The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-28, Page 411 th. Ps truhry!' FL 1? j1110111.11itiMilkilaalallt llil Uinananal.111110 111111/1111111514011.111411;11.1Lllnl,.ak1 cer$ rack SPORTS tty DON 41BOOM BOOM" GRAVETT Sport* Editgr 4 oitittiontattmait6elialu n1oiotannieknette 1isonna nealnantlnnnnn If the BUMS from that well-known ,dace of DQDGERTOWN don't mind, we'd like to tree their old expression a "Wait 'till not year!" That's about all there is heft to say now that the. 1dekey wars have ended :for Exeter Itioh.awks, As. the curtain has fallen on one of the shortest ae.t;ls-t'ru finishes in some time for this corner, We tilt .our office chair back and gaze into. space to re. Balt all the excellent oppor tunities over the months We had -to pick up the four. points we needed to catch the final playoff berth. One thing is certain. The reason EXETER MO.. iAWKS are on the outside looking in is because of the LACK of bench strength, Time and time again this Was proven this winter .as substantial third period. leads were blown. and turned into losses or ties. The biggest game of the year to decide the Mo- hawk fate took place in Exeter on February 2 when ST. THOMAS ROYALS left town carrying a 5-2 vie - tory on 'the scoresheet In their favour, Since then the tribe worked hard but a heavy schedule on the short-handed team .and the two points lost to the ROYALS .really upset the applecart. • But that's the way sport sometimes rolls along. The- local booster club has learned a lot in its first year in Senior "B" company and mistakes that were made this year shouldn't happen next fall. HOCKEY EXPERTS, where are you hiding? (I'm. included.) 1 thought we, all picked the Mohawks for a playoff position. Just in case your standings have $lip pp ed '.your mind. we'll review them and give our traders view of our backward hockey' talent. Re- �` .a Y liieiriber 1 chest the teams after we played each team ol"lee while the- other brave five went ahead before the .season started. George Reber Derry Bayle "Boom" 1. Woodstock Woodstock ' 1'4'allaceburg 2, 'Wallaceburg Wa]laceburg Strathroy 3. Sarnia. Exeter • Woodstock - 4. Exeter Sarnia Exeter 5. St. Thomas St. Thomas' Sarnia 6. Strathroy • Strathroy - • St. ,Thomas. -7. Ldtidod London - "Red'' Scoff' King McDonald John . White Woodstock- Wallaceburg. Strathroy ' Sarnia Exeter St..Thontas London Woodstock Waliaeeburg•, Exeter Strathroy Sarnia London St. Thomas Wo dstoe WatlaceU rg St, Thomas ' Exeter Strathroy London Sarnia, Well maybe we. should all be ducked in a barrel Of water but at least we got the names of the teams right in the league.. ,* '* * * * * ' • The Merry Maids are the HOOKS ,AND SLICES—With the mild weather league Winners in the Ladies' in the air and the spring-like fever all around us Bowling League for the 1956 57 • theSeason.ca last few days, GOLF has taken quite a strangle. 