HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-21, Page 1• • TIN 11H111‘101/1011t as'ileeksea. voLUME 111. aftUJlfIC1PAI. COU.VCIL.! &h February, 1850-10 o' Clock, A.M. The Warden in the Chair. rawasar. kbanws. Hers, Mesa. Hever, Mu Pest. Dau, �,ppe100. F.l.ora, �eo�r (los x u, Aintree, I toren, Joswess, firearm, Barye, The minutiae of yesterday were read over and approve) of. 1311 Latter of Mr. Stracbao, addressed to the Warden, was received. 11S Mowed by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Ilays, That the f Mr. Strachan be accepted, sad that he be appoin- ted Solicitor to the County Causer) with a salary of £30 par 11101101, 14 chew to be to give advice to all county oicers sp- poioted by the Council, as well as to the dater/set Township Reeves, both as Reeves and Magistrates.—Carried. 83—Of the select committee appointed to take 134 The Report of the select committee to report on Mr. intoeonitldefatlOn the expenses connected with Holmes' w fora B, 1 and referred to a commit- the Adntinistr'atiOn of Justice in the late Dis- tee of the bafa. The Warden nominated Mr. Daly to the Chair. trict of Huron, during the ye.lr's 1847, 1848, In commit*. of the whole en Mr. Holmes' Bill, and 1849. Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Smith— That the Bin n..w before the committee be established and confirmed, and that the Warden be instructed to petition the Legislature skewing that the debt which this Council is oblig- ed under the 17816 seetioa of 19 Victoria. chapter 81, to take charge of exceeds L5000, wtacb debt we have every reason to bet' e,e was entered into wader the impression that the laws then in fora with regard to Assessments, would continue In cosoec fora'eottl/taeb debt could be discharged, that a large portion of j ceived from the Tree/inter, it appears !bat the exposes, the Caudate Ike United counties of Huron Perth and Bruce be- I lad with the Administration of Justice for the year 1847, are long to absentees, aid if assessed according to the Act 59, Geo. £1283 4s 5J.—for the year 1848, are £1358 9s V, aid fur the 3rd, at the highest amount that the aforesaid A,-' tolerates, I year 1849, 11364 9s 8d, which sums your committtle consider would be iauicieat to pay the Administration of Jnstiee .8d to be far more than the resources or exigencies of the lade county officers, leasing sorbing to liquidate the debt contracted b r large portion of the or assured by the late Huron Duettist Council, or for public tmprovemeat whatever, that under these circumstances ibis Council hu se accordance with the 156th section of 12 Victoria chapter 81, continued a By -Law peered by the late Harrow Dis- trict Council in February 1848,•the purport of which By -Law is that all Laadeliable to be assessedsoall b othee indole pen- ny per *ere, and one peony perpound prop- erty, and that a theta are some doubts es to the powers of this Council to continue such By -Law, sus prey that the same may be confirmed ; and further pray that in the event of a new As - ng into effect the Leg.slatare will be reamurar d ii TUE GREATEST POSS1BLE 1.001) 'ro rug (i1tiATRST POSSIBLE NUMBER. W.) THURSDAY, MARCH ria 185 0. 8th. That on a motion being introduced and card ettabodr- AGRICULTURE. tag the substance of a B) -Law, and upon which a By -Law is rebeequently made, ''tat that be considered the first reading of •+ / the said By -Law. Thai after the first reading, the Council do farm Itself 1 atom of the *hole for the purpose ofeon- eideretwa of the By -Law nn all vas clauses, and that the summit- , tee rising and reporting be taken to be the secnad reading, That I all b b considered by the (sunned sed on its passing CHEESE. The immense quantity of cheese that is Sox or Euos.—A corre+poncent of the now regularly imported into Europe, from .•Igri alum( Gazette says :—" I am in- u • then milk in the ecurre of ten minutes ; whereas eht Englrph rennet pyres nearly three hour for this purpose.— • the United Stater, and the high price it luced to tell v• -u that, without pretending thus reading It shall a far ss the Council can make it, become commands. 