HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 10Pis 14 Uri lintopAcivocate, March 7 14S7 URI You Serve • 8, .Giving 04, 10WWWOHM4.01klatkWil SOPME MEN CALL A SPADE A SPADE "•LAITII. IT •IS DROPPED 00•111. -IE TOE Cann's Offer Barley Contracts. Consider These Points In Our Contracts L •Optiot of pricing your barley •on TWO markets either CASH 0" WHEAT BOARD price, whichever is the most, Winnipeg markets prices as of Mar. 2 paid following prices for barley: WHEAT BOARD PRICE • $1.10 Bus. CASH PRICE $1.10 Bus. IOur option on this market paid an extra 10 CENTS PER BUSHEL MORE This could happen in the fall. Why take less? 1 2 We supply fertilizer on request. i i 3. Seed supplied is guaranteed No. 1 and treated. I ' We supply registered seed to limited acreage at 110 extra cost. 4. We have better unloading facilities designed to unload even tractor trailers On our automatic hoist. Fast service is our motte. 5. We have trucks available to help you deliver grain •when trucking deMand is heavy during harvest time. 6. Automatic government, tested scales weigh your. grain accurately. 7. .Your grain is stored free of charge. WE ARE GEARED TO GIVE YOU FAST, : EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE WITH HIGHER PRICES PAID EV:ER ).1.,K, 13 5 —WHALEN (ORNERS,),v4N•KIRKTON 35R.15 VIP , HURON'S NEW AGRICULTURAL STAFF—The three men who will supervise Ontario Departinent of Agriculture activities in Huron County are •shown here with their provincial director, who is a former Huron representative himself. Left ,to right are Douglas Miles, the man who succeeds G. W, Montgomery as head of the county of- fice; Art Bolton, the assistant ag rep; Tom Easton, 11,1t, 3 Exeter, whO was recently appointed part-time fieldman to assist in the organization of 4-11 clubs; and R. G. Bennett, director of extension for the department. The four men got together at the farewell party for G. W. Montgomery Friday night in Seaforth. —T -A. Photo Harris' Ruieg Out Subsiclies But Hints Farm Aid oon Finance Minister Harris, speak - Mg at Clinton Friday night, hint- ed the federal government was planning action to boost farm incomes but he didn't give any indication of what it might be. Speaking at the Huron Liberal naMinatiOn meeting,- he indicat- ed the cabinet was giving more JOHN DEERE ft • CRAVILER ' WORKUNITS Do So Many Jobs So Well and at New LowCost ARE you using crawler tractors that are bigger than you naed7 eAdeAsive overhead holding clown the bigger profits that could pist as well be yours? Then ire high time you became acquainted With • raddisriz; coet•reducing John Dail. Crawler Tractor an d equipment end make your own comparisons. The New JOHN DEERE Crawler -Leader for All Contracting Work No Matter what make of tractor you are now ulting tractor unit.* you have operated in the pest .;44.6' behave you will agree you never safe a trsctor And equipment that will do to much work, pound for pound, dollar for dollar. " It eOita you nothing to see And operate thin new SO S4, John Crbee Oratvler-Loader that, bring a you . ' ' TIME -SAVING . DIRECTION REVERSER Lets yen move '1e"44 t ,• forward or back- • ward at sae speed •‘Ifilitl ' i thesis leve In is tiert *eat. Detail neutral; Seifert --no hint +wasted /* shifting Winton, .:71€.' - -—‘:• lines hew Wenn •and fewttd ttavef t pbsitiOns. foat-cost excavating and loading m ks beet. lieri's compact loading outfit that's fast And easy to handle itt tight place§ . ..n rugged team the.% built strong (Or durability, but light enough to work close to base - manta and excavations. •Simple controls and good visi, bilin make it easy for any one to pperate. And, to top it off, there's that handy, practical direction reverser that will save you up to an hour each working day. tIME.SAVING FOOT THROTTLE [watts etietie speed and round travel speed vo to 25 per got. Help. NI when maneuver- ing: in tido ouar. fers.' friespenswo. Easy io Oath to tractor TIME=SAVING 5 -SPEED TRANSMISSION Provides an extra •speed *forward for imaged versa% ily lir many taint, hem. On such wdrk is finished'Oldifing And landtteptni, the 5.soted trans. mission ouiekly teoays its erten trite cost. W. G. Simmons & Sons Phone 111 FARM EQUIPMENT WM. Exeter attention than usual to briefs presented by the Federation of Agriculture and the Farmers' Union. He said: "We are aware of yoUr Prbblems but. I • don't think I Ought to go beyond that at thls time." He definitely ruled out, hbw- ever, any move toward the type of Subsidy system being operat- ed by the United States. "That kind of program is too costly for the taxpayers and costly in the thid for the. fernier, toe." "Over the past four • years," 116 said, 'quill income has not been consistent with prices in industry. The- Liberal govern- ment has attempted to remedy this situation and we shall con- tinue to seek means of doing this." He encouraged recom- mendations froth farm groups. Mr. Harris also indicated that his budget this year won't ,con - tails any 'major measures of tax relief, despite the $300,000,000 surplus from last year, He carefully explained that part of the surplus should be used to