HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-21, Page 3•
y 4 h
i 5WE i.10 -4100t Fr'o i
Mrs, ,Orville Langford, and
Sohn of Centralia' spent Satur-
day, with Mr' and Mrs, 'Fred
Mr. and lira. Robert Cover
and family of Thorndale were
Sunday guests. of Mr, and Mrs,
Win. Jones,
Mr. And Mrs. Jack Picket. of
St. Marys spent Saturday .eve -
lung :with 11ir,. and Mrs,. Kenneth
Mr. Lloyd Mosey of London.
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Mosley ant Ws. Mos-
Mrs. Cecil Mosey spent Wed-
nesday with Mrs, Mills and Miss.
Ingersoll of SL Marys.
Mr. and. Mrs, h?, L. Parker,
Hamilton visited with Mrs. Chas.
Harris for the weekend.
• Mrs, • Victor Snell of London.
spent the weekend with Mrs,
Milo Snell,
co op
are selected seeds
fors the varieties recommended
by the Ontario Department of
Agriculture for 1957,
* Vernal Alfalfa
* Lasalle Red Closter
* Climax Timothy
You will find CO.OP Quality
packed in CO.OP Bags
Seed Oats
&s Grain
Bagged and Treated
'Phone:•;IAT Cniteet
Elephant Sale
Held By Guild
M the k ebrU*.ry nteetin
Trivitt Memorial Guild
held at
the home of Mrs. George tether
it was ;decided to :entertain: the
Centralia Protestant I•a dies
-Chapel' ail
d ort Tuesday., -
rusty .g6!
Plans were made for: the Mar-
tin Luther film to: be held,in time
Legion Hall March 15.
A white elephant sale 'was'
held at the close with Mrs. Hec-
tor Heywood as auctioneer.
Hostesses were Mrs. h1. Greene
and Mrs, Richard Dickins,
News Budget From
By MRS, ' E, H. 'RAPER
Miss Shirley Chapman, R. N.
of Sarnia visited this week with
her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne
Chapman and family,
Mr. Siegfried Miller of Water-
loo and Miss Charlotte Biersen-1
that of Clinton R.C.A,F. spent:
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Rudolph Miller.
Ladies Md
The regular Ladies Ail meet. of . ,Zigli• Lutheran church.
was held last Wednesday with
44, ,present. . Group 4 with Mrs.
Vyrne Weld's convener was in
Rev. K. L. Zorn took .as' his
topic . "Growing up in Christ"
shpwed' ` a ' f i. l in entitled
']What the Bible says about
growing up as a Christian;
The altar cloth • committee: re-
ported that the altar cloths had
arrived, Several quilts have been
'quilted in the church basement.
Euchre Party
The Women's" Institute • snorts
sored a euchre in the school Fri-
day evening, Mrs. Addison Tie -
man wig convener.
Winners were:, door prize,
Eben Wieg; ladies high, Mrs,
Sid Baker; men's high, Stewart
Webb; consolation, Mrs,: Stewart
Webb and Fred Keller,
Dashwood Dainty Doers
Conmen�ts About
B: ,R. . IEP
MS,1 P
By PQ I,.�,
W.A. And 'W.M.S..
Mrs, Earl Ned, Mrs. Wnt
,S._ii ceder n Mrs, Melvin And Felin
.. Kin
were hostesses for the Waman
Association and W. M.S. of th
United .Church: when ;they isle
in the 'church school .rooms on
Thursday. Worship period was
led by Mrs. Jos. Woodall asaist-
el by Mrs, G. Zwicker and Mrs,
R. Finkheiner,
Mrs. Robt. Reid reviewed the
• study book in ,co-operation with'
Mrs, S'• King, Mrs, H. :Lightfoot
And Mrs,Lamport.
President, Mrs.E. Neil pre-
lid. o W.A.W.A
were made for akess bake
sale and -Conveners were ` ap-
pointed for bazaar. .Additional
wares are to be purchased for
the ,church kitchen with roll call
contributipns to be made at the
March meeting,.
