HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-14, Page 443811118011.2611118. TWO 0000 ?ARMs FOR FOR 1849. Dawe IN •oar Scums Hoose.-Uodw wiz within 2 atlas, sed the other with- ' - Ws b•ei, ,a fled in the M. Y. Spar( . Is abut 3 miles of Goderich tl • w2 JAMES PORTER a Co. Times some by Plot. The first to 1."T 10 is 1st Coseee- MARYI T $QUARE, pODEBJC9, 'NIR d Cowart`J;g �.,`"8 I we extract eider Towsohtp of Oudetx►. AVE cot received, kegs .L EUROPEAN the following apaL �' raphe t ' Pint claim "'moods nee r thus - tiered our old . boule+ten. Well the vagabonds did f A glow ' Now ase! on .4-�,Mtion correctly. or I'll break ir. _a. a yoor bodies; was the next proauseulloe of the old au- tocrat 01 nor red schoolhouse. ' John grown, *bat do you understand be aeouatic_ 1 eh Why, a stick to drive cone with, p Goderich, . "s SUTTON SHIRT 'Fall -importations L O S_T 1! BALL CONTAINING 164 ACRES, �I ..a AMERICAS ISARRETR, w ef Ib 1. boonred at the one end by Lake !lures, t'►up.et tied MOIST SPLENDID ARRORT- aad at the other by a Public Road, -sed HENT d DRY GOODS. BELONGING to the mthe emb e,, Newsier Mia Store and the DtsteNet tGeieer% OI- Ses, on Friday last, 13th I.sta.t, Two PROMISSORY NOTES, Ye.' One JOINT NOTE: agaust Jose Esti and Craauta Domer aTY, for L3 18e 9d. these ayable to James PhelaA or p Cully/woe, W. Division, GREY COTTON SIIIRTIN -. hearer, and eadoraed by Jame. Phelan, past ALFRED lyV� OTTER, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, Caboose, Prated Meshes. f.aea' Orte•es dos, -Alae, one against Recruit. SToecon W(Y! ICE. Bat end awes k tlm'th for £3 12s 8d., -drawn pays- ALL those to whom PREMIUMS were lar• apply to a his is to eau- the HuronDistrict Agricultural Society, COLLECTOR Of ACCOUNTS. js• 4a. 3NO. McDONALD, Eaq. the aeeor d is LOT 8 to 81b Cooceoaoe, E'ANC 4' STAPLE G gtrl.ui , Y N_A Toessee;� M•a, seed meet cheroot, wire bids s certificate of aesll- 1•eais*, el ESP, dust (het close, to dwtroee .f abetters' • Ce ernes Rebel. He has emu kaewWp d Ledo, end sed he.e•d► se wech • kw et the ars eismes cry Woks la chat toagr. Apply, if by Leiter, serf- u the office. o• ie Yr. 1) $kMtMs.. Te•escr d Bebe) Reettuo Ne. 4, T..ht..meh, Lemke Reed. CHARLIE$ FLETCNLR, Sept. C 8. Hares District. F%uesllse°See, Hares District, t Oodwl•h, Itao Dee. 1849. ( 2v -a48 -if 4atb. Iht• P. A. McDOUGALL, C A N be consulted at all belies, at WE P Qselfsgs. Frost -F1. Godereh, Sept. 11th. 1148. 211- 1. LEWIS, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, LC., Jane. 1$48. GODERICH. and us situated at the Juoeuo. of two Pub- Clotho. Riles iris, Blare ,io Roads. Lawasaad Hsodberebiefs, Liege Caseates sod sole to CbneUa !;auger, or Mara►, written awarded at the Aa.w'lERhlNSraalol' General Agent & Conveyancer, Noedkerebieb. B.ir Book. sed J•cwe1 Mer G man also past by T hos, ,TEAM 1.00 GODERICH. mares, Alpacas of all For Parrien MS, , ate Daus* mid (w'h- ' iron so arson from purehuiLg the sane. for the year 184», are requested to call um e este,,, Wesbed Car, Csl- y pe h 1 au God h rah Juste 1149 a19 -t1 I end sod S Ladies Boots sad res, D»es or Ndkls. sad Starts. IffOS, any pontos bet the subeenbr,-and any their resrecrve •pad.. diet net you yo,ing vat•b„nrl ! D,41 R. WILLiAMS k CO, Balxorcens, $areata sad Crepe. of beautiful Perron finding the above Notes will matt ROBT. MODERWELL, sot see you reed'ng about the mace* of C 11 E .Y f S T E AND DRUGGISTS. •tyles. Beautiful Lieu tau. cad Lace Gude obilge the subscriber by returning them to Treasurer, H. D. A8.981.1 .o variety, Glom end Hosiery, Aruieul Flow- lila. THOS. M. DAI.Y. Goderich, 30th Denary, 1860. 5911 sourd, �- ars, R.bbesa Stratford. Jolt' i11h, 1819. 