HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-21, Page 2• Honor founder Editorials This newspaper believes the right to express an, opinion ba public contributes te, .the progress of the nation. and. that it .must be exercised freely to .preserve .and improva democratic .aovernm,ent. Scout Groups In District Mark. Gol d en Anniversary This• month the Boy .Scouts of Canada celebrate the golden annivers- ary of 'Scouting and at the same time observe the centennial of Lord Baden- Pow.ell's birth. The numerous Scout. organizations throughout this district will participate in commemorating the beginning .of this mighty movement and inaying tribute to its founder. Exeter citizens will bearticular ly interested in this occasion because the town claims the distinction of hav- ing the first Scout troop in Ontario. Although the original charter is lost, provincial records still substantiate this fact. During the past half century many millions of boys have enjoyed the activities. Today Scouting has the larg- est meltibership of any youth move- ment in the world, There are, unfor- tunately, many millions who, through no fault of their own, are prevented from joining. This is particularly ap- plicable to Eastern countries. But even in those lands efforts are under- way to have Scouting established. To help advance this cause, and as a form of an international good turn,. the International Bureau of the Boy Scouts Association, has established a fund to be known as the "B -P Cen- tenary•Fund. " All present and former members of the organization are in- vited.to assist. The Canadian portion 'Of the Fund will be kept open until June 30 and then the proceeds willbe transferred to the International Bur- eau. According to the association's of- ficers, they estimate that if every member gives, only 25 cents, the fund will reach in. Canada .$50,000. That is an. indication of the immensity of the organization. According to latest statis- tics there are over 212,000 in Canada. Throughout the . world the record claims sixand one-half million. The beginning of the movement did' 'not follow a plan and perhaps surprised no, one more than its found- er. 1n ,1908. Robert Baden-Powell, still - "consiacred a hero after Mafeking dur- ing the Boer war,published a book, Best Wishes Huron County's farm industry suffers a severe blow ata critical time Vin. the resignation of G. W. Montgoln ' ry, agricultural representative here 'or five and one-half years. The contribution he has made to 'she development of Huron's basic in- lustry is of inestimable value. The record of achievement during his term Df office, which was outlined in last week's paper, speaks for itself in this regard. The far-reaching and compre- hensive program which he has initiat- ed' will bear fruits for many years. in paying tribute to the retiring agricultural representative it must be remembered that he promoted many of these programs in addition to the onerous, task he faced in maintaining the activities already established in this large county. Few counties in the province have a larger agricultural area. Perhaps Mr. Montgomery's major Contribution has been the development of the 4-H program, not only in size but in quality. . In recent years, Huron farm youth have won iniportant honors 1. .provincial and national competi- tionS, indicating that the Huron pro - graft has reached the point where it compares favorably with those in more advanced areas, Not all of the credit far 4.1I pro- gress goes to Mr. Montgomery, of course, because he has had some able assistants. Nevertheless he was most active in the program himself and his was the guiding hand behind its de- veropment.. It is unfortunate that Huron should Tose this leader at a time when farm fortunes have reached a serious state. Nevertheless Many of the activi- ties he initiated willhelp farmers through this trying period. "Scouting for Boys," which appeared fortnightly and sold for fourpence a copy. It never entered his thoughtsthat boys throughout Britain would start forming themselves: into patrols and calling themselves "Boy Scouts". Al- most simultaneously the idea caught in other countries. Within a few weeks after its first publication, the magazine found its way to Canada and the ef- fect was spontaneous. Boys looked for leaders and soon men were captured by the book, offered themselves as Scoutmasters, gathered boys together and troops were formed. Through the years the rnoveinent continued to grow. Few nien today have not experienced some association with the Boy Scout organization. Many of them have been active scooters. Although every boy cannot be expect- ed to like this type of activity, it can truthfully be said that few indeed have ever regretted their days as Boy Scouts. The district •should not let this occasion