HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-21, Page 3WO WI pbe.s4$04194I }l 110 w0,11.- taea theeru tint Is tits jwiff444 4 newt toms =111410. Art Intpbt to meele I• hem Ie the revs Irsa• wai.ssl Raltlbiilea, to tee. adore , r L*wd•'h is the seen, ed iN year 11141-... w • fair tit et beteg send am. T -se revolt art e.• - oval peelkeieney isassenge who.► have hese Mid has bees OboeM kw b.. detpreised w. sail • rabies weals, st whtcb the euhject will w hnlssily psesose.d to the ettt■ete ; said Irmo the ehassase r of the gest lemon who My ktootrtid thonisolees with the trevMwt, sod trite oft amity sad eagle l.ly with Thoth Ib. *object has hams calm up, tee sager iamb a dewroatraUos as will be • credit at some les oho C►ty and the Province, The ides, we t.oder.taod 1,, to leave each l scary t• .take as ens f eel effort, owlet tie belle that the Prorestial Government will lemmas, emelt Is to ad Om enterprise by foraiabing N. setes.ary fowl. for a greed Pro*t.cial Exhibition, at which all the uuua..4Ll piss from the different tucat fare rosy be b►wtht into competition. and from thew be selected by enlseeteat judge• "Astaire, artanise way be commit/red most hbely M M assn, to Casada i. I.••dua. By thee emrws, it t• emesidered that all eeetion al 4.I.....e sal js.torl•ies will be a. °Idr 1. AU Nat Maltreat claims is the matter, ts the wont .4 hart., set the example, amt this w• feet little doubt els will du in her *seal princely wanner. 1t i. believed that a soma et not lime then from £ 1500 10 £1000 may be wily raised In this mew aid neigh- borhood for the Montreal Exhibition, to be dlstobet.d is premiums for the beat .peci- mee* of naive industry. manufacture., tier Both s as jodicl.u.ly expended wheulJ have, at say time, • afoot beneficial effect to ettwul.tiug the !pges.nty of one mochan. Ice end artmene ; bort whin the nhj•et i., as at pretest, to enable the Colony to take Its plan amongst the nations of the earih in the great Iod.t.trial C"ngre.., it must rec om.o•ad keel( to the attention of every an,n bates, s spark of satio•al feeling in his bo- som. The mechanics aid indns•rial class- es art, of reform, morn ran.edulet, enterer - ted. and it is isobar their auspices (a Cord - minim hay.se been'ppnt.ted ,ruin the Me chanice' Institute for that purpose) that the • rrangemenu time far have been made. - W• •look forward, therefore, to touch an Zsbrbitioa as will ubow the world and con• tone. eves ourselves (herd to be convinced of anything favorable toner elves) that in root of enterprise, and skill, aed talent, Canada is not inferior (as elm should not be) to any enentry of ter size aed popnla- t.on, and which will make the gond people of Loudon and their 'into•,• open their eyes with astonishment. We have_ littte doubt either chit the movement will be re- •ponded to is the other large cities of the Province, aed that by this means a most wholesome stimuli.• will be imparted to the i.destnat merge et' the enitntrv. Tho first rabies meeting in this city nn the subject will probably I•ks place in the mouse of next week, Cel as the q ieetion u use of those rah ones which polnlca .1. not tneeh, we expect to find s,teh a xen.rel "civ elitism" of parties as will ad.1 another ptea.- iar feature to the nadertakisg.-Montreal. Transcript. Law Ratroar.-A 'seethe, for the per. pose of petetivautg Parliament re.pecune this eery important subject, was anoouoced for Sat.rrday last at Millroehe, but from some cense •r other, -probably the went of Inefficient Nuc., -sot niers than a dozen pumas assembled at the appointed place. Smoot en small a number is attendance. tbe swayers la the matter aonid.red it poi - deist to po.Ipoae the mower unto! Satur- day next, the Ilth 'aslant, ad then to be held at Dickinson'. Larding. It is to be Impel Nat the eeetag will be well atgsd- ed. We may se well mention here, that it Is ✓ wderetood that the Ministry intend, dormer th. next Balaton ef Parliament, to into.. doe. • measure of I..w Reform, wl.ieh will, probably. onset the approbation of the coun. try: Frer4elder. 8TT411110 r Oprosatw..