9v -n301, r 'Guess not -that was About Syliester Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi (yTRAIED from the ,abstrihcr on or A Seam° ASSSORTMENT OF SHAWLS, ► .pout the 1.t of November last, One cines Perfumery Brushes BROAD CLOTHS & KERSEYMERES, OFi the above parties paring thea Notes to the Treasurer of the Society, and receive Oel. 1. 1849. 9.1111 Sound the Somnabuhs. It sae, eh 1 Sarah yon Juth.i s young er surer.' •Yethair' • What Is armistice ' 1 know. thir- t ith the ar: of making a meth and hearing a north.' ' You are right. Explain it. Yeth air. If you slick year here, in your mouth and then poll it out udders!, the ruches into the vacuum, and pro!uteth a sound that strikes upon impair of the ear which maketh the sound 'edible and ale Denominated the thtence of a a•wth,ath.' ' You are quite right Sarah- Jh'hn, ran yon naw WI me what to meant by the sci- ence of sentience t' TIa carer, I air, or you'll feel my stock '' Paints 011e \ arnishe FINE, FIRM.ANDDURABI EFABR FABRIC ES. OF FASf110NA81 STYLES. Beautiful and Fut Colours, • at prices h • to arm o ill urprisssll parebasere for/ imposes. Fish. t'Anta of STRATFORD and the stir- iesable Trois..prince. Do. Vesting, Cotta end Lembo Wool Drawers end Shirr. Till E. Subscriber bees to inform the iohahiteets rounding Township., as well as the ubhe INOLF.f3C1!IS, SATIN I:TTS A TWEEDS. 1 of (ioderich sod tie .ietoity, Wei he Ms 'e- s" grnerei, that they base opened the 4h(''' HAI)1: 1 P LOA'rs. VESTS AN 11 crowed• Large ga;'pl, d the LATEST IM: e•tabliehment in this Town, N I hand h ( Rocklike COOKING, B O X, sebenne of (aures. 1:u tier, Freed* sod A1lattw Caps. GROCERIE:•`I. WINES, LIQUORS, HAIDW ARE, Lc lLr• the hope keeping oto;k at lits prices to ►attire' cher• of Sheeting, Counter Thr Subscriber also keeps on band, ss esus . ;retitle pet ironer.. still Cotton . et lits OLD STAND, a LARGE and very Eim Phfaiciau'• p 'Minns and family re-naiiee .Narsailles Quilts, Dam- eerier.a,orttnept of 1! ! 11 11 IJ / fy Yoke of Black OXEN, brown streak on the Paints, t ons oil pure old. Also three COWS, Dye Stuffs, &c. 41c. .d that one black, apaagled with whitesnnra. One ' ft1E u ecnbre b , f thei hab where that 'FHOW,EHa STOCKS, SCARFS, PROVED PATTER S of wall alae keep constantly on lac i choice and Ildkfs. troth Linen. Mita. CARPETING, AND PARLOUR Da W tn6, \Vhen I by a good ►bier lenders for SALE a very Table linens Towellingi, Linen REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. ' Yes sq. A cow slicks your finger in i e:ps dispensed with the vegeta accuracy 88k,Flanneld and Blankets. her mouth -kicks over the tin pan, which , an.; promulttude. sounds awful main called the science of a I N. B. -Crawford k lmlacli • Mustard FIFTY SPLENDID RUPFALO ROBES' a cow's kick.'wholesale and retail. and 51!0 BRCS Seminar Liverpool SALT. all ' well, John, you do ere'It to your R• WILLIAMS k Co. oLrhieh will be sold •t very reduced Prices teacher, You may take your books and rue 1 Stretford. t4th Janearr 1850. tvn50 for CASH Marketable Farm Prodsc. home.' Goderich, November, a0 ' Willy, C,re•. what is the currency of TRAVELLER'S E the United Slates ' SfR1SBUR., ATBaLo , t 7 ' Cash end money.' What are its denominations r ' Copper, bogus, and Dugtown cents, peewee, fire, tnurpenee hep'sey• levy's, ninepence, ipanieli quarter., pistaresas, and shinplasters.' . ' That will do.' ' Jones what is the Vended weight of the United States ?' ' Seale weight and weight • little longer, ' Samuel, how many kingdoms are there in the material world r • Four.' 