HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-21, Page 54
Two Cage 'beams
Advance Into WOSSA
• .t.. .. a -. ,,•JFAFFIIAlLFF1nL1$11111:NAMAr10114lAFFFhhIMAAFAllh4401.1400101111 A#FfhN14141• MJ11F•MImtglo HFnihMAVMNAQ,fr
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The TitMdsai.Asvoc#iterallbt^rir'lr
Two of the four ;South ,jiuron, the ,finals, A ,sudden -death game •
District High School basketball will •be played against Stratford.
teams have. ,captured the Perth- on .a neutral floor • in Mitchell. •
ea' Conference 'basketball .Cham- The local juniors will be gun-
plonshi•ps .and A third is in a ,ning• for the C. ,S, MaeNaughtc'n
playoff with two other schools Perthex trophy emblematic :o#
for • title honours. the ,junior girls championship
Miss Lauretta Seigner's .senior and donated for the first time
kr s tr ppe S . Marys 54.40 this year,
right in their own backyard on Roxanne Beavers was the
Monday to. post their sixth con- leading scorer on the junior girls'
secutive victory and win. the ,team as she netted 1.5 .points in
beautiful J, W. Weber Perthex the closest battle of the day,
Conference basketball trophy,
which has been donated by Mr,
'Jack Weber, of Exeter,
The other champs are seniors
too. only in the boys division.
Glenn Mickle guided his team
through the season with a per-
fect record by not suffering a
loss in their six games.
The senior boys will now
tackle the Owen Sound Collegi-
ate in WOSSA "A" playoffs.
The junior girls' team had a
hard struggle but managed to
pull out a slim, 30-28 victory to
pull into a tie for first place
in the league standings. with
Stratford and St. Marys. With
St.. Marys getting :a bye into
Sunday And.
Evening. ;Service
open this -Sunday, Wednes- •
day afternoon, and :during
the evening throughout. the
• week.
Larry- Snider'
South End
afirdza Gulens followed with 10
and Allison Carke sank two field
goals and one free shot for 5
to make the 30 point afternoon.
Lee Ganimage was St. Marys'
best with 13 points while Lynn
Harris followed ,with• her nine,
Atha, Gulens' 29 points, scored
on 14 field • goals and one foul
shot, sparked the• senior - girls
to their 54.40 victory in St. Marys
and to the Perthex title,.
Rosemary Dobson was second
highest scorer on'the .team with
10 while Kenlynn Shaw and Jane
Farrow rounded out the.54 point
splurge with five and two re -
Report From
Mrs. Don Watson is spending
a few weeks with her sister in
Kitchener. -
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Amos of
Londonvisited with .Miss Mary
Amos 'last Sunday.
Mrs, Earl Dixon •spent Thurs-
day in London..
/Mrs, Wes Dixon of Denfield
is still quite i11 at the home of
her daughter, ,
Mr. and Mrs'. Wm. Windsor
spent 'Friday with Mr, and Mrs.
Cooper of Cromarty.
Bev Morley, son of Mr. and
Mrs, , Jas. Morley, under , went
an appendix operation on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs., Roy Hamilton
of Lucan spent Saturday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ha-
Mr. Lin Amos has returned
home after visiting friends in
Sarnia. • . .
Mr. and 'Mrs, Earl Dixon
spent Thursday evening, with
Mr. and Mrs: Hi .Dixon.
Mr. and' Mrs. 'Irving of Lon-
don spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Mercer:
Mrs. Marion Cunningham. of
Clandeboye 'spent the past week
with Mrs. Ida Prest.
The ladies of ,the Brinsley
Anglican Church held -a quilting
bee in the basement of the
church on Tuesday.
Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Fenton
and chidren, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Fenton visited on Saturday
Phone 328. Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.. Coleridge of
• London,
r Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work
Oil Burners -
anectively. •1
Back in Exeter, Glenn, Mickl'e
guided his senior boys to a con-
vincing 33.18 win to .gain the
league championship honours in
the, Perthex Conference
group -1
In the game whichsaw .29fouls I
called, seven South Huron play-
ers featured in the scoring.