1s sufficient proof of its great to any knowledge of abstruse mysterter, Law, until altered or amended or until 11 may expire, or he re -I value. Doth in an agricultural and cuunner 1 have learned to di•eocer which egos will Sated. 9. h. That at the election of any officer by (bis Council. no Sial point of vires. That "von Canada produce pnl!ele, disk have punned the prac- person shall be declared elected unless he has • majority of the whole 'lumber of Councillors present. All which is respectfully submitted by D. 1f. RITCHIE, Chairman. The above Report was recerveJ, read: approved of. and coo - firmed in open Council, assembled, end February 1850. REPORT Cor isirrut :—M SCOTT, HILL. SMITH, RITCHIE, HOLMES. Your committee beg leave to &tate that from a document re - should depend upon the >*.t -s f ,r a supply lice through thud season with uniform 1uc. of this article'. indeed surprising. - Al Pere- eels. It consi.ts simply in th,r—to ecoid nl meetings of our .Agricultural Aveeeia- vetting the Jeno shaped eggs, which alaaye irons Both Provincial and Local the matter produce cocks. choosing the rounder and has been noticed with regret, and in plumper ones. Generally, too, 1 have found formation solicited in order to enable our that the veru largest eggs produce male farmers nut only to supply their own wants birds. 1 select, therefore, the meet prnmi- but the merkct •.f the world. We know• sing teenier shaped eggo, without taking from ezpISIpee that the maufacturo of the very largest. It id certainly an impor- tant matter to succeed in the department, cheese ism more profitable Chao Butler have myself often had the murtifi:aeon for tine Faraiere of Cheshire and Gloucester to have a rthule brood of cocks or nearly in fitsglawd Eley Prem £7 to £10 per acre geese) meat his their land and depend alto - truly :the avoidance of this inconvenience is other ea dile article, many of them not truly adesidertum." treing wdsiost corn crops fotslheir own faaillee• We purpee.ttherefore to .devote oceaefosafy a short apace in the Reformer to the coaeitiefatioo of this most important — subject. let, On the preparation of Rennet. \\'hen 1 rPeak of kissing, 1 don't include led, On the making uf'Duolnp. 3rd, Chc- kissing mother, or sister, aunt, grandma', shire, .416,• Gloucester. 5th, Salton and or the little people; that's all in the fee ulye lastly the celebrated Parmesan and Styles, and a matter of colorise.- i mean one's wife, District warranted, the same Sing a eery g ebeeee. .r+cat-heart and other feminine!, that are entire $mount of the funds of the./aid District. Chee.e may be made from cream alone,' not kin or blood connection. 'That's the insYour tituted n to committee tpetition wouldrecommend eLegislatureb in the name at the tlof then is or from the whole milk ; the object in cith- ( Sart to call kiasing,' and that a the sort I Council, praying that they. woe!d be pleased to enact a law to er case being in the ,first place to Separate' am going to describe. place the salaries of all County officers under the control:of the serum from the other materials.— There la a beautiful village about taen- Count�rCounctle, and also to intimae the Warden of the sec- 'This is affected by curling the Sri am or ty-four miles north of New Haven called eral Counties in Western Canada the steps we have taken, a6e milk, by the infusion of an acid, the refuse to the Indian tongue Pomperaog. What 1t no requesting an that eceywill co-operate with us i0 obtajaiog Laing -rho serum or whey, which is of means in Indian, 1 don't know. it w•as not desirable object. Your committee would also recommend that the County scarcely any value. No acidulous sub- taught um in the i'di'ot school up there se smelt w Som , T be instructed not to pay any accounts upon order of stance is found so suitable for curdwg mirk 1 where wb learned our ace, and afler- Lileaaud to (rause it u such a mannan that the Lao) specutator I the Qua►tor ini Sesames excepting for purposes strictly connected asrewire which is formed of the gastric 1 wards progreeeed as far as n -A, RA; 11 -R -a, ll bear ► shard of live public expellee,/ of their with the Administration of Justice. 