1t was a nl 'and•tuClc battle for Mid on a:,xluinber of the local shotmakers. So much." the top rung between the Jolly in fact that- three of the EXETER GOLF CLUB mein- .liiJs and the .Merry Maids as only bet's visited the home course of SI.,AMMIN' SAM lee. pontis separated the two at NEAD ,last week at WHITE S • LPHUR SPRINGS thefinish.Be � � '�' The Bc-Bos *edged out the WEST VIRGINIA. Reg. Armstrong, Dr. Batson and p i io r ..appy Gals for position nttntber Art Cann toured' the blinks for 36 holes to get the three by a single point as they jump on the rest of us duffers. It's easy to see why came up with an 88 -point year. the executive of the Exeter club will make them give tJ s and Dawns anti Pin azld tis strokes and plenty of 'epi! penes held doile the frith and � y sixth spots while. the HoC Dogs BIG THREE IN PEE WEE DIVISION—Freddy Wens, centre, of the Wings was the. most prolific scorer in the Exeter Pee Wee Mouse League this. winter. Wells fired 24 goals and garnered three assists to win the scoring title. Runnel's.up were • ;icky Boyle, right, of the Flyers who amassed 22 points on 16 goals and six assists and the o- als' Lo Turnbull, rhg r Royals' me left, who placed third with, 17 points. The league Is under the supervision of recreational director Larry Heideman, —T -A Photo. Declare Group Winners,. In Minor Hockey League • Exeter minor hockey :league teams have completed their regu- lar schedule of play and are now engaged Mlle playoffs tor chant- piohhsthrp honours, The schedule, which operated aver a period of some 20 weeks, , brought 150 youngsters every -Sat- urday morning to the local arena to 'participate in a house league , formed by recreational director, Larry Heideman. Players between•the ages of nine and 12 took part in pee wee league gaines while the younger fry between four and nine played iii the wee :vee and squce gee di- vision. In the pee wee group Royals edged out the Wings for first place by a single point in one of the closest races in solve time. Flyers nailed down the third rung with 13 points which was Merry Maids s Top league ue See where STAN LEONARD. of Vancouver salted away fo.r a -ur f a y o roc ncl c it`d total of 285 in the HOUSTON OPEN ill the States the other day. Another Ca uck AL BALDING, picked up $91,25 but we still have no word on the Kitchener shotsmith, GERRY 10ESSELRING. Maybe he's still out on the Course. * * _ * •k *r THIS 'N THAT—Good to see BILL OBERLE and BILL MacDONA .D place sixth in the SENIOR '13" scering 13" scoring race with 48 points each . , HARRY EISEN, league S llestiCz1 has robbed throe Mohawk players of points in his official final report on the scoring sulumary ... MICKEY 1076 of the SVRATS and TED POWER of CHATHAM tied for Senior "Ali Scoring honours with a total of 81 points apiece Who will Win the Senior "A" title this year in the East? Don't sell the KITCHENER DUTCHIES short ._ . Remember the West comes East this year for the CANADIAN FINALS :.. World hockey stand- ings look away off kilter without our prouddomain in there . , . EXETER FIGURE SKATING CLUE is rolling along in fine style and will hold a .dress re- hearsal on March 7 to get ready for their CARNIVAL en MARCH 9 .: DON SHARPE may have 10 skaters in position: to . try their preliminaries by March 17 before London ,judges ... ROLLIE MILES, captain df the EDMONTON ESKIMOS, Canadian football champs, was seated behind the MOHAWK bench in WALLACE]URG the night the tribe suffered a 9-2 beating .. Someone suggested he should have a,rossed as there vas lots of room on the players bench for him, ,d,abt F'°, the new.erf ntiraale of mitre t Ih wolf ltn1Y,�, 111,1010t■�$y$A*Ll!�iii kick etc v.lv'IMtr<• r,:toRg1l et tubbir' , . Clime lrt tetteethe lovely ranee of pattel an deep colon,. 61riirlt' i ral«f eNE 1* Medi by milk iiraik*, (i!