Huron Signal, 1850-03-28, Page 3M bP .itr149l6+ Ht*bind &Meet.
7h this mea WSW AMMO* per'
MaInMe eI . MjIMtMI.t
tint ekes* aigtsd the eats e(,
leg11 J.r, titian r M 1100001")
_t lpnY sedseMd r N« Wear, mese •t the
4weleallehe iLiethee eeeaed at die I1p'w e(
*Wag, QS dire.4f lase t At .tl etre.••.
"ken* pe d raflir'+naei ten kir. Came -
ler dee Aberep0e, ha... feeeder (seem* se -
wales deillemleed Ikea, we email M ....seed
that tee b4 dim' •••e4Pdr week reelect,
swat Mr ('s.nekedi a say weer Mr is chess -
leg the same Breeeeeld , bet o. cosI1 ocareely
beeeviae•d that Mr. Campbell the Shoemaker
et Oederieb. mid asset* the ,*teetotal' pos.-
tete d 1Oatestuog the Meer of the mans &iib
the (L.erese Gemmel: Or yt es far lei to
steep lemma M anal, t1 , ea Ie ,spiel • &lege
to be sae* eihews,ethm- -i$ .woelJceruns-
me, he • tees! at the "sublimely r*%gelose !"
end, tbereMe, we cannot believe that Mr.
Campbell iee:nds "Campbelltown'• a• a
representation oI hie earn name. Mr.
CaespbeU.bu oertaialy * right to apply for
the office of Postmaster •t BrneefielJ if be
thinks proper to do se, bat neither he nor
the Post Office Surveyor leas any right to
alter or interfere w116 the name of the
place, in ter matter, they ane bete aseddl
Ing with other people's affairs. The inha-
bitants of the locality, however, Deed not
be alarmed. The•st of Post
reenters sad the whole Poet Office depart
rural will is a few weeks be unese tier ccn-
trol of the Colonial Goveruaeat, and we
Omsk then to eery bias likhhood of patron-
age being be.towod on thaw ,wbo loath
eves the name of the Governor General. -
Neither would Yr. Campbell detgo to se-
cret any office frons each a Goeernmeet.
14110111101, Of Ike leetMntwtesed
peed ed Slaw bet bit extreme ssahaly
fern net sheen hems to pet twtb bra own
Maks@ ie the peeper quarter. Allan ('amen
es therefore writes tee character of Allan
Cameron, Allo Canoe* as
a wonderful sort eif a wee and, perisheriy
metalled to act ss Crows !reds Agate-
Jeetrre of Posed -Coroner, and whatevp
other itttto nice of *reel ameet l ins be re -
tweet is the place ! ! ! The 'powwow of
profound delicacy r tresacribed by *ome-
bed, d the setae of Rindeir, who is
modestly roquee(d to edit a little mors to
it, and wad it off to John Satsdbeld McDo.-
aid, the Sohritar Gaserel, who to expected
is obtain all siert* of appointments for thts
wonderful man, Allan Cameron. The
Man, Alta* Gametes Instructs the teae
Sinclair to inform the Stiletto, Genenl
that ht, Allan Cameron is of the same poli-
tics es Precise ! ! ! Allan Cameron's Po-
etic* ! What west. Now were we not
aware that the Solicitor General knows
enough of Allen Cameron, and has too much
respect fur him to recommend him to any
office where he would have an opportunity
of etrreteing his KICKING authority on
he fellow coustrymea, or of bringing di.-
riere on the venerable name of Cameron,
we would really give John Ssndffelel Mc-
Donald s deecriptiee of Allen Cameron's
TO Ter 111fT09 Or Ter HURON SIOxa1-.
1 Dear Ste -lo year peter of t6t ilea March, is dtstroyed by lira, eoppoeed to be tee work
-'- i
an tnele headed o
LINCA,RDINE COUNTY 01 BRUCE. hedd " the County Cooped. in of incendiary. A man named Samuel
which there are crewel aemeeteregnidag ere- KeeK ler t:u been
ntarrested are sospicfoo.-
Wa duvet the special &tteatio* d oar readers ratios,'" they ere et 'aria re with facts, sod Ibid
w a *ewe le err Advertising telerane from caled■ted to produce wrong imprr.ios.. Yoe MitaL•roaTee.-The family of Mr.
George Jaahow, Eq . Agent be the Public there tate that the Council " refused to make Gudbault,, of thee city, has been
d.Mds is the Tec -grant Baden* t d the Coo- any provision whiter. r for the payment of this
y .f Bowe. We regret no learn that . system District Debt." And again "es the Council
*bed jebeing hes bees canted es to this settle- hes mode re provision foe the District Debt, ev-
illest to a very eetrdetahi. retest- A somber ere men who holds. reepeetahle District Debet•
et penmen wbo have %either the expel ienee n..t true, 'ney ',ring an action against the, Corpora -
the tselteet■ a to wrrsele with the hardship• sod lion and recover the am000t with costs," -and
Mrd Mime d utak f.v sling, eootrired. be (Pre you gaote from the 177 of the new Aet to show
reeem■srd.tiees sad specious pnieOe1• to the predicament the Council is pl.ced ie.
