HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 11c A; '1 ;11 0 A 4 2. 1. I. Ifs Auction Time! These Bargains Ate,Goin FOR SALE . , • GARY SEED OATS, grown front registered seed, eleturecl aed treat - cd, In new bags, erte germinatiore $1,50 a besliel. Apply 'William Coleman, first. .(arm west or Kip. pen. EXTENSION TABLE, dieing room, with eIx clutire and studio couch; elan kitchen cupboard, suitable or besement; all in good condition. Reasonable. Apply Time6-Advocate, • HOLSTETN COWS, vaceinated and T,13. Meted, it due in 2 weeks, 2 due in. 4:Weeks and 1 due in 6 Weeks. .Apply Earner Selves. 21e, nalee north of Kirliton on 23 High. Way. 7* Announcemeo s BIRTHS PAMPBELL—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell, R.R. 1 Exeter, wish to annoence the birth of a eon at Clinton •General Hospital. :March 4, .1357. DE,S3ARDINZ—Elnerson and Ethel Desierdine (nee Jennison), Grand Beed, are happy to announee the birth of a daughter, Cheryl Amelia, at St.• Joseph's Hospital. • London, Afarch 4, 1957—a tester or Joanne. DONOVAN—Afr. and Mrs. Paul G. Donovan, 442Main St., Apt. 203 Exeter, announce the arrival of their, daughter Mary Katherine, Smith Huron Hospital. Mare!) 4, 1957—thanks to hospital staff and Dr. Read. EARTMAN—Mr. and Mrs, Tillman . Hartman, of New Hamburg, Re- nounce the arrivai of theft. daughter, •Debra, Leigle, at South . Huron Hospital, February 26, 1957. JENNiSON—Mr, and etre. Ttobert Jennison, Grand Bend, annonnee the birth of their son. Gary Lee. South 'Huron Hospital, March 4, 1357. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement la announced of Norma, Ruth, claughtee of Tars. William Veal, Exeter, and the late Afr. Veal, to Mr, Arthur 'Edward Ball, Clinton, eon of Mee. Ernest Ball, Kincardine, and the late Mr. Ben The marriage will take, place In :Tames etreet. United Church on Saturday, March 23, 1957. 7" Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boger; Kirk - ton, wish to announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Shirley Isobel, to Mr. John Thomas Simp- son, son a Mr. aed Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Clandeboye, The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, March 30, 1957, at 2 o'clock In Kirkton United Church, 70 . CARDS OF THANKS t wish to thank my kind friends and neiglibours for their flowers, cards,treats and Nesits while I was a, patient in Scott Memorial Hos- Pital and, since returning' borne. Special thanks to Dr. Brady. Dr. Malkus and the. nursing' staff.— Mrs. Stewart McQueen. 7* 1 wish to thank the neighbora, relatives and friends for cards, treats and visits while a patient in Chatham General Hospital, — Bev Gould, 7* I wish to thank all thole whir $so kindly remembered me with eards, treats and visits and the neighbors who helped In any way while I was a patient in Stratford Gene- ral Hospital.—Sam AreCurclY. 7' • Mrs. Willia'rn Bowden wishes to express her appreciation or the cards, (lowers ana gifts that she received' an her birthday. 70 r Mrs, Lon Persons wIshea, to express- hersincere thanks to all those who so kindly remembered her with cards, visite, treats and flowers while a patient in South Huron Hospital and since return- ing home. Special thanks to Dr. Butson, Dr. Read and the nursing /staff. 70 We wish to express our sincere thanks &lid appreciation to our relatives, neighbours and friends for • the kindness, sympathy and beautiful fioral tributes extended to Us during our sudden bereavement • in the Joss of a dear husband, father and grandfather. Spec:Jai thanks to Rev. Harold Snell. Ex- eter, and Rev. . Davidson, Bruce- Reld„Tames SL Church. W.A. and the Bonthron Funeral Borne, Hen- sale—The McBride Family.• 7* The family of the late Mee., ;Tobin Smith wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kindness aod sym- pathy and the bertetiful floral tri- butes during their sad bereavement in the loss of their mother. Spoteial thanks to Dr. Pletcher and Mrs. Jessie Sanders, Rev. X, T. Clarke, Rev. H. .7, Snell, the. Hopper - Hockey funeral home and everyone who' helped in any way, To all -we may "thank you", 7* I wieh to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cerds, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lendon.—Alein Wurm. 7* Wish to thank ell my friends and neighbor e who:rernernI3ered me. with cards., • treate and flowers while at Mottle .ITuron Hospital, Exeter.—Mee, Lawrence 'Brisson. 70 those who so kindly renientbered. rne white, a netlent In 'South TIuren Specilai thanks to Dr. Goddard and Mise Ceitypole and staff. -- T. T. Wenn. 7* • . INMEMORIAM IIERDMAN—In loving memoler ef a dear methee . and granchtother, Mabel Annie Herdman. wile Pass- ed away Mareh 4, 1955. She is gone hut not forgotten. And as clement Another year In .Our lohely hours oe thinking Thoughts or her. are /Owes's near. Day e4 of eadneee etill mine o'er tie. Priethis may think' the evetutd ie healed, Bue they little knoW the sofeow That liee within the heart ten- celeled. Sadl3t thiesed by datiglifer DOHA, Peed end grandchildren, 70 GtINNING—Tn leving memory of Bertha Genning, Were pasted *Way one weal, ago, March 7, e 1956. Rut some esteeet day We'll meet agairi Beyend • the 1611 Mid *trite, ' And elate each other's heed once mere 'In ere/teen, .that InePPY lite, a -Ever renlernberect bY her hue- , band Waiter, 7" Blaze Destroys Boiler 'Of Plant Roller iiu the 'plant of TuckeY I3everages Ltd, AIain street, was destroyed„ -Monday when a luoi contrOl brigtO down and fed the heating unit More oil than it Could handle. Intense heat turned the metal White before the blare subsided arid there Were flxi�ttS meinentS whet), an explosion was feared. Outside of the boiler, however, no Major damage Was Suffered. deneral Manager R, ROSS Ttickey said production of soft drinks in the plant will be held up for 84Veral days until the Unit is replaced, It was used to atiOnIY het water for sterilizing 'bottles as WO as for heating purposta, Utter firemen were nailed to the gene alltd Wed eittberi di. extinguishers on the blaze. CLASSIFIED RATES . 25 Word* or less 70; More Than 25° Words — 20 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 40¢ More Than 25 Words Ile Per Word 200. OFFt if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the jest insertion Seml.Displey Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertiont, 980 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions • #140 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon, Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon.. . , FOR SALE 1952 METEOR, Cusionillne sedan, automatic transmission, custom slip (livers, turn signals, eeater, spot- light, air conditieeer. tires excell- ent, overall cendition very good; reasonable, Phone Exeter 747-r-3. 7t.f0 . . , TIME MAGAZINE — introductory rates, 39 weeks for 32.97; 7$ weeks for 36.87. We'll put your name on the melting list of any magazine. Exeter Times -Advocate, phone 770. elan SUBSCRIBE TO L12'E—Introductory offers tor new subscribers only, 70 weeks for 37.70; 44 weeks for $4.84. Renewals for all magazines. Exeter Times -Advocate. Phone 770, :Attn. Dairymen Sugar shoe tage in cows? If troubled with Acetonernia, try the new Propavet Liquid. Safe and ef- fective. Propavet Tablets for testing cows for Acetonemia also available. • Estimated milk loss due to Ace- tonemia runs several million dollars annuauly. Available at the Exeter District . 21:28;7e Co -Operative • HAY -700 bales of. timothy and 152 hales of clover bay. Apply Richard. Creees, R,R, 1 Dashwood, .phone 32- r-19 Grand Bend, 21:28:7c APPLES—Good, firm well -colour. ed spies, 32,00 per bushel, In your own container. Stuart Michlieton, Phope Clinton HU 2-7525, 7:14.:21c • MATCHED TEAM of horses, 4 and 5 yeare old, chestnut in colour, with white manes and tails, very attractive, wen broken and quiet. Would make fine milk wagon horses. Apply to _ince!! Lee, Alla Craig, or 5 miles south of Crediton. 70 REGISTERED COW, Guernsey, due in March; good type and very quiet. Reason for selling, short of grass. Apply lo Ancell Lee, Ailsa Craig, or 5 rniles south of Crediton. 7c• 'rel.A.CTOR, 'WC Allis-Chalmers, in good. condition; 'will sell reason- able. Apply Wally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood. 7:14:21:28c FOR SALE OR, RENT -50 acres of Pasture land in Stephen Tim:nettle: Apply Wally Wein, phone 61 Dash. wood. 7;14:21:28e 1VH.Y SUFFER the agony of Rheu- matic Path, Sciatica, bum bag o when RUMACA'PS will help you to welcome relief. Ask your Druggist. 7c 2 GEESE and a gander„ •9 yealt Old"; B.lso .Queen hot water' cneubat- or, 600 egg size, in A-1 - shape. Phone Dashwood 164-r-1. 7c lilinVER-3ohn Kellett, R.R. 3 Ex- eter, phone 25-r-11. 7* BEEF, half or hearten- Apply Gee- ald Reeler.' R. 3 Zurich. . 28:7c SEED DRILL, ' 11 -hoe; in 'good shape; also fanning mill. Phone Granton 72-r-7. . 7' TELEVISION sE,r, Dumont 21,. new picture tube recently, In good condition. Phone 671-M Etter. .70 FERTILIZER DRILL, power lift, Massey-Harris'13-run.. Allan West- cott, phone l76 -r-12 Exeter. 7* HOLSTEIN COWS, young grade, new milkera and close springers. Norman Mare & Son, Lambeth, phone Byron 136-33 or 167412. 28:7:14e COOK STOVE, Pineley Condoe A, eomplete with pipes,. in first etase working condition; also ouantity of elm tops, (ley, and ready for cir- cular sawing. Apply Philip Johns, R,14, 3 Exeter, phone. leirkton 44-21. 7:14* • ELEC T RI.0 RANGE, Beadle 4 burners And even, 315. .Apply 568 Alairo St. South, 7' ELECTRIC 'RANGE — rettr-buener heavy duty National Range. in good vendetta': 365. Phone 3,15•R or an - pie 13,3 Anne "Ste, !Exeter. ,28•1/1: Appliances at Rock Bottom Prices 'We're willing to give you ton ex- ceptional bargainto clear out this merthancilse for rieW Models. '50 lellIGIDIIRE rasiorh 'el PRIGIDAIRE DRYER AIR -PLOW DRYER. DOMINION 'WASHER RUSSELL ELECTRIC, , Phone 109 Exeter 7c Bargains IN USED TRACTORS AND FARM EQUIPMENT POROSON efAJOR TRACTOR Geed Itubber ----------------3.125 heertelALL A TRACTOR, Good Cerelition $2;i0 OLIVER., IlAitTereelt TRACTOR. On 111.11.thet • ^ eila PARMALL 300 TTLeCTOR Delnenetrater. EqUIPPed With 1IY- Oratille. drawbar, 1.P,T,0. Toretle amplifite tat 32.200 leleRGUsON/ TRACTOR With Matinee Loeder ItfASSE1.74EARRTS 20 TRACTOR, keletel. For Quick Sale 45 Par°, BALER Like Nice' 51.100 it,vorttIONV PLOW' Vet Vergeeen AIINN'EAPOLIN-MotINE COMBIN'E With Engine Drive 3495 repent Seedlitir Speelate4511 Pleld Galilee ter*. VertIllzer Drilla Diet Harretta ros, thiprows, Como in and got our price* befell yee buy, EtkOtt •A, 60Nt Phone 66.W CiAihieeed re FOR SALE BAley Buoar with storm cover; also le enksereft automobile baby bottle wanner, Phone ehteter 3e2. W3. 