HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-28, Page 10.a • • ;74000afilininfulltlitiOliflitifilliniutifialummill1110100n101 lllllll ututlitfliniu lllll nem llllll NiUmilltuflinin0 :01011111111111111 llll 1111111111flitlIniUsulliaftininiumiu0fimill1H1010001 lllll 11100011 l 0 lll 11010 lllll 111111000flIft llllll 1104.„ . • • E Pols Ths Timo-Advocato, February 214 1957 Hog Issue ,..,,Cleitinued from Page a Peel f r tet among all branches cuttatra. The Ontario Foci - al rut of Agrieultin'e is made up, �t !erne 80 etifferent 1,111.itS rePre• run' 14 percOOt of the papule - Was tlE it is vey mperLart that they he united in purpose. Or, as the late Agnes McPhail *aid Many years age to the farel* Ors,ef, that day, "United we stick e-eltrided we're Wick." Prevent Chimney Fires use fire chief Chemical Chimney Cleaner* To eltninste .soot and scale from your stoves and pipes. The smaller the flame the more soot and carbon. FOR USE IN 011, Coal and Wood Fired Units 'EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP MENSAL'. FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Huron Fair On Saturday. An illustrated lecture on grasS. laod farming in other parts of the world is expected to attract a large crowd to. }lureCounty Seed Tair at Clinton.,on $atUr.' . day. Professor Norman 3, -Thomas, - Locals Win D'Qwn 17° • At London' Earth prizes at MiddieseX Seed. District farmers. .capture ine- e'air ibis week. M. lie Hover and 'Son, R,11. .a St. Marys,, maintained their treputationy, acaspptarylepltiipleinegh; pion exhibit of corn auti wlnrnng A number of th.e inter-goenty .c1I-1v 471.!se'y Ovcns, Clandebeye, 'en- tered. the champion .exhibit bay and 'Bernard D041.1. Woe,: received .similar bonors in tur. .nips. Alva McDowell, It.R. 1 Bel - grave, won the ,clover and ;roes seed ehamplenship: Other district Winners., induct- ed Ronald E. Buddo, Penfield; James B. Bryan, R.R. 6 St, Marys; 3. C. and Kenneth Robb, R.R, 2 Ildertoe; Alan W. ClandebOYe: Hiram L. O'Neil, Denfield: and Erwin Scott and Son, Lucan. Area township winners were: Esiddulph Township Bushel of oats: James I. O'Shea and Sons, IV.R. 3, Graviton; James Kennedy, R.R, 3, Grantors; Bernard Benit, Lucan, .Ont. Bushel of barley: Erwin Scott and Sons, Clandeboyet, John Dewan,. B.E1B411e1t 314oue'aNnvileat: Erwin Scott and Sans, man, L. SIMOsatt, 'elandeboyet Bernard Bean, Lucan, Bushel of turnips: Krwla Scott and Sons, Lucas,: Bernard Beim,. Lucart; John Dewan, 12.41, 3 Lucan. McGillivray Township One bus. oats: Donald Scott, R.R. 3 Ansa Craig; Barvey J. Ovens, Clandeboye; Alen W. Bill, (Mande, boye. One bus, bailey; Alan 1-1111, Cland.ehoye; Donald Scott, B.R, 3 Alfre Cal!. what: Alan W. Mil, Clandthoyet 'Donald Scott, 'R.R. 3 Ailsa Craig. Q.D L .HQOPER T.hat $2.8.5 Drop, 0.A.C. who recently returned (rem ihe world grassland eon- fere= M New Zealand and wile subsequently visited a number .of other countries before return - ling home, Will give the address. Prof. 'Themes' talk will re- place the Saturday afternoon forum which has been a high- light of the fair for several years. i Also on this year's program are C. H. Kingsbury, regional field- ' man of the field, .crops branch, Department of Agriculture. To support Prof. 'Thomas' ad- dress on grasslands,. five dist- riet high schools in. the county will present displays on various themes of grassland manage - merit. Exhibits and displays wili be open to the public all day Sat. udaY sr Intlent !Hum mon l I llll umpteen nintienetnemenenn ten lll weinsieleienneenthielinelleinenumenementi Started Hy -Line Chicks 2600 PULLETS No. 934A — 1 WEEK OLD 2000 PULLETS No. 934A — 2 WEEKS QLD .1600 PULLETS No.. 934A — 3 WEEKS OLD 900 PULLETS No. 934A — 4 WEEKS OLD Here is an opporfunity for you to have a head start. These pullets are Little Beauties. PHONE US TODAY — STRATFORD 1910 Neuhauser Hatcheries Linton Ave. at Corcoran, Opposite Whyte Packing Co. STRATFORD, ONTARIO . IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMM1111111110111111111011111111110111110111001111111111111011111111111111miffillilfliiimillii II lllll 1111:1111110 011111111111100010111101011111millMill11001110101011010011111001WWW111110011001011000010001101100110010100111100100 