HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-07, Page 10lee •61.ic Supp Money araw haslight or Non IX of M„ "is that, itile- It tan'. I brought *Wilt sOd iow effective oseart an isefeetive hieluenee over 1. a it been? 'These ,questions are hItilie, activity -91 the . cearterede I discussed ie. Ati -apPeseeel be the- t' hielk$, ,it has OA •Ontrel OM 1 t an* of Meetreal tit itee Jerieere -Other - tepee Of 11144404e. 'Mime- e usiness review* elet reieaSed. of whichare of .conaiderable lin, Ijigler the titee."e'e Infillenee I:Pelee:ego' iti the fitiaeCiai strifes s• .fr ,,,..,,........„.„..n......................„„„.....A.„.„,,,,,„„„,,,,,,,,„„—.....,.....„„,fi„,..,.........„.. l -Your Airforce In Action . ['Letter To Editor Stall, Spins, R ',:ils Test Harvard Rap Lucan. Ma.nagers f Monetery Pap„he the revielei tWe- feeesses, in plate terms, what I Kablic Response Impede:It as happened t0'eseneter7 eehdie Apart filen teehnical linlita- ne during the at year-and-a"itions fluidamental factor is aif. It adds thee in ceetrast tie:plea ees'eoese, lei a consider, Mithe reeponsibility of com- ewe extent* the ereeeeeeeessnt atn t le Inflation, has been. let 1 rmonetary pelicy depends epee a 11) the BarK1 Q Cauecle 1geueral awareness of what the Witiletie eller sePPletnentarY leets- Racy atien bY parhainent. Is encloVering. to do and n n e that rIe B. a M. points out that the the policy will bring about longmajor teethed used by the ceh-1 term stability oe prices," the till bank tO regulate credit and review states. eurrency, is through its pur.1 "Insofar gs this aleareneSs And chases and sales of seceirities to • eonficlence are lackieg, there is control the level a the chartered likely to be a esing desire on banks, cash reeerves. In this Wey: 1 the part of governinots, corpora - the Bank of Canada exerts ire 1 }jos and ledividoals to under - direct but none the leSe effeetlyee, take expenditure at the moment control over the chartered hnka ir •the belief that! despite the Aggregate assets riabilitiee, !prevailing level of interest rates, The degree e mozietary re-' it is. more economieal to spend stratht hi Canada has steadily n- ow than in the future. On the - creased over the past 18 months,' other hand, given public confi- s shown by the progressive slow-idenee that prices and costs will- ng,down in the rate of growth 1not necessarily follow a long-term. erinitted in belie-. deposits. In upward trend, and that present at, the reyieve continues, there I conditions of tight money will not as actually a eet ,decrease of last indefinitely, there would be ee million i bank deposits in 'a greater readiness.to postpone e second half of 1956. expenditures until some future As the year 1956 progressed thee when supplies of manpower 'the cost of obtaining funds And materials are more ample either from the banks or from and the Bank of Canada can he sourities markets •— rose, I reasonably be expected to ease ncl the objeetive of the central the availability and bring about ank, to make credit more cliffi-1 a lowering in the cost of credit. ult andr' more expensive to : "With such' a public 'apprecia- btain, was achieved." lion of, and sensitive response to, The review points out, however,[ monetary policy," concludes the that the effeetiveness of •a eo_ , review, "the central bank would a strictive monetary policy, as cur- :be better able to carry out its r rently practised, has limitations, • assigned task 'to mitigate by ite .n Some borrowers have turned to influence fluctuations in the gen- e sources other than banks for eral level of productioe,trade, a * BY " (KENN -COWAN, The Itied.erearriage "up"- light$ winked -on as the wheels. retracted fully* and the garvard elimbed away from, Centralia's east.west. renway on a heading towards the Huron seore. The la.ed ,preseetee a path• -work. eefect of drab greys And broWes., pertly oneealed beneath A glealning mantle of SOON. W000S. .andceeeee stood, out, Neck And spare, their eleAfiess. brenche$ devoid .0 any softening green to relieve their starkness. Highways slashed through the countryside, heedless of ,slope and contour as they led on to their destination, Wand.ering along leisurely,' rivers Red .creeks flashed. intermittently