7* YOUNG COWS— Holstein, freshen middle of march, john alern, Plotter 41-r-18 Kirldon. 7* e,pply to Mrs. Nancy Kele. GLAD ixtoN, mitt:made, trbor7e:1:: years, good condition, used less than 2 Hensall, phone 149. LOST 3 DOGS—One black with tan, part emend, and 1 brown collie. Pinder please contact Heber Shute, Kirk - ten. TENDERS WANTED INSTALLATION ,010 OIL HEATING sysTmt The undersigned Will `.accept tend- ers tintil- 6 Mee, Mareh g:„ for ie- stalletion oil heating system in Dashwood Zion Lutheran Church, • Prices wanted on hot water' and warm air syeterne. For further In- formation, vontact V. 14, BECKER, ,'Dashwood, -ontarie, 7: le .SALE AND REAIOVA.I., OP • WOODSHED Tenders will be received by the undersiged until Marcb 21, 1957, for the sale and removal of wood- shed from the school grounds of S.S. No. 11 Stephen. Dimensions eier18', shingle roof, frame con- struction. For , further particular apply to DONALD TETREAU, Sec.-Treas., 11.11. No, 2 Dashwood 70 . FOR RENT COMFORTABLE 11 0 U S E, near KipPen, hydro and water, public and high school bus at. gate; Im- mediate possession. Apply 55 Sim - cots St., Exeter, or phone 803 Exeter. 7' STORE dt APARTMENT, in' shop- ping centre, Grand Bend, vacant April 1. Apply Douglas Gill, Grancl Bend. 7:14" SMALL HOUSE, with kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, small garden, street floor. Apply Mayfair. Bakery, Exeter, phone 63 HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, oil heated. Available immediately. - Phone 982-3 Exeter. 70 3 APARTMENTS, modern. Apply Hodge's Store, Phone 7 'Crediton. 70 APARTMENT, in Shipka, 2 -bed- room, living room, -kitchen, full basement, hot and cold water, hydro, indoor toilets. Phone 6-j Creditor). • 7tfc 350 ACRE FARM, or acreage, share basis or cash rent. For further in- formation phone 31-r-15 Dashwood After 5 rerre, or apply Box 'To, Timee-AcIvocsee. 28:7 :14c. APARTMENT, 2-bechoone, unfur- nished, available April 1. Apply John Ward, phone 348. SMALL COTT-eGE, furnished, in Centralia, suitable for young couple. Phone 880-33 Exeter. 2g:70 2 APARTMENTS, ground floor, le furnished, 1 unfurnished.. Both are heated, hot and cold water, built-. In cupboards, use of laenctry eor washing,• private entrance. Blotch - ford Apartments. ' 'Tete 5-70OM APARTMENT., Centralia Village. Apply next to Station C Lralia. • • lOctIfi; APARTMENTS—re number of l- and 2 -bedroom apartments, W. .C. Pearce, 'Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty -Nu Bakery, phone 100, Zurich. iltte 'EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES •— Electric portables, by the week: Hopper - Hockey Furnitare, phone ss.,• Ex- eter. 8tfe Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Va.etnim Cleaners, Tools, Etc. . *BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER BABY CHICKS FOR _SALE "WHAT'S IN A NAME?" Lots. When it comes to egg or poultry meat production. Name of Hatchery' —name of. breeds they carry. We have a wide choice. Pullets bred for, good yield eggs, low overhead cost. Broilers too. Centact us, Bray Hatchery. 120 John N„ Hamilton,. or Eric Carseadden, Exeter, phone 246 -Nie le CHICKS CHICKS CHICKS Thousands hatching twice weekly. Twenty Pure breeds and 15 cross- breds to cheese 'from. Pullets, coekerels, and mixed chicks. Gov- erntnent. approved. High quality ebieks at reasonable prices, • Order youre Today. Nerthausee Hatcheries • • - Linton. Ave., Stratford, Ont. Opposite Whyte Packing Co. Phone 1910 70 NOTICES NOTICE Crediton Police Village Mateo wish 16 announce that the nominee. tiort meeting' called for Meath 8 has been caneeilled, Crediton TRUSTEES 70 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Salesman Full or Part Time Exceptiehelt Positien for 'YOU Iti Ceinachies Largest harm Serviee Organization, VT 0 It le B‘rt. * Annual Repeat BusinesS. Company Paid Pension * Blue Cross and .P. S. ▪ lihillnited Advaecements. Give full detaile in lira letter: MI THE ALLIED ti,..krext stnATIM:s CANADA 1618 Hendee Street, Lenden, °Matto' WELL-KNOWN intrerteeteter ot firreet holleeheld neeessIties end tellotries lute erectines in troth' sure retinclings. Weite ler filll details and free velatotrue 1600 lee. leeiniter Del% 49 Stittiot C., Mont - reel, 7e. WANTellet Alttri fee eteedY treerel tkoneolk tellstlinere itt /Riede COuntY, PerMallerit terlitectitie "with lerite Malltifeettlrer. 0111 ' friable eitietler edit:tide:Md. .1Velte Fletteleighei 7)6190. C-2014311, Montreal, PA, To • WANTED 'SERVICES " CHILD'S PLAY PtENTe-Pheate 538- PAINTING AND, PAPERING R. Exeter. ee CABIN ETTIttrrts?%K. 1-v,Z1411.-nE411,,C, 0,Ft! atuurr a TItl CYCLE, medium _Meet!, PYlnlIP ;;;5'' ""' e' _ In gone condition, reasolutitle, PI: SEPTIC TANKS cleaned out. Int - 010 -J5 Exeter. . • 1 B • , 1.4U , ':!,2tn1,1.1trheone 108 or 130-W. GRASS for 20 head of yetinz cattle 11:2-3:4 .—. .. fer summer. APP1Y .Betr Perseus. A. 3 Keeler, Phoue 28:7. WANTED TO BENT—lit Herilall,. house with 3 bedroonte pretence. • APPlY W. R. Legg, at Al's Markel.' Hensall. 