'Three, only three: ' Four I think sir. ' Well same them -what aro they If ' Mineral" kingdom, animal kingdom, vegetable kiugdom, and kingdom conks-' ' Now, bow many kinds . of motion are there T ' Fo'ur.' ' No only two, involuntary: Simon says there's four r, ' What does Simon say they aro.' ' Point point up, point down stroke -the up stroke regular and easy, tie down *trots spasmodically electrifyieg, and its effect strikingly indescribable.' ' You uadeestaad that I eco.' ' George Smith do you recollect the sto- ry of Darr! and Golub 1' ' Yes mr-D•rid was a t keeper and Golub was an intemperate mao: ' Who told you that 1 No y. 1 read it, and it said that David Bleed a riling for Coheir, and Gullah got slowed with it.' Was nt, Gohah a gust, a strong mat ' Tee het' wu a giant but he bad a week bead.' How so +' ' Why, he got so easily clewed.' ' Yee George that was u.doubtedl eer- ie( - ieg to the strength of the g. Was'st David a musician!' ' Yee sir -he played psalms on the harp. a favorite instrument with the Jews. and at the present day it is called m Jewshaip. I Dago one in my pocket here It te. Place 1t is your moutb,thus-breath on the tongs* gently, then strike with your fingers thaw way -sod the palms, in bermoaous cern- cob fructly on the ear as MO unit u thunder.' 'That's sufficient you can pocket you harp r ' Jame wbet is time r 'Something that otos aey bow.' ' How do you make that out 1' ' Shy, tempus fugil. ' hat's that i' • ' Latin, it means that time A.es sod hew can ttm., if it flies be any thing el.s than.' ' Excellent. What is the ISMNeg d tequiscat in pace r Rut gnat cat in peace.' ' Well, Jaw ; at Latta you are perfectly aufait-which translated sopa, perfectly awful ; it is a great pbreee, from the elm - ores, steel applicable is this clan particular- ly. New t.k. off your pellets; and i will Ems yes reward of merit.'-Tboss she get mon than they merit, can keep the gtarp- 1ees ss a tobea of no special at -cies for them • and thou who get ler can beve the mistake rectified by mentioning it to me: 28th February, 1849. r„ THE Subscriber hereby Intimates to his friends and the Travelling Ptlbli- gene- rally, that he ha removed from New Aber• deep to the Vtllage'oiSiraebnrglr, and will r'' 'e now be found in that well-bnown house for- - merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where he _, will be reedy and able to conduce to the comfort of these who may honor him with m their patronage. .And 'while be returns r„ thanks for um fevers. he hope., by etriet *Warne to the wants and wishes of his customers, still to merit a contiounee of their patronage. Jo:1N ABEL. N. A. -Good STABLES andattentive Grooms. HURON HOTEL, GODERICH. JAMES GENTLEd, would respectfully io- fors the iahsbisaots of Goderich, and its n-, cosily. twat ha will eoastsotly Keep Horses and- Carriages FOR H11E. for wh.ch he respectfully solitits the p•Arsrls of the public. JAMES GENTLF.S. 18th Sept. 1849. ,2n33-tf NOTICE. -Received in Store last No- -- ,amber. per Schooner 4Raeration, A Lot of IRO';, consigned to F. C., Goderich. If the muse is sot taken away forthwith, it Is aro:.! to per costs. CHRISTOPHER CRABS• Ja.. 23, 1850. 2v -n51 tf G aderieh, CANAL:A LIFE ASSURANCE_ C P.3NY. TIIE Suhsribr having been appointed Age.t of the +'CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," e prepared to ,.cove proposals for Aug- ra.ea, read will be bappy to afford to any woos the seeseury t.fnrmauoi, es to the pnscipies •f the lestltnrinn. JAMES WATSON• Goder.eh, 13114 levee, 1 4S. %Inlet( TO BE SOLD, A N exceileet Farm, being Lot No. 12. Wa.tlasd Coscsesioe, Township of Godsrteh, cursing 104 acne=30 of which re cleared. The lead is of a taperer quali- ty, and well watered. 1t is mutated exact- ly else miles from the tows of Goderich op the Huron Road, and at the jonctios of six dsffereat roads; and as it is 10 the center of a populous and prosperous Iocalitf, it is ex- cellently rdapted for a Tavern stud or e Store. Theaters' is well *.titled to the atts tion of persons destroue of en eligible 'Oberon for busi.ees, and will be sold on eery, reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern -keeper, Ged.neb, or to the propretor JONAS COPP, Village of Ilarpurhey. Jen, 15. 