HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-28, Page 122 The 'Tiorta044divocate, ,February 21, 137
Arena Activities
This ime Ilderton
111.14 144•Olik.(41) it1.05014.•
Sorry 1. inlased last week's
column, but the irriday 'was
out. of town,. wliue yours truly
wali attending an Arena Assecia-
tion tneeting. •
First of all, I must eongratu.
We the Zurich. 13.antams. and
Midgets an4 wish them good
tuck. They are two. geed teams.
:with A.. promising. 'future this
7ear.„ Zurieh feria are also. to.
'he =Amended for their active
arta enceuraging .suppat. Tough
that a little of 'this .element
rith off on Lucanites.
A good many people .Missed the
boat- last Wednesday evening,
When Casey -CM* and his West-
ern Swing Band _provided a zip-
'PY evening a entertainment in
the arena. 'However he has furth-
or bookings in this ,area in the
near future, and has a local re -
tint engagentent scheduled for
Speaking of dancing! The Miss-
es Yield and Raisa Dukyj form-
erly of Ilderton, have opened a
local dance studio in the I.O.O.F.
ball. The arena is in charge pf
registration and classes will be-
gin shertly. The "Keep Fit
Class" will continue aA usual,
although we regret the loss of
OW' instructress, Mrs, Bill Mc-
Grigor. Miss Dukyj Will be re-
placing her.
Lucan and lklerton are at it
again. This time its pee wee
hockey. Last week, Luean's team
was whopped to the tune of 6-0.
Of course, Ilderton accomplish-,
ed, this remarkable feat bY
Izing older players, Come March
16, and the Shamrock Tourna-
Ment, Ilderton we think will be
faced with much different con-
ditions. In our opinion, some of
the Ilderten folks are rather
difficult to please; but when a
transplanted Torqntonian lends,
.fuel to the fire . . . . well broth-
er that spells trouble!
A recent opinion voiced a
comparison between the Mer-
ton Ice Palace and the Lucan
Community Centre which only
revives some dcrogatory
ments made by both Ilderton
and Lucan Hockey Clubs, as re-
gards playing conditions on nat-
ural ice, at the Zurich Arena.
I'm given to understand, Zurich
Arena is far the superior with
natural ice being the only thing
they have in common. There-
fore, I'm inclined to wonder if
such names as O'Neil, Thornpu
son and Hodgins, wbo have fig-
ured so prominently in the
hockey newthroughout West-
ern Ontario :are not the probable
results of Lucan's ' .artificial ice.
Don't forget: folks, come the LI,:,.:.....nici ue ...F.'arm.
facilities. What say .y00
evening of March -29, while
, e -
pigeons and sparrows roost in T.. . ,
... rains Boys.
• r
And District News
Correspondent; Miss Una Abbott
undisturbed quiet in the Ilder-
ton Arena (?), yOu will have the
pleasure of attending a bigger
and better ice carnival, sponsor-
ed by the Byron Lions. Club .in
the Lam Arena.
Japan Missionary
Speaks To Girls
The fourth Expedition of the
Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers was
held in the United Church 13ar-
lors last Monday night, with 27
members present.
Miss Lilias Powell, a iuission-
ary home from Japan, was the
guest speaker. She told the child-
ren much of her life in Japan
and displayed a number of ar-
ticks she had brought home.
The Explorers had the honor
of having Miss Powell instal the
new slate of officers.
The h' ice was take
by Counselor Kae Haskett and
Judy Haskett.
Coursey School Euchre
Mrs. Torn Coursey and Mrs.
IL Stone were hostesses for the
seven -table Euchre in the Cour-
sey school last Friday night.
Prizes for high scores went to
Mrs: Guy Ryan and Mr. Stewart
Thompson. Prizes for second high
scores were won by Mrs. George
Hodgins and Mr. Don O'Neil and
for lone hands by Mr. Evan Hod-
Birr Group Organized,
The Rev. Bruce Gu# of the
Birr United Church prided at
an organization meeting Of a
YOung Adults Fellowship group
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald White
were elected presidents. Vice-
presidents are Mr. and Mrs.
George Savage; secretary -treas-
urers, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc-
Improvement of church prop-
erty and the promotion of social
activities within the life of the
church will be some of the aims
of this new group.