-W. are glad 1. (earn that we are to have steamboat op. , ptsitlos vie nor waters during the caramel realms. Mean.. Hooker and lfot•on, McPllersos sad Cram, and the Ilon. John, Hamilton, ham formed a Ione to run through' from Ilewiltee to YowtreeP u 33 boom, witting% , Iwviwt Haa.tlton every alternate day. Three hove will form the I'ne at Ant -tie Passport, New Era. and Cosset; bat therm i• a new hill! bntldigg foe the eagi.w e! Ow highlander, which wilt be reedy by the let Jely. The daily mail hie be,woen Emersion and Mon- treal 1,111 caw tine se usual: It will rnnse,t .f t6. Canada, Lord Elgin cad Ottawa Chief. Mr. Bethune wall, w. base S o doubt, endeavour to put •e Omer line ale., and there will then be three • Canadian lime en the Bt. Lawrence, and two American. This is tee many and meet be meson• to the party.,, but then spears a Iik.Iihood that If the fares are not run down ton low, loth lake Riles may pay their proprietors well, -Gloat. Tis R'GraoerTT Mi.WR'.-W. have privet* termination from W..hingtnn n( • reliable character, that then is no doubt of the seee.n of tar reeiprneity me.snr.; but lbs eubj.ct cannm be taboo up in *arwe►t, tall the slavery question a. disposed of. In the House of Repretentauves the measure will pass without difficulty; and in the Saute we le•►n that Wehel.r, Chiy, Case, Davao, Dnnglaa sad Bsdg.r. all leading Won tin is favour of it. Thre.ta•b Mr. Cameron, aowbeve ef Congress have 'alien put in poaesse(es of the rrg,li.ite Information en the .sbjeet, Ah the clever, q•re.thm will sot be disposed of for several weeks, tiled Yr. C.,serps, tiaviwt wad. n•e.saary ar- amngewos td .n the rveiperrcity matter, he wilt shortly rmterw to Canada.-E'rantiaer. STATE OP JAMAICA. A warm Now(mtollt..wt ewnmpeedset .f the Hamad efAw sets elitist free 16. Of the 400,000 people, secordhg to the rsseived ettresate, eo$.IJleti.g t►re rowan pspelatl is of Jamaica, bot 18,000 aro 'bite. The rmramteg 1144,iO4 are colorer( ..d M•- A eww..n, takes is I144 ix- aid ef them e. Whom: !sieved.WSW/; bleak* 303,198. Tb, d , white god sleek, I .adeawtaad, has sever exceed btus-ee. three gesR.n par cent. It is a habit refileeted for asetiooal por- ts eeatnbe set M.O . "Cliguil- ia the British Mee& to the abolition of slavery. Os this oebjett the miter ewe t la Ml letth to Ilesmtlia7 setielkelery eib. ttlw .f tlY Itbdly sot N helmets; teeth' Tap.Iw tsar arrayed *pew tap of I Orestes, or Narre.T,ito.-Tbe lwtijw II* Weft *Web classify the ethabtlaale o1 under the *rectums of a well b.ew• sad lbw 114•1 1114e ~miry ; uses the questions popular cot■aw.eder, Capt. Harrison►, c.w- •ellettet Is t8. $ns:ebSarlMureat a which .uen'N rWora/ ibis day between Walling - they awe soy interwit, they are for the toe Square and T..roete. Tac actio sad w.ult part agreed. C.donial aeaatance o1 radars. •ill nuke daily Irdrs OetwN■ this •ay kcal, all .le..re :.sad .11 are booting to acv sad Twonto Y N.,• a. 16. bar t• e1Nr free trade. The appotntr.e of the prevent 01 ice.-N.waGeo P.-,aseialhN..N.rd 11. go.ereMnt base prod*, co entree, nut to proclaim tare, .en•ltnrnt• up to the house tops, but ales they du not disguise them at the he ' 1 will come down and give too a thrash- ing, if you don't atop your iniped...ea, said • man to a pekoes' uppoa,•at from the area below hu *widow. ' Cume alone.. said P.,,slimy soona if ye place -fur l'd like to bar close by, when ye did ir,' ' I say, Clew; cried two disp..ting lar keys, awaits, for a derision to as .hie n.0 piro, which word u right, " dy sactiy" or "dr•stelly 7' T1s sable umpire reflected a mooniest and then with a look of del wisdom, arid ; ' i can't tall) re-z.c'ly,' GItEAT FIRE IN NEW YORK !-A deetruetite fire bre lie out yesterday morn - g in tide stone marble work.. of Gin in Prebfe, on the south of Wilson Street below 13.6, and teeth the machinery, kc. was des- troy,.'