The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-02-07, Page 3NOTICE RE:
to Of Air Rifles
It is ;'against the law for anyone under thd age of
14 yearsJo own. or buy ammunition fot air rifles or
air pistols.:
It is. also ,against the law for anyone to discharge
any firearm;` in the Corporation without special
permission to 'protect persons and property.
This-law will be strictly enforced by the police.
R. E. POOLEY, Mayor
Maltese Family Unit
In New Exeter Home
See Increase In Salaries
s Teacher Supply Short
Exeter PS
Ups Wages
Exeter Public School Board
raised minimum salary of te-
lltale teachers Monday night to
make them equal to those of
male instructors.
The change, required by the
government's equal,pay-for-equal-
work legislation, brings base
salary for all teachers to $2,40Q,
The maximum was raised to
Salaries of Principal A. 13,
Idle and Vice-Principal Mrs. R,
D. Jerrnyn were raised $200,
Teachers automatically receive a
$200 increment each year.
Caretakers Glenn McKnight
and Luther Reynolds were award-
ed $200 increases, bringing their
salaries to $2,600 and $2,200 re-
Board members ruled Monday
night that complaints from par-
ents would have to be made in
writing or. in person to the board.
The decision .resulted from dis-
cussion over anonymous com-
plaints concerning hours when
school doors are opened. Parents
Protested their children were
being kept out in inclement
The board gave Principal Idle
complete supervision over the
opening of doors. If parents feel
their children should he allowed
to enter the school earlier, for
some unusual° reason, the princi-
pal should be notified according-
ly so that arrangements can be
The board ruled that any com-
plaints from parents should be
directed to the principal. If
satisfaction was not , obtained,
then the complainant may pre-
sent his case to the board either
in 'person or in writing.
Principal Idle announced that
the school hopes to present a
variety concert to observe Edu-
cational Week, March 3 to 9.
Purchase of a floor waxer for
$330 was authorized.
Chairman W. G. Seldon presid-
Exeter council is considering
purchase of a bulldozer to ope-
rate its garbage disposal pro-
Representatives attended the
the Good Roads convention in
Toronto this week to see equip-
ment being offered by manu-
The machine is required to
dig ditcheg, pack garbage and
cover it at the town's disposal
ground in Hay township.
Sonic of this work has been
done by private contractors 'but
Councillor Ross Taylor said re-
cently it was costing the town too
Much money. The trenches dug
for garbage disposal are filling
up too quickly because council
has no means of packing it.
Your Library
English Family
— Continued from Page 1
on a strict note of respectability
and responsibility. The children
and I have been brought up with
the religious faith in the Church
et England in which we take ac-
tive interest, socially and
Godbeer wrote the letter after
reading an article in the city's
newspaper about the "Little
Godbeer And Family
Exeter in Canada." The paper
published four photographs show-
ing Trivitt Memorial Chureh,
Riverview Park, and signs at the
entrance to the town. The pic-
tures were provided bY Mr. AS
Mr4:p. Taylor, of 'Exeter, Eng-tandr who recently Spent a year
visiting relatives in Canada.
Mayor Pooley, himself a native
of Devon, said he'd be happy to
forward any offers of accommo-
dation to Godbeer, who was born
in Exeter and has been an
"Exonian" all his life.
The Englishman enclosed a
picture of himself and his two
children, and offered to supply
any additional information about
himself upon request.
May Buy
Make Some Dandy Trades
How About You?-
L.S.M.F.T. •
'56 FORD RANCHWAGON, like new llllll $2,695
'154 MONARCH HARDTOP, automatic .„. 2,095
'54 MONARCH SEDAN, automatic ll 1,895
'55 FORD COACH, a beaut 1;795
'55 FORD COACH, see this one 1,695
'56 CONSUL, only 8,000 miles lllll ..„ lllll 1,395
'53 FORD SEDAN, new motor, overdrive 1,295
'52 METEOR COACH, a nice one , 1;095
'51 FORD SEDAN, your choice
'51 CHEVROLET COACH llllllllllllll llllll .....,..
