HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-28, Page 6The: Th nts.AdvoC. ts, Fehruery 2L 1957 News Of Cromarty Sy MM. ARCH E 'DEWAR Tb,a �Ibers of the Y P S, s Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Chessell ` ItedAYe t A bowling ,Party at Exe- and Mr. and: Mr. Jelin14ChseSNel Mitehell M. bear - �Mrs. licher Shute, Sn day right. London, in; Donor of their daugh- � . Kirkton visited on Tuesday with ter Anita's birthday. 1 Dor p;creat$, 111r. and Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. i era. McKellar a. Gardiner. s and family, Seaforth. visited over. Mice Ina 'Scatt spent tlhe weep- the weekend with his parents, *Ad with Miss Dorothy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay 11IcKellar the 5 ,Sl st the Uniac -Kemp wedding night, pipe at St. Brigid'$ • Marks B a rt;b . a•y CWbielihnre took nnicatt on. Saturday. Mrs. Ti; Houghton accompanied church, Ke Bahl by Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Eg- Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 14ir. and lis. Lloyd Sons v'lle attended the funeral 34S, Hensall celebrated its egth lied as their guests on Sunday, mond i Leeming on Wednesday evening ha of a cousin, 141r, 'Thos, ee g birthday, at Walton on Friday, when sisters were entertained � itis, Jas. Ramsey, from Pride of Hui B , Air. and Mr. Frank Stagg attended ate' reception for Mr, and Mrs. Rebekah Dodge Mrs, X. Houghton was a guest TJniac in Mitchell oir Saturday , on Lode Exe- Miss Jessie the DDP M s ter,and,. Patsy Misses A iSS. Haley, Wm.H , ii U r ` Mr. y }s Brussels, 1Bruns." -Little, and sisters of , .. , a1ld Sandra visited an Sunday Honors Pair with their grandmother, Mrs. T. Lodge. Mrs• S. G. Rennie Noble McIntosh in Toronto. Grand presided, M. and Mrs, Arthur Abbott Mr. David Gardiner observed Greetings were extended to with the Lodge by .DDI' Jessie Little,. Sad RowenaAbbottat tt rmst ong's ma 78thbirthday ofhih his faintly and Miss Ruth Skinner, Noble Saturday evening r, i Armstrong's s Grand, of Exeter Lodge. .. Restaurant, Exeter, in honor of visiting him. Bingo games were enloYed,' their parents, Mr. and Mrs... Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Harburn followed by a dutch auctionpd, Clifford Abbott's.silver wedding were married in Mitchell on Se- which Mrs. Diary Haigb, nits, turday. They Have gone to Fib -. Garnet Hicks and Mrs. Marga- anniversary.rs, Later relatives gathered at do for their lioneynloon• ret Fletcher, of Exeter were the the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Artb- DIr, Sam McCurdy is a pa- prize winners A presentation ur Abbott to honor the bride and tient in Stratford hospital, having was made to Mrs. Alvin Pym, groom of 25 years, The bride undergone an operation last III (formerly Mrs.Lillian Hyde) b Sa was formerly Lela Iiodgms, week, daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Hodgins, Lucan, and the groom Marian Ritchie Auxiliary is the son of Mrs. Alonzo Abbott, The Marian Ritchie Auxiliary London, and the late Alonzo Ab- combined a quilting with their bott. regular meeting at the home of The couple were married at Mrs. Gordon Scott with a ;good the rectoty, Kilrl;ton, February attendance of members present. 27, ],930 by the Rev. R. M. P• Mrs. Wesley Russell presided Bulteel. They were oall attende(Eid n) and conducted the business pe - Mrs, Harry Centralia, sister of the bride,' Mrs. Calder McKaig read a and Clayton Abbott of Paris, chapter from the Study Book e.