HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-21, Page 2eq'I.aI sus. De 1 loose bee 1 Why. 1
bow t's.eebt of bar seer stew 1 greet away.
Yeas lady -why, she is • Mille Wt .f •
▪ rte .. eel tea teen old. No: see
meet be elder thee teat asw. 1 suppw * 1
ell0,111ed her roma .oeotderably. By the
ermy,fispe yeas set cold 1 it be getting
The delighted yonag lulu was truing to
ammo! her fere which had celled forth
Wal -ors eiclamanna,
Yoe, ,1 is getting .elle,: it M nearly
dark.' And so it wee. %V•Itur hid a boat
cloak, and after a Iloilo lromble he wait rer-
matted to wrap it around tor lotelr form:
and somehow or other, h,s.ar'o went with
It, sod fa the eootusial hr w• i, slows
tit her, and his .ens was &rowing, er wits,,
outride the cloak thotieh: then he had I ext
bra cars Joon t0 lime what etre •tel, and
sam.hnw thole@ long nnglete of colt s,,►y
hair were Mistime sero.e hies cheek. ilun. n
e aters could not and v. o•el I not stand it
any toter, tuJ Walter, •Ion modest We' -
ler, drew hes arm clover Con ever and
pressed upon the warn, t..sv lope of hie
beautyul h::o*-travel.'. a tele wins;. burs
fez, regular Rata Iota 11,.nMy lose, and
then blushed Melie f at the mischief he had -
Cnne, and wailed for the stage 1.1 tippet or
(something ala@ to happen; but ri , stn load
made nn reat.tancr; on thecontran, he felt
distinctly that she had returned the kt .:
the very first kt.e, ton, that he had aver
premed upon women'. Iron since he gave
the parting kiss to little Mary Fuller; aro]
he would have sworn he heard her easing
something (about the mnmeot he had gr en
that first Zoog less of ynn'h and love,) that
pounded hks' Dear, dear W.It.r.' He tried
the experiment again and bclore the stage
► rad la.rly reached the .illarge, he had Mused
add re-k'.s@ I hos, and she had pod hen
hark kiss for kiss at least • hundred times.
The stage was now enlenn_ the stiletto.
ID • few minutes he would be at Mart Ful -
ter'• house. H@ thougtet of Igor, and he felt
downright guil'y. What woe ld Marr, his
little wife' that was to be, say, If oho knew
be had been acting sot As these things
pawed rapidly through,bie mind. he began
to study how to get out of the affair quietly
and decently. w'
' Yon go on in the slags to the next
town, i suppose. or perhaps *till fartberr
'Ohon, not me.'
What could she mean T But he had no
time for conjecture; the stage dexo.@ up
right slap in front of Parson Faller'r door,
g od there was thevenerehle permit' with
his good lady in the door way; hi with a
lamp in bis hand, all ready to rece:ve-
Walrer, as, he supposed.
'I shall stop where you atop. 1 won't
Ira,' vou. Ilrr• you have bcen kit.Jng me
this last half hour, and onw you want to
tun away and leave me. 1 am determine)
to expos* yeti to that old clergyman and
his wife in the doorway yonder. More
than that, your 'darling little wife,' that i.'
to be, as you called her in the stage, shall'
bow all about it.'
What a situation for a mndeet morale
mal ! It weir awful. To be lutghed
exposed: and who was she 1 Could it be
possible 7 Ile had heard of such characters: -
1t must be; but she was very pretty, and
be to be the moons of bringing suck a
character irto the very house of the good
and pima nW clergyman, end his sweet mid
pet and playmo'e-hes Mary Fuller. Ile
saw it all. It was a j•idg?nedt open him. -
What bee -nese h.J he to be kissing a
O range girl, if rhe If JAI pretty ! ili. uncle
and mint had coma Jnw-n the atone walk
to the door -yard gate, almost to the st.ce
door, which the driver had opened. Wel-
ter felt that he watt doomed, but he had to
DaIADFUL CO114Fi•Aa&AT1OI 1111
ours A leo.
Our ttly teems to he (.td to drahwtio•
'I the d.enenag dawns. An u.wu•IIy 1
large somber of Area hoe oersted deneg
the poet year-enmr of which have been
eery disastrous. Yee'. n'., meg, abort
half past two u'etock, • fire beake nut in the
rear of the heeeeest of the G."bc Wee'
huddtng., adjmntng the American Hotel,
asd neat south t ( the aid Feet, and the
Klock corner of Main and Comet streets,
which re• bnrs•d twit or thief. months
once. The firemen were as promptly an
hu •i mt a• could be eap.•t tt J at such s
time and load gat the fire nearly eerier,
..h.i. tet.• water in the reservoirs Dur by
i r • rut. %Vhilo sl,ifi:.,r to those Chi the
r of Main and I..gh•, and In front of
the Omit • , the fire started afresh and
ap d'y feetess ing the stair+ communicated
to the up(w•r .Innes and th• rood. which
*ere stenn in a hl.,z^. 1' Wee a very high
four .tory budding, the r -.go g clement was
aeon harmed the reach of the elf A. made to
[subdue It, and the attention of the Austere
I war turned to th. American. to an •aides •
in sere this noble structure -but alt
in loin.
'I'h• dome of the ('sort House canghl
several limon, but was speedily exti.gul.h-
' d by those "in waiting."
The enure lots will probably exceed
.C130 000.