as they re- flected the brilliant sunlight,. The -sun, high in a sky of blue crystal,- burned dowe In'the meg% time of a fine winter's- day. Gat- ing around, it was peseible to see the brilliant spark of light,. caused by the sun reflecting- -from the Exetee water tower. The town, a gathering of .multecolored varia- tions 'beneath a faint haze, of blue smoke, looked peaceful and uw- concerned, basking in the warmth. Testing the Harvard. . The purpose of our flight Was ca carry out a one -.hour air test .f the Harvard. This particular 0 lrcraft had just been released rem the hands of the inainte: ance personnel in the repair anear, after having undergone n extensive overhaul. Before eturning to the flight line for raining duties, it was necessary hat the aircraft should be test lown 'by a qualified pilot, and ondled through all its permiss- ble phases of flight. At 6,000 feet we levelled put. ar below lay Grand Bend and le wide expanse of Lake Huron. he -lake, with its foreshore lined eth pack ice, presented a cold, reen facade, dappled with grey ncl brilliant white, Inside the cockpit it was warm acIditicanAl working ca pital. The prices and employment ,„ heavy Inflow of -direct investment •capital into Canada from abroad has not been affected by Cana- an monetary stringency. "A further problem faced by the Bank of Canada,” notes the Message From • Woodham Ey MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Hensall Personals 'Woodham Carnival Gorden Love, of ,the, Parr Line, has sold• his faern 'to Keith Love, ' son qf Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. Bob McDougall, 'Who makes his home at' the New Commercial Hotel, suffered a slight stroke xecently. Mr. and Mrs. Keith .Lindsay, of ThaineSville„ visited over the week -end with the latter's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs, John Hender- son. • Miss Elsie Smith of Exeter, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.l'Alf Mr..ancl Mrs. Sam"Rannie.and Mr. and Mrs; Lome Chapman were recent visitors . with their uncle, Mr. Cbarles ChaPinae, in I Palmerston. • 1VIrS; .ChesneY, -of Toronto, was a week-eed visitor with her brother -hi -law and sister,. -Mr. and lelr,s. Bain: Dou,gali, -Mrs. . dVforrey Sanders has re- ` turned to her home in 'Exeter After spending the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. George Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 01 Guelph, spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr,. •and Mrs. John ,Tarrott. • Mr. and Mrs: A. Orr were week -end visitor s with relatives In London.: , • Xrs. Iteicl,,of Kincardine, Mrs. JOe Helm,Jack and Marylin, of Tiverton; visited on Monday With Mr. and MrseClarence Reid and Hensel} W.I: Will hold their Februaty, meeting in the Legion - Hall Wedrioday„.February 13 ,*ftd eetertain as special guestee.theeiteen'eed frienele. Earl 'Dick and Ed,- Chappell *re in Toroeto this Week attend- ing the Oceed Roads. Convention. • The weather favored. the Wood- ham folk ozi Friday evening when a good crowd of young and old gathered to enjoy the an- neal carnival at the Woodhani rink. 1 -lot dogs and coffee wer ‚served by W.A. members. 1 Carnival winners were: Kin of the carnival, Reg McCurdy queen, Ruth MiUer; best comi costume, boy, Donald Langford girl, Joanne Webb; best origina .representation over 15, Mrs Robert Retch e, under 15, Nor ma Elston; best dressed couple under 15, Linda and Dale Rat cliffe, 15 or over, Mrs. Lloy Smith and Rosemary Smith. Oldest skater, Ceeil Camm; youngest, Betty Sean Miller; best clown, Dennis Webb; best comic, Frank Nairn; best comic couple, Ross McCurdy and Jack Switzer; best skating couple, 16 and under, Janice Webb, Ralph Hern; best skating couple over 16, Norris Webb and Mrs. John Redd, ,Largest family en skates, Webb family; largest waistline, man, Ross McCurdy, lady, Mrs. Jack Switzer. Races: boys 10 and under, Fred Cowdry, Walter Langford; girls, 10 and under, Linda Rat- cliffe, Barbara 13rookshaw; boys, 11 to 13, Merray Stephens, Jack Nairn; girls, 11 to 13, Ruth Miller, Somme Webb; boys, 14 to 16, Ralph Hern, Ray Miller; men, over 16, Harold Levy, Reg McCurdy; women, over 16, Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, Norma Hern. The judges were John Stephen, Anderson' Mrs, Norman Amos, Kirkton; Mrs. Earl Watson, Third Line. Master of ceremonies for the evening was Norris Webb. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Wctodhem • United] Church was held on Wednesdayl evening. afie reports from all departments were encouraging and Armed a year of steady pro- gress. The financial..report$ given showed a total of $6,811.85 raised for all purposes including:- local church purposes' $3,738.00; Sun- day Schol $.824A0; M. and M. Fund $803.85; Women's Mission- ary Society $781,18; Women's Association $586.42. L. Thacker was re-elected to - the boded of sessioh and no changes were made in the board of stewards or board Of trustees. Peesonal Items Mr. and Mrs. jack Stephens and Donald had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leslie, Doti and Sack, Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Rhiel and family, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Veal and family, Of St, Mary, Miss Elaiet Hansen, Stratford, Mr .and Mrs.John Tipping, 1Voodharn, Mt., and Mrs, Harvey Dunnell, Eighth Line, on Sunday: Norris Webb, Jim Miller, Law- rence Copeland a Roe cied the sheer sponsored by the Crop Im- provement Association at the , Exhibition Greunds, Torento, on Tharday. Mr. and 1,111, Murray May of Byron visited Sunday with Mr. and IlerS, LawretieeCopelAnd, Mrs, Norris Webb, Michael and Julie spentThursday With her sister, Mrs. GeorgeJal1, Mr. Bali aitd le of Dtrndas. Ross and Red McCurdy Were First spinster: "I just bate to think of my.,youth.'' Second spinster: "Why, what hAepened:?' spinster: "Nothing",. etiremffernersrtweallswii• EXETER CO-OP P ROGR ESSIVE Euchre and Social Evening LEGION HALL, EXETER 'Thurs. Feb. 7 830 pan. Everybody Welcome Ladies Bring Lunch .1111.do•iem, ANNUAL MEETIN of the -Kirkton- Wtioahaill Farmers' Club ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Wed, Feb. 13, at 200 p,m, ?Or the Purpose of receiving the financial Report, Audit- otV-Iteport, -Mecum). ei Of, fleets and any other busi- Which may come before meeting, All Members urged to atterid„ n SWITZglt Pteatident T. ALVIN cucto, Steretary-Treaatirer • 0 a Zutich the instruments" norformano and was geing to go aimed wit ins handling . tests, ti.nese tee inveleree -wetchmg the pollee ance ot the Aireraft ,M varlet! flight Altitudes. AOC! with varyth power .settiegs. Climbieg an eliding,. etalls and turns, spie encl. aeronatic manoeuvres. A.. had to be checked thoroughly, Into tho Stoil ii the tures, control was posi- aye and the .respoope. to applied. pressure was geed. With. the ale - Meter reading, 6,300 feet, the- -throttle was pulled back tee' big Pratt an Whitney en.gine was icleog and the propeller became - visible travelling threuge its ore. At the same tinie, the pilot pulled back on his control -column to increase the angle of attack of the aircraft. The airspeed fell away rapidly' from 110 knots At which hn had been cruising. As the .abeerafte approached its stall- ing speed, a 'tremor ran through the .airframe, The -beneficial, lilt- ing flow of air over. tee wings and tail reduced', and the contro1. sur- faees became slack ant lifeless. With a ehudder, the right wing dropped, and then the note. of the aircraft fell off from its high attitude. As the nose fell, the view ahead .of -clear blue sky was re- placed by a vision of snow covered fields, .and. the curve of the shoe line. The airspeed in- creased again and, as we pulled 'out of our -dive, poi -Peer - was Applied And normal flight was re- sumed. The stalls. were repeated with power on and off, and with the -wheels and flaps both - lowered and retracted. Throfigh- out the -manoeuvres, centre and, recov.ery were normal. We ensured that our gyro com- pass -and horizon -were caged and locked to prevent their being toppled, and rendered useless, and once more pulled off power 111 preparation for -a spin, It was *decided that our first spin should be to the left, The approach to this manoeuvre is the seine as for a stall. And. Then Some,Spins 0, petehele tile airspeed built up n rapidiYi end tile halide 011 the •altimeter whirled around the face a the dial as our preelous alti. s tude raPiellY decreased. g After four full