous locality, it I. ea - reliantly adapted for a Tavern ,'and or ■ Store, This farm is well .-nulled to Ili. attenunn of persons desirous •.• an .lgthle wttuation for business, and wilt be .0I.1 un very reasonable term+, . 'for perimeter. apply to Thomas Doh, Tavern -keeper, Gudericb, or to the prupr•el .r JONAS COPP, Village of Ilarpurbty. Jon. 15. 1819. e1n191f TYPE FOUNDRY AND PR1\'rE1ts ''"RNINIIIN(: %YAItE tions}:. TIIE `Subscribers hare opened a New 'I'ypa Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to maniple nrdrrs n nay extent, for any knot of 1••11 }',ort Type, Ink. Paper, , •leertr... little., Steel. C- i %non R..:e•, C •tui".•Ing Sticks. Coioa. andevery article necee.•r' 6.r a Printing Office. The Trpn. which aro reel in new mwildr, from entirely new sett of Mainers, wl'h I , • 1-,..'.t-, aro' warranted to he adeno• woemI by any, be sold at pricer to moil the tome,. A11 the type furnished by us to '•hand emit" Printing Pre.mes furnishe& and and also. Seam Engines of the met approved pat tern.. Cnmposition Rollers east for printers. Q7" Etilors of Newspapers who will buy three limes as mash type as their Mlle amount tn, may give the w-bove mix -month.; awrtins in (heir parer., and rend their papers eolutning .1 t., the 'nh.eri 'en.. 6Of KCROFT is OVERENT) Yo 78Ann NIreet.Vev York. Teeemher 7111 817. oil U;$ITLDCOtl11TiEs OF NU-) Monet is tON. PERTH AND SAUCE. 1) 11 hereby Ts wit : aims. IMO the Casio of Oenvoi! tawnier Bttimoa d the Posey. and that n( ilio Cool Cosa, .111 he heti.. in. *MI boy I1. mid U.•I.d Caution. .a TUESDAY the ..excel day .,( Awe! peat, at the Coen Dana. in the Tetra of Oodeneh. at the hair of le e'eleek, A. M. at .Mel now ad place. all !airlines of the Prate, C«...,.. [,.per. wf Gants •a4 ilo.res .4 Cnrreellre. Ifie% Coaaablee, Bailiff*. serf all ethers ,ae- eeeae4, as ber•hy required to .toad,' Io ds sod perform those .lisp -,bid is their respeetttt alms imports; J. Meld)!(%LDeron, el.trif. H, Perth sad Ines. Mori, 'a One.. Gotarleb. 8M tMwsPr. 10170 • M Imp O' `iiii Font 1b49. JAMES PORTER • Co. MARKET li UARE. I;/;DERICII. . wooled (n.. the LURI)PEAB 11sea AVE pro h1ARRE71•,..•. w/dt 'Ir.p.w• and MOBT SPLENOID AY$(1RT• MEAT of I'AxfSTAPLE 1)1)' GOODS. GREY COTTON blIIRTINGel. Prl.ted ('.4 r. es. Printed bl.ahre, Mowry and lkkoat 1'h•tht. 44r1a1.. Flom.. arid Fai.. Took*. Linea .an..e and 11■• kerrMe(s, bee. Cambric. ad 1•adksrehiel.. Mwi.•. IL..k, ..d J.Aurel blo.- •r•a. 157 FA a1 1.0081S, 111..... ..d Ca►h• mens, AlparN el all c.i.f., %Vented Caps.. C.d• 4.15 and Colo. Ladies 11110010 mil Ohms. Drs 11.11.. sad Searle. COTTON SHIRTINGR, 1'atr•r.ewr. Rare... .ad Cram. •d hematite' ..1... tlra•...inl 1.1..