The aeone of the fire pres^rats a desolate
. ppcera• re this morning. A mice of black
and aneokuog rums occupies the ;deco of the
stately Americas, and all around the mark.
mf the destroyer are teen, and •brve all
towers the "naked wall of sone" on the
(nen', like a monument to mark the pl.c'e
where but a few hours before stood the
" paid. 1 Boffalu."
The total amount of Memento upon the
Io ears wail not vary far from $60,000.-
('om ..fdeertiser, .1larck 1 I .
get nut.
Don't, for Cud's sake, expose me, young
'I will: get mit.'
' Oh,' thought %%'altar, 'it's all over with
me now,' and now he ah ekes hands with the
clergyman, and Rings his arms wound big
' Vary !' exelatine,l the mother, ' our Ma-
ry la the stage, as I live ! So, SO; you
would come up with Our cocain, eh r
' Yak, mother; and what do yon thtrk the
impudent East Indian has been &dig 7 He
has ktsseJ me at (east a hundred times, end
that Isn't all; he tried to persuade me to
keep on in the stage and not get out at all.'
' Ah, no wonder he kts.ed you; he has'nt
seen you for some ,eau. How glad you
must have been when you met ! Hot what
is the matter with yos, Walter 7 let the
driver stop and leave your trunk •1 yomr
father's a. he foe. by, and do you come in-
to the house. Why, what is the matter?
• Are you dumb!'
'Aren't vuu ashamed of yourself, Welter,
S alto .peak to inuths when she is talking
to you r chimed in Mine Molly.
%Vatter now found h -s votes, and. before
be got fairly en.ide, Alias Miry was hi.
debtor for • round dozen of kr..., which
she took very kindly. But as f r Water,
hie mind was mate up. 11e bad turned
over the seihject during the last three
minutes. He world marry that strange
girl. He wail grateful: she had saved hum
from 'degradation, loos of character end
everything else; but would she forgive him
for being to free with a strange gal to a
triage coarh 1 D eubt(nI; but she shumid
have a chance at ane rate.
The wanderer received a gal welcome
f-om hie freely and frtenJs to his sett natioe
village: and Mary Folkr was his lravellng
companion about the place: and together
they ase"seed d',s door -trill .of @very old farm•
bo,.. with'', a etr,•le,•f fiets nodes round..-
o,.nd.-Walter had peen enough of the entad• of
tho great wroth!. Ile had made sone
rnnney, ton -enough for hes wan,.; h. was
.Id enough to harry -sod so wee Man
Puller; and before Vires u,noths more had
rolled ever their Ara 1•, rho tanr•abte net
falter made them rine in• 'h • fret t parlor of
the old glebe. %Vhen this woos had been
spoken, the last p mt.la and the bless
Ing pronoun... I, %Veller .'.aped Mary to
but breal, and unprinted o• her sweet 1 p.
✓ o •Cur brat k'•0• b tame it was the fi et
thrilling tots of nurnawl Ince; ani a• he hell
her f..r a moment in his ardent emhnre, the
whispered gently into hes mar-' Walter.
dear, it's under. --out to t'..ase, expp more
b..ing strange gar's in the stage dnseb r
Years have A own hy siner, then, amt oda
%Vatter Marshall and Me gentle gr11.. and
the Intle people they tall their 'Nock in
trod".' asp loving pleasantly tied happily
somewhere em the oth'r ..d* ei the Atte-
gismo, neer • place called P.tt.burg, where
be own" large trees ofminee-next humbug
wi.hy-washy, shining gold. bet real hard
..bet nual eoal m,o, prodoeuss to hoe?'
e mir and to the country he !tree le.-
%alaeerk.rktr .Magazine.
As Aes.nca• teatimes, I. the 'sere*
oy a wished he had hese deed
Ae •Ifoyiiffirehie
The Xenia papers give the following dee-
r!' piton of the Ranging of Hanebouten, on
Friday last, for k !ling his wife :
A piece of ground, eighteen by thirteen
feel, rune ode embracing the south window
and door of the prison, was firmly and curt,
pletely enclosed by sewed oicLeta, eigh-
teen feet in hetght, and buried three feet in
the earth. The piece of ground thus foo-
ted in, was nearly cnvered with saw dust,
e nd iminedtately in the centre a small retake
was driven, nearly level with the earth, to
which a ripe was attached, reennntg over
wheels placed in a beam over head, down
again at the ride of the enclo.ure, and at-
tached to a heavy iron bell; a enmple nf,
feet from the ground. This was " the gal- 1
From an early hour in the morning until i
the moment he was taken lot for execution i
the prisoner was alter, 1e,1 by one or more
In -meters, who endeavored to direct his
thn'igIta to the unknown w'•rIti wh•ch he I
was so soon to enter. Hie - et' not. towards ,
therm were C"urlenus and re.peclf,l, anti
he occasionally joined theta in supp:lcatem '
fur divine mercy.
About three o'clock, the prisoner was ar-
rayed in a 'complete Imtt of grave clothe..
jntned in prayer for the last time with the
minister In attendance, announced that he
was ready. Hs 'walked with • firm step,
-unsupported, cool and collected, and took
his [attrition he•ide the upright rape, saying.
as he folded hit hands over hie breast.
" Oh ! L"rd ! hare mercy upon me ! .
rah my poor mother 1 my poor wife ! my
poor children 1" . -
A bystander enquired, " where is your
wife!" n
' I d•tn't know."
The rope was then properly 'djus:ed In
his neck, and attached to a ring in the per-
pendicelar rope about n foot ab ye hit head.
