HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-03-07, Page 7• !. i A Y � .I. 4. ., e. Backache y w mann . it shot enrol h;• l+re.Weer edit*, . %' tte k insyti et out el birder, •E40 acids snd'0404. 'r.nain at .the ayat a. The. h.<kechp, Oistuthed reit er Ih.t teed-.ul via h..yr-hulled Wine !agar glen fellow, Thel'a the tine t• hike. D•dd'. Pi0a, Diu'. stimulate the kW,.7. On twnel actin. Then you ' feel I Mer,.ahq frg.tter•,werk battle. fiat Pears Kiihiq f ilo Mnit4 11 Get Your Car READY for SPRING at Sne.l a Bros. LIMITED Phone 1.00 Exeter South End Service • '57 METEOR 3016 SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR ' '56 METEOR RIITDEAU Automatic, r a di o, fully 6 ci.uipped, just 14,000 aides on it. '56 FORD CUSTOMLINE Automatic, 2 - tone, very clean, '53 AUSTIFSDAN. Sharp! '53 METEOR TUDOR Two-tone in color. South End o, .Service Russ & C1h4k,Snell PHONE'328 .1.�`IvEXETER Support The' Local BLITZ ' MARCH .14, 1957 • MilHail Prom Whaien .1y MIL di:, t<fIII.IIILi# Mr. and lkfrs, Herman' Foster spent the weekend in Sarnia with friends. Mrs Ronald .Squire .and Mrs.. Clare Bryan were in Detroit .on Saturday attending ,the Ice C.a• pedes, The W.M,S. .and W.A. are. meeting .at the. borne of Mrs. Ronald Squirre on Thursday at. ternoon, Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen were in Guelph Wednesday at- tending College RoYal, Mrs. E. E. Cook. London, Mr.. and Mrs, P. L. Pickles, Mary And John, •Byron, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Klahre, Mr, and Mrs, •Ceeil Squire and family were in Stratford Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hast ings. • Miss Donna, Farkinson,secured: a position at McCormick's in' .Condon and commenced her duties ,on Monday, • Mrs, Campbell, Listowel, is visiting -her daughter, Mrs. .Eink.' beiner fora few days,, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Skinner And family, and Mrs, lllurch, Elimville, also Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and family, Zion were recent guests of Mr,. and Mrs, Wm. Morley Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morley ,Jr. entertained on Wednesday eve- ning for the birthday of Mr.• A. Pym, Exeter. ..Guests were Mr, • And Mrs. A. P.ym, Exeter, Mr, and . Mrs, Howard Pym, Elim- villa and Mr and Mrs,. Sam Skin ner, Centralia. Other M:eans•. A corporation which sells whir-, key and thin required its' .sales- men to join clubs "with a view _to promoting the sale of its brands, it said. In the 1954 taxation year, 17 of its salesmen belonged to 46 clubs; dues. to- taled $5,988. When it was sought to deduct this amount from the taxable income The Department of Re- venue disallowed the deduction en the ground that the money had not been spent to gain or prbduce income. The company; appealed and tes- tified that its right to advertise was greatly limited and even prohibited in most provinces. Other ways of making its wares known had to besought. The ap peal was granted. From their ruling we quote, "There was an undeniable conneetion between the, efforts of the appellants' salesmen .at the clubs and the subsequent sales of products in whish the appellant ,was inte- rested." advt. r.ri.. PERSISTENT • INDIGESTION t$1F001tt LTY SWALLOWING A Danger Signal That MAY Mean Cancer See Your Doctor IMMEDIATELY Flit free literature Write F. R Dobbs Phone 200 , - Exeter EXCITED OVER PARENTS' .HOMECOMING—Glad to see parents, Princess Anne, six, .and Prince Charles, eight, rush up the stail's to the plane bringing ,Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip home from Portugal, . Princess Anne must be, the better runner as. she was steps ahead of Charles. Their father had been away from them for four months, —Central .Press Canadian By Skipper With March coming in like a lamb, our thoughts have turned to camping once again. We are going to shock everybody by - saying that we are going to take some boys on an overnight camp° this month. , Before going any furthur we'll say now that we are going 'to borrow arctic sleeping bags for the occasion so we anticipate no discomfort in the sleeping depart- ment..Only a few. of the senior boys Will be going to this one and we shall certainly find 'out how well they have learned their lessons. We were very pleased with the results of the Bronze Arrowhead Course, Our boys did very well. Doug Jermyn turned in the most impressing examination paper to be seen in these, parts for quite a awhile. The paper has been forwarded to the district commissioner and will be shown to Field Commissioner R. S. Taylor, Hanover, as it certainly deserves extra merit. Congratu- lations Doug. Please don't think the other three exarninaters don't rate 'praise: -.