Mrs, G. Hill presided for the
W.M.S, 'meeting. Reports were
• given and a reading by Mrs, W:
Mack. Day of Prayer committee
representatives are Mrs. •G, Hill
and Mrs. N. Lamport,
Attend Dedication Service. -
Services . in. the Evangelical
'LLB. church were withdrawn ori
Sunday' when' Rev, Strome and
members here attended the ded-
ication service of the new River-
side U.B. .church in London
where Crediton choir contribut-
ed special music .at the morning
Plan To Asst
Kenya, Fainly
Mrs. i
M . if
i , Milford Prouty presided
and brought the HOMO, at the
k ebruary meeting of the J' orde
costal -Challengers. held •at. rbcs
home of Mrs,'Don Jolly,
,g' lag
was held concerns
s ing the work for ,newly adopted
family in Kenya, Articles will
t be brought to •She next meeting
and :a parcel sent t
Dashwood 4-11 girls met Wed-
nesday evening with. 16• girls pre-
sent: 'Roll
re-sent:..'Roll call was "The club
story." Any back work was
caught up. Frolic now on the
girls will practice •for Achieve-
ment Day. '
Barn .Burns. ;D"own
Dashwood fire brigade answe-
red a call for aid to the Grand
Bend fire department in batt-
ling a blaze at -the farm of Roy
'Mason Monday evening. Although
the,barn was lost` they aided in
saving the house and implement
Miss Anne Taylor of London
spent the weekend with her mo;
ther, Mrs, Letta Taylor.
Mr. Don. Gaiser has returned
Toronto -•
and Is convalescing at his Inc);
th€ir's home, .Mrs. Cora Geiser.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg
and their son Howard of Water-
loo.•are' on a vacation trip' to Flo-
rida. ,
Chirnney Fires .
Use Fir, Chief Chemical
Chimhey Cleaners .
To elminate soot and scale from.
• your• stoves and pipes. -
The smaller the flame the more
soot and carbon,
Oil, Coal and Wood Fired Unita
Servlel Withdrawn
Service in the United Church
was withdrawn Sunday morning
due to the illness, of the pastor,
Rev. A. Rapson,
Mrs, Percy Baker
The death of Mrs, Ellen Baker
occurred -at Moose Jaw recently.
Her husband, the late ;Percy
Baker, was born and raised
near Crediton .and went West as
a young man where he was
united in marriage with the de-
ceased, and together they made
several trips here where she
became well known. Her hus-
band predeceased her by, sever-
al 'years.
Suryiving are two sons,
ham and Percy of Moose Jaw.
Burial was in Moose Jaw.
Personal Items •
Mrs, Florence Sperian and
Mrs. • John Wade attended' the
funeral recently of Mrs. IL
Brann of Toronto where Mrs.
Sperian is remaining for some
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sperling'
and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Spar -
ling and son, Alan, of Walker-
ton visited on Sunday with Mrs.
John Smith. and Eldon.
Mrs. Nelson Schenk is visit-
ing with friends in London. •
111r. and Mrs. J. Lee and fam-
ily of Londesboro spent Sunday
with Mr", and Mrs. C. Radford.
s Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grigg and
family of Grand Bend,visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr. Edward Schenk of An
easter spent Sunday •. with' his
parents here, and with Mr. and
Mrs, Schenk. visited with Mrs.
Earl Lippert in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, and with Earl
Lippert and Don Bell in South
Huron Hospital, who were all
injured in a car accident Sat-
urday night. Mrs. Don Bell 'who
was released • after treatment' is
with her mother, Mrs. W. Roesz-
ler in Crediton.
Mr. .;and Mrs. Howard Holtz-
man visited in Oak Park, Mich-
igan with Mr.' and,• Mrs. Harry
Parsons and family on Sunday,
Norm Wainer, of Walper's
Men's Wear, attended the three-
day Tip• Tap, Tailor's convention
in Toronto last week.