lllllll 0100, Waterloo Cattle BreedeTs Ass'n "Where Better Bulls Are Used" .nfl"fln.nh,-uI.J�fl An Example Of Our Polled Shorthorns ti • LANEDALE FASCINATION AA Polled The first three calves by Lanedale Fascination to • complete feeding test had an average carcass score -of 72.3% which is well above average. Their dressing percentage was • above average. • The paternal brothers and sisters of Lanedale i'as- ciliation were first prize Senior and Junior Get in Chicago in beth 1955 and 1956. For service to this or any of our other bulls, Dairy s or Beef, phone collect to: CLINTON HU -2.3441 Between: 7:30 and 10 A.M. on week days 70 and 930 A.M. on Sundays and holidays The Result Will Be Better Cattle For Better Living 1 z Farmers Be Prepared For Spring. • Seed and fertilizer prices are at their LOWEST'now. Order your SEED OATS while supplies are' good and prices reasonable. Carry, Rodney, Sirncoe, Ajax and Beaver seed oats in f. stock. • • a a al Plan your acreage early. Barley Contracts are now available with FERTILIZER SUPPLIED z Cook Bros. Milling Co. LIMITED a . i x • Phone 24 )4ental I g . i Nit.,,O,HH, llll 10 llll 00110101/1110111101111111101111011001Hinifilhifilfilninitilifil'm l a,,,n, llll HUM i lll IIII lll Mina ,intulaiWitill lll IA l 1.10111WhiniflintilififItillatillinililinnllaulU101$01111111011111fUlyin0 lllll 10111101111111h0,, i -.1 Oats ROONEY GARRY Top Quality Seed Grain Seo Us For Prim Barley BRANT MONTCALM Grass Seeds ALFALFA CLOVERS TIMOTHY ALSIKE Barley Contracts Available Centralia Farmers' hos SIS4 SUPPLY 1 By golly it's happened at last. medium quality hay in. the right The very' that has been ,eategory. But most of tbein looked. for thepast three or 'overrated the poor bay and un- derrated the top quality forage, .D.I.H. four week. The price of hogs fell Loin $34.35 per cwt. to 31.50,1(1111at caused this uncalled for drop in price to the producer? No ,doubt, some very fancy alibis are being cooked up by a Small group of men. They will raise their voices in Vilification ef. their customers. They will de- plore the villainy of the proces- • sors. They will Say that they have no control over supply and de mend. Ifthey follow this line of rea- soning we aSK you "just why are we paying these men? "Jug what is the true picture. We have been reading in the press lately many statements issued by the ChairDiall of the Hog Producers and we aSk our- selves very honestly "Can this man back up his statement, or is he a very glib talker, a visio. nist, who is just plain running off at the mouth." The Hog Producers Assobia• tion admits that the bog mar- keting agency must ride up and down with the law of supply and demand and again we ask a question "Do they reach the true peak as well as the lower depths?" With Aterican fresh pork bar - ted from Canadian markets there has been no reason for the price of pork to the produ- cer to be so drastically lowered as it was last week, The supply, did not warrant this decrease. Now all we have to say is this. Certain elements in this pro- vince, in this county, yes even in this township have backed this type of marketing and we would like to say here and now. They are not wrong in theory— but they have been stupidly lead down the garden path by a group of men who we believe are using them as puppets are used in TV—they may amuse the children but they really don't fool a critical adult au- dience. DID YOU KNOW? How to tell good hay from poor hay? That's not as Silly a ques- tion, as it, sounds—it toMetimes stumps the experts when the only clue is how the hay lOokwafter harvest, say Michigan State University crops specialists. You're liable to make 'a bad guess when you just rely on how green the lay is, they contend. The reason is that alfalfa that's cut in the early bloom stage and rain -damaged usually is better than green hay .that was harves- tea in full bloom without rain damage. So, -the specia-liists say; old bos- sy really isn't off her rocker when she sometimes passes up the green hay for the brown. A group of 14 MSU staff mein - hers recelltly found out how de- ceiving the appearance of hay can.be when they judged some samples. Most