"N'ow, Timm," said the sheriff, "have
sr'. anything inure to say ? Any request
to maks r'
" Yes : will you see that I em berried
up yielder ?" (.eluding to Champaign
county.) The Sheriff hesitated. Ile hail
already made, other arrangement., and the
grove had already been prepared, elsewhere
than in champaign county.
" I'II este that you are buried decently,
'"tTn yonder'"
" Yns, up yonder."
He again joined his hands upon his bruit
and looked around him for a moment upon
those he wag about Ieaving. The cap was
pulled over tris face -the rope eut-and in
a moment he was launched into eternity. -
He mot his fate with unexampled fortitude.
Not a muscle moved nor 1 nerve trembled.
Hs r'ied almost without a siruggle, afear-
fol example of th.t retribution which is
sure to overtake Ole criminal ind the mur-
derer. .
The Ruston Harald says : The excite-
ment in -Wawa' to this terrwle affair c.D-
tinn,en in Lowreoce and in i.oiiell to a great
extent. Letters were found at the honey
of Dr. Clark, wheeh reader, It exceedingly
p ohable that quite a Dumber. 0f girls have
boon relieved of burdens In the sone way.
(parent from the leaden' of thee, own
lime.) From the automat of the phy.ieean.
It le manifested that the blows on the head
of the girl were given while she was alive
and not by the ice, or rrccmog on being
tlirown.intn the water ; the Targe • *via of
blood ..alert ureter the skull could only be
can,.d while the blood was in free ear. ula-
In leis con•erti 'n, say• the Mail's repnr-
tor, w• newt be permitted to say that the
molt tpy„Irma spoetarle that w -s can eon-
e.u,e was exhibited by Taylor, whn, with
meat denser ell' nntery, fannharly accosted
the brother and stater of her whom he to
more than 'inspected of !tiering betrayed, and
afterward n( eoen•ell'ng her to take some
.t.pe whn'h rsmp,ed in her dreadful death.
,f he d:t1 not .enema her murder for many
Java oiler he k".w of Its p.rpe're apo.
• "I'hl• 'Porto weight an It,'prv'ew *tilt the
(im'le of MP. Adams in floatnn, Annie
' after the /ercevory of her body. He cam.
to the city In company with officer Goo I.
grin of Lawrence. With the family he .p
pared to symp•ihise deeply. ifs rehears-
ed to them whin he afterwards rope” io
t.awre•es, bet loch he coat u .d to the
;Alder vows er who acti,mpJ hen es sot roe.
Tattler no • mao about 118 years of age, five
feet tee inches high, sandy complennn,
red,•h hair, with large busby whisker,.
and projecting upper teeth.
Evans aver el C true (need of
freedom mwr, epos cola refieeriom. krl pent
fur the resell of the 'tattoo elect eon. a the first
place, the Reform care has lost tape of how hes,
sad ti.f•t sepperter• is the pores of Mr. Wet-
e.b•1I, sod h.. received, is kir place, one of, e,
Iraat, a doubtful character -ea the seeeed piece,
et shows • serious Iia[ betwsee
f ond mase o(eh* Reform ploy -ase the thud place
it discourages the only Canadian Administrati's
that Las ever wrestled h.r r,.pn,nbk Gut.- -
memm. the men tm whore Canada owes seedy all
'that is vatesble is her legid.tion and intuits.
ties, and, lastly, tie result was .ecomphehed
through the rad me! extrema of old. dark. in.
trigtiag wryesrn. We, at once, odm.' that the
gwtiee of Renrnebm.•t was, tot enesidetable
ea'ut, involved i• this election. The •ppnint-
wret of Mr. Wetenhall to • leered.. office
which its late occupant, Mr. Cameros, bad pub-
Iteky declared tireless, .as virteslly eying en
the Electors of Halms, " Will ynv vete for the
eontineatioe et thus officer" This, we Meek,
es • legitimate interpretati us of the epeeist meat,
and Ihr caw is ant altered by the .sewed... ohs(
Mr. Cameron's teeniest le •t vmri•ete with facia
Th. people bane neither the metes ser the incli-
nation to investigate the truth or falsehood of
Mr. Cameras'• statrmeit. He has Ahmed
that GSO pagoda • vela may eery maOesie•ely
he erred to the •blic by abolish mg the
Office which he had resigned toed whch Fir
Wetenhall had secreted The people wudrntsnJ
this affirmation, and they stop not to require
whether Mr. Cameron rengoed from mntl•es of
pride..pleen. mortification or reeealment, tht y
c •oder him to be the hest judge of the simple
- •, ion whether or not the Office is oeeful.-
ler declares d u not. and as this declaration is.
to harmony with their moieties of taking good
care of their pockets, it has more veright on their
minds than a thou sod dedantions on the other
side of the question. Un -ler these cercum•uoce.,
it is envy ill accordance with the leelingsand
despnritiooa of men is general to appose that
the Electors Of Hql ton, or at least • large proeor-
tion of them weeld slower the question involved
in Mr. Wetaohall'• appointment, by saving
prompely and pown.ely, " W. wife not rete far
/Ae to.tiaaation of this (Ogre "
All this. however, might have been Just os
effectually said ...hoot voting against Mr.