pass without paying tribute to the manyleaders and assistants who have led the Scout movements in its various forms throughout the years. The . present leaders, who have strug- gled persistently for several years to get the movement back on its feet in this area after anunfortunate relapse, deserve our congratulations and stip- port. Sorry We must apologize . to readers for the jumble of type which appeared in several stories on the front page of last week's edition. We turned the articles into frustrating puzzles rather than interesting reading. It's not hard to produce such a confusion of type, especially- iii the last minute rush when a deadline Must be met. Although the n ixups appear glaring when you read them, they're not..so.noticeable at a quick inspection of the page. When you consider. that thousands of individual lines of type are handled in the production of a newspaper,. it's not hard to imagine how a few can become jumbled. . We're not trying to make excuses We're just .attempting to explain how such things can happen. lag o1 dsra • aicnb 's,lt sauij autos tinnop episdn pausal stun Io eldnoo n 'MU milt Bedtime (The Ottawa Journal) . In hosts of homes today the hardest work connected with going to bed is . pushing a little metal gadget that lowers the house temperature from 72 to 65. Half -a -century ago getting ready for bed in Winter had the serious at• ,tention the process deserves. At sup- per time the Countryman recalls Mother put the soap -stones and smooth chunks ..of maple in the oven of the big kitchen"stove. When it got late, along about $:30, sisters and mother wrapped the heated Material in layers of soft flannel rescued from almost - worn -out flannel nightshirts. Then by the time father had gone down cellar for the Northern Spies, to go with the cookies and milk, a lad knew there was :a warm spot in his bed for his hips and one at the foot of the bed for his toes. -Pajamas, running pants and sweatshirts are O.K., and one concedes that under modern conditions there are logical' arguments for them. But it is distressful that modern sophisti= cates cannot experience the psycho- logical reassurance that some of us knew years ago. In the first place a fellow did not take of his union suit; that was tom- fortable and efficient. insulation Secondly, people wore ' long flannel nightgowns, and they were long enough So the iiiaterial could be wrap- ped around one's toes. tie exact X itnest bboc'ate Times 'Established 1173 Amalgamated 1924 , • ' Advecatt Established 1111 Published Each Thursday Morning at Stratford, 'Ontario Anr . Town of cx ter end District lndep.nal.nt Newspaper Devoted. ie they late oI r f of the e Autherined se' Second 'Class Mall, 'Pert Office bepartment, Ottawa 1lAll°fHlr<M[R: Canadlant Weekly Newspalsir Asset -littler!, Ontarle. Weekly Newspaper A;lr.ciiti.n and Audit 'Utile. et Circulation. infill 11454....A. V'. V'. Nolan trw►hy, goal exc.ltinor n cs fswapairsra published. tiillwi � Y , _ . .. .. _ INr Ongeori.. t1Wne• Wiwi*, 1,304 and 4,500 pb'p+tlati'.n: E. T. Sfi henien' Treehy 'fee .. t Ikea ,a Olen& Ontario weekly riewsdipsre (alit wen in 19141'. 1953..-A11y Carntlde :insurance iaddeeatien national safety award; Onterit Safety League award. � emb r' 30' 1956-4134 Pald•irtyAdvanes Circulation as of September " $UBSCiICiPIIDN RATES Cin Ativenci) Canad. $3,00 Par Year U.S.A. $4.00 Published by The Exeter "Tinies•Advocate Limited ted as Eiders Emmy Themselves St. Petersburg is a :great place for old people. :doubt if. you can find any _city in the avorld with more old people than is, found here during the months .of Jan - nary and February and the grand thing about it is that all seem. Iy11A1I,11t1ititglNllllllt111.11U11u1tut tlJ.IittNliiona% •News Of Your LIBRARY .y .MRS. 4, M. S., Now that Valentine day is, over St. Patrick's- Pay March• 17,. will soon be upon us. In your brary is a book. ,:''Irish Sagas And Folk Tales".. A collection of Irish legends retold by Eileen O'Faolain in authentic Trish voice. Some of the stories are told In the very words of the old cont trymen from whom they were first taken, Bon Voyage We hear by the grape vine that a number. of 'people of this district are plannutg .a trip to Europe this summer. A book Don Voyage��written -this year by Marrijane and Joseph Hayes tells of the adventures: or mis- adventures of a family in Eu- rope. Harry Willard, a .typical father and husband, relates with dry good humor the comic and heart•warming adventures he and his, family encountered on art action paeked vacation of six weeks in Europe, During their twentyyears of planning for this trip neither Harry or his -wife Katie would have dared to predict that they would attend a French family picnic in Normandy, or give a sister•in-law in marriage at the• altar of a small French