of the staffers placed the Open Market —Continued front Page so that it has Lbecome increas- ingly difficult for farmers to place their hogs on the open in a rket. • . "We express appreciation to LIN Domestic Packers for their recent statement indicating their support of open market selling of hogs and recognize the im- portance of this statement since members of Domestic ,Paeicers are .usually the first to make the highest bid which has re- sulted in the bog producer in Ontario receiving many thous- ands of dollars more for their hog crop. "We urge our hog organiza- tion to continue its principle of open marketing wherebyhogs are sole by our experienced salesmen under competitive bldr ding to the highest bidder." The producers also Went on record "as supporting the cam- aign of our Provincial member of parliament, Tom Prycle, in his efforts to have the school for retarded children situated in Huron County." Appreciation was expressed to G. W. Montgomery, retiring ag rep; Gorden Grieg, retired Fed- eration fieldman, and his suc- cessor, Carl Hemingway. • Guest speaker was Jim Jack - lin, Chesley, fieldman .for the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture, said, "There are only two people directly interested in what the farm products—the producer and the cOnsumer." "Those in between 'are inter- ested only in the volume of the product and the amount of re- turn they can receive for hand- ling. Therefore the job of pro- moting of agricultural commod- ities lies in the laps of farm people themselves, and in this they can do best by sticking to- gether, with their marketing or- ganizations." He chose as an example, the co-operative medical schemes, the 150 local farm co-operatives organized in Ontario by the farm people themselves, the co-oper- ative insurance companies, and the 32 crops under marketing schemes. Directors appointed by their respective township, accepted by the association were: R. Finni- gan, Ashfield township; .1. Fish- er, Colborne; A. H. Warner, Goderich township; Jack Tay- lor, Stanley; Ross Love, -Hay; Ed. Hendrick, Stephen; harry Hern, Usborne; George Hutch- eson, Gray; liloyd Stewart, Hul- lett; Gilbert Smith, McKillop; J. .Wood, Tuckersmith; 0. McGow- an, East Wawanosh; ,Wilbert Good, West Wawanosh; A. Ba- con, Morris; Les Fortune, Turn - berry; and E. Harding, Howick. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: K. L. Zorn, Phone 65. 1000 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Service CA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH' Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. .1. G. Cochrane, Organist 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "In the Lime.. light"—Fourth in Series on Jo- seph. Menclay, 4 p.m. — "Children of the Church" Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 8 p.m.—Circle Meeting at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing. THE BETHEL • REFORMED CHURCH Rev. R. Van Faroe.,, Minister 2:00 p.M.—Dutch Service • • All Welcome MAIN STREET. The United Church of Canada ••Minister: Rev. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 11:15 a.m.—The ServIte of Wor- ship Nursery Class (three years and Under) hi the Primary Room. Beginners (4-5) will withdraw during the second hyrnri. 10:00 a.m.—The Church School Superintendent: Mr. Sterling Ince Here You Are Not A Stranger But A Guest Of God PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE • Main St. Sunday, March 3 9:45 a.m. Great Rally Day/in , bur Sunday Sellobl. Five out standing features will be pre. Sdn'tect, You cannot Afford to MIS S the Ple • be with ue. 11:45 4.111. --ban Ltd Service 7:30 p,n1.—Evangelistie Service .11 Wed, and Fr 8 p.m..-eServices g 1ifl the Chureh, "I was glad when they said unto ME let tis go into the hi:else fg the Lord,"—Ps. 132:1 'Pastor: Rev. 1.. W. Krause Assoclifed Paster: EXOfOr Evang.L Winn butler CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, March 3, 1957 10:00 a.m.--'A. Volunteer" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—"The True Vine" Thurs., March 8, 8 p.m. — W.S. Meeting Miss A. Finkbeiner, guest speaker. . THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev'. N. D. Knox, B.A., Reefer Trivitt, Memorial, Exeter - Quinquagesima Sunday 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11;30 a.m.