Wetenhall. ,A pledge fmm that Gentleman 10
record his vote in fever of abolishing the
office, to the nett Sewinn of Parliament. would
have answered the same purpose without pro-
ducing any schisms or bad feelings ■more Re-
formers, or without embarranung eh: Adnittta-
?ration or exhibiting a decided hosOliy to its
Members. Such a pledge required by the whole
Reformers of Halton would lia•e leen . fer more
efficient intimation to the Ministry that Re-
'reeehmrot was the chief subject of ennaiden-
tion. Th• defeat of Mr. Wetenhall provesnoth-
tog farther than a mi•unden'endina armee eh.
Reformers and the retain of Mr. 1Iopkinn.
question of Retrenchment is not affected by th
result, for certaioiy se mss will have the hardt-
f hoed te'ifyirn that those wbn voted (nr Mr.
We'ruh. - ars ant a*IIOW to obtafm retrrauk-
mrtrt! sod it would sorely he impossible to con-
vince a reasonable man that the seppnrtere of
Mr. 11 pktus are bneu fide tetrerehm.nt men. -
The memoir nf. Mr. Hopkins' votes ere good
euhs'anli.l Tories. and from ,be retrenehm•nts nl
Toryism •' Good Lord driver WI!" T. . return
of Mr. Hopkins does not Anes th.t Mr, Hop-
kins le it bra ter man nor a more popular ms. than
Mr. Wetenhall-it merely proves that he is •
fs.nrite with • large prnper'inn of the Tories. -
it dn.s not prove that the Office of A•.utant
Crmmissinoer n( Pohl a Works i. a•eln•, nor
that a majority of the elector+ of Halton con-
scientiously h.lie.e it to bit • el, s. for it moat
be acknowledged that many whn voted for \I•
Hopkins wneld hem voted Ino Rriz-hoh, nit h;•
footman, from the very tome motive, -next the
abotirhiog of a woks, office, but the embarrass-
ing of • Reform Keiser!. in *bort, to what-
ever extent the petition of Retrenchment may
hive been involved ie the appointment of Mr.
Wsttnba(l, or however desirable it might be to
decide that question in favor of retrenchrnenl
we moat undtdiy panne •.Chinn the worn of
Mr. Hopkins es a vote to favor of cheap Govero-
at, 51.wever, mach we are opposed to the
pnlfey of 'hoot reformer• whn voted grim.' Mr.
Weteah•II-Ont, we hell..,, with ■n tntentinu
of injuring the reform calor, nl'he reform •d-
maia'retien, hot with • mien...de/11.ml for pr -e -
tical reform. w'dn not at all feel Inclined ,o turn
mend and sbu.e them with senrrillnut and trnta-
•ia[ 1 . it t• certainly very had, arid
iamb 1. be regrew! that men In the,. sed to do
good vhneld run headlong into the went meshes
of mow. Mt it oval 1 be mill wore and more to
be worried, ie them errnn Anted he eaerieatered
and .speed through th. rn.rtinm doily manes,
and hateful tpi'hru. 1". feel perfectly .tushed
Leet Mr. Moraine reeeived the votes er mune
real genuine beere-.sl-soul Reformer. i* Mho*
-wen e'hn haw, perhap doe. far eau, , •ad paid
for men taw the emote of political freedom than
ever we bee deem, asd, w•ha, to voting for Mr.
Hopkies were scented hy marl•es of pwrity.-
Ahheogh we feel e.o•iseed that they have done
wrong, era do *0* 511e\ they would either her
eoseieted of their error, or dt•p.td r1 let mere
wotieesly is future by being hrsud•d with the
same of tit Arms or rvvg•d.s. These .sly
soaves ...rally !apt a sti..ee god herd feel.
into sod ,he nag who reekteeely bemn..b them
e• hie fellow -woe.. display • leek of charity at
leas equal i• erhn.ality to the error which he
• maleness. We regret deeply, the rowel' of the
Haltom Ekeiiou, bat `re two nn geed that eon
p•wbly ilt to the 1$.fore mese her ah...g
or tradsei" the ohmmeters of Mr. Meeker* sear
his nape*..* Thee men hat f-.lones sod
friesda Ilk. Meer ewe. god it is a
•eepow that their fewfisga nit bleeds .ill be
verified et wee over t. the Reform eases b• the
t haw tied vilspvmtiee of Ieadieg tees is :he R. -
As to true friends, chemise theta with
gnat tare, and Lt their novelist be smatl.-
flats me fne••d she does net fest God -
mho ta not 1 !_ reversed by tbe tretb of
reties.. fir* pare,
Weems ewe N..ii s► epee* sariwh.iee le fees Pari -..11•► Maas eig.ffiellestee W •
0.555 wkaedreswe.14 .4 word selerwrts e.)0 a belie. meld he obiaued b see patsies the
the dafret of Mr. Wesseb•y, ad .roust*, w- 1 einem raserssdy. •
sasses.. Alai i. e.I.vks.4 weeny re rseerrae I With Mpee( no year .55ri.esme lore of ism •
the Ade t*.mnswr-.v.. Use peewee, of th. ' prise Che .tea as re pay ab deer, the. Deem,
Atomisation babble. or the triers of •• Aanea. ' Cooecil reek so noose..i o, se they tout tete
lino Member to the 11..re or As..bty, '• te•sidcrsutoa that any By -Law pawed for duo
gee AIN
.d Inl.od,)p P.