abeam fifty sere grew from Mr. Jaek"e ; aid, New Sir, I think that any person who felt
.01 d that Ion were 10 (aroebl. situa•ioos " en interest in the proper arrangement of this
the gessoes. feted se difficulty in making a important „Nev.,' wo.Id at leaf have a (erm-
prefitsbk .peneetiw .l the mater, by " sc(ling ed himself correctly, se to the feet.: for :lex
ewe' t. ,mae new comers wbo were more 10. was imp..ed by the Coueil fen ibe porpo . of .few .minutes "afterwards -the blow having
d.rrresely iwhn.d. and to better circumeaneea Iigeidalimg the Debt .(the Dirtriet, and eoaid. fractured the back part of the skull- The
rhe thestwlves. Frew twenty to thirty dollars ming all theeireumet.nees d the naw. a very Coroner, Mr. Cour.ol well on the *pot u
et ready cash bits is some iateoees been rraiiz- heavy one, -for owing meta very ex:ranttat teear to posTh e, and held deand Inquest are
tee body. The jury recorded a verdict of
7 rays ago, lis Here we s thee 4 years old,
ed to.xqueatly meet sew be 11. 1 wank
whoa yes talk of lveiget, belies, sail the
geed geelay e! hie edam• -you must hive
forgetter, Mist tee Eaglwb horse Old Tani
worlb to cult to Hero., and that his has
colspeted with Young Hero mon thee ogee
is Loedoo, sod carried tee prise ewey My
Woe be was *hews, std you might bare
Noticed, that at tee last Kptag Show is
Losdon Yw,ng Clyde took the lot, You,"
Tamworth the 2.1, and Young Hero the 3d
prise. Bagel*, it is a fact, that 01d Tem-
worth'e Coli• bite always taken the prises
in London -end have been purcbued for
the u.a of the Artillery at 3 years 018 --
The Major of the Refitment paid L48 for
one for his own tree. flame of them have
sold as bleb a .CSO at three yea. old, apd
from £23 to £30 at twoyears old; and dere
ere actually mora F,ntirt. from Tamworth
than any other horse to the London Dis-
trict. But, 1 think, Old Tamworth will be
like unto Old Ranter,) ou will know be is a
good horse after he is gam.
I do not web to ustderraith Hr. 11.rtoo'.
Horse, sad I have merely made thio com-
munication (for insertion) in poetics to my-
self as the owner of Tsmworth, and bat
tog the intention to travel this ,eseon.
i am, Bir, k.,
8rarne.-9prtws Is a
7 7rapidetrtdee CIPAL COUNCIL OP TM1 UNITW
upon us. Naiveties will seen be ere coulvrtEB Or HURON PERTH r -
here. The tee se rang way- Seem is ae APtp BRUCE. er PARTNERSHIP berwlofnn exfel-
whers. eseserel an leer propane( for - Jog between JOHN BTKACHAl9 ret
their opting work- YseIaws are getting ((t CNTLE111lvN,-1 ear seater r letinesr to (iwlench, 1laq.,'s send DANK(. CHOMP:
reedy for s start to Moatresi sad New York. kJ yes tee tie new 1 hoe aa mods a per- UfRRB, of Wntfori, Yrgm►e, •, Dat, .-
SsIos r. ere Ming ringed est end 0111 seal.ppLc.ues toyfer yew a+eMwee(
us ter 10 t Amon*,nrne at Lew, elehetters 1.
Boating pilots-reIM stwmM
-ate, are put- the sppotarastat e C... CLrk, whelk the C►aneeyy, Notary Public and C,.neeyapilots-rettsg os their beet sad (aye eeuetesan• Wuws 'i.o o'sfotrd w w, preeen(s (rune a be- tees, es thio de dseolved by Mutual con-
es.. Hurrah ! fen *prise with ft. brghl tee that the seway to yoenemies**. dent. JOHN PTRACHAN.
win and its teen melds --its tress covered cad cmen wean sr
oesegseet approval of the Warden's op- DANIEL HULIziILI.
g poutnM wet, will be by aNading woefully and %Vile meal --A• W. BTmagGl.-
with weirdest foliage, and h• atmosphere +..wee, ,• ow dewd ibe u r,...
perfumed wttb the breath of termer. Hui- At the nor* time 1 ceuot furbeae ttwkiGg • (jorlorto*, 2red Jawuuy, ISIL 2rsN
rah ! for the bright eyes and graceful forma ten oberva"oe• oe the ptop.asl wh,OM lllr. 4 Joatu ICl'..
of our belles that, like butterflies escaped Liner. hoe wads t4 yus to aadertake the ditties
from their cbryoalisea, emerge nom their of the office at £95 kw thag ibe salary that w.. ....