• !WNW KYM.1Pl t4it had •110440. and Busy Bees tied for seventh with 80 points each. a In the final stretch, the Green Horns, Be Bops, and Whatnots suria u p the last xi tewast signs of rot;'ular play with 7.0 victories. 3 two back of ,second and Only three out of first. The Hornets with nine, Pan- thers and the Flashes With, two followed in that order to. round out the standings. This year's scoring honour was captured by aggressive .Freddy Wells, of the second -place Wings, as he scored 24 goals and picked Op three assists for 27 points: Ricky Boyle and Lorne Turn- bull were next in line for the scor- ing honours with 22 and 17 points. respectively, Larry Brintnell was a 10 -goal .man this year le the league and was followed by Roy Lavin with nine and Lester Heywood with eight. Brian Hall, Jim Gould and' Iron Bray each fired seven markers, Garry Redman looked after the assist department all by himself as he set exp nine plays for hon- ours in that category. .rorty -eight players figured in the scoring statistics this winter. IEE WEE SCORING G. A a} Freddy 1Ve11lr _, _-__ 24 3 27 1tiklcy xsnyie.._ _ 18 6 22 Lorne 'eurnbuit 12 5 17 Allen. Sail6 11 Lari•t: nrtntnelt __ s__,~, .10;' 2 12 lait non. y • • , 4 , .11 nay Lavin .- _- 9 -1I 10. Jit'lafl Halt ----- - 7 ,'1 1tfi .jinx Chula •- _ i 3 ' 1.0 (',array xti tlYttalt 1 9 10 Center Heywood 8 1 9 John yaget .. 4 5 9 112,1e1' 3 5 8 Ponaa14 (Snort 8 a 2 Jfii1t Swettzer..__.__.»_ _ 6 0 Bana:ld nue 8 0 6 t.R11fN11,11,11,111--„InMll0000 ioaoo aaao t,4round 3 The X111' Alley Cats, Busy Bees, Jolly s Tills, happy Gals, Hi -Lights: Pira By 'LARRY HEiDEMAN Poppettes and Wee Hopes picked up five points. Hall, Simmons Tops • Dot Hall, of the Jolly Jilts, was litet. ae ' as vrg ba e bowler tl oa er o€ to year in the 20-1.08111 league as she recorded d an artful 190. A double -award Winner comes from the Jolly ,till's team in the 1 person of Pauline Simmons, She won the high single trophy with a 241 gairte and rounded out the year by knotching, the high triple award with a 770. Odd'•numbers, such as 7.-3.5 fin- ishing in the league standings, will play off in the A group play- offs which consists of 10 teams. Even numbers will he known as 13 group and will have nine teams participating, Due to the fact that the Lolli- pops have both forced to drop Out of the league, one team ni B group will have to bowl alone , each week and will get Seven' points. However, the teams must be tin I hand t6 bowl to get credit for the seVen )ftiintS. Cup and Saucer winners for -this week %wire Norma Caldwell, of The Wee Hopes, with a 559 triple, and not lirady, of the Ilot Dogs, l With a 262 single. , Alley ("ale (tt. 1`ritnee 5161 „,, . 5 , Buttercups (it, Sadler 615)..__.. 2 Green Borne (0. non(hron ,86) .. 71 7110writr8 (A. rant 491) .._ do hope (;iTtialine "trails 02A) -, • 11A.wks (.R. Rammer SOS) .._ 0 Tway BeeA (A.. Potting' 526) 1.411111140(3Y,dimity 493t 2 • Any 111111 (1'. a.Ynsinenx 585) .:S ' itat riots (i). I rociy 1oinpy Gale (1), Bail '(132) 4 :hest' .faint( (10. ?