*twee ewe goolues mesdisr limey
the a... Wellem'Mell, Ohm** i Well)
with a feet billy Is Loth Eathope, .f ,V
Church of Bested, -t►. Kt.. [Mewl Alla.
cb.kied N►r a a uu.wph 1 Now, these is., peremes. mune wase+. la fusee ..aa les dew was te Saadi Xmas" wee • ib. body N Ito gsa.
celestial, something rnossly-wrong a this eon- pod -sad ehosli the Level•'s", •t their seat Church, wh. have bah • pad brisk lAmek.
duet. Nobody except the anemie* of the cos,- Newco pass the eoe rs.plwled Aw-'...t B1l1. •d the Rev. Joke Deresat.f the Ceesryatmew
err eas ass asythisg, seeker by the masers a' Yoe. Mr. Editor, d a tax payer in 3851 will Church, whir has • nest well-f1•Ihbd (Tea
the Arneasi00 party er Ly theentharn.mrot nr tht•k 1.1114 the Court' CoueJlw., that oue half chards 1f. 8tratf«d, bet • small sat11wgntij•.f
defeat n/ the Ad•ninletr•tieo. So Gras we ass leery s the pn•ad is • 00ie,eot prolusion lo. members, set meek ever hall • dorm, The
ondenund the ratite• or the host ' t, of • fee the payment .<the District MU, •s obs •tamest latter Get t•deee• ter Ih.egbt, bus sews p,
Reformers to the Mtnury, 11 proceed, frons a tamed voider that Law will be fire tenses tee the1 as a 81611ef e1.pee..iarp spoceletiw, t►.
.appoeittee er a for that seriatim paints of prin- preteen sem, which web the ua for county sad aimistrn d see .krill!** (sob ass semen*,,
cedes 1a tee Reform creed will he oegl.eted, or row•ship perp.s will satisfy the District fe,crd ss lbw ah•/ituls, wk• Choy, .tad w b..
will set oblate that es..ider.tio. from Mi.is- Creditor. (wise pey their pr.ponioe of us..,) long t• ether dsuwisstwso--sad *55.., I...10_
iers, to wheels, we presume, they c entitled. that we were ..t elm" weed. the Clergy Removes •tide, tee satp.rt .( Car•
and we feel called spas to enter riot most ,otrm. The Lrgi•Iatsw ha.. placed the County glow., or what .•user•. 'he Ch..h they hs -
protest •g*i..t the policy of penialnog nen for Comm.! is • panto,* which in e,mmou *Chao. 10011 t., is ones derived from their Mope,.
torero that life only pe.bsble-mh•rd.n, we ase their , would prevent nes as large bodies 1 Yet, wherever the melees sled fal offal
seem declare, 'bat 1 .•snot eymp•thuss wash •n amorist of lues Awing need as horsefly.- Illistuet of Christ
is sec., .. the 10ses... sf
the peke, el these Reformer. ---,lilt, we do no, They, the L•gi.Li.re, heiress repealed the Must the eleep*aa of nee Msth•di1t w C►.rsh 1 Chew
feel ineli•.d to slander or malign them. For by wh els as equitable tag to pay tee Deb,, of refer es. wheelie Mum 1
twiner, we think the Hooerable Malcolm Districts could be levied, sad mak.ag me pre•i- duatf rd, Much Iltl, 1850.
C.mrron erred in attending the meeting at ?lel- ,ion in the new Cousctt Act. for any aaation, F. B.-1, hart teistestie.•lty witted • r,.
.on, and in advising Reformers to vote fat Mr. consequently rompelli•g the Council to fall femme to the Pre.byterI.. ,.
Hopkins. But en leaf es we ere.war. that Mr. hack on the an Seth Gee. 111., chap. 7, which
Downie, et the U.iaad fleeo@swee, eosin a►e
Contemn refused the Chief Cemmiwieserehip of act makes no prs•iaioo for team" the Cicada charge" the Ree. Mr. Paadfsat, ye.lse Th.
ruhlt. Works at ■ salary of 7541 pnands a year.-- Compaey's lands. of !ands °weed by specalatmo, Cbueb n alar the Felierm. lam, ..R .ueedsse
Se long es we ora aware that he refused the Poet higher than i -Setts d • pests, per acre. es wIW sod embmt .g, what 1 way my a e.sgegwtt00
Office deportment with a Peery of one lAews40J land. under that act, are .abed at es. per acre of good '• phi■ging" peek, sada the timer of
yeowda • Peer, mot see no mason why we *humid sabred of 20s, sad the real *ruled and iudurtriovs e s devoted oieister.
raper eareelf Me "he ridicule end contempt or fanner who is milting the value 0 all wild hoodoo
every thiehieg men in th. Province, by assn- in his neighbourhood, must secordieg to year
tog, reekleily toll .plea•tielr, ilia, Mr Came- theory. pey an extra las to liquidate • debt cos•
rot'* whole moneys anti policy were sel6.h asd 'meted ea the Lith of wild speculators pvi'g
avaricious! And beli••ing 'hot Sir. Cameron an equal proportion of that dept. 1 contend there
has many friends to Halton, and in every ether is no necessity for their doing e, as at least one
county of Upper Canada, we do ant Moth we tt emend pounde of uses in writers, will and
would be benefitting either the Ministry er Ole must be pad within six months -and wiib what
meow of Reform at next powered election, by
writing hitt •r untoyory .eottmeotr, in order to
detract free the well earned popularity of Mr.
Cameros, or byegbtbitiog him in the charterer of
a merer.ary political specula,nr. Such enoduet
wo.Id tell were 55 neat election against the
writer, wad apin.t the Minicar► he stoppered.
the Mr. Cameron'. speech at !Velma, or thee
even the relent of Caleb Hopk as.