. l.o.a 5?OCO or $70db. Insured rut $.700. SPRING ASSIZES. Notice to hereby rrva., than the ('oorT. or Of nu du Txslft:tea air Gay &&&& Gaol. Delivery., a..4 ul dews and Nim Pries, .n and for the mineral Crewe*, of cast part of tar Pruvwe• of Canada Winter ly Upper Canada, will be as fellows: - Geary .f York. The Ilan, Craw JIeTlcai Rouiasa' Toronto Moodily, 6t6 May. Orford ei..c.it. The Hon. CWts►Jcenco M rcAot.aT: llama' op \lonIav, 15. hi April. Stintne Tuesday, 30111 April. %V.,nJeu eke • • Toesd.y, 7th Mao. Guelph Tueada►, 1416 May. Western Ci emit. The 11,... Mr. haricot MCLIA9: Sandwich Monday, 92nd Apvil. London Monday, 2f.th Anr.t. G:derineb Mond.}•, 13th May. Alias ad Circuit. The Hoc Alr. Justice D Brncknlle Monday, tiod April. Kmg.tnn \fond.,, 29th April. Belleville 1lnnda., iS:b May. Picton Tbor.day, 23rd May. Howe amide. The Ilion. Dir Joeticn Sot.uvan: Niagara Tuesday, and April. t'obo.ng ThvnJay, 18th April, Peterborough Wednesday, let Mao. Barre Wednesday, May 15. Eastern Circuit. Tha Hoa. Mrivories Beam; Prrtb sMo da • n April. By town Monday, 5.9.11 April, f:Origtnal Tuesday, 14th Mao. Cornwall Moeda', 90th Mite Of which all Sheriffs, Ma utrater, Coro- ners, G.oters and other Peace Officers are requested to take notice. By the Court. CHARLES C. SMALL, Clerk of fire Crown and Pleas. Crown Office, Feb. 16, 1830. Maros '" Agricultural SS ciety in aosi sat with the Rea - surer Jur the year ending, Feb. 1 tt'a, 18eri0. To THE sax a OVTtue stun- I NOT!(:R. ('IPAL COUIICIL Or TH1 U%ITtO COUNTIES{ UP HURON MATH 1'111E PARTNERSHIP heretofore greet • AND BRUCE. at Ing aet'..a JOHN STRACUAN of GENTLEMEN, -1 se .alar r te lenses". to Goderh, Lj.uie suit DM8ILL MOMS_ you has .6e re.ao. 1 been not Wade o pot- LIZARik .4 .Stratford, Iiaqu.M, sa $anao- Jely 7. 1442-13, 111111111 r.e..,ed 1.. hal- M.app 1 •llcaloa kw y0 , r yet11.441,44"••11.441,44"••11.441,44"••al ter N Attentivelt{ I Asi.,..■t Law, Yitellef• is Yee 1('6..., tad, .CII 0 0 .ba apy..mtrwmi *i Comity Cerra, unison the Chancery,srstrwpea Notary Public wed C• Sept . 1-By.e'soal s ..b.ctipi...& Waroea'we caderr.d N mc, proceeds hem • be- cera, N thea d.oeufved b, Melee! car• Alessi ree.,eed, 37 3 8 hof that the urea way ie .roue,wr•aeideese, Fib 6. 1850 -By s6ar. of Goreratwn load ceoseq• one approval 1 t6. WanMs'. sp. ■t. JOHN BTRACHAN. 100 0 8 proponent, will h. by •Ileading cerr(ulty aed I)ANit:L f1tJJ1p. LIZAliB. Grset, 11;'nao■-A. W trraast.+ •• By a.aeest dies. dentists' este, 9 IS 0 usluu'l'. ,• the dal... of rhe "ince. lit e►teM 904 lean,,, IMO. !r♦ice _ At the wase time 1 earnest (orhear Nokias a £157 19 4 few oh.ervatinus on the proposal whack Mr. . Limn has d made to you t. ...rtale Marr. the IO 1 ICl.. .f the office •11.23 lees thee the salary .hat was 444 DR 1.'t. I2 -T. Bala..* dao Twe.wrer, £0 17 24 Paid Am...ewer 1., •*li- ne Bell., 0 10 0 " Jaceo W,Iso. Premum lar be.. Ntaiho., 10 0 0 •• Jana 8dk.ld for keep of C.U. 2 0 0 •• Slat toner, tlleweace to Becre'ary, •• That. Mc•Q.eee, ;relation blit 3 Freight el Wheal Immo 0 '• Poe putting spud natio( down pent,, 3 •' Treasurer of Provincial As.ociat.un. 5 •• Paid Jas. Gentles his alt• count for two years, 20 •' Premium. w awarded at 8how, 75 •• 8ectetarv'a 5.!uy. • 10 ,'• One Judge. 'epees. to 8rratiord, 0 " Portage seenonl. 1 Paid Henri Reed for arrv.- *ea to Shire, 0 " Treuurer*Salary, 6 O 0 12 6 a.arded to the Coauty Clerk at your hoe ere- eying. Deb,. d',. it 164 1... Brr. ai 1inr. You are aware that a year .go the cies-, a'1'KACH.i:q k LI ARtl, as Barite - of the Ddu ct Clerk woo raised from £75 to ter am/ AtlurnI. at Lew, Till be aid b 1130, a consequence of a Resuletioa of the L 1 Commit char dt. Clerk should manage the Aa- me.sur's and Collector's Rolls, end etch a trees to remunerate h.a tor the extra work thole entail - rd on hie. ; but he Clerk of the Psae. Wu o', the e lmt.aad wined the Rolle before rhe Council rose 51r Dom received his forms salary of £75. end Mr, Eisen, (a. I am credibly lammed) received upward. of £120 for W m segemeot of the 13 1 Rolls. At the late Meeti.ig of .he Uai..-d C.,anri-a Council, you decreed by moot emphatic R-aolu- (t.nns that the utana¢ement of the Asaenmeut jIiolla d.no!dbe undertaken by the County C.e.k (:uo.ut. q I lrh F,Sn•v 1,54. at the salary of £75. Of this. salary I cannot l >• 9 6 :omplain, seeing that l undertook the whole du• r ritO T111: TOWN REEVES OF THE UM - tees of the ince at that .alloy. sod shall confi 11L TED COUNTIES OF HURON. PERTH 13 0 -fend) leave it to you to determine at your neat AND BRUCI'. 