HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-28, Page 2IIle Gee sad the teeeseldw." wet •e'e eed siueamee espial& til jawed fes thwtreise•l 11 teal be shianwWga.dthe comae tab owreeur atoms will sew' 1• Atheism, sad that joy%, Ilia iiiad fbewatsrr, haw Ohm fates. fil Nil the Tea As. ' O rsewsoaale orllAs pea Ams old Chervil of Esglered, while yaw are box Ing mei brawtng wore the weeteery, why sial fami la aro abs.MM .aYs.ssw No &gree tte people outside 1 They limit Foal year m *MU they at& o&y j^enag at This rwsew, •hes of propellors is to ran lure. The various sawn now in the mill, that beats for its country's weal, to • renes ag "Ag � �.hatialiahafelt..Cla*dBia eed cad Sala thirty fire. impeding are to be of the imeding danger. What Moieties ^ogrewithout u." shrieks Newell from Capt. jb�MiIkird is tbe props tor. Ile is i ecoid not esict, srssatseg Ira eecompMehed ! 1h4flIOe� w't►ell he —." " G e it. ' •bnut takes[ op hie residence 13 Ed tbu plies, TM mein body of the mill le 1116 feet by A breech bis been made, and who can (ore- Goram-Pitch into him Philipotte !" bel- I In add•t'on to tire, a r ew Messier is being So and is located . o the river -part of it res where it shall end 1 The elsctioaa for MSO "----eatele 'ww -isg ah 41arsngia . woo +hook llh:feseM.J. v • see of ewes tiff river. The engine boom is 75 Sherbrooke and Halton tell of the insidious down. "Beware of the multiplication 10- 000, which will soon be finished to run on_ test by 26, attached 10 the mill -making efyecto of the poise. spore the party. Jet- Mo,'e'c'rth re Ont the Warden from the door: the tributary stss• of the Si`inaw, It the whole length of the two buildings 200 Inuaies have be.s created, and a Dumped -end the people are looking at Bridle, will be 80 feet long mei draws but 13 in. feet ! The engines is of one hundred hero other feelings have been called up which end Bayford fighting over the fano. Alas 0f water. 1t will be found a vast advantage power, and we. built in Detroit, by Ken- every lover of peace and costimted prosperi- tad Mack we are in times of difficulty.- to tewi.g lit heats or sco.e, up and down dnk k DO Gag at a rout of some fourteen ty cannot brit deplore. For all 'him evil, Wby don't you, archhiehous an bi*h"p. those rivers, and afford the farmers the or fifteen Onward dollars. it is a splendid however. • specific may yet be found and with ten thoesind a rear, tell tis what to mean. 01 rh.pment, at •Dy Place oat thepiece of workmanship and • credit to the when rightly understand case he esetly .d - do? you waggle torr v.•nerehle wi •• and hanks. or sell to the merchnuls in the van- establishment that made it. Michigan ministered. The magic panacea is no more ray nothing. The Cha"f Prie•te are silent,unm rdlages that will be settled vary short- shmdd be prowl of the honor of its menu- nor tees thee Oseel ozatioty on sound and and the Levees me in commotion. One ly. In that case. produce will be worth as facture. It drives a large gang of saws patriotic principle.. We woelJ not wish walks out of the place alto ether and leaves .Much al S.gteser w at Detroit, for .meters one mulls raw. one siding raw, nee butting to see an nrgants+tins of Reformers giv- his caseock (end bung• his N •mosi.) be• shipment. saw, one lath saw, 0ne edging sew, and a ing • blind ant slavish support to any ad - hind him; ever en :early more q•iit it, anal I.s.t season, the enterprise of the piece turning lathe. 1t is so constructed, that ministration. merely because its members get the tops of their head. eineal, soil hay* lornt •el a joint stock compeer, built a "tea- the gang saws a three foot log at once.- called themselves Reformer', but we hope ihemeelvrs christened nver again. each a• inPr, called " Deena Vista," for the purple It occupies bot ten minutes in sawing • onon to we ■ union 0' action and a harmony e new man: Bari., walk• off and hes him of towing vessels iso from the mnntb of the sixteen font Inc, and in the mean time, the n( sentiment in ilea Reform ranks that shall reef rebaptized in Grey', Inn Line -0 ! the river. She done a fine bestows for the first timer are rad ! 0. Ministers of our venen season. 113 1., visited here last year. hie methor-keep quirt i'n -i'. in. vonr rhat (elle well for an new a country. A head., for her oak., will tem 1 O Minae lay Custom Hones, or • Branch should be es men, ouch se Denison and Napier, dei if you tsblished. As it is now. any amount of can, restrain yoUre.lves fenny a irrno an smuggling could be done from Canada. as f.vly. The peepit, in this enuntry will we understand there is not even a Deputy learn to read and write; tbev will not lot Co'I.etnr here. the earring eat their rune and 'mist opt The Saginawans have the element of en - their 4esene, or meddle in all their buais's@ ferpnme. A weekly paper is about to be of life; and am for year entries shoot isle commenced. W• came across, much to deity and atheism. they will laugh at yes our surprise, two ole acquientances from (se long as they keep their temper,) and Wyoming county, N. Y. They have j•ist mind you no more than Mumbo Jumbo. come in -regular typos, full of energy.