•. Lacer .rd Lae Goals mono Oy, Glaivo es.d fleet. rr, Arl.fi.i.l Flew• .•r. R-1.1 .... )'rupn. ARSSOHT"FNT or SiIAWLA. 1-no11D (1.01II$ & lit RS1:Y%IERF.B. OF slaw. yin it, A' l) IIt'RABLEFARRII'E8, OF FA$IIIONAIIE STYLES. Resoling' a.d Film Coker.. aaA to prima Mao alit worn.. all lonelier.... lie Cheapness. Fa•b• i.r.ble Tmw.eriwr.. Do. Vn"ne• Carvers and Ire n.l.. Weal Drown. noel Shin. MOI.FBKINS.,.ATINETTR J. TWEEDS. tPAI►t•' 1 P ( ()ATM. V1 f'Tra AA11 TI:OW Eb;s. •' TOCKN. N'CARj'', and Hdt.s. Irish Linen. B.ck.ki. hens. Glover. l:aalirh, Frrreh and America. Caps. CARPETING 1 Table Linens, Towellings, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Counter- panes, Marsailles Quilts, Dam- ask Flannels and Blankets.' FIFTY SPLENDID BUFFALO ROBES and 500 BAGS M.p•rier Liverpool BALT. .II of wl•'ch will be solder asst Kdoe•d Prices 1..r CASH in Ml.rb.lable nem rachet. Oederirb.lhlrh N•nensbec. Id19_ , 9t-•43nf -SNF--�a9y_ „ors -. • /SI=Fe 1.•2 ' a _• Er 7 -i;;r�s v • 3 •°, ii ii Z 0 7 g an „ . . c A j: = a Y *s- 0. G : t • I• _a i • ._ - - T . i v - 3 r. to o 3 • = • 9 I• 1 'MO 416 4 JIIY 'yauap ;J 1' .76 R e • *V Illy '43,1i1 pa' qs NO'1'ICIy:. 11E Soberriler h.ri.i heel, ■ppei..td Ars' n lir .he l'ROVINCIAI. "LTUAI, AND GENERAL INSURANCE E COMt'.ANY. hors by iniim•.n, .MI he IP prepared in erodes Soo. ►rrlpnoe. fur Stnek to the Proprietary Pooch. ..0.1 applications for Immanent in %loon' branch. end le gine nisch ioformauoa on the sabj.eo as may be reqs red. JOHN CLARK.. G•d.rieh, 96,b Sep'. 1949. 11.-•34.y FARMER'S INN SI'RATFORD: MRS. DOROTHY DOUGLAS, 'widow of th. Into Thomas n.turne, of thr Farn..t', bon. Stretford. hereto ,•rnn too shanks to the Inhatotaeta of lttratferd. ane' the pabi.- reewralty. for the veri Iil•ei.l .noprwt wheel 1Mn received during lb. .hart time they have been in Stratford. BIM 11/.utM. bels It intimate that ab. .01.041. e•rryise .•11 the Merin,.. a. hereto fore at the 111.1 Stand. in her own name. and hopes %Tat►Mt altenti.•n l.. the r"n,fnrt her gi..tr, and m.of. rot-. eharpre, to norm' •r .hale of thn public palr'.nare. Stretford. 91.1 Anglat,.1819. 9v-et9" New Tailoring i:stablishlnen) IN GODERICH. HE S,.h•etoher h -g• o..nn•.nnre on the ie- L.brra•.to .l G'drr-eh. an -1 its ver oft,, the, lie r•.rnntenr.d 1.17•....•••io t.,• in the ns. line. ;HE 11..n, a 'boas 11. 1111R'IYIN•lt 8.4 .Ile Shop, Market Swim,. lo• wilt he pr. naso.,... •t_rele .11 '+robs• .n his line on Ib. .lin",.l runir., and al m.dn,... elm. g.. N. B -Cilium; du.t o4,' .h. .Moor.., noose JOHN ADAMS. Gnderich, Oet. 17, 1849. .41137 S I'1tATFORD IHREW F•RY. '11EnMrr.l..r in rrrntnin his 4,i• R t e• e bekonolerlietooroom io the n.hsl.itannl • Sunt(, rd, and no his ea.hon'er. gn..r•!'y. &•n t11. 