HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 8• Ths, ThrowAdvocate, March 7,, 1257 Former ResidentFete Couple F011oWing a lengthy illness, At Crediton Dies in Hamilton, the death oeetirred .i.no Hamilton on Monday of Mrs, Lydia.11UX- able, aged 14, Baru and raised near Crediten. Oho was the former Lydia Fink- heiner. lier husband, the late Ressell HtiXtable, was a former resident of Centralia. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. H. C. Beaver of Crediton, and a brother, Mr. Wesley Finkbeiner of Wet Virginia. Service will he held front the Marlott funeral home, Hamilton On Thursday. Letter From Shipka Mr, and Mrs. Elton Comfort and Roy, Mrs. Ed Leadley and Donna, of Fenwiek, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Mr, and Mrs. /Viiitin Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. jaek Pickering, and their families. Mrs. Milton Itatz visited last week in London with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fassold and Ruth. Mr, Wen Pickering, of Elliott Lake, was a week -end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Deitrich visited recently with relatives in Windsor. Mr, Albert Keyes and Miss Pearl Keyes, of Exeter, visited with friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and sons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake and family at Elimville. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Russell and family, of Esse; were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rayburn Steeper spent Sunday with her grand- mother, Mrs. Ed Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Roa and Barbara, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Rundle at Woodham. Prevent Chimney Fires Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Cleaners To elrninate soot and' scale from your stoves and pipes. The smaller the flame the more soot and carbon. FOR USE IN Oil, Coal and Wood Fired Units EXETER DISTRICT•CO-OP HENSALL FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FAST RELIEF FOR ZOMHON SORE THROAT Mr. and Mrs. James Mawhin- ney were honored On Thursday evening of last week when a large number of zeighbors and friends gathered at their home tospend a social evening with there, prior to their departure from this neighberhood. A pleasant evening was spent in progressive euchre when ladies' high was woo. by' Mrs. H. Squire and men's 1u�b by Mr. Melford Ayotte. An address was read bY Mrs. Ayotte, and, on behalf of the neighbors, Mr. W. Weber and Mr. M. Ayotte presented Mr. and Mrs. Mawhinney with a beautiful walnut telephone table and chair, Mr. Mawhinney ex- pressed appreciation, after which lunch was served •by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Mawhinney have disposed of their farm in Steph- en township and will be taking up residence shortly in their home recently purchased, in Crediton. Personal Items Mrs. Lloyd. England spent a few days last week in Montreal. Mrs. Herbert Fahrner is spend- ing some time with her sister, Mrs. C. Berg in Detroit, Mrs. A, Radford has returned to her home in Blyth after spend- ing two weeks at the home of Mr. Carl Radford, Mrs, Mary Gunn, Mary Ver- onica and Joseph Gunn and Nick Fedosa spent the weekend in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs, R. Berry of. Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Young. World Day of Prayer service will be held in Creditor). United Church on Friday, March 8. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Lippert, who were seriously injured in a car crash a few weeks ago,. are recuperating at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Schenk. Mrs. Lip- pert was released from St. Jos- eph's Hospital on Saturday, Mr. Harold Aniy of li'athilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkbeiner and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Feist and sons of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Faist. Mr. andMrs. Lloyd Geiser are spending this week in De- troit. Letter „From Brinsley By MRS, CECIL ELLWOOD Mr. Mert Morgan of Kitchen- er spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan. Mr, and Mrs. Les Howland and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dundas of Detroit attended the Dixonv Eagleson wedding on Saturday!. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keough spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mrs. Geo. Prest spent Monday in London. Shower Bridal Couple The aunts and cousins of Doug- las Dixon held a shower for hirn and his bride, the former Mary Lou Eagleson, on Wed- nesday in Neil's school. Mrs. Hi Dixon read the ad- dress welcoming Mrs. Dixon to the community. They received many beautiful gifts. Both made suitable replies after which lunch was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Dix- on were married in Grand Bend on Saturday. . • loorntsitteto aaaaaa iiiiiiiii titiottituttim iiiiii mitimmtittimitesimistimitst ttttt titttstut ttttt palmitin ttttttttt 5 • vAp a..lity E 157. ee,J$ CLOVER.. & GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW & 'WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVEB., WHITE DUTCH. AND LADINA CLOVERS, I3ROME GRASS, 1 ETC. • Permanent Pasture Mixtures . . . . Place Orders While Stock Is Available We are quoting very attractive prices and replacement E orders would require higher retail prices. SEED GRAINS All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No.' 1 and Commercial No. I. Treated and Packed in New Jute 1 OAT VARIETIES: Garry, Rodhey, Sinicoe and Beaver IRegistered and Commercial Brant and Monfcalm Barley Mei quality seeds will be in short supply this Spring. To be sure of your requirements ORDER NOWI 1 FERTILIZER Well Deliver To Your rant AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are contracting for malting barley. 