- Jonee !k Bascom, is to be the firm. We made no enquiries •e to the polities of the ' Fern the North Western Advocate. paper. Rather fearful that it will be of the YANKEE P.NTRRPRIZF. oXTRAORiI-• loco gender. as the journal. of the Legisla- INARY !-1111PROVEh1ENTS nr Title fere show they are to publish the tax list. - NORTH. -VISIT TO EMF.RaON'S Be that es it spay, the young gentlemen are MODEL SAW MiLL. well 'calculated to conducts paper. Don't stere. A telegraph is to be con• Buena Vista, Saginaw Co: Mich. March 4. strutted here from Detroit. Now, hold Falling in with 0111 old friend Curti. Em- your peace, about Saginaw'@ being nut of .coon, Esq.. we availed ourselvee of his po the world. She will be in the "twinkling lits invitation, to paddle us in a dug out, to of an. eye " of New York, Halifax, New Or. hievillage, and view his saw mill and intro- leans, and Minnesato, in the month of Nay. led village plot opposite of Saginaw. He Her enterprising citizens suttee'ibe4 $8,500 has given the wine of his place " Buena to the stock of a company for one, so lees Vista." Fried Curt. is still a bachelor, but than two hours this day. • . hi "keeps house," wkich is a princely home Thst'e not all. They are determined to fortis friends. Ile ushered us into a lar[. have a plank road from here to Flint village nadir, which he denominated the' "Hall of another year, and they will do it too. They Montezuma&." it is furnished in the most are a united people for improvements, and modern style, end its walls decorated with all ready, ei du their part . numeron. paintings. Two of them execu- To -day, Mr. I1. from Genesee county is ted be Cohen of Detroit. One was a scene here, selecting a location for a saleratus es • on Lake Superior. in which several of our tablishment. Ile is making preparations citizens 8rnre-the facts .were as striking, for 100 tons a year. This will afford an end'•s quickly recognized as though present. excellept market for the ashes obtained to After partaking of the sumptuousness of the clearing the'timbered lends by the new sotto bens., we proceeded to visit the premiere. tiers. We are informed tbat the aches from W. had heard much on our route, of his the burning., will pay the cost of clearing. extensive mill and took a view of it. it was A farmer, with whom we conversed to -day, originally built in 1836, by • New York informed us, he last season, out over eight Company, under the direction of Norman acres of timber, and the sale of the ashes, Little, Esq., with a mill yard of six acres. more than reimbursed him, for hiring labo- • at a cost of $35,000. A,iter the revulsion were to clear it. of 1857, it fell into the hands of agentlem•n Thep, again, there is the Stave busineas. to Connecticut and was bought for a small Millions and millions can be got out at a amount on its original cost be Emerson k competitively small expense, for which the Eldred, in 1846, who have Binge expended money is in waiting for them, if delivered on some seven or eight thousand dollars in the banks of either of the navigable streams. thorough repairs end every modern addition Build the plank road fifteen miles from this of machinery has been added to it. The city towards the Flint, and the transport'. new company now own 174 acres attached tion of staves if gone into, will pay toll for to it. the interest of the cost of the road. The mill is 120 feet long by 50 wide, of Mount Clemens, has heretofore been con - two stories, with an L. for an eogipe house sidered the Stare Emporium. Our neigh - 95 by 50. bora up there, will soon lose their title, at Everything is of the most substantial no- the rate Payson k Co. of Saginaw are at tare. We measured some of the timbers work at It. We have t d the vicinity tbat were 18 by 24 inches of oak. of the various streams that empty into the The engine i. 80 horse power, with pien• Saginaw, and tied et short Intervale, lengthy ty or boiler. There are io the mill three piles of hogshead staves, line the banke.- upright saws, one budding maw: two slitting On enquiring. we find that Payson & Co. saws, one gang composed of five sews for hove had employed for some month., it0 bah, ons mixing machine, and one siding men, getting them out, besides large con - machine. Everything is on the meet im- tracts with the .farmers. They have ready proved plan and of the latest invention. for shipment. over inn sueotoe !