hesvy winter garb and buret upon it. to re- warded to the Comity Clerk at yea late sit- IrIIR Debts due by the love firm of
sewed beauty and in light and flowing dna- ling. Yos an .wan that a you ago she weary 1 1 TKACH.%N k LIZARS as Darnr-
perry. Hurrah ! for the .treat of the " wet et the District Clerk was Wised from £75 to d a Rtcolariw of the ter and Atto►wtr. et Lew,, out/ he hod he
sheet and the m1190, a moaleq
owing sell " of our m*- John et:schen sad Dawn dome Liters st
Councilthat the Clerkshouldmanage the Ac -
roue " winged crafts," and for the bounding Seaeey wed Collin/foes Rolls. sad With a view their 'teen. etre office* to ti',derrer* owl
and caracoling of our " things of life' that to remeeet.t, him for the extra work thus entail, Stretford : And the debt• dee 10 thorn are
walk the water*" of our noble St. Law- ed ma bun ; bet the Clerk dtbe Peace was en the rewiretal to be /ortheirh paid. Thorn dew
rem*. and our cerulean Ontario- Hurrah ! aleit,aad issued the Rollebefoie the Conecd rose. the office et Galench, to 11. *meld Jelin
Hurrah ! for spring for "there's beauty Mt Dna received his former salary of £75. and ltraeha , at G.dereele, afore•atd, and atom,
every where' ; end, in all our rejoicing, let Mr. Liras (a t . credibly esteemed) neeis,d
ens not forget In pay a .deal revenotial ho-
mage to Him who is the L^1u of the Rnl'.-
Spring.-Kiegslow Herald. At the bre Meetlag of the United Counties
Council, you decreed by most emphatic Resole-
` tapas the the mao.gemeot of the A,aessmrn'
Cleveland March, 13. Roll. should be undertaken by the County Cferk
Tho Canada left here this morning bound at the salary of £;75. Of this salary 1 cannot
dump the lake, the Fashion wed Rochester eompiain, seems that 1 uodertook tar whole de-
ticeo/tbe office ■t that salary, and 1 .1.11 eoe6-
ACCIDENTS, OJP!'ENCttre iv. going up. fleetly leave it to yea to drtermioe at your next
' A heavy rain storm with thunder and ,Ming whether the county clerk is overpaid se
FKLO-Die ret. -We (earn by a person eghtning accompaining has just passed loch a remuneniioo or 1r t.
from Norwichville that on 1Vedn.•day over. 1t cannot be doubted that Mr. Liters would
evenining last, a woman named Ager, rest• Toledo Minch, 13. Jiaehage efiiciestly the duties of the clerkship,
ding about a !elle from the village, ores bet 1 humbly submit that there me ninny other.
mitred suicide by hanging herself from an The Dewitt Clinton leaves this evening ,. the Coiled counties who are %Ale to fulfil throw
for Buffalo via Monroe.; duties to the estisfecrton of the t,. 4 t-,
iron .pike which rhe had deters tate ■helm
for the puroose.-(Bra.ljord Herald - Tbe John Owen a hese to this port• and that then is wither mown dor justice .a ta-
Deao.-Oar the morning of the The WVa.',in ion correspondent of the king away r slice of bread from arae imam to give
10th instant, a woman named Martha Wil- o p° t to another who bop •whole loaf.
cox. wait found dead in her bed at ber resp libPhiladelphia and seise American says, that a
dente in Norwichville.-Ibid. been
and er to the ecy propositionrythe haw
Fuse. -Oa Fr.4. s, ht lea(, a naw mill berm wubm tied y, the ugh Mo. of the Uni-
y g led States Nsvy, through Moses Hr Grin-
ibe property of Gillen Stover, Kee. was sell, Esq, of New York, to equip and (ur-
inate two .uttab'e vessels for the twosome
lion cf the search after Sir John Franklin,
are c'.ndt'inn that the Government will lend
Its countenance to the enterprise, by ap-
peinting•neval officers to conduct the ex-
ploration -
It is estimated that Cincinnati will .how
* population of 125,010, and St. Louis, one
of 70,000, by tae *ensue of 1850.
plunged into mournint, in consequence of
a meet deplorable accident which happened
en Wednesday afternoon, A• man named
Oliver Heenchson, was engaged in cleaner
•Dew from his yard at Cote dee Noires and
miseral children were amusing themselves
by throwing snow balls at • hone in the
stable sear at hand. ifenrichson called to
them several times to desert, and at last.
lowing patience, he threw at them se iron
shovel which he had in hue hand. Uoforta-,
salely the instrument struck a child of Mr.