1,1,o 1 p.nnv.r- whirh brl.e• tic-ivM dose Mt Ili. nimw h• ha• been i•. inv. nem. .run.%. ohs( 1 .. unpnwrd s.rang.mrello whorl wive rn'.nilt Iron un.'t in tom ..ahlt•hmewl. ...III enable bun to ,peke • ru.rr.m ga.lity rot BEER. end to (neni.h it en .0,11 t rem, a• metol. Mm to • r,MNnenttnn 01 Ili. hornets• wh,ch she his hitherto eajnyed. J. P. VIVIAN. Sint (ord, Nov. ltd. 1849. .9-.13 Notice to Creditors. LI. Perrone hae'np Claim. aga'n.t JO - t S1!PH VURPiLLAT. rel the Tool' Opp of North E.•tltone m the Huron Dre- .ne,, a's regne•ted In hand them In the Suberib.e Int Exa'n'natinn and Adjurunen' WILLIAM SC4ITT. A -agnea For Ii -e 1:.1e10 of J.•.epl Vierplllat. 'Imbue', 97th Sept. 1119. len37'f STRAYED Rom the $,i .enh.r the 1-t day o1 Arlgn.t lads, a RED HEIFER. 'n. rear old pe-•, .nh a SPECKLED F A CIE. and shut. belly, and a piece .f •he left ear taken off. Any reran. La,ieg infnrmauon at the Sigool Oftte wd1 b. aat••fied fns their 1ronhl.. JOHN SAVAGE, 1.t Con. G.doneh. Nov. 91, 1149. is -.49t1 F.10,I1D CN DigL1VERY, FOR 0000 CLEAN RARELY. al th. Jr/ITLas° B*LW£Rr. Abyy the Rem scriber. J. P. BRII'TAIII. tsellwieb, OA. 19, 1049 lomeeit B6L0\(IIN0ter ahe 'ohm neer , boors W . 14 aro am* IM Lw.... coal us Sea, ••. 'sumo biol. 111t6 Iwaawt, Two PI{OMISSORY NOTES. Vta.e (Me 1(HVT NOTE •gats -u 1or• Email a 1 Cra,Llto IL , for £3 Ido 9.1., drawn notable 1.. laMelee . bearer. 581 esd.rrace by Jost. ".,elan, pw.t ION, -AI -.y nee ■ sse., Mmeant. # T...elory Di ,ekrrl ti•eh. for C3 19. r.l....-,(n a n. a• a h1. so l'nrl-tits Manner, or 1. -.rt r, tarn Pp In German. aleo part du.. Tbt• a . ram 11"6 any person trout p.veM.u.g •hs same. or the shows p.•ur. pats; tit* Note- to alp porooa bat the aub,rrlber,-.nd any poets find's. the oho,. Notes will ...eh oblige the subscriber by 'Prilroag them to hon. TI1()V. U. DAI.Y. F•ralf,rl, 1.I.• tr..tn. 1119 III�H�, 1 rj•11 E 8•h.•ryrbr bees. Worm the Inhahivatt r1 G.derieh .nd is acuity 11... 1.. has re- ...ieed a L..•. R. p'c .f ab LATEST 171• rROVI:D PATTERNS a C OKING. B (l X AND 1'Ai:I.1)UK C'rovv4S, whvh 1...42o• 'or SALE •1 eery REDUCED PRICER FOR CAlII. The Sun -4,o il... a'4,.. k•ep- on li.■4. •s .•■al, s1 Coo OLD STAND, a LARGE and very 8i• petit., tommyrot .t of TIN WA RE of every description. Th. sulneriMr rakes this..pportonite of recur• nine hes .meso thanks Is the Public G. the very h✓ral palmwaee h• has received rine. he haw been in hn.uMa. in Gaderirh, and hop., by .trir1 1.t..mon to buanrre, end mnler... pncee. I.. ntaae 1. reeti•. • .hue til ilio p.Mte pet rota 4,e N. B. -GRAINING, PAIVTINO G1.A• ZING. PAPER and BELL. (HANGING rotted oan heret.4 re. 'iILLIAM STORY. Gwlerich, 6th Sept. 1849. ' 4v-o3td i 1;800,000 ACRES INOF OANADA.WEST.