-Some This mill will cut every 24 hours, *5,000 sixty-five thousand dollars worth ! ! Such feet of lumber, end 90,000 lath. and gives enterprise is of great advantage to a new employment to 48 laborers about it. A country. It creates lahor-that labor coo- ker plank dock runs parallel with the banks sumer the farmers products -and the trans - of the river in front of it, over 300 (eet,.giv• portation gives employment to additional ing "efficient room for the !eliding of two ship marine. Is at once. Vessels of 318 tons Toad- Cranberries are an article of much com- a there Ia•t year in the month of June. merce here in the (all. A thousand barrels Before Merurs. Emerson lit Eldred pur- have been shipped in a season- They are chased the mill, it consumed seven cords of mostly brought on sale by the Indians. - wood allay to operate it. The firs is now Some 18 tiles from here there is an :m - kept op by the sate dust alone. manse bog, covering I square miles. Mr. Emerson has had in the woods this V. regret nor old friend, James Frazier, winter, coma 70 omen and 20 yoke of oxen is absent. We had promised ourselves engaged in logging. The winter ha. been much pleasure in seeing him. He is all en - unfavorable for the bosinesr, but by the en- terprise-all go-ahead. Ili. large property eery end perseverance that always attend@ here and vicinity, bespeaks hie sueces.. He Mfr. Emerson, in ell m•t'er., he has secured has two or three saw mills constantly in sufficient logs for 3,000,000 feet. motion and turns out an immense quantity We understond • vessel of good size will of lumber, but not sufficient to answer his freight 100,000 feet. At this rate it will orders. His clear stuff goes to New York. gime constant empinymeot to three large He is also engaged somewhat largely in erafls to (reimport the lumbar to Buffalo, (arming, a branch of business he is well at where it now ries to Atwster, Esq. home in. We believe he has recently been Connected wish the mill, are hive houses, appointed Indium Former, by the govern - Some fifty acres ere about being laid out in- ment. His duties are to instruct the Red to village lets. in the country back of the Man in the pc -ince of Agriculture. As it mill some 40.000 acres have been located of is • pleasure, he talt.s delight in, uni I 'he state rod government lands the peal opinion in this section, endorses his ape winter for German emigrant., whn ere ex- pointment, a. the very beat that could have Peeled early this erring. Already a great been made. To -morrow you will bear from number have settled in that ,icini'y. Mr me again. S. Emersos'e location i• a bestitiful nee for • — %Moge. hath hank• and a commanding prop- ViSiT TO THF, MAMMOTH STEAM poet of the river, end in the winter would SAW MILL IN SAGGINAW ant be eul'jected to the flow of eco or a ferry COUNTY. b )at to ere.. %,wau Ikie, Saginaw Co., March 7. Five 'else h.low, this. place, Or this Mam- moth Mill, jest completed by Jchemon k here we find . new town io embryo. it Co. hewing 40.aws-•ail to be the larges' re on the south side of the S•gtnew river, nee no the Continent. The proprietors Iran tome five or ell miles below Saginaw City, n amed the village Ztlw.ukee. You will and fifteen miles from its month, entering "nen have • minute account of it. es we the great- Saginaw Bay. Vessels of est shall visit it. tonnage can come here. The proprietors, Th. tamer„• •.w mill. in (his section, the AI . Johnstone, (owners of the mani- ere doter wmvlora f• r .lie country. They moth Steam Saw Mill we shall notice be - furnish an ege.lb vat market to the farmer, low,) hove in the most appropriate manner, for .11 he can rt.••. Only Think of it, 000, lard out the village plot on an exceedingly 1000 porins.. with • great number of leatne liberal *cele. Each lot is .efficient for a • re employed either directly •t the mills of man..on, door yard and a garden, while the nn the Saginaw and the other even en.ety- streets aro very broad. That's the way all Ing into it, [cuing out Inge. S. villages ehmild be laid out to promote the Wanly of • town, while it serves •s an SALIN A W CITY. --F,NTF.RPRiSI'. ' economical purpose in arresting the .greed RiIMINEa9--STEAMERS- NEW PA- of accidental fires. It is well eitusted for PER -TELEGRAPH -PLANK Root,' • slopping polar. The country back hes -ASHES-STAVE TRADE, ice. kc. no superior for effect/horst purposes. TherSaginaw City, March 6. growthof new is a reillo eat impsdiFextortnt o Ili. Sleek our return frets "Beene Vete,' [ villager by ate Cwot.'b town, we hews ageie strolled skeet prase for lots. It bas been the downfall of this plies. The more we ovum" it. the many, tlest at this ties would have been eon at he .lbrwsw whoa N sweeties the large riser sad its fame tsiMt ,Ws es 'Anti • h Mwa..lea1l,.l�Aeaty, the• W a aged het ploy hers