1849.__- ___ ,2.19tf TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS F 'RNiSHING WARE HOUSE. THE Subscribers have opened a New Type Foundry in the City of New York, * here they are ready to supply orders to any extent, for any kind of Job Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Chases, Galley., Brass Rites, Steel. C.'lumn Rufen, Composing Stick•. Case., ami every article necessary for a Printing Office. The Type, which •recast in new moulds, from entirely new sett of Metrixer, with drepcouotrr., and warranted 10 be unsur- passed by any, he sold at price§ to suit the times. AI: the type furnished by us is " hand cast.'• Printing Pressor tarnished. end and olio, Seam Esigines of the moat approved pat terns. C�ompnsitinn Rollers east for printers. la..r}E loots of Newepapper, who will buy three tunes es much t, pe es their bills amount to, mar give the a-bo,e sox -menthe werertion in their parer*, anJ send their paper containing it to the Rol.aeritaers. COCKCROFT k OVERS:ND .'Vu 78 .?. , Street New York. December 7th NN. ml Whets we take a fled MMM of those we must love, there is nothing so consulttary as the belief that they are only going be- fore us to happiness, •nd that we shall lout acme in a better country ager - more to be separated. - 11e That Is taught to l.ve upon little, owes more to he father's wisdom, than, he that bee a great Jeal lelt Mtn, to he father's Care. AGRICULTURE le CHINA. -The greet se- cret of (arising In China our be convey.' 1n two words, dean culture. A recent b seenn mfrs 11n its that e had atdhority ane pruned six months and upward* fur allow- ing weeds to grow open their land. 11 such a law existed oa Oansda how many of our Armen would manage to keep out gaol after Eke a int of seeing t Th. Cheese cutlivSta by the •pude the •topsr and tope of the highest hill,, and tor many sentare miles scarcely a weer, is tole teen. The farmer of Chea ranks the higiest the community, awl is on termsperfeet familiarity with the Emperor. Pir'y Herr, v --Snuff on the n •behe of calves and young cattle, will do more good than is the •ooe of ray topsider lady or daady bachelor ; and brimstone, bought for the hogs, will not prove that The itch has got Into the house. Cards', os the cattle, make them look se much better ay children with their hair meshed. A thee barn to • hint to the «oman who takes care of the kitchen. Good mike( stools ave worth washing in the hove. A scraper o. the Mer seer some btoums sol dust. ks and .2a __ � - ff7r� ,r . 3 r o • sr • n F • cD 4 TINWARE of every' description. The subscriber take this opportunity of retur- ning hu sincere thanks to the Public for the very liberal p■trenage he has received since, be hey been in business in Goderich, and hopes by strict etteetio* to burne.a, and modrnte pprices. a• cont met 10 receive • share of the pnblie 1atroesse N. B. -GRAINING, PANTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER end BELL HANGING carried on es heretofore. WILLIAM STORY. Goderieh, Gth Sept. 1849. 2y-e311f NOTICE; en TiIE 8abeeriberharie( bees eppoiored Agt for the. PROVINCIAL MUTUAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, here- by 12180*te., that he re prepared to receive Sub- seriplioas for Stock 1e the Proprietary Branch, . ad appUcat.a. her Iasareaeee in the Meisel Creech, sod to girt arch ioformation on the u b,ect ea may ba remit -red. JOHN CLARY. Gnderieh, lith Sept. 1849.O2.