Team captain Bev Sturgis
edged .out Toni Lavender 9,8 in
oi is while Barry Glover,. Jack
rke and. Bill Lavender all
Came up with four -point efforts.
Bill Pollen ani. Fete Irwin each
SH TEAM' FIRST TO WIN TROPHY -First winners of this
handsome -new basketball trophy_ donated by Jack • Weber,
Exeter, are- the senior girls of. South Huron District High
School who captured the Perthex conference title Monday
with their sixth straight victory. Mr, Weber's trophy will
be an annual award to the top senior girls' team in the
Perthex conference, formed last year. -T-A Photo
The Peep' Show'
• out Of This World
For the past several weeks,
the Exeter players' guild has
prepared secretly for the most
spectacular local event of the
decade. Information : has been
deliberately withheld from the
public to this date because of
the startling nature of the event.
Close friends of the president
of the club and director of the
play . have been warned of the
devastating effect this astoun-
ding event may have on the phy-
sical and mental well-being of
the audience.
Ron Pattison, after a casual
visit to one of the meetings -ar-
ranged to complete reception
plans, was •foundscreaming in
a demented stage tinder the coun-
ter of 2 local restaurant.
On March fourth and fifth, at
eight -thirty in the gymnasium
of the high school, Captain Ga-
Traquair Hardware
Presents Its First
' Big `surprises await you at your 'Admiral dealer. -He's put special "Stir -
prise Value" price tags on many of his brilliant 1957 Admiral TV sets.
You'll • see the kind of prices you've been waiting for .. the kind of
prices that make it really' -worth .your while to see him.
See the Canfield, Admiral 21" model C23A11X with Top Front tuning,.
"off -tile -floor" styling, Super 200 chassis, local -distant switch; in walnut,
mahogany or blonde finish. - ,
101 Cubic Foot Auto=Defrost Refrigerator
Deluxe Refrigerator at budget price! Features 63 lb. frozenfood storage '
space, 4 extra -strong shelves. Full -width crisper. Butter, egg and snack
Chest. 3 deep capacity door shelves. Modern "Straight -Line" styling. See
•this big value!
See The Amazing SURPRISE' Price Tags!
Your Hom. Deserv.i this Bosf"... That's Alwalys ADMIRAL
laxy, long a traveller of outer
space will meet 'with his arch-
enemy, the Countess Vilma, The
encounter promises to be one. of
the most sensational on .record.
Galaxy himself is nearly eight
feet . tall in his back and red,
spacesuit with its magnetic dome
helmet manufactured exclusiy..e-
ly: by Ralph Sweitzer. Designed
by Gwen Whilsmith and compre=
ted by Mrs. • Fraser, Galaxy8
costume, is equalled by that of
the Countess Vilma. Her tange-
rine 'orange dress is emphasized
by the bright blue cape with a
•high collar that reaches just be-
neath her handy -dandy blast be-
ret. Armed with • her secret suc-
Lion ray emploder, she is a
threat not only.•to the captain,
but also to the Gibsons, the host
family. ,
It )s rumoured that the Gib -
'son 'family,' who' will entertain
the guests has prepared a recep-
tion . that will amaze all behol-
ders. Details are strictly secret,
but informers have reported that a
Donelda Adams has ordered a
pair of men's long underwear
and a pair of one of earth's ra-
rest -items-turquoise bloomers.
•'Special seats for witnessing
the astounding sight ,may be pur-
chased from the several spon-
soring church . groups. So heavy
has been the demand for seats
that it is doubtful those who de-
cide to come at the last minute
will be accommbdated. All in-
terested should get -tickets at
once. Gerry Godbolt, earth re-
presentative of the Interplane-
tary Society warns all those who
do not enjoy surprisesand hun-
dreds of hearty laughs should
not come.
In order to prepare for the
rare event, senior grades in the
Public School have made posters
of high merit to advertise the
visit. The 'winners .were Grace
McKenzie, Carole Hogarth, Bet.
ty Dixon;• the grade 7 winners
were Bonnie Hogarth, Marilyn
Frayne,- Ann Hockev, Dianne
Whitmore. Posters will be placed
on display in local stores. A spe-
cila showing of the winning pos-
ters will be held both nights of
the performance.