'50 FORD COACH, needs motor work
'54 DODGE 4-TON DUMP 2, 500 II
The following 30-day units to be
per day until sold:
'52 FORD SEDAN 11,24
'53 FORD SEDAN, nice
'52. PLYMOUTH COACH, lovely 875
'53 CONSUL SEDAN, a beautiful job - 785
Stop! Yoy're making me cry 525
'49 OLDS SEDAN 440
'50 AUSTIN SEDAN, a cheapie 115
Larry Snider Motors
Ford -Monarch Dealer
'54 FORD 3-TON DUMP, your choice 2,195
'53 FORD 3-TON, new motor 1,795
'49 MERCURY 1-TON 450
reduced $10
Thum Price
Auxiliary Hears
Formosa Story
Mrs: Alex Ranson presente
the study on "The church in
South East Asia" dealing with
the work in Formosa at the
meeting of the Evening Auxil-
iary of Main' Street United
church on Monday evening.
Mrs. Mervyn Jones conduct-
ed the devotional Period assist-
ed by Mrs. Harold Skinner and
Mrs. Percy Merkley. Mrs. Frank
Wildfong contributed a piano
Mrs, Cecil Wilson president,
conducted the business. It' was
decided to extend an invitation
to the choir to be their guests
at dinner this month and to pre-
pare a layette allocated by Hur-
on presbyterial to be forwarded
to a mission field in Canada.
, HUMP District High
School Hoard may have, to.
crease tea chers' salaries more than the $300 increment provided
for in the schedule, it was in-
dicated at .the board's meeting Tuesd.ay. night,
A survey reveals only one-half
of the new teachers required in
the province for the next term
will be available in September,
High school boards are einected to raise minimum salaries to. compete for the supply, The
scramble will start March 1,
when boards are allowed to start
making oficrs to prospects.
The local board instructed its.
management 'committee, under
W. F, B. MacLaren, Grand Bend,
to investigate the situation and
bring in.- salary recommenda-tions at the next Meeting.
Caretakers at the school were
awarded an increase from 90
cents to $1,00 an. hour,. Three men. affected are M, Beater,
Gordon Parker and Russ Coiling-
wood, The board provided the
raise in place of adding- another
man to the staff to take care
of, extra cleaning required with
the opening of the addition.
AOTS To Back
Ministry Studies
At a special business meeting
of the A.O,T.S. men's club of
James St. F United Church on
Monday evening it was decided
to start a fund for a candidate
of the church for the ministry
to be used in defraying his edu-
cation expenses.
It 'was voted to donate $100
to Goderich Summer School with
a possible additional donation
later and $50 was given to Mc-
Kinnon House, London. your fingertips
The Preman's hat is a syMbol of protection,
So is your fire insurante policy,
When fire strikes, alert firemen are seen on their way,
accepting risks themselves to protect your life and pritiparty.
And when fire strikes, fire insurance steps in to
offset disastrous financial lost.
Every week, some 1,400 fires break out °crass Canada..
CoMpanies writing fire insurance pay out More than
one hundred million dollars annually in clainis. And yet virtuotty
all the fires whith take the lives of mere thee
SOO' Canadians each year. are preventable.
Fire insurance sisfeguards your property.
But only you con guarantee against loss of life,
Safety pays MtVeS liveS, helpi
to lower your insurantis costs. Ite Careful,
efl Wulff tit me* thiot ted aiperemathe 0004.4 Pies, Automobile ant tiolant iisssiaitiO4
Y'.111 tttt lllllllllllllll lllllll lllll llllllllllllll lllll pliwirminiginuf l
000000000 11 000 1 0000000 11 000000000 I 00000 1 000000 1 000000000 o 1.1 oo 00000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111
V111111.1 ttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttt 1 ttttttttttttttttt t 1111 ttttttttttt 11111 tttttttt 111111111111111 ttttt 11 ttttt 11111111 ttttt
Damage amounted to $85 when
two cars collided at the inter-
section of Highways 4 and 83 on
Percival H. Campbell, ILE, 1,
Exeter, who had been traveling
east on made a right-hand
turn onto No. 4 and collided with
a car driven by Louis Farrell,
R.R. 1, Grand Bend, which was
turning frorh No, 4 to 83.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , 00000 , oo ,, o im lllll 1 o i 000 11111 0000000 1111111011iiiiiiiiiiiii o I ll 1 ll 1 lllll 111111iilliiimmiliiiiimiiiii1111111, ,i
14'4.4 66 ELECTRICAL
Phone. 38
And Get Less?