A TYPICAL employee. of a well-established' Canadian
industry is a married man with two or "three children.
He has an income of abouts $305 per month. (1n•Stelco"
the average .is '$394 per month). He owns his home,
and the mortgage, it any, is being paid off steadily.
He has an automobile and his home is equipped with
ahnost every kind of convenience.
As a. father, this typical free, independent and self-
respecting' Canadian industrial employee is anxious
to see his children, do well, be honest, grow up as
good citizens, And the father believes in setting a
good example in his home, in his neighborhood and
in .his job,
• ?Ht
,Mrs, Robert Ostler assisted
in the devotional period *rid , Don-
na yenton.arid Wanda McLaren
contributed missionary readings,
erments 'About
'Mr. and, Mrs, Robt, Robinson,
Gordon :and• Graham were Sun-
day afternoon visitors with Mr.
and. Mrs, Jackson Woods, Elim -
Helen Anderson of Thames
Road Was a weekend visitor
with hers cousin, Carolyn Rein,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brock • .of
London were'Sunday visitors with
their ' daughter, • ars. Lloyd
'Mr. and Airs,: John Rodd, Miss
Verla' `Wheeler, 'Mr. Glen Cope
land spent Sunday evening with
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Spackman,
Stratford, •
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb
attended the funeral of ' Mrs.
Webb's . uncle, . Mr. Herbert C.
Holtby .Gantb Of 1
Mr. and Mrs, Phil Brine and
Nancy of St. Marys, were Sun-
day. visitors' with Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Brine; '
'Mr. and' Mrs. Lloyd Knight
and Linda spent Friday evening
with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Web-
The Woodham Evening Auxil-
iary held their annual Valentine
social on Friday in the church
'basement with a good crowd in
Mrs, 1'. Hanna of Seaforth is
staying for some time with her
niece, Mrs. Harry .Webber,
Misses' Donna Mills, Norma
and Betty Hern, • members of
Couple Wed
Sixty Years.
On. Sunday,Mr: and Mrs.
Wesley Campbell, of London and
formerly of Exeter, celelf'ated
their sixtieth wedding annivers-
ary with' ^a family dinner at the
Nordan " restaurant and open
house .afterwards at their home
oil Dundas street.
Mrs. Campbell is. the daughter
of the late Mr: and' Mrs. Don
Taylor. of Exeter and Mr. Camp-
bell is the' son of the late -Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew, Campbell, of
Exeter. They met at Exeter Fair
61 years ago and were married
a year later and soon after-
Wa.rd5 moved to London.
Mrs: Campbell's recipe for .a
long happily +marriedlife is to
"keep 'going'',' She goes for a
walk even/ clay. She is fond 'of
sewing and enjoys a bingo game.
Mr. Campbell stillworks four or
five hours a day as a stationary
They have a family' of eight
children — .five sons and three
daughters—also 34 grandchildren
and 31 'great grandchildren. All
the family' live in London with
the exceation of one grandchild,
The couple received' greetings
from Per Majesty Queen Eliza-
beth. Prime Minister Louis St.
Laurent. Premier Leslie. Frost
and Mayor Ray Dennis of Lon-
Mr. John Passmore of Henrall,
who. was present 'at the wedding
So years ago, was present for the
di -aim -incl. anniversary. and also
Mr. Mark Mitchell, Exeter.
Messrs, Stan Jackson and
Percy Wright of Cromarty and
Whitney Coates: attended the.
convention banquet of •'the On-
tario Hereford Association 'held
in Hotel London on Tuesday.
Joanne Mair, daughter of Mrs.
Wm.::Mair,; was one" of the nurses
who received her cap at capping
ceremony which was held at St.
