HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-31, Page 13Minister Addre
dB s
Gran end
ACV, A. E. Holley was gueSt It was arranged that the Meet -
speaker at the JaillearY Meeting inf On FebruarY 38 shoilid be
of the Herne lind -Sehtlei AeeecieeifFmkqed by. a °octalev•y eheeol.ng
the form ot • o
to e en ThUreday eVa OM plireening, He t w hall n •
Apeke Int $cOPDX'Att°4 Unlitil"e4 Mrs, Jack Waldron, preiided
le which he discussed the re- over tbe meeting at which over
letiMaShip between tbe cherelet60 Members attended.
the sehool and the hem*, stres-1 Hoetesses were Mrs. Ander-
sing the importason and her grope includingce of the Home., uee. es_
and Sebool AseoclitiOn in the rt;Awaketel, ivelderes". CChligara/cie
cornmenitY and the responeibil• -
berlain, Mrs /C. 'Roberts, Mrs.
ities of ail adults with regard ,wm, meSeap, Mrs. Wm, Fincei,
to children. , e_ , !Mrs, S. Gill, Mrs. D. Rath, Mre.
It wes arrangeo inae --Open H. Hamilton, 'Mrs. L. MePhee.
House" weuld be held on MerchtMrs. W. Desjardine and Mrs. 5.
1 or 2, pending further A rrang0, Robertson. .
merits, and le was else sillegeeted 1
that "Open liouse" wouldbe, W. l• Pet 1-Ock Supper -
held at the beginehig of each 1 Mrs. Weilwoocl GUI's grope in
seliciol term, hi order that pare' the Woreen's Institute held a
ents may have the opportunity I succeseful 'pot -luck supper in the
of viewing the children's. Work, ! basement of the United Church
and diseuseing their pregress ! on Friday eyening with an at -
with the teachers. In addition i tendence oe over 70. Proceeds of
parents Mae Make appointments 1;26.00 was ,realizecl,
to meet the teachers at an' 1 Mrs. Mansell Mason played
time dany after 4 p,m.The piano selections during the eve -
Home ad.Utica Association Mug- Mre. Gill was assisted by
Will assist the teachere at "Olien l' Mrs, Garnet Patterson, Mrs,
House." 1 Eddie Gill, Mrs. Willis Gill,
AIM John Lovie, Mrs. Harold
Walper, Mrs. Carman Lowe,
Mrs. Earl • Finan anl Mes. E.
Air. Leeson.* Lafond has been
a patient in South Huron Hospi-
tal for the past week,
The advantage was discussed
el having' one or tvidi membert
Attend, as delegatesthe .HOme
and Sehool Federation Conven-
tion to be held in Toronto, April
23 and 24,
in order to fill the elate of
officere, Mr. Jelin Young was
elected vice-president; Execu-
tive inembere Are Mrs. Alee
4.4Himi1ton and Met. (Peter Ander-
son. Three conveners were nam-
ed to head groups to furnish re-
efreshments for future meetings;
Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Wm. Stur-
devaiit and Mrs. Ross Desjar-
SOCIA4 EVENING for Rebeicalis
and husbands, Oddfellowe and,
their wives, Lodge' Rootlet, Thurs.
day, January 31. Ladies please
provide lunch. 31c
sored by Exeter Chapter, Thurs-
day, February 21, 8 p.m., Chap-
ter Rooms. Good prizes and
lunch. Admission. 500. 31c
111XETER DIST. CO.OP social
evening and progressive euchre,
Exeter Legion. Hall, Thursday,
February 7b 24:31e
Woodham Rink
Friday Feb. 1
Ordy those in costume allowed
on ice prior to judging.
Skating for all after judiing.
ADMISilitel.150' 4)41314
Dance ,
Mt. Carmel Hall
Friday, Feb. 1
Everybody AAfelcome
Previews Its
'Coming Attractions
WED., THURS., Mil. & sAr,
January 30, 31, Febenary 1, 2
• * Deborah Kerr
* Yul Brynner.
I MON.,'TyES. & WED. .
