HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 14Pete 14 The Titnee.A4vt cet*. Murch 7.1957 Get Your Car READY for SPRING at SnelI Bros. 1,IM1TMO Phone 100 Exeter (MO 00M 0MIIM/e1M,0,0IR0mt4umn 11m411e11Hu Scout Com.mittee Adds Members At a meeting in the Scout House, six new nameswere added to the Scout group, --Rev. J. P. Prest, 1tev. E. J. Itoudston, Rev. Et P. 7.'hompeon, Mr. Alex Young, Mr. Clare :Stanley and Mr. M Broniich, The Scouts are planning an ether paper eonection as soon as weather permits and are again asking the co-operation, of all Lucan house -wives, Personal iteme • Mrs. Don ltevington, David and Elizabeth spent last week ,' stn f Mr. and 'the guests o i Inds ar nV1 g Mrs. Robert Jarvice. „I I1n1, 1111111111,M0 MM m u M 11111141111 MIIIMMM4in„m41M.4yy Lucan School of the Dance conducted by RAISA AND VIOLET DYKY1 Opening March 9 Lucan ..iiia 1.O40.PY Euilding William St. Lu STILL TiME TO REGISTER Phone 26-R•234 Ilderton I Mtt600111111M„tlluu nuummilnnuu,Mslunnuununmumnnimmu1MInim011101m44mluulm ALE of, 5U1' At The Low, Low .PriseQt 22. Lucan t Thank Your. >...' eportr Lucan's correspondent to the Exeter Times -Advocate w a s more than surprised last Wed- nesday to receive a phone mes- sage from the editor to say, that at the recent Q.W.N.A4 Convention in Toronto, she had been awardeda plaque for her Lucan News. She feels both em- barrassed and humble at the write-up ^ of her life history in the paper and .at the shower of congratutations she received over the weekend, for she realizes piost of the credit should go to the Dost of co-operative Lucan friends, who week after week either phone in news items or drop them into the box at the drug store, .To one and all she extends grateful thanks. She would like to, also take this opportunity to thank the 35 new subscribers, who during the past month •accepted the editor's most generous offer to boost the finances of the Jr. Choir and C.Q,LT. She would now solicit their co-operation also in helping to keep up the high standard of "The Lucan News." GGiT, Explorers Don't miss this opportunity to get your new Spring Suit now. .»rand new 1956.1957, models to zhoose from. Pants From $4to$15.9S 11 you are looking for odd trousers, we have them! ,....,/.4 $15.95 $15.95 $13.95 $7..95 to $9.95 100% All -Wool Worsted, reg. $17.95 100% All -Wool Gabardines, feg4 $19.95 100% All -Wool Gray'Flannels, reg. $18.95 Many Others to Choose from.,., Hear Young Astronomer A panel discussion on the pros and Gans o th f e New Canadian n as an asset to Canada high- lighted the Pounders' Day meet- ing of Lucan Home .and School Association in the school audit orium last Tuesday night, The discussion was led by the Bev. E, J. Roulston :of the United •Church, He • was assisted by the Rev. F', P. Thomsen of the Pentecostal Church, Mr. Harold Whyte retired School board chairman and Mr. J. 1I. Cautelon, former manager of the Bank of Montreal, • Mfrs, Ivan Hearn gave .a rear ume of eaeh year's :activities of the Lucan H and S since its in- ception in March • 1951 when Mrs. T. A. Watson became its first president. Prior to the meeting Mrs. Hearn had listed on, the blackboard each t'ear's slate of officers. So• complete and interesting was her report that it was suggested it be kept for future reference. All present were amazed at the talk on astronomy given by Joey Hodgins, a teen-age grade six pupil. For years Joey, has had great interest an science, weather -craft and astronomy and has amassed a wealth of know- ledge far beyond bis years. Enjoy Ice Parties The regular meeting of the Lucan .C.G.ILT. was held in the United Church parlors last Mon- day - day night with Mrs George Paul, president of the Evening Auxil- iary taking the worship service, in the absence of Mrs, John Mc- Lean. Diane Hickson read the Scripture lesson, and Ilene Don- aldson presided at the pianb. In leathercraft,' in charge of Mrs. G. E. Nicholson, leather purses were completed. A donation of $5 was voted to the senior choir for the purchas- ing of their new gowns. The C.G.I.T. skating party at the Lucan Arena was a happy and successful occasion. The president, Beverley Butler, and Jean Cochrane were in charge of games in the committee room prior to refreshments, During the business session there was displayed the flag do- nated by the Dr. Dearness I.O,- D.E. branch, the flag stand do- nated bythe Luan