- rile CANADA COMPANY have fol J•L di.penal, about 1,580.000 ACRES OF LAND .Ii.per,.e.l lbr•.NgMtol most of the 'rnwwabip. in Upper Canada -nearly 500.- 1100 Acre -i aro situated in the Heron Tract. ,cell known am one of the Ino -t fertile parte .1 the Province -it has treb'ed Ito polpala tion to five ♦.are, and now contains up ward; of 90,000 inhahttanto. The (LANDS ore olfme.I by way of I, B A S E. for Ter Years, or Jm Mile, CASH D 0 II' .V --0i, plan ,f art fflk Cr,SAaid Ike &..(ante in iaalal weals &ring done moony Kitt. The Kent. payable 1st February earl, rear, are aMntl t he itisrosi at Six Pe. Cent.opon the prier .4 the band. Upon moat .fit. L.,rs. irhen LE,9.YED, NO MONEY 18 REQUIRED DOWN-wbdst upon the otben, according to locality, one. 1'wo, or three years Rept, must be pard in adtancr, -lot thee•e payments will free the Rattle from further cello until Sud, 3rd or 4th yea of tui+ term of Iwa.'. The right to PURCIVASE the FRES. 11(31,1) during the terns, i• rne..red to the Leasee ai a fixed porn nom«I In 4.,.•4,, and tit all..wanre Is m4Je according to antic, - owed nit linen!. Lists of Lando, and tiny further informs 'Ion can be obtained. thy apn(tratr•e, If bt ••11.r poet -pail) a• the Crimea ST'S()r.Tc,,- Turo•t. and Gderidt ; "1 It. Hlansa..L. E.g.. Asphodel. Colborne. IA.ortet: Dr. Ai ultL Gettig, ..r J. l:. 1Y: DAL,, Esq.. N(ra►find, Huron Divine'. 1T. twit. 7 PIIIPY f1-1-1 IC MOFFAT'• VE'SETA$LE LIFE PILL$ •)1D PHCENIX BITTERS 71..1..ln •ow •.,.N .•leh.,ty %loth ",4,,e pea-.wi•..l ara..d i.r Omar k..u.•ble •y.%) r ON IM •.e..., which ,h. roofer*. tore. hes ,..dond the earl ,trot. we 4,r poiox W •..i) .r.....n. .a. •weer. The) am ha.ar* by then free.; dor S-+ .,..h. ready 1-.. wenn,..• they throe 1.7 the bor. rl .he .,.4.i..,. - MEI d./111 11Le vA!L r PLO atm Ito .-TIIYA. AI VT. Fwd I:URUtl(: RNaY d/T1.At ..rrL' Flu 1M .r M4, IiI4i'b•t .d IIU\Lys $ILIOUI rev Eta a LIVER OuhsPtalIeT7.- I.. n. -.el. a... rhe .lino t4r .i -.w 1...•,i. nor .O. M 11...4 i.,.,. 5. r Woe. for,.-,. •. l ., Ir-•, -15..... w 15....)..1.-... w.l root. .4 ,-. Wlr "rlrr t►w •ILIHra r *Mk:. wed F&8U178 L-«.rwo RILCC. C7a+TireNIGv. 0..1.1117 151 cot'uu1. l'"x.l•Menore. c..f omen./ brew .. u... .h..4,.. toad CPT II(JY111x. bll.,rsla... DTil11PUTA. an mows. no% t1.. dor 4,...m 4 r•, 4•Mi Ler roof a.o.-. mo. nobly CaUrrl".\o of re. Pero. 41tYniP1/.4.. Pl./TU La •1 E. • fKVPin and AUI'it. R+ilio ...,..•..l.le gw ww..••or iw...ed,-,..... 5 to R,..4 • .a4. ..••lr noel ••nm....'.rod,. 11 4e w.l►M.. I.... 1r .1•i. w.i*,, l i... wows. ,(one Ara.. • row h ,►ns.. rwo W rr, . omasio I - TeY T11EM. 01 .ATtenr.o. A•f1 1.r. o'1714E11. / re (I NEN.a/ co IPLRxios. O OON a L I 3 AL Sas T?. woos. wolxc+x..rRArLr. HLAae nxM. Jrsst Nw1, S.