Chase & Sanborn, 2 Oz, Jar 550.
Miracle Whip, 16 Oz. Jar .....„. 490
NibletS, 14 Oz. Tins l 2 for 350
Large 48 -Oz. Tin ,..,,,,.,,.1.x,,...,,11. 370
Price . ll . llll lll , ll 4 Lbs., $1.00
Why Pay More
Hunter - Duvar
•.Two Girl Guides
Win Gold Cords
Two. Girl :Guides from this area
won •their gold cords . .highest
award of the organization, at
Stratford Saturday,.
Margaret Sanders, Exeteri.Whe
has been chosen to attend the
world' camp this summer,- and
Gwen Speneer, liensali, passed
tests ,adminstered by district
G uide
The girls will receive their
cords at a preVinCial conference
this year.,
Huron re e v es 'interviewed
Health Minister Dr. MacKinnon
Phillips Tuesday to lend weight
to Tom Pryde's campaign to
bring the $4000,040 schobl for
retarded children to the minty.
Phillips was reported sympa-
thetic but made no promises,
The reeves compriSed the dele-
gation appointed by Huroneounty
coin-mil to support M. Prycle's
arguments for legation of the
school here,
Included in the group were
William McKenzie, Exeter; Jack
Morrissey, of Stephen; Valentine
Becker, Hay; and Harvey Cole-
man, Stanley,
Reeves Plea
For School
Fresh Ground, Lb, ......„ llllll lll 990
12 Oz. lllll 330
20 Oz, Tins 2 for 370
High Quality Protein Cereal 270
1 tin Arrnstreng's Floor 'Cleaner
free with the purchase of 1 qt.
Armstrong's Liquid Wax . lllll „„ 990
—Continued from Page 1
privilege of walking them home
so they wouldn't get lost. On the
second day, they were invited to
a birthday party.
"I like Canada," enthused 11-
year-old Pauline. And her nine-
year-old brother, Alfred, agrees
wholeheartedly. So does 19-year-
old Mary, who hopes to resume
her nursing career here soon.
Another member of the family,
Tony, has been at Centralia with
his father for several years. A
talented musician, Tony is assist-
ing the junior band here.
The Aquilinas have three other
boys, one ,in the British Navy,
another in the British Arnity, and
a third in Australia.
The Aquilinas' former home
was in Valletta, the island's capi-
tal; a city of 35,000 people. From
their living room, they looked out
over the sea where the world's
ships passed by on their way to
the Suez.
Temperatures never gets below
50 degrees, and farmers harvest
two crops of the best potatoes in
the world. They also grow straw-
berries, oranges, a bit of wheat
and all fruits.
All the houses are made of
stone and none have furnaces.
The more elaborate ones have
The country has two official
languages — Maltese and English,
— which are taught from kinder-
garten on. The children had little
difficulty with language when
they arrived here.
During the war, half of the
island was destroyed by German
Board Approves
— Continued irom Page 1 ,
and flood control project for the
Provide 40 Million . Gallons
"The P.U.C. is led to believe
from reliable engineering sources
that the Morrison Dam will pro-
vide a reservoir • of some 40,000,-
000 gallons of water all of which
will be 'available to the town
during the dry summer Months.