>dtt,ts.iHtt SOY ...2 141 LigirtA (1.t, 7.htir1ir 612) K I M The fust pee wee playoff game was played, at the arena last Sat- urday morning between the Wings and I'1 ere. The Flyers jumped ed Yy � p into an early three -goal lead and appeared as If they were going to make a runawayof they started to eaken and at the finish of the game, foutid thou - selves on the wrong end of a 7.5 score. Ron Oke scored two goats for the Flyers while singles were registered by flicks, Boyle, Stan Lesnick anti George Armstrong. The Wings'• marksmen were rted- dy Wells, Lou Deguire and Jim Gould each with two apiece, while Jim Hannah added, a single,- The next playoff game will be WS coaling Saturday when the Wings will play the Royals. In the squee gee game, the he'll Devils blanked the .Bine Devils 1.0. Barney Fletcher stored for the Red Devitt. The. Bombers and Maroons tan led in the we we division and the •Aomber's Writ up with a 1.0• shutout victory on flicks, Shroeder's goal. Brdotnbell Broomball playoffs started off With a bang lest weekehd with the underdogs editing up with viitorie5 In the first games of a two -game series ;with -goals to Count. The teenage Aces and. Dash, wood sauttred off in the first game of the afternoon and the Aces came tip with an important •]. victory, Dick Masts and ltoy'Ireib(1er were the heroes as far as the Aces wove concerned as each .roily rix 04 1+kinner.uiti) :. '± fired a goal.. 'The Dashwood goal was tipped in',hy Jaek Ford, In the second game the Mo. hnwka edged the Xinamen 44, thank to B111 Musser's superb torn: Freund the net. Muster led the liiohawk attack withrtwo goal:: while singles went' to Jim "Red" 'Loader and tarry, Heideman.. The 101411101marks filen were Lorne Trough, ,Bili Gil. titian and Jack Puller, Witt week the Mohawks and Kinsmen tangle Pim. 2 to a and the Aces and DetIP,'vood Will play WIntierna (0 *miry 611) „.... 1 Mighty Mice (2. rliittar 1,227 ..-..o Pitt 7yerestilia CP. 7J;tut;lt, -2(51 ..,.. K 1113 ( n till tlr8. Cotrkliti2) .... 2 Waa FierrNt (X. reid*'il 1341 _ 5 tins & Downs (S. $fiitrt' 1181) 1.. 2 IGH AVERAGE 1bWL HIGH it15 1)02 Ban W 1801 O Mnnl•ea ___„.,,---..-.. 1*6 P 7'r2e•1nuAN.. _.. __.. 124 r i'.° 'rlrrk(+;v .1."......'.....,.—.-<.__ __ 781 V.7tart'ry s. ..»« _.. 7*2 ' V. r''ultinE _ ;,,..,,. ,. 111 j, .0„ Tasty ....u.._, ... 1'11 a P, neatdv .>_ .F . 141 t A. "f1i-wt _ isa 1 • Et . ...._....W ----_.. 120 froln ; ,,r , F. Moab - _--- 1*0 6M6450MNI6ALt, AtANOINee 0, 3tarkx .. _-_. flit .. 1F. T•'atrruhnr .... 113 Wrier "'A"),. )3; xlrrn,nerl . 774 i 111 T. 7;, A r 1' , 'CVttl'nr -., 176 ''ttltti*4'I It - �. - 7 4 4 2 3 ' f'. 1"1nntlitil111 ..- - 17n ninlin111l _ ... ... 0 1 3 4 0 A. rrar»sca.tor .._.__,_ 173 , . P;y noblemen .__.. a_ .. 173 ; 1;(.Sort$* "Eel F1NM.. SYANp1Nas ! %pANMsa�ii(ld 4 __ . 0 i d 21r. l(Alttx 42 141 7.1 l s . _ 62 i J(1'11v Jill!: 21 amity slit 6x 'I`wertt '�lrttef -.. Ar llorv; FQ tVhAttnn der i 'This F"rida +, 11i'arCit 1, the lumpy (:qla >7 '%t,•r, 1ihi+ra! � f4 „ ... . * towns 84 7•rink0 St•4 _ S{ , finle executive, rlhag •lilaaaned ler • f'.,Pnn'rl ......... 22' :elle F76.o:k3 .. tr Ma ttlembeis,k 1S8wIifl rind' theft. IJrir .linaKm 4h ra, 7•70:14 _ 471 ft"e party, All thole inttlt'+1:*red Art T'ttrlV T;a»v _ t 'plltr4Mretwps 4;l' • .laity r"al .: 1 1410)(a'*trkA 37 ,tit 1ticet lit lite OW tut '-shay al M, Ince ....... 67 Lollipops ,...,. 3717' 15"elock Sharp en lrriday, Tabu xhaGlr e _ 4 ,2 Ai1c•ta3irnan"- 4 0 . La,t 2I nha'l (lCoam ..._ 2 1 Mervin :ravlor _ 2 1 Boll Broderick 2 1 lint Car:m(1den ,. 1 Stain x.e. uicl� __.......... 2 Larry Silvis _---_-»._, - 9 lint i•.atuutlt • 1 3 J1)b( •t Schroeder 't r h lr tart. ar „ ,._.,.._ 1 8 14ike flakier .... 