%IIAR& .'are.. I.1'L.4 JVA7'URY 111r.0 .4 Tr,ll. IMCVIR 11.I1.0. JAVAbS',g. Lu:, .J APP% rf ra. LITER COI1111'LLINTB. 1.11PRta: Y. L1111Ma%.;Itn, A KNA'I 111A 1. I)Iaa;Al,Kn.- Ike. nit....' .bw.e mti..lr .n the AT re• •4 Meow, .i a1M• strew rhea'.• .nor I..*,o41 I en...mew .4 M■nsi. Ala a•Rlllr wll'•ArR. NKRrt/Us nRaILIrV. SRRr"C, COVP/.Il\TR sr as mel.. 0111/AN1. ArrDur/u.tt /ALPI ri TTINo4 rN 411417'. PAINTRR't 1:Nnl lc. P3 L 0 0 The metro! te-,...d oho...d. r.., ter snood..r P4 -bow 1 . •.d M Nemo wahw In Ile ret thew I.L 111....••161. PAIA'I 0.11.011•11....01* WAN, wows .m4, .rhe N SI K if M% T I• H. Tiro..R4o..I ..a .h. Im.ad. &w., Inn h. war me let, 4 M ikn LL Ilene-,. 111/055 tee ■I..►,,U I. raw Ita:Att, e..GR yr. •ALTRHIUV. •n'x/.r.l S'I4. mr.xurnt. •. •e YI3t0•B LVIL, oft waw. •4,r.. L' I.'. I R 4..r .err, descrlrt...e W 0 1R X 8 • .4.n thew .. ,n.-.rn.n, .•,14,1 b ta.w wane. maws .N A... -a •n ..1.,..w.... term bow Aw rko. esan....- . aw.i,....1 0.4 1 r •,i lb. TNR LIVE PILLI IMP PN01111 BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Asa thaw remove all disease from the system. • .+eiI. ni.t arta /awe law lift P I l l t a aJ PNEE NIX BITTERS b.,-esthe r...:.,.t....r.- 1a1e. 1. the .w5..,1.,..1.•9' po1M•t The gr•i...114..,....drober .n r.. poi .p 1..Lw ��y.. ..d 115.15• t1•'5' eel • ra.pkht. ,nae "34,4.,. Seed It'tots.•' evonmeinm tl.e dinr..ww.. .. 1 en *Aiwa le • Anent ..( sr.....y nos. w'•ft .snot or or t luso, t7 .hwh .nae," . hh 1.g . he e i'y .•.. cry *Leg W r•. The wrapps . *A ......nits .n tops wr{ /M.•114,• thew els rent.. dew •..h •►u• enpree•aa• M awed .h., i5. •n sower v...11. 0. v...11. sod de as tap tat.. with re .spoon: hal 7•471•71yo• Pe. be 7•.1 15.4155,1ows a..w •t... Aa.. -..tib i11 RT snit....., add to D R. WILLIAM' 31. IROPPLT, Joe 110..4..7. lora•' .f Arles, swots. now Tort !•r Mia y BENJ. PARTCPIS. Bays w4. al. S.jwleb, Yes. 1M, 111A. 1 *T (T10E -A Y ice MOO, 4 Owd w,ae■I • elameelee, ere. hoots • •,miM6 of wet. • 94,.. tits. d ow. •4 the foe. sure. Is dtalermo a. .h.•la..• • C•mm.• Seh rd. He ►w sew. h..wN,o of Nolo, ad will he may 1e wawa • 4w of 1M Ito ,limn., a.sbel..6., owes.. •Ai paiv. K tetter. p.s11M shoe Ake. m rw %l, 11 t(r31iN... Tear r.f Reksei reeier 71. 4► T.ek.....it►. Load.* Rood. CHARLIE* FLI.TCI1Ea. 1'upl C. 9. theta Duariet. r/•ea•t.aOAer. Herm brew.. (1.1-,.15. Itmo flee. IMO. ( 99•.44.4 IItTICE. A (.1. throe to wf...n. PR LMIUMN wane awarded ■t the Aa.ual ii.b►.t•no n' the ID•u..n theirlet Agnr.11ieril8,.rierl. L.r the rear 1819. are rrgoe.ted to ,all .at n the Tregsuhor of !ba Sudsy y, sad revolt. their reereelk e a rardr. NOWT. MODER WELL, Treroorer. 