7' HELP WANTED GIRL OR 1170ALANT to take full cherge—I adults and 2 teenagers. Gold home, Wednesday afternoons and weelceeds free. Cali 44 LUcan, 70 KITCHEN HELP --, Apply Arm- strongs Restaurant. 7e trousENT4gpsn. — Dirtier: include hoesework .4).ta gazing for 2 Striate ebildren: 6 -dear Weelft 'eleep out. CUSTOM CAPONIZING an started Pheree 187 after 5, p.m, re capes on order. Plione 57 -r -e3 Dashwood, _Carl Oestricher. ANYONE wishing for spare time 2:31-6:6" work put tiug up new ceiling (Squares) and kitchen cupb.oarde, 31.00 an hour. Apply Box "VG' Times -Advocate. . 7c Mobile Disposal Contracting SEPTIC TANX CLEANING Re.Pairs. on Drains, Watermaina etc. NEW INSTALLATIONS .Cement Septic Tanks, PraJnege Tile and Prairie te meet Your requirements. PHONE 20e •4RA.141) BEND e 14:2-4:3 ceived instrtietiene to Sell lee Preitlie Auceicon on the premisea, LOT 14, CON. 14, NAY ''VP ete Miles Weet of Zurich. and $ Miles Smite or 2!.e Allies West of Daeltwood and 3 Miles North TUESDAY, ,MARCH 12, 1907 Commencinp at lip° P.m. eharp li011eilett; Matched (iee% team, mare and gelding', risme 11 )ears Old. true and reliable in everY way. REEF rte DAIRY CATTLE: Part Hereford and Angus cow with see- ond •calf at foot, Milking, fresh one week: e Durham cows with calves at foot; part Perham and Angus Cow, minting. with rail at foot; Part Dtorhani and Anittos cow, milk- ing, with third calf at foot; Durham row, carrying third calf, Mae lime Of sale; Holeteln vow, Parrying fororth calf, due in April; Holstein cow, tarrying third calf, clue in April; part Durham and Jersey cow. '0413..1111g oecend calf, due In April; 5 Durbam yearling steers and helfees: paet Hereford and Per- ham bull, 2 years old. . • - • • T RAMO n & THRESH : MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor- Deering Pannell "A" traetor, in clan Whiting, Exeter. phone 653eW guaranteed condition; Advance Rum - evenings. itte ley 22x36 threshing machine with all attachments, in new rendition: NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of DaVICI Harrison. Haugh,. Young Man • deceased, 14 OR OVER • Requited to work In grocery de- partment. and handle „general mer- chandise. Permanent: Position . for the right person. • WRITE BOX 'erP" Exeter Times -Advocate TEACHER -- 'Osborne Township School Area, requires Prptestant teacher for the, fall term. Salary schedule in effect. Apply to Garnet Oaks, Seeretarr, 11,11, 3 Exeter. 7;14e BOOKKEEPER for Centralia, Farm- ers Supply, Apply Centralia Farm- ers Supply. • 7c. GIRLS for general restaurant work; courteous, dependable, honest; live in; top wages; 48-hour week. 'Write to Ed Lippert, RR. 2 Kilworthy, Ont., Muskoka. ' • 21:28;7:14:21e REAL ESTATE 100 ,ACBE rAror,• in lleborne Township, on county road, near villege, chervil and echool; Clay loam; drilled well; large been with Beatty stabling; silo; instil brick house with furnace, and bathrooart hot and cold water In house and barn; 4 bedroomst hoehte through- put; land ploughed for spring pos- session. Apply Times -Advocate. 7;14* • brttak. HOUSE, 'Ile storey, 4 - bedroom, 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, bisulated, full basement, hot Water, storm windows, garage with cement floor; all. in good condition; close to echool and ithurch. Apply 168 Andrew St. 7* 'ESTATE HOUSE — Modern 11 - storey red Meek house, fall base- ment, laundry tubs, soft , water system, heater, furnace and fruit cellar. 'Fleet floor contains modern kitchen, dinlog room, living room, master bedroom and 3-plece bath. Thestairs contains -2 large' bedrooine, 2-plece heth .end sewing .1.00m.• Ample closet: . space and double garage. For full paytietilars anMY Eric Heywood, Phone 649, 28tfc 200 ACRE FARM, main .bighway, large barn, stabling for 100 head, clay lpam, well fenced,large brick house. This farm is in excelleet shape and ready to, go -338,000.00. 100 'A ORES: near Exeter, large house and bank barn, all conven- iences. A good .buy at $10,500.00. 100 ACRES, good barns, driveshed, chicket coop etc., clay loath, 5 bed - twin house; .$17,000.00. HOUSE IN EXETER, 2 acres of land, 5 rooms,. garage_ In excellent c$coclaiot.leoen. Could qualify for V.L.A., 1Ve have a number of good farms, houses and business proper- ties. We 'Invite your inquiries and listings. , . D. M. JACKSON Real Estate Phone 35 Grand Bend MEL •GAISER, AGENT R.R. 2 Dashwood Phone 164•r•14 MJ. .HAVES,' AYES', Agent ParkhilI• Phone 182•W HOUSE—Residence or the late Mrs. Ida Caldwell, Exeter North, corners let No. 4 and 83 highways. Two- storey insul-brick 4 -bedroom house with ?apiece bathon second floor and 3 -piece bath bn 'main floor. built-in cupboards. living room and sun mirth, full basement; also on this lot, a 2 -bedroom vottage, built- in cupboards, e -piece bath and liv- ing room.. Executors, Harry E. Beaver, Exeter, Alvin Kellerman, Dashwood. 21:28:7* BRICK HOUSE, 3 -bedroom. hydro, 'bath, oil runtime, 35750 with terms, earage, . FRAME H011eE, 3-bedroorn, hydro, bath, nil heat, 1-ST011EY HOUSE, new furnace, 3- elece. Math, new reef. garage. -HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, bank been, silo, brick house, $15.400. HIBBERT 1.00 ACRES, hank barn. inset - brick house, hydro, good water, 39,000. • HIGHWAY 206 Acnns, bank bares, driveehed, garage, good brick hottse, good school privileges. Sure We lieve Other properties to eell. 