-o14t FARMER'S INN SIRATI'ORD. NIES. DOROTHY DOUGLAM, widow 1T1 of the Tate Thomas Douglas, of the Farmer's inn, Stratford, begs to return her thseks to the iohabitaate of Stratford, .ad ral . cart !which they reeei.ed dgenerally, for tbe urinry g the the short time they have bean 4n Stratford. Mrs. Douglas begs to intimate that she intends carrying on the business as hereto- fore at the Old Stand, io her own name,'eod hopes by strict affection to the comfort of her guest., and moderate charges, to merit a .hare of the pnblie patronage. Stretford, 21st August, 1849. 2v-nt9tf New Tailoring Establishment IN GODERICH. UNITED COUNTIES OF 1111- Vterver i. RON, PERTH AND BRUCE. 11`*.hesa reby Te wit hei the Cern? et (I -trod Q•tarter Sesame of ih. Peirce, sod they r•1 the l'onnty (:nett, will he he14r' in. end for the said United Coenuri, on TUESDAY the tiered day of April nett, et the Court 'hew is the Town of Gsd.rirh, e1 the twee of 10 eudeek, A. M at which time end Owe, ell ',twice, of the Pn:r, Cornstrs, g;eeper. n( Goole rued Houma, of Cermet-too. igh Coneublcn, B.d•ffe, •sd all ethers ewe - tied, are her. by required to .need, le do sod thrree things whirr to their respective offices ampere'. J. btrl)')'4AI.D, Sheriff Ursa.. P•rtb sad Brier. Sheriff's Offset. Gedertelle, 1 N Nth Febr.aw I S5 loge Red Cow w•th a white Face. One lined bsett brindle Cow, and one Tu•. Years old Red Heger. Any person leaving information of the above cattle et the Sig nal Office or with Mr. John Allan, Tavern Keeper, Godertch, will be Rarefied for ihel trouble. SAMUEL. McCOSKiERY. Kincardine, 24th Dee. 11149. 2v-•17 U N0TICE.41 To the Clerks and Bailiff's the Division Courts. dA THE increased demand for SUMMONSES and other BLANK WRITS, in con- nection with the hltsinwn of the several Di. vision Courts in the Dtatrict, has warrated us to printing them in muen larger quanti- ties the heretofore, and ennsequeslly ena- bles us to veil them much cheaper -there- fore we intimate to the several Officers re- quiring these Blank Forms, that from this dale, Summoners and all other Writs be- longing to the D:visinn Court, will be Sold at the Signal Office at the reduced erre of Ca' Two SHILLINGS ale 811rLNcR PER H O.DEED..� of JOHN STRACHAN, BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Cowseyessecr, 1CWAR Y PUBLIC, Has he office in West Street, Goderich. O,•,terieh, 2nd Peter,. test. 9r -e48 DANIEi. HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT I.A.W. and Cunaeyuneer, ,1uficifor r. CA y, 1,t500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR BALE IN CANADA WEST. THE CANADA COMPANY have for L di.posel, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF LANDdispersed threnghout most of the Township. in Upper Canada -nearly 800,- 000 Acres are situated in the heron Tract, well knows es one of the most fertile parts of the Province -it has trebled its popula- tion is 8.e years, and - now eontai0• up- ws7s 1f 90,000 inhabitants. Tbe• LANDS ate nffered try- -way of LEASE, fee TSB Fears, or Jer Sale, C .I S H D O W sY-Ys gisa o f ontAftk `Qsslt, and eke Mases its Desfa1- node being dao away sdlA. The Rents payable 1st February each Tear, are about the Interest at Six Per Cest.epon the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lots, when LE-38ED, NO MON EY i9 REQiUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the otbers,.aecording to locality, one, two, or three years Rent, must be paid in advance, THE Subscriber begs to announce to the is - habitants of Gndencb, and its vicinity, that ashes coremenced basiness in the above list. is the Room adtoininp 11. HORTON'S Fled - dl. Shop. Market Square, where he will be pre- pared to execute ell orders in his lien on tbe shortest notice. end at moderate charges. N. B. -Cutting done os the shortest notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderich. Oct. 17. 