1 ,TIIE FiRST KISS. ■r Av A$$ATFCR. respecters localities, eel that the Warden shall lay before this Council a copy of such Panties at its next meeting. 135 Moved in amendment by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Donkin• That the Report of the select committee be ea5►reed. On the you and nays being taken. there voted for the amend- ment 11—for the motion 3. Amendment carried by a majority of use. The Report of the whole was ttieo reeerved and confirmed. Tim Cosset! then adr+ursed till 1 o'clock, P. M.C. C. WILLIAM CHALK, 6th Fib. 1850-3 o' Cock, P. M. The Warden resumed the chair - The Report of the committee en Finance was received, and referred to a committee of the whole. The Warden nominated 31r. Hays to the chair. On the Report the following. were confirmed -55, 56, 57, 58, 62. 66. 67. 83, 73, 74, 7.a. 113; 117, 16, 27, 29, 28, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 5.2. 53,116, 117, 120, 136. 85 Moved by Mr. Ritchie, seconded by Mr. Doakir, That the sum of one penny per pound be substituted for one half penny per pound, in the first part of the Report of the select commit- tee on Finance (marked 85) the rest of the provision? to remain the same—and at least two month?. A method of re a- antments of :hese uofleged chips, who fif- ths p - Moved in amendment by Mr. Smith, sceo0deda y Mr. Daly, ACL ;� `,o1..... chap i83, that bear one *6, subject of uniting ring rennet commended be the late Mr. I terw•ards metro the merchants and great " the golden ringlets that almost abut ;whim I ars . ,, to "Take t MID' n anew Ltt!o wooden that she has made no mistake. d clean it of its contents, salt 1the bag. trunk pretty well stacked with 'ham ewdea,' ' Here vs a seat, mi.., beside meO says ice of a calf that has been fed on milk.— aRs; BAKER; when I was allowed to gradu- All which is respectfully submitted.• JOHN HOLMES, Cluirmaa. Some persons preserve the maws or oto- 1 ate, and enter the ' Youth's Seminary, REPORT ' mach bags of calves with the curd contain- I under the charge of the Rev. Mr. Fuller.— Of the committee of the whole nn the Report of the Select ed in them ; others employ the stomach I One of my Schoolmates io the fatter place - committee appointed to take mto consideration the expenses begs atone, putting a fcw handfuls of salt ' wag a bright, intelligent boy, of the name c000ected with the Administration of Justice le the late into and around them. They are then I of Walter Morahan. I loved him; so did District during the years 1R47, 1818 and 1849. rolled up, and hung in a warm place to dry . every body else in the old tillage love Join. The Report was read, r pproved of, and confirmed. and are kept fur some time befure they are I He grew up to manhood, but not there.— ROBERT HAYS, Chairman. need. The stomach is oev,r made use of i No; New England boys don't grow up at REPORT in Gloucestershire until it is • twelremoat6 'home; before they reach manhood they are old ; fur, if used befire this, it is said to I transplanted, and are flourishing in all parts 76—Of the select committee appointed to consider the Petition owell the=-eere, making it full of eyes or and ports of the known world, wherever a of carton Inhabitant', of Blan.had, a• to the uniting of the holes. The usual way et preparing the ' Ysokee craft has been, or the stars and Grammar School and Commed `School, at St. Mary s,•Blasi- rennet in England, is to add to every Six' stripe/1. shard. _ " ek�ns or Stomachs two gallons of brine, and ; Walter Marshall, when he reached the • Corrtrrue :-1leesrs. SCOTT, two lemons, which take away any uoptea-' age of fourteen, arrived in New York from IIILL, sant taste, and give the rennet an agreeable his native village, in the destitute situation HATS, CLF,NDINVIN, flavour. A large quantity is made at a that is fregneot amoriq New England boys; HOLMF,S, ' . time ; and it is never teed until it has stood that is to say he had only the usual accom- TWi!LVE AND SIX PNCE AT T'la LCD 0e Tim nut. NUMBER VIi. 1 her mother Mad beta the hal( sister of Wal- ter'e mother. They were too near related for porpoised herea'ler to be named. Poor Molly ! Sive would have cried her eves out on the 00005100, had it not been that Waller'& ',leen phis net her ideas of the ridicnloue In motion; an 1 she male a merry ten minuted as a wind-up to their parting scene. 