HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-28, Page 11A Pie 4 a A ,ction Timel teeeneereasiesie ese argains Announcements BIRTHS CRAVEN — L. and Airs. G. H. Cra.ven (nee Peg' Roweliffe) ere Inmate to ameounce the safe are rival of their son, Denies Laird, at Grace Hospital, lialifex, en Felertiery 4,1937. HEYWOOD—Mr. ancl etrs. Laverne ,Lier{100(1, R. 3 Exeter, announce the .birth of their deughter. Jud- ith. Marie, at South herou pita!, February 24, e957. VE:EB--Sid and Mary Neeb. Creel's on, nounce the birt11 a their on at leibston Hospital, February 8. 25, 1057, MARTIN—Mt.and Ales. Nortnan efartin. Exeter, announce the ar- rive' of her daughter, Lamle Genevieve, at South Huroa Hos- Walt Feeruttey 24., 10e7—a sister for Paul. Many. thanks to the 'staff of the hOsPltal, „MacGREGOR—eir. and Mrs. Donald R. Macgregor thee Audrey Powe) oe Parkhill amputees the birth of their daughter,. Katherine, May thealbs7). at South Huron Hos- pital, Le ebruary 20, 1957--a sister for Jimmy. ROIVE—adr. and Mrs,. Harold Rowe. Rea, 1 Woodham, announce) the birth of a daughter in St. Jo- eepres Hospital, London, February It 1957. DEATHS DELBSIDGE her late rest- dence, 013 Carling $te Exeter, Ontario. ten Saturday, e'ebruary 23, 1957, Hellen Spicer, beloved wife of Heory Delbridgee in her seventyeninth year. ROWE—The death occuered in St. doselsh'e Hospital, London. on February 13. of tee infant daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. liefole Bowe, Woodheen. • aliiTele-At the home of her son, Clarence ,Smith, Biddulph Town- ship, on Tuesday. Februery 26. ism Jane Ann Morley, beloved wife of the late ;fohri C. Smith, late-. of Exeter, in her ninety, tecond year. • CARDS ,OP -THANKS We wish to express our sincere thenke. and appreciation to our relatives, neighbours' and friends for the Wildness, sympathy and beautiful floral trieutes extended to us during the long extended Meese and our recent bereavement in the loss of a dear wife, mother and e'randmother. Special thanks to Dr, Fletcher, lees. Desjardine, Mies Ballantyne, Dirs. Tebbutt, Rev, Harold Snell, James St. N.V.A. and V.M.S. and the pall bearere.— Henry Delbeidge•and family. 2,8* We sincerely with to thank every - Who came to our aid when our barn burned; to the Dashwood and Grand Bend Fire 13rIgades for their prompteness M saving the houee, thanks.—Mr. and Mrs. no mason end family. 28c M. John Geiser 41.nci. MO Cara .Gaiser wishto express their ap- preciation ,for the many gifts, eards anti visits and to those who belped In any way during the celebration of Mr. Geiser's ninetieth birthdaY. .• • 28* Mr. and lies, Ken Larripmari wish to thank all their friends most sin- cerely for all the lovely flowers, cards end reading material sent to Ws. Lamlonan during her stay in Vietoria, Hospital and since he re- turned home. They were all much, ii.pOreciated. Tire Would like to 'thank ael Mir kind neighbors and friends for pre- eentations of gifts; also C.W.L. of Mt. Carmel and help while movieg into our new home. --Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boland. • , -28c wish to take this ,omsoetunIty of thanking- rily friends. relatives, and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards, .treats,, visits and kincle In- quiries during my stay in St. 20- tieph's Hospital and since returning -home, Thanks also to 'De. Gans.— Mrs. Bob Turnbull. 2:80 Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rowe. -wish te express their sincere apprecia- tion for the 'cards and flowers sent to Mrs: Rowe while she was a pa- tient 'in St. Josephs Hospital and for the kind expressions of sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment. Special thankto Dr, F. Betson and. Mr. et. C. leinoey. 28* Town Topics Mr. and' 'kits. Otto Brown left on Monday for .e trip to Ariz- ona. Mrs. Ed. Vincent, WinniPeg, Mrs. Stebbins, Victoria, B.C., Mr. •and Mrs. Clarence Desjar- dine, Dashwood, and Mrs. Keith Desjardine, Mr. ,Ian Des- jardine of •Grand Bend visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Desjardine. Mrs. Gordon Cudmore, town, end Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, near Exeter, visited hi Brainptori last week. Mr. Wesley Redmond and son, 13ill, of Grosse Ile, Mich... sPerli, Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. On Thursday they visited the former's mother j. MilVerton, Mr. and Mrs, Pearce returned to Grosse Ile with them on Thursday and re- turned, Monday. Mrs. Geo, Geddes visited with Mis8 Relena Humeston, London, over the weekend. Call Tenders For Bridges CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less 70c Mors Than V Words 20 Par Word St.lOcESDING INSERTIONS 40P Moro Than 25 Words — 1,10 Per Word 200 OFF • 'agl WO with order or kW Saturday following the lest insertion Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First insertion 980, Per Inch Subsequent I !notion s 040 Per Inch Classified ads aecePted Wednesday noOn. Auction sale copy -stionld be' in 'Tuesday at noen. FOR SALE 2 HOLSTEIN COWS. the to freshen March 13, James Grineey, Science Hill, phone Kleist= 63-r-13, 28c '50 MERCUR1-3 TON STAKE; with raek, excellent shape, ebean for quick sale. Apply Lucite Motor Sales. 