'Write, phone or cOine, AV. O. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parsene, phone 5117, Fred' Cele, phone 536.W, Selesmen, 2Itte. HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard' Exeter . . We haNe Meanie looking for•2-, 3 - end 4.bedrooin incises located ie or close to Exeter, 3 - 1-1 E 15 11 0 0 At ERICK, close to schools, Mitt le a tIdy home in good repair with all conVeniences. Nave lot With garage, Leer price ter cash itot libeler tents will be given. 3-.RED1l00et mum: With good 1- eterey building, WOO', suitable tor storaga or smell tedestry. }louse le In eoed repair', heittry wiring and 3-pleee btti, Appeoeinuttely te acre of labd. Priced to sell. Terms. t ACRID OF LA NI) Willi geed bedroom Melt house • anti sntell be t h. House le in good, rend I Hen, Mete beth tied 'heavy 'Whine, Quick DoSeettiort. 'arena EXETER NORTH Copitoetahle berirebili cettege with 3 extra, lote and a, very gene been. Thie le A emcee' o45Ltn:0, is loti wirtd Otid has a ttecel beselceet. Lotv Tonik, raiteht.12M.0%gra,'-u,inirdied! Merit, telepttrittivelY bete. Oil space heater eaft1Plete, Tenn& TO bloY or tiell See (I. V. Plekard, Ileilltor end Geeetilt litettritheitt 394 Meth Ste, Eteter, Photte 165 atul e2e. tette PASTURE LAND, 50 acts*, With running water, IZ,P, Let 15, 'Crone. 3, HAY. APPly •eVenifige e•-• Mee, Theeese Heathen, RE, I Zurich, Ditehtrood 15:7:14, All persons having cleinis against fah tee e es tt a tt rime fvDmaavgied He talc ai ssohne, I:Dec.17 the, the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 20th day of Januare 1957, are required to file Particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter. On- tario, by the 361h day of Mare)) 1957, atter which data the estate will he 'distributed having regard only to those elaims of which notice has Peen reeelved. Bell & Laughton • Solicitors tor the Executors, Exeter, Ontario, 7,8:7:14c To the Estate of Mary P. Simpson, deaea.sed. Ail persons having claims against the estate of. Mary P. Simpson, late of the Village el Hensel', in the County of Huron, Widow, who, died on or about the 18th day of Februe ary 1957, are required to file Par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughter), Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 16th clay of March next, after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton. Barristers 4 Solicitors, Exeter, Onterio. 2,8:7114c in the Estate of William Bell, • deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of :William Bell, late of the Township cot Tuckersmith, In the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on. the 201h day of February, 1957, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 23rd of :March next, after which date the estate will be distributed haying regard only to those claims ot which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the. Executors, Exeter - .Ontario, 7:141210 In the Estate of Anna Florine Kreutziger Deceased. All persons having claime against the estate et .A.nna Marine Kraut - 'Alger, late of the Village of Grand Bend, In the Cafroty of Lamblon, Widow, Deceased, who died on or about the Fourth day of Octo A.D. 1956. ate required to send to the. undersigned on or before the Sixth day of April A.D. 1957, par- ticulars of their claims, after which the Executor will distribute the assets of the said estate, hav- ing regard to claims of which . he shall then have notice. Dated at Forest, Ontario, this Second daY of 'March A.D. 1957. JA.CIC ELIAS lertEUTZIGER., Executor • by p..1. Livingston, Q.C., Forest, Ontario, • , Ills Solicitor, 7:14:21e AUCTION SALES • Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects will be offered for sale at Lot 3. Concession 1, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 1 Mile North of Happen on No, 4 Highway, on FRIDAY,/ MARCH 8, 12 NOON CATTLE: 9 cows, ranging from 3 tq 7 yeare old, supposed to be in calf, all pasture bred; 9 spring careest 1 fall calf; 7 steers, rising 2 years old; 2 steer calves, rising 1 year oicl, IMPLEMENTS: 60 Oliver row ere)) tractor with power lift and scuff - ler; McCormick Deering •stanclard tractor, W4; 7 -ft. stiff tooth oul- tivator; 4-8e0tion drag harrows; 12- 11, steet churn roller; McCormick Deering 15-dise fertilizer seed drill, 3 years old; 4 sectioe of harroWs; elbCorronck Deering 2 -furrow trac- tor plow; McCormick Deering man- ure ePreader, tractor -drawn; eic- Corrnick Deering 6-11, mower; Mare, sett -Harris side rake; New Bale Ellevetor, 32 -ft long; New Holland baler, used 1 year; AleCermick Deering combine, with motor; graiti blower, with pipes; grain grinder; rubber tired 'Wagon with tiat rack and grain box; 6-11. Massey -Harris binder; treiler with stoek lack; cement mixer; circular sew; reot puiper; flat Tack tor wagon; 4-11. wooden gate; set sleighs; crealt SePerater; POMP Jeck; la it.o. MO - tor; 4 h.p. moor; fanning mill and screens; set 2,000 Ib. seales; belts; Mather; planks; steel water trough; barrels; 2 