3 /lilt tkn'ry 2 Carry 7,`orcl „_.. 1 David Tricot -. Bob ob Hoffman David Veal__.__W 2 ;terry TAMS �__...- 1 ted Wilson 0 '.red 11eyweecl___.. 1: George 4tusti•on3 ,..,. 1 2'r ed Minh1 Doug i'enttate 1 Il Bob 11ae1Donit1d 1 n Gordon $nbil 1 0 ."red, Senders ,.-_-_ 1" 0 x1111 r radley 0' 1 Wes Sims 0 1 8111 Wright„_., i1 1 Gorge iladbolte w .. ,._ .0 1 John Snell - (1 1 John $?tn'aUalxtog 0 1 Brian Marriage 0 0 -'I n 2 0 0 n x 0 • 11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t n 2 0 •1 1 It's Official -- 'Mills Mills Victors 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 As the 'Men's Bowling Leagtte swings into Ha last week of the regular seltpdule first plate has already- been' .decided, Windmills have Alit up a ~total of 106 points to date which IS good for a 20 -point leadover their second -place rivals, the flingers. With first place salted away, the neat nine Lefties are in the midst of a wild Scramble. Tradesmen are in third with 82 *tints, followed closely by the Milkmen who have 80. On the Milkmen's heels are the Rinlacks with 75, Big Six 10, Pin - poppers 75• and the Rural hollers and Tip Top ere each with 74._ Oz Osgoo. Of the 'Windmills, it' i.. turned in Ito top'triple of the week -with a 713 hile: Wes head} opin Watson of the Tip '1'0 ie llntved with a neat 702 throe-' game- total. The Pmpoppers were the only major 11oInt•getters this Week as they swallowed the Popsies with a 7-0 -win. Five points were nicked up by the an er h C n s ]las (I s Ringers, l e Itln er. Tip Toppers, Popsies and Wind, - mills. Gleet Robinson, who bawled 6t7 for the Whizz tans, .sparked a 4'3 split in his team 5 AVM' over the Tradesmen, led by Bob San - tiers with 635. Wednesday, l ebruhry 20 'Pradesh:so (.Foil ,N.11,1491 6251 .. n 1 *hlr� T84.nkA (rl. Robinson 627) .. 4 14.itaki2s.(Wilt 5hhptni 660) ....,...2 Panels (R. letrguson 566) _... .._ 5 ('2nur!t'5 (:t, litttttrtt 521) X'ensite (1t. Ferguson 522) r 2 Monday a'ebruery 25 . A Rig Rix t11on (.l'105 656)_W 2 7•luskio4 .(A, Verne :4r '466) ,.. _, 5 Pbtl/aen2,'s (rittt (rawl. 141) 7 i'111Al5 (l'tfll ()hVt'le 202) ANITA Part* (any It -:fluter 66111 _ Windmills -(Osgood 113) _,...5 ►in Tonne a (Writ watsio 152)5 TrCcl2ilttten ((1. 11s1snn .222) y_ w 2 flipg2rA (Fr#tl 1)ai•line 6261._ 6 i , Rollers (Van ;bnor,o11u t' 615) _ 2 ScHg6uLr Mehday, Marini- 4 -0— J 1njl0i,p rd vra, 'Writ /Mills itinaet e x e. '%t 111i,i Banks MilknOit va, 3P0)'6 xiXFtA 0.71-74tuskios t a, 'Pitt "1'aptlar'K rl'Scieamen fter6P1,6115ra Wednesday, Marini d 1,1•, -,Cantle'( Parlors vs: 1•411:13,6146 3160;its t s. Ilia Six . Canners re. G, 1'tt lt6rs 8rANp1NO 11'indtnnls _ 106 "r.•'ireneSr,s - 74 Itin)#er8 _ S6 711:444168'_• 112 't'rades/eon *2 1v, Bangs�.� 67 LtirrjitiM ''111 a®lxwi) rl:i j'a nig Gilt 1*tnllottp0r 75 G, :ir'ackdrs-- 1t. lt011er$ 74 • .What's Your Game Bag? 42. 