Febeuery 4, and 6
* GietgorY 'Peek
* Jeraniter ,JOnes
* Mickey Rooney
* Virginie Wills
Enjoy Supper sponal Cancer Unt*
At Dashwooll Dies In Hospital Thames Road
Plans Reorganization 00010 G°44°14 "
The Ladies' Aid f
Lutheran Church and he hue-
bikitdat is guests., enjoyed * pot
luck ,supper in the eltureh. itase
;tient Ott Wednesday evening.
Group. three,. with Mrs. Alvin
Mr. and Mrs: Garnet Pattersop
motored to Toronto on Friday
on mount of the Wriest of their
Weekend guest with Mrs, Win.
Patterson were Mr. Warren Pet-
terson and son, Gary, and Mr,
and Mrs. Douai(' Scott and litt-
le son, all ef Sarnia.
Sunday visitors. with Mr. and
Mrs, W. J. Holt were Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Clone and Mr, end
Mrs. Hugh Adair, all of London.
United Church
Elects Officeri
Alec •Hamilton, Merritt Thomp-
son and Chas. 13..e.elees were elect-
ed to the Session of the United
Church at the annual meeting
on Wednesday evening.. Elected
as Stewards were Elgin Hend-
rick, Ross Desjardine and Lloyd
Walper, Trustees: Willis Gill
and Elgin Webb to be added
to the Winer Trustee board;
secretary, Earl Burr; treasurer,
Murray Desjarcline; the ushers
to be members of the Wing
Peoples' Claes in the morning
elle in the evening frOm a group
of special ushers.
Reports . from the secreteries
were given and two -minute se-
leeee commemorated the passing
of ten members and adherents
of the church during the past
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Sweitzer were Mr. and
Mrs. Karl, Guenther And daugh-
ter of Shipka.
Mt. Gary Brenner returned
-home from Florida on Friday,
and. spent Sunday with his grand -
pants, Me. and „Mee. Win.
Switzer, telling of so-ine of the
big fish he caught, and other
fishing experiences, while on
his trip.
Mr. Kenneth Roberts had the
misfortune to fracture his left
ankle while stepping out of his
•tar near Sarnia on Monday af-
ternoon' Mr. Roberts was a pa-
tient in Sarnia Hospital till Wed-
nesday afternoon, when he re-
tutned hOme, where he will be
corifined for a few weeks.
Major W. S. McBean had the
misfortune to fracture his shoul-
der blade while working around
his home here recently.
Owing to a change in arrang-
rnents the Singer Sewing Me -
chine, Company will hold their
dressmaking classes, which will
begin on Wednesday, January
30, in the Brenner Rouse instead
of the town hall, as previously
• The C.G.I.T. girls 'have aritn.
ged.to have a bake sale and tea
in the United Church on Satur,
day afternoon, February 9.
Mrs. Earl Finan, who hat been
undergoing treatment for her
eyes, was able to attend a din-
ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Mensell Mason oh Saturday,
along -With Mr. Finan.
Mrs. Everett Desjardine and
family,. of .Forest, who have
been visiting with Mrs. Deijar.
dine's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Desjardine, returned to
their home on Sunday evening,
Miss Dorene Baker left on
Saturday to take further' course
in nursing at a Winnipeg liospi•
tal tor about. six months.
Mrs. M. Barbour of Mimiccl
spent a few days with her sis
ter, Mrs, C. Kennedy Mid Mr,
Kennedy and family, last Week.
Mr, and Mrs. N: Couling of
London yete weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. E, Keown.
Mr, end Mrs. Thomas Baird
spent Seturclay evening in Park-
hill as gueste of Mr, and Mrs.
Gordon Freser,
Mr. and Mri Philip A, Pre-
sent and Mrs. Present's( mother,
Mrs. Alien Smith, formerly of
Mitchell, have taken_ up resi-
dence ih their property on Wood-
ward Avenue, .
Sunday visitors with Ain and
Mrs, Themes Baird were Mr,
and Mts. Venner add Bit -
lie Baird of London.