28' COB CORN for seta Phone 22 -r -1n, Farkton, Philiip Bern. 284 '53 METEOR. CUSTOM 24OO17, 2• - tone in color, rade), heater. excell- ent . condition. Phone 432 Exeter. 28e Tenders are being tailed by Mc- Gillivray township council for the construction of two bridge S in the township, • li o Ad Superintendent, De a n White was given authority to call Lor the tenders at a Meeting Of Council on Saturday. ContrectS for warble fly spray- ing were let to L. V. Hogard14 Exttet, and Jack nutChison at their tender price of 10 cents per . bead, Hogarth will spray east of the fourteenth; HutchiSon will do the west side. Vowder will be supplied by W, ThompSen and Sons lAd.,' at the price of $7,10 for 15-Potind bags and 65c fOr one -pound bags. Report op the Carey extension munitipal drain wet taroVieterially edeptecl atter it Was read to in- terested ratepayers. Road budget for 1057 was set at $45,000. A bylaW providing for the bor. rowing of up to $50,000 to aid ratepayers the ,constructioli tile, stone Or thither drains was pasSed. It is subject to the tip. proVal of the Municipal board. Fox htitinty payments included 51.2 tO George Ci185,00 tO Pant Eagitspii silt! $3,0O to George Charlont, Dog,tax rebateS were approved hy Earl TUrrier, Stan Stott, George Derino, Arid AlYiti Lewia, All nieiliberS Of 'council •Were rent, N'ext Meeting Will be eld Warden March 30, at 1 Clearance at Wholesale Prices We're willieg to sacrifice dur profit to clear out this merchandise for new nmdels. '56 FRIGIDAIRE, RANGE '57 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER AIR -FLOW DaYER , DOMINION WASHER le„E, RUeSEI-1... Phone 109 Exeter 280 ALFACFA. RAY, 500 bates, second cutting', Apply Bill Morley, R.17. 1 Granton, phone 35-r-8 .Kirkton. 28* YOUNG GILTS. from firet quality grade sows and purebred bore. Alt come •from big litters. APPlY Pelt Bax, RR. 1 Woodham, phone Kirk - Lop 14-1, 28c BMW, half or quarter. Apply .Ger- aid itegier, 11.3 DashwOode • 257c COAIJ & WOOD .4a -,*p11. FlodlaY, in geed condition; reasonable. Ap- ply Dennis O'Rourke, R.11.3' Dash- wood, phone 161-r-10 DashWood. 28* HOLSTEILN cpws, young ,gredee, new reilikers and close springers, Norman. Marr &. Sod, Lambeth, phone Byron 136-3a or 167-J1'2. 2S;7:14c GOOD CHANCES FOR PROFIT, WITH SPRING CHICKS Egg prices are low now and pro- fits slim, but don't let that fool You for next season. BY NEXT FALL when eiwing bought chicks are laying THE SITUATION WeLL BE CHANGED, Hy-Llne ehleks bought now will be real money makers all. through 1553. We'll bet our bottom dollar on It. Now Is the time to get therm Order yours today. Neuhauser Hatcheries., , Stratford, Ontario.' 28c 1950 METEOR, 2 -lone blue, 5 good tires, new battery, alienate. Apply 50.5 Andrew Ste or Phone 256-ew. 28c 2 CCM BICYCLES, both in geed repair, Will exche.nee one for sidee -walk bike, Phone 384sei Exeter. 28c HOIST 8e RACK, keel bottom, 12x71,e. Exeter:Salvage, phone 923, 280 SMALL OIL H.FIATErt; Duothernel 2. -burner electeie . stove; 36 -ft. ex- tension ladder; digits; room table,: bookcase nr china cabinet, 4`x4'; good con-Min:1.0On 'door: usedwin- delve and doors; 3 metal Wider sraffold brattetsi• R. B. Belkwill, 47 Joho St. Ease 28* FEED PRICES Hog'Grower . $62 Dairy R4tion .. $62 CENTRALIA FARMERS' SUPPLY Phone 8854 Exeter COOK. STOVE,.• Findlay Condor A, crimplete with pipes, in first tease worldng condition: also quantity of •elat tope, dna and ready for dr - pular sawing, APply Philip Johns, R.R. 5 EXeter, Phone learkton 44-2 ,28* 2 'DURHAM 'HEIFERS, 22 enmities pie, Apply' Jaele Ccettes, phonei 10.1- ra1e Tiarkten, •, 25* ORGAN, With steal, in good don - Mt lore Phone 141-M Helsel), 28" FOR SALE ee IOETE011, Customline .eerlanr atitoinatie transinteelon, custent slin covers, turn aisnaie, beater, soot, - light, air conditioner. Mem excells cut, e nee? 9140w tires, overall cone dition very good; reasonable. Plume Exeter 7e7 -r-3. 