—Holy Communion' Ash Wednesday — March 6 10:00 a.m.--Holy Communion • 8:15 p.m.—Evening Service , (Illustrated talk on Life of Christ.) - tHAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION EXETER Sunday School 10:30 to 11:30 A.m. "T�acJ M. Thy Truth, 0 Lord" Supt.: Stanley Sauder, Zurich JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Musical Director • 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Serthon. Subject: "The Bela- ness of 'Peter and John". Anthem by the Choir Duett: Patricia Cann, Marlene McBride • 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subjee t: "Samuel, God's Leader" A Warm Welcome Bxtended To All Men's chair practice immediate, ly following the niornieg church Service. ZION CHURCH EVartgellied United brethren ciFbrroN 10:00 ani -Worship Al]"The Soul 11:00 a.m.--Cilureit Sehool 7;80 Oan.—tvening Weeship Monday—Mission Amid Thursday—W.S.W.S, One Million Trees, Planted In District,: Motie than a million and a quarter trees were vented last!: year the. Lake limn rarest 'District by the. tAtarie ,Govern - meat, by tar the most of Thew : by the Department of Lands and 1: =us on rands purchased 1y counties or atithorities as part conservation programs, The Department .Or tughways: planted 44,00 to. beautify A' Daus and the Department .of Agricul- ture and the Department of Re- toren institutions .ai,so panted treeson their lands, The -County orest of Grey led in this retorestation, with )Jruce., Waterloo, Wentworth, lealtOn,.' Oxford, Brant and Heron follow- • Mg for a total of 697,000 trees. W. E. Steele, Reforestation Super- visor, reports that Saugeen lcd the Authority forests with the. Lipper .Thames, Ausableand the Grand Authority forests. and the MiIdL Maitland following. "Less. Med is being purchased by the Authorities in counties in the southern part of the dist- riot," I, Steele reports. "Prices have risen and city people Are competing for purchase of mar- ginal farms. However. Atithorit- les are revising their scale of land .values and are hoping to .aequire the areas necessary for conservation programs. "The local conservation author- ity, county clerk or zone forest- er would welcome notification of marginal farms for sale. As the mechanization of agriculture in - Creases, it .seems probable that • more farms will become mar- ginal for 'agriculture; such farms might well dm sold for forestry purposes," More farmers switch to Surge Over 200 Men Milkers for safer, faster milking. Attend Schools Over 200 farmers attended the six schools in farm management conducted by the Ontario Depart- ment' of Agriculture in Heron County this month, • Ag Rep G. W. Montgomery, who reported total enrolment At 225, said he was pleased with the interest shown by farmers and he expected a greater num- ber would attend the . schools when they are -held again next year, Dr. If, Caldwell and Mr. Jack Clarke, both of the •economics department of 0.A.C., Mr, Mont. gomery and A. S. Bolton, con- ducted the schools. "Young man, do you think pill can support my daughter on for- ty dollars a week?" 'I'm willing to try, sir, if that's the best you can do!" R. ROSS TUCKEY Ross Tuckey is general manager of Tuckey Beverages, Exeter, which supplies the famous Kist Family of Flavors to most of Huron County and parts of Mid- dlesex and Lambton. A Kist bottler since 1948, Mr. Tuckey is a member of theBoard of Direc- tors of the Ontario Carbonated Beverages Ass'n and of the Ca- nadian Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages. A native of Pxeter, he and his family live on Anne Street. He is a member of Exeter Kinsmen Club. (adv't) Pm* was* HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS hree Days Left TO GET YOUR Fertilizer Discount Save $1.50 Ton Order Seed Now copemberetoehoT)0 a CO-OP i) ALFALFAS . 