CotrititUnien service Wait held
at the molting serVice in the
-0 01 iiilitillIfillitiii111011001111iiifitIOfillutittli1011110i1 ii010060.000$4,441 4 4 40 iiiii itni i tf,410 i ifk iii iii i ",""1"4,1
i• i
An Organization
For Diabetics
The* inaugural Meeting of the LotitiOn and
District tranch of the Canadian Diabetic Association
will be held iri the Auditorium, London Public Lib-
rary) on THURSDAY) VtgitliARY 1, at
The speaker will be Dr. B. S, Whet Presi4
dent of the 'Ontario Branch,
Ali blabfitict Arid .At Thos. Inforlitliti
Diebefet Will 111 WeltO:tile
died in Seuth Union 114041 LIC Mee
he iet
Titersday ibtattary 24 was the • _ _
tion Just four yeara ago the unit in Mareh in St. Marys. The of 13iddlaPh t bountiful 'congregatienal 40PPor
Beeattee et the rapid growth of lent and bring in a progress re) ' ' 1 About 40 people sat down to a
wttio singe its ergentza., f, d 0 a further meeting of the ionizer Annie Lucretia Hodgins
Roder, convellPri was JO charge. Perth -Heron Veit of the Cmi:edian'egeMMittee includes the president, After their marriage In 1909 " on Thursday "044 in the
„relloW„in$1 supper, Rev, Winters Cancer Society has found lt vice-presidents, eceretery, and she d, her husband fs • 04 j 4,:tturoh basement.
an11,0 4 A et , .1 TA 1st V
voice, educationcamp4i;n Calterlie TOrtritshilt until moving 4'"L'etwarue, 4.'ev* W. J. Mores
or Zurich Lutheran Church, necessary • to revamp all eutire treasnrer,
showed 0100 of his trip it, Ger- orgeeizatiore
many last summer. '
Bu40 followed., wieners were unAitt, ehheelatr mulvdamyeentligehgt :et Lie: ,Streeford, in the eltair, reports on fcrben4tyrarne:ire,wdhei4
With Presideht John Stratton, to Stephen Township in 1920; cendo_ctede the *natal meeting.
19,143r. living hi . secretary for the evenifig.
1., i Mrs. wunain CA04 was appointed
• With the 1956 can:Feign • liota u 1 e ce il 1 Wa neW steWards Were AP-
reeicled with ber sons. *11 shewed increases over Inc
Merner; coesolation.MO- Fingland in Clinton a committee
. . Lives from tee nine branches thet bolt had
4-H Me•ting q ,ni c orc .
COmmenta About
Ail reports were reviewed and
Mrs, Ervin -Rader and Milfred home of judge and Feardc Were presented by represeata- died in an. Recently jgrs, qod,
Post Year,
fred Merner end Niftier Rader. was appointed to ptody the pro), eeMpose tbe She wile nierebet of Centralia T
eet et $20,,000, the un t wont well gointed, namely Mr. Wilhatel
The Idomeinakers' Clete held
over the top, ralajng a mord • SOrYlving. are two sonS,. Harvey now and Mr. Lee Webber. The
their meeting Wednesday evening high. et close tn Woo. of Mitebeil„ Gerald of Xelell, I other four steWards are IVIessrs.
with 14 present, Shirley Belle*, in the education two, many four ;gramichileiren, Maxine and Glen Stewart, Donald Bray, Don- '
home eponemalee supervisor fee films were shown to indkistrial Lenore ,Codbott of Mitebell, ' aid Kerrtick and Beg Bodged,
Huron County, will he present et
the work accomplished and check
the meeting Februery 6 to see dgri:turpibsuatend4. various erganilatione, accorf4O end John of Exeter; a Tee trustees are Messrs. Leon
and •
over 69,009 Panel/Wets brother, Henry W. Hodgins, Lu- ard Harris, Fred Dawson and
can. four sisters IVDes. Fred ',James Anderson The eiders are
the reeord books. : i , — i., •
The girls learned how to make The service committee report Davis and oirs, W. J. Davis, Messrs. EdagrafesM joneitieeitrhy,, WxilelilayMin Annual
a collar. Roll call next meeting revealed that 13,306 dressings had Saintsbury: Nits. Gerfield Need, Word, Ch
will be to tell a joke. been Made; special diets were haul, Merton arid lvirs. Clarenee Gardiner, James Anderson, Lloyd •
the RCAF, Clinton, and Mr, Sieg- .Meeting
... Charlotte Biesenthal, of ritiasolestpettawtritohn, 1)4914rado,gerdoolno, eaendd ...Fyvigehr,uW,dogoidnhfnoi vOrinbar,eAtirtar*, Ballantyne. The meeting for re-
election of elders will be held in
from the eancer elinie at Lundon predeceased her in 1055.
