HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 131 4. 4 h A. 6 ane 102 for ARM'S TAXI T :24-H UR SERVICE me,...■.. CAWIAN PRO ANE AS5 ill A. PPLIA cgs G RATT+ O HOTS() O Phone 156 Grand :and A ■ 1 �.. 1 Garage. 9 Sunday And .E Evening S- Ott. v g erv�ce � Open this Sunday, Wednes-1, day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. fry Exeter Motor Sales Get Your Car READY for SPRING Snell, Bros. • LIMITED Phone 100 w Exeter Bend. Cubs Hear ARA On Monday evening ,the 'ladles o. the Womens Institute spon- sored a father and son banquet far the Ctrbs. and their fathers, at which 64 partook of .a sump - tops dinner, A toast to the fathers was ably given by CubEmerson Gill, responded to by Reeve, .Jas. Pal- ton, and a toad te the Cubs was given by A.0,111. Murray Des - Jardine, which was res onned Lo by the guest speaker of the evenl ng, Assistant, Scoutmaster RarQ1d Hooke of Exeter, who is a fieldman for the Conservation Authority, Mr Hoahe also showed slides on the Ausable water shed. His address was in keeping 1 w th the theme for- 1957 on Scouting in Canada, which is Conservation, and he brought in such matters as starting fines, planting trees, etc. He .also men, boned the facts that +this was the nth anniversary of scouting in Canada, the 100th anniversary of the late Baden-Powell, the founder of Scoutism and that there are now six and .one-half Million scouts in Canada. Other guests of the evening were Rev. A, E, Holley, Rev. L. Wattam, and Rev, C. Tave- nor, who all spoke a few words of praise and encouragement to the boys, Mr, Alex. Hamilton, Cubmasteror the local ocai Cubs, thanked the ladies for their efforts on behalf of, his boys,. Janus H. 'Love James H, Love, 70, of Edmon- pn, Alberta, passed away in Edmonton Hospital on Saturday 114' rch 2. • F., Love was a native of Ste- phers,Township before ,going west about fifty years ago, He farmed in Sa , atchewan for nearly for- ty yeas before moving to ' Ed- inonton here he spent the later years of his life, Besides is widow, the former Nellie Og' vie, he leaves to mourn his . ss,. one sister, Mrs. Mary Turnb ll of Grand Bend, and one brot .r, Alex, C. Love, of Mossbank, sk. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Delbert Maso Mr. and Mrs, Sid., at Atwood on Saturlay, Mr, Herbert Hogga nth of Lon- don spent the weeken with his sister and brother -in aw, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Flear. Mrs. Norris Delardi e spent' Thursday in London Mr. P. Eisenbach ha to be z phos, Baird and visited with ey Morrison -Hundreds Of Super • IDA MINE • AL OIL_ 16 Oz., Reg. '55¢ 43¢ 40 Oz., Reg. $1.10 55¢ HALIBUT LIVER OIL C looks ° 890 250's . APSULES $1.69 500's ,,,,,... $3.29 SACCHARIN : TABLET.F 1/4 -Grain, 500's: ,..,.... 9 i 1/2 -Grain, 500's. HEATING PADS BATHROOM SCALE JEANNETTE BATH SALTS, 3 Lbs. MOTH CRYSTALS, 2 Lb. Bags LADY'S HAIRBRtJ H, Nylon Bristles SAVE A YOUR IDA DRUG STORE '39¢ $3.99 $5.98 59¢ 59¢ 59¢ Fathers Kirkton �N# Fie'Idman on Thursday for .a major ope tion, but has .come through; .a is doing nicely, Mrs. Kisenba hasJust returned from St, seph's on 'Tuesday after suffer- ing a heart attack. Mr,.and. Mrs. Jay Whiteford returned last weekend after spending the past few weeks on a motor trip to Florida, Mr. Jack Paton of London spent the weekend with Mr. an Miss. Mansell. Mason, d Dr, and Mrs, IL Gadsel of Detroit spent the weekend at t their cottage in Beach .0' Pi `s. Mrs, Leonard Ravelle and s. Win,. Fineh. and son, Jeff, spent a few days last week In d- sor, Messrs. Henn. Ruttle of Kin- cardine, Wm,. Gardiner, of Go.de- n- m of th m.. or 0 er e, er in r- n - it s d e d n g n g n Mrs n h e s rs VYr.Mter, The sixtieth anniversary :pf rad the Women's Institute movement m Ontario, ar-i and thefit f ft f h An- niversary of the Kirkton 'br cli c . was celebrated on Thursdays at Jp the February meeting, • The "pest