Oen remarks ea this sabre' have had the de -
aired rffn.. We have draws a:treti...1 is the
Rnartta, di/Bestows and of the
we barro. or raise by uxetioe we will brake* ea
pay all pressing demands. And had a suptmrwt
of there facts been prevented to nor creditors, so
legal steps would have been taken by them --.s
it is the Sheriff will not fur 19 month" have .o
opportunity of miring say torn by eats a.we•
meet, and aft., that time there will be no neces-
sity, should our Warden t.k• menu on the
Resolutions passed last Besets* ef C000eil.
1 am aware that those members of the Com-
et! (who were in Gvoor of one penny, ,stead of
ole half penny bring le•ted for the payment of
the deb..) have Dotted that it will take from 11
to 19 years to pay our debt. That statement is
incorrect, es the owe half penny levied fee that
Untied Comities, and as that .ss the thief eh- pvrp,s,e well pay the dews of itself le 55 y.n0
.et We had in view, we feel perfectly trclt•.d an months sod some days -and we must @oppose
'eget th• r.tdetnrnt of the metier 411 the hassle
of the Ms•ieipel a.theri,iee, ken..., that they
aur m.re ineireetely •e7annt• 1 risk the avail..
hie 0.111911 of eR vnsg • eettlem•nr. rhos .• .a,
rr.sttnahly k4 eop.eted to be Th. Letter of T.
M D.ly, F..q , Tewarre•e of North Ear'hope,
. Rich will be (nand aodern•aih. app are
or prnpneal n( I.•yiwg •• ern tax for the pay-
ment at the Metric' debt, o the ground thit
Ouch an ■anemone wnsM h• both illegal and
11 -'1stelle think it would he leg•!, het if the
views of Mr Daly are cermet, we would be dis-
posed to question the justice of ,t. Mr .D.1,
■ womra that the a of Tates sow swing
en the United CnutirCorp.ratioo, *mount 10
idtnhly more than the wh-J• dent -,hat •
large amnont of them bark toric are n.w •.f et Ott
yew"' winding. end mere rtb•r be pa, l pr.vent
ora portion of the lands epos which they are
doe, most h- sold for the •mouse : and he age
why hnn.st. intieurions twitters who here pied
their tet.. regularly, should bo rntb.rrarfrd wnh
a heavy .d f tinnwl tog for the payment of • doh',
owing fairly thr•ogh the negligence of thee*
the themumbleproperty to the United Cooties
well M.e the ioere••e, eone'go.uu ly theamn.nl
of rates will increase in propon int'. and so
dn.ht the* year the amoe01 will be £800 iuuad
.f C83O.
You will please pl•e• he. st.teme•u ham.
IMO? eub.eribers-which 1 hope will eesvise*
them that we ere not is a tete of bankruptcy as
y ar artcles would lead them ta better".
I am, Sir,
Your ebed't serv't,
T. M. DALT, C. C.
Tenni PDtn 't "I T't I. 0V110' 0,0151_
n -Th• p "neon in th•Caneriean force's, of
thereto/ion eft•heat,.,e the Methodists. Sumo -
doing Irk• that uses the opinion of the prewar
talented Chef Justice Robinson. when in by
eon. •sera. in his e•preity an Je1g•, and pro-
fes,nva'Iv. h- •'..'.t 'b. venous eine and
vitt• fes .n Upper Canada, -end being naturally
whn have .'lowed thftr hods to rue le •mean. tref • fr.. and tngniaitiv• dnp.nttine, he foul
We admit there is mach enmrnou -.rt Rad ( (roan inquiry. that the Heralds of nor Snner
enmmon justice in Mr.. Dsly'a views, hot the wee. of the Wesleyan Choreh. Like the •'trap•
large •meant of ►ack faxes owing to the United I pea" to th' We•ten Prairie• of the .•ighhnrine
Commie.. does ant destroy the lane that the ( R•pohl:e. bey^ad the .tech n(ei•ilisatiea it may
County Corporation is oow being seed in law I b. w;d,.here thee ..r., the s.lne. and p•re-
by the public 'creditor,. We. therefore, roe- towing ministers of Chris, d this body. Their
tine. to think that * special Meeting of the gam. was ofadifftn..tkind. itrn.vb.wow-
Council ahold he tnn•.eed i,amedi.lrly_'n tinned hers, hew far it results to the seetilig of
..eerie. how mneh of.5,.se meresrs of taxes ran Ohio Church. the I chanting of Preachers.
l do not think it ham Ira, in past years. to th.
.orend.l .atshlishm.nt of the Church in Soar.
ford. Boit de.tne the la-. two yean and ■ half.
nester the ronti•erd superi.teadance of the Rev.
William Menem. at Stretford. this ehrimian
body be. lire. merle more united. He came in
Jose, 1817, -he is to he r.mneed in Mev lien.