‘• i r1 Virginia brother of the groom. and the topic was given by Mrs. • Attending the dinner were Mr. Lloyd Miller, The secretary's Court Hawley. brother-in-law n and •Mrs, Henry Hodgins, Lucan, report was read by Mrs. Gerald of Mrs. C. L. Jinks, died rents of the bride, and Mrs. Carey, sudden- ly in his 66th year in Windsor, Virginia. Mr. Hawley had been attending a ball game when he was stricken with a stroke and rushed to the hospital where he died four hours later. He was a travelling salesman and retired last fall. Surviving are his widow, the former Lillie Blatchford, daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Ri- chard Blatchford of Hensall; two sons, Court Jr. • of Anamosa, Iowa; Richard, of Windsor, Vir- ginia; one daughter, Margaret, Mrs. Parker Wheat of Manches- ter, New Hampshire. who was recently married, by Mrs. Archie MacGregor. At a beautifully arranged table centered with the birthday cake, Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Leona Parke, poured tea. The birthday cake was cut by the DDP, Miss` Jessie Little. A social hour was enjoyed, Court Hawley, 65 Hensall And District News -CORRESPQMDENTS Mrs.. Maude Hedden, Phone. a Mrs. Archils McGregor, Phone 682 r+31. ,Locale. Mr. and. Mrs. Art O'Hara and Peter of Belleville returned home Friday after spending two weeks. with Mr. and. Mrs. Bob. McKenzie. Rev. C. D. Daniel will .rea'ch. anniversaryservices Sunday .at •Mark Stret United Clint* Pe- terborough, Rev. C.w. orou R W. 1'�0 teb h e .of Exeter will occupy the pal. pit at the United- .Church here next Sunday morning. Alonzo Abbott, London, mother of the groom; air. and Mrs Hugh McIntyre, Glencoe Mr. News Budget From. and Mrs. Bruce Ab and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Luca • n; Paris- Mr. BIMr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott, anshard bolt London- Air. and Mrs. John By MRS, GLADWYN HOOPER Moon London; Mr. and Mrs. Th d 1 •Dir and Ken Brock, ern a e, Mrs. H. A. Mullins, London; Mr,- , and Mrs. Morgan• and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll, boys of oonGue ph h spent LtSaturdaydy Centralia; AIso Mrs, Myrtle Isaac, Lon- Thacker and girls, don, Mrs. Bernice Davis, Lu- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and can and. Mrs. Emma Turner, family were Saturday evening i Lucan, who served the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Bil- 25 years ago. yea of Glendale. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott have two Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stephens Children, . Arthur .of R.R, 1. Con- of Anderson spent Sunday after- tralia and Rowena at home and noon with Mrs. Jas. Massey... one granddaughter Muriel. Mrs. Invade. Hopkins of Mit- During the evening they were ehell spent the weekend with presented with many beautiful Mr. and ,Mrs. Lloyd Thomson gifts. Heber` Davis, Gote Wein and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Thom- strum and Maurice McDonald son. provided music for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and Personal Items . family were Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McIntyre Bryanguof of Granton. n,d Mrs. Pete, of Glencoe spent the weekend.Miss Anne Thomson is spend Arthur at tur .home of Mr. and Mrs. ing a few days with Mrs. Lottie ndbott. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott, Jones of Glendale. Paris, spent the weekend at the Mrs. Lottie Jones of Glendale home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford spent Sunday owith Mr. and Mrs. Abbott. LloydThose attending Achievement Mrs, W. J. Davismspent Wed-. Day at Arva on Saturday were SMO, at Mervyn home of Mr, and Mr. Leonard Thacker and Orvie; DZ M, .Tomn Kooy,EMrs.n. Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion and Mrs, Tom Maurice McDonald and Mrs. Heber Davis Shad Ann; Mrs. Lloyd dhearten attended a quilting at the home and Norma; . Har Margaret of Mrs. Lorne Weiberg on Tues- day.and Dorothy Irvine; Mrs. Geo. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson Carter and Mrs. Nelson Knox. were guests with Mr. and Mrs. �.; N. Wasnidge of Lucan , Thurs. Message From day, - Miss Alexia Davis of South Greenway Huron Hospital, Exeter, is items on sick leave. Kippen Comments liy. MRS. NORMAN 1,0$G Several members from Kip - pen attended the -.eighth. anniver. sary birthday party of Amber I Rebekah Lodge,. 