7;14:21.128c TIME MAGAZINE, — introttectorY Tates, 30 weelcs for 52471 78 Weeke for 56,87. Well put your name on the melting list of any magazine. Eaeter Times -Advocate, Pbelle 770, „ ;tette. SUBSCRIBE TO LIFE—Introductory Were for new subseribers only, 70 weeks for e7.70; 41 weeks for 54,84. Renewals eor ell inagaeines, Eeeter Times -Advocate. Phone 770, awn. Buzz, CALF, Holstein; ale° •a. couple DI cows, reedy to freshen. Phone 476 Exeter, Sandy Mint. 21 :28c, ELECTRIC.RANCE — Your -burner heavy duty Netioriel 'Range, in good collate:el: 063. Phone reae-R or en- PlY 130 Arnie St., Exetee, TRICI'CLE, medium eited, In geed Oitdition, teesoisable. Phone sse.;rt, EXetee. SHOR 'rat N BULL, yeaeling; Middlesex aid 0Ifteed Breeding (Stole:dale Fliteritel, $150. Apply to, Gordon W. Morley, eellse. Craig R.P, NO. 3 rie /41'11181er, 26" Dairymen Sugar e h or t ag e in cows? if troubled with acetonernia,, try the new PrepaVet Safe and ef- fective. Prolve et Tablets- tor testing cows for Acetonemia also available. Estimated milk loss due to Ace- tonemia rims several million dollars annually. •Asallable, at the Exeter District CosOperative 2128:7c 1ietlea,70e bales pi timothy and 1e11 bales of' clover hay, APPIY Richard Crecee, Pell. 1 Dashwood, phone 32- r-10 Grand Vend. 21 :2e etc POTATOES. cliolce cooking. ApPlY Hard Harter, Pashwooci. phone 61. 2;* Improve Schools In McGillivray linproveinents tO MeGilliVray schoOls Wer disciissed by the toWnship trea board at its Meet. big Thursday night. It was decided tO last a plywood floor Over the old floor in •the Liettry Scifool as a tempotery pa1r fliJiAlathers will do the , The. board decided to table the notice of the Carey Extension Municipal Drain, or further ht. vestigation. Decision on a date for the Visit- ation of schOols was Postponed until a later Meeting, Public Scheel TitSpectbr El. wood OakearStrattirOy, was pres- ent for the Meeting. %Milberg present were eot beth Sitoldice, tryden Taylor, Calvert Nithol arid Grant Alton., CEDAR, iND POSTE: polo for teams, etc„ out end ready for im- mediate de 11 v e r y, Apply Bruce Koehler, an, 2 Hensall, phone 91- r-1 Zurich. ' 212:80 FOR RENT 160 ACRE FARM, or acreage, share basis or cash rant. For further in- formation phone 31-re15 Dashwood after 5 p.m., or apply Box "P", Times -Advocate. 2817140 APARTMENT — Available April 1. Apply Godbolt Apts,, 16 Jobn St., phone 202. 260 SeSIALTe COTTAGE', ,thruished. Centralia, suitable for young couple, Phone $8043 Exeter. 28e 3 -ROOM APA.RTMENT, with bath downstairs, unfurnished and nicely decorated, hot and cold water. with utilities Paid. 315 Andrew Street, APPLY Ford. Fuels, Exeter, or phone 091-r-5, Hensel], collect, 21:28* APARTMENT, urifurnished, heated, private, bathroom, hot water. Apply Penhale Apartments, 70 John St, E., or phone 294-11. altfc 2, APARTMENTS, ground floor, 1, furniehed, 1 unfornished. Both are heated," hoe and cold water. built- cepboarcls, use of laundry for washing, private entrance. Bleach - ford Apartments. 7tfc 5 -ROOM APARTMENT, Centralia Village, A.pPlY next to Station, pen- tralia, etitfc • APARTMENTS—A number •.of , l- and 2 -bedroom apartments. W, C. Pearce. Realtor. 86 Aims St. •1511e 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty -Nu Bakery, Phone e00, Zurieh. 9tfc EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWJNG 11LA.CHINES -- Electric Portables, by the week. Hopper - Hockey Furniture. phone 99. Ex- eter. Stre Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor. Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Todls, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER _SERVICES szPrrc 'PANICS cleaned out. Im- mediate service. Betler 'Bros, Lu - can, phone 108 or 130-1V. ' 11:2-3;4 Mobile Disposal Contracting SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Repairs on ,Drains, Watermaina* etc. NEW INSTALLATLONS on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tileand 'Drains " to meet youe requirements. PHONE 205. GRAND BEND 14:2-4;3 BE SURE to have your soil testeri tor best results. Only 500 for a complete test. Now is the time to do It, L, V. Hogarth, phone 266. 14:2128c MAKE A. DATE WITH TliE, • Fuller Brush Man • GLENN NORTHCOTT Phone e6718 De.shwOod. 11.71. 1 Exeter .B.ABY ,CHIC.KS :FOR SALE WANTED CRICMN. Not "how inUcti" bet elitew Many", in chick beying ilea 'toe egg PrOateeleit ecte're after for leriede Leage markets. Breeds tin .eggs. breeds lor wnlabt. All fest maturing, low overbeted. letsle for Bray liete ain't let markets. Peett You tip. Agent: Erie earseartriele Exeter, ,phone 296-W or Bray Hatchery, 1311 John 21.. Hamilton. gee 25e FARMERS! For dressed 'weight Prices oft slaughter catUe, cows and bells. Phone Exeter 15 rollect. 2817:1421:2e* ISIANURE LOADING—APPIY Nor' man Whiting,. Exeter. phone 655-W evenings. , 11.fc CUSTOM CAPON'IZING end staeted capons on order. Phone 57-r-23 Dashwood, Carl °saddler. e.:21-5;ee HELP WANTED GIRT to learn fermate. trade, Apply Brady Cletthers, 28c HOC'S/SKEWER --. Duties inelude housewerk and caring 'tor 2 small chticiree: 5 -day week, sleep Out. Phone 18't atter 5 o.m. • 25* FARMER OR POULTIelaltAlet to raise thickerie Op to 12 weeks on a guarariteed Price coettatt. Chicks and feed to be supplied, APPLY PoX "0", Timesseetletcate. . 28c GIRLS foe general reetatirent Week; courteettis, deperida.ble, honeet: live in; top wages; 48-hour Week. Write id Ed DIOPett, MR. 2 leiltvorthee Ont„ ethiskoka. 