17 55 Of the total number of ganle and fish species taken in the r ase eseason, rttntan'hat 5 asthe tWe. lrldivi d`u score 7 hat's- the pertinent query, Wilted by district Zorester J*: Reith Reynolds, of the Gtitori.n »epartMeo.t of Lands afid Ver. eats. 1 We knoW,” he says, "tlat the average. ztraln •wha htrnt5 end, BOO. around home .spends al• nt X3 tos0 a ,yearl'takes 11116 tl eight trips, travels 20ri to 210 Miles duringeight to telt bi 4 ft tit► ill the field, tut we don't ktiow holy ntucfi melt species of smell gene and fish: contributes to the. • total bag, '"We di} :not knew how Iain. sp0trtstiten: keep, 7crords M that. • Please Turn to Piga 5 End Year On Happy Note With Victory OverRivais Exeter Mohawks, last year's Strachpn na1Ppitts' i11 the' Strath- WOA.. bntertnediate "A" Otani. roy neta tote it up Once Again: None rind .plitrrilt setttt•1tiiolisis, Tile tribe took t 44 lead In the failed to Make theplayoff's in third laet'ted whelk Lorry Heide - their first vet in 0J1.4#:, Senior Ain teamed up with Sill l t)berle "B"conipetiiinn, 1 and ]rill H:aywaxr(L 10score at 7+7o11awks mttlssed the :Honey series by A MOO three ,points as they were .loseri out alt ilte flit• 151.1 by. St. Thomas itoyais. in the final week's rich of the regular schedule the tribe hid to Win all :our 6( their rentatn- ldg ganteti to get in While the Royal/1 bird to lost two. Exeter TlhOilip pulled oot a( close 6=5 v c ors, over'Woodstock to one. o their two fnitnes, 3:27, While poll Kendall was il), the silt bin for tripping, Two nintites later defenceman Doug Thiel let go a scorcher from :the point that Strachan couldn't h*ndie to pysh the tribe into a two -goal lead, MacDonald and Merle received assists• o,i Tillers gdal. fell 11 game hlfrt and St. Strathroy pulled their goalkeep- er in the dy•atg minuttes of.Ahe; Sot(: in an effort to tie it up,but i t t th i w ods: tk rvrri the move backfired ,.as "Red" . Le d r sank one into the ern2ity Tribe Leftwin,er 71111 Wharnsbv :and R rib a 'F • + i ps �•. Doug Thiel were eredited with .as- 1M� Sists • ort the goal. Rockets ,;t •;!!� ' Si'ftA7-t1'tin "-•-fl(1a1 Stilleben: de- tente, 1 ulton,, h.filit, Fhikbain't•. Exeter .Mohawks .pla:'ed their 7frndtiUt torn*xrtta, fin1niS, x t•nns, J 1Strt"raii(iti', tutntntn•t, flail', P5 r - last game cit :tie 195647 season qtr ion, x,402, aline, Areroltey, .Mayes.. Saturday lght in the lOeal, 0rntia 70MMM'r1,Jt---Ci6lli, B2k#iet ti (Taric6, and they liuwed out .In #lne st le b0rton, xd+c3^traici, 'tltk'1, bowler: as they fiihally turned the tide (dl'tv�2rds, 174cidett Sit. (lbe1.1e, Scar* aga#nst Strathroy Itookets day .1 b1i$1d, Wnarn4b$', a�ihaittl; (retell. First p,trYod . hannnhering dome :a 6.3 Victory. x )zeta,,, �ltncx1onsta A crotyd of around 450 :people,• n ux1elcihman)., ?t 15 With a good number front'Stratll- 2•'-au'sttl,ros, Airtkb2111ce r13.45 roy, sat in amaaentent itS A 10• 3—Exeter, Merle (.Itac•hattAid r ,. 15:R5 Alan MohA:wk tribe outscored t S[r4iltr(i�•, 't�ws•,ttws "(untnns$5 17:10 Lloyd Finkbeiner's 15 -roan crew,x?2nliltiss- 2'i lton,,'2 minora and. It was a game that had thjurloa n11410; Shantz, Shiner dull rile - Written all over it es no ldSS than .aiaena t+*ried three spectators and three pins,- .6.--Asr'athroy, 3trrretkht • ens were nicked by'the puck or (trims) .,__ 8 50 sticks 2nd had to leave for 6-a'i;it5kir, nh6i•1A ._ _ _„_ 1$:05 lie aitV� stitches.. n lens•, E):eter` and Strathroy dividt!d tilted xreni,o14rido)nalt evenly the four goals in the Brat Merle, tlAa'lt(trd) _ 5.27 period, 6--97x4(4.', Thiel J1igbLwingcr 731 11y goal 'and 1.x/tomb/old, (Awls) __.,_ 7:33 fired Moll*Wk's Brat 'oil 'find Panally—keildiiii, 3i27; 6--•I+1trisr, .:,eider (S<;k..i,S,l14,. it I, t'. •10,0,1 then set up liixen ate Bill Oberle For & second, • Playing -coach Lloyd Finkbelner took a clearing pass from Doti Thiel at the biotite anti Whistled a shot that Baker kickedt het - 10s51y for the first lttl'cket mark6t at 13.45. _ • Grabbing a short pass from W&llrteet 11rg Hornets, applied Don Emms inside his own 111ihe.' the eruelel blaw .on Thursday line, Buddy Evens broke fast find night 10 any dellathe Exeter weeved his way past all et the Mohawks had of making a play-' Motiawlc defenders to score orf berth as they ro' . e .tome Strathroy's second keel Of tie tri' front of a D•2 score In Wallace- night on the best executed play bii'l;g, of the gatne. A little action was thrown in the first twenty xjtinutee of, play for the fans as Mary Shenk. of Exeter, and defencetnan Don Trill. ton, of the Rockets squared ogle pick up five-minute Masora ;Ear fighting 4o go along *ith two 64•4A SENIOR ,l6„ senll1intttesed., minors previously as- List WBek'* S4or6sr Tack MeCreight pieke the ter- ner at 7:50 of the seeoJld; period to.give his club a tetporary Ode= goal lead, but near the conrpletio Hornets G Give • Fatal t .. l t � inn J Hockey ,Standing iixetai 4, • Stratl1t os, 3 • • 1V*Ilat•ebrir.' 4 .1984ter,,.2 St, Thomas 5, Weedstuck 5 Stretltray 11, Sarnia, 1 � Fatal Stahct('n *. Of the period oiinortuost 131 Wa)hboebura ,.., 26 10 A 150 104 40 Oberle let go with a slap shot Sir4firey 1s 11 3 174132 35 from centre icg that caught 'jun Wbodit:ew 14 11 3 135 114 35 St. Thant!* :13 17 a 13'1 138 26 Exeter ,.,11 15 1 119 167 23 Sirhla ,:.,;:,:,W17L 5T 146 172 P .:11.:1:06:01060 First AI a<yeU G► inI5 ' L - i4.4.Ila.tethgrk 7, 7%'oh1Mlook 8 81, 't'honiat,5, Strathroy 4 (017.') • Futuro aimed) � ��t 'Burg, . . Thomas u � hos Capture Openers � P Wailaoeburg and St. Thonia;5 (rave drawn first blood in the twos best -o! -seven O.H.A. Senior B semi-finals series th,E Start• ed on Monday. The biggest upset to date was ,.the 54 ove,rtinie victory St, Thoittss Royals captured on the the highly rated StrAtlttby ..Block• els. Don Beattie was the big gun 'for the Itoy&l5 aS he scared the decidin goal At 7:43 42 the ex,- tri period after• each teeth bed. tallied earlier niarker`64 1n the other sane$, Wallace, -burg 1ioritets, who poster 'en inipressi'e 20-10 record niter ,the regular 6ea505i, took a one -girlie Lead in theit 'serie2 With Wood- stock Athletics on a 7-3 %vitt. Wo• dstoek out .tot the o s hor- nets 35.33 in the game blit :Oleic lilatowslci's superbg baltendih 13 trade the differenee in the score. 1 W It ewllurg at 'li`oorlstork 'l'helnd,a nt SttntitrO7 . 4- 11'bd(l Hinck A.t ittl e..@btig R art. Thouisth A.t-Sti'atlirdy 7—Ftr2'rllray tit 1:t. Thomas *--••11'{tllar.lhltrg Ot 7Vilnilrterk -O—St, "booms at Strltttirot, WOAA IN'raS%M'aDiATE CYCLONE PLAYOFFS Scene ?NIA Week: ti1J#rifti 10, Ju1'i211 5. 2"(Il0a1'ten who best-at'titret a�1•10a Fltyills ;mite Sidemen :4 heli 1 #. 