speaker for the ed- 0440.11 od• stelan was Mrs, Stafford John- on, better known as Jean Johnston, author .ot several nov- els, She spoke on the special characteristics of French Can- ada, and outlined some. of the current trends in the way of life and thinking of French-speaking Canadians, Taking k lig part iii. the ceremony was the daughter ..o the first: president of the Kirkton branch. Mrs. Arthur Rundle.,. an active' member' now,. was the former' Etta Fletcher, daughter of the' late Mrs, Robert Fletcher who WAS charter president when the Institute was organized at Kirk - ton in 1802,, Two life members of the branch who are veteran workers in the Kirkton institute , were given a special place in the afternoon's: proceedings; Mrs, Albert Bickell and Mrs. Charles Stephen, 1 Pine S. pe Win rich and Dr, Geo. Elliott of Cli ton visited at Meirywood Far on Simday, , Mr. and.Mrs. Roy Scott .Sarnia spent the weekend wi Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs., W Patterson,. Miss Beulah Holt of Winds spent the weekend with her m ther, Mrs, Mae Holt and h grandmother, Mrs, L. Geromett Mrs. Holt accompanied h daughter for a week's visit Windsor. Messrs. Dennis Finan of . Sa nia and James Dalton of Lo don spent the weekend at the homes hi town, Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Ravell and son, Paul,. of London seen the weekend with Mr. Ravelle' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnol Ravelle. a Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kerslak of Hensen visited with Mr. an Mrs. Clark Kennedy on Sunday Mrs,'Jas. Grigg is a patient i St. Joseph's Hospital, havin to undergo .a serious operatic this week. Mr. Ivan Luther and Mr. Ray mond Latta attended the Youn People's Convention at Strath roy last week, Mr. and Mrs. Keith • Charlto of '• London visited with Charlton's mother, Mrs. Joh Gill; over the weekend,. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wain wright spent Thursday in Lon don. Mr, and Mrs. E. Keown visit ed a few days last week wit Mr. Keown's sister, Mrs. Ros Simpson at Clandeboye, and Mr Moore Cunningham and with hi ister, Mrs. Jack Lovie and Mr ovie in London. Mrs. Fred Newton is a pa ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Wing had ' a serious operation ast week. Mrs. N. Chamberlain was con- ined to her home with the flu, ast week, and Cpl. Chamber- ain has also been suffering for he past few days with the flu. nd a heavy cold. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Flear were elighted on Sunday morning o hear of the birth of their first randdaughter, their other grand- hildren all being little fboys. Mr. and Mrs, J. Riddoch and aughter and Mrs. A Riddoch f Sarnia visited With Mr, and rs. Lawrence Johnson and aughters on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle isited with their daughter and amily, Mr. and Mrs. Coulson n London for a few days last eek. . on Mts. A. K. Holley was c• ned to her home through M- ess over the weekend. Due to some trouble in the ydro bank the power was off a number of homes for about ur hours last Monday mor - ng. Mrs. L. Schwartz of London ent a few days with her sis- r, Mrs. Wm. Baker, last week,' turning home w i th Mr. hwatz on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred %fathers an son, Dennis, of London visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holt Sunday. The ladies. of the Auxiliary to e Legion Held a successful nny bingo on Monday..evening. Miss Betty Ann Coughlin of rnia recently celebrated her th birthday at the home of he • grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. m. Dewey, Her uncle, Mr. Do - Id Dewey of Hudson, Ont4rio, s present for the occasion -aid so celebrated a birthday the me day, s h 1 a g p • c d M d v f w n h 1n fo ni sp to re Se a ed on th pe Sa 18 h W na wa al sa H & S Club Assists Open House The local Home and School