He fownd'■ people willies in hear, het, i think.
rather di.ani'rd in feeling. owing to the went of
a rine ,nperint.ndanee previne.ly. The field
of litho, is s large nn•, .mhneing Menieg,e.
end Wellesley, (Qnr•n's Rosh.) and the meine
e t the Ea., .rad e( North and South Eashop..
besides Sten, feted Wet nr drys s,nehine n1 char
day, the humble minim's"' tiering these three
pert yon, has 'horn free plodding m.rkle. hi*
apparently weary way. in the Qe.rn'. Rosh, ne
Its South E•eehmpe. Bet Mr. Dignem 1e s- •
wan to he overcome with trifle.. Hi. deg was
always epp•rm.set, •Rd it was don• cheeefally,
and .51..0 ail, teeeren'•tinasly. Mr Disponi
it on Inohmea, wish tM.ympeih.tie feelieganf
hin cnentry,-rhe County of Fermanagh. near
Enniskillen. claim. hem. He has exerted Moo
self to nh'ain the 6nirhing of the Church ee114-
ing in Stratford. the wine as ,n de b.ttdines at
Mr. Kite's ie South Easthope., Rod in W.'i,.k•
Iwo beildinga. Did he k..p hos hood is his
pocket in e.tedtng the i*deeee, of ht. Cherebt
No. Th. members sod adhrr•.os of the Cheetah
in Stratford and the neighborhood, number ever
00 -sed they phew as .z•mple to thew aros•d
them of hnmtiiy sod d,v..d.ess. OR Wed.•o-
day, the Gth ins,., noisy el the fritwds east well.
wiehers of Mr. Diplom. (.an ...Abere of hie
chores.) ,..id their respects to nim i. R,rwfetd-
✓ od when he rrnw'v,6 he nether .phew of me.
esteem, hinies with gal . to
him the good
the inh.hmia aefStntfurd. Pain. ■••wens[,
hat earnest, is the Rev. W. Dign.m.-acrd
the woesr of this ad, dries a common duty. la
makes[ th... ,.m.rll<•, as to Mr Dipa•s, sad
proh.hly, be made aVai's61e'to the payment of
the d•hi in eh- preen' yes -end 10 .dept lifeline
fur allaying the team of the pahlie creditors till
.e,•h time as • Ittan ran he neentiated, or rem.
other provi.ine made for the payment of the debt;
end thee prevent Ibe eaurhhant and unnecessary
costa of Lawyers and Sheriffs.
INQUEST. -A Cornn•'r'• fcgneet was
held by P. A. McDougall, M. D. upon the
handy of AI.x. Roger.. of the 'Pown.hip of
Stanley, on Freda,, the 81h instant, who
came to his death accidentally, by the 1.11-
ing of • tree. Verdict given accordingly.
He hie left a widow and five ebildno to de•
plore their Ines,
TO THE EDITOR nr TRW 1V*O0 bele(„
SIR.—I0 reading the Signe! •d 7th instant,
i 19014111•n article healed " The Comity Coun-
cil ;" eh.rgtng that Cewncil with beth want of
common rteta end principle, in next having taxed
the United Counties to pity el oars a debt ems.
trisected he the Horne District Council. 1 am
sorry in Ihmk you were Ont more conversant
with the •8.5,. of these cnaett., as if you had
bee., yea woeld not hove treade such chore.",
void of feet. The Heron Disnicl Crouse,' req-
ro ue,'run-
,raeted • deb, en the (0th of Ate being paid by
the tate. they k.ted, ander the .tneeemenr
Law of the. .4.y, rod which taxes are toffietent
to pay that debt. As so emnaot. one thaswed
posado, ever ted strew the Dietriet debt, ie now
dee to the District by shimmies. .ed minim wee
have net pi,i their tale, regilarly. end as et is
ape etch, (8) veers ,ince the District of Heron
was set span. The Lew requires that • refR•
.deet poetise 0 each set shall he sole' to pay
oath the e.neharp) the amount of loges to
arrears that length of time, therefore • good moo
vias• is already made for the peymeerIhe may the " God of Pence" he bb geode tied sere -
.55 . And .fon., prowl' on wit made by he' fort., .heron hi. tor trey M ..N.
.eenvoi",cil ye. es •njestly .}mew, empneg • In eeselsew'. i may .dd... in rhw redeems of
their Waters. Tm,6mr.r, sod &decria to Rego- •eefsinee• in this neirhb.rhe.d. rhe the Rey
We Inst our readers will *re.m oro, for
abstaining from all pohileal duesr•ae •n.
sing out of the HA,Iten LI.e/aw. We COo-
nai approach *be subjeet weak that egwa-
bieeile which is renewed is the dens.....,
of political topic* The head of Pre,,.
donee has d.term,s•d tb 'cowmen : tad
gri.vioue, indeed, bas ben tbo Abbot oa
with which the 1 easdtdaie has
twee -visited ! Thaw who have hest hews
Mr. Wetenhall will appreciate our feelings ;
and we would inset. that ,55.se who bate
trot had the advat•g• of an intimate ac-
qnautanee with him, will vetoed towards
1'm, and bis sadly allotted fondly, that k's1
e't•wd.ratioe .bleb the orris of e►ri•taci.
tr, and the prompting' of our better nature
.hers*.. No calamity with .hi.5 hams, -
'y can be vowed, calls mere imp.nuosly
ter uurenm4f..rauo•, t►edethro.onont d
reason : and tone nn more deeply impress
us with the courtesies of the frailty of the
tenure by which we possess' that pretest -
lye, wash elevates new the veal. of sssli•
ant bolero. May we, thee, well •.pays
the lessee of hesnihty taugbt to es Ill leech •
mysterious di • ; see.. etre would
orgy to 55..a•saad fa all oar ew• trial•,
may we Inn to regard, ink
ted serious n/ectiu•, the •sawplldc•lioee
of divine power is the asd "aitatiow of
our 1'-11.. bingo.