Gautlbsolt's aged about 7 year., on the
bead, sod the poor infant fell and expired a
end to this hied of traffic. Mr. Jackson, there- ,xpenditare which has obtained fee "ens' Tears wmansiaughter" against Henricksen, who
fete, very prudently and very justly -wishes to in tit. Di.triet, eooner'e4 with the Admieistn•
was Immeda:ell conducted to preens to
pct th. miwary spots their *nerd, by publicly tine of Justice, (over which the bale ee await his tree -Montreal Transcript.
istim.tiag that all 'nen " •eking out" is a vir- eO11;ro1) a Ina e( dee pciay in the peeod had to*,-A b -x of percussion cap.
teal forfeiture of right .sd claim, or, wther, of hos imperil, for defraying the carnet expe.era d etpioded eesterday in the grocery of W.
the greet I as the Government will it al web , the C-aitwd cos.", besideo she special sax d biotech, No. 3 fart Genesee street, by
e,.e. rsaase the (ad for the •r orpoae of gi'isg I was hal(-pes.y ie the pw.d to r.d..m the dirt, tbir Mr. M. whosewn severely Injured. Aoo-
la to those who an more inswing. We bang which to i• wl to ib. whole etneent of the that moo, o mc name we hate not learned 01 the Lake Shure, and at 6, 8 and 18
I M was also so much injured that it is thought mi'ee from Godench• with small Farms at-
tregaratiy given our very favorable epinjw of tea i" same eerattn. he must loose one of his eye.. -Buff. Coat-
thi..etll.Drst, wed we still feel pe.oaded that it Had the proeredinp.1 the Council been pub- A firo broke out thio morningin a homes
loth d. Also -ONE HUNDRED Town
la de.i ..4 to become aroe d the met +mpnrwt ILhe-d pr.l e.. a yon r.m.,ks. There 1/oald mot belon in to 1. Coek.butt, E but rewire LOT* no the new laid out Town Plot of
Cetntisao( Canada In the meaatimr itl■beo Q Q Esq.. and Wicklow, :oho
18 mile River, and on the
Mee bee mere fee roe wepreeenanw-.s it ts, a to the exertions of the Fire and Hook main road from Godench to the eounshtng
At Brier Rank. near Stratford,. on the 24th
ort„ the wife of the Ret. Daniel Allan, of• eon.
THS Copartncrsbtp beretdfore carried on
no the town of Stratford by R. Boyce
sad J. Wilson, Cabinet and Chair makers,
was dissolved by mutual convent 0o the
1S -b day March, and will hereafter be ear-
rtsl os by R. Bryce and J. Merchant. All
debts due to the firm to be paid to Boyce
and Merchant, and all debts of the firm to
be paid by the came, as witneea our bands.
Sint ford, hisreb 18, 1860• t3o8
'IIREE MILL P1t:1VILEGES, close to
•oder .arm. senses o. whir, wy brief erplwties will set the matter right- The Ladder companies, coupled 'with these of
trot, win engage the earlyetteseioe of the Gem. r,,,4 srmo..t d 6i. debt, iselodi•s interest, t. the tnbabttants generally, the fire was
speedily subdued, though not noel * portion
of the roof 4ad bees destroyed. -Brantford
'remelt. So seem se ibe Iasis .me surveyed and
email to sole wad a madam Agent ■ppoint.J te
exercise a whew* tasted ever the regime mad
claim, Of the people. sad is decide their lade
£$4.11 lee bed, .end that arrears of the Taxes dot
to the Dinriet• are estimated to amount to 8000
pwdi, sad se the debts of the District bate
hese mewed peistieslly are &eeoant of these sr -
jealousies sad disputes about Issdn15rts sad mem." may be „weasel, e.ppnaed That the.*
intender) Bees, the oettlenseot «111 them become, will be implied te tweet the deftcien0y ; bet to
erectable end ptw swesa. el pvsest .t ts $8" 1' oddities is this as 1 bite already tared, • tax d
.d be we" litllt sgiy egrabblee ted petty Irma- • belepe.ay is she pound has been imposed for
cies, u the renowiag tuneee letter will eaplaie: the twee etyeetas) ndempt,os of the debt. Thie
I cannot understand that then will be any ad-
vantage to the public in combining the two offi-
ces of clerk of the Peace sod couery clerk, fro the
busmen' of the Reeve. as Mariano* wilt net u•
rally be in the clerk of the Peace's office. and
their bosinesa ■s heads of the several Township
Councils, will as naturally remain with the
county clerk ; the duties of the two clerkships be-
ing perfectly d,stiect.
I cannot help observing that the argnmrot of
"economy and conveniency " comes with but a
bed grace from a Gentleman who now offers to
undertake the whole duties of county clerk, for a
sum much lees than one half of the sum he has
hitherto received for thr ex:ra week now In the
performed by the county clerk, and had Mr. Lix-
an been anxioas to save expense to ibis impov-
erished District, had he been formerly alive to
the It. apirit of economy he Sow evince., or
been Sensible of the moral obligation* which
should exist between the employer, and the em-
ployed, he would long ago have made aha offer
with which in such a generous spirit, he now LOTTERY!!
comes forward.
Ti is no uncommon thing in England for the
Cheneeller of tee Exchequer to receive large
some of money from anonymous individuate, wan
stricken by a latent mese ofsome injustice o0 of doe -fourth •acre each, (with • substantial
their part, pay up what they consider to be doe FRAME HOUSE on one of them) viewed at
by them to the country, and these sums are call- £7S and £2 i -being Los 19 aid 20, . ehuuieg
ed " conscience monies." May we not expect aro Elgin Street. Godeijch, tan property of Mn,
to See in the next statement of the county Tree- HENLEY. Also, one T•hles £1 5.- Otis
surer a large sum to the credit of the United Stead, 15e. One Clock, £2-10.. Pair Candle- .
counties, paid io by the commence snick* clerk
of the Peace.