Net week ,the local press will
have the shocking pleasure of
interviewing the guests. Although
they rarely permit photographs,
Galaxy and Vilma have agreed
to. allow two pictures only tobe
printed. This permission was ob-
tained only at the great insis-
tance of the director who point-
ed nut that the public shock
would be too great otherwise.
He.wever, the press will 'not be
allowed even to see the costum-
es of the Gibsons The effect
on Mr. Pattison was so alarm,
ing that the club gificials felt
secrecy must be maintained to
nrevent catastrophy that would
fill the district hospital. To
guard against such a disaster,
the club Proposes to obta'.n the
services of trained nurses whn
will be in attendance at both
performances to settle the hwt-
dreds overcome with laughter,'
Many details must he cont.
nleted John. Hendrick. the presi-
dent of the continent -wide tele.
vision network that will broad.
cast the event. held a secret di'
rector's mooting last night to
terminate all arrangements and
tot sign the final salary contracts.
A little boy asked his mother.
"Motrtrny, where deer the light
go when it goes out?" ,
"'That, sonny, r don't know,"
she replied, /1 and you Might
just as well ask rhe the sante
rluestiorl *boat your father."
downs l
drilled home - a basket for two
points each..
Marriott and Burgin gave the
local team the .most • trouble as
the two ,combined for .14 of the
18 points picked up by St. Marys.
The second game on• the local
gym floor saw the juniors take
a :50.26 pasting from their op-
Skinner was the star of the
day for the visitors :AS he drop-
ped in 26 points.
Jim • Tomlinson's four baskets
hoisted him to the number one
position for South Huron with
eight points while Ross Wein
stood second with five.
South Huron 54, St. Marys 40
Senior Girls
:Julia Gulens 14 1-1 29
Rosemary Dobson 8 2-4 13
Kenlynn en ynn Shaw - _ _ '2 1-6
Jane Farrow. 1 0-1 2
:Helen Down
Carol Fletcher 0 0-0 0
Helen Taylor 0 0.0 0
Darol Tuckey - 0 0,0 0
AIarrgaret Sanders{ '0 0.0 0
Barb Tucker 0 0-0 0
Joan Revelle 0 0-0 0
Winnie Negryn. 0 0-0 0
• 'Totals'_ 25 4-12. 54
Francis' Constable 7' 4-7 18
Doreen Stanyon 4 0-2- 8
Donna Hearn 6 0-0-0 0
2 12
Mildred Cowdry 0 1.1 1
Carolyn Mitchell 1) 1-1. 1
Dot Irvine
Florence McCall)" 0 0' 0-0' 0
Barb Ernst 0 0-0. 0
Norma Zendell 0 0-0 0
Connie Wright0 0-0 0
June Seaton ___ _ 0. 0.0 0
Joanne Kah 0 0-p 0
Totals 17 6-13 40
Score By Quarters:
South Huron 11 17 21 5-5
St. Marys 7 15 10 8-4
South Huron 30, St. Marys 28
SOUTH trunoN ' F'G'3;15 Pts
Roxanne Heavers6 3-4 15
M.trdza Gulens '4 2-8 141
Allison Clarke _ _ 2 1-4 b
Jocelyn Howey
Eleanor Hodgins
Pat Lovell
Pat Marshall
Anne Alexander
Mary A. Hall
Flap Gulens
Marie Salmon
Barb Kerniek
Les Ganimage-' _ _ _ 5 3-5 13
Lynne Harris 4 1-2 9
Bernice Steele_ _.,• 3.0'-3 6
Julianne Gross 0 0-2 0
Joan Ferguson 0 0.0 0
Mary punsieth 0 0.0 0
Lois Ann Merman 0 0-0 0
Vicky Lugerhy 0 0-0 0
Pat Blackton 0 0-0 0
Eileen Selves h 0-0 0
Dawn nlackler 1 p . 00-0 0
Mary Ann Julias 0 -0 0
°Totals 12 4-12 2s
Score By Quarters:
South Huron 7 10 8 5-30
St. Marys 8 6 6 6-28
Scorer -Gwen Spencer, ElizabethNairn. '
Referee ---Joan '• MacDougall,
South Huron 23, 6t. Marys 1s.