The town. and the Authority
have entered into an agreement
whereby the town is :permitted
to use all the above water at its
discretion during the pericia
mentioned. This agreement runs
for a period of 4Q years and is
renewable at the end of the
"Another very important far.,
for 'which has made the need
for extra water supply keenly
felt in the community is that
the Canadian Canners plant at
head office have, advised that
they are prepared to carry out
very' extensive . enlargements to
the present plant provided 'of
course that a guaranteed supply
Of water may. be had. Such a
proposal, would of great ben,..
efit to 'the .town of Exeter and
likewise to the surrounding mun-
icipalities in which the many
crops Are grown."
At the present time, Exeter
receives its Water front two dif-
ferent sawed: three. arteSian •
wells and springs feeding the
Ausable river The pond- the
dam provides .another source of
water but hot for domestic con-
sumption. This supply is at pits-
ent after chlorination,. di-
rectly to', the plant of Canadian
-Canners Limited, not, for proces-
sing purposes but for tooling,
cleaning :and 'other- similar op-
111a.yor B. E. Poky,. Clerk .0.
V. Pieltard. and Authority Field-
man H. G. Hooke also spoke.
Present were members of
and "council and tl number of
bombers, who raided the island
night and day for three years.
During that time, the Aquiline
family, with the, other Maltese,
lived underground.
The island has many sandy
beaches where swimming is popu-
lar. Mrs. Aquiline says she
misses the sea the most — but
her husband reminds here there's
lots of water at near-by Grand
The country's national sports
are soccer and water polo. They
also enjoy horse racing.
Maltese' are a festive people,
and each of the 75 villages and
towns has its own special holiday
during the 'year. Music is the
popular art, and the island has
hundreds of large orchestras,
some among the best in .the
DanceS are popular —• there's
one every night. And guess who
is. the most popular recording
star in Malta? Elvis Presley
' One of the first performers the
children saw on TV was Elvis.
The two girls went "wild" with
Even Mr. Aquilino was sur-
prised at that.
Calling for tenders from local
contractors for conversion. of the.
music rpm to a science labora-
tory proved an ,economical move
on the part ,of the board.
The board recently rtjected an
estimate of $6,000 from a London
firm and asked for bids from.
Area contractors, Tuesday night they accepted the bid of Ed
Fink, HenSall„ for 92,949.
Other tenders included C. A.
McDowell .Company, $$,177;
Weber and Lindelifield, $3,485.
and McKay-Cocker, of London,
Contract for drapes for ,the
new addition was let to. .$mp-
— Continued from Page 2
10,000 new 'electric stoves, 14,-
000 refrigerators, 10,000 radios
arid 8,000 television sets and will
be Spending $28.000,000 a year
for food. This is just an eXamplc
of their Material influence net
mentioning the culture end skillS
they will have cOntributed,
In Vour Library is a boOk eft-
"We Cense Tie America"
whieh containS first hand at,
cotinta by New Canadians who
tattle to America to Make neW
lives for themselves and to help
make our . nation great,.
".I am living en_ God'S noble
and free .sOil" wrote a Swedish
settler ."Neither AM 1 a slave
unto Others, On the Contrary; I
am tny own Mager." With these
wet& he suirithed up the senti-
ments of the Stores of thouSandS
Of Men and Wenten 'Whe ,have
eethe to Ainetita te make A
'fresh Start in a neW land„
There Are in this beek tWenty7
five eiciting AtetnintS, rtiOst Of
theM first hand, by iminigrants
from as MAO, eeentries. Of '
theat Whet tell their Stories SOhle
became .groat and ..lailletts tri
their .adopted
Dadhc„ StatesMen, .Carl
8churt,. and surgeon. Max Thor.
ek. :Others found happiness and
rieW thoUgh -1.41110
rainained obscure. Vet they ill
Added to the tichoes.s. of Amer-
The writer .- of this anthology
is Franeta Cavanalt who Was
.eited for attaining &Whalen as
Writer And 'edit& Of books for
This, book ProveS interesting
nd Informative reading tam the
shelves of I'M& Library.,
Son's, London, for .$00.
nPpprritit,elLaial 1pf4„.uLuc, Sptucragiiit4s,.4i,o,09444S,:
was set off7el)trhn.earYlv:111, Inspector E. R. McClellan., Wecgl, stock, will be guest speaker.
petition 'will -be held. at the .