In rooclusion, I beg to submit that where there
are efficient person•, walling to fulfil the duties
0(5° office creditably to themselves, atis(ectori-
ty to the public, and ata moderate remuneration,
Off! can be no justice in overloading any one HOTEL, Gtdericb, on THURSDAY, the
person with official duties, and that I hope to (lih day of April next -
prove that I am an efficient county officer, and The following Gentlemen bare consented to
shall endeavor your confirmation on the wet a• Managers f Mere. J►me. Watson, R.
above grounds. Gibboor, Jacob gees Miller, and Daniel Henley
1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Tickets to be had at all the principal T
Your faithful *errant, nal Store, is Gaierich, and throaghoat the
ALFRED W. OTTER. united Coea,iee
due the otIlee at Stretford, to the ea Id Dan-
iel (tome Detre, at KtrsHwdi sign easel.
.DAa1EL HOME L1ZARA,, Ind January. 1850. 11v-0411
Ooossicc, 11th February, 1556.
1 batt the honor to intimate my inteo:ioe a
beeemieg a Candidate (or the OMSee of Cuon'y
Clerk, sew vacant by the lamented death of 31r.
Dos, ad.houtd ibe so (animate u so be elect-
ed. i •1,511 cheerfutly undertake to perform the
duties of the office, torthet with the aanagr-
meot of the Aaeasmenta and Collector's Rolls
for ao annual salary o1450.
1 would at the same time beg ,n cell your no-
tice to the experience 1 hate gained daring the
last eight years In evader -ling the Rate. end i
Taxes : and that the hue** el the Colney
Council is not uskaown to ha.,og soccer. -
folly °resumed the mode of action adopted by the
Uutrici Council at its brat sitting in Fehruary
1842, in my then npeeity of Acting Diartet
Clerk, which l believe has not bero swerved (tom
in the aubsemoeoi coadectiag of the affairs ofehw
Council. .
Moreotrr, as the Members of the County
Council are now Js,tiees of the Peace er °leis,
1 should humbly conceive it to be an advantage
'0 combine the doeiee of the County Clerk with
those of the Clerk of the Pewee under one officer
as • meatier bolted economy and cooveOteecy.
I have the honor to bre
Your trey obedient versant,
TO be disposed of by Lottery, the following
valuable property: TWO TOWN LOTS.
stocks, 5e. Pair Dog lees, 15e. Leather
Trunk, X. I. Pair Caodlestick.. 5.. It is pro-
posed to diepoee of ,h- shove property by way d
Lottery. at 477 TICKETS, OF FIVE 8HIL-
The Lottery will rake piece st the BRITISH
settlements to ibe new county of Bruce. MILITIA MEDALS. JAMES WATSON, Trsaswra.
Term. -One fourth of the purchase mon• - Gdletich, Feb. 98tq, 1850. .3-o5td
.y down, th.Jpmainder in Four instalment. QUCID of the Mititie of this Province as Excellent Property
with tater Apply (tf by letter post- • w7 are entitled to a Medal (or the follow -
paid) to the proprietor, for actions, viz :-Detroit, Chrysler's Farm
Melia' or a Surrogate Mosnttatta.-A JOHN HAWKINS. and Chateauguay. *re required to send to sr v ea cid 1 1p MI
moo named Whelan alias M'Caffrey wait Godericb, March 18, 1850. by-o8m6 the Adjutant General of Militia. at Toronto
on Saturday last arrested in Bytown for without delay, a statement n( their clam.,-
the murder of an old min eighty yeah of KINCARDINE ARMS. without
order that they may be received in En-rI1ITATBRiCHandsomeCOAandE .itC051JiODuaton
age and his wife at Newbaren, in the Stele
of Connecticut, about six weeks ago.gland by the let of May next. K TTGn the
Mo- (Xeur 14. !f Aarf Gadertd,)
Papers in this Province, will plea.* copy Northern Limit. of the Town of Goi;etieh,
ney waw tee object of the murderer, who BY 11. MARLTON. the above notice. t3 n7 lately occupied by John Riach, and belong-
Ku.c.aaua Feb. iStb. 1550. tea •eeardi•r n the A•seasrtieot, 1849, would
pear n de t tthue1bl Caffreyabl 3a traeed0.itbure op -I rrHF; above i(otel has good acc.modation CAUTION ---The Subscriber having ID ThislCottage sstands in a beautiful and
in consequence of a letter he had rant to
his wife, who still remains in the vicinity
where the murder was come,itted.-OKa-
tea Argue, Feb. 27.