turns, the cote a trots were centralized. Tee tear- y, The Management of the Zurich IS vard eoptinued le wincl up brief' rebrtlar 0 VW When t teams were disqualified :rem ' further coinpetition lalat year be- tause of poor nierlagenient, (Neither team was able to pro. duce player certificates for the boys) The suppesetlly* peer hospital, ity shown the Lucan Midgets in Zurich did not affect the play- ers,' but their coach, who be came unruly in refusing to ae cept plaYeff mangementh frei a representative of the Zurich Club aeting for the group cep - Sports Department, gseter Thries-Advocatt, Exeter, Ontario, Tnis is a letter replying to the charges thrown at us by the Lucan arena manager in last week's paper. ' y en wo Liman Minor ilOckeY 11 VI ceased abruptly,and we -w pointing our blunt nose towa the rapidly approaching earth a straight dive. Easing bitck the stick, the pilot pulled out Jus. dive and reapplied his pow as the aircraft regained iepositi of level flight, During the recovery from t dive, as "G" forces were applie to our bodies, we experienced sensatioe of great weight. Eve physical moverneet required maximum 0 effort, Our hea felt heavy and uncontrollabl while our eyes felt Its though they were trying to bulge from their sockets, Now A Serie, of Rolls Reaching 6,000 feet ggain, the pilot performed a series of rolls In this manoeuvre, the nose the aircraft is dropped to allow the airspeed to build up to 160 knots. Power is left on during this brief cleseent. As soon as the re- quired airspeed is achieved, the pilot pulls back on the stick, and brings the aircraft to the inverted position at the • top of a loop. However, instead of pulling through to complete the loop, if the stick it pushed•hard to the left or right and a little rudder is applied in thee same direction the aircraft will roll out ofits inverted attitude .and resume normal level flight. We performed several of thoe rolls, and during the gourse of them, it wasenttresting to, watch the 'Way in which land and sky will temporarily reverse positions, and then rotate suddenly in front of you and resume their normal POsiutir9lifsi.nal 'manoeuvre for th test was a series of loops, Her again, we were to experience th strange effect of being able t apparently look down eieneath our aircraft and see a blank blue void, while immediately above our heads. was the multi -colored expanse of earth and water. An- other unusual effect which is ex- perioced at the top of the loop, in inverted flight, is the apparent weightlessness of the body when the force of gravity is reversed. For a very brie instent, gravity acts upward to your relative position. You hang upside 'down in your Wain with a feeling that should you release yourself, you will float away. Then as the note goes down and you start to dive moves down in front of your eyes like a great colored curtain, and, r.truepspheets. i;lticee iakhyovli,kou.into its and comfortable, despite an out. With the nose held high, and side temperature reading of the aircraft shudde i d h mg at .the bre* of stall, the rtieder was shoved, hard to the left, and the pilot pulled the stick back hard into his stomach. The Harvard staggered in the air for a split second, and then the stalled left wing whipped down sharply, The ground far below e many degrees below zero. All instrument readings were normal. g ald the cockpit heatei,. blew a, ; stoney current of warm air about c our feet and legs, Over the :inter- com system,. we ensured that our 1 shoulder harness and lan straps were secured, and that the my- _ ing halves of the canopy were seen through the windshield in , locked. • front of us took on a kaleido- _ The pilot advised that he had scopic effect of violently whirling e completed all his aerial tests of brown, grey, black and white • ucan Distnct .News doevnefroni your loop, the earth 9rue tOlinuuridelfrusuteikn9ar 01-vCilitlYbs thaerye sbould rd he The recipient$' of inelicioue in publicity !rem the manager of on the lehae Areea, especially of er • he Town Topics. d Mrs, Wm, May- left Wearier gar, to spend eolith Utile in F10.- .4 ds Miss Pat elopeer, student nem e of Hamilton_ General Hospital, Is spending a few days with her parents, Mr.,. and Mrs, g, R. .Uoppor Alr, and Mrs, Sam Elliott, Milford, Mice., visited this week with Mr. and -Mrs. Jack . Elliott And other relatives, of _ Miss Marion. Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walicer, who has, been quite ill at eer home is making a speedy re- covery: Messrs. Frank and Harold Taylor visited the forepart of the week with the former's brother, Jack, who is quite 111 in Ford Hospital,' Detroit, . Mr. Morley .Sanders of Sale D,H,S, teaching staff was called to jury duty at Goderich Tues- day and Thursday of this week. Mrs.' Busche of Ceutralia sup, plied during his absence, , Miss Dorothy Melee of Ar - spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maier, Dashwood, Miss Marie Hodgson e Mac- Donald Institute Guelph visit- ed fore the weekend with her par- e ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hodg- e son. e Mrs. J. H. Debridge returned 0 from St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don on Wednesday and is re- cuperatieg at her home, lemabie.le s,am 'Lawson, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Alderson ail& Hamil- ton visited with her parents, - ors with Mr: and Mrs. D. Hein- buch, • Sanders St. of.Stratford were* Sunday visit - Miss Leona Alderson, Hamil- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Tieman Crediton, had the misfortune to fall on in eomheii ilceeg,. tearing the ligaments Mr. Lloyd Stanlake is spend- ing -two weeks With friends in Sum merside, 'F.B.I. Mr. Percy McFalls returned Mrs. Barry Whetton of Hamil- Lonclon, the guest of Mrt. Alex iforro.m St. Joseph' Hospital, Hofpital, Lon - Street visited on Thursday in ton spent the week -end with Mr's., Charles Harris. ' Reeder And Mrs. Chester Tay - proved in health. Lon- don last Wednesday much im- Mrs. Bessie Taylor, Nelson . .Miss Olive Woos], Toronto and Mrs. Williani Murdock, Dundee spent the Week -end in Exeter, Miss Margaret Brown is vi- siting for two weeks in Hamil. ton. Mrs. W. J. Beer arid Mr. Mau- rice Quance _of town left Mon. lay to visit their sister Mrs. C. e. Patterson at Holywood, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Westeott and Mr. Roylance Westcott mo- tored to Detroit on Saturday to attend the funeral of the late Mr. Charles Koeltzow, Mr. L. 3. Penhale left on Wed- nesday/ to visit with his daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrt. Keith Colby, Victoria,. Australia. . Car Accident 1 Mr. Harold Morgan vvho oper ates a TV store in Lucan wa admitted to St. Joseph's Ilos pital, London, early Suridas morning but wat released afte treatment. While coming home from Lon don about 2.45 a.m. his ca climbed about 12 feet up th steel railing on the 13rougliclal bridge on Richmond St. North and crashed back to the stree rolling on its side. Herlick.Chisholm , Mrs. Irving Gibson and Mrs: I Bob Coleman of Lucan and Mrs, s Frank Coatee of Exeter were _ Friday guests or Mrs. Rithard Dickins of Exeter: ✓ Mrs. T. J3rooke, Mr. Grant Brooke and Mrs. Harold Mc- _ Falls on Monday attended the ✓ funeral of Mrs. Brooke's nepli- e e*, Jimmie Ford at Exeter. - e Stanley Whitehead, son of Mr, , and Mrs. Gordon Whitehead, en - t tertained• five 'of his boy erten& at his eighth birthday last Sun- day. Mrs. D. J. Porter,„ nee Jean. 7 r Bond,. of Camp Borden was t rushed, last Friday, "to Alliston g Hospital with ruptured eppendix. Mr, Wet Atkinson spent last - weekend in London the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs.. Harold :Ilodgins t, spent Sunday in London, the guests of Mr.' and Mrs. Arnold Oh Friday, January 25,• 'at o'clock St. John the Eyangelis Church, London, was the settin for the wedding of Maureen Ger aldine Chisholm and Robert Wil fred eferlick. • The „bride is the ,daughter the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Gelber G; Chisholm, (the former form erly of Lucan) and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.John Hulick of Stratford, e ,soria ems Miss Gertrude White who eas been staying with' Mrs. Geor,,ge in Parkhill has entered the Mc- Cormick Hohle, London. The continuous clearly zero weather has kept Lucan's flood- ed areas frozen and has given the children aeother week of out. door skatihg. Mr. Alex Young of the-Luca/1 Fire Department last Monday At- tended the annual meeting cif the Middlesex •County Mutual Aid Fire Service Association in London's Florence Street fire hall. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sprague and son spent Sunday in.Wileon Grove 1 the guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and lVirs. 3. Lukings. 1. Mr. Merton Culbert arid iiepe ew, Terry Culbert, made a 'bust - nese trip to Termite lett Satur- day. 1 Mr. and Mrs.: Sheridan Rev- ; ington and family were Sunday guests of Mrs, Once Welbourn of London. ' 1 Rev. A. A. Nield of Ailsa Craig look the communion service at Holy Trinity *Church last &ri- dgy owing to illnest- at the ree- tdry., t Mrs. C, F. tengforch of Tom - to spent last weekend with Me. and Mrs. John Casey. *' Mrs. Lewis .Abbott and daugh- ter of London were Saturday guests of Mise Hattie Hodgins. Once agaiii. lot Friday night, it wat two :Liman boys', Don Lankin and Paul Conlin, who kept Medway unbeathe in the Londoe and District Cenferente Rimer Hockey when they defeat- ed Cathelit Cote! 44. Dori stored three goals and Paul the Other one. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leroy jtevieg- Lon and Stephen were guestt at the secOnd , birthday patty of Peter Culbert, sinall son of Mr. and Mrs Me Culbert. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frd Of Detroit were weekend guest of Mrs. Irene Coursty. Miss Joan Hedging left by train last Satukclay for Still- vvater, Oklahoma where she will be the 'guest of Dr. and Mrs, Ed Blevms (nee Helen Howard) for the next two Weeke. Mr. George Dols -oft WIM has been stayingwit M and Mrs. Harold itibson. for the past rriohtlf hat returned to Hamilten, A Mr. Don Corman, who has at. cepled a position with the Ilder- ton Co-op moved to Ilderton lett Friday ahd Mr, Richard Davis who bought Mr. 'COririttn's new home George St. moved in en Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Adhesive *he purehased the home of Mrs. C. li, Porth* Main St. north, moved in last Vetkend. Mr. and Mrs. tob COICtilan pent last Sunday with Mt, and Mrt, W. W. Garrett and 'family, otcasion being Mrs. We* iti A tee biethd A y. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Grose and gamily last Sunday visited Mrs, Greedee Moteee, Mee,. °sear. tiodgitas, who is looking after two elderly ladies In Strathroy. Three Liman boys, Don Lan - kin, Jack Park and Clifford Acheson were the three goal -get - ten last Tueeday AMA' at the' Queen's Park Arena when Med-, way Jrs, wore their fifth' tehe secutive game by • defeathig Clarke Road 2.1 • Mrs. C. F. Langford of TOron- to, Mr. an'd Mrs. Chas Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. Johil 'Casey of Luean attended the funeral of Mr. Gordon. Hunter; (brOther- in- law of Mrs. Casey's) in Exe- ter last Monday and Mrs. Janes Hodgins and Mrs. Bob Coleman Visited the funeral home oh Sure ; day, Mrs, Coleman staying over to visit her sister Mrs, Frank Coates. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith , spent lot Wednesday in ttock-, wood and Drayton bringing home. Ir. and , 6 ar ane he -have been making an ex. ended visit with friends And rel.; atives there, guests of IVIr, and Mrs, Jack W Swif2er on Sunday. Miss Barbara Enowles, of St. Marys, 'vas a weekend visitor with Shirley Rundle, Mrs, Morphy, Donald, John and Nelson, also tarry Slade, were weekehd visitors in Toro-, to ,witii Dr. Mepliv. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy were Sunday afternoon guests with Mr, and Mrs, Prettozi Me- risen, - Mr .and Mrs, 36lut todd visit. •ct with Miss ;lean SWUM Uri Me. it, Staitort on Sunday, Mrs, Fred Doane and Mrs, Ira McCord* recelyed word of the ttftath of their aunt. Ivirs. George Aberneathy, ,of Toronto. 