11. D. A. 8. (�..ierirli. 30th J4,sn,rt. 1880. 89.1 `'•TRAYEH from the ruh.enhrr on tar b.. • 1e .d November On. Yoke oBlack OXEN. lir.w• streak re.k nph. hark nix year, old Al.., three COWS. one hlaek..pa.t!led with while.nose. 0.. 'dirge Red Cow w'th • white from. 11.. In. d hark bnudlet Cow, noel n.. Two coat. old It'd Heller. Any p soon t..a.teg int-or,,.•tio-n of the above ewe:, at t1. Rip nal (Ogre or with Mr John Allan. Tavern K.••t'.r, G•wlsneh, will he rati•fir•' for *heir I•. tel... PAMIIRI. 111r('0I$K1Ell Y. Kincardine, 91'11 Dec. 1849. 91-47 tIN ()'1' 1 C E. To the Clerks and Bailiff's of the Division Courts. ✓ j•tl}:merest.. demand fav fatrro.oa awl other BLANK WRITS. in roe. nee. inn with thehuoine'.a of the several D• riot .n C •ortn in ilio Dlwtrlet. haw • arrant..., um to printing thenr in muen dirr.r miaow r- leelhon heretofnte, and rnn.rgnently ena- h'e. "s .n nett them much rhraret --t •err.- f.re we trout/vie to ore ne,pnl 11111k.ra rr- q•o irtr then*. Blank Forme, the from tMr da•t, Summon..a awl all "fiber Write he- Inn/ugly. .0 11ie I)'rininn Const..111 hoe 9.14 a' 'h,' .tii¢R'rl Offer at On rosined ',vice of V ' Two SHILLIro. 1.00 &sParmCs PIM tltr1naltp. i, CASH for WHI�:AT �t T .h. O,d.,1.•. 1161Is-a.d•h lir C5. -o,, Saw Loge .l Dederick and R.,rt•l4 Vi11.. WILLIAM PIPER. O.d.rich Mills. Sib December, 1949 46-i1 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HONE NANUFACTVRE. .I,HF' 8oh.enmooning here is ng 'Might, so their Customers for the liberal sop purl they hare remised sines commeaci.g tu1inerm, beg to ietieta1., that they have '"r sale at low rate.. Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, .len Pinngh. of eight Jewerlpila.,and ma- soning of the moot impor,.d Momld.. Belt I.•tiog ,1/iU Dog.. and various *they m- inty. Haring engaged an asp v4.e.d Narhieiet. the wtth•enbere nn en•ildaNly ...commend the., THRASi1ING MA- f7H I N ES of :he newest desire, web el. - Honors and moveable, and wash' solicit e call from tntendtng Pureba.ors be'.rrt bay• tog elvewhere. All nnler. pun 4.Holly •t 1.. (led In and executed with 'esteem aid despatch. ORR & WiLSON. Stratford, 13111 Atty. 1819. v1-nefltf. PLANS AND SPECIFICATiO`IS, "r11 Snhernber pegs leave to refmor rhe 1 Inhabits/Po o/ the !keine, of Harem. •n.1 the ee•ghb.•r'ng,Uatrlcfr, that i'e her Established himself in Stratford, and to prepare to rise Plana •wd $pseif41 tuns of Pohle . r Private Budding., Newly •a. 11111 ohne &c. kr. Sero. and -,tit'abe h• euperusttndettre til r"eh Erecrruah u• he Inn•% rea•unahle term.. Ile. et rEh kn••prn(.,et.e .•d hu prsrree a4, Bniwl.dgel,t.r, gi,lfi►s hien 1.,, ..v undertaktnr in the tine. Addendum poet .owl. PETER FERGL'r:ON. B.o:der. ke 14.-. 