The Febmary meeting of the
Anglican Alen's Club was held in
the Parish Hall last Monday
evening with Rev. j, P, Prest
presiding in the absence of the
president, Mr, Jack Murdy, and
Afr, Erwin Scott's group in
charge of program and refresh,
ments. •,*
Mr. A. Bohn of the Boys'
Farin, Nairn, was the guest
speaker who showed pictures of
the 150 -acre farm, formerly ,own-
ed by Duncan McArtlitir and
now by the Mennonites. A stag
of 12 are in charge of the 29
children (Indian,Negro and
white), wards ofthe Children's
Aid, ranging in age from 10 to
15 years, He told of the Work on
'the farm and the training of the
.As this is the only such expertment in Canada, he said, that
their progress was being watch-
ed closely by many interested
Following his address, those
present were given the oppor-
tunity to ask questions. Mr. Er-
win Scott suggested that, if a
time could be arranged, to give
the boys a skating party on Lu -
can's Arena. '
Other numbers on the program
were solos by Marsha Ribson
and Larry Lewis, accompanied
by the school nurse, Miss Betty
Leake and a recitation by Jo-
Ann Ribson. Mrs.. Clarence
Hardy accompanied the hymns.
Personal Items
'Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis have
arrived safely in Edmonton with
a truck, loaded with a Keates'
organ. Mr. Keates himself left
on Friday to instal the same in
an Anglican church. °The com-
pany has just completed instal-
ling another organ in St. Peter's
Anglican Church at Erindale.
Mrs, Laura Black of London
was a weekend guest of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis
and family have returned from
a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs,
Leighton Davis of Kingston.
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Bishop .Conflims
Trinity Members
Before large gongregati/on
At the 10 .(Ycleek, service in Holy
Trinity Church last Sunday, Suf-
fragan Bishop, W. A. Townsend
of London confirmed Lucan Can-
didates: gra. Jim Avery, Der-
ail)! Holmes, Rose Wilkinson,
Douglas. Abel, rank Egan, Pat
gall and Keith Q'.Niel.
Frank Hovey, one .of the choir
members, acted as Bishop's
.chaplain and carried the Bishop'S
staff. The bishop teas for the
topic of his sermon, "Christian
Co-operation" and enlarged. on
what a church and congregation
can do when -41 pull together,
Granton Min's Club
Dr,. S. Floyd Maine, of the
University of Western Ontario,
was the guest speaker at the
GrantonVesley Men's Club sup-
per meeting held in, .the Grantor!
United Church. He spoke to the
50 members present on the
Western University - residence
project of the United -Church..
travelling Bridge
Mrs. R. IL Stanley was host-
ess "to the first travelling Auxil-
iary Euchre and Bridge at her
home last Wednesday . night
when she had .three tables of
bridge and one of- euchre. The
bridge prize went to Mrs. John
Park .and the euchre to Mrs.
Irene -Coursey.
The regular monthly Auxiliary
Euchre „was held ,M the Legion
Hall last Tuesday . with Mrs.
Frank Mitchell as • lunch con-
vener .and Mrs. Wilfred Stocks
and Mrs. H. T. Bond Assisting.
High score ladies' prize was won
by Mrs. James Freeman and
Mrs. Ralph Smith playing a
gent'scard won the high score
gent's prize.
Noon Ceremony
Unites Couple
In a setting of white mums and
red carnations, at 12 o'clock
noon, Saturday February 16, in
the Granton United Church, the'
ReV. Thomas G. Head united in
marriage Mary Isabelle Harlton
and Donald Clifford McRobert.
The bride is the eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hari -
ton of Blanshard Township and
the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford 'McItobert of Lon-
don Township.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride was gowned in
crystal charm satin, fashioned
with cuffed portrait neckline
with scalloped insert .scattered
with iridescent sequins. A cross-
over pleated insert featured the
bodice and a pleated scarf ac-
cented the hipline, falling in a
bow at the' back. Her pill box
,headdress was studded with iri-
descent sequins and she carried
a white Bible, crested with a
white orchid and streamers,
caught with red -rose buds.
Mrs. Ross Jones, as matron of
honor and Misses Beryl Nixon
and Ruth Ann Millson, as brides-
maids, wore American Beauty
velvet gowns in torso lines with
full ballerina-lerigth skirts, white
feather headdresses and carried
nosegays of red carnations, cir-
cled with white baby mums.
George W. McRobert, was best
man for his brother and ushers
were Ralph Westman, and Bruce
Miss Grace Lindsay, at the
organ, provided traditional wed-
ding music and Miss Luella Ab-
bott and Master Larry Lewis
Were soloists.
At a reception in the church
parlors, the United Church An-
niversary Club catered to seven-
ty guests. The bride's mother
received in a chocolate brown
crepe gown with gold trim and
wore a corsage of pink roses.