0 g Vernal Alfalfa 0 CLOVERS Lasalle Red Clover rt Climax Timothy u are selected seeds D 0 Seed Oats, Barley & Grain . Bagged and Treated Exeter District CO-OP Phone 287 Collect Beside CNR Station illielMOMMIeelemeelmseeeeleleMOIMIlespeA t.:pwomxp e• ‘0, ore • It's a fact, more people choose Kist because Kist has that fresh.made, true flavour taste—refreshing— satisfying. getter try a thirst -quenching Kist in your favourite flavour soon. • You'll love itt 4 w ANNOUNCEMENT KIST CANADA LIMITED ANNOUNCES IMPORTANT CHANGES AND EXPANSION PLANS MARK SEGUIN WILFRID P. GREGORY, O.C. Mark Seguin, President of Kist Canada Limited, is pleased to announce the election of Robert E. Ardiel and 'Herbert C. Rogers to the Board of Directors • of Kist Conaria limited. Me. Seguin has been associated with Kist Canada Ltd. since 1936 and be, tame its President in 1954. Mr. Seguin Who was born in the Provinces of Orsqlsec; h comaletely familiar with both French and English speaking Carta. diad markets, and is well known throughout the bottling industry in Canada and the United Slates. Mr. Wilfrid P. Gregory, Q.C., Yite.President of kis, Canada ltd,, formerly senior partner in Gregory, Anderson, Efigeett end Bell, Steelford, f now managing director of the British Mortgage and Trust Corporalien 61 Ontario. Mr. Gregory is a Bencher (Govertitne Body) of the Law Society of Upper 'Canada and a Director ot the Stretford Shakespearean Oesfiv61 Foundation Of Canada. He has been maybe' of Stratford for the pest IWO years, HERBERT C. ROGERS ROBERT E. ARDIEL Mr. Herbert C, Rimers brings to She 'Beard Of Kist Canada Linlited a canto plebs and tree,f0-date knowledge of the builnesi procedures ter ptaduttion and financing in the bottling indunry, He has acted at consultant, an Many eietations en the designing of accounting Systoles and method*, Mr. Rogeti li ci partner In the firm of Wilton C. Eddie and Sent, Chattered Accountants-, Teton* and 'hat beenassociated with his firm ter 21 yeart, Mr. Robert E. Ardlel, President end 'Genets,' Manager of one of Centides'i oldest National advertising and Merchandising carrifserties, The Ardiel Aaver. ming Agency thrilled, 1riflg 10 Kist Canada thrilled many years of expert. Once in ail phatet of Matkethig, -advertising and Merchandising from Menu., factoring to '00int.of-scele, and including peek relations end publicity. Mr.. Ardiel i a Director of the Weeded, knifes'., of Advertigino • kist Canada theited, one 01 .Conteda's leading soft drink manufecturert and an all Canadian company, was first established. in Cr:neckties/1933. Since • that tittle, Kisf products have enjoyed constant and ever growing popularity In the expanding Canadian market, New the Kilt OW in Strafford supplies. coneentretei to the Kist !amity of .6601efrom teast to teatt and thekW ever l'his Kist product right from the laboratory Meinteins rigid central Moment the raw Material* enter ihe elent until 'the lithe U reaches the French of the consonter, The raw Meteriels that (16 1016 Kist I:overeats are a renitence story Th theinselvel Yelenciat. oranges NOM Meshes Ginger front Jantalter Sugar and spaces from the Weil ladies, aromatic 'oils front Italy, 2antiber, Grenada; Maple syrup from Quebec: 'Pineapple juice from Rowell ... alt thette ingredients and Many Mere' go info Kist produclt, Make then( Superior in flavour expfain their a:10140111 popularey. Now, In 19$t, KIWIS i pugurating 6 iteppod•up programme to Increase Its family of bettlers, deVe160 new prOdueli tied Itiatulble the dientand foe soft drinks brifh winter and Summer. As d firif step in tele , a new ginger ale, Festival Dry, is being introduced in a Selected number 6( Kist battlers' tertifOries, Festival Dry has been merket.tested by' the Canto patty's test bottling., Olden in Stralfeted during 1956. IN etilkuslaille eio ceptance has proved its potential popularity In Other Kist safeserebil, Itt addition, the Ktit dompony feels the, there It d 'Markel far a tOMPletely MOO type 6( soft drink , Jighf, gay, sophIslicated. The possible Introduction of such 0 beverage k planned fer I9.$8.50, the kik CattiPenyvi 25th An. alversory Year, TO *pork Interest in thli forthremlitg new produtt, the, Connsony Is speinSering a New Nemoiltoitteit in local beettiere &.�i during 19.52; klt also IS plannfog a now approach to Its advertising end merehroidisIng problems white should hese for -reaching results. In Theorised sides fee air produits. * •