ler ek;gt�ea 0i... coast/ O alumina( 0s lwileaes *dee. Lapars will d& her beat. eitaialt tlatawmait,Meana as the roil& vs marred. That west be Ins[ from the ..lbw of setlbte Mw going u. Couto. amity will be a regular esstom.r. Tuscola sad mass .. i-..Msg esa*ttssa wit mar- ket their samples. here. ere, They have 'Jetted as a sawlly liberal paha/ TMetat • pe tali fres bo any web Ira ..elle ors thee and bold. They desks Or settleaost of all classes of wesebaaMw A low years w111 antes. • throws. *on At the. pleas. M 'waled the Mamme.h ha Abellr% Ni.fltp 1iillliMaeiO� ips lig MI all at terms Rad *MAIM se...w04 how thaw eyes, sad eel" see ai IRM& thine in a drssrest Sigh ttie what Wm dal brwo►ly t No sued Was 1 The/ am* Ile dootrecuw et the taftsta party, we that they may IheMHR4way• This are oacaddrer the b. rot nr 10161 ruled • are pile thallthele who tape sow Modest in the try for Awsas• Won �C f.` "w daatilkalloM Oman I j that Canada 57 twee Simms Saw .Ylll-.a mill, second to now again banquet on the spoils. To thee mod he es prosperous@ u by Aasez•tioi. It in this country. and equalled but by one in the .le.ezetrrs cry was raised, apd to the @e St be demonstrated by our Gover.mest, the Slate of Mains. Its cost, cnnipl.,ed, same rad wattle prosecuted. h Lela 1151 pesetas), asst lbSeryae by Mean' le Nld to amoral to 540,000. They bare Ard how stands the case to day 1 The 'sties, net promises -by actin., decisive bees burly at work oil it for near two sweet. shook! "roues every patriotic heart and prompt, titles A otos Harrah is to be stle.ced -St. Catharines Journal. r w soh smogs, thea resat--as.m we Win 11111 with, er tb. wines. etch, OWe, Mr. ' ae fsesrdSr•!et 1ba Jlat ]Ir Hitachi's da sSss at the waaiwk Diol.d, Me• does numb is reoessg the pepelu panorkees - adapt the Mowery rnswmre 1. the „seLbc mind It jest seespere the ptsn aro ams, arta will wtf..e teases Thea, thee, we think i te• fes armm es.t of M[1leMse dal 1sr .ideo of the Mi.t'eis deb. rep Sheet. The re- action, dwelt' Wane be ,` is c..6sed me ,-.,, nee, HURON SIGNAL 1.`"aetivrsud see isetire. ref th Refers, THURSDAY. MARCH 28. 1850. ' party. Vi s ar pqi iecliee4 N aasgtjttlthtr ass distinct or sspoIm pony. OW I.454ae them by the nae of "Close pill' we '•Cetlelitee, " W nor " Young Carole." We see se seed tbet RUMOR, AND DELUSIONS.cao arise from the applieatie. of them mdaadtab "Loan Elgin sad his pro8igets Milliliters an 0icksames W. e,. glisp.wa a roped them as .i.k sg rapidly in public estimation," says tee. a pan of the gr.. Refine party which unreel " Thi aroag Goverenasat is oil ata Iwo legs," :he preset Parliameat,asd the peeee Mis.try. gays sootier, " A great re-actios hu evidently They difet teem the Tees wly ie wbeing •tante taken place in the popalu mind," says a third. more sanguine and esabmlsetie i■ the eauw.— The advent of reat:1 wive supremacy ie just We eeruioly do mol approve of tkeir eseduet one previously sawed it edged by the edg- best sectire the integrity of the party end et bail," gays • foarth. Sieh is a .peeimee ref towards eke liu,ere*e.t, w n @seise N N to N ing caws. The gang is fed by rollers.- promote the m%%Ts wt) rn much needed by the oracular ao Mese with which the Tory Prete Pattiat aloe Pe•wwwtat Mien the ertgae, w Mts- . is • .utceseiun of Ings one following the country. We would urge upon all the R eieg toes en the r.ppspitisa that they will the other• so that every stroke the gang nereesity of immediately forming lite/ore ie amusing its few dopes, and ineiduoaly en - makes, it cuts i. a Ing- A..ncialions throughout every township in desooriag to undermine the confidence of the neglect to do their duty. Ws ileum stall skeet The Mill is probably the most complete the province, from each of whieh delegates Canedise public in the present Administration. to thee- demand., but we s.jset to the usrsesen- in this country, for convenience, and ecnno- should be appointed to nominate candidates Aid while we heartily despise, pity sad deplore able and uowasoeeble maser is which this de - my in operating it. The quantity of tum- for parliamentary honours. Nothing could ill u m.mpta 10 impose epos th. maw, .peetlin Gmaids are maded we feel. t.6sd that the ber it is capable of turning out daily, is al- more conduce to the legitimi.te repre.enta- •oil illiterate mase of our fellow -colonists, we overssset will mi grant thea deme.ds is doiel- mod incredible -40,090 feet in twelve tine of every constituency, for then men time, eed One will Wire: convince tbeme.'h.f home, or 80,000 feel durng the 24 bourn ! would not dare to intrude themselves en admit time at times, we feel hell -inclined to ad; be.ides the products of the lath saws, which the electors contrary to the popular will ; mire the Doming perseverance end heart•and- - ly sed