church or dance in the street on Bastil- le Day in Paris. For good measure;- the three children had some surprising escapades of their own and the whole fancily had a rather event- ful trip to the exotic Riviera, 'All in all here's delight for readers of all ages in a book that is both a novel and a travel book. If ,you don't read it before you take your trip, at least read it afterwards. I've enjoyed it intensely. Read for pleasure and profit hooks from "Your Library," rMERRY. MENAGERIE VIA Di®ey Medueden Verld Rigid Reserved to be enjoying themselves. Today 1 was hewn, bowling and of the members with wlionz I bowled was a lift; Charles Austin, of Chatham, who yesterday eel- ebrated Itis 88th birthday. To- morrow all members over 80 are to eojoy a dinner ..at one of .the hotels and to have their pic- tures taken, Forty three have al- ready signed up to -be present. The oldest member among them is Mr. D. A, Douglas also of Chatham aged 32.. He was at the clubhouse this afternoon play- ing bridge. By the way the :gentleman who skipped the rink I was on this after noon was Mi,- George. Thompson of 1-iensall. I had •lunch with gum and his brother, John, at the Orange Blossom ca- feteria. There are 333 members belonging; to the bowlin - club of which 126. are Canadians, 30 of them being new members this year. The bowling greens adjoin the shuffleboard club, the largest in the world with 107 courts and a membership, of over $000, I can hear them playing before I ant dressed. in the morning. In addition to what they . call "shuffling" there are Several large rooms where all kinds of card games, bridge predontina-, ting, are played together with checkers and dominoes. There is a separate pavilion for chess. At noon a great many both men and women enjoy the sand- wich and •snack at a snack -bat' on the grounds. operated by the :blind. Last Sunday rooming I Wen• elt cscffvd at thd two, e church Methodist huch and after getting Inside found I had arrived in tame for the, early morning service at 9:43, much to my surprise. I bad made a mistake in the hour. After leay. ing the church I was passing the First Baptist church and de- cided I would:. go inside. It was their second service, and' the church was packed for both services. The minister stated there were over 1,60Q persons at Bible class. In the afternoon I went to see "The Ten Commandments" at the Floridian Theatre, a Cecil de Mille production, just releas- ed, The story is the life of Moses and the Hebrew people during their bondage and flight out of Egypt., It is one of the most gor- geous spectacles and exceeds anything yet produced in motion pictures. It takes four hours to run.• .111UQ11RRIUP11111u111tanlllt'tl!Iltlt1111I hill, tmt11i u1,flu,cup!lulllllu1141111u11111t111tltUlu14,11111ppllllgllllli Sugar. AND Spice DISPENSED BY BILL. ,SMILEY One of the numerous banes in the existence of a weekly news- paper editor in a Small town is the writing of obituaries, It is, in fact,: if you'll pardonthe ex- pression, ja deatdly chore. It's not that you get . much trouble from the deceased. He might have been the type who'd have raised supreme and merry stades if you misspelled his name in the paper, while he was among the quick; But once he's planted, he seem8. to have lost interest in such. trivialities. It's the trelatives. They come in several ea' ily classified groups. 'By Walt Disney .x4\\ bieributed b, King- ri i to Syndicate. e ;'.W•2.18 "Say, pal, did you know you've WARll1i D ? 1" As the "TIMES" Go By . 111 i1 V,1111l,ltllltlll it ll lllltll U 111 pilIt11111111t111U11111U111p 111111i1U111l IIIc111111Iltllltlllll hill SO YEARS *AGO Anniversary of Eden Methodist church Was held on Stinday with Rev. E, A, rear of Exeter preaching at the 2:30. service ant Geo, Stanley , of , Lucan at 7 p.in. • Messrs. Gladman and Stan. bury have now: moved down stairs into. their new offices in, the :pert of the building former- ly occupied by Mr. B. S. O'N'eil. 'Last Friday. Messrs A. Wal- ter and son had a gasoline en- gine installed ih their shoe store, It has been attached to some of the machinery and• will save handwork. The Masquerade enol racing carnival given by the Exeter Curling Club was a succete, After special Teachers' and Artists' course at Toronto Con- servatory of Music; Mrs. Amy Johns resumes teaching piano, Voice, theory and harmony, 15 YEARS AGO The • pupils of Exeter public echoed and schools of S,S, NO. 3 Stephen and S.S. No, 5 Usborne put on a. patriotic concert in Exeter Opera Honed Tuesday evening to help the Victory Loan drive. The weekly Farm l oruni of Saintsbur:V was held at the home Of Mr.. Garnet Isaac. A signet ring was presented to 15te, Leland Webber by Alvin Moir on behalf of the neighbors of Thames Road at the home of Mr. and. Mrs,, Will Kereick Se* turday evening, Pupils