1849• .2.37 STRATFORD BREWERY. TlIIF, Sebseriber in retuning his sincec acknowledgements to the inhabitants n Stretford, sod to his customer. generally. for the liberal patronage which he has received dur- ing the time belies been in hteenees: wake to intimae that the improved arrangements which have recently been mark to 1119 ei ehliehmenr, will enahie him 10 make e cups or quality el BEER, and to furnish it en inch terms as entitle him to a eeetiouaune of the bu,ioess which be be. hitherto mimed. J. P. ViVIAN. Swatted, Nov. 28. 1849. g9 -s33 CASH for WHEAT AT the Goderieb Mille -•ad C sh for Cherry Sew Logs et Goderich and Bay*rld Mills, by WILLIAM PIPER. Goderich Mills, 515 December, 1849 46-tf • STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. nom,: MANUFACTURE. THE Subeeribsr, to retuning thanks to their Customer* for._lhitf- b.TaY sap port they have recaso a rant►_., ..., _• , business, beg to istitsaler tbat' filly-hsir/- for sale at low rates. tfj•r .. 11a• his office as formerly, in Stratford. Stratford, 20d January, 1850. tr-o49 N. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the Isle arse of Strachan k L ears, eneuaues to set as Agent and Cuuseel for Mr. Liam in all matters referred to him from Stratford. WATSON & WILLIAMS, DIXIE WATSON of Gaderick, BARRivTER AT LAW. &e. &c. (:FORGE WILLIAMS, of Icrefferil, Nov of the firm of Metter. Weller end Willums. Barrister., &e. Torools, haying this dsy revered ,a,oc-parteerel ip, in !br Prairie*. sod Profits- -ono 1 1.•w. Csaecur sed C else, will in future keep then O6ce• at Oodericb sad •Strearird, respectively, ander the YIN, style and firm of Watson sed Wuriges. Duos Warsos.Oo.'erieh, Grogram WILLIAM, Stratford, 24th December. 1849. Iv-e471f A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILOR( GIIDERICN. O•,derieb, April 12, 1849. AT -slot( J. K. (;OODING, AUCTIONEER, lj;% 'LL attend SALES r■ any part al th. District, on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply a .the British Rotel. Goderich, March 9th 1849. 85-4. DANIEL GORDON,' CABINET MAKERI Calking, Box & Parlour Stoves, also Ploughs of eight descnpptinne, and con- testing of the most tmprovedeMoulds. Self- acting Miff Dogs, and various other es. - ting.. Haring engaged an experienced Machinist, the subecnbers can confidently recommend their THRASHING MA- CHINES A- T HINES of the newest ()amen, both eta- tinnary and mo•eable, and would solicit a ..•bet these payments will free the Settler call from Intending Purchasers before buy - from further calls until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea ing elsewhere. All orders pun •rosily at - of hie' 1 Lease. PURCHASE the FREE- tended to and executed with automat and Tb rightdespatch. HOLD during the term, is secured to the I ORR k WILSON. Lessee at a fixed sum named in !.case, and Stratford, lath Aug. 11:9. ,2-ni tf. en allowance is made according to antler - paled payment. PLANS AND SPe:C1FICATiONs. Luta of Lands, and any further informa- tion can be obtained, (by application. if by THE Subscriber begs leave to inform the letter poet -paid) at the COwr1Nr'SOTrICSe, .1' Toronto and Goderich ; of R. BIRD*ALL, Esq., Asphodel, Colbur.e District; Dr. ALLINQ, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALY, Esq., Strafford, Huron..istnct. March 17,184e. T IIIIIIII !II BLOOD. MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS Notice to Creditors. `,1.1. Persons having Clams 'gained JO- SF,P11 VU'RPiLLAT. of the Town ship of Nor Ea.ihnpe in the Huron Die trier, are ted to hand them to the Subscriber Examination and Adjustment iel iAMSCOTT, O g ..i neo . C A For t',e Estate of Joseph Vurplllet. Hamburg, 27th Sept. 1849. 