The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-21, Page 12• "'
Pip 12 The Tinine.Mvocetio, robrunry 21/ 1957 '
CELEBRATE W.I. ANNIVERSARY—Members of Clandeboye Women's Institute cele-
brated their golden anniversary Monday with a family banquet in Lucan arena. Mrs,
Charles Carter, one of the oldest active members of the Institute, cuts the special cake
which inarlied the occasion. Left to right are Mrs, Ernie Lewis, president; Mrs. Car-
ter; and two former presidents, Mrs, Eslie Hodgson and Mrs. Geo, Young,—T-A Photo Hotel Operator
William J. .McFalls, 79, passed
Institute At Clandeboye on Alice St„ Lucan, on ThursdaY,
February 14. He lay at rest in the
away' very suddenly at his home
Ha'skett and Son funeral home
Marks Fifteth- Birthday Trinity Church, conducted funeral
the Rev. J. P. Prest, of Holy
. until 2.30 pan. Saturday, when
services. Interment was in St.
And 1)i.strict News
Phone 101 Luca
Correspondent: Miss 'Ana Ms,'lett
Exchange Treats
Valentines's. Day
Lila latest ,children, February
14 is a big and happy day for
Wean children. Parties and Vai-
entine boxes were the .order of
the day in all rooms.
In Mrs, Cobleigh's grade 1 and
2 room Valentine baskets were
;Tiade and filled and five pre-
school children were guests.
Mrs. Allison's room had a box
soeial, the boys paying five gents
a box and •the 'money going to
the Red Cross, Ken Ready ',and
Patsy Jutzi were voted the two
with the best work habits during
the week and were ,crowned king
and queen.
In Mrs. Black's room candies
and apples were order of the day.
So great was the supply of the
former that the treat extended to
In Mr. Elliott's room Roger
Black and Bonnie Drennan were
crowned king and queen for hav-
ing received' the most Valentines.
In Mr, Clow's grade 7 and 8 a
Red Cross meeting was followed
by the distribution of Valentines.
Executive Plan Supper
The executive of the United
Church Women's Association met
at the home of the president, Mrs,
Cecil Robb, last Monday, to dis-
cuss plans for the hot beef sup-
per to be held in the churcli base-
ment on Tuesday, 1Vlarch 0,
Dog Sends Owner
Ten 'Valentines'
Puppy Samoyed, sired by prize-
winning Ziska Snow Stormer, pm;
stinted her owner,Mrs Eileen
Currie, of the Brialin Kennels,
Lucan, with ten little Valentine
Puppies last Thursday,
Mrs, Currie is very proud of
her Valentines and hopes they
too, will be prize -winners like
their father,
Richard liudnut's Clinic
The Richard Hudnut's Beauty
Capsule Clinic last Wednesday in
the Community Centre was sport:.
sored by the Legion Auxiliary.
Mrs, Jack Radcliffe, of the Lucan
Drug Store, was beautician and
perrafnokrinBerdowhn,er m a gi c on Mrs.
The door prize was won by Mrs,
ens Andersen. Other prize draws
went to Mrs, Rosa Helland, Mrs.
oseph Leslie, Mrs, Herb Stret.
on, Mrs. Jacit Elson, Mrs, Jack
Murdy, Mrs, Bud Cooper, Mrs.
Joseph Murray, Reder's Florists,
of Exeter, donated flowers and
three corsages.
The venture was 4 financial
W. J. McFalls
The Clandeboye Women's Insti.
tute celebrated their fiftieth an-
niversary at the Lucan Memorial
Centre with a family night in-
cluding a banquet and entertain-
Seated at the head table cen-
tred with a three-storey decorated
cake, gold candles and golden
'MUrns, were Mrs. Charles Car-
ter, one of the oldest active mem-
bers, who cut the cake, Mrs.
George Young, past president of
North Middlesex District and
Mrs. Eslie Hodgson, past presi-
dent of the branch.