21:Z8;7;14:ale NOTICES " • Polite Village Ot Crediton ' /et:Ai/NATION MEETING ,Fdr the purpete Oe feomineting one truetee' for the remainder the Yette, ' ISIARCH 3, 1057. a- 9 Pat, Crearell Cenenluelter -Centre • Lorne Hedge, Ilettirtiliele Officer REAL ESTATE_____ 140 ACRE FARM 10 acres In bardeveed and pine heels eittlatee on a levee and near schoole, steree, elle on Paved mad. Large barn with water Preseure throughout and tilloe le -room modern frame house completely equipped with 3 -piece bath. All ineestriee should be addreesed let.Dfr. Clarence Vali, rut. No, I.,. Clinton, Ontario, This advertisement was publishe4 free by Tau; A14..14D ,FAn'st SEila VICES OF CANADA, ESTATE 1•101ISE — Modern lie, storey red .brick house, qull base- ment, laundry t Li be. sof t water sYstero, heater, furnace and fruit uellar. First floor eontains modern kitchen, dining room, living room, maker bedroom. and 3 -piece bath. Upstairs tantalise 2 large bedrooms, 3.p1ece bath and sewing room. AmPle closet space end double garage. For full perticulare aPPIY Edo Heywood, Phone 840. 2Stic HOUSE—Residence of the la,t'e Mrs. Ida Caldwell, Exeter North, corners of No, 4 and 83 highevays. Two- storey insuabrick 4 -bedroom, house with 2splece beth on second floor grid e -Piece bath on mein floor, cupboarde, living room and sun porcla full basement; also on this lot, a• 2-13e4roorn cottage, built - In cupboards, 2 -piece bath and liv- ing rodni, Executors, Harry E. 'Beaver, Exeter, Alvin Kellerman; Dasbwood. 31:28:7* ERIC H HOME, 3 -bedroom, hYdre, bath, oll furnace, 35750 with terms, garage. FRAME HOUSE, 3-betlre9m, hydro, bath, oil heat. - I -STOREY HOUSE, new furriece, Piecebathnew roof, garage., HIGHWA.T, 100 ACRES. bank barn, silo, brick house, 015,000. HIBBERT. 100 ACREE. bank barn. insul - brick house; hydro, good water, $9,000. • HIGHWAY 200 ACRES, bank barns, silo, driveehed, garage, good break house, good school privileges. Sure we have othee properties to sell, Welke, phone or come, W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 405; Earl Parsons, Phone Ma, Fred Cole, phone 536 -eV, Salesmen, 21tfc BUSINESS •CiPPORTUNrrIES 70A2'WAbdtD tor itswielgli tom Soli 1,300 faltillee. Write Orley. fteteleigh'e, mot. EI-31)2eSA. Montreei, sso LOST w;..k LlEt. '''efetteV.", teletithillue eteeentials. Fierier kihrelY phone SST, 28" HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard • Exeter s • ' We have clients looking for 2-, S - aha A -bedroom houses located lee or LORNTL, E YNDALPROP. close to*Exeter. HAROLD JACKSON,Auctioneer The re Going WANTZD TI> SUY—floilSe. 3- or 4-beeiroone. In Exeter. around Apell 1. tern's, APPIY BOx 'OH" Times - Advocate. 26* GRASS for 20 head of young ,cattle far summer, Apply Be' Pareons, R. 3 Exeter, phone 172-re2t. 28:74 „ .- 1 GANDER: alert 2 geepe for •sale. Apply Gerald Lawson, phone e3e17 'Kirk ton. ee* .s • -WANTED TO ftENT—Would like to rent from someone approXimatebe .50 acres a land between Exeter and Hensel!. phone ,68e -e-12 Hen - Salle STRAW, by the bale or Jamie 1n, the mow. G. j. Dow, phone El Ex, oter, 7;1441:280 • TENDERS WANTED WARBLE -FLY SPleAreNG TENDERS. for On f,raot to spray all cattle in the TowriablP of Ste - p11511 for Warble -Fly eolitrol. work to conform evith Act and he eubject to direction of the Inspect- ors aPPointecl. Tender to, Oats piece per head for each treatment. All.tender e to be accompanied with cheque ot 3,75.00 and be In the - !iambi of the Clerk bY elonday, March 4th, 1037. saIer joi;easetepottedany tender not rieeee" W, MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ontario, 11:240 • . WARBLE -FLY POWDER TENDERS for Warble -Fly Pow- der will. be rewired by the Towns ship of Stephen. To be in the hands of the Clerk by March • 4t1, 1557. Lowest or any tender .not reecess sexily accepted. E. W. 1101eL0CK, Clerk, Crediton. Ontario. go.s. AUCTION SALES Clearing • AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Firm 'Implements Livestock, Poultry, Feed. Household Effects On the Prernises„ LOT 13, CON, 10, STEPHEN TAVP, FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Complete list of sale. in -next veeek' s issue. ' JA.elF,S MAWIIINIIEY, Prop. eaLVIN WALPER, Attetioneer 28e AUCTION . SALE Of 50 Head of Holstein Cows and Heifers 7 Cu. Ft, Refrigerator and Rangette From Lot 20, Concession 15, GODERICH TOWNSHIP, 1, Miles. West and ee, MIle North of. Clinton' TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1:30 P.M. 3 -14 11 D 110 0 Af irt.to.g., close to schools, This Is a, tidy home In good repair ealth all doriveniehees, Nias lot with gavage. Low price for cash or libetat terms will be given. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Clyde Team, Beef and 3 -BEDROOM BRICK with good 1- Dairy Cattle slot•ey• 58.1:30'; suitable for storage 511601 industsgya. pae Is in goocl repel'', 'heavy' . vete lig and 5 -piece bath. APPeoximately ee acre of land, Priced to sell. Terms. 