injustice "(their impetuosity and embus:- will prodoce.e0,000 feet if used to their nor would the Ministry, for the time being. soul devotedness of Toryism. TLe storms a 1 um. capacity. - rentnre to trust a favorite on any ronstitu• Ad,rnity-ebe changes end vivastaeee is the Bot even edmuti.g tet •hie " n erti.M' Just 'martin the quantity of Ings regnir- rnrv. Orgutittatinn would not only tend macre of things -the progress of iitelligeoee- Party was ten times stronger thea it really 1e, and ed to keep it in motion. The axe. to be to keep together Reformers as a party, but e beet members Ocular things --the - detest - igoo encs- aappoe'ng that the ground of its op 'tun to the ry was reel -that is, beery ee y thea ermsttoumber of trsn.portitheen tn the lnae loane- would the of that poetre at all times y as the servants of the people bankruptcy and rain hese all no @Beet i• eoolieg n1�tr@tltad actually determined pueiot obit oto !C- ited of the river -the running of them -"a consummation devoutly to be wished." the ardour or diminishing the everlasting plod- et IS withythe wishes, (0161 the rt cent one et and then the number ronetantly employed Another contest may be nearer at hand than ding exertions and indomitable endurance of the p at the mill to tend the various saws -to many imagine, end it will be well to keep our real genuine tory ! You may ibwert him, and that large majority that pleeed them a hewer: take away and pack the lumber, and the 'amen trimmed, and our house in order. lest browbeat him. end argue with him, ■o4 reason even .aeippdeosr thereuienr, verywe ieemkpr,eabyble wmohed t serepriooate..orof- with him. and silence him. and even kick him ; but sill, amid he deepest gloom, 5,4 ender the stupidity do the Teens is be celled to th. Government T if the Reformers of Gorda fail most forlorn circumstances, he still plods on- ward. bopieg against hope, end wrestling with to obtain • red.eties in the publictMpreditura impoesibility: The impetesea, sanaeiee re.li- —the restoration of the public lasde that bays ed ley he diwppoiited it. Mie speelinLe •:• Bete lest in eeme of Rayne. aid Rectories, shipping tonnage rtquirod to freight it to market. What ■ rest bootees@ to a place, and all accompli.hed within the two past years. by indomitable enterpri.e. Such men are jewels to any community and cannot be too highly prized for its prosperity. They are of a more intrinsic value to a new country. thin • dozen Astor•, whose employment is hoardino, without enterprise. Their ener- gies tries vita'.ity to business -extend the market for the farmer -their labor and Capital, creates consumption, and in ell its rsm,6catioos showers prosperity on differ- entclas.e.. A dock. -25 .'e.t wide and abont 400 long has been constructed along .ids of the mill, on which has been erccte.l a rail way, from the upper floor of -the mill, to run coot the lumber nn, to be 'there piled, and from thence loaded on to vessels. Three years ego, this spot was a perfect wilderness -the hooting ground of the In- dian -the park of the (leer. Would that there were more D. k S. Joearroxe in our State, to make" the wilderness blossom as the rose." - betesepo Iib ft, and beefless) men eatis4od. amine towns. The Messrs. James., N •frfM�s a Isrge semmerciml Jpatt. Mew are prse;tral out Inly From the Dundee Warder. it is met one short year since the Tory party, In the agony of disappointment. sounded the war -cry in our ears, end vowed vecgeance to all who should dare oppose them in their mad career. They raised the factious cry on every corner of the streets, re-echoed it et the columns of the Tory press ; they called on their minions to "set fire to the heather ;" they way -laid and maltreated the servants and ministers of the Crown : they assailed the Representa- tive of that Sovereign whose authority they professed to respect ; and, at one " fell swoop" deprived the Province of a most extensive and valuable library, and • collec- tion of archives, which patriotism will mourn through after ages. All this was done in order to give a death -blow to Re- form and to re-establish on its ruins the old compact system of despotism sod intrigue ; but the Ministry and Governor were nobly sustained by the people and Sovereign, and the b•tteringram of public opinion forced the disturbers of the co.tnlry'e pewee to re- tire to their club room. and their secret haunts, and bide their " diminished heads' n disgrace. We next beheld these worthies amusing themselves and the county by playing at stock parliament, and insulting Common *engem arrogating to themselves no less a title than the " British League." Great were the ?meetings of the younger children as to what this heteroieneal assemblage would bring forth ; but after days spent in prayer, in quarreling, in strife, in personal insertive, in theorizing, and denunciations of almost everybody and everything, the unwieldy hubbte burst, withokt,producing the least sensible effect on the country or e rulers. it now became redly clear that no breech could be effected either by the open attacks of the mob. nr the dramatic representation of a mock Legislature, when a bright light shone upon the almost deserted cause of Toryism. Violence had failed, and intimi- dation had not produced. th• desired effect of making a breach in the Reform ranks.