fried Miller, of Waterloo, spent
Social Evening
Tuesday, Feb. 5
too 0,m,
Ladles please bring
Sandwiches or Cookies,
Choir Entertained
Ladies of the Nvangelical
church served a steeper 00 Fri-
day evening to embers of the
ebolr and their friends and to
the church trustees and their
wives in appreciation of their
services rendered during the
past year, Following the supper
a social time was enjoyed.
Special Sisevices
Special services were held in
the Evangelical Church on Sim,
day: At the morning service
talks were given by three young
People: Donald Hendrick, Sand-
ra Firikbeiner and Reginald
The speaker at the evening
service was Miss Kathleen Mof-
fat of Londen Who has spent
some time among the .Indiene
at New Mexico. Miss Moffat en -
her talk by showing a
Christian Borg
Christian' Berg passed away
suddenly on Monday in Detroit.
His wife was the former Martha
Wetzel of Crediton, They had
lived in Detroit sincetheir mar-
riage but Mr. Berg' had made
Many Wendt during his Visits
The body arrived at the home
O Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fah -
net on Wednesday where fun-
eral services will be conducted
on Thursday at 2 p.m. by Bev.
G. R. Strome. Intetment will be
in 'Crediton cemterY.
U.C. Mistier% Band
The United Church Mission
Band met on Thursday with an
attendance of 32.
James Finlcbeiner and Donald
Colter were in charge of the
Worship service. Wt. J. Gallo-
way gave a story front' the study
President, Doreen Kenny took
charge of business and practice
for play took place.
Personal Reins
Mr. Gerald Zwicker spent 'sev-
eral days this *eek in Chicago
on business.
Miee Margaret Wiling and
Mrs. Edria Guenther of Kitchen-
er visited last week at the
Evangelical parsonage with Rev.
and Mrs. Glen Strome.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Geiser of
St. Marys visited last week with
the former's father, Mr. Sohn
Geiser and Miss Clara Geiser:
Mrs. W, Beglesen, Mr. and
Mrs. ;Stewart Wolfe and daugh-
ter and Mrs. Wesley Wolfe of
Dashwood visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wolfe and other rel-
atives on Sunday.
Mrs, Clifford Hill, is a patient
in Vitoria Hospital, under ob-
Mr. Harold Amy of Hamilton
visited diking the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Finkhein-
er and -fa roily.
Mr. Janees Brock has spent
several weeks with relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser in
Stratford, Mrs, Fraser died sud-
denly last week and Mr. Bock
is remaining with Mr. Fraser,
who is partially disabled.
Mr. Howard Beaver of Ham-
ilton spent the -weekend with his
parehts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Irvine Cootes of Elkton,
Mich., visited last week with her
sister, Mrs. W. Smith and Mr,
Themeeting of the Evangelical
Ladies Aid and W.S.'W.S. will be
held on Tuesday, February 5
instead of the regular date.
the eveekend with Mr. and Mrs, ebairs, hospital beds, and So On Dinney funeral tioine where Bev. the mar foture.
gifts given to Patients, and wheel! The body rested at the R. V. 3.04 Msoing
ponied by Mr. Harvey Taylor, of organized in 'the past year
branehee had , 0 by nee. H. j. Snell of Heetee basement. Mr, arid Mrs. Edwin USBMINIE 1". ,HMOIMItir
.T. T. Clarke of Centralia assist- 3-Arl Club was held le the church of 'Om
Rudolph Miller. supplied when necessary. The January meeting of the .