1 ACRE OF. LAND with• eciod bedroom brick house and small barn. 'House le In good condition, 3 - piece ;bath and heavy 'wiring. Quick possession. Terms. EXETER /eORTH— Comfdriable 3 - bedroom cottage with 3 extra lots and a very good barn, -This Is a roomy cottage, le -well wired and has a good basement, Low Vice. Terms. s 2sEEDR00M COTTAGE% modern klethen and le:senate bathe Full base- ment, Comparatively new. Oil space healer cob -mike: Teems. To bues or sell ice C. Vs Pickard, Realtor and General Insurance, 394 Main 'Se, Exeter. Phopes 165 and Bee. 38tfc PASTURE LAND, 50 acres, with running, water, E.P. Lot 15, Conc. 8. H ay. Apply evenings .— Mrs. Therese Hartman, 71.11. 7 Zurich, Daehwood 26-r-2. 28:7:14* NOTICES TO CREDITORS • In the Estate nf David Harrison Haugh, , deceased. ' the estate Of David Harrison Haugh, Deere binder, 7-11, cut, in good con - Tractor, Threshing ..Machine Farm Implerrients, Hay Grain and Misc. Items • The Undersigned Auctioneer re- ceived instructions•to sell by Public Atietion on the premises, • LOT 14. CON. 14, HAY' TWP 7.14 Miles West of Zurich and 2 Miles South or 2,4 Miles 'West of Dashwood and 3 litles North TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1957 Commencing at 1100 P.M. Sharp HORSES: Matched Clyde team, mare and. gelding. rising 11 years old, true and reliable in every waY. BEEF & DAIRY CATTLE: Part Hereford and Angus cow with sec- ond calf at foot,•milkings fresh one week; 2 Durham rows' with calves at foot; part Durham and Angus cow, milking, with calf at foot; Part Durham end Angus cow, milk- ing, with thled,calf at foot; Durham co*, carrying third calf, due time of sale; Holstein row. carryleg fourth calf. due in April; Holetem cow, caeryirig third calf, due in April; part Durham and Jersey cow, carrying second calf, due ie April; 6 Durham yearling steers and heifers': part Hereford and Dure- haTnIVAbCuTILOR:2`.y.eaarsTITRoldESHER: lte- Deetink Farman "A"., tractor, le guaranteed condition; Advance Rum - ley 22X86 threshing machine with all attachments, in ow coodition. All persons • having claims against FARM 7 eile.L E ME N' TS: John late of the Village ,ofeDashwood, In the. County or Huron, Gentleman, ware died. on or abotat tis 201h day of elenuary 1957, are requieed to file Particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitoes of Exeter, On- tario,. by the 16th day of March 10070 atter which date the estate will he distribetted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. . • Bell 84: Laughton soilitors for .aief Exeeutore, • Exeter, Ontario, 28:7:14c In the Estate of Mary P—Simpsori, deeeased. All Pereene having claims against he testate of Mary P. Simpson, late of the Village of Hensel!, the Crawly Crt. Huron, Widotv. who died ori or abeut the 18th day or Febru- ary 1957, atee taquIred to file par- ticulars or same with Bell & Litughtin, tSolititoes a Exeter, On- tario, by the 16th day ef elareb nestle a,flet which date the estate will be distributed. ha.eiteg regard only to those clarets of Which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Barristers & Sellcitora Eketer, Ontarie, 28:7:140 In the Estate of Andrew Edgar Hunkin, tiseeltsed. All persons; having efainis ogeinst the Watt of Aildreve Edgar Mal- kin, tete of the Town of Exeter, in the CotintY' of Huron, Bookkeeper, whet died Mi Or stbout the 291.11 day of Junk, 1956. are repotted to file particulate of ‘same with Hell *SsLaughton, Solicitors ee txater, On- tario, by the Mee day of Meech, le57, after' whith date tile estate will be distributed /Meting rerard only * le those Olefins of %little hales lute been etecived, Bell & Laughton gonoitorg tor the Aditintetratrlet, Elstetet e Ontatio. • 14:11;e8e ut al* t salt Dr Annie Elizabeth Snell, , cieettasect, 7.11 persime Inteltig elairrits etealnit the egtate Of Annie thcabeth Late tie the Toles!. of Exeter, the the Cotiety unton, Who tiled ittle Of Anent tht eltli da,v Dr Noveineer, 1055, aele eefleieed tel file tattletale's Of matins settle tall & 'CA411011. abliCiterN '01 kaeter) OfItariO, b54 the '211c1 tley of Match, 1757, knee Whieh dete tne eseate Will be dietennited h5.%/IMreettecl belle to thee& clahnit of *Audi toties hat. hetet receited. 