8'whirr', C. W. Str..r,.rd. M.rrl 16.1,. I8r9. S'l•ItA'l'l' l )It 1) 11O't'EL. (LATA a ) 1111F' Rub.rri:rr mlorm. hl. (need. and • Ilan Tr.rellut1 Pishl•. that b• baa les.,•' hr large BRICK TAVERN. at 114. East awl of S'r•Ofnrd, (non ohne 1-101, town n• i'erlh.) 141111 •rrnp•e.l by air. lease May. -wh.•re Le will be road) ar •11 times to d•rd U•e n.nal enmf"rt and r„ppbrr aid ohs p..uital c. ,eseenc• 01 be u •rte. %VINES and LIQUORS of the beet dr- r'ip'i"•. A .t••edr Ilattt.r •Iwavr to .n. d+rr.. ' ALBERT 0. HATCH. Stratford. 18th Jolly, 1849. 9v-tit3 t f ISII FflIY1IiT! sort. 1111. P. A. Mc1UUCALL, CN M coaoohsiA at all fir` st Afro. Wow P ssdl•R't /yjrP;J� O.rr•r.eh, Sept. 18th. 1849. 911- 1. LEWIS, MA RKI$TEN, P(►LMITOR, 'fit, J..., 1849. OODF.RI'H. ALFRED W, OTTER, L_ General Agent & Conveyancer, CI►6Lf:Cr(.R OFAccouRrO.4 . 4r. GODERICH. Or -t. I. 1849. 1-•!i JOHN ,'1'ItAt,HAN, BARRt8Ttts Ann ATTI►RNSY AT LAW . s.1iaiter is Ciw.a..yt C ROTARY PUWc.' - 'baa 11141 . Mee to West Hire. t,Gderieh, (;.r4..•.h 9•.'J.rnert 1030. 9. -ode DANIP.L HUMIN LIL.tlt$, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mad Ccaesyr.wr, .feboU•r M CA.epry, +6.. Has Iva office as formerly. la Blratford. Riretfntd, 1.14 Jsnnary, 1808. 1•-4,49 N. 0. -air. $trash.., .d the late Arm of Sl•.e6.n & Luau, e.raol.e.p M eel as Agent and Calomel for Mr. Litmus its all ,,..C,, ref.rred to Mur (rout Rir•tfuns, WA'114ON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE PPATSox .f Codtr•ick, DARRI1sTEN AT LAW. &e. ‘ke. sad 1i OEORUI WILLIAM& of la.. el the lyssa r bit,..,, Welber sad iLrrnt.n. &e. Tatar., Mavis. ibis day maimed 'a•werpen.er.t .p, iii the Pr•ctfee. and Pr.(t.- .iw 1 Law. ('Rasta,• sod l'.aysvaasoe. will is fessrt keep their 0 e.• s• Halm ieb see Stretford, r•ep.c'iiel,, seem .6. ware, style .ad arra wf Wawa... a. 4 Y.'Isuar. Dims W.wa... 0- 'erirh. Gaua•a %Vu.uaa-,.8teetivd, 940h December. 1649. eva471f A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: W3ST•S111R30T, 81)UBM1rH. f:.deri-h. April 19. 1849. 9.-P Iln( 1. b. (i.OU1)1NG, AUCTIONEER, LL spoor' SA.I,E8 in anp tart ef the iMstner, on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply • the British Hotel. Gt.d.neh, Marsh 9'b 1849. 9v -fie DANIEL GORDON, CABINET MAKER: Tlrr demos Fast of tai C.o.d. Co's. oja, wr 8 r-STp5 l 7, GODERICH. Angus( 1711, 1949. It NO Stokes, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, WEE; 'r•tlTMEET. GODF.RICH. north R 1149. 2v -5 - JOHN J. E LINTON, Cam .OT•IT r1711Lrt, Quern's Bendel, AND CONVEYANCER. STRATFORD. DAViD H. LIZAOS, WINNER in itinerate s. NM inhabitants .f G.d.neh ad ,iit srnasdi•. ressory. Mint he hr. Awarssenot bwarw 4,r C•y•ey.m'r, Deem' Asti•. sad Amsostiers. rod M wrdo- ..w SnenrSwt. ✓snows. sad ..deems these.. hopm or b. ne-f■1 P. verb M may reignite his oretteas. Tb -,e nekton, is -np;ny Lim i. we, ..'t IM dw.'toesehes .11 ,locos gen st 10. R.er"1 Obs.. Llehrhom street. G•d.nrh. 13rb Msrrh. 