AuxiliarY to the Legion and the flag pole do- nated by the Lucan W. 1. and made by Mr. Les Woodward. Mrs. Murray Hodgins offered shellac for the pole, to be put on by senior pupils. March 21 was the date chosen for family fun night to be held in the arena auditorium, with ad- mission 500 and 250. The 'com- mittee in charge .was able to se- cure Miss Angela Armitt of London for the big night. Family Night will replace the regular meeting slated for March 26. Union ect . R. H* Elliott • The Story 1.n. Clandeboye By MRS. 1. H, PATON ami Guild The members of Anglican W.A. and Guild Met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. E. Tomes with Mrs, Andy Carter. president in the ciralr for; the W.A.meeting. Mrs, J., Hewitt was assisted by Rev, J. P. Prest in the devotia- lr. B. HElliott Was elect ed president of .Lucan Credit Union at the annual meeting field in the Anglican parish hall, Vice-president is Mrs. Conlin; treasurer, Dliss Muriel Carling; secretary, Mrs. M. 0.. Smith; educational director John .tlfflick; credit .committee, F, W, Hovey, Harry Lewia and Gordon. Baiting; supervisory comm}t- tee, Murray Hodgins and Don Corman. The branch of 55 members has been able to declare a three and a half per cent dividend and to allow a ten per cent rebate on• . interest paid on loans and to pay one half of the league -dues fur each member, Citizenship Topic Explorers In spite of the teeming rain, 24 Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers met at the Arena last Tuesday night for a well-earned skating party. This group of young girls, under the leadership of Mrs. Calvin Haskett, has been most faithful in attendance, always over 90% and often the 100%. After the skating, all met in the committee room for games and hot chocolate and dough: nuts. The games were in charge of Counselor Kate Haskett and Honorary Chief, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, whom the. girls were most happy to welcome, assisted' with the refreshments. Evening Auxiliary New spring colors just arrived, Come in, look them over. 600 pairs to choose from. New! Ivy League Sport Shirts They're the smartest in town ll...4...... $3.95 to .$5.95 Full Line Of Work Clothes • We now have in stock a full line of work clothes of all the better makes. See Our 99c Table Everything; from. $3.98 sweaters to three pair Of shorts at the fabulously low price df 99c Lloyd Ford MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Phone 299 all Exeter nal. Plans were discussed for the World Day of Prayer servio to be held at 2:30 pap. in the cliurch on Friday, March 8, when meni- deboye Unit d WAILS, the a o take part in the service. The theme '"Who. shall separate Its?" with Mrs. Arthur Erskine of R- R. i3 Parkhill as the guest speak- er. President Mrs, Ray Hodgins presided for the Guild meeting. Plans for the euchre party were discussed also services for Lent. Euchre Parte The Ladies' Guild of St, James Church held a successful euchre at Neil's school on Monday eve- ning with 17 tables in play.. Ladies' high score was won by Miss Edith Carter; gents, Pat- rick Ryan; lone hands, plias Betty McIntosh and Andy Thomp- son, The Dutch auction on a Apair .of slips rt Ahwor h ofD.enfaby eld. Pancake Supper Several families of this com- munity attended the pancake supper at the St. Marys Church, I3rinsley on March 5, Shrove Tuesday, Ladies' Guild d the LadioGr O started this venture. Following -the supper Mr. Er- win Scott, former member of the church, presided as chair- man giving a brief history of the parish, The first church was built in 1863. The present church was built and opened on Whit- Sunday, May 15, 1910. A variety program of musical numbers and two humorous skits were given, - ispresident Mrs. Donald Scott of the Guild. Plan Cemetery Chapel For Young People President Alan Ready, presi- ded at the Lucan-Clandeboy.e United Church last Sunday night with 25 young, people present. Miss Ruth Donaldson led in the worship service and Douglas Soloman read a paper on 'Home' the first of the three citizenship topics, The other two topics, "School" and "Churcb" will fol- low at a later date. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Donnie Lankin and Keith Frost. Mr. Howard Kew accompanied a sing song. . In the absence of Fred Lewis, Ruth Donaldson supplied for an interesting Bible quiz, Plans were discussed for a March tea and shuffle party. A committee was named to make the necessary arrangements. Marlene Revington and Ken- neth Stanley were named the two members to take the leader- ship course at Five Oaks during Children of the senior grades will' again be given the oppor- tunity of displaying their artist- ic ability in the making of post- ers, with the winners to bo giv- en a ticket of admission. Two letters on the new swim- ming pool and an appeal' from the library board were read. Ten dollars. was voted to the latter. Open house will be held in the school Thursday, March 7, from 2-4 p.m. when it is hoped many parents will avail themselves of the opportunity of discussing their children's scholastic prog- ress with their teachers. Mrs, Harold Cobleigh.'s won the attendance Dcup. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held their Febru- ary meeting in the church par- lors last Thursday evening with the first vice president, Mrs. A. E. Reilly in the chair. Mrs. Charles Sovereign's group had charge of the worship ser- vice acid the refreshments. Pre- parations for the spring bale and the new cook -book Were made. The latter will contain the favorite recipes of the branch's member. Choir Smorgasbord A Success A smorgasbord sponsored by the United Church choir and con- vened ornvened by Mrs, Bert Thompson was held . in the United Church parlors last Wednesday after- noon and evening and proved to be an enjoyable and financial success. The proceeds from the smorg- asbord will go towards the pur- chasing of new gowns for the choir members. World Day of Prayer .A committee comprised of members o f Lucan's three churches, has completed arrange- ments for a united Wonien's World Day of Prayer to be held in the Lucan Veiled Church on Friday, March 8 at 3 p.m. Mrs. R. M. Weekes, now of London, will be the guest speaker. room Arena Activities BY HAROLD RiBSON 0AtSb a eetee AneeldIng{eeefeelleInei iatI hlilent!Ilgnalll1 ooloinee1111eingettl,le M Plans for building a cemetery chapel were made by a commit- tee appointed at the annual meeting of the cemetery board held at the home of the secre- tary, Moore Cunningham. Named to the committee were Rev. J. P. Prest, Karl O'Neil and Maurice Simpson. The chapel the Easter vacation. is to be built near the mausole u iii. Plans were made to finish, Woodham Chefs the last range in the consecrated p Prepare Oysters The Men's Club of Holy Trinity Anglican Church staged its an- nual oyster supper last Monday evening an the church basement, The largecrowd in attendance was loud in its praises of the four Woodham chefs who cooked the oysters to perfection. Young men of the congrega- tion in gay Weston hats and wife'saprons waited on tables. Members of the Ladies' Guild, interspersed among the men folk, directing operations and lending a helping hand where needed. Mr. Erwin Scott's "Old Master" apron drew plenty of comments, With illness at the rectory, Mrs. ,Prest was unable to be present but Mr. Prest stood at the door and extended a hand of welcome. We're here once again, folks, with a gentle reminder of "the big day" to come. It's the Sham- rock Pee Wee Hockey Tourna- ment in Lucan on Saturday, March 16, with four teams par-: ticipating: - Ilderton vs. Lucan, and South London Lions vs. Air Force All -Stars. All proceeds are in aid of minor sports. So folks, let's dig in and give the kids a real boost/ Help your children by purchasing an advance ticket from one of the various clubs in their respec- tive centres who are all-out in their support of the youngsters. Further, this week -end, should see the beginning of the play-off series between Lucan and Ilder- ton. With spring just around the corner (we hope), plans are being set into operation for sum- mer sports for all boys and girls, 14 and, cinder. This is to include baseball, softball, volleyball, basketball and track and field. Such teams will enter into vari. ous competitions with other play- grounds. Speaking of playgrounds! This year the arena grounds will be equipped with some of the play- ground facilities as will appeal to the younger set, and we are hoping to organize a series of art and craft activities for the little folks, programs and proj- ects, designed to . provide the youngsters with several hours of constructive enjoyment. You will be hearing more on this topic later. Important notice to all parents Of boys on the pee wee hockey team: All birth certificates must be in by the .first of next week for those wishing to take hart in the Goderieh tournament. Personal Ifenii Mr, and Mrs. M. O. Smith. arrived home last Monday eve, After the temperature of 52 be• lou in Northern Quebee. Mr, Smith finds Lucan almost Flori- da -like. However the tempera- tore had moderated before his departure. He brought - home many Indian relics which will be of interest to his Lucan friends. —Please Turn to Page 15 LLrOVD AC/I'ESO N rISN't' 11,05 GAY? IT MAKES 'ME LOOK PORWAo.b To MY i eA . 