Mrs. Ed Flynn, past president,
proposed the toast to the Wom-
en's Institute and Mrs, Alex Mac-
intosh, another past president, re-
Greetings were read from North
Middlesex District by Mrs. J.. C.
Robb, secretary -treasurer, from
Parkhill, by, Mrs. Stanley Mol -
lard and from Birr W.T.
A resume of the history of the
Clandeboye Institute was given by
Mrs. Dave Henry,
Miss Angela Arinitt, of London.
in her entertaining manner told
of her recent trip to Ireland and
showed pictures she had taken.
W.I. Organized.
In the history it was stated that
the branch was organized on Feb-
ruary 19, 1907 at Moorseville, but,.
OUR "110-20
No Matter hew loan the col-
lision accident, under this I
Polk"' You Pal, etth• 2W of
each 41.00 on the first $250 I
of each leas. Alsove that
amount, State Farm per
everything. Call and learn
MOM about '10-20" today.
Pers t• Item nor I
. C. E. ROBB
.111.0t,2 Lucan Phone 254.21
later on September 3, 1913, Rivas Memorial Hospital, Red Cross,
changed to the Clandeboys Wom- Institute for the Blind and many
en's Institute, The first president others.
was Miss E. Grundy and Mrs, Fernier Officers
Gordon Bloomfield was secretary.
Fernier presidents and secre-
During the early years of or- taries include Mrs, Hiram Wind-
ganization donations for medical sor (8 years president), and Mrs.,
inspection of schools was given E, Grundy (7 years secretary);
and Red Cross work was carried Mrs, George Young and Mrs.
on. The members knitted sox, 'John Mepaughton; Mrs. George
made skirts and pillows to be sent Porte and Mrs. Gordon McDon.
overseas, Mrs. John McNaugh- ald; Mr's. Elsie Hodgson, Mrs.
ton was secretary for the Red Tom Brooke; Mrs. Elhson. Hodg-
Cross work. ins and Mrs. M. Chambers; Mrs.
To 'raise money dances were Lizzie Dixon and Mrs. Omar Cun-
held at the Mooresville, Orange ningham; Mrs. Harry McFalls
Hall and social evenings at the and. Mrs. George Young; Mrs,
Clandeboye school. Many quilts Ward Hodgins and Mrs. J. H.
have been made and sold. Each Paton; Mrs. Omar Cunningham
family whose home had been and Mrs. Edsell Collins;
burnt has received a quilt.
In 1935 when Mrs. Beatrice
Dixon was president, there were
83 members. Some felt that two James Hall and Mrs. Bill Down -
branches would be better and the ing; Mrs. Harvey Dundas and
, Mrs. Beatrice Dixon and Mrs.
Ansley Neil; Mrs. Mac McNaugh-
ton and Mrs. Grant Brooke; Mrs.
members around Brinsley formed
a branch known as the McGil-
livray Women's Institute with
Mrs. Dixon the first president.
Later she became district presi-
dent of North Middlesex.
In 1941 jam andshoney was sent
overseas. In 1942 $68 was con-
tributed towards a mobile kitchen
and 15 boxes were sent to the
bo s
From a variety.concert and the secretary,
dance $336.50 was donated to the
Mrs. Wilmer Scott; Mrs, Ed
Flynn and 'Mrs. Karl. O'Neil;
Mrs, Dave Henry and Mrs, Mac
McNaughton; Mrs, Frank Hardy
and Mrs. Jim Cunningham; Mrs.
KarlO'Nelland Mrs, Rupert Wil-
liams; Mrs. Wilmer Scott and
Mrs, Arnold Blake; Mrs. Murray
Thompson and - Mrs, Alan Hill;
Mrs, Alex McIntosh and Mrs.
Harold Hardy.
Mrs. Ernie Lewis is the present
president and Mrs. Gordon Eaton,
Lucan Arena kitchen fund.