'Hensall, last i Wednesday+ evening;, Over '1OO !members and guests were press ent, Mrs. Alice Cook, London, vis- ited' on Monday with her mother, Mrs, Jas, McClyinont. call - Mrs. Ross. ilroadfoot was ed on ;.Monday limning on CK - NX Wingham .on "What's Coole- ing" program,. Rev. N, McLeod is confined, to his bed through illness. Mrs. Robert McBride le visit- ing her daughter and Son -in, M. and Mrs,' Stewart Beat - Club To Be Host e. To Area. Kinsrn ra Hensall Kinsmen will observe Founders' Night in commemora- tion of the anniversary of fibs - men at a banquet to be held this Thursday at the New Commer- cial hotel :here. -Guest of honor for the evening will be the national president,, Mr. Iry Cantor of Leamington. In an initiation ceremony lien - sail Kinsmen will initiate three new members into their club' and several iiyto Clinton club, Landon, Stratford, Exeter, Clinton and Hensall Clubs will be present.. t • tie,. oi: Wingiiam. Mr, and Mrs, Bklin Kerr of. Winthropvisited Sunday With the latte'.s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elston Dowson, Recent visitors were Mrs, Webster of Alnberley and Mrs, McDonald of .Goderich, Rev. and Mrs,. R. R. Conner. formerly .of Kippen and, now of Walkerton' visited Wednesday' of last week with .Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss M. Whiteman, Mr, and Airs, Ed. Wahl of Listowel were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rickert and. Merle. Several cases .of flu are re- ported in the district, Hensall PerAonals. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Me- Creery, Sharon and Donna, left on Friday of tide week for Lou, don where they will ;take up 740 sidence. Kippen East W.I..are ,holding: warn Saturday Mareti 2 at 3lp..m, Euchre and Wince Kippen East Women$ insti, tuts sponsored a successful euehre and dance Friday eve- ning held in ;the town hall with -twenty two tables in play for euchre. Winners were: ladles, Mrs. Morley .Cooper, Mrs, Win+ stop Workman, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot; gents, Herb Kerch.er;, John MaeKey, Wilfred Tremeer; lucky lunch, Mrs. Ross Richard, son, Desjardine orchestra furnished music for the dance, Rev. :0. W, Down of Exeter was in charge of the services Sun- day u - .day morning in St. Andrew United Church in the absence of Rev,. McLeod. "olid Hillier Mr, dad Mrs., -Raymond and son, John, .of London spent the weekend with the latter'.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, Mrs, Hillier And John remaining this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton .of f tvdsrda eveningSeaforth hMr.and MrNel- son Hood. Curling• Club The Hensall Curling Club are holding an invitation bonspeil on Wednesday March 6, The ar- tificial ice has 4 good sheets for curling. There will be two draws one at 9 A.M, and one at 11 A.M. S. G. Rennie and Wing Comman- der J. Ross of R,C.A.F., Centra- lia are co-chairmen. Conduct Services For William Bell Funeral services for the late William Bell, pioneer resident were held from the Bonthron fu- neral chapel Friday February 22, Rev Donald MacDonald offi- ciated. Bearers were Harold'Bell, London; Jack Faber, William Mickle, Jim Bell, Archie Row- cliffe, J. E. McEwan. Burial was in Hensall Union cemetery. Surviving Mr. Bell are one sis- ter, Mra. Donald McLeod, Cal- gary, Alta.; five nieces, Mrs. C. Joynt, Mrs, Laird Mickle, Mrs. Jack Faber, Hensall, Mrs. Ed- ward Barrett, New .York; Miss Loretta Bell, London; two ne- phews, Harold Bell, London; Do- nald McLeod, SanJose, Califor- nia. Mrs. Donald McLeod of Cal- gary, Alta.; the former Addie Bell of Hensall,, flew here from the West to attend the funeral of her brother, the late William Bell, and