School en Tuesday, February A :
and that WOS.SA district finals .
will also :he held here :en Thurs-
day, February 14. Fourteen, stu-
dents from :S.K.D.ILS. are ,com.-peling.
Salk palie Vaccine Will be
given to students on February 11.
and TB tests will be given On Fehruary g7, _
The board, veted $1„00 toward
Prizes Of a one-day musie festi-val for the high school. For
Aeveral Years, the school has
competed in South Huron Music
Festival but it- has been discon-
tinued with the disbandment of
the liuronia Male Chorus.
'Chairman .rli, 1,, Snider was in
charge of the meeting. Nine .of
the 12 members were present.
W. PybuS,
Active In Church F r
William John PYhus, paSs-
cti away in South Unroll
pitai on Tuesday following An i
Siloess of three weeks there, !I Mr. Pybus was born near hir
Clgaelhurst and bad 'spent Ali Ids '1
life there until retiring to Ex- A eter Yeara ago. irie Was at, very'
active member of Chiselluirst !a.
church, being A member of the ..
trustee board And superintend-
ent .of. -the .Suride7 00991 for. ,1 over .3.4, years.
Since coming to Exeter in:1939
he Was meinber jaMeS St. , United ,ChurCh arid took .ao active
interest in the Seoior Ad.ult Sible Class .ano. WAS a teacher
for several years.
Surviving besides his wife, the former Elizabeth M. Johns, Are , one cl.aughter (Lucile) Mrs. Re-
bert Bragg of West Lorne; one
sister, Mary E.; one brother,
Rev, G. G, .P.y.bus, both of Ed..1 mouton, Alta.; two grandchild-
ren, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Lon-
den, and Bruce sragg, .of West
LQTrhnee. body is resting at the Hopper - Hockey .funeral home,
William St., where private fune-
ral service$ will he conducted by 'ley. H. J. Snell on Friday, February..8, at 2 p.m., with in-. torment in Exeter cemetery,
Stephen Sets
Road Budget
Stephen council set its 1957
road budget at $45,000 at a re- F.
cent meeting, The amount is the l•
same as last year,
Grants inclluded $2,5 to the
Crediton and Centralia libra-
ries and $25,to the Dashwood li-
The 'petition of jos. Regier
and others for a municipal drain
was passed fel' survey, plan,
report and specifications by
JaS. A. Howes, 0.1.,A. Listowel.
Clerk F. W. Morlock was auth-
orized to petition Mr. Howes
for repairing of the O'Rourke
cunicipal drain,
Mr. Morlock was also autho-
rized to complete A by-law re-
garding an agreemont of refo-
restration with John M. Mahon.
Included in the accounts Were
Payments of $2.00 each to Wil-
liam Pfaff and Gerald Schenk
for fox bounties.
Regular meetings were set for
the first Tuesday of each month,
unless it falls on a holiday in
which case the meeting yill be
held the following day.
Reeve John Morrissey presi-
ded and all members of council
were present.
Sunday And
Evening Service
open this Sunday, Wednea-
day afternoOn. and during
the .evening throughout the
South End
Pinery Park
—Continued from Page 1
early in 1957, the parks chief
said development of recreation-
al areas in the southern part of
Ontario "has been given prior-
ity attention" over nerthern
areas because of the proximity
to densely populated areas and
the United States border. The
Pinery was the first mentioned
o/ the new southern develop-
"The increase in population
and in the use of parks for rec-
reational purposes, have neces-
sitated the expansion hi the park
improvement plan now under
way," said Mr. Greenwood.
"They have also resulted in the
addition of more than 100 areas
(40,000 acres), large and small,
which have been either set aside
for park ,reserve and develop-
•ment, or are in the. process of
being acquired, as provided for
by the Provincial Parks Act of
1954. llllllll ll llll 11141111111111 lllll 11,11 lllllll 111111111111 l llllll 1111 llllllllllll 1111 llllll 11 lll llllll 1111-147 .
11,1,1p641. A,