The 'fortieth anniversary was
celebrated in 1947 at the Clande-
boye- School. Since 1941, Home-
making Clubs have been spon-
sored with 211 girls participating.
Donations have been given to
Byron Sanatorium, Children's
Sponsor Euchre
At Clandeboye
Miss Elaine Grainger, teacher
and pupils of Clandeboye S.S. 4
and 12, held a successful euchre
party at the school on Wednesz
day evening,with eleven tables
in play.
Winners for ladies' high were
Mrs, Ernie Lewis; ladies' lone
hands, Miss Nancy Scott; gents'
high, Mr. Wilmer Scott; gents'
lone hands, Mr. G. Eaton.
Miss, Grainger thanked the
pepple for their attendance, it
being the first euchre party since
she. became teacher here. At the
request of the people another is
planned for March.
The senior pupils served the re-
A valentine party was held at
Clandeboye School on Thursday
afternoon when the pre-school
children wer entertained.
Clare Paton left on Sunday
morning to attend the first Rural
Leadership TrainingForum held
at Vineland, Ontario, February
17 to 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing,
Karen and Joan, of Chatharn,
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Downing's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alma Hendrie.
Miss Beth McRann is taking a
business course' at. Wells Acade-
my, London.
Luzan Personals
Mr. Jack Smythe is on the sick
John Paul Drenan, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Drenan, celebrated
his second birthday last Monday.
Bonnie, his sister, had charge of
arrangements and her girl friends
brought seven little boys and girls
to the party.
Miss Sean Hodgins has returned
home from a two-week visit in
Stilnvater, Oklahoma. Mrs. Dell
Sprowl, who had been spending
some months with her daughter,
Mrs. Walter Rice, since her acci-
dent, returned home with Miss
Hodgins. Mrs. Sprowl is feeling
much better.
Mr, E. R. Bridger has rented
his apartment on Beech St. and is
moving to Lambeth into the home
owned by Mrs. Bridger's mother,'
Mrs. Percival Wisbey,
Mrs. Louis Kilmer, of Thames -
ford, is spending a few days with
Mrs. M. 0. Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn Sawyer and David
were Sunday evening guests.
Mr. C. Pattison has purchased
the Cooper house, corner of Mar
ket and Beech St. It is now occu
pied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay
Mrs, Warner McRoberts and
Mrs. M, Carter attended the
finals in the spelling competition
at Exeter last Tuesday when the
latter's pupil, John Etherington,
12 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs,
Archie Etherington, became the
inspectorate's spelling champion
and also won The Times -Advocate
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Durr and
Heather, of Lleury, were Wednes-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Windsor.
—Please Turn to Page 13
suPt, 8UT
CAN'T PiESisr,
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This Week's Specials
Ma TOED COACH' $1,095
glAtk, Clean ear,
11152 PONTIAC SWAN „„, .. $ 750
This Is a good one.
LUIC 441141
... MoroR !ALES / A<
ro '— :7011R Mc- PC:IIR'Y—
vilEyLIN( OL 14 Mt riOP „/„.....r„,.
James Cemetery; Clandeboye,
Pall -bearers* were Harold Cor-
bett, Charles Windsor, D, A. .Ash-
worth, H. T. Hodgins, Mitchell
Haskett and Jack Walls.
Son of the late Alex and Eliza-
beth McFalls, he was born on
Con, 2, Biddulph, where he
farmed till coming to Lue"an•in
1931. where he operated the Cen-
tral Hotel till he retired in 1946..
While in Bidclulph file served in
the county council for many years
and was also reeve.
He is survived by his wife, the
former'Louisa Armitage, one son,
Harold. of Lucan, and twin grand-
sons, Gary and Larry McFalls,
also one sister, Mrs. Richard At-
kinson (Christina) of London.
Junior Farmers
Choose Officers
At a meeting of the Liman Jr.