Joseph's .Hospital,'' London, on
Friday ,of last week. 1l
Sugar And Spice
ing • .the usual platitudes,. like:
"It's a. mercy, he's gone," and
then turning on, the' TV. They'd
be reading avidly the• account
of a rich, :full life, snorting. -With
disgust, shaking their heads with
disbelief,. chuckling: "Well, the
old didn't know he had it
in' him..
* * * *
My idea would be that those
obituarries be started while the
subject was fairlyyoung, and
kept up to date,, with occasional
revisions, When tate writer reach-
ed 50, the obituary should be
locked away, So be opened only
by the editor after his death.
Why 50? Because .after that, if
you're doing anything worth
reading about, .you shouldn't be,* * *
•Accompanying these lively: obi-
tuaries Would be photographs;
carefully selected from time years,
showing the deceased as a beau-
tiful child, • supple youth and
handseme young inan,'not as he
is at 60 or 70, 'when that old
frauds Mother Natures has given
him too many swipes ion the face
with the back of her hand.
I feel that*
if this suggestion
iso followed, the newspaper edi-
tors of the World would chip in
and erect . a statue of Me. Just.
in case they don't, however, I'M
going to write anobituary for
Myself that Will put me on just
as .ehigh a pedestal as any stay
Let's sec, now , . , "WILT.
"s tmiley, kttoArn in later life as
"Brilliant Bill", Was born of poor
but honest parents. Vern the
moment he opened .his eyes on.
the "world, it WAS avidetit that.
here was a remarkable infant,
destinedtoo leave a mark en his
age, Asa 'child, he Was exCep-
tioitally handsenre, of ei;ttelIent
physique, and of truly Utiusttkl
intelligence." See whit >f meant
AM that's Only the first pafa..
Common** About
Personal item*
Silnday ,guests with .Mr. an
Burns .Blackler were Mr
and Mrs. Ray .Stacey and Una
and Miss Emilia Stacey, flan
tmossa, andrdMr...John Carruthers
Y .pithy is ,expressed to S: Ir
and Mrs. Reginald. Morrison on
the death of their infant (laugh
ter on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Burns :Wackier
and. family were Saturday eve
Hing guests .of Mr: and:Mrs
Roy Thompson t
n at vo o .
A n n
A family gathering was held
at the
home. of ]tits, Mary Doupe
on Sunday in honor of Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Roy .of Hntwistle, Al-
berta, Mr. Roy is a nephew of
Mrs. Doupe.
Mr, . and Mrs. Benson'. and
Mrs, Breedin of Tottenham vis-
ited Tuesday and Wednesday .ot
last week with Mrs. Ed. Atthill,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweitzer
and family were Sunday eve-
ning guests with 14r, and Mrs,
Harold Davis.
St, Pauls W.A. And Guild
St. Paul's Anglican church
W.A. and Guild met on Thurs-
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Burns Wackier with 15
Mrs, Alex Irvine look charge
of, the W.A. meeting. Scripture
lesson was read by, Mrs. Bill
Irvine, Plans were made for the
Day of Prayer to be held in the
n i'
A gl can Church March 8. The
chapter of the study book was.
given by Mrs, Theron Creery.
The next meeting is to be held
in the evening. There was an
auction of 'articles, Hostesses
were Mrs. M. Blackler, Mrs. C.
Dobson and Mrs. McCurdy.
U.C. W;A:. And W,M.S,
Mrs. W. 11, Pike was hostess
for the „February meeting of the
W.A. and W,M.S, of the United
Mrs. H. Paynter conducted the
worship service with Mrs. H.
Burgin, Mrs, E, Doupe and Mrs.
Pike assisting, The roll call was
answered with a verse on
"Love," A temperance reading
was given by Mrs, W. Batten,
The study book was taken by
Mrs, F. Switzer, Mrs. R. Mar-
shall and Mrs. M. Dobson.