for travellers, Siebeng, ke., kc. bought t r o b W' n
The Packet Mary Ann will leave Gods- Huron Districts for them ifs to ale
rich (wind le weather permitting,) regular-. and use of the Aeriform or Atmospheric
y twiceweekur Kincardine Setee- horn, therefore cautions and forbids env
meat- Fur freight or passage apply to person or persons from meoufacturin im-
A young min named Stehle of the Town- Capt, Rowan at the Kincardine Arm.. portingor ceilingthe same
ship of Etib%coke, was found dead in the Godench, March 251h, 1850- n8 -v3 The Subscriber would also inform the
meow near Weston, on the 18th ult, public that he has entered into arrange-
26th ult., it was resolved to construct o to 7th March, 1850, ed immediately.
i am c o fromato , 11.11. ems Geo Mel laersoe Peter Amherstburg, Feb. 26th, 1850. v5 -n7 3t
1* ferwstdieg the interest elf the pleee• he hen Ceased. espeei■Ile sa ample pneisios 'nu bees tillage of St. Mary's in tee Townolep of }fells Cberlottt McTavish Douglass
the voice .f the settlers is ge.eiat, sad 1 feel te%de for tile cement expe.les of the United Blanchard. Bell William Rev MacCeiaig Widow Ano CAUTION.
coaidsss that *weld Mr. Center* Mw theme,- Cecelia- Brett Mrs McGree Gorge
.gamest or :he scups. d this Comity, ea smolt, New Sir, if you will just examine the records DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT ST. LOUIS. Carta Gad Nowise Judy TIf E public are hereby dr,lJoeea from
Caostop Mary Aa. Newell James tattler ce t
Mr Draa &a,-1 bate Oat had es Isere west to £till l9c 8d, allowing also for the o ht he right f r t e *sternad retired situation, and is well adapted for
♦ism with Yr. Allis Caeeeroe, vale i*iu►me me saes* *nesse of arrears as to 1849, as the inter- ee c re, s genteel family. It will be sold on moderate
that he bed elm element d tswtisg with saw is est w the debt nmoaas to £313 18. Id, there I a f the 6 rd S tf C Terms : or otherwise LET (ars TERM of
Tomato, ed speaks le IMO terms of yew head will hos £307 14a tel to be applied to the redemp- years at a reasonable Rent. The subscri-
ber is forwardi■g his views, es also the tion el the debt is the fiat year,--wadi(we anew
R her oleo wishes to . one three
a Span of good
views *thew who, rat hits, with the Com- for the iscreme d the assessment i. 1850, the Working HORSES, one three and the otb•
' of Crows Led.- Mr. Casaersa as ■ 'moose will probably be not ler than £400, sod er (bar yeatp old, and well broke, Pair both to
oeighhev of care, is a very active Gad soviet if to this be added the amount likely to be raised 1,lST OF LET 1 Isf(S menta to have a large Dumber manuf 1 harness and saddle. Also ane nearly
rests is tier settlement, tee smirch reties amen from arrears of taxes, en one but an inveterate At a public meeting held at London, on no to the Post Office at Stratford new ilnuDei h. De and x new Wagon and
Double Sleigh. Debentures will be taken
be gins at hien few the active put he We takes grumbler eG* complain of the illiberality of the a m cad tz d r ad London
a tl e P AL'_i .tNDER JON,F,9 in payment for the Hareee, Wagon. Sleigh
and Harness. For Particulars apply to the
Goderieh,'29ed les. 1850. 2r-n5l t
both Gever.nast and letters would be benefit- idea Commie, yea may then ascertain, that a Si. Louie, March 11, 1850. Catlin Jacor* Nott Robt - by accepting two prop at.r
ed by bleu as a father to the settlement none can Ina has bees imposed to red -em the debt. of theClint W aliens Parker Job■ 2 a Votes made the nnrM bearer,
d is fewer
Po Yesterday morning, about 2 o'clock, :6en(James McC,onnort er bearer, for the ism
di.0ete-bra political .iews an mina (Rsstwut- District : and thee by referring to the 182nd wet- Planter's 'Tobacco Warehouse was disco- - Daeid.oa Math a
Phek. J■r.tti of twenty (Inc dollars each, bring date the
11th day of March, 1860, see whereof is
made payable on the first day f Jimmy,
1851, sod the other on the first dor of 'wee,
1851; as the undersigned bas received no
value for the same.
bis Government) W *area sad Oedema* has
*net weight Wee.
it ie any poetical* rgsest, sad i believe that
t flu split far .11, that if possible Mr. Cameron t
be sep.tassd Views tela apse fa the Comity 1
of Bteee, Mr. Casmetso i5 p.Aeetty re.poesbts
of himself, and ea* give ney eeeerity required
by the Depsatmist. • • • Oar settlen,eat
is peeg.ewieg beyed all expectations. Yet we
me &iciest i• we past, that is, co Magistrate.,
*oder rhieg much required, that is" Corosor,
a r(mewed two or three eases has (exed requiring the
preseeoe of • Ceeseee, they would .at witted
*(ter Me. tJss•r.e gialas dse notice. You are
this wily tee 1 gas deposit epos to leek to OUT
enema, sod bre moth aliens s 'polnord as we
seets•.nly empire -
Weak my beet wishes to tree, teem leg that you
1111/1111411116 se clew is trying to few.rd our views.
i remain, nay Dear air,
Tear reset WI ..ts' i,
To Jobs 8 McDowell, Esq.,
S.tielter Gear*. Terssee,
T. 8---8beold be hippy le hear from Petra
yew eerie* eelreiiesee.