wheelbarrows; nember of 3x6 rafters; chains; Melte; ebovele; e toile Of barbed wire; vise; elitig repos: 4-1t. land roller; 3" tile: 6 rolls trete, twice: Atte! PUMA: extensien ladder; chic- ken brooder; few ton ot baled hay; set double harness; horse Cellars; 400 bee. Rodney tette, growl, Sem 'Registered seed; 50 bus. Monteelin barley, euitable fOr seed; alfalfa seed; gravel box, POULTRY; 175 taping hens. HOUSEHOLD IIPPECerr; Clara ,towel 4 -burner itieetele stove; Aire Ceicl Wall refrigerator; daY bed; kitthen chairs; dining roele Meting eiresseet; Tempe: beds; gray rug. 32x121 Mauve rug, 7x12; rug, 7X94 2 rugs, exteki meattor mats; Mertes plate atul bench: RCA Victim' raffle; laundry dile; sealeree: kltehCii Cabinet; deep lee( (Klee; ether TERMS: Cash. artleles nuittereus to merdiert. Ne reserve. Varro eel& 3071N 1., Illit7'11)1111SOlet, Prete HAROLD ,TAClieterel. Atletierieer E, P. CHES.NEY, Clerk Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Clyde Team Beef end ry Cittle Tractor, Threshing Machine hillgettlfifitit Hoy Grain and Misc. itorms The titeletritened Agetbilittar FARM 1 AI PLEM ENT 5: john Deere binder, 7-11', cot, In goad eon- dition; 11-I1 13 -von 'seed. drill; ISI -H 17 -tooth cultivator: two 1 -horse cultivators; 1141 hay loader; 2 rubbertired wagons; 16 ft. hey rack; AfeDeering 2 -furrow •trac. tor plow; 3 - section d et al o n ti :Arrows, like new; 4-seetion dia. mond harrows.; barrow cart; dump rake; riding plow; wol king plow; 111-11 mower; 3 -drum steel roller; eleDeering• 4-w1,eel manure spreader; Otaeo 2 -wheel, tractor spreader: 14 -plate diec; ei- II bean puller and tieuffier; sleek rack, grain box; gravel box; heavy eteel water trough; set of eleighs; pig box; Maple Leaf In -inch grinder; M -H Putting box; fanning sap pan; set of harness; collars; quan- tity of cedar poste; wire; .chains; •forke: Abovels, etc,. ete. heary,Aretie&teetelltelettIaNtilty3t5 31-aoansbtotaf.pirtixeield. and tsheneedthyoaatesaid,bushel of alfalfe. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. ROBERT ADAMS, Pron. GLEN 1VEBB, Clerk ALVIN WA.LPER, Auctioneer Clearing AUCTION SALE • Of Farm Stock and Implements Situated on Lot 15, Concession 3, LISI3ORNE TOWNSHIP 1 Mile East of Exeter (Huron St.) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1957 at 1 O'clock sharp MACHINERY; Allis Chaluiers WF tractor, in good working order; 2 - furrow Atassey-Haeris plow; Massey - Barris manure spreader, • neatly new; Case ,side rake, 1 year oicl; Massey -Harris 32 -plate double disc, like new; binder, 6-11. MasseY. Hanes: AlcCormick 5 -ft. mower; 10' (1'. stiff toothed cultivator; 13 -hoed 'Massey -Harris seed drill; 4 -rowed Cocksbutt nuttier; sliding rack; 2 - rowed scuffier; 12 ft. roller; 4 - section diamond harrows; scatee; sleighs: rubber- t ired wagon with rack for sugar beet unloading; 2 - wheeled trailer with racks, new tires; hay loader; electric brooder, 300 chick capacity; dump rake; 2 iron kettles; lever harrows; sugar beet lifter; cutler; fanning mill; roet puiper; Universal 2 unit milker with 14 cow' service; water heater; International cream separater with motor attached; Little Gem grinder; wheelbarrow; poet. bole' auger; 2 basswood plank, 4x9xI6, suitable for rack sills; brooder with coal stove; 30 -ft. well auger; slings end lopes; emery; sugar beet knives: electric fencer,• harness; forks' and many other items. GRAIN & FEED: 50 bus. of Shefferd oats 'grown from Reg', seed, suitable for seed; 800 bus. mixed grain; 100 bus. of dried shell- ed corn; 800 bales of good hay and some loose hay; 250 bales ot straw; quantity of good turnips. LIVESTOCK: 22 pigs around 150 lbs; Yorkshire sow, due March 18; Yorkshire sow, due March 24. These are a choice lot of hogs. C A 'r T L E: Registered Holstein cow, milking good and will renew again June 15; Holstein COW, due at time of sale; Holstein, cow, due Alarclt .10; Holstein cow, due April 26; Holstein cow, due May 7 ;grade COW,. milking •good, clue June 11; Holstein cow, due March 18; Hol- stein cow, due April 1. These ere all young cows. •aleistein heifer mil, born June 13„ eligible for registra- tion; 2 Holstein. heifers, 10 menthe old: white-faced heifer; fat heifer: baby beef; veal calf., 22 •white-faced heifer valves weighing around' 450 Me. These are a choice Mt. 25 Hens. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Extension table, kitchen cabinet, elc• TYRNIS: Cash. s Poettively no reserve as the 12a$ r:7m habeen solcl. c *FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK PISHER, Proprietor A. G. HICKS, Clerk Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery Tractor, Horses, Cattle Poeultry, Hay,. Grain and Miscellaneous. Items On the Premie, LOT 13, CON. 10, STEPHEN TWP. 21e Miles West; oe. Crediton and H Mile Nortb The Undersigned Auetionter tee- reived thetructions to sell by Pub - lie Auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1957 Commencing at 1100 rem. HORSES: Matched Clyde team, rising 9 and 10 yeare old, true arid relieble in every way, CATTLE: Holstein cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; Part Here- ford and Durham row, carrying third. ealf, due before sale date; Part Hereford and Durham cote, carryIne