Farmers and Jr. Institutes -held
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex McComb,R.R. '2 Denfield
last Monday, joint officers were
Bruce Henry was .elected pre-
sident; 'vice-president,. Miss
Helen Brumwell; secretary,
Frerj Lewis; treasurer, Mrs.
John MeIlhargey; county-divi-
tors, Richard Gledhill and Paul
Toohey; directors, Gordon Les-
lie and Pete De Block,
Assisting at the meeting were
county president, S. D. McLean,
Glencoe; vice-president, Miss
Viola Branton, Lambeth, and as-
sistant agricultural representa-
tive, Chas Fanner, London.
A banquet was planned `for
March 9.
Granton Vestry Meeting
Mr. P. Dymond presided for the
annual vestry meeting of St.
Thomas Anglican Church, Gran-
ton, and Mrs. Norman Hodgins
acted as vestry clerk. Officers
include people's warden, Clarence
Lewis, lay delegates to synod,
Kenneth Hodgins, sub -delegate,
Derwin Beatson; budget secre-
tary, William German; board of
management, Mrs. Kenneth Hod-
gins, Joyce Carson, William Ger-
man, Ross Clathworthy and Per-
cy Hodgins.
Sell Chocolates .
To Raise Funds
The regular meeting of the Lu
can C.G.j..r. was held in the U-
nited Church parlors last ,Mon-
day night with Mrs, Murray
I-Iodgins taking the,)worship ser-
vice, for Mrs. John McLean.
IVIrs,liorigins read the Formosa
story, 'The Run -away", from the
study hook and also led in a
sing -song.- The meeting opened
with games. Mrs. G. E. Nichol-
son had charge of the Craft
On Saturday C.G.I.T. members
and some Explorers canvassed
the village selling their "Smiles
and Chuckles" ehoeolates. They
aso received permission to sell
at several hockey matches at
the arena. The last report was,
that sales were good,
Robert Smythe, of Richmond
St., Celebrated his eight -sixth
birthday last Sunday, with a
quiet family gathering. •
Mr, Smythe was born In 1871
in bswich, Suffolk, England. He
came to Grantee at the age of 16
working on the C.N.R. between
London. and Stratford, Ile was
veteran of the Boer War.
He married Mary Jackson in
1905 and moved to Lucan in 1914
Where his wife predeceased him
10 years ago; Also one daughter,
Mrs, Kathleen Coughlin, in 1955,
has one daughter and three
sons living, Mrs, Clifford Callott,
Lucan; TOM Smythe, yron;
Smythe, London, and John
Smythe, LUdazi.
Mr, Harold Whyte spent from
Tuesday till Saturday of last 'week
at the Cornwallis HMO, Cornwall,.
attending the atinual„ Ontario
Hydro Managers' Conference,
Nearly 260 representatives Were
Present, One of the highlights of
the program was a tour Of the
St, Lawrence power Project.
Mr, and krs. Mei Culbert have
left on two-week motor trip,
Leon Jacques, 61
Belgium Native
Leon Jacques, 61, passed away
in $t. Joseph's Hospital,' on Mon-
day. He lay at rest in the C. Has-
kett and Son funeral home, Lu -
can, where a funeral service was
held at 9 a.m. Friday. Rev.
Father 3. A, Feeney, of St. Pet-
er's Cathedral, London, officiated.
Requiem High Mass was sung in
St. Peter's Cathedral at 10 a,m,
Interment was in the Roman
Catholic Cemetery at Wallace -
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Petrus Jacques, of Belgium, he
came to- Canada nine years ago
and had farmed near Granton for
the past four years.
Besides his wife, he is survived
by four children, Mrs. Madeline
De Dobbeleer, of Wallaceburg;
Sominone and Andre, of Groton;
Julien, of Belgium, and, two
grandchildren, also two sisters
and, seven brothers.
Medway Valentine Euchre
The four -table Medway Euchre
Club held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill McComb last Wednes-
day took the form of' a valentine
Party. ,
High score prizes were won by
Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mr, Bill
Stewart. Lone hand prizes went
to Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mr.