'Bell LiittOttfati golieltofs frit the Exeelliter. Itiattt atter); a.H. 13 -run. seed drill; e1-14 17 -tooth. cultivator; two 1 -horse cultivatore; MeR hay loader; 2 rubber. tired .wagene: 16 it. hay rack; MeDeering 2 -furrow teac- her plow; 3 - section diamond harrowe, like new: 4 -section dia- mond harrows: harrow cart: l'2 -ft, dump rake; riding plow; walking plow; M44 6ef1, mower; 3 -drum, steel relief': efeDeering 4 -wheel manure spreader; ()taco 2-W11eel tractor spreader; 14 -plate dile; efe le bean Duller and scuffler;) stock rack, grain box: gravel box: 'heavy steel weeee trough': eet of sleighs Mg box; Maple. Leaf 1.0 -inch grinder; ef-II cutting bet; fannleg mill; sap pan; set of harness: collars; quan- tity of radar posts; wire; chains; forks; ehovels, etc- etc. HAY &. GRAIN: 55 tone of mixed hay, amide quality; 300 bus, Rod- uey seed oats;bushel of alfalfa andim tothy seed. No reserve ea farm le phi, TERMS: Cash, RDBIYRT ADAMS, Prop. max WEBB, Clerk wAtamn, Anotioneer ss:le Set .4014.01.0 )11011.eilik; 11,(460 collfere; 400 Heaney 045,, grown Irone etegleeereit seee; bps• lieentealne beitey, setitable ler tteedi. ;0044 geseect. Puteteeelly: laying leetue le ). ' eafre ' ?elate:tee:a' ;Ceara jewel 4-esu1eee eleetrie11 itsterire; 1..01* 8016 (.1014 ir g],t4z4:5; .dreseerii; Weeps:- b;A44; ..gr*X lug, lex12; Melo° rug, 7x4, 7:e.,31 rugs. 0;121 •ilteetter .nortis Plane and bcpChe eltaa Niceor make: launere tub; sealers: •Icitchen tabinet; dreg lestf 4a0.161 :other articles .too ottnlatente to Merettpo. Teette,tS: Geteh, leo reeerve. learnt eljeLel HENDIefleON, Prop. HAROLD jAelleSON, Auctioneer' V, telele$NEY., Clore 28:7c ..„. . ,„ AUCTION SAL.E Of Valuable Real 'Estate Household .Effects . 111 T..3.1;1 'VILLAGE OF ,I.LENSALL The Unclersiereed Asteetiorieer is etructere ko *OIL by Vilma; AuittiOn 00 SATU�AYk MAFICH 16. cowioete ' W1LLLUi PElePEE. eEe$101 PEpPER, • proprietore ' " ATeViN •WeejefeEle. AuctiOneer 280 „ Wring AUCTION SALE . Of Farm.Stock and Implements • ' Situated on Lot 15 elonceestoo e, LISIeteRNE TOWNSHIP . 1 ails Lost a Exeter (Huron St.) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1967 ; at 1 O'clock Sharp MACHINERY: Ante letialmers tractor, in ,goed working order; 2- furrovr gasseY-Harris plow; Masseye ' Barris' manure spreader, nearly new; Caae aide ,rake, 1 year. old; ! llfamessenyeelewax; ribsined2e-rplat6e4c1toplelli,aie disc, Harrls: McCormick'. 5-11. mower; 10- 10 Wit teethed cultivator: leehoed Dea-aseY-Rarris• seed. drill; 4 -rowed Cockshett seuffler: sliding. rack; 2e: rowed scuffler; 12 ft. roller; 4e zectaten diamond harrows; Crates; aleigne; rubber -tired, wagon with rack for stager beet unloaditsg: 2 - wheeled trailer with, racks, new tires; hay loader; electric brooder, 300 chick capacity; dump 'rake; 2 iron kettles; lever hateriews; sugar beet lifter; cutter; feasting Mill; Stet pulper; 'Universal 2 unit milker with le cow service; water heater; International cream separator vath motor attached; Little Gem grinder; wheelbarrow; Poet hole auger; '2 basswood olahk, 4x9x16, suitable for rack sIlls; brooder with coal strive; 30 -ft, well anger; slings and ropes; emery; sugar beet knives; electrie fencer; harness: forks •and many other items. & FEED: 50 bus. Of Shefford oats grown from Beg. Seed, suitable- for seed; 300 bus, mixed. grain; 100 bus. g dated shell- ed corn; 800 bales of good hay arid some Won hay; 350 bales of grew; quantity of •kood turnips. LIVESTOCK: 12 pigs around 150 tbs; "Yorkshire sow, :due March LS; Yorkshire sow, dile 'March 24. These are a choice lot of hogs. .0 A T T LE: Registered 'Holstein co*, milking good and will renew again June 15: Holstein cow, due at time of Aale: Holstein cow, due March 10; Holstein cow, due' April 26; Holstein cow. due May 7 ;grade cow, milking good; due June Ill Holstein cow, due. Meech 18; Hol- stein ceee clue .A.Oril. 1. These are all young cows. Holstein heifer calf, born June 13, eligible for registra- tion; 2 Holstein heifers, 10 months old; white-faced heifer: fat heifer: baby beef; veal calf: 20 white-faced heifer calves weighieg around 450 lbs; These are a choice lot. 25 Hens. HOUSEHOLD 'VOUS: Extension table, kitchen cabinet, etc, TERMS: Cash. has been sold. Poeitively no reseeve as the 12.e.r: A.. G. HICKS, Clerkne FRANK TAYLOR, A.uctioneer . CLARK FISHER, Proprietor • :Chterinst. AUCTION SALE • i Of Tractors;•Thraehe •Ferrn implement Potlezt ;NereforclatF.,d and • Mtecellaneous ittune •QD the Preinieee. . LOT 15, CON, a. STEPHEN TWP. WEEINEaDAY, .MAREH 20 alcmplete Jest of kale 10 neat .weele'a issue. WESLEY. WEIN. Proprieties* ALVIN WALPER, Atictienaer Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Preinieees. DirectlY Acreetie from tee Lutheran rehurth in the THE VeLLAGE Op DASHWOOD The Unclareigneci Anetteneer re- ceived inotructIone to Sell by pith - lie Auction on SATURDAY) MARCH 2, 1957 at 1;50 pen. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; rielnece chesterfield suite; dining room ex. tension. table; 6 Alining roOns chair's; 2 reale rocking cheere; leather rock- er; etesdio pouch; 2 kitchen elm - hoards; kitchen table; 6 chaire; Admiral refrigerator, used 2 years; Good Cheer harshen range, new condition; Doherty kitchen range; email heater; electric bot Plate; Beatty eleclrie • washing machine; Marconi, electric; radio; Doherty organ and 5101, In new condition; Wbite seivine• machltie; chest of drawers; burean; couehs kitchen isink; small table; 3 ceptre tables; settee; 3 bedstead.s, complete yeah springs and mattress; dressers; com- modes; 2 toilet sets; clothes closet; cushione; pillows; curtains; riraPee; comforters.; blankets; feather ticks; mats; 2 trunks: Ssday clock; alarm clock; quantity a dishes; glase- ware; kitchen Utensils; sealers; copper boiler: lawn chair; lawn mower; wheelbarrow: 0 cord dry hardwood; 3 cord dry hardwood slebe; 3 cord cedar wood; top bug- gy; step ladder: toole, etc,. etc. In ease of bad weather sale will be held under cover. . TERMS: Cash, WILLIAM H, HAUGH, CLIFFORD PEPPER. Executors eor the Estate of the late David' Haugh, GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN VteALPER, Auetioneer 2e:280 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects 'will be offered /Or tele at Lot 3, Coitteesion 1, STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 1 Mlle North of Ripped do No. 4 • Highway, en F311DAY, MARCH 6,12 NOON CATTLE: 5 tot% ranging atm 3 be 7 years old, euebeeed tie be ih calf, all pesteris bred; 0 svelte calves; 1 fall calf; 7 ;sieve. tieing 3 years eld; 2 steer taives, tishig 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS: 60 Oliver roW cereP traetok With peeve' lift Med ecuft- ler; MeCermick Deerieg standerd leader. W4; 1-11. still teeth tut, fleeter; eesettitin -drag harrewes 1.2. ft. sited &Mit roller; etieCerthick Deeting leedisc fertilizer Seel drill, yetits old; .4 teetitni 01Interest's; eIeCorenick Deering !I...turret> trate tot pleiv; MeCothelek Deetieg Wails eareadee, tractereeteevel Me" Coritnek Dettifig telt. innwer: Mikes tteeeHiterie side rate: NeW Bale timitar, 32.1i lana; New haler,. used 1 yette; isiteCormiek Deering conthine. With motor; grain, blotter, with Pieta; galls Vitiate; rubb'er tired wagon with flat Mak sled grain too; Wt. Ditteseeallareis binder; trailer With Steels rack; teineht mixer; tircular saw; reot peeper; Mt lack fol 11k35O* 4.11, a:triage tete; alt sleighs; Odeon eeleaeleeelt: porno jack; lee. Mo- tor:t3 hp, motor tanning Mill and teeetteriel ISO 2,000 lb. itettien; belted tonMert plaiskei keel Wetter trough; bertele; 2 Wheelbiterteeel etifeber of 3t6 rafters; forks; shovels; a tag of „ barbed *net 1,isei siih* 'Mate; 4eft., lend -relief; 3" tilts; 5.ItIle erteee meet o,teti Meets; egtefselen W101; thlee atd brooder: few too of baled' 11141 AUCTION • SALE Annual 'Reduction Sale - Of Pure -hied. anci.Grade • Yorkshires. RODIDA.LE .STOCK. FARM • Lot 20, •Cienceseion 9, LOBO TOWNSHIP 3 Miles West, 1. Mile North of . Ilderton. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1957 at liete p.m. • 20 .pure-bred gilts, ate in March: 15 pure-bred gilts, due in April; 10 grade gilts, dge in May; aenumber of service -age boars. J. C. ROBS 8e*SONS Auctioneers: 'HUGH FILSON. P110116 Ilderton 22-r-141 TOM leOBSON Phone Merton 10-r-14 • • Mc . • : Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery' and Household Effects A. Lot el. Con. e, TUCK*ESSMITH TOWNSHIP, 11i. Miles East of Brucefield on Min Road, or 4 Mlle* 'West of Sea/teeth. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 . at 12 O'clock Sharp lLeCIIINERY: 44 Massees-Haries• tractor with high :arch adJusta.ble frora end, fullyeequipped with row beet and been culti' vator salso heat housere elassey-}tarria Super 27" 1.2 ft, combine, etielPPed; Massey-Harrie P.T.O. 12 fe swath- er; Interhational See ft, seiff tooth cultivator; Massey Halals No, 2e 3-furrosv plow, Cockshutt Nei. 11. fertilizer drill, '13-rtm; International gle ft. double spring cultivator; lfassey-liarris heavy duty 12 It. drags; 1 ton Ebersol "'Wonder" feed end iseed mixer, used 8 months; gayrath 52- ft. bale elevatote 20" trough: NeW Idea moues spreader, on rubber; 2 rubber -tired wagons With grate. boxes; New Idea side rake, oh rubber; Melees 2 -wheel winrow turner; 3-drton 'steel toller: 4esettiene harrows; elassey-learris 7 fa balder; 4- aed 3-sectien harrow bare: 2-wileel trailer With rack; 151 Chevrolet 3elon truck, lie ee-1 con- ditioe, with new tires, neat battery, nene sills mei rack, 14 ft. long, ft. Vide. 4 It. high, with twee pole and a tarpauliii, 3x115 It alt 2,0011 lb eatiees bag teuelei Mineeapolis Molitie0. it, (Imitate dist; e'Ofisgal. gas tank With pump: 200 -gal. -gas tatik owfith40,uet &pritidinplieueltoonyer6ociatt. luxtrtfitic hay fork; littes fork toPe; grabble fork; set ot 3 tope .elinget bleck oriel taekle; dune> rake; tubber+. deed Wheelbaterbev; e2 ft. exteletioti ladder; Step ladder; large svelte kettle; forks; ehtsvisis; lilalOS, tools; other 'articles tot, riumeittte te 'essential, Ali matelinery pratticallY net./ antl in 4.4 tenditien, tPVP.CTS; Kitchell table With / boards Alla chairs; 3 small tables; 4 double 'bed* and springs; 'single bed old ePrings; hospital bed slid springs; '2 matt, reseee; 