Club held their regular mopthly meeting on Thursday evening, with Mrs. J. Waldron, president, in the chair., The matter of sending a dele- gate to the Federation in Toron- to was discussed, and it was de- cided not to send a delegate for this year. Mrs. Ross Desjardihe was ap- pointed to purchase supplies for the school kitchen, Mr. Ellis Verne (Bud) Brod- rick, 60, passed away suddenly in Minto Hospital, Minto, N.B., on Saturday. On account of Lieut. L, Me- ' :'lease Turn To Page 15. We Are Clearing Stock To Redecorate A Chesterfields End Tables Chrome Kitchen .Sets lamps Bedroom Suites Hassocks Mirrors $1.50 Floor Mats $1.00 Tieman's Hardware PHONE S DASHWOOD• Centralia Guild Guest Of Trivitt The ladies of the Centralia Airport Chapel Guild were en- tertained on Tuesday by the Guild of Trivia Memorial church in the parish hall. Mrs, R, Dick- ins, president and Mrs. N. D. Knox welcomed the guests who were each presented with a cor- sage made by Mrs, H. Broom. Under the convership of Mts. Murray Green end Miss Olive Vail assisted by Mrs. T. Flier- ington, ' Mrs. V. I-feywood and Mrs, C; Gibbons charades and contests were played to mix up the ladies and promote friend, ship. Peter Knox and . Shirley Gentt- ner recited the poems given by them in the verse speaking finals and Misses Velma Bal- lagh and Virgina Niched en- tertained with vocal and musical selections. The program ended with bingo. Mrs. G, Rether, Mrs, C. Ache- son and Mrs. Les Gibson con- vened a smorgasbord luncheon. Mrs. A. Dodd, president of the Centralia Guild, expressed cour- tesy remarks for the •entertain- ment. Churches Join To Spread•Gospel The study 'Bringing the Gos- pel to Burma and Thialand" was •discussed by Mrs. William Thomson at the March meeting of the Willing Workers Evening Auxiliary held at James . St. church Monday evening. In these countries the church- es of different denominations combine their efforts and work under the Church of Christ. Mrs. E. S. .Steinerwas the guest speaker and emphasized, the fact that the second mile of life can be happier and more rewarding than the first. Mrs. R. K. Pooley presided for the program and was assisted in the devotional by Mrs. Ross Taylor. Two vocal duets were contributed by Patricia Cann and Marlene . McBride. ' Mrs. W. Witmer conducted the business period. Arrangements were made and committees ap- pointed for 'the C:G.LT. mother and daughter banquet to, be held May 14. Mrs. Wm. Thomson, Mrs. W. Witmer and Mrs. R. E. Pooley were named to attend Huron Presbyterial, . March 27 in Wes- ley Willis United Church, The members were reminded of the World Day of Prayer to be held in Main St. church Friday after- noon, March 8. There . will be no April meet- ing as the group is invitedto meet with. the Evening Auxiliary in Main Street church. Misses Stella Southcott a n d Verna Coates were named a program committee for this meeting. Pentecost WMC Aids Missionary The W.M.C. of the Pentecostal. Church met at the home of Miss Della Peart on Thursday, A good response of gifts for the hope chest of the Missionary Rest Home, Toronto, was re- ceived." The president, Mrs. K. Mc- Laren, presided and was assist- ed by Mrs. H. Butler, Idrs. L. W. Krause read the scriptural passages and gave a talk on "The victory that overcometh the World." News Budget From Centralia . •By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Mrs. Wm, Bowden, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bowden, Marina and Margie, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Payn- ter- and Mr. Roy Jaques were Sunday, evening' guests with Mr, and Mrs. Win, Allison, Ailsa Craig. The occasion was in cele- bration of Mrs. W. Bowden's 80th birthday. The World Day of prayer service will be held in the United Church on Friday evening at 8 p.m, Mr. and Mrs, 0. Pollock and Tom n1 y of Ripley