thlrd calf, clue in April; part 'Hereford and Durham cote, due in ,April; Ayrshire cow, due time of sale; Holstein cow, dee time of sale; 2 Hereford heifers, rising 2 years old; lielsisin steer, rising 2 years old, ready for mar, ket; Durham steer. rasing 2 years old, reedy for nittrket; 8 yearling calvee, D u r 11 a ni a d IlerefOrd; Purebred Durham bull. POULTRY; 135 Hemp. and Sus- sex crossed yearling hone. Tr:Acton, 4 retPLEMENTS: lf- TT Pannell trainer, in guaranteed vondition, verroDlettly eqUipped with 2-furr41w loydratil1c. plow and 2 -rete ecriffler; Merleeritig 11 -run grain and fertilizer hoe drill; Deering 5- 11. cut mower; PrOst & WoOd bind. cr, '6-11, vitt; et -ti 3-drunt steel roller; tre-Op rubber' tiee waten, Ithe new; 16-0. hay rack; New hiOn lieree-drawn menthe spreettler, on steel; BIlIell 110.pIt%te triteler reset spring tenth (Mitiritierl et -14' bay leeder: e3-11 aunip reito; eingle plow; 2 -wheel trailer. tet et eleighst 4-imetien diareend liar, rnWSt; 48.1111111 mill; eutttr: boggy: 33 11.0, Weil* tenter; I:entree, ereani eeletrater, lilte new; iron ltd( 111' 8 P11011 bee; eiritiner pall; milk Wheelbarrene hi 0 01: e 18 a teeklet fenee et eetelter; miellete fOrke; stIP flats; etplony braise, 12:05; 9,4114105*; CIi*I* tetkal ehovele: Many rerticieS .tee taireeretis tO HAY & GRAIN: 15 busbele 411 (Melee 'wheet: -PO hule BeaVer seed hate: 450 late. 111leee grain; 700 bales elielet miXed hay; 15 tene lotuto Meted hay. HOUSEHOLD leirPECTS: Dellertr eittne and benele itt tete enticlitlen; Finley cook efetet, 11110 ileW; rmo • ThAtIII ell burner, nleditirt elee, like nowt golvartigrel bath tuft, goy ereere freeeer. kitehre, Meant, tit lainpet eeelees: treeke, 5141. ie, Ntd rt,s6rvo Ile the 701411 le OM, V1411.81A: Ceele, jAatelei MAIVt-ttelNlalt, Teter ALVIN WALVER, tlitletietteer 'WAN W7t118, Clerk 1:11 AUCTION SALE Of Valuable R•al Estate Tractor, Impleinerts and IN 'viz v,u,i.,,Aug nEssm.,t, HOusehold .Effects The Undersigned Auctioneer le in- stetieted 10 *eh by :PUblie Auction 018 •aATI)FIDAY,• MARCH 15, 1957 Cernmeneing at 1:00. p,m. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consiets of Lot 8 arid 9, Village a Hermit, on welch is situated a well-built frame dwelling Covered with grer aepbalt shingles, with all ineriern conveniences. This home is in ne)v state of repair. Alert small garage end eked. V411y beet of garden laud with two adjoining lots. If Interested teinvince yourself by in - *11001144g this property befove day or sale. Terme •ot Real heetate: 10% on day or sale,' balance In 30 dites. taieorMve Ablyeet to a reasonable re- HOUSE1401.11 F,PFEVITS: West- inghouse t'efrigerator, like new: dining room extension table and chairs: 4 kitclien chairs; 2 oak rockers; small centre table; leather rocker; studio camel: equare LOP centre table; 2 rocking chairs; 2 eliests; small tables; day bed; side- board; buffet; steel bed springs and mattress; complete oek bed- eracobitneetstulteriertaottill,ett. seeteteteesrtsee;1 Tibilteeitt electric washing machine: Raymond sewime macithiee arm chair; de.she fern stand: galvanieed tub; elothes basket: Quebec heater; combina- tion 'stove; kitchen clock; coal srettle; complete set Of dielies; glaseware; kitchen etensils; 4 ton chestnut mai; rubber holm; sealers; creeks; pletures; booke, etc. ere; TRACTOR & IIMPLEMENTS: ternationat Farman Crib Tractor, completely equipped, in nee" con- dition; hydraulic eultivator for tractor; 2 -section lever harrow*; Aeolian diamond haerows; Cyele lawn mower; scythe; tree pruner; seuffler; handy man jack; small mem flower bulbs; eolony house; wheelbarrow; cross -cut ogee large assortment of earpen ter tools: shovels; hoes; rakes; many artieles too al:intermia to mention. TERALs: Cash. • 'WILLIAM PEPPER, A VFPEPlC.:7:°Prletrs TIPEriA rOen eer Clearing I • I , AUCTION SALE Extensive AUCTION SALE Of: 100 Acre .F.11.11111, Tract* : ' .Mochinory, tivestedc Poultry, Hoy, Grain and .miscellanecoue on the Prentioes,. Lofr a.. CON. BIDDLILPH TOWNSHIP 7 Mile South of f.ertittralia. 041- FlighWaY NO. 4 and Pi' Mile* Zweti. Third Pam ;South, or 4 MUM Welt of lethalen • • The lendersigned _Auctioneer ,14 inetructed tiy Petite- Altelleg, en MONDAY, MARCH le, 057 Comnienetne at 12:30 Sheep. .Coruplete list (4 sale tq weee'e. ,paper. HARRY SCHA.A.P., Prep. - GARNET HICKS, 'Cleric ALVIN WALPER, Atletioreeer • Ts Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Implements Tractor Livestock and Miscellaneous Items On the Prernisea LOT' 02, CON. 32, STEPHEN TWA'. Ae Mlle South of Dashwood Tim Undersigned Aeretioneer rea ceived instructions to sell by Pub. lie Auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 Commencing at DOD p.m, Sharp TRACTOR: 11.11 No. 102 Juthor Row Crop Tractor with aejustable front exie,. in goad condition. equipped with, 4 -row beet or bean scuffier, FARM IMPLEMENTS: Cockshutt No. 11 15 -rem grain and fertilizer rompletely ecitlippeci with Power lift grass seed attachment and ntarkers, like new; McDeering 0.furrow tractor plow on rubber, In goad eonclitiene 81e -ft. epring tooth cultivator; Fleury Bissell 8 ft, cultiParker; I4141 side delivery rake: McireerIng tractor nie.nure spreader; 141-11 bean, puller for