She was assisted by the groom's
mother, who chose a black crepe
dress, red trim, blue accesso-
ries and corsage of blue baby
For a wedding trip to Florida
the bride changed to a biege
tweed two piece dreaS with teal
blue tep-eeat, white and black
accessories and white 'orchid
cora age.
The young couple will make
their home in London Township.
Club Hears.
Fire Chief
The February meeting of the
Lucan's Mens club was held in
the United Church parlors last
Wednesday evening with the
President presiding and Mr. Gor-
don Banting's group in charge
of program and refreshments.
Mr. AleX Young took the wor-
ship service.
Lucan's fire chief, Mr. Alex
Young was the sneaker of the
evening, giving an illustrated
talk, on fire extinguishers and
how to best prevent fires,
During the business session it
was decided to postpone the
father and son meeting till Oc-
tober but to bave a father and
son service in ..the church on
Father's Day.
Fifty dollars was voted to the
purchasing of char gowns.
London Township Oppose Arena
At a meeting of the London
Township Council, councillor A.
E. Smith opposed the giving of a
$500 grant to the Lucan
nity Centre-, saying if any grant
be given, to give to the Ilder-
ton Arena and the Ilderton Wild-
The cotinci4 decided to with-
hold action on the finance com-
mittee's recommendation until
Lucan's Arena submits a finan-
cial statement.
Hymn Contest
Guild Feature
The Ladies' Guild of ' Holy
Trinity Church held its February
meeting in the Parish Hall last
Wednesday evening with the
president, Mrs, Kay Egan, in
the chair, Mrs. C. W. Hawk-
shaw at the piano and Mrs. Al-
lan Ryan's group in charge of
program and refreshments. The
scripture t lesson was read by
Mrs. F. W. Hovey.
Mrs. T..C.,McFarlane read an
interesting article on the or-
igin of several of our well-known
hymns. Mrs. Guy Ryan conduct-
ed a hymn contest which was
won by Mrs. Kay Egan, Mrs,
George' Hodgins and. Mrs. F.
W. Hovey.
It was decided to purchase
two tables and two extensions
and to cater for the 'Jr. Farmer's
and Jr. Institute banquet. •
Lucan Institute
Recalls History
The February meeting of the
Women's Institute with 20 mem-
berg present, was held in the
Community Memorial Centre
last Thursdiy afternoon, with ,the
president, Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins, in the, chair and Mrs. F.
W. Hovey (convener) Mrs. U. F.
Stallion Mrs. Quy Ryan and
Mrs. Erwin Scott as hostesses.
Roll call was answered by "If
I were. a -shut-in, how I would
like to be remembered," The
motto was, "A house is where
you' stay; a home is where you
live." •
Mrs. Roy Hamilton gave an
interesting resume of the Liman
W.I. -naming, all the presidents
and secretaries from Mrs. Downs
arid,Mrs. IlicTurk of 1909 to Mrs.
Murray Hodgins and Mrs. William
Brownlee of today. She told of
the disbanding for Red Cross
work from 1935-41 and 'of regr-
ganizing in 1950.
An. anniversary cake, made
and beautifully decorated by the
Mayfair Bakery, was displayed
and . later served as refresh-
ments, -
In the absence of Mrs. A. Phil-
pott, Mrs. John Park read her
report on resolutions.
All were reininded to bring.
donations for the Salvation Child.
ren's village to the next meet-
Mrs. F. W. Hovey, Mrs. H. B.
Langford and ,Mrs. John Park
were named a committee to
make arrangements for a hat
Allow and Mrs. Guy Ryan, Mrs.,
Harold Whyte And Mra. Erie
Yonrig, a committee to take
charge of the tea.
Two films, "Modern Guide to
Health" And "A Step Saving
Kitchen" were ' shown for thiS
HOMO Economics and Health
The new swimming pool was
disdussed, also the curfew bell
and teenage attendance at the
noel robin.' •
Lucan Personal Items
Mrs. Allan Ryan, who under-
went an operation in St. Joseph's
Hospital is able to be home,
Mrs. Harold Ribson who has
't been en the sick list for some
weeks was able to spend last
weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
George Rolling of Port Stanley.
Last Monday at Assembly in
the Public School the Rev. I.
P, Prest presented the winners
of the poster contest with tick.
ots to the oyster supper Feb-
ruary 25.