Mr, William Haugh, aCC014- Several of the
Brucefield,. spent the weekend. at to , cc:Elected the funeral service Miller,. Rey. W, J. and Mrs. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE
Lowell, Mich. donate blood, arranging for its on eatorday at 2 pan. Yr. Allan Moores, Mr. and Mrs. Almer
tamely, and Mr. and Mrs, Ervin case the St, Marys•Blanshard , Mrs Miller conducted. the COMPANY
members to go to London to Elston contributed a solo et the Passmore were in charge for the
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Rader. and Victoria Hospital, Awl in one service, - evening,
Rader, Marian, Devid and Paul, Nepheevs of the deceased *et- I
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. branch had replaced $5e0 in bleed , . . meeting which opened with sing -
and ing hymns. Readings were given
Elmer Racier.
Services for the late David memorial cards, the Exeter Ivan Needham, Melvin. Gardiner
Clarence Davis, Clifford Abbott,
as pailbearers: Heber
by Mrs. Arnold Cann and Mrs.
Alrner Passmore. Mrs. Reg
Outstanding for its success with e°
Haugh were lield Wednesday, branch reported 89 contributions, And Jack Pym. Hodgert favored with a piano
January e3 from the Hoffman totaling $160 for one funeral, 1 Flower bearers' were George solo. Mrs. Moores conducted the
funeral borne. Pallbearers were With Fred Dobbs, the president ilieks, Lloyd • Hodgson, Sahford worship. service. •
Leonard Beeker, Garnet Burnieit- of the Exeter branch, as chair- , Lawson and Cooper McCurdy. Rev: Mr. Moores conducted the
ter, Urban Pfile, Joe Ducharme, man of the :nominating commit -1 Interment was made in St. election of officers for 1957:
Clifford • Pepper and Ed Stire. tee, the 1957 slate of officers as ' James eemtery, clandeboye, Presidentse Mr, and Airs, Wile
Among thoee attending from a presented was unanimously ac- „.....___—„,,,—,,,, liam Rolidee vice-presidents, Mr.
distance were Mr. and Mrs. cepted, This year the unit has
Ervin •Eeber, Petersburgh; Mr. two honorary presidents on the
and Mrs. Clarence Knetchel and executive, Huron County Judge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wettleffer, Frank Fingland, Clinton, arid
Tavistock; Mr, and IVirs. Howard Perth County judge Harold Lang,
Knifel and Beth, Kitchener; Mr, St; Marys. Others re-elected in
and Mrs, Jack Schmidt, Mrs, elude: President, John, Stratton,
Mary Schmidt., New Dundee;Stratford; vicepresident for Perth
Miss Ellen Gilbert, Stretford;County, Mrs. B. D. Hay, Lis -
Aire. Grace Bleier London; Mr; towel; vicepresident for Huron
Lis -
and Mrs, Gerald Webb, Exeter; County, Robert Sperling, Gocle-
Mit. William Elsie, Grand Bend, rich: secretary, Bensen Sutter,
and Mr. Alvin Schluter, Pigeon, Clinton; treasurer, 3: J. Eraser,
gieh. Stratford,
Mr. and Mre. Albert IVIiller
and Mrs. Edgar Restemayer
attended the funeral of their
aunt, Mrs: John Allemang, at
Kitchener, last Wednesday.
• Mrs. Flossie Stade spent Sun-
day with Mr. end Mrs. Louis
Rader, -
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble
and family, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. L. H, Bader.
Mrs. Alma Hoperoft, who
underwent an operation early in
January, is recuperating at the
hciine of her daughter, Mrs. Riith
Arthur, et London.
Miss Pauline and Carol Becker
and Arthur' Bader, president, sec-
retary and Christian Growth
chairman respectively, of Zion
Lutheran Walther League, at-
tended a three-way conference at
St. John's Church, Toronto, over
the weekend.