Wilbert Stanley, while consola-
tion prizes were won by Mrs. Earl
Middleton and Mr, Earl Middle-
ton, •
Mrs. L. Hodgins
Dies In London
Mrs. Leopold Hodgins 84, after
a lengthy illness, passed away
in Mason Villa Nursing Home
London on Monday February 11
Centres Board
Asks Donations
The Lucan CommunitY Centre
has asked the London Township
finance committee to consider
giving them a grant of $500, as
tbe township children use the
arena facilities,
McGillivray a n d RiddVph
townships, each gave a grant„of
$1,000 the first year the arena
operated and $100 each year
since. Lucan supplies water free
and it takes as much water a's for
• •
the whole village.
Y.P.U. •
Twenty-seven members of the
Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U. met in
the United Church parlors last
Sunday evening, Doug Thompson,
of Clandeboye, was voted a new
member of the social committee.
The meeting opened with games,
Mr, Cliff Culbert showed a re-
ligious film, "The Great Adven-
ture," Miss Pauline Lynn and her
commission had charge of wor-
ship service. Mrs. Murray Hodg-
ins reported on the Christian
Workers' Training Centre at Five
Oaks, A sing -song was followed
by lunch and tops..
Joseph Atkinson
Biddulph Native
Joseph H. Atkinson, 77, passed
away in his Leamington home,
Monday, Feb: 11, He lay 'at rest
in -the Smith funeral home till 2,30
p.m., Thursday, when the Rev.
13, L. Hodder conducted funeral
Services, Interment was in Ever-
green, Memorial Centre, Leam-
Mr.' Atkinson was born and
raised on Con. 2, Biddulph, on the
farm now operated by Mr. Har-
old Hodgins, He attended the
Clandeboye Public School and the
Lucan High School.
After leaving Biddulph he ran
a livery stable in Wheatley for
10 years before moving to Leam-
ington. For the past 40' years he
has had a seed and vegetable
store there. '
He is survived by his wife, the
former Elmira Isaac, also a Bid-
dulph native, three daughters and
one son, Mrs. Harold Smullins, of
Detroit; Mrs. Jack Jackson, of
Montreal; Mrs, Jack Milkins and
Donald Atkinson, both of Leam-
ington; also one brother and one
sister, Mr. Harold Hodgins, of
R.R. 1, Eileen, and Mrs. Duncan
McCallum, Glencoe.
Birthday Party
Guests at the birthday party of
Wayne Hodgins, nine-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins
included his grandfather, Mr.
Ward Hodgins, of Clandeboye;
Miss Merle Law, of London; Mr.
and Mrs: L. E. Bissell, Of Birr,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bissell,
of Kitchener.
Poster Winners '
Once again Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, of
the Lucan Public School were
given the opportunity to display
their artistic talent in the making
of posters, spon,sored by the An-
glican Church Men's Club 'for
their oyster or ham ,supper in the.
church basement Monday eve-
ning, February 25. , •
The judges were Mrs. J. P.
Prest, Mrs, Charles Corbett and
Miss Lina Abbott, two of whom
, were previous poster judges, and,
could see a decided improvement
in originality and workmanship
of the posters. The grade 5 win-
ners were Barbara Ready; grade
6, Don Magoffin; grade 7, Darla
Culbert and grade 8, David
Whyte. Each will receive tickets
for the supper.
Renevetions. and Alterations
Renovations and alterations
continue at the Radcliffe Drug
Store. Walls and ceiling are new
resplendent in gay colors, while
She lay at rest in the Murdy fu-
neral home until. 2:30 p.m. Wed.
nesday when the Rev, J. r.
Prest, of Holy Trinity Church
conducted funeral service. In-
terment was in St: James Ceme-
tery, Clandeboye, .
The pall -bearers were Clarence
liardy, Gordon Nicholson, She-
ridan. Rivington, Leo Hodgins,
Jack Dobson and Edward Flynn.