1850. r3 -s6 Da. JOHN HYDE, (LATE n... em•f11.) 111 1E 1112 C A IL ELM., IiTRATFOR0- J.Iy 31. 1849. 915 W1MM. REED, NOUA►E Al\'U RIG.\' I'du1-TF.R yE.. LIGHT -HOUSE sr. GODLRICH. TIIP: Suhftl'ribers will pay the IIIGHES'I' MAILKE'l' I Rh 1- - for Good Merchantable IVIleat. JAMES POR'1'l'.R & Co. Godeeich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 ST.% 1.1.1ONS, 1 ItE 4o0ow•ng Premium. will be award. tel by 1be Agrte,,iion1 Society W K. Um ted C"omits of 'Juror, p..ih serf (Dore, for I e be., and .ecnnd beet STA!, LIMNS AI.•wn in the 'wok. -t egnnre, In ,1.,1. nrh, nn %VEDNRSn.AY the 17th da. of Apnl near, ar 19 .� clock noon. For ilio• 5..' NI.IImn, £7 10 F..r oh. 9nd bet d.. 1 0 T e Leine' mar •ithhnl•1 the Prrmlum", ib did they a"nears 16. 'lows .11.... w - R. G. ('UNTNGIIASIF, Seer eto ry. 4hMart11,1860. WANTED, };Y th.Ober, R•YMt.-e Ihern.gh hoed Dnrham 18.111 -tare year* old. Partes haying ani nils of this d .ariptw to di.. toms .4, sill be Mod answer to 5pply to Oa Secret. ry as soon as p .146 e. R. G. CUNINOIIAWR, Seerejz4 Oed.rtce, 416 Moretti 11119. Oct. 95. 1849. 9v, 39 .11.4J(A(IN:R WILKINSON. PROV N( -IAL LAND sURrEYU'S. And Ord Engineer. , Ofhka at Mr. Ros.aT ELua' GODERICH. Jemmy 19. 1150. lt-4,89 NOTICE. Tug Snhretilw haver RENTED the WARsad WIIARFhfl.rg- tmg to the Menne. Davenport, of 11i. toe• hot nla►lab. .1I nrlf as lin a /oew•a Oli •110 C"ommi"t Nita C7.9T. Any adroit or commto•n,n loo the Mer ebanta of Gudtnch, will I/4'e11e 14011T• au.tna. JOHN M,E%VAN• W.nwl.or, March, 1849. Che futon Signal, 55 pmtrytm an. ►eatram rets, ,wfwrlaV BV TO OMAN MA(414SN, ammo •.I reswe oohs. ••/pClt ra•rw, plwa*n. eenRRlt7. •.• i..A aid lab Yrwu•g. ,✓eaad wink nM.oem sod ditps,rh. Trams wtux Hued. Pomo !1)1L• Linos per unmet if mid firefly in ad'.'rr Tw.Lti Jan Me Pasca with the expnn.r of the year. Ns paler direea,iu,'4 erril torso s" p.'d q, mi lt... N pWi.b.r tbih b i1 6f. ado w tap e• dw ie. Ally iadi,ida.l is the emote, ben.. ieS re- .p..•nblr for rt. oalocrlben, the11 i"l'i e seventhe.py gratis. 17 All le atwoddwored t• ih. Editerviset 1* Pew raid. e► obey will am be tote, est.( Ik' poet oiler marls w aserret WMk.. Its lie•e sod eater_ lin t..•ttts(r, L'9 9 c Rork owb e,..eriwttwo,••:..e. 0 n 7t Noe* * •d mod.., ins ins iat.esira..... 9 3 4 Fore* oshompost issestiM•••••. 0 0 II se 0.w e lime, fres Iswesti . . i Mae S, * 9 4 001 STA lawful lissom made w thou mos advwel•e M oh. parr. JAB rittiRl.s air OW wwtljt( %.6110, sad