--they do.; and Tom.'Ar.- thur ' Wayne Bowen and Bobby Woods also receive .. congratula- tions for • a well done job. The troop is progressing i,ery well with more'boys getting clos- er and closer to their second class badge. Even the signal- ling test is no longer the "bear- bug" it used to be. By July we should have two or three boys with their first class badge up, and from there it's a mere step to Queen's Scout rating. Our group committee is re- organizing under the chairman- ship of Mr. Doug Wedlake and is holding its' next meeting on Wednesday, March 13 at 8.30 p.m.. We hope all members will attend so that Mr. Wedlake :can get his sub-ceminittees formed. One of ,the items on the agenda wilt be the much talked about father and son banquet which we hope to hold in April. We certainly had a good turn- out on Monday. T}Je meeting once 'again ran' right on schedule but unfortunately yours 'truly got carried away with the announce- ments and it was a little after 9,00 p.m. when we dismissed the troop.: . Two more: boys. wereinvested oft,Moniday night,, John Snell and Boli Broderick , both . started along that" scouting trail, and we wish them all the best in all they strive to achieve. May 1 add a w9rd to motor- ists this week. "Drive carefully on our slippery streets, the life you save may be one of our Scouts," Topics From Zion By MISS JANE.DYKEMAN Sunshine Mission Band The Mission Band held their March meeting at 4 p.m.- Mon- day in the schoolhouse. The con- venors in charge of the worship and program were Shirley Hern and Bill Brock. A 'skating party was planned for the near future. Personal Items Mr. and 1t rs. Ephriam Hern visited Friday with Mr. Wm. Stephens, Byron. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Kinsman and John were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross }Tern. r "This 1.4490011 In: Samtsbury :iY .MItS. 8. DAVIS Mrsand Mrs. Earl; Atkinson were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Cole- man, 'Wean. Mrs, Harry Carroll and Wayne secompanied Mrs, H. A. Mut- fins and Ruth Ann,, London, to Detroit on :Saturday for the Ice Cades. 11pafr,. And Mrs. .Hugh Davis,. Heather and Michael were Thurs, day evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, .George i eF:alls, Mrs.. Davis was observing ,a birthday. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bili Quinton, London, on Saturday evening and had Mr. Pat Cron yn and' bliss .Mildred Dundas of London as .guests on Sunday ova, ping.. Mrs, Fred Davis. who has been hospitalized for the past* tw9 months is now recuperating at the home of her son, Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis, • Mr, and Mrs, Maurice Me - Donald were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Turner,. Miss Alexia Davis of South Huron Nospitral, Exeter is spend - mg a few days at the home of her parents on sick leave. Mr, and Mrs, Jim Barker and Gary were Saturday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Abbott, ' The Day of Prayer will be -ob- served on March 8 at the home of Sit', and Mrs, James Turner at z p,na, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latta and family of Bryanston were .Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs,. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Murray Abbott spent a week recently with her daughter, TMrs. Janies Mugsford of North oronto, Messrs: Donald and Douglas Smyth of Midland spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. .Second Line In. Biddulph P By MRS. H. ELSON Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister, Neil and Dale, visited in Hamil- ton on Sunday with the former's brother, ' Mr. and *'Mrs. Albert McAllister and family. Sunday Visitors 'with Mr. and MrS. Allan Elston were Mr. and Mrs. I -tarry Dougall and family, of Hensall. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner and Karen were guests on Tuesday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Will Morley, Whalen. • Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Davis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc - Falls, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Meh'alls, on Wcd- nesday, celebrating the birthday of their daughter, • Mrs. Hugh Davis. Sunday visitors with Mrs, Jessie Lewis were. Mr.. and Mrs: Roy Harrison, of London. Mrs. Allan F. Elston and Mrs. M. H. Elston attended a farewell party held in the J. A. D. Mc- Curdy School, Centralia, on Mon-` day night, in honor of Mrs. Gwen Watt, who is leaving with her husband and family" to' make their home in Peterboro. They attended a farewell party held at the home of Mrs. Teresa Hickey, 283 Algonquin Drive, P.M.Q., in .honor of Mrs. Violet Neivman, who is leaving with her husband and family to make their home in Port Colborne. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer were Messrs. Billie' Stever and Jimmie Staedt, of North 'Tonawanda, New York; Mr. and Mrs, Richard Peckham and family, Miss Lorraine:Black, Mr: and Mrs T. _Thompson, and Lleydie Stanlake,• all..of 'London. BOR ,Yarn, ' Jarvis, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Here. Mrs. Hern and Linda who vacationed here the past week, returned home with him. Mrs. Wellington Brock return- ed home Monday from. South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr, George Earl is spending some time with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brock and family. Jane and Ruth Ann Dykernan, Exeter, spent Sunday evening' at their home. Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and children visited Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Johns. • • Safety in the automobile IS optional At' no‘ extra c6st. No mechanical safety device can replace the protection of careful driving. Last year, traffic accidents claimed the lives of more 'Canadians than ever before. Sonteozie watt injured every 8 minutes. A car was damaged every 48 seconds. Automobile insurance claims rose to more than one hundred ntillion dollars. One result of this it higher automobile insurance rates ..,.. because What is paid out in.olaiiiis must be brought in by premiums. But even more important is tilts fact thst yeti held your life# and the liven of others, in your kande When you get behind the *heel 61 a car. Safety pa$ dividends, , . saves lives, helps to lower your insurance lek:tle Careful, ' CANADA INSIMANCE S'CDERATIiON '-eh-dih#Ihet nieN Mae ilii eernje lifig 00110Inhai rrr3i7ni' AO, AuioM6Gili incl Cs'u./h' /neurine:. • ?,. PROOF THAT SPRING IS ON ITS WAY ---Don't let the the snow and cold fool you. Spring Is really on the way.. If any proof is needed, bore are five .news barn kids, born on the farm of Frank Dawson In Xslingten, Ont, Soon they'll be out gamboling under the bright .sun and ero.. cures Will be blooming and the smell er spring will, be .n the alt, -Central ?rasa Canadian Church School Honors Faithful The record was broken on Suis day morning in the: Exeter Pente- costal Sunday School >Fw^hen the attendance went .over the top. The .unexpected presence of the pastor, Rev. L. Krause, who is ,ministering. in Northern Ontario, was most welcome The program for the rally was: • directed by the assistant pastor, Mrs. H. Butler and Robert 0st• ler, acting superintendent. Gerald Hamilton .presented, the hoot, Raikes' dipiotnas . and. seat,Dorn Jolly presented missions featuring the missionary .barrel, Rev. Krause spoke .on the great .need for the gospel in Northern. Ontario, Edgar Cudmore,superintend• ent., presented the attendance' board fated with colored lights, a *feature project of the Bible Class Mrs. Butler presented the film, "Xing Ahay" and gave the Bible story,; The Story In • Elimvnille By MRS., ROSS SKINNER Euchre Club Elimvlile Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Penhale as hosts, There were seven tables in play and winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Franklin Skinner; gent's high, Mr. Everett Skin- ner; low, Mr. Hubert Hunter, Mr. Jack and Miss Verda Kel. lett will be hosts on Friday eve- ning of this week. Personal Heine Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner and family, Mrs.. Philip Murch were Wednesday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr, of Whalen. 