is spending a few weeks with her niece, Mrs. C. Joynt. Mr. Bell died .Wed., Feb. 20 in Victoria Hospital, London. Had he lived till April he would have been 92 years of age. He was born on the Bell home- stead one-half mile south of Hen- sall oil Highway 4. His grand- parents who came from Scot- land settled on this farm in 1835. They built first a log cabin and later the present home, • Mr. Bell had lived alone for the 13.ast,20 years since the death of his sister, Miss Alice Bell. He farmed actively until three St. Patrick's Guild On Thursday afternoon the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper of Guild of St. Patrck's church. met Sarnia spent the weekend with at the home of Mrs. Hugh Davis relatives here. with 18 members present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bloomfield Mrs. Harry Carroll, president, of London visited on Sunday with was in charge of the devotional Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey. period assisted by Mrs. Her- Miss Jeanette Steeper and man Atkinson, Mrs. Harvey Lat. Miss Marion Woodburn enter- ta and Miss Almarie Davis. tained at a miscellaneous shower Roll call was answered with an at the foriner's home last Tues - apron for the bazaar. Mrs. Ross day 'evening in honor of Miss McFall$ favored with a solo. Mary Lou Eagleson, bride -elect After a business discussion. a of this week. social hour was enjoyed. The Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Baker hostesses were Mrs. Harry Car- of Grand Bend visited on Sun - roll and Mrs. Jim. Barker. Russelldars. sning Brownithand family r. and �and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown. Report Froin Mr, and Mrs. Wes Mellin held s a sale •last Wednesday and in- Bri�nsley tend moving to Parkhill, in the near future, where they have bought a home. Mrs.Rayburn Steep- Mr. t ep- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton visited with Mrs, Wes Dixon on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hotson, Mr. Jas. Chambers of Ailsa Craig, spent Saturday evening with .Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, Mt. and Mrs. Earl Dixonvis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. WM.. Cook of Granton, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Haskett end granddaughter, Sandra Grif- fin of -Denfield, spent Tuesday evening' with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil' Ellwood, The McGillivray` W,I, held their' meeting in the hall at West McGillivray oft Wednesday af- ternon with a good attendance. A euchre partywas planned frit Thursday eveningin the hall. Mrs Ceder Atkinson, Moores- Wale visited With Mrs, Ida ?rest in 'Saturday evening. Mr.. and Mrs. R67 Hatnilten Old Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood spent _Friday evening with. Mr. and Mt Wm. Haskett of Deli - field. The annual pancake supper is 1fEling; s ensored by _ the Guild of, Ole Anglican 'Church ort March Mr. and sirs, till Fentort and Children spent Sunday with Mr. Ind Mrs, Natoli. Knapton of Thorndele. Euchre Partly The Guild. of the'rinsley Ang- Earn Church held a successful euchre party in N'ei1's school. e high: ,scorn winners were INA es, Phyllis 'ltodgittE me"i, ddie Wetson: ion hands,, Mrs. $ therlaiad,. Wilfred Dixon; con. talion prizes went to Mrs, Al. older and. Joon Carter. uraniumteb tray George Dixons er (nee Wilma McNair) were, years ago. During his hfetime land and Scotland several times with shipments of horses. He was a member of Carmel •Presbyterian church, Hensall. Personal Items married on Saturday. Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Gillies of Detroit spent the weekend with. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Mr..and Mrs. Fred Kading of the Blue: Water Highway visited last week With ' Mr, and Mrs, George Gollen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mellin of Wheatley visited last week with relatives here. he crossed the Atlantic to Eng- Hensall Personals Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, Hensall) and. Mrs, Gordon Cudniore of Exeter visited last 'week with the former'$ son -in -Taw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mae- Donald in Brampton. Miss Margaret Kercher of London spent the week -end with her par=ents, Mr. and Mrs. Verb 1{ercher and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and Barbara of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Duncan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton, Dr. harry Joynt and MOs. Joynt of Toronto were reedit visitors With t h o former'$ mother, Ctrs Aline Joynt.. W.M.S. 'Completes Guilt Mrs. H. 3. Russell of Seaforth addressed members of the Wo "lens Missiottary.Society of Car mei Church at their meeting held last Thursday, choosin for her theme "Stewardship." Topic and devotional were taken by Mrs, Malcolm Dougall. The group completed the limit this' Week to ba included itt the bale to be packed in the near fu. Lure for missions, President Mrs. S. Dougall +haired the meeting. Mr. and MrS. John Lowry and.: family of Toronto have moved, into the residence on Mr. Hugh McEWen's farm. Mr. Lowry is employed .at Thompson's Mill. Mr. Donald Shepherd is visit- ing with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shepherd. Mist Margaret Mousseau, who underwent an operation in Clin- ton Hospital last week is impro-. vin g. Miss Bernice i± "erg, returned to her home following an aljpen- dix operation in Clinton Hospi- tal. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Harburn' spent the Weekend in Detroit Mrs (Marrow and son re- turned to their home in Belle- ville the spending. two weeks with the fernier's- mother, Mrs, Violet Schwalm and Ray. Mrs. Stewart 1Vfc4licen, who underwent an operation in Scott Memorial Hospital Seaforth last week 15improving. The World Day Of Prayer will be observed in the United Church Friday March 8 at 3 cattCarmel hu of et will Unite Awith theist, Miss terrace Pnrg has re• turned home front Clinton hes. pita" where she underwent stir. Eery for an . apttettdix operatiotl. Mr. and Mrs. J. L, McCloy acid family of Toronto, spent the week end, with Mt. and Mrs. George s Mr. td Webster of Pint a is holidaying Arid Mrs. Percy Webstotntsl Mr. Nothing starts a day better than a cheerful, tempting breakfast ... and you'll find all the ingredients necessary at AL'S SUPER SAVE MARKET and at prices that represent real CASH SAVINGS. So, start tomorrow off right by shopping today^at your SUPER, SAVE SUPERMARKET. 1/ou,,'li like the foods, the prices and the service. Pancake Or Buckwheat Flour REGULAR SIZE 2 FOR 39c OId Corny Maple Syrup:16 oz. 55c 'McDonalds Table Syrup 12 oz. 25c Crown Brand Corn Syrup 2 L6. 31c SAVE S AT SUPER.SA.VEI ,KELLOGG'S Cornflakes SAVE $ AT SUPER. SAVE!' INSTANT JUMBO Quaker Oafs SAVES AT SUPER SAVE!IBBY'S FLAVORFUL. SIZE 2F59C '4C1 OZ. PACKAGE Pineapple Juice SAVE $ AT SUPER SAVEI LIBBY'S FAMOUS Pork 'n Beans 2 ) Poly Pails V2 -Lb, P'nut Butter 59c Ocean Perch Fillets Monarch Pastry Flow' $uper $ave Meats e TRIMMED RIGHT • PRICED RIGHT Lb. 33c 7 Lb. 57c BONELESS,. FRESH WTH DREEING LE• 49c Pork Shouiders CH/ T.,B CI N E. l B, 55c Sirloin. Steak , Macaroni Loaf WITH cHEESC LS, 39c Le. Bacon 8IDE L. 6 9 cWeiner$ 35c. Head Cheese • , Q LB. 29c k Sausage...4 c.arePc!_ .. . 'S MARKE 'HENSALL Open Friday Evening For Your Shopping Convenience. 37c 48 OZ. TINS 29< 15 OZ. TINS FOR 29c Delicious "Wake Up" tI p Fruits SWEET JUICY WHITE Grapefruit SWEET. sUNKIST Oranges . NE ' Carrots 'GRE. N 'Onions .. FRESH, FIRM HEAD Lettuce . . 10FCIR49c !� POLY BAGS 2 • DOZ. 73c .. 26 oz. PKGS. 2• :PoR 21c POLY BAGS 2FOR25c 2• rot; 21c NEW, GREEN, TENDER Cabbage . ,. . L€l . 8c ■ $hop'afld $ave At u