were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks. Mr:, and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and. Marilyn visited over • the weekend with relatives in Ridge- town. Miss Margaret Cook acme. partied. by her_ aunt, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. George Baynhani and Miss Joan Weber of Dashwood left on Monday oft a vacation trip to Florida. Donna May Wilson of Strath• roy was ai visitor last week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. timer Wilson, Mr, and Mrs Arthur 11fePalls loch 'the weekend with then' daughter ill Londbilr Institute Al: Buys ►ra Mr. and Mrs. James Hayter, 111rr and Mrs.. C. Salmon and Mr. and ,Mrs. Ervin Rader attended rl amens sessions last Tuesday in 'Toronto as• guests of Tom Fryde, M.P. fQ,r Huron, Twenty-three ,members of the znen's club of Zion Lutheran Church motored to Monkton last Wednesday evening for a social evening. Three teams from Dash - Wood WW1 over three from Menktan, Miss Barbara of Recker, r , Kitchener, n r spentthe With Mr, and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Mr. and Mrs, William Zink-, haun and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Peil1usch, of Kitchener, visited with friends in sin town an Thursday. Dashwood 111/_, 1. Dashwood es For Mrs, Leila Taylor, vice-presi- dent, presided for the meeting 1 of Dashwood Women's Institute, which was arranged by the corn- rnunitY activities group. Roll call was answered by greeting A the lady next on the right, Mrs. Syd Baker was appointed A delegate to the officers' confer- ence at Guelph. New curtains on the club windows purchased by the W,I., were noted, Mrs, Ken 1 McCrae was appointed convener of the next meeting in the absence of Mrs, Aliemand. A bus will take the Dainty Doers and their mothers to Sea - forth on Saturday for Achieve- ment Day. 1 The nominating' committee was appointed to bring in a slate of officers for the new year, Mrs. Harold Kellerman, h'Irs. Rud Miller and Mrs. Milfred Merner make up the committee. All re- perts must be given at the • next meeting. Mrs. ITarold Kellerman pre- sided for the program and euchre was enjoyed, High lady was Mrs, Stuart Wolfe; second, Mrs. Mer- vyn Tiernan, and Mrs. Ervin SCbade, low. Personal Items •Tdr, and Mrs, Hubert Reste- • mayer and Randy, of Plattsville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Syd Baker. Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Kneck- tel, of Petersburg, attended the sale of the late David Haugh estate Saturday. Mrs. Clara Jacobe, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Jaeobe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb and Glen, of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley,' Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Rader and boys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile. Shower For Bride -Elect Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Lynda attended a shower in Lon - Kin Clubs — Continued from Page 6 Three new Hensall members are Neil Taylor, Conrad McRob- erts and Bob Baker, Jr. The Ffensall club approved a donation of $70 towards minor hockey. The money was raised in an exhibition hockey game with Exeter Kinsmen. b don Friday evening in honor of laSS .. Ilse � >^ hl'axa. 'Zeman, at y which Masses Jean McAllister And 1 Kathryn Hunter were hostesses. Nancy was presented with lovely gifts, , Personal ltarns Mrs.Ted Miller and Arthur. of Zurich, and Mr, and Mrs, LloydMfr, xeter, were Sunday Vi ht r with Mr. :and Mrs. LQUIS Resteniayer, ,a r Mr, nd Mrs, Jack Fowler and sort ..Tack,of MitchellA spent t Saturday with the latter's. mother, Mrs, Marie Maier, Miss Dorothy Mair, of Arkona has returned after :spending,the past few days with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maiern d family, z The TleteaAtivecalte, MireF „1M11.4A1AlAOWARIAIAInttpfiAndl ffff PAIP1OWAfiAffio nIAIAAAI:nefMµAlAgnA,1.A.nomp e: OPPORTUNITY THIS .AA46IIA Manager Wanted —. Part 'Time ;,OeIy, €le,Qo0,Qe to Sa ,OQO.OQ annual Income possible �e by. a#iim 1 Wan •hettre manthlY in Hist are time, Well '•itiuisU .4$1. Wan Company will apNoint lccel ,man or Wenflen t...atyr�tsl lAi�* aenaational husinete. Na -experience neceealiry ee we in sil pnatee of the bueinesa and no high ;pressure Manan .a lMAius a} no gelling on. ,Your Past is reqrlired, Qu:aiificatiOne one . aIi lawrst 1, 00QO GI-IARAOTER ANC, ,REFERENCE'S 2, SPARE 4 TO 10 HOURS MONTHLY 11, A MINIMUM .OF 11,600.04 CASH tH 11aED WHICH 1$ FULLY SECUR:EP it you can meet these :qualificatlans and .desire an interview wGtit CoMpan,Y Executive In your area, answer this. ad, 1lmmed9a9lelY, Please ,do not answer- thio adyertisement unless you •ere .definitely . interested Ina .business on a high lane, have 'th n; 0 ss ... available, a e andareperson , a n: so Whpma p Can k an i A d v ss s.�t,9 I, 0, a delimits t e decision .after r Yau know w the facts, s, as t hose F1ieaid Will he a�apointed immediately, This IA a. zwnce in .a lifetime opportunity with a :permanent !Lill. limited Thorne. For a personal interview in your area, write fully about youraalf, include ud e phone number, to J. W. 1ME819 COMPANY, PERT. K. 1449 St. Alexander, MONTREAL, Quebec.. , '''A1,IIAIIA11111110111„1111,10,11,1.11111011011.111,11,111111111111AIA1111611111,A1A141110,11411111,1111111111111001/1,IAMAAMAtt1A11nA Priv.*s iiffact'tvl: Murch 7,1 and. Food Saver Wax Paper . 100 -FT. . 804,1- 29c . • 1,,.6 West`ns Saltines 5.1 IDA CRACKERS 1,1, 29c .Libby's Beans DEEP BRAWN 2 ;°ins' 37c . Pillsb'r Cake Mixes Y WAIT 3 PKGS.51 Sockeye Salmon FISHERMAN 7i.1. -OZ. rTNS 45c Good As Gold Tuna SOL Ip 7.oz, 45cTIN Golden Dew Margarine PK:: 27c Shedd's Salad Dressing 1JAR' 39c. Hawes Floor Gloss 60 DFF, Toperop Nipping ,. opero Po .in Corn Rose Sweet Waver Pickles Joy Detergent 70 OFF TIN PINT 49c 16.OZ. CELLO 15C 16,oZ. Q /� JAR 35c REG,12 OZ, TIN 35c, SWEETHEART Toilet Soap 10 SALE eARFOURs 30c AYL,MEn Peaches Choice Halves Pears' Choice aartlett 15 Oz. Tins 2 FOR 47c MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes, 100 Oft • GT. PKG. co,,, "The Best Place To Shop After AiI" J. H. Jones Groceries FREE DELIVERY PHONE 532 a"► oujj notice ...this yeX the BUMPS ARaTt SO BAY lqmouth with revolutionary Torsion -Aire Ride smooths and gentles'you over rough roads like nothing before , .: improves your ride in many oilier ways, too Know how an ordinary car heels over sharply when you make, a turn .. squats back on its rear bumper when you start awayfronh a light ... nose-dives when you suddenly put on the brakes? Well, just watch when you take your first ride in a low, lively Thrill -Power Plymouth '57! There's hatdty y a hint bf_these anneyanti s,You Corner flat, like in Taw a sports car. You skim over bumps with silken smoothn ss. You take off on an even keel ... stop on an even keel, It's astonishing! What makes the difference? A totally new suspension system called Torsion -Aire, plus the low- est, snuggest -to -the -road centre of gravity ever known in a full- size oar, Wouldn'tyou. like it test ride soon? Stop by and try one of cup smart new Belvedere models with the famous ti803" V-8 and torrid _ TorqueoFlite trans- nmission with proved -in -use push- button controls. Get the feel of Plymouth's flash and fury ; : its big, quicker stopping Total- Contact brakes .. its roominess and luxury. Come now if you can. SEE AND DRIVE THE NEW THRiLL-POWER PLYMOUTH TODAY! It's the lowest priced ter in Nods with: • Flight$Sweep'57 styllnti • V-8 or 6 Thriil•Power GO • Yorsion A1re Ride • Total -Contact baker + Pude-button "torque{trite automatic transmission • Advanced Chrysler quality englneerin$ Chrysler Corporation Of Czlnada, Limited Piymc'uth YOU'itE ALWAYS A >sTEO AHLAb 1N1 CARS Ole THE PtiiewAttb LOOK: a REG ARMSTRONG MOTORS Exeter itt Phone 216 1