2 =,
Bev Sturgis ,. 4
Toon Lavender 3
Jack Clarke ____ 1
Bill Lavender 2
Barry. .Glover 3
Bill pollen "-� - 2
Pete Irwin
Don Finkbeiner ._.. 1
4a1 Ottlens
Bill Fosterinston __ 0
Anderson's BA Station
In Paahwsod lii this plies for
•whit., "Wing your oar thorouahiy
Andy nd 4 Lunch nh ndStation
� c.�.,B,A
Qpen 7 pay: A Wade
a _ PHONE. 122 C, Anderson, Prop. - 1;1441;4110.990
'q ! 0....0 0,.i. Nun,uQ00...0 n4Ii1.0.0“uAAAnuunAAunn00,00. 0ww•AAAFAA•FA•FHUAAFu 1.0 nF 1 1 0 1. •
A .A ..i.I. AI. _F iA14AF4NA10F w
0.0 0
0-0 0
0-0 0
TOTALS 14 5-18 33
ST. '1ttA ITS ' FG FS P
Marriott_ 1 5-11 7
Burgin _ a 1-3
Crosley 0 2-4 7
1 0-1 2
Lang n 0 0-4 0
MetaAgar 0 0.0 00
t'OTALS __ l 8.25 18
Score By Quarters;
South Huron .......__ 5 14 8 6-33
St. Marys 7 1. 4 6-18
St. Marys 50, South Huron 25
Tim Tomlinson 4 - 0-1 8
Ross Weir.. 1 3.6 5
Bill Etherington _ _,. 2 0-0 4
Melv,n Finkbeiner T2 0.1. 4
Jim Hennessey 1 2.6 3 ,
fiord Strang 1 0-0 2
Paul Wilson 0 0-1 2
Keith. Hodgins 0 0.0 0
Alex Stewart _ 0 0.0 0
Kelvin MOKerral 4 0-0 0
TOTALS'..- 11 4.15 26
Skinner 8 10-12 26
iRisyleton 4 1-7 s
Douglas 2 0•p 4
Meta 1 0-0 3
Doupe 1 0.1 2
;:SPearin __.,___- 0 2-3 2
' M4i.rphy 0 0-0 0
Munro 0 0.0 0
McEwan 0 .0-0 0
TOTALS _.. 18 14-26 50
Score By Quarters;
St. Msrys 15 81314--50
South Huron 4 0 211-26
Students Pass
0-0 0 Music Exams
0 0-0 0 Successful in passing their mid -
0 -0 0 winter examinations with the
n 0'a , • o Royal Conservatory of Music, To -
0 0.0 0 ronto, are:
0 0-0 o Elaine Powe, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Powe, Centralia,
passed grade 4 with honours;
Mary Shaw, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Shaw, Exeter,
passed grade five with first class
Betty Dixon, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Andrew Dixon, Exeter,
passed. grade 7 with honours.
Sharon Smillie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Clarence Smillie, R.R,
2, Hensall, passed her grade two
theory with first class'honours.
These 'girls are pupils of Mrs.
Frank Nixon, ca
Totals _.. 12 6-16 30
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We're Bringing
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All Gabardines -- Regular $24.95 to $37.50
O'Coats # $5,,04
Good W inter' Coats - Sizes 36, 37, 39; 40.
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The early explorers of Canada
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t Values to $49.50 Size 39 .
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Chevrolet is famous for its winning ways. More people buy Chevrolet than any other car,
There isn't a car on the road'can touch Chevrolet's record! That's
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Again in '57 Chevrolet outclasses them all! Here's a car that
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Try it on the road! See how Chevrolet outstcps them all! Try
the smoothest, liveliest VS or 6 you ever put a toe to. Try
the most copied ride and handling on the road! (Glide -hide
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laurels; Chevrolet engineers have made this beautiful ride even
better for 1957!
Small wonder Cbevrolet outsells* them all! More and more
people are taking to Chevy's winning ways because they're find -
mg that Chevy's value can't be beat! See yotir Chevrolet dealer
now ... see why Chevrolet outstyles, outsteps, outsells then alit
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