- Aed now commenced a series of mancen,res of which we have not yet seen the end. - Like a cowardly and pusillanimous foe who dares not give his opponent battle, the To- ries commenced operations on the @appieg- and-mining principle. Their first opera- tion in this Gnu has not, we deeply regret. been made "'Omni momn sorcese. Rot how gresvons is it to behold men, with par- ty pude and selfish ends to gratifr, s0 far forgetful of every patriotic feeling, as to seek the destruction of the ship in order to Pint them a Netter chance of the spoil• - Where is the great and criminatino differ- ence between the conduct of that man.0 ho holds out a false light on the sea shore to cheat the cnnfliing marinrr, and dish his bark in pieces on the rocky. to increase the wrecker's gain•, and he who would par trate les country is the dost of factious agitation, for the sole purpose of beefing about a nee order 0f things in whieh he could hove a Anger in the pie 1 And yet aneh is the case with many of the Tones et the present day. Caw a posesbly be sup- fPinto7 V^ because it has door w The kids . closeout sea Mire;of [halt.-bawas t ws to wl'MW t . posed that they should hays become m Refe,ts pros.. Ws hold them however, enamenred with republicanism 'n w short t ire'* i tborosgh Conviction of Isathb less, try Marta• to some mss.u., trims hem the s►- Gmpb.Il abs flhevmekw, abbess' par• $sash• polemics' el'►u ease. ss ,b. dismissal ef that owe, hes pvenhelewa geed 'ahem of shot "rae- sther uses, sed maims* • Steam fee them tri- wee" is Ms eeiepeaitlen : tad se dome le • oale- Iles, le, to w. the low /1 14 very m.iipiied and be al dmteh • Higblamie s res1J.st in the eelgl- the foe take us by surprise and despoil our gond.. in thig we would not be understood as sounding the alarm, although it cannot be denied thea the present position of public affairs wears a gloomy and somewhat die- crinragir.g aspect, arising out of the severe ind•epoeitinr, of ons nr two of the leaders. it in not, however, the destruction of a ministry that Reformers have to fear so much as the disorganization of their party. We are no cifmpfollowers-no ministerial hacks -no apologists for nominal Reform - ere -no time *ening admirers of men -but we cannot but tremble for them/men of all or any of these measure. we have so often enumdrated, and for which the country has PO long and so strongly contended, if the party is to be split up and its members look upon each other: with suspicion. Again we call upon Reformers to organize and to each and every individual we would say, Ler all the cads thou melee at " Be thy country's, thy God's and irstb's !' Some six months since, we stated that $60,000 could be saved to the province, by a wise and salutary retrenchment, without any injury to the public service; but if re- practice of the .real panto" tory remains the peetatioas Some little thing has been doom eh'p law sad cheep Gwetwest, lad every that he did not wish doer, or somebody has (er- other neerasary and practicable reform, fres the got or oegieeted to say something which he men who are now ahs Government, is it at eU thinks "Wald have bees said. Some leisure likely tint they will apply to Bir Alla. Mcrsb bis ukeo preeedeoee of some other measan that and the other old Family Compact -men. for shocld base gone before it, or has followed wee• 'hese rights amd printery*? Ne ! There may thiog that ehoald have come after it, end im- mediately poeMDly be in the course of Segall, a sheep of mediately the radical enthusiast takes the pet. Ministry, but we teal eoa6Jsot that the prissi- dr►en. his potty and larishee his ill•ast.red plias of equity sed ecoonmy, contended for by the abuse when be had formerly bestowed his pm'. Prewot Re(erm party, ars the priecipk-s iliac are. Not .n with the genuine eery-h...hepeth most Govern Csneee-sad these are mot, esti se - all thieve, betievetb all 'hasp, enderrrh all ter tae be eoage.isl to the views and feelsp of thieve." His party may act this way or dee Tories• way -may make Dad laws or w laws. maks To COaaawo.otrra-Ws bat. reesi woe e offices er abolish offices, &ad 6!1 them or allow jingling commseieatiom heeded " Compdelltewe them to remain vacant. However great may Perna Breee6rld, or TM pasemptww of as