0 0 •.dieting, whetter the a-o•ty clerk is overpaid at GEVI'I.EMI N, .uelr • remuneration or or 1. O 0 O 0 /Phil Str.Ch.r, .Dd D+.:ii1 Homo Limits, .1 'heti' rage cove affirm 1n U.Jwru•a •sad Stratrord : .tui the dem due 1n 1h.tn a,o reynea'ad to ba Iwthwi:b poli. Tao.. des Ino otrl: u au G...l.nc1, lar 1i:e ...J Jot .t Strach.o..1 G.Jer+c!e,afo».alai sod Ih..e• Ion the office a1 Stratford, to the ea:d Dan- iel 1(o nu LI' ore. at Slraliur-', a(uresaiJ. _hots s•ritaCH.tS, itAmE:i, 110i1E: LI'I.AR9. (i- d. -r oh, % .d .1 ,near,. 1 oSu. t.-.45 FAMILY NEWSPAPERS. 7 0 .11 caustic Ir. doubted .4.. Mr. 1.isa.s would FeW person• have any ctioception of 'hit 6 2 1i.eha g -,(,clear'!, the dative of .1.e clerkship, but 1 hnn.bly submit that there are unsay others extent of their debtednes• to 1!i., papers fir 5 0 o the *Jutted comeliest who areeble to fulfil those the inf••rmetinn they poi -cern, sod the m,.rn! 0 0 utficia; duties to oh. satief ct nn of the pueblo., sentiments th.y chetah. Compared with 146 16 54 and that there is +either reason our jades in ta- any pale age of the work', *tile is a rein., -- ;jag away a sidee of hresd arum use moa to girt kably enlightened period. A large potion Batasee in Treasurer's loads, £11 3 104 1 to another whit hue, a whole loaf. of the people h.,.e a cuna.lerable 'hare n: Aaoe'.t of Notes is Treasurer's n 1 sauna e•derstud that then will be any ed- for ao annual salary of £50. correct infurmala n on alu.oat all topics '.t heeds, 42 8 6 vantage to the puhl.c a constrainer: the two .4t• I would at the same time beg to call year soo cert of .1.... oldie Peace and moiety clerk, fee the tier to the eap.nrcee I have gained during the any real importance. Religion, geography, 1.IST OF LETTERS business of the R a Maeisuates wilt sate- last eight years in eoedueuog the Rater aed 'history, the politica! condition of the world, n y, 2J d W EMAINIAG in the Poat Otfice al Stratford rally be in the clerk of the Peace's office. and Taxes: and the the business of the County aatr, .nom,, the in:purt.nt practical feature' R up to 7th Morels, 1650. i6.tr Mutineer' a heads of .he several Township Ceased is not unknown to me, basis( sweetie - of natural phrlueo,.hy, something of gealu• Armnrnag Geo McPherson Peter Councils, will a natarel!y remain w,tb the hilly organized the modes.'" action adppeed by the gy, ehemislry. es applied to agncuUure and r Belle Charlotte McTevi•h D.oettsss county clerk : the dories of ib• two clerksheps be. District Council at ear first ratios in February the mechanic arta, wed many other subjects, , Bill William Rev M.cCenig Widow Aun i n¢ p.riecily dntinei. 184'!, in my then capacity of Acting theorem e re familiarized to the popular mind. -- Rrcn 5Ir• McGhee George 1 canon help observing that the argument of Clerk. which l bel.,re has not been swerved (torn Moat persons esti talk intelligently about q Cortin Gad Notelets Judy "economy and cna,emency" comes with but a in the subseoueat condo -befog of the elixir, of the Cranstonhcm without 'prezeuding to learning or -- - Newell James bad trace Iron a Geatleman who now nt),ra to Coanril.undertske the o hole duties of county clerk. for a Moreover, as the Members of the Coast,B it how did they come by this know- Cline Willtarn 2 1 hsvr the !Muer t. .ntiu.ata my .oteeioo 1 hamming a Candkdatc fur aha U;1',c. of County Clerk, now vacant by the lamented death of Me. D se. dol should I be w fortunate u to be elect. ed. 1 *ball cheerfully undertake to perform t6. J.ues of the office, together with the outage - went of the Asaesame.ts and Collects,'. Rolla reaarch' mom much less than one half of the rum he has Council are now Jastices of the Peace s egkei., ledge? N •,t at school, nor from books- a Ds Id 0'. Naih Phelan James hitherto recei.rd for the Matra work new to 5. 