Mr, l�ug1e L. Watterworth
formerly of the Bank of Mon-
treal at Tilbury, replaces Mr.
till MeGrigor, who has been
transferred tO Preston. Prior to
the latter's departure he Was
peal of honor et a buffet lunch -
toll at the hate of the. manager,
I. If. Steacy„ •
Miss Vera Wisnidge of To
MO spent last weekend with
her parents, M. and Mrs. N.
Mr. and WS. Ito. Hamilton
Were giteSta Of Mr. And Mrs. W.
T, llaskett 62 Denfield last Fri-
Dr. and Mrs. r. Nieklin
of Leamington were Sunday vis-
itor* with Mr. and Mra. Herbert.
t.Nieitlin of the Latin bruit
Mr, and Mrs, Carl Holland Of
NewBrunsWick,have rented the
Erle Young apartment. The
farrier is stationed at the RCAF
station at Centralia,
Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Hodgins
attended confirmation service
in Ilderton last Sunday when
their nopliew, Kenneth
Was dohfirmed.
1/fr. and Mrs. Bob Drenali,
Bonnie and Jimmie attended thd
Talbot-ThorPe wedding at Si.
Janes Churth„ London last Sat-
MisS,1‹. tovvyer Who has been
a patient in 51. Joseph's Hospital
for the pan five weeks arrived
home last Monday.,
Mrs. George Strasser and Mrs.
Ralph Strasser attended the At
Horne for Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Tate Jr, at the home of the
groom's parents in Dearborn
last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs,
Tate were recently married in
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Lee of.
London Were Siltiday ,guesta of,
Mr. and MI'S. ThOinat Lee.,
Mr. And .Mrs, Murray Abbott
spent the former's birthday in
Seotland last Stniclay the guests
02 Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd MeGtiire.
...Please Turn to tag
. . Mrs. Mervin Carter teacher of
ClandebOYe OMM..."-entS
final spelling bee at the Stratford
uroutiate Selsool, Will Attend the.
john Etherin_gtori„ son .of M. :anti
Mrs. Archie. Etherington, on. Mon.
dayt l'Ylareli 4. Mrs...Carter to
her teacher's training at Strat-
:°Iroclis.le, Quebec, is spending a few.
Max Bloye, from RCAF
idnaoYtsherw-linth-1 atls, Affar,Ile.iirbtlM4Wrs.411114.'
Murless, and his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A, Bloye, of St. Thomas,
M St..James. Church. an Sunday
ttwo students of Huron -College,'
Afr. Charles Dyniond, of Toronto,
,---.Please Turn to Page 13
tor MRS J.
Day 02 Prayer Service
World Day a Prayer Service
will be bold at St. James Church,
on Friday, Mareh 8, at ;.30 pau,„
with the theme "Who shall sep.
arate us?"_Mrs, -Arthur Erskine,
a, Parkhill, will be the
guest speaker.
The first servicedield in ClandebOYO was 146t _year, when it
was. held in the Wilted Church,
with Mrs. J. P. Prest, front Holy
Trinity Church, Luean, and Mrs.
Arthur Black, of. the Lucan Unit-
ed Church, as gnest speakers,
clendeboye Steady $titchers
The Steady Stitchers
4E{ Home-
malUng Club with ,their leaders,
Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mrs. Gor-
don. Eaton, attended Achievement
Day on Saturday at Medway High
Seim!, Arva.
The project, "Sleeping Gar.
merits," was displayed by nine
girls, Marilyn Eaton, Rhea Arm-
strong, Tose Marr Hall, Phyllis
Lee, 'Ruth Donaldson, Marjorie,
Donaldson, Jeanette Blake, Don-
na Blake and Nancy Scott,
PIrs. It H. Anderson,* home ,
economist for IVIiddieseX,- an-
nounced the fall project, 1957,58 •
will. be "Working with Wecii,'!...the
summer project is, "The Club
girl stands on guard." Each girl
received a silver spoon fpr COM-
pletioK of projects. There were
.clubs„ with 31.6. ,giris in ellen-
Personal Items
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Carter,
.Carlyie and Ian Carter were
guests on Sunday,: when Miss
Mary Carter, of ondon1 enter
tamed in ,henor of her brother,
Douglas Carter's birthday. Other'
guests were Mrs. Douglas Carter
and ¥r 814 Weldon, Of Medford.
1.41itiotiltisio1ogongisktimetioliiiim111111111111411.11011 •11ileilimmIm11110111111111111111$11111m11111010111411%
School Of The Dance
Open.March 9, 1957
‘Still Time To Register
° Call 26-R-234 Ilderton
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