reduce Canada's $11 bil- lion debt and he also indicated that part of it would be used to provide new social services. Canada cannot rechice its de fence expenditures as other NATO cOuntries. are doing the minister said, becatise it still ..had to finante important pro- jects across the north, where an attack against North America might be laundhed. Mr. Harris said the credit sit- uation is not as bad as had been expected and in the long run 1957 may prove to be a better year than 1056 if no new strains on the economy Crop up. "We should all be careful, however, that we don't stretch demand for sup- plies too much this coming year. It would be desireable to post- pone some projects so we do not increase coats." • The Grey Liberal, who has been mentioned as .St. Laurent's This Week in Winchelsea By MRS. F. HORNE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten were Mr. Harry Armstrong and Janice of riearHensel, • also Mr, Ray Fletcher and Mrs, Don Hooper of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ilarry Sperling of London visited on ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs. Colin Callan was host. els for a quilting for Eliniville WALS, on Wednesday of last week. Mr, and VIM William Arm- strong, Kenneth and Joyce, alie Mr, and Mrs, Leland Armstrong Of EXeter were guests of Mr and Mrs, Gerdoit Ford SERVING FOR YOU F. W. Huxtable intorniational•tiervishit Beale KiVvIflt�r Applientis Phonk 1334f ExeNr successor, rapped the COnserv- ative party's platform as noth- ing "but a blank sheet of paper." There has not been a single scandal uncovered in the Liberal administration in 10 years, he Said, Other speakers at the nomina- tion meeting .were Arnold. Dar- row, Liberal candidate for Well- ington -Hum; Donald Blue, former MP and Liberal candidate in Bruce; James Corky; former MP for. Perth; lyan,Kalbfleisch, Zurich,:, anti :James ; Scott, Sea, fortb, the Grit's 'provincial- can: didate tWo t. years • a goy; 4 - . • . • —4. Co-op Bonus $45,084 kfibbert CO -operative • PoirY ASSQ01019D revIeWed an standing year of operation at its annuoi. meeting in Staffa an Wednesday, February a. The co-op mannfactured.140.72,-.' Ago pounds .of .bate, and paid. a Patronage :bents amounting to ;0,0401.. Wellington Brock is president for 1057.. Other.officers Include Norman DetW Vimpresidellti J, M. S% OO.sepAtary.treasurer; W,• J reit and Arthur Kemp, ,diree, tors. Gerald Agar is the manager. A bewildered man entered lad , ies'•specialty shop. want a girdle for my wife" he said, "What bust?" asked tile clerk, 411Othih'. It Just wore out." RCA VICTOR IQ* 111. I Television Itodios • Victrolas 'Records. SNELGROVE'S Mon' 14 . GIVE TO THE RED CROSS • Exeter '55 DODGE SEDAN, green '54 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE HARDTOP .... .... 1,645' " '54 CHEVROLET REL. AIRE SEDAN - '53 DODGE SEDAN--tharoon in color '53 PONTIAC SEDAN, blue '53 FORD SEDANS (2), both are .blue , '52 DODGE COACH, blue 52 DODGE SEDAN, blue '52 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR. HARDTOP ...„.,., ... . . ..... . . . ... ............ '51 CARS (6), IN DODGE, PLYMOUTH & PONTIAC For your choice, ranging from $595 to $795 in price. it's DOBBS for DODGE $1,895 1,495 , :1,195 .1,195 • 1,295 1,115 Older Model Cars Available At Bargain Prices!. ; AP" .1,115 1,150 Support The March 14 -Blitz • THE RED CROSS NEEDS YOUR HELP Exeter Motor Sales PHONE 200 DAYS Fred Dobbs, Prop. NIGHTS, 762 W oiq 769.M , •• DODGE Powgrili8flts bring you more muscle on the go...pack up to 131 risoffr new V -Ors in event! model 1 4.4 7s•m•SlALV Y., i) 14, If it's hauling power you want, looktaDocifeetrucksfirst!Model for model, these brawny new "thelftlesq are the perform - !smelt trucks on the :highway! You'll find Dodge V -S's have more horses to begin with . front 180 • to 23/ ft.p.t And they feature Unique dome-shaped combustion chambers that get full power from regular fuel, resist caibo,n Short piston stroke cuts friction wear to a minimum, too. Of course, you'll discover a whole truckload c•I other out -ahead advancements Waiting for you. Dodge trucks bring you the in • dustry's only full-openitig Alligator hood biggest one-piece Wrap- around windshield ... rooMiegi cab .• easiest handling. Pitts optional push-bution, driving on D100 (14, t0n)models for Teal tOliCh,g0 ing ease. Try Dodge today! 02 Donne-shaped:v-8 combustion charn. bet — exCluSiVe in Forwarrl, toOk trucks! Convert more heat energy into pulling petVer. Centrally located spark plugs atsilre More cornpietecornbusticA to Stretch gas mileage. • Chrysler Corporation • Dependable, I ong-fa MOus 'Dodpa Sixes—time-tested and proved mil, lions of miles over in gruelling on-th4-., job service! And 6 or V-8; the exclu- • sive full -opening alligator hood Otero Odra elbow.roont for servicing. - • of Cowie, Limited • D706 Trstter and toilet, OSPO sob bump bod ,y 0450 with fined with Stake lbOSY.. •0165 Oteet, upt5 45,000 let. G.C.W. 18,000' Mt. max. a.v.w. 1sts 8,100 Ibt. 6,V,w, FrOM 4,250 iss. CNN. to 65,000 Ibo. 0.0.114, the lagbityied chile' Jot MA* RU EXETER MOTOR SALES Phone 200 • Exeter FORWARD LOOK.. • AO 4