The World Day of Prayer
Service will be held in the Ang-
lican Church on march 8,
It was decided to contribute
$50 towards furnishings for Mc-
Kinnon House, London, and $45
was to be, given to'the Sunday
School for purchasing a project
Surprise Couple
On Anniversary
sr •�
A ,uprise art f' about r
o shin
Y forty
relatives gathered at the home
• of e. and Mrs. Elora Bro�phey
d on Sunday Afternoon, F.ebrttar•,
mite .occasion of'their fortieth
a wedding anniversary which .oc-
curred •1/n the followin . Thursday.
14r. Jim.. tiro :eldest o hie e�de. s of
p Y, on
the celebrating couple, was, anal -
ter of .ceremonies." As 14r. and
•' Mrs, Brophey entered the room
the wedding march was played l
- by Miss Frances Brophe .,After
a short :address by the chairman.
they were presented with an elec-
, .trio tea kettle and an electric fry
pan- Two granddau ;hters, Sharon
oand nd Bonnie Wilson
made the presentation.
Mr. and Mrs. Brophey's family
were .all .able to he present .except
Mr. Bd Bloomfield who is re.cup-
crating from a major operation,
All of the brothers :and sisters
were present.except Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Y, of 111'ont .eal
Bro he
l? r ,
'hal Timoi Adt MI, P' e
Mr.' and; Mrs.Charles Salter,. Mr.
as .andtad.
asdwta, vq.,
en with -
d n11ir
Mr. and: s.
Mr. Sloan i M
S ,•
. few days vol
b.. er •
roth w
us la
,�' utd.
Lippert of .Gra . ;urst,
Mr', -and
lMl• �
beiner left :Sunday. to ,jolt
and Mrs. William bider o% _ .
via on a two week aracaii
an. enc of Wingkiam, lift. and
Mrs. Charles Reeves and fam-
ily of Seaforth visited W3 ;S.un•
day with Miss Meta :Salter.
Messrs. Carl Dewhirst of Flet-
roba and. Bob :Chipman • of In-
wood visited Sunday with Mr:
Ifeitla (oates,
Mr: :Lloyd .Stanlake bas roe•
turned to Exeter after visitiii
for a week at the borne of Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Downey, Hart -
and, N.B.
qfn tninlinnit1•.111111111111t1111.111l1111111,11111$0111$1n11111t11111111141Unet11n1$,1111101n1111kn1tWW1111111t1tn11
the Kirkton girls softball team,
were guests of Mr. and. Mrs,
Maurice Blackler, Kirkton, on
Saturday evening when they en-
tertained the Kirkton softball
• team. •
Rev. J. Slade acted as chair -
!man for the program which con-
sisted of a solo ley Miss Helen
Webber; violin solo by Russell
Mills; reading by Mrs, 'Dave
IShamlaw; two dialogues and a•
skit, The church choir assisted
in the singing, A sale of home
baking and candy followed.
News. Budget From
W,M.S. Meeting
Mrs. Arthur McFalls ;assisted
by Miss Flossie Davey, Mrs. E.
Powe and Mrs, R. Shoebottom
conducted' the worship service ti,1111,1111111111111111,1ntt1111111111111t1111111141111111/11111•1111111111111111A11111111111111111]]1.1111111/111117t111tP1m111uypG
Part Time Only
p,arrso: t
00 0 I0,00e,00 annual lnconla passihtp by {tpeindinal •odly
a few hour,! monthly In Just •spare Limp, \Nell estabttahed C,snad'an,
Company will appoint .focal man or woman to sueervl;s .title
sensational husineas. No experience necessary sis we train yflu• in
all phases of the business arid no highpreseure elan Is Wanted
as no selling on your part is required, •Qualifications are .as •epi.
1, Good Character .and Rcferenue4
2. Spare 5 to 10 .bloat :Mans iiy
5, A nu;nimum, of 51.500,00 ,Cash !Required
Which 1$ F.uily .Secured
If you can meet these :quatificationb and' desire an Interview with
Company•:Executive In your area,. an;Wer this Ad Immediately,
Please do not.answer this advertisement ,unless you art .definitely
:interested in a business on a. high plane. have the, necessary
cash available, and are a parson who can make and give a definity
decision after you know .the facts, as those selected Will ,be ap,
pointed Immed,ately.