Tbe Halts Election bee twee, to our
mind, Ji.eaed of ail political iat•reet. The
defeat at the hustings has given as se pstg,
says that it has oeuaded in our un earths
parsing hall of the departed. Tte vtelery
of the opposing eeasdudet• hes been but as,.
thee .rptrieg breath of the theader-storm,
to the crash of the riving Irghts'sg-b.l!,
when N decsndv tome the forest oak. The
JetraOod was as bvdlne of the strife •ad
the discomfiture, as ti. ."eased deed, of the
Isuientatw.w., na the eol"glv., of he funeral
pesee..irin. Hi. aeehamed mind had for•
got to propos hold ; and was wandering
ani J other scenes ;-teeg.n.ron• anthem*
of college Peer., -'b" esdearments asd
the carve of manhood's pnww,-is his ow.
dear Dative -t ed set the
marehallisg of ibis poll -heath (ore..,-.ers
the themes wh ch aba.fbed the leaner
thoughts of hem, oho, according to the
'ander-hearted gooses of pohtluc.I eru.It,,
wee retested to be suffering older • pbyrical
meed,, indue.d b, inter' porter., 0 ! the
ch•ri'y of this cold wnrld is • .act .icier.
ing poi.na blast. We eon rmagiw soothing
TOM trete fi•ndieb, than Assimilation of
the politic el bigot, in the intellectual pg.o-
rrati,os of h'. opponent. To inch we weld
say. -rake the victory which fate bee rase
nexus -but for the sake of we.pisg humans.
ty, forbear the pared* of triumph !
Oen warm support wee give to Mr.
We'enhell, beeauer we Seliev.d him to be
• good man, sod a liberal politicks. W
approved of his appoietment, became wit
believed it to be a pitchout/ sstreeere ; a
toil's" merits of the car•, with reference to
the kraal gnestioa uf.e.anmy, sod retreatb-
mest, we thought them wnuli be mat ap-
propriately dnene.ed at another time, whoa
the gne.tioo would be argued with a fairer
chance of elle ting (acts, thea .e mould
imagist/ a county election to a&r. We
mer' drew the cation ; the el.aisg Cher••
hes been, to De, too pastel to reads? the
rehearse a more* 'of gratllwa'ioe. Our
thnw,ht. and eor rv.n.tM.s are with the
eel et.d wife, and the weeper ebildrro. is
h• once happy hoes. at Nestle. 0 ! read•
sr, think o1 their en.drtter., an 1 liars the
vanity of earthly .osteons,-Xlrrw,
Afire a laboured aid Worthyisymet'garl-
es a mg#I or wise dere, at Yarimgtn/1'0 ice,
in this Town, before timer Worehep Philip
D. Hart, Abraham Ceek. P. C. Vs,brwek-
In and Abraham E. Smith, Fouosiers, rela-
tive to the extraction of sweep hitters is
the Bran'fnrd Poet Oso a Mr. Welber. w
Post Mateer, who wee charged welt dNb-
grssocu, was *.(tell so )ail to await
as trial at rho item ..tsar, which ie to take
ohms o. the 13th of April seri, it haseil-
ton. The M.gietntr. (wood him guilty .e
lis dtfliereet cher.., therm of which he w
emn.itted on, and three wore bailable, -
Jobe Wit..., Esq., M. P. P.. el iwsde.,
wR. Crow. C..wsstr(o.e, in the ease sod
as far se we mould tae, evembom•d rte
prtrr.•ali• n IR M impartial b.asie.m like
and g.otl•menly maws.►. M.. F. T.
Wilkes gra. Caserta for Mr. Walter -
Tlje .Bair has en.td "site a se..eti•e is
tee public wed, more part'nla.fy le deet
ford ; sad it Meet to be wonders,/ • t. wises
charger of sus groom a eaters are breerbi
orals** Mr. W.Itwr, ha111eg as be -telt
a reepowalbie .hasteme. We NM bop*
that the GM11.ea.R way .Mar ►*Male .wd
.55*w tn' ler entfeedv .d ,bs world N Mtge
tbet he Op i -.moot of s1,, eks►ges peArrd
time • lade ei 3000 rowed., sod pawn, a Ry• Mr. Throne he. sem5n .1 ha oomph is , ageism, him. i•MetIL lame .isMs to IS, M
LOW "mil* by asseaa.e.t (.f is. ball poise Downie sod Ellie., Meth mad Rooth Ebesh•pe.. it In164e.er_w1. h•M sme55 N tee elseSr
per tweed se 01,1104o property, rad all hods Nartnerms, Wellesley . ad srndrd-ort thaw the ask" .d hoe iel•rminamy bine Amoy. ow
hum. to he aged.) the nm of we howdnd ted ort aim other hb•w,s.. 4 fai'h41 .skis.*. - - bag
M 1111raMeblt, A/eft/MM. es
Aha pads >E1100 to per the 1.44,61 rad the ts•mwl tow. *Hl te wed• t1.
a b y: -Tee R.w. Joh* (dickie. (Mmth -' h,,, w.ttl etas twee of tri
Waage set
aside as a *Woes feed, *NW indeed. ) e( the posh M E.g1.d
the debit Nle to As Diswn iel. eat M paid ,0155• body of pempin—rho Sow Sr.
•w1r " tress. welt hes ews sr Me 41r
Stkeldw. eft ..1010 dMs
W. t
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gall •1
.iU b
sod hi
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