25Th t;! ?�, N Y' '2S i 1111�!i�11 Sl eaOM 11tAMMAAAL I4 1M Ai=RAiD YOU'RE LOOKING IN THE WRONG DlRECTiON. t DEARIE • • A This Week's Specials y6DODGE tA77 NiJJlt N DAN $576,00 Meal school blas, good running COridit1On/ 19$1 MEItCU1 Y i TON PICKUP iYr,........ .r/..Y4Y $076.00 111 food condition, ' WE NAVE A VERY GOOD SELECTION' OF GUARANTEED alae) CARS BLIT FOLKS. YOU'LL BE LOOKING Int 1145 RIGHT bIREDTiON IP YOU Z'irE ►I i k N MOTOR SALES iIiIF:i INE �t USED CAA. 1SCPi" ,telt rOR_JA1(c/. YOtiCt MFPellgY LINeeN! Miff()Q 4440 W.I. News . The date of Monday, May 27 has been set for the W.I. Dis- trict Annual which this year will be held in the Lucan Community Memorial Centre. The 'committee comprised of Mrs... F. W. Hovey, Mrs. H. B. Langford and Mrs. John Park at a meeting last Friday chose Tuesday . March 12 for the W.I. Hat Show to also be held in the Community Centre. Hats from the Miss Brewer Hat Shop, Lon- don, will be modeled by local Iadies and teenagers. Personal Items W.M.S4 Meeting The president, Mrs. Alex Young, presided at the February meeting of the, United Chureh W,M.S., last Thursday in the church parlors. Mrs. E. J. Itoulston's group was in charge of program and refreshments, Mes. John Park read the Scripture lesson. The theme of the -afternoon's discuss sion was, "For He Is Our Peaee." Mrs. ltoulston was est Sided by Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mrs, S. Chown, Mrs. Thernas' Le and Mrs. H. R-. Langford. Mrs. Phomas Let was voted the new Christian Stewardship secretary! with Mrs. S. Xt. Mur- rayand Mrs. 3, fI. Canteion as assistants Miss Doris Weir and Mrs. Edgar Mardis' eteoinpanind by Mrs. S. Chown, sang a dull. Personate tteitt Mr, Will Y- avekost ni* toritloii spent a few days last week with Mr's, W. >l'. Moxatis, Alice St. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Itevingtan and family .were Sunday guests Of 'Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan rte. vi tgton Dr. Edna Guest of Toronto is back in the hospital again. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy spent last Thursday in Kintore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Knight and family. Mr. John Hundt of Kitchener spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Carling and family, Mrs. Sheridan. Revitlgton, Mrs. John Park, Mrs, Jack Lankin, Mrs. J. 11. Steacy, Mrs. Langford and Mrs. Arthur Mc- Lean last Friday attended the' fashion fair at the Catholic Cul- ture Centre, London, sponsored by 'the Col, William GartShOre Chapter of the I.O,D,E. Mrs. Ernest Hodgins, of 'Lon- don, spent' a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neil and family.. Mr. A. R. Wilkinson who under- went an operation iti Westmin- stet Hospital last Wednesday has to undergo the second one soon Which fl being wa will me mohe • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bante- rs. Clifford White of Mr. nd Ma�rlket spent last Thursday with Mr. and We, A. McFarlane, on their way to Florida, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson of Exeter were Sunday visitors with the latter's Sister, Miss Hattie Hodgins. Mr,' and Mrs. Sam Achoset and Beverly of Atwood were weekend guests of Mr, Arid Mrs, Lloyd Acheson end unruly. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson o London, 11,Ir. and .Mrs. Wilmer ;tones and family of Kippers were Sunday guests ,of 11ti4, and Mrs, Irving Gibson and family, ' essrsr 1' in to it and 1 mr ' Y Elerg M Sheridan P.evingtols attended a horse sale itt Detroit last Satur• day. Mr, IVlurray 'Hodgins spent last week on a business trip to Toronto. Mr. Earl Weissgerber and fa- inilybf Ititcherer Were weekend guests '0f Mr, and Mrs. 110y St. 4e Sehluiter of B.t+k Mr. George Strasser •rahb trri.