1Vos, Aberneatho was the former Miss .Ftstels Mr. end Mrs. Zolin Tappinq and family gotta SAturday with Si. Mr. Tiepin -tee parents, Mt. mid' se Mrs. Ed Tippingi Mondale. .11 Mrs. Irving Gibson and grand - MT, Bonnie Wbodward, Were guests of Mr. and lefts, Wilmer! Jones of Kippen. ode dee last Week, , Mr. C. W. Parkinson of ,C01. lingwoocl eallecryin Lttean friends Teat week, Rev. T, P. Thompson and fa - mils, who have bean living in the home of the late Mrs. It, S,eale MOved last Friday into the home of Mr. IlarrY Arnold. I Mr. and Mrs. George tactilc! and family of Waterloo were s Sunday guest of Mr. and Clare:the Hardy and family, 1 t Ur. Wanly' Heruk who lefts 0.11, the Sauble hill is new a eht St. Joseph,. Ms son; Is abie to be bitek to fool sifter three Weekva skit- k eSS., • V • into Aelelickout Recovering from your steep dive, • you :experience again the foreep exerting pressure on you, squeezieg yeti down into your seat, If you black out, as I did durinig one recovery, you may enjoy the unusual experience of seeing the InstruMent panel in front oi you, apparently receding swiftly into a great grey distance. The whole panel), with its con- glomeration oe, instruments, ap- pears to rush away froni you, los- ing size with perfect eerspectiv'e Until it rests in a minute distAnce. Then, just as swiftly, it returns, and there it is in front of you win, close enotigh ' to be touched. You toueli it to make sure, and it is quite real! On returning to the world, you find that once again you are cruising straight and level in the warm, bright sunlight. The:pilot esquires how you feel. With non- chalant braeado, you assure elm that you never thlt better, and agree with him that that lasl: loop was very gentle. Yes, yeti agree, you most certainly, did feel the Alight bump as .we struck our own slipstreem zit the bottom of the loop. You \vender why „he grille as he turns to look at ybu. Mel tell him thing Re muSt fiever know that you Slept throfigh the sinoothett loop of the hunting The test was complete. We flew back in leisurely faahioxi, descending gradually to circuit altitude, folloveleg the arrow - 'straight line of No. 83 Highway. We pasted over Daehwoocl at 4,000 feet. The little town sprawl - leg and somnolent, basked ni the unliinited sunlight, itemihdfill of the disturbing growl of Out engine everh,ead. Cetitralia control :tower' eleared us into the circuit, We lined up on final on the "live" runway. Throttled back, we lest height rapidly and watched. the taineee tthat un to moot us. Our nese lift- ed in a round -out, A burst of 00wer, and thee, with a Slight squeal 'of tire e ahd A gentle shock, we .were relling dime fel the turnoff' petite:0. The traffie marshaller on the line Signalled us into our perking position. We shut down, released ourselves from our onfining stratIS and walked hito the flight office, een mute to twice, toffee, and the tyPeWriter. Comments Abobt , Cronniarty MRS K. MekELLAR Mrs. W. Martin, who has heel?' visiting with her daughter end son.in•Taw, Mr. Red Mrs, Frank Hairelton, has moved to her neW home in tioter. Miss Marilyn Sorditteta and Mr, Ciltininghant, 'OettrgetOWn, spent the wheled with Mn. and Ales, JIM RaffiteY- Mr, and Mrs. Atte Crege kid Mrs, nuby Ronny, St. Marys, visited en Sunday •evening with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MeLach- ion. • Mr, ledenirie lloste• Met with an Ateident en Tuetiley melting while working in the hav. itig had A toe SeVered With „Ilia *Me • , Newa cars on Canadian NatiOn- al Railway lines are the auto- mobile *transporters, largest in the freight .equipment roster. They are fedi long, 161/2 feet high and carry eight autos on two levels. • vener, At two group meetings representetlyesbah Lucan Minor teams felled to be in,at. tendance, therefere playoff ar- rangements yere given te Zur- ich representatives to convey to the Lucan management, Hereby the Maregement of Zurich. IVIInor Hockey tearnS fail to see mew a management with so little interest in their minor teams so as to not attend group meetings should direct slander - at another club. -- At ,ne time in the past two years has Zurich Midgets had any success in trying to arrange games with Lucan midgets who are .playing in two different leagues and treating the WOAA League as if they can play in it when it suits them best. Yours belly, ' Zurich Minor Hockey Club E. Yungblutt H. TurIcheim M. Schilbe COMING EVENTS VALENTINE DINNER, Greed Bend United rChurch basement, leieday, February 15, 5.30 p.m. Everybody welcome; 7 SNOWBALL FROLIC, sponeored by Ladies Legion Auxiliary, 011 Wednesday, February 20. Lloyd Wright and his Club 10 Orches- tra. 70 AlerENTION —Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital — a Membership Tea will be held February 15. Please note detail- ed announcement in another column. , 7c REGULAR MEETING of the Ex- eter Home and School Associa- tion will be held on Tuesday, February le at 7:45 p.m. There will be public speaking by Gracie 6 students. The inspectorate finals of the spelling contest will be part of this meeting. Please note the time is 7:45. 