be the ammo of taxation, hoverer •ieioe the Irish Cobbler," wbieb we cannot publish. it is appointments to office, or bowever reiwas the ver witty, nsatration, the faith sed very y. Feinted, bitter and sarcotic, bot be - policy of s Tory Admiing destiteis of Poetry and libelously pore mel, we mut see no good that ce.ld po..ibly remelt from our 'ivies it to the public. Besides, we have received two other communications on the same subject. The first of these is swot of Poi- " tion or nether a Protest, piped by a large majo- rity of the reepectable'i".habitmts in the neigh- borhood of Broeefeld, iselodrg the names of three Magistrates is that locality. This weals. refuse to pa6Gsh simply became we think is would commncic&ie kr more importune to the sohj•et than it trolly deserves The other is the following paragraph from • private letter aims old Ayrshire fined in the Township of Tucker - smith: • • • • • • "bus yes Goole - rich Jolla are very selfish, pr wish te tope eras water -to your air Pia. Ys ars a -kis to oho House of Ieerl-to-ma. You remember that some time last eemm.r the melee in thio quer- ter got up a Petition to the Poet Office Managers le haus en Office established ar the foot .1 Ilio Min Reed- Saeh a thing is very much needed, and the Petition was willingly rimed by more than a hundred end fifty ei the freeholders and ho.wholders of the townebipe of T.ekermeith and Stanley -the hemlines of the Peet Otfieo styeire oeswered the Petition, and premised to bestow a favorable thought on the of the Petitioners From tee ebe folks here - Wends have bees waiting patiently et be seems - roads' ted with a Poet Office ii the Afore of Sam- mie McCrea* at Brseefieid. Bet, a kw doys age the Rev. Mr. (nsnpb.T1, s Rbeeswker hair from t:.der;eh. hes ger op • toed .f hiiirsog Petition earned by some lust( -dears Prime& wish- ing not only m be made Pestreseter is piers of Smemie. bet likewise wiehieg to sheep the D amp of its Entire village from llnsofiekf tar Campbell's Town ! fes. tees courser fir a Cobbler, Aad they say that the Pest Ober Serreyer hiswlf was ill•pieseed with Ike matte of Brorefield, for he mid items petalled ! ?door Mr. Editor. wool.' ye jest be kind "sough to es lighten 'be poor icemen' bodies down here ie roomed to the merits er this Sheemeker barite ,o ems years[ tet pre himempire to the .See gndkther of the tillage t" We think sur eirreepoeke.0 as e.ht r bl•r• ere oesreely dsMg joshes to Yr. c.u.pbell'o nerves. About miss miles 0&m the smut\ owl of [retype, is tilsodssd, ea the esetmo ahem of the, penises]. thew is a eery hamdeaw. Wale town celled Cemhellum, much heed far iu genuine whiskey end its safe seehorage. Its same we id me wee given in Weer of Al fines the el Argyle. and of the 6ve h..dyed CsptsMajors Campbell. wase ped- ly Halls miens the pieurerquo-aln,Ra sed vale* of Arpk shire, sed whew kite of lose sod dine tog. eee'ir.te 'hs ebief porde* .1 the My - port be true, the Mini.terial proposition same ! He tisane defined line of policy 'Mahe is sosiooe to have carried oat --no particular measure that he wishes tomes passed. He con- templates se, change, trod esosequeetly no im- proverneat-Retrenchment, Reciprocity. Re- form of abuses, deem arc., are mere matter -of - course phrases, and, in his political vocabulary, are just equivalent to a certain quantity ofsound. His ora political idea is his owes party in power, and to 01. idea be clings as devotedly as the victim .( Superstition cling. to the household gods of hie fathers, and to make it a reality will contentedly toil on in sack -cloth aid ashes to 0e end of his days! Jlowe•er irrational 11 may appear, it ie, never- thelem, true, 'that what we ardently desire we hew for, and that hope, los[ end foodly cherish- ed, produces er resolves itself into a certain "peens of kith. Tbie is the proem through which se many arrest and palpable delusions tome to be iselie.rd among mankind ; and on this hypetheeis ales. 1110 We account for the remerk- able infatuation and credulity of oar Ceoadies 'oriel. For, we are candidly of opinion that the mea whn, in the preset and prea- peets of the ooustry, could belie•@ that the ed. vest of Tory Soprem•ey ie jos' 01 heed. could very neer be persuaded that the Millerire theo- ry 01 barnins the earth with snow is • peer fart of W /mere. Let es calmly enquire, What has the pretest Admisietratien does. re not done to render it enpepeler? Where has 'be - re-setiee 'ekes plane? sod. upon what priseiple of human policy do the tortes toned their haps of office? 