3 aressete teed kende; Mtge cheet Of ate:west taro .,plywood wardrobe, alte 2/t5 it.: 0 mall wardrobes; 3 small tablet tables: eleettle teale; tattgettine reek;' table What; baby buggy, Mall gize; .epeeceer heativig neve: Wee ,13851 larita MSS dtht16-barsdf Lac heater; raper bos.i.d and 'true. Eagiel, 011 can; 1010g erotica; Pertahle Victitla and tee emelt; aunt leixt: Web eize bee table, diode; gteebage Ws; legiel. be'lcievreV;6 ltoohabel;eirro'eltirtelbeetelwif joite tettpiderelgoll?".312"; atilt:ally of seal. No reserve, loam told. 11147: 30122ST,torbO. HAROLD siAteeseSON. isiletleheet E. P. CHts,VSZ Clerk At .1P44014 'AUCTION Farm Stock. ImolomOntll Feed, Carpenter Tillie Otaildinpii, Graf, till.f4 The Undereigneet Aleetiteeteer recelved lustrecttoni to AO fey Ptiblic Auctien On the tram of r-MSJ.401)INE, ti4 34185 North of Grand sena on Highway 21 REAL ESTATE: 5e aeree or dreeite' land; 20 urea of m100 buab, S00% half of Lot. la, Cop, le. 4, FRIDAY, MAFiGet if le* P.M, Terms of Real Estitiii: TO be sold gubiect to es reasonable -reserve beet. LIVESTOCK: Slue .cosse due 41 April; black•CONV fresh 2 menthe; blue cow, fresh 5' mont7s Hereford and Jersey cow, ergele 4 menthe: Holsteiftt row, freelt 1 Menthe; 2- heifers, ate:Mild 500 lleate Y,earlime0 and a small mires; 4 Pigs; lel puttees; 00 year-old hens. FEED; 123 bus, Rodney Oatee from reg. seed laet year, suitee fee seed; 200 bus. iniXed Eeever eats and barley; SO bus. wheat; quantity of cob cern; 600 bales good hay, timothy arid 14,.' alfalfa (witis no rain)? some Moo, • hay; 2 Wefts traw, MACHINERY: Ford tractor. 1955, real good; Ford plow, like new; M -II cultivator, 7 ft., like new; Int. disc. 7 fle like new; 4-5e811en bane row, new; 13 -run Moe, fertilizer drill, settle markers; 7 et. efeli 'binder; new int. hay. loader: 5 ft, 'McCormick mower: 4 -row heal, scuffler: 4 -row weeder; Int, eide SO - livery reke„ new: 5-drurn teel riellert Meal manure preader; 2 ate* trailer, with eteck racks; rubber - tired wagon with rack; ei ton truck stock rack; Lete grinder, hearies new; 20 It, rubber belt; Ci>molete set of carpenter toole, incluctieg skill saw; ttleantity dry tint, voodt cedar Posts (fence); eron Poets; colony house, 10x12 (instil brick); hen beisee, 22x1014. (eastly moved): garage, .10x16 '(easily moved); bed,, 21x18 (to tear down) t electrie brooders, 500 and 550 size: rotary Punlri; barn rope. 160 ft.:`10 'sheets ten -test; 4 bundles, johnsaMensville shingles; cream WA:eater; ram% scales; quantity dishes; miecelleme eous artieles. TERMS: Cash day of sale."' No reserves tri ehattels. Fp4cToa NceN-Zele, Auctioneef MELVIN DESSARDINE, Prell. ISAAC BESTARD, ellARL BMX Clerics .• 21:281 "elm* Is Your Present Car Socially Acceptable 2 Does it drink too much gas, smoke too much, or "cough" at the wrong time? We have the best selection of late model cars. Some with very low mileage. All well behaved, with perfect manners. '37 PONTIAC' COACH DE- LUXE PATHFINDER — New. Dis. of $400.00. '56 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN — 2 -tone, White 'Shoes, 8,260 miles. '56 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN—V8. Holds entire family. '56 CHBV. SEDAN — Step out in this. '55 BUICK 4 -door hardtOp. Automatic. Big reduction. OHEV. 210 SEDAN Can't be told from new. '55 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN — 14,000 miles. Spotless. '55 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN — Smooth as ivory. '54 BUICK SEDAN — Auto- matic, radio, 2 -tone, Luxurious comfort. '54 DESOTO SEDAN—Auto. Ingle, 2 -tone, tinted glass. , '53 DESOTO SEDAN — V8, Autorriatie, radio, WW tires, power steering, brakes,' windows. Orig- inal, '53 PONTIAC SEDAN— '53 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN — Extras, Real Sharp. • '53 dIEV. BELAIR, HARD. TOP—Automatic,' radio, WW tbs. 'Under 20,000 miles. '53 Cary, DELUXE SEDAN Radio. '53 MONARCH SEDAN Automatic, • radio. Tops in ,beauty. '52 CHEV. SEDAN—Radio. Here's a honey., '52 DODGE SEDAN—Purrs like a kitten. ,51 '51 STUDEBAKER- SEDAN Loaded with extras, . ' '51 DODGE CORONET SEDAN—Antoinette. To value lovers. STUDEBAKER COACH Custotn radio. '51 CHEV. SEDAN — Nont better. '51 METEOR COACH—Over- drive. Absolutely' none better to be had, '50 Fon) SEDAN ---- Real clean. ',50 FORD COACH RUSH! HURRY! The Bass Said Sell 'Em . Cheap! '50 STt/DiRAKER SEDAN '49 DODGE COACH , '49 CHEV, SEDAN 149 srunniatin SEDAN '49 l'OAD COACH '49 MERCURY SEDAN HABLEY DAVIDSON MOTOB,CYCLE '45 VAAGO lent shape. The Only Way To reelly tell flu toms donclitiort le to us these beauties yourselfl Ws the diffsrente flut counts! COMPARE! COMPARE! COMPARE! Dollar For Dollar, You'll Get Mora �b Cook MOTOR SALES Phone 1111 .Hentall For .0iottsoilfrittlio or VtiltitpatfatiOn Ooso Evenings -4. 0 it 10 Om .W.00 'heat t414.1t. trash • 111011t SALISMIN 10 SOOVII YOU