141r. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan of Molesworth visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cun- nington. Miss Sharon Vogan re- turned home with them after spending two weeks with her grandparents. • Mrs. Alan Summers and David of .St. Marys visited 'on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bender and family of Crediton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunnington. Mrs, Philili'Murch visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man .Jaques of Zion. Mr. Elgin Skinner of New Toronto spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ever- ett Skinner. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Dilling of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. John Willis of Exeter visited on. Mon- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hogg and Robert of Thorndale visited on Sunday with Mr, and MrS, Wm. Routly. I • 'Traquoir 14or p 'THEPLACE., 8e TH'E. MIRACLIE' :LUSTIE' II:IiIAIt EL tt I Hes ner egiese OOMr OOP utee$ 401 " von tiles: :sW4014 o Dries to a lnrltutitut *Wee ,,$al:A . Ie- E to 4 thews.. • specially elenienetl ter 101chettwr la!illlie rosins end limpet woodwork, TRAOUAIR a..H4 YNON 2 ' Specially Priced Example: '53 STUDEBAKER V8 SPORT COUPE Radio, overdrive, for only $1,100. Come And See Our Wide Selection Of Used Cars Today ' graham Arthur Studebaker Sales and Service ('HONE 210 •EXETER , Red Cross Blitz MARCH 14, 1957 Help Make It A Success 1I Ladies' And Misses' Ready -To -Wear For Spring.. . . We are ready for the new Spring Season with very newest styles and materials in Spring Coats, Dresses, Blouses, Rainwear, Skirts etc. at very reasonable prices. Hundreds of new Dresses to choose from. Use our lay- away plan if you wish. Cheville Bed Spreads Large size, good assortment of shades, a special for $5 95 March at New Spring Accessories The very latest styles in Gloves, Scarves, Slips Crinolines, Hosiery Flowers, Brassieres . anci Foundation Garments etc. Ask to see our special new Handbags at '$2.98 and $3.98 each. • New Dress Materials We have an exceptionally fine range of prints, broadcloths, ginghams, and many new weaves —the latest materials for dresses, skirts, blouses and children's wear. We. feature the well-known fruit -of -the -loom printed broadcloths, 18 good patterns at 75¢ a yard. Color fast. New Shades In Sweaters The newest shades in ladies' and misses' Grand Mere Sweaters are here . at $5.95, $6,95 and $7.95. Also new styles in all Orlon Sweaters at $5;95, $6.50 and $6.95 each. Foam Rubber Pillows Good full size, zippered, a.$5 95 real 'buys at ........................ ■ Men's' Tailored -To -Measure SUl' ...S ...... For SPRING The new Spring Samples are here and for your information we would like to name but a few of the mills represented in our samples sueht as Barbers, Bairstow, Leigh, Salts, Standeven, Laverton, Gledhill, all. of England; Ballantyne; of Scotland and Martin lttahony of Ireland. The latest trend in ktyling and you can be sure of quality and fit at anode. rate prices ranging from , 549,00 TO 979.00 ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUPT NOW! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS F. A. MAY Phone '1 90 EXETER Sport Shirt SPECIAL Smart new Ivy League stripes, checks and plain Shades in Dan River and Millbrook sanforized ma- terials. Regular 13,9$ valuer S ' C1Al: S2 9 8 Nylon Sox LYONS of London crimp- set spun nylon six in Ivy League and car -tong Stripes, $1.00 SON Phan" 100