Hodgins, the former Char-
lotte B. Dignan, was the daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Dignan, After her mar-
riage she resided' on a farm at
the edge of Lucan for the past
40 .years. Being in prior health
she has been a patient of Mason
Villa Nursing Home for nearly
three .years.
Besides her . husband, she is
survived by two step -sons and
one step -daughter. Wilfred Hod-
gins of Lucan, Verne Hodgins,
of Angus . Ont. and Mrs. John
Dobson, (Myrtle) of Toronto.
Launch Campaign
For Youth Camp
Rev. E. J. Roulston, lay re-
presentative Mr. Wilbert Stan-
ley and Jr. Work Councillor Mrs,
Murray Hodgins, attended the
Middlesex Presbytery in Ers-
kine United Church, London, last
TuPersidoary'to the Presbytery li/frs.
Hodgins attended a Camp Corn-
mittee meeting in the same
bhurch. The Presbytery was
given pertnission to launch a
campaign Via* financial support
for a boys' and girls' tamp near
Xoinoka on a -site donated to
the presbytery last December
by Ilarvey Wales, a KOmOka
The camp will not be opened
until 1958.
Coursey School' tuck,*
Mrs. Dave Park and Mrs. wif:
soli Hedging were hostesses for
the siX table euchre at the Cont.
SO School last "FritlaY night,
High score prizes went to
Mrs. Robert Robinson Nee Dal.
las Raging) and Mr, Keith
O'Neil. Lone hand prizes were
weft by Mrs, Charles Haggar
Mr. Tom course'.
The ludo' chair had a. Valet
tine en the bottom. The owner
had t� retite, sing or donee. As
Mr. Chas. Haggar happened to
be the lut19, chair he had
tie trouble singing for bit neigh»
shelves and show eases
been re -painted. Each week more
lines are being added to the al-
ready well-stoeked store. ,
I Recently Mrs. Harold Butler
/ Jr, was added to the staff and
last week another part-time cleiet
was. engaged, in the person of
Herbert 3, Nicklin, D.D., a native
of Milverton.
Mr. Nicklin has b'een in the
drug besiness for 36 years, oper-
ating his own store in Detroit for
two years, and manager of the
L. K. Liggett Co. in Detroit. RBe-ard Drug Store London, He l
cently he has been in the Star-
veteran of bbth World Wars,
.,0111Y $1149
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Rexall's new liqui4 penetrating pain-
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The "Gem" Of The Road
4 CUSTOMS . , .1 164n, wheelbase .
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'56 FORD RANCHWAGON ' • $2,695
Automatic, radio, low mileage
Automatic, radio, immaculate •
'54 IVIONARCH SEDAN, automatic . . .... $1,895
'55 FORD COACH, very nice .... , . $1,795
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'56 CONSUL 4 -DOOR, better than new $1,395
'53 FORD SEDAN, overdrive ..., . $1,295
53 DODGE SEDAN' $1,195
'52 METEOft COACH, radio 11,095
•'52 PLYMOUTH COACH ............ ....... $ 995
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Your choice $ 795.
'50 FORD COACH, radio, real sharp $ 695,
'46 cuzvRoLET COUPE
Your choice - $ 195
50 'G.111.C. 3 TON DUMP
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The following 3O -:1y units to be reduced' $10
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'53 FORD SEDAN $1,120
'53 CONSUL SEDAN .. .. „ . . .. . .. .... . .. $ 665.
'53 HENRY J. COACH, °vet:drive,' radio . .. . .. $ 405
„'52 FORD SEDAN $ 895
50 METEOR COACH ..........„... ....... . . . . • $ 395
'49 OLDS1VIOBILE i$ 320
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Head' Offrbe *4- ',widen, bettatio
blettidt Aisprittentatives:
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J. W., Nabe416 Zuwichi; i M#tact, Extitiefl tall & LAtightOtif two.