1 d I .eft 'I ' (Jn'1tiltell leads the best -et -seven sense 1-0.) Futyre tAilMO :W'rttlav 5f'itelii+ll lt1: II,g 2i'ton Tilela 0'-11(leftort at Milt/tell • . WOAA BANTAM v iii r(r ie o 5, 7:st2r.. n (31 it e 1 t t J.o t wins ns the het -of- hrsA s t series 2-0.) WOAAio 1` M G Ziiridlt 6, ltiiltth'Sy ,S ;_''ism me loss virtutiily'- killed all plpyof1 hopes the tribe •.lad of catching the $L `,i'itomas itoyal for too last playoff spot iii the Senior ""l3" standings., The ftorttets, wllo eAz'ltec' ilr the week hyera vlcttins elf a 3-g s. setback in, the Exeter arena, were full value for their win as they. skated the tribe into. tits ice, Wallaceburg only outsb.Ot the Mohawks- 10'0 iii the , first 20 minutes Of play but left the ice, supporting a• healthy- 4+0 lead.. The Hornets stung for three more -Second porlod markers al. though they had .a xner'e two shots more on the Exeter net..10 care a r;v lop -sided 7.0 •count tete the third - axrd final period. ' Exeter began to conte into their •owl: in the last. .period as they split the total goals scored with Wallaceburg dt two apiece, Earl 'Towers, a scrappy' right winger who hails from Copper Clift, Aettlnily sent the Exeter club to defeat by himself as ho fired Iwo first. period •Counters and added another at 17:40 of the third' for ..a three -goal per. iorntance: Red-headed centre Bruce Jones' was right on the heels of Towers with two goals while• singles e1e reliveby ca to >t .sec i11 Ed »idono, registered Sehultzr aui -011- vOr and . colt Manlh, - itsi'l Tower's and Bruce .Janes 'wet'e the nhost .profitable Hot. nets a5 'far as tto sC lr t eta,' tistkis were eoncernect they each got.fout' points apleee in the nine -teen point splurge picked up by the Wallaceburg. club, Larry ]-ieidem.an broke • goal• tender rick Piatoi+:skis shutout at the 7:03 shark of the third pe. 4:rind, when he and 13111' MacDo• combined n' ld an ne d on 'a gOallttoutlt f: play to beat the agile netnlin. der, Platowsld, wiio. was working 10 retain the Lonflon Free Press Trophy,' enibiernatic of .the best goals' against average' -in the league, for the Wend straight year really played his part par- ticularly in the initial period of the game. The Waterloo product rose to the oceasioth in the first 10 mi- nutes of the game to rob Exeter players tixl10 and time again et>1 what looked Id be "Mire" goals, 1iiiihawk 'leftwinger. M,a r v Shantz sank Exeter's second and final goal of the Mune when he. .took a pass:directly in front of the net, turned, and let go with a backhand that caught the right inside writer, ' A good crowd was on hand to seo the one-sided `Contest as the Hornets went through a prelimi- nary warmup for the bpenink of the O,H.A. playoffs slated for Monday night, i%rALT..iC10811T10-•- Goal, VI/tow. t.midi:ar'dofen, 1'tauc'a, Scae4rthttrtortvarda ShedCs1dld¢n,to,• 11,:i ad, ft2:. wTarshall, 8lnieki, : Mann, J07103,(sliver, nidone, lowers, Saltuhtz, x1,0niSo11. ' JO:11:Pl'i'1tiCt (Inn,1; :naker; defence, lxayivtti'ct, rhil+l, 75art:nu, Dwyer;forwat ds Br.Iderenn, Oberle, 1114.e. Donald, Loader, 11.11arnsby, Shantz, Gravett, J3rllttndil. First Period 1-•-44's1t4rebur'g, Didone (Sellultr:)_.. 11:05 2.-Wallace!bw g,`'refi+er5" (7loutt2, :4cvitult2) 12:25 3—\vallaetburk, 'Pewees __.,13:80 1—tVallecobuli, ,Shahs (rowel's, 31tte,•trthur)_- 10:42 J 2ualtlrst xlinleki 1:27, plouffe 1:47',-iayward 11:15, Second Period 5»-1Va11atr2lturg, C7livttr, 1'lauffel :51. f _ 2 .—'F1'ttlkv' ill Marin eh nn 7 lT, (.lonos) „. -_ s:25 Penaltiea.liayward �12:57; Bar.. tori 12,12, Third Period • 5- �J xet2r, tlntiIoa1ah ' (11ar,1on(dd) __ 8.25 0•--•WOttacCbur2, ,1(1 e " iShedden) .._ 8:0a1 10---7i c.f4r, Shantz vol' .Gra .I :1 ) 10 E 11--W'allar burg, Towers Sc cit _ .._ 1T:40 ,a . 7 naltlss,�•- Oeiotia 8.�0, I)tvyeE 16:50. 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