Mrs. Ervin Eckstein, of Dash-
wood, was admifted to St.
'Joseph's Hospital in Londoe en
Saturday for an operation, •
Mrs. J. Walper
Dies At Horne
Mrs. Laura Walper,3tife of the
late Jacob Walper, died at her
residence, Stephen Township,
Highway 83, near, Dasliwood,
Saturday, January 26, 1957, after
an illness of six years.
• She was born on Concession 16
of Hay 'Township. Her husband
died 18 years ago, '
• She Was a member of Zion
Lutheran Church, Dashwood.
Surviving are eight daughters:
Mrs. Pearl Stebbins and (Arletta)
Mrs. Russell Manson, at borne;
(Ethel) Mrs. Leonard Merher and
(Mille) Mrs. Harold Reichert, of
Hay Township; (Luella) Mrs.
Borden jerikins, Wingham;•Myrel
and (Mildred) Mrs. Erling Beek-
man, London; (Hilda) MrS
William Siep, Kitehener; 'three
sons,' Harry, Exeter; Roy, Lon-
don, and Glen, at home; one sis-
ter, Mrs. Fred White, Lockport,
N.Y.; four brothers, Henry and
Arthur Bierlieg, df Exeter; Wil-
liam and Chris Biel -ling,' of Hay;
14 grandchildren and three great -
get( ndchildren
The body 'tested at her resi-
dence until Wednesday noon, then
at Zion Lutheran Church, Dash:,
wood, where services were held
at 2 p.m., with Rev. X, Zorn hi
charge. Interment followed in
Exeter Cemetery Mauseleum,
NOW's Budget From
Mr. and Mrs. leek Thoinson
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walz of
Rev. Laing Of Galt Was a Sat-
urday guest of Mr, and Meg,
Leonard Thacket.
Mr. and Mrs, .Tack Bryan of
Granton, Mr. arid Mee. J. B.
Bryan, Shirley And Robin of
Prospect Hill Were Sunday eve-
ning guests Of Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Jones.
Mr. and Met. Cecil . Mossey
attended the beremaay at the
Wingharn General Hospital on
Wednesday when ...Miss Kathleen
Mossey was ooe of the twelve
girls receiving their nursing
Mr. George ltathburn of Sat -
Ilia spent Friday with his unele
and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Alex
The Xirktott \Vete
Monday evening guests of Miss-
es Dorothy and Margaret Irvine.
Mr. arid Wt. Xeneeth Pork.
inson and family Attended Zion
West ehurth te•opening Sunday
and were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
ECM ef Men.
Mies Merlon Thomson was
one iq the sueeessful pupils of
the Spelling Bet held et Bee-
noch in N'ovetriber. She was a
competiter at Avon School itt
Stratford on Monday night.
United Chureh When Mr, and
Mrs, Wm, Pluett and daughters,
:Barbara .arid Judy, Mr's. Wes-
ley Coleineri and (blighter Sh1t-
1 ley, and IVIt. and Mrs, Clark
1<eititedy Wert reaelved int()
ee :Membership iti the thurelt.
Lucan .;
Personal 'Items
Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Hod -
gin's of Denfield celebrated Mise
Hattie Hodgins' birthday with
net last Tuesday.
Miss Tina Eizenga of the 13ank
of Montreal and Mrs. Jack Biz- 10:00 a , m .e -Worship
enga have accepted positions Th le
hi the Londoti Life. ove y et.
Mr, ,aid. Mrs. Bob Lewis of 11:00 a.m.—Church School
Report On
and Mrs, Gordon Stone; secre-
contests were connueted by the
Aimee Passmore; card commit,.
tee, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery.
tary-treasurer, Mr. and Mrs,
Several interesting games and
Mrs. Geo. Wilton is in Trento On Friday evening, the first
Community., Night ,
this week attending the execu- community night was held in
tive meeting of the Federated
Womens Institute of Optario. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, of Exeter,
Thames Road School, with Mr.
Mrs. Alfred Baker attended and Mr. and Mrt. Reg Hedged
terided to the rneetind by Clin- on Friday.