Deer 8iectah,-Yew ens write .aytbisg mere
that yen may war et, a .Iter fly part
A few tortes in thio Flees have had • meeting
sod appeased some of their ewe as Warmness,
.e d..b, bet it may appw is Teras in the
tiles d s Polities. 1 begs you will give it
week tr■Wm..t n lef7ialn ..mita."
Tela Letter fs the prodoeti.* of Mr.
Allen C.m.rew llets.lf weer reearbably
a.xleew for tb. eresperlty of the eetllensaet,
and lost le emwsrkaNP ambitions le be spa
paced Orales iaasdm stoma ad Jstke of
Pea.. for tb Ceu.ty. *1 effillfreallef
of the Msaicipal Act, you will find that your cored to be on fire, end in an hour after- Edgar J ei'm ail" Pbrdie Jolla
termites shout Seeing the District, and collect- erode, despite the exertions of the firemen, r.mEdgar Juh■ Pbi ill. Jona
was a ben of smoking ruins. it was a ver Groot lien, P uipp J a ii
be amount at debt and con., by penial rate P g 7 GrsGI K'ilhsm Qoipp Jasathae
hrosgh the Sheriff, is all a knishes*, wed galea- large boildiop, and occupied by a number of G,abs George Roughoch Jab°
wed only to injure the credit of the District.
Ponos for offices and storage.
Hill Thoma, Ritter Valeaioe
With regard to The fins and second Adore were oecopied fladelon Thoma
P yew bit at theCooacillon(or by Housman & Lowery, tobacco merchants Horgan Jobe
the mew Ceuny d Perth, it i0 rather week, they They had a large quantity of tobacco in the ffa•ti Ashur
+11 W
• Jail ad Court House, any person of common 000• 'Johan Saud 4
wow might see that the already high rate of tax- Messrs. Doan tv King, Beach 4t Fddiy. Kut,,, Michael
es world be the obstacle; and I am well amimia- Blake k Baker, Mr. N. Blackstone, Mr. J. Lumptoo Thoma
ted with the (seta.Ida wkly wetter test seen II. Patersos, and 'evilest other merchant., Lupton Charles
was itnue-wed ca i mei l mare ea who occupied portions of the buildrog, loat Monteith Robt
y (your goods stored, it is estimated to the amount Moore James
having failed to impose • rote for the building of building. Lou, 320,000 -insurance, 515,- ea°aetp
Johnson Jehn
R.wlaod Mary Ann
Sebring John
Smith Jesse
Switzer George
Stewart Peter
Scott John
Turner Mrs
Tait John
Williamson John
Williamson John
Stretford, t4tb March, i510. 407
j)EF(SONS desirous of *tiling on the
R Durham Road in the Townships of
Glenele, Bentinck, Brant, Greenock, Kin•
lose and Kincardine. must apply personally
i tsmwn at the Ofli a of the undersigned, and no'O-
W.ber Jacob nations will be confirmed except ouch a ere
belie( to the contrary) that the Cou.edlas from of 370.000, the principal part of which is MvD"well James! Wnght Ales 2 made .n accordance with this requirement.
Perth wethe first to propose a tax to lireidat• covered by insurance. Doan tit King were McCall, James
Ward Johe All assignment" of interest In I rcanne•
debts : but with the conviction, that when the Insured to the amount of 330,000• A. F. MILK LE, P. M.
McCloud Alexander Ward Janesme
nn haat the knowledge wed approval of the
day of reckoning comes, thenip be limed • Tbe third and fourth tenor■ were occupied __Agent, vete be rnns;dercd an a fnr(eiture of
longscore dee to the Coot d Perth. by Scorn k Mason as • furniture ware -
Blank Deeds and Memorials all right in the Incstee or asetgooe,
house. I.oem Sl ,0o0 ; tssured for 511-,
The article is year paper of the 14th, heeded GEORGE JACKSON, Agrot.
" A Load Call," u bee" s s the wino "we001• Q , D Al kinin of DIVISION COURT Camel Lamb O►rcw,
*.ism tfeu, a Tow of the 7th -it tomes The beddingbelonged to 1. D. Brouto A. BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- Derailing, 1,ounty of Waterloo
P T F,sq., and was not insured. St )ILY NOTES, for sale at the Signal March ea 14th, 1860. vse7
erob Jaen el' cam ail•gst&.r r that all Mr. Williamson, upholsterer, who oce i Office. Every deception of BOOK and
,der commonsense, your sound logic, ,our pied the building south of the fire, mea. also 1011 Printing executed with writhes. end
magnanimous'e.titnest*, mad padilogoest Me- completely burnt out. Lose 58000, dtspateh.