1. the Ent place. then, the present Govrrnmoot hes aimed?, and under the mots unpropitious eire.rmtanere, brought forward end earned • greater number of awful meager., than any ether Comedian Gov- eramee( that ha. gene before it. On this point there is really bet we Opinion in Canada, and it may solely be it erted that had the University of Upper Csnada been allowed to remain under the withering ,ertarien infl f the Yetis Church party Hod the Elution L•wn b•Pm alleered es ',mate se they were for the oesnm• modati00 of the fetors r-awsitsat., Hid abnut to be presented, will exceed our cal- culaCnn by $10,000. About the same time we ventured to come before our rea- ders on the subject of Reciprocity, giving that quesi:on the prominence whisk we felt -and knew it demanded. We were then told by some of our cotemporaries that we attributed more importance to this ques- tion than it deserved. We continued, however, to keep it before the. community,. until it acquired that amount o: dtreuseior, through the Press of the ennntrv, t'at we courted for it: and we now have the pres- sure of knowing that the Press is all bet unanimous on the 'object. We believe that it is now admitted, that any portion of the Prete refusing honestly to advoeete this measure, would subject itself to the imputalioo of Annexation predilections. - We are very far from @uprooting that either Retrenchment orReriprnetiy. however, will neutralize or make unnoceesery man, poli- tical propneitions now hefore Canada throng& some of our esteemed cot,mpors- ries. it ie perfectly ridirulnne to eoppese, that the people of Canada will .,Amit to any commercial or political di.md•ant.ge, or • ver be contented until they are placed ID as good a porition as their neighbors. The men whn suppo.e or act nn any ether con- viction than this, are sidle deceived, wheth- er they are in or out of office. Some men Pay, that our destiny is to An- nexation. We say, that the only thing 10 prevent this mnpposed fatality, is to create for nnr•elve. a co i mercial and political sys- tem that will leave us no prosperity to gain, or political freedom to enjoy by Annexation. if any man puppet). that Canada can be re- tained in connexion with England. on env other hypothesis than this, we would kindly hand him over to the tender and scientific caro of a lunatic asylum. We go es far as any of our entemporarios now laboring for the cxtene-on of political rights to the people. The day is past, when to hold as abstract principles without conceding them to a practical form to the people. qualified a men as leader of the Reformers of this pro- vince. What we have contended for is, that ws may enjoy all these to as full an extent under the British flag, as metier the .tars and stripes. Elegised is sow willing, the were est received as slew( isbmit- and we believe a.zievs, to 'Mead to ns 1 pd minuet of their ewe lee.? Aim in the Px- nntch political liberty as we choose to en- tees..• of tkeir Meemteel isetititieiss.— errise. When she refuses such right, it Had ambito. bee. proposed for the equitable be time enough for es to go abroad to seek them. 'Ti. tree those •-s to be bad , esete me,t of the property, soiled to the poverty ready to ear ka.Jq @hrwok, England •meet 1 of the Mor - sod the wealth of the rich men to Annexation, nr should we annex our.; -bed.oth,.g bees maid er ee.templated for ep- selves without her consent. But let it be 1 ubinhing an hnent e..' equitable reprrsentaaon recollected, that in either case we sacrifice i of ell her Majesty', ea..6iea'ablert. in the Ce - many peeitlier idv.ntage., which we now • tseisl Lsgisktere, ted Med so mistime. home possess. That complete c0otrol over our piece 1. the Crewe Leeds and Peblie Nterksi).- commercial and goyeremestal atomic romitted by the Annexationist, Is all hum. parttttests, then the peewee Geveromsot bed Dug. We hs •e, er may hats it now, to i l Meta female? loath the Teri parry, at Isesf. The del .f the Mertens illr►letteka We M &.t moth greeter extent than we should were fiev. svesst hes bosm% or rather eonti.ted, WWII te rap Am Mr. C.mpb.I the 0beswket we senesced boaaorrow. W. admit thet a.pepnlsr wit. the Tory party. bees... it hes of Osds,ieh, is &Melly sirerM.ded Artois the our •iews on these, as well as r itoteut Eh., too moot,. to,/ ii has become partially en- '' Greet.' Duke other .uI etp, do not jolt fall in illi the popular web o small seetiee dales Reform pity ksidwd with the five/ beeeed cargoes tai ntevtained b some rti of the • time, .e, to seek en alliance with the end meet en,t,n to so to do, till convinced United Stater, when their whole I've. eve etherwre• been resat is ridiculing sed i•wltigg that W are glad to find that some of our pe - very system sad its advocates 1 Cos it M either MOWS have been noticed by &ore yew- 'w1 wi-Mimi. bashed .f Brseu6sY, we las Aaty Wiese tergiold that the very les whom %Asia tool of II" Pre. o& the otb.r Std., to so The a*:7 pm** MTDN with wbieh des Miser- tel M. Campbell is *Wind m w sl/b vet+16°.` \ . sere, use 1...' ear