This is s once In a assume opportunity with a permanent .un•'
limited Income. '
For a.personal. Interview In your area, write fully about Yo.urself,,'
include phone number, to J. W. WERE COMPANY. ,DEPT. l ,.•
t449 St. 'Alexander, MONTREAL, querns. ,
111111111111111Q1t111111t 1111 tlIH11e11,1,1/1111111111t11111111111l,11U,11111,11•21/Il/lltn11ttA,IAYIl1/NllQy1t117a111111111110
:and presented the chapter from
the study book oa Tuesday eve-
ning of last week when the
W.M.S, Auxiliary met in the
church aulitorium for the Feb-
ruary meeting.
Mrs. M. B. Elliott presided
for the business. Reports were
given by the secretaries and
treasurer. The roll call was ans-
wered. with a beatitude. A letter
from Miss Emprey :(last year's
missionary for prayer) was ,pas•
sed around for , each member
To observe the World Day of
Prayer on Friday evening March
8 it was decided to invite to the
service the ladies from, Huron
Park, from. Christ Church, and,
the C.G,hT.. In addition each
member is to .bring i} lady. with
her to the meeting. Mrs. Elliott
will arange the program. The
Christian Stewardship secretary
was asked to contact a speaker
for the anniversary service.
"That All. Shall Be One," was
the subject chosen by Dr. D. B.
Orth for' his address in the Uni-
ted Church on Thursday even-
Dr, Orth . showed pictures to
illustrate his work among the
Japanese people.
Mr, and Mrs. K. .Grob and
Wayne were Sunday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Willard in
Mr. Kerr of Exeter and Miss
Finley of Thedford, students of
London Teacher's College, are
teaching i
the school this
h eek
under the supervision of Mrs.
Lorne Hicks.
Mr. Jack Reeder has returned
home after holidaying in Flori-
da for the past few weeks.
Mrs, Arthur Walls visited.
with her sister, Mrs. S. McFalls,
in Exeter on Sunday. ' •
�� Serve
�., � Yourself
Johnston's modern, self
serve drug store ,gives
you the opportunity to
choose the items you
want from l
m a complete.
stock , . allows' you to,
see and compare the new
products now available.
You'll enjoy the friendly,
colorful atmosphere at.
Johnston's where there's
room to browse around or ' .t
stand and 'talk. to . your
friends. •. i
Free Delivery To Exeter
And Huron Park, Centralia
PRESCRIPTION) 1a k4:.calu:a-,c sJ
C3at�*tlncne�,ct� JENNY LIND CANDIES
EXETER d'4 L 447
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lead all other makes in 5 important ways.
• i
1 ECONOMY. Trucks are a business 'investment, so Ws
to your advantage to buy on fiats. And the facts are
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the lowest, but also cost you ; 'ss per mile. This is
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2 MAUL .ABILITY. The Vargo -ex,
press abovehas a "space -bonus"
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There's a rugged Vargo for
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Relater seat adju5ta fire wayti,
even lets you selet t back angle
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5 3afITY. Fargo provided the
largest wrap-around windshield
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lltortt POO trucks ars in ass talo than. ever before . ,.. Ohryster Corperatibis of Comae', Limited
afeeet bite > eP Vee Sias tlddd aw with eu4*d hilt. IWeltti arsonists.
u,MA rots sat, saw.,., I LMn lh,, mer. f, V W lis to O.l4Mi !lit ii,C W.
Sfoi1'[rTWay Mit t~rorlt in a
Fk G 0
firc'ctuNe Fsrslbs Sr',11,rtlt to h
l,l Te.) -DAY f OR THi BE T "TRUCK DEALrl;` IN T.OWNt
rhho M 216