of E teterHigh Scheel have triprned the 5400 mark in " ser War SavingstIfieatee, Mr. W. O. Cochrane addressed: Eureter W6rnefl s Institute on the probleiiia of Willa at the Debra- ary meeting. An electric "V" for victory in red hat. been erected in the Cenof tra Exeter's Mihir Shreet and shows .tip prominently at 25 YEARS AGO Rev. J. H. Stainton of Picker-,. ing has, accepted a call_ to be- eeme pastor of James St. Uni- ted church succeeding Rev. D, McTavish who has accepted 'a call to Port Hope. , • Fred Elleriilgton Jr. who met with a serious accident last week when he fell from a balcony is making a splendid recovery. Messrs, W. S. Beer and Earl Russell are in London attending.., a Kelvinator convention. Mr. Charles Pearce of London Normal was home for the week- end. Mrs, John Sanders' celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Wed- nesday. A suitable birthday cake arrived front England. The Exeter Wometee Institute held their annual contest'in story telling, elocution and oratory in Main. St, church Tuesday even-, ing. • 10 YEARS .AGO Don Davies and Pat Doyle were crowned King and Queen of hearts at the Exeter High Settee St, Valentine's Dance Thursday evening. Mr. Lorne Oke of Canadian Canners left Monday for Gene- va :N.Y, to attend a convention of field erop and read ,nice of the Canners. Mr; Jack Doerr of Mitchell who is taking a course le photo- graphy at the Rehabilitation school in Toronto Was in Exeter Saturday looking, for .a loeation for. _ a studio. Mr, and Mrs. David Bruce of Cromarty celebrated their go1.. den wedding anniversary' on Monthly. toy Scouts and Girl ` Guides of Exeter and Grand Bend at� tended service in a body al James St, 'United chtireli. Mr, and Mrs. yoga ?assMo're, Hering have received free( eta. 'R taw* .C,A,ir. operational wings awarded post•huntibusly to .thele' son 1t'/o,, Gerald Patentee.., There's the kind Who write the obituary themselves and want it printed exactly as submitted, in- cluding all grammatical mis- takes, errors in spelling and a half column of names of those who sent flowers. * * * In direst contrast are the re- latives who don't know how old the deceased was, what his inid- dle name was, how` long he spent out West that time, or just when the funeral will be. They are also the type who tell you the names of five of the pall- bearers but can never remem- ber who the other one is. * * * * Then there are the ones who think the obituary should be on the front page, containing the entire text of the preacher's bu- rial service, and the somewhat startling information that the deceased was a popular citizen, beloved by all the community. This is hard to swallow, when you, and they, know perfectly well that he was a crusty old curmudgeon, whose only claim to fame is that he still had the first nickel he ever made. • * * * On top 'of all this, obituaries, as currently written, are lucre- dibly dull. Clothing the exciting and'celourful life of a man or woman in the drab and hackney ed phrases 'of obituarial writing is as Criminal as it would be 10 muffle Marilyn Monroe ' in a Mother Hubbard. * Can't you visualize Uncle George who had a rich, full life, and died full, but not rich, sit- ting there, on .the coal scuttle in the next world, reading the as- sembly of dull dates,, the dreary list of "survivors who. mourned his passing", and the white lies of. the preacher, that .are con- tained ontained in his last appearance in the newspapers? He'd be burn- ed up, colloquially speaking. Yet that is the content of the average obit. • * * * Does it tell of the time he fell in love with a girl in Rio de Jan- eiro, at the age of nineteen, and almost died of a broken .heart, for about three .weeks, when they were separated by the machina- tions of her parents, who prac- tically had to use a crowbar to effect the separation. Not a , word. * * * * Is there even a passing refer- ence to the fact that in his youth, he was the terror of the coun- try dances • for miles around, fighting every farmer lad who would do battle, and kissing eve- ry girl who wouldn't tattle? • Not a syllable. * * * Does it mention the time he got drunk with the boys one night, absorbed a lot of bad ad- vice from them, came home and told his wife there's be no more nonsense about who was head of the house, and she, weighing 98 pounds soaking wet, practically took him apart? Not a whisper. *" * * * Nor does it say a word about the way he worked 16 hours a day to look after his own family and that of his neighbour, when the latter was. taken away to the sanatorium for a year. Or the time he shot his young brother .in the leg, out hunting, and car- ried him four miles home, through the snow, without ever stopping for, a rest. You see *hat I mean? Look back through your own life. It couldn't pos- sibly be as