1 should hemhly conceive it to be an advantage generally speaking -hut by picking up. '. English, Caiharin. Po,die Joho per(nrrraed by the const, clerk, and had Mr. Lia a combine the duties of the County Clerk *118 here a hide, and there a 1.10., from the Edgar Julia Poilhps JohnInc. been •nzinoa to lie. expense .o this imp'', those of the Clerk of abs Prase soder one s$aat family newspapers in imperceptibly smallF.mmnr \'•Ieniiws Punt* Patrick ruhed District, had he been formerly alive to ai a matter both of economy sad co.vouaey. NOTICE Grant Wilbert' Q. pp Janathae the new *pint of economy he now evinces. or 1 have the honor to be• ii -1 i'mt,, 1.91 .ar,y one alk himself e PERSONS desirous of settling on the 0.MwGeurg. RougfhuetiJohn been sensible of .6. muni obligations which Ge.tlerrten, parle ticular fact re he a.in ills 't. prupahly onablee of ato nt arrest, Dnrham Road to the Township. of H tltde once Thorne. mas RoRitwlaoJ Mary Ate pl redeld r6.wxist ould Inng agotween the ehsre madeand iheeent- offer Your very ob.dieDAN. LIZARB. tell, becaure it crime slightly, unpretending Ritter Valentine GIenel -, ilenhn•L, Brant, Greeuuck. Kin_ Ilor¢an John 8ebrieg Joh with which in sueh,a g-oeroas ep'n., he now t►, in the newspaper. Io(. and K ncarJine. must apply personally Havn Anhui 8mit6 Jwsae arae Coward. Goderieli Foundry The deme to true in regard !n our Aral at the Office of the undersigned, and no In- 11 nip W Switzer Ceorge i• is no uncommon thug ,o England for the • moral impressions and aentirnent . Theycations will be cor.firmed except such as air Johnson John Btewar/ Peter hancellor of the Exchequer to receive large - mads in accordance with the requirement. J•Ifinr Sand 2 Scott John stmt of money from anonymous.odt•idnsl., who TI1E Subscribers beg to inform the Inhs- hay. been'suoge•tei, venerated and fasten J ed on the man l by he family press- The All aea•gnmrnu of interest an Ineaiinos Retailer Niehael Turner Nis •r.chen by .a late^1 'wave of some in usnre on tants of the County o) Huron sod tie without the knowledge ata( approval of the L.mptoo Th.mu Tart Job, heir pan, pay up what u,.y consider to be due public generally, that the hate DOW o0 pulyll duce much rental 6, preps iron, in Lepton Ch.,lra Wliliamsoo Ji.bn 2 by them to the cnanrr.. and these sums are call - Agent, !agent, will be considered mica forfeiture of p hand, •nil ire ennstantly manufacturing a ninny eases don much :ant the pie's mare a;1 n Itt in the luruee air carr nee. Muete'th Rnbt Wihiamaoa John " conscience monies." May we not meet VARIETY OF PLOUGHS nt SCOTCH this either, often more than both. L^! Y t M a.reJam.a Weber Jacob or see o the nest statement of the county Tree - any 'reo, er of ■will enlittttatwl family paper GEORGE JACKSON, Agent. McDowell J.ti,a' Wright Alea 2 over • late sum to the c•edtt of the Coiled AND CANADIAN PATTERNS, open iii pages ar.J wonder thoughtfully ('nowv LAND Orrca, McCrnUy J.me. Ward John 0ooaues. paid in by the conscience stricken clerk SUGAR KETTLES, contents. e. re are tis a nogle number Bentinck,(; nett of Waterloo McCloud .11eaaoder Ward Janes .1.6'. Pemaee. and ry description of HOLLOW' Ware, son.etio.e• fyntn one hundred and fifty to March 1416, 1850. r8n7 -A: T. MICKLE. P. M. In ronolsaion, i beg to submit that where there which they ars ready to dispose of ou Mita two hundred .eperat• articles, each no0 i • ire elt.•ieni persona, w?ling to f.161 Mr dune' rat Terme either Wholesale or Retail. 'l'lu`. .NU 1 I:S LOS 1', fen office creditably to themselves. uti.(aemn- G. M. k Co, would also take the liberty conveying an idea, a (art or a sebtlment, CAL BELONGING to the subscriber - ani all 'r to the public. and ai a moderate remuneration, of intimating to all those whose Notes and and stated or aCu.rated so as to produce an HF. public are hereby cautioned from arues ars hereby taunoned 'Flo" 'here ern be on jtwier in o•erinadm¢ an, one Accounts 'are over dive, the arnica immedl- effi)ct, 117 enlarging the reader's stars of T taking or accepting,„two prominore p r :,erann with offtci.I duties. and that 1 hope to knowledge, or rung a right direction 10 Noose made by the it , 1 in favor buying the