- der'ventArk operatioe last Tuts - day in St, 3oaeph's Hospital is snaking" tatisfaetet'y recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Chaster Morley of Parkhill worn Sunday gusts With Mt. and Mrs. Charles Wind. nor, ortion of the cemetery. ,: Moore Cunningham was elected secretary -treasurer his 29th term, • Personal items Miss Gwenneth Tonnes; Ralph Lynn and Torn Tomes spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Sawyer, Petrone. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Harper and datighter, Joan, of R.R. St.. Pauls spent Wednesday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham. —Please Turn to Page 15 re'- for HELPS ►E.NEFI Give Generousty Education Week arch3-9 s 1 WE CQNGRATULTE THE TEACBE AND SCHOOL B ARDS DURING EDUCATZ Vt1EgK FOR A JOB WELD DONE ALL YEAIt4' " .- acMill an s Phone 37 Exeter s !,I;IM1111111M11114111„IIMMImMm111M4m11m4{MM11M,444{Mt4144 1140(44111144U111MM,14,41H4M4M4141M 1111141111,1111, 4 4. Give your icor that. "Show Ro(om" look1 tt =:,w ns 'coo& with sup,: rb Vitri- Glaze System! A Vitri-Glaze' job by our lt'a the beet bargain m ear trained meth$ ,,cs , rindyour beautifying available. Don't car recovers,t cat "showroom" miss itl Bring your car in to look.. Watch. the years drop us today. away? We plea/ your car inside and outside .° . - washing and pol- ishing tie exterior ... vacuum cleaning and deodorising the interielr. And it costs no more than on ordinary polishing job. *an eklelusiele development by Black & Pecker , ' ,• G ENN LOCKHART "WHITE ROSE DEALER'" Phone 691-W'';\ North Exeter Support The Red Cross Give Genezousry In The Mara' 14'13lifc pl 1 EDUCATION \ is Everybody's Business • • For the benefit of taxpayers who contribute towards the operation of South Huron District high School, your Board presents below -its annual fii4ancial statement for the year 1956, along with the figures fofr 1955, for. snit erison. Your representatives appreciate, public inteMt ih ,the school and invite inquiries from the Citizens of the district. • Financial Statements 'South Huron District High School Board Consolidated And Conipared 1955-1956 of RECEIPTS x955 1956 Balance 00 Band 92,415,57 16,028.57 Grants from. Provincial Government r. 1...,x,4,,,,,4,,...., 98,996.20 100,886,0 Huron County Agriculture Grant , 500.00 500,00 Local 'pax Levy:, 11,762.43 16,467,38 } Town Of Exeter Village of Grand Bend (pt) 3,118.12 4,365.37 , Township of Hay .•...4.^Y1 r ii/'^"• .....,, • .,,,r. 16,408,60 22,912.09: Village of Henson ... .. 3,715.00. 5,201.00 Township of .Stephen ...' 17,309.9524,233.93 Township of Tuckersntith (pt.) ••.•4 520.75 129:05 Township of 'Osborne .-.,.. .....4 \......,4,.. .,1. 13,362.75 18,107.85: Tuition Foes Received ;. 4,239,20' 10,236,41' 1,418,73 1,140.51 „ 4.825,94 5;207.10" Receipts from other sources• x.......• ..... ...........1....r Superannuation deducted .,, ................ PAYMENTS Instruction: Salaries, Suppe�rannuation, Income Tax, Fed pees......... 14 ,.11.41.. Instructional Supplies (8) Teatbooksl .... 4 p (b) Other . ...444 Admini}s�tration 44440.4,r4r.4r 1 , . . 4 1 0„, 4 Plant Operation.44041•11-14044415/4140,1111444•• '-1 ..9..4.1,14”41•414•4444.14•4•11t Plant 114aintenant 4,4444"is414444.... 4.4,4.,..... 04..44.41 ......... 'r4n44t 'Auxiliary Serviees •11444.4x444444.44044444.44444444............ 'Total OporatIg Expense 44444;04114114449 rr,4r 4444440444111040•1r1.04r4.4 fTilden reds, Lonlgu 444,14...401•101.11, .... r4.r..r4.r...44444401 Me Transportation ” 1,...y 4,r 1 .4.4....x. 4 4044,444 Night School Salaries 1 . .444 ..4.. 4.14.144441 }Cg2.4pital,♦ Outlays 144, ,. ,44 4 . a.4,..,444r.4.444.1..,4.4r4 , r Extraneous -- X'L'LIstee CoiNfici1 Pel r4.r.4.... or.. ..... x.... 4.,4 Cafeteria Loss rYY.."44riY4Y4 Y4Y.n,0444.r4.1i4r44r4, Interest ort tl'entporary Loans 44 r,444,4..i44 Debenture ' aynxant 444444144444441441110.144011,14114.114 ......1.04Y0r4r4rr4/ balance eft Band 41Yr0041rr IY01YY,1,r 4r. 4rersrr4arn0rr65 40141.0/444r4 t ' 198,593,23 206,875,57 90,434.00 88,185.00 624.05 145.33'. 4,490,35 4,733.80 5,715,18 6,659.95 11,442.85 11,750.21 1,273.00 1.,872,42' ,1,306:.75 4 1,380137, 105,280.18 113,921,08 419.44 540.88 22,487,20 34,250,40' 17'1.70 2,,6594. >M� 50.09 1,167.61 • 1,559,42 198:'It; MAO 40,120.00 39,245.00 ,16.028,51 33,799,26. 198,593.22 228,615.5/ Huron 'District Hi South h School Board � 144 L. SNIDER N. I.Y StIJRGIS 14 >ty4 Ntliii SY thairiiiairl 'rinclptit Seeretarrtre*turer tt :1