garage, all par for eetkieg men than a great The whole am000t of the low to estima• g7 QUMNION8C8 regsiredby the New Dis-
Sur. ! '.d 1 am ether h16! In n ib*a that d led at $150,000. Three persons were er t trier Coert Aet, sad ell other 8LANK
serinnely but not daogersuely wounded, by FORMS *sed is ibis District .ad D■vN,ee
you hey. *et "ep.kee lee see,•' 11115 U•M. yea the falling of the walls of the immense Cwria. oe Hale at the ,q sl Office. AIM, all
beer at kit spoken "toe (sr*," .ad that wises buildings. The ere is .uppoeed to be the kid, of JOB PRINTING eaeeeted ea the
yon cell again, you may eall a little loader, sad work of an incendiary- stortnt notion, sad on moderate terms.
cell is wee. About daybreak another firs broke out in Oodrneh, Jay 19, 1849
ism, deer sir, the new building of Mr. Carla* Otliuger, 8tgnal (/(Rene Gndsnch, t
Twr mea absdieat wresst, in Booth Second street. Tbebuildfeg was 6th September i a/f. S
WM. SMITH. entirely contemned. Los. 533,000.
Dowse, 91st MGteb, iea STRAYED from the seb.eriber on er a-
'•- bout the first of April, 1849, A RED
Now Ode.*., March 2. STEER. with ernmpled bore., "'bite oath,
err& f h }f 1 d i f
yaws 8sa,-an
Prom as wane* desire foe the im - of Ropeewatattve. et [w , died at %toe Any Pe -tag tnformalttppnn aU" a.,,,,,
Foveae* the breed cf horse., you bays, Rate os Thereby. Stow at the Horns Sigr■1 ritResi et at Mr.
to ,er parse .( ibe 14th net,, io.., .d as The Steamer Fashion is et this port Robert Cook's Taverq Herm' Rena, «111 b.
settees i. (aver of the bor.* Young Hero, from Tampico, with 73 emigrating tahab'- rewtrdsd fee theft tremble.
ethaoed by Mr. Horse' Weeheer- tants in titer," of Myr Holten and Liqul. JOHNSON GRAHAM.rise*bee 1 booght Rattler from Mr. Mieley Weight. Gederieb, M.reh 9th 1860. 5,21
TO Ta tutee$ rev ran wenn wat_ sPreston W. F .pe.kor e t e ouee bel y a tai , our opn
ld .Ig...
non 1 v'
• 4.4
T1 b
HE eaeriber offer, for SALE his
GRIST and SAW MiLL, situated in
the Township of McGillivray, on the Bit
Sable, within three miles of Flanegan'.i
Career. Tbe Neils 'renew in operation,sod
newly built. The Privilege IP the beet nn
the River, and oitoa'ed to the best Town-
ship in the County of Heron -well nettled,
and Reade opened in 111 directions to favour
it. The Mschisery and materials ere of
the very bat quality, end put up by the ve-
ry best Machinist,. For Perimeters in.
quire of Jaynes Crumble, Eat., Galt, or ap-
ply to the eibseriher.
SIvG,lher,y, 15th beware, 6850. 2.506(
07"' The Galt Reporter will insert the
obesity until forbid.
14orMontreal Direct.
Shone!' ANNE -1-A TION!!
C: CRABS, MaBron.
BELONGING to the subsereb*r- and ail .• `,•',TILL MAIL on or short, the 815
parte, •re hereby eau'iened ageinet r1day of Apri! for Montreal -41A
buying the andelmenttowad Notee, and Ike nn her Return, wdl Treece at the fnterme•
parts* are hereby cauttowetl against paying .h•te Porto on Lake Vetaric, provided
the said Notes to any but the eub.cnbe', Freight can benhtaiwed. Charges Moder-
and any peraon finding the said Note" wi11 ate. Fnr, fetthei pertirnlera apply to the
be Liberally rewarded by returning t, em to owner, C. Crahh, Market Sgoare
the euhcnber. A Note in favor of Edwin N • 8 _t *eh advanced nn Petaah and
Dist or bearer, (or £5 5. rurrenry, doe let other i'ro.Jnee until the day of marl ng.
April, 1850, payable le Lumber, signed by C. CRABS.
P. A. (;.bring. --A Note is favor of Kiwis Gnderieh, March 111, 1850. n7
Dent or bearer, for £2 leo, peyoblr in lent- - - --
ber, dee eat Ape-tt, 1850, sigtred by Jobs Huron i)i`triet Building Society
McNgy,-A Note in favor of Edwin eke' THE TWtt:xTIFTH 1.0.1N MECT(.VC
or hearer, payable in shiegles, due 1.1 May. OF the Arteiety will take plate at tine
1850, for £3 some shillings, eurreae•y, Inge- British {LAO. no Saturday the 80th
ed by Sanson tic Murray.Merril, at 7 n elneb, P. 31.
EDWIN DENT, Illy Order,
Fanning Mill maker, Mesobll. eT1111MAM K1'1/11, Ser'r-
Otb March, te5(i Ss_n61s Godench, Mirth 51, 1tl:di 3t -r,7