2. Registered seed oats. HAVE YOUR SEEDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN CLEANING PLANT IYoursced can be delivered and cleaned without being bag. ged, Phone us and arrange rng a date to clean and treat your • requirements* W. G. Thompson & SONS Phone 32 LIMITED Hansen tlititillffftftlf/1114114trh I 11V111101 Back From Tour Through, Europe MISS Helen Sweets ..ef Toronto, who recently returned te. Canada after a seven -months' trip- to gl/rOPo,. visited over the Week- end with her mother. Mrs, id Sweet. She visited. in Rome,. -Germany 011,d Switzerland returning to. . 140114911, gland, for a tune. She spent Clirlatinaa aiding in Austria. Iler retail trip was made on the new Holland-Ameriea liner, Stateridant, on its .maiden voy age. After a stormy voyage, she landed in New York to find the dockworkers on strike. She .experieneed, considerable difficulty .With her luggage. "It cost me .$10 to get 'my trunk from the landing platform to the station" Helen said. She was met at Malton air- port by Mrs. Sweet. Message From Greenway Mr, and. Mrs. Elton Curts and Mrs, Ross Soafe visited on Sat- urday with relatives. in Sarnia, Mr, and 'Mrs, Earl. Gardner and family of Hamilton spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. Gardner. The I3erean Bible Class of the United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car- man Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Eagleson and sons of Detroit .spent the week- end 'with relatives, The World Day of Prayer Service for the ladies of this community will be held in Grace Anglican Church on Friday at 2,30 p.m, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Curts visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Doan and Cynthia of London. Mrs. E. Bullock and Stuart and Mrs. J. Gardner visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Prance of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks and other relatives. Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Pollock and son of London spent the week- end with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. . Mr. • and Mrs. Wm. Jackson and son of •Arkona visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter McPherson. Mrs, Ross Soh of Ailsa .Craig visited last Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Curts. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartle of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. Mrs. Fred McLinchey return- ed home from Detroit lastweek where she had been visiting rel- atives, ' Report On Baseline 'By MRS'. ARCHIE DEWAR Mrs. Oliver Baker spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beer, Munro. Misses Sharon Marriott, Don- na Baker Marlene Baker, Nor- ma and Wilma Elston and Elton Baker of the Base Line school were ameng' the children who were picked to sing in the mass- ed school choir held in the United Church, Mitchell at a special Education Week service. Mr. Wm, Berry, Toronto, spent Thursday and Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry. Mr. Wm. ised,..i&ippen, was a guest of Mr, .Wm. Rinn on Sat- urday. Misses Norman and Wilma El- son and Elton Baker are among the pupils who are taking part in the music recital held in Central School; St. Marys, this week. Mrs. Ken Savage and Mrs. Grace Rowe, London, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rum dle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Marriott, Ronald and Maryanne of St, Marys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar. Mrs. Fred Parkinson has re- turned home from the hospital where she has been a 'patient this last week. Mr. Jim McNaughton was one of the boys chosen from the Junior 'Farmers of Perth to compete in the seed judging Competition held at the seed fair at London. His team was awarded' first place and had the honor of being on television Thursday evening, The Base Line school are. holding their monthly euchre Tuesday evening. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson were guests of Mrs. Wilson's brother, Mr. Peter McLean and Mrs. McLean, Guelph, on Thurs- day and Friday of last week. Mrs, Wilson was guest Speaker Thursday evening at the VVom- ert's Institute there (a branch that Mrs. Wilson formed a few years ago)to celebrate the' sixtieth anniversary of the Worn - en's Institute. Mrs. Wilson will also be a guest speaker on the Hope Garber TV show on Thur8-4 day afternoon at 3.30. Miss. Wilma Elston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • Robert Elston, was successful in passing her grade five in Music at Stratford from the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wigoode, Mr. Peter McLean, of Guelph, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson. Mrs. Cacciatia, of North Bay, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Parkinson, whd iS under the doctor's tare, Who, Noreen Walkout spent the week -end with her Mother, Mrs. Walken', of Russeldale, Several of the ladies and their husbands from the Base Line attended the supper rind program held, by Granton W./. iiiGranter' to celebrate the sixtieth anniver. tary of Women's InStittitet. fi.r. and Mrs. Austin turgess, gtratfords Were gtiettS of Mrs. Burgess' mothers Mrs, 111eNeight and Wilbert Oti SttridtrY. 0 0 0 CUSTOR 300 FORDOR,SEDAN o. .0. • . 5.0 )0 is :,;; " vo tttttt ttt • • . • • I . , • „ • "S. s POWER: Ford's road -proved Mileage Maker Six—the most modern Six in ' the industry—delivers 144 -Hp. of bril- liant performance. It's the most power- ful Six in its field. Like every Ford engine, the Mileage Maker takes nothing from nobody! RESPONSIVENESS: A touch on the gas pedal and you're away in a flash with the Mileage Maker Six. Compres- sion ratio of 8.6 -to -1 and new low silhouette carburetor contribute to the Mileage Malser's flashing getaway, eager responsiveness! t SMOOTHNESS: The Mileage Maker Six is quality -engineered right down to the finest detail, to give you the smoothest, quietest perfOrmaiidebf any' Six onithe Canadian ioad! ECONOMY: Here's a powerplant with' a midget's appetite for gas! Because the Mileage Maker Six is the only tru# short -stroke engine in its class, it squeezes more miles out of every gallon of regular gas, delivers more punch per piston -stroke than any competitive Six!. DURABILITY: The Mileage Maker's short -stroke design saves engine wear by reducing the amountbf piston travel for every mile of road travel ... so you get longer wear—and that means a better return p your investment when you come. to trade! RELIABILITY: The same kind of engi= neering advancements that have made Ford V-8 the world's best-seller give the Mileage Maker Six its outstanding reputation for consistently dependable performance! But try it yourself. Take a drive. in the new kind of Ford with a Mileage Maker Six—at your • Ford - Monarch Dealer's right now! SIX'OR V-I—THE GOING it GREAT! Pick your own brand of ginger in he new kind of Ford. You can have the World's best-selling V-8 in any of Ford's 18 styled - for -tomorrow models. Or you can choose the Mileage Maker Six in any Custom or Custom 300 model, in the Ranch Wagon, the Del Rio Ranch Wagon or the Six - Passenger Country Sedan, (Certain features illeistraiesi or 'mentioned are "Standard" on some models, optional at extra eon on others.) MILEAGE MAKER in the car thatnew all :the way through YOU'RE INVITED TO' GET THE FEEL OF THE NEW KIND OF FORDAT YOUR FORD -MONARCH DEALER'S By Any Standard, You Get Your Best Used Car Buys At Larry Snider's L.S.M.F.T. '56 FORD HARDTOP, a beauty $2,705‘ '56 FORD RANCHWAGON, a steal ,$2,500 '54 MONARCH SEDAN $1,795 '55 FORD CUSTOM COACH '$1,150 Low mileage. '53 MONARCH SEDAN ' $1,650 Has everything except the kitchen sink. '53 FORD SEDAN $1,295 Automatic, low mileage. 53 FORD SEDAN -$1,150. Overdrive, new motor. '53 METEOR COACH '53 DODGE SEDAN Your choice $1,095 t '52 METEOR HARDTOP $1,050 '52 STUDE. "STARLITE" COUPE '52 PLYMOUTH COACH Your choice t $ 950 '51 METEOR COACH '51 FORD SEDAN ' Your choice of these .two '50 ,FORD SEDAN, overdrive, radio $ '52 AUSTIN 'SEDAN '52 ROVER 75 SEDAN '49 CHEVROLET SEDAN, a steal '46. 'CHEVROLET COACH '46 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE 'Your choice • '49 AUSTIN SEDAN4 '39 PONTIAC SEDAN '37 CHEVROLET COACH . TRUCKS '55 MERCURY 3 TON CHASSIS AND CAB ...„. tt . tt ttt '54 FORD 3 TON DUMP, a good one '50 G.M,C, 4 TON DUMP tt 750 695 $ 595 $ 495 $ 295 $ 175 $ 75 $ 50 $ i5 $2,095 $2,095 $ .695 mme moncumt4 • SPECIALS The following 30 -day units to be re. duced $10 ,per day Until sold: 'Thurs. Pijcs '53 FORD SEDAN, a good one $1,000 '52 FORD SEDAN $ 775 '50 METEOR COACH $ 275 ' '49 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, t . tt $ 200 TRACTORS FORD, low hours • $ '45 FORD TRACTOR . . .". . . ... $ SET OF HALF TRACKS .. . $ .7 FT. TANDEM DISC si...„....„..„. $ Used very little. • '56 CASE 4 ROW SCUFFLER . . . . $ USED FERGUSON PLOW $ USED DEER,E-BORNg TILLER $ YOU SERVE. Support The* Community Blitz THURSDAY, MARCH 14 Give To Your RED CROSS Canvasser When HeCalls •BY GIVING BE A RED CROSS BOOSTER! Exeter, Ont. MOM ................. ...... Wit .. n66004140 qolfilitifiiitifilittimitiotteMitsiMiblifitHO ifIllieViititiiiiimlitpath .. fill filjsite . .. .. Larry fir • er Motors .Phone 624 695 395 195 150 75 50 50 FORD AND MONARCH is- SALES AND SERVICE COUNT ON THESE SIGNS FOR THE BEST VALUES IN USED CARS AND TRUCKS ..4 ..4 4. 4. 44 0 4 4