25237,1 STRAYED from the Subscriber the 1st day of August last, a RED HEIFER. ono veer old pair, with a SI'E('Ki.ED 1' A C E. and whit} belly, and a piece of the left ear taken o Any person leaving isformation at the Signal Office will be aatisa.d for their trouble. JOHN SAVAGE, 1st Coo. Godeneh. Nov. 21, 1849. tv-n49tf Cites$ PA= cls DELIVERY, FOR GOOD CLEAN RARLET, at the ■AITLAIfD /RFWF.RE, by the Seb- eetibee. J F. BRI AIN. •/mitt► AM. 11, 8II11 /1• rlRlt •RD PHCENIX BITTERS TO. high sed acid celebrity which thew pat-.eM•ed Rainier Mee &quired for their invariable *Army t. oar tat dinar which they profess to core, M. rendered the resat poste of Pain en up+ly eesocerry, bet &ter thy of thew. They neo tries by their frau; their good works testify for thew, sad they their. set by the reit► of Um crNatoe. ZLw ALL tots - RIMS Of ASTHMA. ACUTE and CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, AFTECTIONS el the BLADDER sad KIDNEYS. BILIOUS TIPPERS 8 LIVER COMPLAINTS. - 1. the rash end wen. when thea drawn ,serail, they wet he road lemnrah. Platten. Nnners end rags elm ear sr Urea Mwlrwn.. 1 ower .fteninur M .0005 tarn BILIOUS CHOLIC. sod SEROUS Lrr.wer. BILES. COeTIYLNRPS. COLDS L COUGHS. CHOL'C, CONSUMPTION. Used with ser weaaer lie draw CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, DIrSHEYIELIA. No ►arae rib tea arteries a. e ast.. &add driey user ihre .attars... sd.wly. ERUPTION! V tar MINN ERYSIPELAS, PLITV LZNC r. SYSEYEIR and *ova. r« irs.,are r(rhe w hen ,acorn tiro mediating will be bund • ode. awry. W ..new rend►. Other rdeaer here the erns Weer a r latent rf the dresoe-s far to thew rntrnr• ■ M0. - TRY THEM. 10 SATIBrlOO. MND GE CURED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION, Y311r>IIRAL DEBILITY, (P1UT, GIDDINESS, ORI DEL. HEADA''HsS,./gen head, INWARD FRYER. INFLISMATORY R1110.A TIM. IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE. LOSS ♦ APPS TIT•, LIVER 00/111PLEINVE. LEPROSY, LOO°L'ENS, fIIle RC 1' RI.a L DISEASES. - Neer hili to endow.. entirely .11 the x11.1s r4 alenwn i 1 waste .mor then the ..r r.,vnA,I t000,rtie rJ Ssnerrr,lk MOAT SWEATS. NES turfs SESIf. fT Y.-1RYOUS COMPLAINTS .f ell f•rio. uRGAN-Ir. APPECTn)NS, PALPITATION 4/14, HEART, PAI.T1k'S CBOLIO. PILES. Th. enema 1-01.00r of tb.e .adr.sr was earl of Piles dryer. rt,Mies by the re of than LJ. Meneinee .hew PADS to the had, ride. both. Reda, arts mod •weere. RHEUM A T 1 N M. 16w Abend errib the frail. d0ere. will be a.t of relief by the Life MNo.or e. Rlitl et ■I.fOD 1e 1h. HEAD, BCURrY, SWELL/NOS. senoruLA. et ZING'S EVIL, a Ire err 8,... O L G R R S. of .cert drerryrr es of .11 .00 .re ellemeeu WOR EIR rrW rases lasraah•• ren.0 sett .1.1.4110 ..hn,OY., th1.,.r weer OW thee► erriter r reverted 14.114 me M eerie ?U LIP$ PILLS AIB PlI � Ix BIITEBS PURIFY THE 81100, Aed thus remove all disease from the system• a.�. trl.l.til Ilene Om 11F1 P1113 sed PHaNIx SITTERS►.y.edrt....r or tempo - ease at IM .elwetle. of ....y p..n.t. The rear of thew wodieM..n w. p.t .r 1. .hin errs_ rem ed labels. t,.g1,te• .rah orb. ..0 d • 01 .0... prod S.rnr.e,'• errors iM d.noeas. ee, eu whale lea array d SMed..y hr .0 res. to e r Oath, hy shah anagen .i.i i, the thy the .cry .rfly gad 0.. The .horses•, sed R..r.rres .re eepyng►.rk ,hemi►. Iheee situ proven Mrs with whit. .espren was b. rimed shot they north g.sSl Se a,NW 1. Err trey Jew with rear. . mews: am M me dr M a1 s4 1•r Ory gar inner from es. er der garb dire. iIT Prewar tad trilby ER. WILLIAM[ E. 3111OPr*r, Sed Seesaws% terser re arleay arir. Re. Tref iw Sal. by BENJ. PARSONS, Role Agent. (leda►ieb, Jan. 98, 1841, 1 inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that he hu Established himself in Stratford, and is prepard to give Plass sed Specifica- tions of Public et Private Buildings. Bridg- es, Mill Dams, kc. kc. kc., and will tare tbe superintendence of such Erections, on the most reasonable terms. His thorough keowledge nfhie profesetnn and his practice se Solider, qualifies bin fur any undertaking in the lies. Address post paid, PETER FERGUSON, Builder, kc. kc. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March I Gth. 1849. 2v-o7tf STRATFORD 1IOTEL. (Elft NAT'S.) THE Subscriber informs bus friends and the Travelling Public, that be bas lease' the large BRICK TAVERN, st the East end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. lease May,, -where he will b ready at all times to afford the usual comfort and supplies and promote the personal convenience of his guests. WINES and LiQUORS of the beet de- scription. A study Hostler always in attendance. ALBERT G. HATCH. Stratford, 18th July, 1949. 2v-ot5t( ClSII FOt11Iti'T! THE Subscribers will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES PORTER & Co:. Goderich, Oct. 17, 1849. n37 Thus dorm ESI >A14Eiil Co's. Op., weer-wee:1,T, GODLBCRI. Augeoi $7$ Qk8. 9.30 Stokes, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, �VEBT-8TkEET. GODERiCB. M ars1116,.1149- 9v -Its JOHN J. -B., LINTOIY, PUBLIC,Pr�� CV' rnmis*ioner Queen'3 Bench AND CONVEYANCER, STRATFORD. STALLIONS. THE following Premiums will be award- -a ed by the Agricultural Society of the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Braes, for the best a.d tweed beet STAL LiONS• shown in the market tA..re, le Goderieh, on WEDNESDAY the 17th day of April next, at 13 o'clock soon. For the best Stellate, £7 10 For the and beet do. 5 0 The Judges may withheld the Premiums ug, re d. "'sh aid they consider the lichee* shown un- • Amy i.di.ibesl i• tier revelry btess'i•a re• spnaaible for as subscribers. shall reeene D erve.rb copy gratin. tT All letten•dd»oared to the Wirer setter be pest e.id. or Ibiy will set be khan sots( she post Ulu AI.EXANDER MITCHELL, , AiI( T31)NEEit. BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH EASTHOPE. Marek, 29, 1149. ea -.8 Da. JOHN HYDE, [uta Taunt erase.) iLl ICI ID if C L 1E11y:ldlldy STRATFORD. July 31, 1849 WM. REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. ft., LiGHT-HOUSE ST. GODERICH. Oct. 25, 1849. EDW AKD ('ASH ELL, 1:3NVER & OIa2Je1:1, Corner of Light-I1mot ltter,. GODERICH. Alvan O •retie►. 25. 1849. ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVIVOR, And Civil Engineer. Me. at Mr. RosaT ELL•' GODERiCH. hosiery 19, 1830. NOTICE. THE Suburbia haver RENTED the WAREHOUSE self WIIARF Weeg- ing to the Meagre. Dar.npnrt, of this place les established trowel( se a YOIW*5DRR CHI 000015001' Me5C 1sT. Any orders or Commission from the bier- -chants of Goderieb, 'will receive prompt attention. JOAN McEWAN• Windsor, March, 1849. tT-7atf. M-862 he f)nton Signet, IS t.05'?ID Amo Pe.La5ID KURT TOOrsDAT BY TIIOMA$ MA('QIJLEN, HMSO* *50 PROPMt5TOR. OPTICS MARKET KU Ann, eODRRICU. ••• Boot ad Joh Prates, executed with •hotseethe.*ap end drerch. Tema or two Histo. Stamm. -TEN SHIL- LINOS per aeeem if paid strietly is idr er TweLvs AID Ba Pow with the sspd,.tYs of the year. No parer dieeeerineed •.til SOME ars paid up. unless .hs publisher Hisao it hie Wyss - worthy. R. G. CUNiNGIIAMF Secretary. Godetieh, 4th Malebo, 1850. WANTED, BY the above Society -a thorough bred s� Durham Bull -two years old. Parties hiring animists of this rke.enptlon to di. - pose of, will be kind *sough to apply to the BsevUry Y seen we p asfb • R. G.CUNINOHAMF0. Nesesesryry 43oderieb, 4th Minh. IMO .8.4-9t Teats' se Six lieu and seder, firm iseertiss,... • le 2 Feer 8 0 74 Tse lines sad eader, w„i NM: J 48 Each a.bs.g get insertion.. Over tee lime, lbw i•srrrio.. pee Eseh sebs.p..t hesetlaea ET A Brawl =pima lido i1n MN, silerrlM 11 tM