undermentioned Notes, and the ,,nee!het I am an efficieat county officer, and ate slops are takes to settle case, Teepees though', feeling and action. Must oat all of James McGonnnn or bearer- for the sotto parties 1113e hereby cautioned against paylne -Ma!) endeavor to secure your co46rmauoa oa the fire defies, they will be under the disagrees this have its influence, aid is the eggregare of twenty bre dollars each, bearing deer Co. the .aed Niote. to any but the subscriber. tar+•• ¢rounds able neeeeatty of resorting to legal mesas mnghty infuc ice upon the reader l-'• %V. 1114. day of \larch, 1850, one where. t .e and any person finding the said Notes wnil I hare the hnnnr to be, Gentlemen, over to .source lacer claims. think en. merle parable on the first day of January, be liberally rewarded by returning them to Yoar faitbjsl serv.ne. G. MILLER Et Co. the subscriber. A Note in favor of Edwin ALFRED W. OTTER. Goderich, Feb. 13, 1850. 5-913 • 1851, and the other on the first day of Juoe, - - ---- 1851; as the undern sed has received no Dent or bearer, for £5 5a currency. doe let g A r11, (850, payable in Lumber, alined by NOTE OF HAND LOST LOTTERY!! value for the tame. p p y t \ Gu.'^_nch, on Friday, the 8th instant, JOHN GLIDDOI4/' P. A. Sebring. -A Note in favor of Edwin IN - Stratford, 14th March, 1850, v3n7 Dent or bearer. for £9 10s, payabl- ,o lam_ given by James Campbell. in fetor of Ger, dos 1st April, 1850, signed John Isaac Carling or bearer, for £19 13. 11 C'y. O he disposed of by Lnuery, the followtag pby valuable property: TWO TOWN LOTtb, MILITIA MEDALS. mfrNay.-A Note in favor et Edwin Deni payable two month'. after data Any person of one•fosnh acre each, (;ftsh • •aMtatu r•r bearer, payable in shingles, due tet May, leaving the above Note al the Huron Sinal FRAME HOUSE ones o ser, them' •Jared ■t sed -by M notice Is also given that payment of said on Elgin Street. Goderich, the property of Mrs. ing ort tine, viz :-Detroit, Chryrlel's Farm ' EDWIN N DENT. Note is .topped with the drover. HENLEY. Also. ooe Table, £ l 5.. One and Cha.rau¢,ay, ora regn.red to sena to Fanning Mill Baker, Y,lehell. G•ul.rich.:(y. 1, 9th, IR -In. 3v_6i3 Stand, ISs. One Clock, £210.. Pair Camila *ticks, Ss. fair Dog Iron., 15s. Leather the Adj•.tant Genesee' of While. se Toronto 91b March, 1850. 3s-tt6ti (de 0ti,►l.ttvi aoc.S ',vireo or 1,,'. New D,.- Trunk. £1. Pair Caedleatick.. 5s. It is pre• without d. lay, a statement of their clams, plank Ueeds and Memorials,. Q' S trict Cant Aet, and all other (!LANK lineal to dispose of the above prnpemy by way .f .n order that they mac be received in En- ouars used in the District and Division Lottery, .t 49T TICKETS, OF FIVE BHIL• gland by the 1st of 31ny next. ND all kende of DIVISION COURTCN,ta, on Bale tit the 8iesal Office Also, ell . LINRa EACH. . sr.1NKs, and BLANK PROMie• Papers in the Pr.ocince, well pleas, copy SOItY NOTES, for sate at the a • l thhe Ho^JOB.. R on moderate termed oa the The HOTEL, Goderich, t k • oplace at the aURSDAT, BRITISH tar the ahnv.• nnti.•s. •3 n7 O16t:e. Every description of BOOK arid G derich, July 19.1'849. 11th day of April next. JOS: Printing executed with meatless sod. $egnal Office, GnJench, t The following Gentlemen have consented to dos itch. , 61h September 1849. % o.t a Mu.g.r. : Messrs. James Wilson. R. STATEMENT OF LICENSES Issued for the year 1850, by CHARLES S WIDDER, Inspector for T the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, between the . n .i k t t s . 