dull as your :obitu- ary will be, now could it? * * * * Well, I'i`i not just criticising for fun. I have soinethii,g con structive iii mind. Lawyers and trust companies are always try- ing to get people to make a will. fra'le It Saves tl�eni a loco trouble, I n $ fatten on the CVO though they f resultant chaos if there is rio will and the family starts fight- ing over the' loot, * * * * t suggest, and quite seriously, that everyone write his own obi* teary. It's the only chance itiost of us will ever have to go out in a blaze of glory. For one day, the day the paper came out, eve- rybody .would be talking .about urs, • * '* * Aid they wouldn't be mutter. Please Turn to Page S • Itlill,„... ttlllltttlllttitltllll11i1calA1c11lww,.111110.:„. t....ML111#1,... VIII...M11t1111U1....Atll„, . � .ornish, itchell' o. � CERTIFIED PUEittiC ACCOUNTANTS H. 4, Cornish I... F. Cornish O. Mitchell s K. W. Siade W..S..Sucha.rd 3 291 :Dt1NDAS ST'. Diel 2.2451 LONDON, ONT, I unu 1 1 t 1 1 l u 1 1 i 1 t. 1 t141toutlllllllimittnilllllit.l}1111iukku14tt.Ut141111,itltlUlltltl, ,1 ttgt 11 tt. tlt.A Lt ldl...tl tltlt It AAA. inti to If you had a business problem facing you which coold involve a great loss, wouldou ask the advice of a friend or a business Counsellor? Naturally, you would ask the expert. Then, what about your will? Improperly administered, it could mean a great loss to Tour family. We are glad to act as sole Executor, or in con- Junction with one .or more other Executors. you nught appoint THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAP orrICE wag!! MCI *72 Bey St., Totante 1-3 pyelo' *14 POMO rt 1e Your family doctor is .going to' school again! Hundreds of busy family doctors are now committing them- selves to many hours of extra study each year so that their skills and knowledge will keep pace with the latest develop- ments in modern medicine, 4 - ..r Already, over 1400 family doctors throughout the country have. pledges` themselves to such studies by joining the College of General Practice of Canada, This College, which can do so much for the health of all Cana- dians,, was founded two years ago by the Canadian Medical Association — and is being aided in its work by substantial grants from the life insurance companies in' Canada, ': Family doctors treat four out of five patients themselves. But they niust also know when a specialist is needed and how best to work with him for the greatest benefit to the patient. In all these activities, they Welcome the guidanee of the College. By aiding in this progressive development, the .life insurance companies in. Canada are actively helping to create a healthier life for all Canadians. THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA immammuttimponit business Directory VIC DINNIN Savings Investments and Annuity Certificates .INVESTORS SYNDICATE of Canada, Limited INVESTORS MUTUAL of Canada Ltd. Balanced Mutual Fund Shares PHONE 168 ZURICH i:. DR. H. H. COWEN • DENTAL SURGEON • L,D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon PHONE 36 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST , Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday • For Appontment Phone 355 ART, UR• FRASER 1 NCOM REPO RIS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC, Ann St., Exeter • Phone 504 W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER 1111 SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Henson Office Friday Afternoon EXETER PHONE 14 DR. J, W. CORBETT DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South Phone .211 Matter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BOB MCNAllt LicENcto AUGTiONEER AND VALUATOR Ver Efficient Service and Highest Prices' phone Collect Ails„ Craig 61744 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES ,PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Zurich Office Wednesday Afternoon Parkhill Thursday Afternoons •EXETER PHONE 4 G. A. WEBB, D.C.* "Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X•Rey and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wednesday Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7.9 For Appointment - Phone 606 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENCED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service that Satisfies” PHONE 57•r•2 ' DASHWOOD USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head 'Office: Exeter, Ontario President C y E, la ton Colquhoun B.R. 1 J Science Hill Vice•President Marry Coates H.R. 1; Centralia Directors Martin Feeney 1tJ , 2 Dublin Wit, A. Hamilton , Crom4rty Milton McCurdy R.Tt, i Xirkton Alex J, Rohde R,R, 3 Mitchell Agent Thos, G. 'Ballantyne Clayton r t n ITar is Stanley Hooking Seticifer W. G. Cochrane See retary.Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter' RA,1 Woodham Mitchell Mitchell Exete •