1�� 'Three days afters ards Walter was err New Y.•tk; nnlyiet four months and twen- ty days farther on In Tuned almanac he was M. -king not Invoices and acting sa cor- responding clerk to the fine in Bombay. 1 shall not stop Tong enough to relate 'IOW many times he went to the exhibition of renomoue-looking cobra de capellne beteg Sepnys just for fun, and to show how innocent the beauties were. and how easy their bite wan cured; how often he visited the lar -farmed Elephant Cave►: bow many time n he dined with good Sr Robert Grant, the Governor of Bombay, ao) how he was with him, and what he eaid, the very morn- ing of the day the old scourge, the Cholera. made excellent Sir Robert his victim --all these things I shall leave to another time, and more appropriate heading. i skip over all these, and six years of lune beside, and hand Master Walter at Staten Island, bring him up to the city in s steamboat, and leave him et a respectable hotel, and there let hies sleep all night, and take a good ' shore rest' after a tedious voyage of four months and more. The next morning we awaken him, make him get up, pay his bill, take a hack. and ride down to the New Haven steamboat and go abroad. It is seven o'clock, .a. w.— At orf! r. at. the boat has reached the land- ing; his trunk and ' traps' are on board the Lichfield Stage; he ha taken a seat inside; bit destination is in an intermediate village. Ile ma al me in the stage; no, not alone, there is an old woman on the front seat, and a Presbyterian clergyman on the middle seat. The stage rs up In the city and slowly meandering about New Haver twee, picking up passengers who have sent their names to the stage office, a is still customary in that Staid and sober city of mineralogy, theology and other lologies is general. The stage Jchu pulls up at the door et a neat tittle cottageju Chapel street. A passenger, a young lady of sweet seven- . teen or thereabout. Before she has fairly got ioeide, Walter has noticed him too.— Hc gazes to astonishment at the perfect vision of loveliness before him; he hasn't seen anything of the kind for some years.— There is not a particle of copper about bar. She, on her part, half laughingly, has re- garded b:m rery attentively: pushes back That the Report be confirmed. On the yeas an nays ung Grammar and Common Schonlp, are of opinion that no injury i nice of this country, and not unfrequentlr face, and takes soother look, elf to be cor- nice 132 Aamendment .—It It wan then was further by a majority of Six. A•—it was further moved in amendment by 1st. (:can ensue to the that it would is e( any enef St 0 the Section by }} M h 1' M fu s -ref I k fled calf of other land.. Ile had ata,n Donkin seconded by IYr Elder, Thal three farthings be eubati- i su S h InSe tion 1oat1 t Blansha d atorhave such annuni ns of- I Luted instead of one ball -penny per pound. On the votes of c oo c . , an School in School Section No. 1, Blanchard, and the Common l end out a into an earthen jar for three or •sixty-eight cent Bible his mother packed rielo befog taken the motio0 of Mr. Smith was carried by a fected. \Via would therefore reenmmend that the Grammar P' to Oar him, fearful that he might forget it, rms a confirm of four. The remaining claws or the Report were r. ad over and Schoo1 Ieone'andin the therid Section lnhabitants of said Sectinited. astioned for by Edward f`11 fromv1.11 it the jar, thecovering roflwh cheshou d a three dollar New haven City Bank bill, . confirmed. pe y with a f: w holes to admit the air ; and al- and any quantity of energy, patience, per - The committee thee rose and the Warden monied the chair. All which is respectfully