7 VALENTINE DANCE, Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton, Friday, February 15, Bob Scott and his orchestra. eter Home arid School Aessecia- s ANNUM. MEETING — The Ex- eter Community Credit Union wishes to inform you as a mem- ber of the annual meeting in the Exeter 'Legion Hall,. Febru- ary 12, 8:30 pen. M. Dickson, District Credit -Union League representative, will be gueet speaker. you are urged to at- tend to hear of the year's pro, press. Election of officers. 7c DANCE — F.riday, .Feeritary 15, Mt. -Carmel Hall, • Desjardine't Orcestra. • * 7e Valentine •• TEA • . and •BAKE SALE Sat. :February 9 3,00 CENTRAL HOTEL ' DOCinrl' 'Hido yo tt-to u.lipiti bouts 0 .giddinesil,...Mrs1/ J.1 * ."1 should say not. :1). respectahlA Married WOMAO-am .Membeiship. Tea .LADIES AUXILIAItY TO, WI" .HURON .HOSPITAL . • Tuesday, :Feb 12 130 pm% AUKIIJARY ROOMS ••PItOGRAM e SPECIAL SPEAKER Ali intereated ladi6S tx- eter and District are iffirited to attend. Your Support is solicited or expanding wet.* ef AuXiliary, • ,Lyric heotre PHONE 421 ' Previewl Canning Attraetioris' THURS., FRI. & SAT. February 7, II and t • "FRANCES IN THE ' HAUNTED HOUSE" *' Mickey Reiner . * Virginia Wills MON., TUES. & WED,. Febrpary 11,. 12 mild 13 "ALL THAT HEAVEN • ALLOWS" - .* Jen. Wymin * Rock Hull$0.6 — COMING February 14, 13. and 13 "LOVE ME TENDER" * Elvis Preeley * 'poise/ Pii0 Exeter • Arena Schedule Thursday, February 7 8:16-7:00—cinteilta vs. teeter - we-eel:ft • .' f riday,. February 4:00.0:00—Sketing • • MINOR HeetSey Natimv, 7:304:36—H salsa 11 vs, Exeter , Pee Wets 836--Kitchastier Mantants Exater bentemi SafUrday, February 9 1i:004:00—Wings v$., Herradte • .0100.10:00—F1 Ode VS, ethers 10:00.11:00—Flyers via Reyeke 1100.4:00—Wee Wit agues-6de 1 :06.2:45—Pu blie 3:15.515—Fig ure *Wain ak:00.10:00—riublle Wen • Sunday, February 10 12:00-E:00--MeliSyck Orectlee anoomeALL 2a6o.eaeleeeteeeoeis `vs. ‚melee/ea eiceeeioe—Kiesmen vi. Ades 4:13.5:15—eigure seating Men deeloYo—' s'Ficiebt re"1_611'.1r " 7 :00-11 :00-11.C,AA`. Ttioday, February. 12 ea3o.seeeeesee We. Peassles 4;00.7:00).—Floure Ski1P011 8:30—Strottferd, 1 Otitis Sponsored by the Women vd, miea.elof Exhiblt(611) Auxillari of Trivitt Church 's Wednesday, February 13' 2:00.1i :01 --eta at lei it:eh:Hon Farinekil Form :Business Aitancigozeiiien..t....ctiools. • Feb. 12, 13, 14, - Community Hall, Wroxeter Legion Hall, Exeter • Feb. 19, 20, 21, 0. Memorial Hall, Blyth Community Hall, Zurich Feb. 24, 27, 28, Parish Hall; Dungannon' . St. Thomas Hall, Seaforth 1:10 PIA:- 430 P.M. bath day, At these meetings, factors effecting farm busitiesS will be dis cussed, learn how to properly analyst your own butinest. The value Uf keeping farm records and how to interpret these results to th t bat advantage will be part 6f the program, rarm oredit, .prices, budgeting etc, will be amongst the important topics Ott the agenda. The summarized cost of production figures for 1956 from the inettibers bi the North and South Huron Fenn Managernent 2SstociatiOris will also be distributed and analyzed, • Farmers are i;vited to attend thd:School df their choice FOR ALL THREE (3i AFTERNOONS. solte!,,eing pond, COnle Oral:Wed to dO 36111. faurh G. W.. MontoitiM0v, • Assisfsni Agricultural nogresentativa • AirricuItutat Roaeittenfifive for Huron Counfy, for Huron Cetittiy. Car, HAtviV tedwoll, ti,iedinsfor Patti Menegemont service* Qeoiffniwit ottfielo AOHeultural C01.01, Gu00,1 'begl0fMfattt 0 Afritulfuto CUT OUT THIS AO 'AND kfteP FOR ikUltilHO *PIM Met s. Et eh a ag A EA giv per visi Llo. J�h son Elite is S epell • The S.S. other torat win • $10 1 Ins to- tri; the tt was c spe Schoe Exete 25 we conte$ last w an or OutlaS spathe Run and petitic 'Exetei, will at the Mardi Leo E. Ne Ilura nounca IL has 1) the pc The sin ar ary Mr, justice Others' and A Natigh served years Red M 1956. A n with t eets years. 1948,,