20th December, 1849, and 20th February, 1850. Ni rt fleeting man can (.iI to see that the 6't. -two visas to a year of a carefully con - dncted paper, into Il.Cent, correct, ele.sted in moral tone, and wehel interesting ie 1111 cnoteote, must exert a great and bfesre.l influence upon domestic life. Children growing up ender such influences, aro far mor• hkal, to be intelligent, correct In their opinion. and morals, and belle, prepar- ed for .he active drtt,es of life, than they could possibly. have born wrtl-tit than. Tbe Limerick papers give the particulars of an awful catenronhe which occurs.' u. the Womeoa' Workhouse in that city. - Shortly after 'the inmate. had retired to rest an alarm of fire, 6.1 which there ova. 00 grouad, was rased ; and the women 500 in number, reified to the ladder leading to the ground tear. Th. ladder broke, and the inmate. streaming down sanies fill over the spot to the floor below, the result o1 which was that n.. less than 27 nf.tbe nurn- bo•r were creehed to death or suffocated. UCH of the Who* of this Province se 1850, for £3 some ■h.11inge, currency, Digs- office, will receive a Reward of £I 5• -ani g g £75 and £33 -been Leta 19 and 2U, abutting are entitle' to • Medal for the follow- Stinson It urrey, C h'1'llIN.--11.e Sumo ober ha nog bought the right for the Western and Huron Ufatncls for aha mannfactnre..ale and live of the Aerif"rm or Almoephenc Churn therefore cautions end forbids env person or persons from m•ou(acturtng Im- porting or selling the same. The Subecriber would also Inform the public that he h.• or feted into arranee- mensir to have a large number manufactur- ed immediately. ALEXANDER JONES. Amherslburg, Feb- 9811., 1850. e3• -n7 3t w Gibhoo., Jacob Seeg M.IIer, and Daniel Healey Tickets in be had at all the principal T and Stores in Goderich, and throughout the Untied Coonttes. JAMES_ WATSON, Treasure.. Goderich, Feb. 24tq. i850. v3 -.Std New York, March 12. Aeons-Marketrm for pot. at 16,51.- Peale are dull at $1,87. Cur•roi-Miirket rs still unsettled for Ole staple. The decline is various, sta- ted }ai. F►.oun-The market for Southern and States flour hea•r for the low grates and for Michigan. We reduce our grtotati.tna slightly. Saler 12'0 bbl. at $1.87 a 5, f•.r mon to straight Stele -46.18 • 5,27 fur Y,ehigts ; 55,58 a 5,58 fur pure Gene- see, ' (lash, -There ie a heir demand for wheat for milli,•-!)alp3,000 bus. in lute of mix- ed Los, island at 10Sc. Toronto, March 14, 1850. Roan. -A few'thipping Ince have chin ged Itanals this week, at 1e. 8.1 a 19e for enpe►fin. ; 11rtl'n' superfine in bags, 19a a 20. , Farmer. In bags and bits 17a • 18s. N'wttaT.-Rcceopt• dune, the week about 12,000 bushels ; M a 4t 4) freely petit. Mont -Neat, Yareh 11. 1850. A,hca-Po , 30.: Pearls, 28s ti. to 28. 9). Flour.-_.S.,era1 thnnesnd barrels have been sold during the prat week for delivery in July, at 21. 6d for •nperfiue, an gas to t9. 81 for extra. The best informed per. lies believe that 1be alines 6.r the Anton, can market, as there is a great dedeicncy n1 Floor and Wheat et all 16e western depot. a compared with teat yew.* The defiesn or Montreal O1 i'f'rlt_ 33 cy in the recepte at Now Orleans alone amounts, it is said, 1(1830,000 barrels. The beet samples .4 Western Canada Wheat eA C. CRABR, Matronhoone1' .4 NNEXAT/O.Vt, K have, we Where, been In a greet extent o.eored kr the American 10.06.1 already. 2 Much of this Lower Canada Wheat has oleo ,• founds its way across the LI., Th. WILL SAiL nn or ar,ont the 8th 'Z day of Apo! for Munlr4sl-and present prree o1 Poor enntlnnee at 214 5 i os bet Return, will Teach at the interme- foe ordinary aoperfln.; ed Petra is held at dears Porte on Lake Oaterie, provided !its led to 13. ed aceordieg to quality. The Prs►ight eau be obtain ld. Charges Moder- tiewa.d its of • retail ebareeter. The Floor ate, Por further sertleslnn apply to the needs hest blank- eta whist, though it will owner. C. Cn661 Market Bgeers. sot inspect on aeeoeat of 11s maker, brim,. N. R. -('ash advanced es Potash and M 44 per cwt. for baker's way as it to very ether Predate emit today of wiling. elms, sad Mime a gnat properties of fC• CRAIIB, dtsdnieh, wink 51 , ION. m7 .\'o. Dare of issue Discripriow. f Steep, Huron District Building S'wietV. 3 THE TWENTIETH LOAN MEETING 4 OF the Society will take plat eat tin• 1 Ian, &dash Hotel. on Saturday the 30th 2 Mar. h, at 7 o'clock. P. M. 3 By Order. THOMAS KYDD, Secy. Godericb, March 21, 1850 3r -n7 DAVID H. LIZAR-1, wT1811E:8 to intimate to the inhshitant■ of Gnder,eh and the surrounding country, .hat he heol commenced benison as Conveyancer, General Agent rood Accountant, and by a.nr'n- nes attention, .eearaey, and moderate elergea, hope. to be os•fol to each ea may require Itis services. Throe wishing to employ hien .n any of the above breeches will please call at the R.ginry Office, Lighthnar Tree(, Goderich, 13.8 March, 1850. STRAYED from the a.tb.cnber 0,1 or n_ bmrt the first of April, 1849, A RED STEER, with crumpled hone, whole on the hilly and tail, hoer years old /set spring.