submitted. HOLMES, Chairman. b R ort war then received and confirmed. d 1 lowed to remain in the jar for twelve severance and ambition'. Ho entered the T e epi The Council then want into committee of the whole on Roads and Bridges. Mr. Hodgies to the chair. The Report was read over and confirmed. The committee then rose and the Warden resumed the chair. The Report of the committee of the whole nn Roads and i Of the select committee appointed to enquire into the dill ice of are to be based together for a quarter of 'I them wan an English merchant who had a Bridges was then received and confirmed. the several County officers, and regulate their respective sal- an hoar, when the liquid is to be attained large commercial firm in Calcutta, and did h th f \\' 'ter cierked The above Report was received, read. approved of, an con- 1\•hen wanted fur use, &' handful I coot tiny -room of a large mercantile house firmed to open Council assembled, 1st Feb. 1850. months. I in South street. ilia hone ■ctivit 'and leach of leave+ of sweet briar, dog rose, aoa I honesty, y RFPORT " bramble, with three or four handi::ls of Salt Industry won him many friends. Among 131 A. --Moved by Mr. Donkin, seconded by Mr. Scott. That the thanks of this Couocil be tendered to David Hood Ritchie, Esq. for hia v$lsable services in the capacity of clerk during the Wages 9f Idr. Doo. 135 A.—Moved by Mr. Daly, seconded by Mr. Smith, That James Gentles be allowed Two Pounds Tan Shillings currency. for fire and candles in Council and committee Rooms donng,tbe present session of Council—Carried. 116 Moved by Mr. Donkin, seconded by Mr. Elder, That the erten in accordance thereto. off, and allowed to cool. The maw is then his tipsiness wt., the rim COMMITTEE :—Meeerv. DONK1N, to be pet into the ligni 1, together with a it with: and here the latter attracted hes S5111'11, lemon stuck rm,nd with cloves : and the notice. lle was sixteen years of age only; SCOTT. 111LI. longe' 1t remains In the liquid, the Sinn- yet the Bombay gentleman fancied him, HOLM ES. ecu and better will the rennet be : half a made h:m a I beral offer to go to Iodu with Your committee beg leave to Report that in consequence of pint of the liquid 16 aufl5 •fent to turn fifty him: w huh after very little palaver among the necessity that at present exists of having Treasurers ap- gallons of milk." Am almost every dairy i his friends, 1Vstter accepted. New Eng- ' start n8' oo the unu- Warden be authorised to sign order. op the Treasures for all pointed in the several Townships, the duties of the County County In England bas its own particular I land brave non t offs accounts pawed at this Council Meeting as Soon as they are Treasurer will be diminished, which, with the p0 11100 of the audited—Carried. financial affairs of our County requires that bis eatery be'redu- method of a:ceping and salting the maws sua!ly long, wandering excursio0r,,without It was then proposed and carried that the Council be adjour- ced. Your committee would therefore rccomtnend that the ar) preparing thu rennet, we &hail only first getting leave of absence fur a few ned till the first 'Tuesday in December. County Treasurer do recene for his serrcea a such for the gree the method pursued to Ayr.hrr., the deer' preparatory exercise, which they WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, C. C. current year, the sem ol' one hundred and twenty pounds, to be moat important dairy district in Scotland.— spend in vino where they originally came REPORT in lieu of all fees appertaining to the said office. The Stn each of the calf is examine), and all Year committee would also recommend that as there appears Of the Committee appointed to draw Rules for to be eo likelihood of any additional grant of monies for new ' impurtie^, such as straw, removed from the guidance of the United Counties Council. work. Ibis year, the duties of the County Surveyor will not bo the curdled milk. TWO handfuls of malt _ ■o onerous as heretofore, and that bis nlary be Forty Pounds are 'then put into and aroun 1 the bag. Cossrrrse —Measrs. HOLMES, for the present year. whiclt-:g in a warm pie Lon lace to dry SMITH. Your committee wood recnmmeo 1 d that the Clerk of this RITCHIE. Council be directed to ioeur the Assessors Rolls, and extend the thoroughly. it hi geld In used bcfere it is $e Your committee beg to submit the following Rules for Collectors Rolle, so far as the same relates to any County a year old. and even a longer period is the�jjatlases of the Copecil : Rate or Aateesment, and perform all things relative to Assent,- thought to improve It. When wanted to Rale Id. Any proposal brought before the Council shall be *be menu which heretofore wan performed by the Clerk of the re aro rennet, the bag is cut into small mattes of a Membcy, seespded by any other Member, and any Peewee and that hie eatery be `Seventy-five mind*, 1e be cont*- pr?ces end sal into a r with a hanJfull or aAt,wd8Nat pmgved upon fbe same shall else be proposed and dared in lieu of all Fees relating to any duties of paid office. pieces, DA , sal lidat Your committee would aloe recommend that the salary of two of salt, and a q-Iantlty of boiled soft fed. Atty1tewbar isthireelhag the Council shall do so stand- each Auditor be L15 for the present year. water, cooled down to about sixty-five ing. sadreisleg }fm,etr to the `'garden or Chairman. and shall Your committee would oleo reenmmend that the Paltry of the I,^erect, or new whey taken off the Gerd eo4164 1�«JJ117l't bis remarks to the motion finder considers- Solicitor be Thirty Pounds, and *het in addition to advice 101he tion, anathtt Pe *ember shall adrire s the Coeneil tnore than Council, he be directed to give advice to the several Town Is put foto the jar. The quantity of -water 0845 of lb, sensegnestioe except t0 explanattee et any remarks Reeves, if required.or whey will vary according to the goahty of 11 that Wu bS nada Your committee would Sime recommend that Dur M, err the yarning ; and if of iP :hat of a new -1 Waite- meat up to tin, wet d d do ell AT�- It nestles@ of order shall be decided by the Wardell er do receive Five Sbillugs Inc each day actually employed by thea dropped cslr, three Engtioh pints will be thi�; but 1e )ask not get lora the stage at Zhu Cbairdi fat the time befog. Council. enough ; but d fed for four or five week's, latero. Ile walked down the mad ahead 4th. That in taking tbd,rotee of the Members of the Cooaail AL which is respectfully submitted. wk's A� amesdmiket is proposed 011 an original motion, :6s t ROBT. DONKiN, Chairman. two quarts will be about the quantity_ rcqut- of the coach toward the old bridge, dna told ✓ eat aimed the aesiindment, If the red. Tbma-tf� allowed to sta::d to the jar fur the stage driver to stop and Let him get in majority y he rr, dies the aMOdaseat 'hall be the motion before two or three' days, and is then strained off, at the minister's house—at Parson Fullers. Hoke., feet to farther ernesdtneats brit 11 the majority of and another pint of water placed upon the Mary Fuller lived there too, for rate hap - die • be wet, t� the or'g'an' motion shah M pot sub t to kr'fey wieadtMst, fi maw, which, alter seeding three days, r paned to b, thm parson's only chug tet.— IlYesi►se (atrodueiog a 11j -Law ors motion upon ilea h a eA A' if h h If added to the first 'elusion. 1f say tmpetu- She wait the merriest, loveliest little witch Iara,ah>♦T>�bo feended, or a metIs to repeal a fly- tire appear in the tepid, it should be Sue- that ever wore long, Iyose tresses of auburn stye at least one day's notice of the fully strained through a sieve, and the whole hair, and had blue eyes. She was only did( uaplai0 tke eawti of the ily-Law or sMtar� can be bottled and used as wanted. A twelve years old, and Walter was nearly b. The' all FOAM'''. f Ropey Grants shwll he anbmitted i h II d ..inulol of whiskey is sometimes put Into seventeen. She did love him, though; be to 1JH CO nen on ore or ether d Ike first three diva of say from, and then, having a fcw good took* at the weather-beaten old village church, the high old steeple, which was wonderlolly reduced in size and elevation since they fret saw it, to entice it in eclat -oil -boy day.; then they must hear the old bell ring once more, even if they hare to take s e7eil at the rope: then take a turn among the white grave -stones; see if there are any very green mound•, fresh made, asd if so, to ask who among ell friends has gone t • his la.t rerung-;•Ince; then to kiss mother and Pi.