tractor; circular saw mounted on tractor; DradleY roller bearing wagon; International 32 -plata trac- tor (use; ef-li zingle scuffler; rub- ber tire wagon; 4 -section diamond harrows and other itiscellaneou. item*. CATTLE: Hereford cow, due May 4: Holstein heifer With calf at foot; Durham cow, carrying second calf, due latter part of March; Durham cow, carrying third calf, due first Week in April; summer calves; 6 yearling' Durham d Hereford TERMS; Cash. No reserve. Everything will be' sold, Of Farm Implements ! Tractor, Livestock, Poultry., Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises LOT 9, CON. 1 AloGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 5 Allies North of Elwell or Soutb of Exeter on No. 4 Highway or First Parrn North of Mooresville The Undereigned Auctioneer is instructed to sell by Public Auction on • TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1957 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. Sharp TRACTOR; Allis Chalmere trac- tor with adjustable front end axle„ in guaranteed new condition; coin- pietely equipped: 2-eow Allis Chat - mere scuffler, bean puller and vine lifter; Al -le 2 -furrow tractor plow, like new; leleury Bissell 26 -plate tractor disc; 2 -drum steel land ; 'roller; M -H beider, 6-11. Put; 17-11 mower, 5 ft, rut; 11012eering 13. ' run. fertilizer and graln drill with tractor hitch and markers; Case rubber tire manure spreader; rub- ber tire wagon; hay rack; 4 -section 'diamond harrows; clump rake; 100 ft. new pow fence; chicken coops; .walleing„ plow; root. puipar( 4 .chop boxes, wheelbarrow; sling ropes; hay fork and rope; stone boat; water tank: block and tackle; hay knife; stymia ecuffler; bag truck; Vega 146 cream separator, 650 cap., like new; cream cans; strainer pall; mine pails; chains; forks; ,shovels, etedA'T ettl relt: Her•eford row, 'due be- fore clay of sale: Hereford now, due March 28; T-rereford cow, due April 2; 'Hereford cow, due, April 8; Hereford cow, due April 18; Here - fent cow, clue May 9; Hereford steer, rising 2 years old, in market conditine; 3 Hereford heifers, vat- cina.ted; 4 yearling steers. POULTRY: 90 Leghorn and New liarrip crossed yearling Ilene. PEED & GRAIN: 1800 bales choice mixed hay; 500 lare. mixed grain; 800 'bus. ehoice feeding turnips; bushel throatily seed, Black Collie Dog, guaranteed heeler and watch Oceat HOUSEHOLD EPPECTS: 'Meson & Rivet apartment size manee. like Pew: dining room chaire; 3 reeking chairs; arm chair; settee__ 'beds: springs; mattress; .dressers; stands; 1113.11)1111%s skiettieih. eikte,7g1oeeica; iron; rbanegtitielgr print and laciel; sealers: dishes; washing machine; many articles too numerous lo mention. No reserve as the farm Is sold. TERMS: Cash, MRS. ROSeet.LA ATKINSON. Prop, GARNET TUCKS, Clerk ALVIN Wee_AT.PER, Auctioneer Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Threshing Machine Tractor, Farm Imolements Rea. Hereford and Durham Cattle, Hogs, Feed and Household •Effet4s ' On the Premixes. LOT 23. CON. 8, STEPHEN Twr. 114 Miles' North or 214" Miles Ettst of Dashwood and e Mile South WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1957 Comencing At 12:30 p.m. Sharp Complete I est of sale in next week's paDer, WESLEY WEJaT, Prep, GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 7c EARL DIETRICH, rtrine•GLENN IITEBII, ' ALVINAlletle-rtieg:21 AUCTION SALE Entire Stock of Groceries GRAND BEND SATURDAY. MARCO n at 1:00 p.m, ' Two beds, springs and maltreat; dining room ta.ble; buffet; chairs; 4 doors; oil berner and Pipes: Nordheimer piano; dresser; outeid• toilet; Phileo deep freeze, new; electric cash register; Defiance scales; electric, meat elicer, Berkel; meat counter; show ease; counter% Everything must be sold. GORDON APPLETON, Prop. PRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer • 7;14121 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractors . Farm Implements, Grain and Miscellaneous 'Items On the Premises, LOT 11, NORTH BOUNDARr , HAY TOWNSHIP TUESDAY, NIAFICH 26 First Farm South of Hillsgreen Complete list or . sale 111 next week's paper. GORDON LOVE, Proprietor ALVIN 1VALPER, Auctioneer Te Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Tractor Farm Implements, Feed and Miscellaneous Items (in the Premises, PART LOT 26 & .27, N.B. Mc.GILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP 1 Milo West of Mt. Carmel WEDNESDAY, MARCH 271 1967 Complete list of sale in next week's paper. MRS, F,MALe riowLiagt), Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctieneer To AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Property Of The Late liRS. MA CALDWELL EXETER NORTH, No, 4 eligbway SATURDAY. APRIL 6, 1951 HOUSE: Residence cif the late Mrs. Ida Caldwell, Exeter North, eoriers ot No 4 and 63 highways. Tl:o-Storey 4-liedrot a house with 2-pieee bath on eecotel floor and 3-pie0e bath on math floor, built-in clipboards, living room and BU2i porch, full base- ment; also en this lot, a 2-bedroorn eottage, built-in cupboards, 2 -piece bath and lieeng room. For further particulars apply to PRANK TAYLOR. teuetioneet HARRY E. BEAVER, Exeter ALVIN tICEL,ELtgiatteeetteAreN, Dashwood, • 7114:21;2814 BALL-POINT PENS Regular 49'0 STATIONERY DEPT