- \ 0y person !eating information of the oho.• Steer at the Huron Signal office nr at Mr. Robert Cooke Tavern, Huron Road, will be rewarded for 'heir trnnhle. JOHNSON GRAHAM. Goder'eh, March 9th 1850. e. a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .6 17 Irl 19 20 21 23 24 !, 26 27 2.i 99 30 31 31 34 35 3 00 04 • a. 110 40 04 10 114 id 00 Al. and Beer Nantes. R i,i.ama S. Cr'wfard, µ'plum Grace, James Waitron, Jobs McDonald, James Clegg, D wad Gordon, Peter Woods, Fmnci. Fuhllegh. Sebastian E'ryfogir, Henry Krug, Albert G (latch, Thome. Knot, John E ntn.rion, James 34,•C*uley, Patrick Mcl:harpy, Wm. fl. Ryan. Barnard Slanly, Joseph Quick, amen Whitelord. Patrick Flannagan, John hlcKenz,e, John Hicks, Hairy Haache, Wm. -W. Cuomo•. John Allen. Mary Helm, Robert Dnnkis J.rob \Vtll.nn Thomas Kinnard Dorothy Douglass Andrew D'rnou.h Manh•w Rogers J.W. Rnhin.on Thoma. Duk Ione Balk von Samuel Fredeigh William Guest Bleary Wettleffer Jame. Gentl-e Grnrge Hodgins Samuel Jnho. William McDonald Vilifies. Reed Residence. .144o114f nj Total amt. Duty .j dare un- der each A'd. £7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10......C30 00 7 10 3 0 7 10 Stratford, Goderich, Goderich, 8t. Marys, G..J.rich, Bayfield, Stratford, Mitchell, 3 10 South Eathope, 3 10 do. Stratford. Ellice, Huron, 8trair:.rJ, 11r14ulyh, do d.. 3 10 7 10 3 !0 3 0 7 10 3 10 3 i0 3 10 U.horoe, 3 10 7 ackeremnh, L. It. 3 1,1 B ddolph, 3 ,o Shanty, A .o Mitchell, 3 1'. Baa firlo, 3 11 Gnderich do Township, Hibbert Ilay Down.• Stretford, Goderich U. tie Nor Eesahope Gnl .e6 1'eborne St. Slarya do. Smith E.ethnpe teed.rien Riddnlph Stratford do. G.der..b (Slued) CIIARI.F.S %VIDDER. iaap.ct.r. Uomed Counties of Iluroe, Perth and Bruce. To the CI.rk of the mase., flatted Castles of Hurls, Perth trod lm.e%% A tree espy. DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the Peace, United CooeGro of Harris. Perth and Broom. 3 0 7 1tl 3 10 3 to 3 10 3 10 o FOR SALE ! ! 7 IO 3 10 irIlE enba•r.6er offers for SALE hie 3 IOE 1 (WIb'1' mid SAW MILL, (mooted to 7 lit the Township of 111.0 !limy, on the B'g r Excellent Property F'OB CALM. 1tHAT lia^.d.nrne and COMMODIOUS BRICK COTTAGE nt'i ne on the Northern Limits, nfthn Town of Goteucb, Islelr occ,luied by John Riach, and belong- ing to Henry Horton. T'na Cottage etanrb in a beautiful and retired situation, and is well adapte.l for e genteel family. It well be .old on mmderete Terme: or otherwive 1.ET for a TERM of years at a r.aeonnble Rent. The subscri- ber e'en withers to dispnro of a Span nfgood Working HORSES, one three and the oth• or four years old. and well broke, both to harne.s and .addle. Also one Patr nearly new Double ilarneee and a new Wagon and Double aleicrh. Debentures will be taken in payment for the Bones, Wa+on. Slrigb and flamer.. For Particulars apply to the Proprietor. HENRY NORTON. Goderich, 22nD 1411, 1850. 9. -tibia A VALUABLE PI{OPERTY 3 10 5.61., wtona three wiles mf F Iansgee e S 0 Ceram,. The Mt Ie ere now ,11 4pentsn,artd 3 0 ,Nwit boot. The Privilege .s the bear au 7 10 tar-Rtte►, an•11.1,19 al es the beet To... 3 10......189 10 ship ,n the C.wnle of Moon -well settled. 2 0 aed Road* opened in ail drreet!~N to farms. 2 0 et. The M.chta.rp sod suatenale ere of 9 0 6 00 the very best tomtit,, mod pus tip by the v.. ry best Mach. sate, For Patio -eters 'e. E199 10 wore of J..ne. Crumble, Esq„ Galt, or ap- ply to the •rr4rri6er. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor. McGtlhrray, 1516 Jaeluarv, 1580. 5.5011 arY`Tb. Oa11 Reporter will i■.ert the oboe, metal forbid. Orncs or no Cosa& or no Prier. t OW,rteb, 11.8 North, 1 Rafe JOB PRmil YGel every des risen.*. seedy cod premptty ss.rsrs4 rt 'ale .Ale, f).emon.t ?its, 1049