- ter, @hake hands with father—and the Ptago I is et the door of the tavern, and they ate ready for a start to go' anywhere.' What la the nnicerse but a hand 8 in inspace. pointing st- orey. with extended.d finer* up to God. A man M ton ams se perplexed imea withthe a cen- tury meussUoa, that he ramie! tett mo from half a dawn, and a eine betwsee fifty sada buadesd baa nearly net him crazy. Said a merchant. •' I have done bumsese tea years and not spent five dollars in advertising." Said soother, "1 Mesoderm bu. noes five years,. and spent one tent of a ray profits in • vert eing, and have made mora than you have in too." Which each bottle, but thus is no' common. Tbo was alt in all to her, he bad fought her bat- sb at C&o SII Dud not later, Nib the mast ftttwfl'rttat of lhelv►n 1 liquid thug prepared may be used immediate- ties e11 through bar childwcampy/ En, campn, aril !Soo !to rid 11. t%nd to Coon- it bee bate Sean, aat,rtatebd tbs.the dlyeterfooa knnekinge Iy, or kept months if required, and astable- eke ked no brother. She was r' W11te. yy a�g Netabiehosed w tbe•eleleiyr W IkeeWwter, ase tee behtMts of Pfd bard . o leoweeueoet. of individuals who refused to pay the punter eful will coagulate thirty g allons of eouein too, a sort of half first cousin, for ' t rho gospel- preacher. ' Thank you, syr, but i prefer little3 on the back seat with that gentleman, if be will let me,' sad the most electrical voice that Walter has listened too in some time.', 'Certainly, miss; said the delighted Bom- bayite; and when she seated herself by him sho gazed into -tee face with such a queer kind of a mixed-up delight and astonish- e meat that Walter actually took a look down.upon himself to ascertain what there was about hie pereoa that appeared to be so pleasing to !tie felt 10.1)00; but he discover- ed nothing unsusl. The stage rolled on to- ward Derby at its opus! repel rate of fire roiled an hour, and Walter and the merry maul seemed as chatty and cosy together as though they had known each other for ' years iirrtead of minutes. The minister tried to engage the ringlets in con rcrsation, b .t he soup found himself ' no %hare: She had neither eyes nor ears fir any body else but Walter; and be had told her more about bis own tiaisle and Bombay scenery. than be ever told any body else before or since. At tact they carne to Derby. The horses had to be changed, Eel four (reap skeletons were harnessed up and tackled on the old sumo. Walter h*sided that genile girl bark to her old meat as gracefully ase he could have dune, had he never lived to llumbay, but alwa) a stopped in New York. They were alone now; the minister and the odd woman had gist out et Derby. Well, m0 arc ..'once mote; how 'am .me you going! said Wader, as the stage went oils. ' Not q I to as far as Lite! SeIJ. You say that your f, t -ids rretdc .t Tempering !— How glad they will be to fee you 1' • Very p-ulral.ly, unless they have fo- g/Neu lite, which is I kely, for 1 suppose I have altered some rat 0.0 yeas,' 'Not ap11101.',I—' 'rite pretty weed forgot hat she wee Irina to pay, but at last remembered and cowInoed— ' I should suppose lou had not sharer'. for you said too were seventeen a hes yon were last at home, and now you ars only twenty-three. You must have been grows nearly as lar ai you are now.' ' Perhaps airs; not still 1 am eomewaat tamed by exposure to an Fast Indian c!t- 1,111, .' • Yet 1 think you a ill be recngouaed by every body in the ,*!)are. Ds yea 0s{ know a v-nng lady in Pomperaug of the alma of Mary Fnilsr.' , %Vhat !hallo! my • Utile wife as I reed to tell her l Why, Lord love yw, de you know her 1 Bless her balm ! My MOIL Is filled with koick-koacka for her •