Perth Presbyteriae at Stratford Euehre was played, and win -
the executive meeting of the in charge for the evening,
An official welcome was ex -
tenet 3/layer! W. .T, Miller. Wilfred Hunkin; ladies' low, Mrs.
ners were; Ladies' high, Mrs.
)3ranches in the met are: Clin- Mrs. Duncan McNaughton,
James Hodort; men's high, Don -
ton. Stratford. Exeter. Goderich, Sim and Marion attended the ald Bray; men's low, Robert
Mr. and Mrs.• Ray Cottle and
Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson
Will be in charge of the next
Listowel, Milverton-lqornington,
Mitchell, St. Marys Bladshard
and Winghain.
Exeter Minister
To Form Church
dedication service on Sunday at
Zion West. e.
Air. and Mrs. Fred Parkin-
son and Brenda attended the ye-
opuenymorningntiTg foandw
esat Zion, guests
n g ue Westscommu
nity nigh
The monthly meeting of the
of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hetn, W.A. and W.M,S. will be held on
Little Miss Laurie Ball, St, Wednesday afternoon, February
lvlarys, spent the weekend -with 6, at 2 p.m., in the church base -
At a corigregational meeting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. reent.
in the Exeter Pentecostal Church Harold Her"' "Permonal Items
Mr. and Mrs Howard Switzer
on Wedriesday evening leave, of sperit Sunday with their (laugh -
absence was given to Rev. L. ter, Mrs. Albert Hernandez, Al -
Krause to go to Northern On. bert and family at Dorchester.
tario for the purpose of consider- Sunday .guests with Mr. and
kg the advisability of organiz- Mrs• David 14°1 an were r•
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer
are *on a motor trip out west to
visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thom-
son, Janice and Earl, of Wood-
ham, visited on Friday evening
ilig work and building a and Mrs, Cal Lucas and Charlee, with Mr. And Mrs. William
- Mrs. Ferguson, St, Marys, Mr. Rohde. church. and Mrs. Cat Lucas, Stratford i Mr. and Mre. Edwin IVfiller,
The council of the P.A.O.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Eric West.Brian and Barry, attended re -
'have desired that Rev. Krauselraan, London, opening of Zion United Mrs. Church,
iiiidertake this. missionary proj-1 Mr. and Mrs, Herb Beer cif 4 vit
and spent the day with Mr. and
et because of his past success :Munro spoilt Monday with theirWarren"
in establishing the work in daughter, Mrs. Oliver Baker
Northern Ontario, and family. .
At the request of the eongrega-1 Mr. and Mrs. Austin Burgess, Teachers Discuss
tion the church in Exeter will Stratford, spent Wednesday with
be temporarily in charge of Mrs. Mrs. Burgess' mother, Mre. Me- English Courses
H. Butler, evangelist 'of Lucan, INeight and Wilbert.
The Krause faniily * On 'Tuesday, January 22e the
ill remain ' Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd of high sehool English staff met
in Exeter during the absence Woodham were guests of Mr. and with th
e public sch oo1
of Rev. Krause. Mrs. David Spence on Sunday. of Ileborne The meetirig was a
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. W. F, Krotz, Minister
Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist
Sunday, February 3, 1957
10:00 .nt.—"A Right Spirit"
11.05 a .m,-eSunday School
7.30 p.m,—"The Life -Giving
Friday, February 1, 8:15 p.m.—
Joirit Y.F. and W.S. Meeting
Evangelical United Brethren
Rev. Glen R. Strome, Minister
London spent last Friday with
the former's parents,. Mr. and
Mrs. Claretice G. Lewis.
The editor of The Exeter
Times -Advocate has most gener-
ously effete to pay the mem-
bers of Holy Trinity Junior
Choir and the C.G.I.T. one. dollar
for each netti sub4eribee they
can secure. Kindly: help these
young people with their funds
for carreing on theii. work. Tele-
phone 309 for partieulars.
Attending funeral services of
Mre, Mary Neil at Exeter on
Saturday, 'were Miss Gladys Mt-
llann, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Neil,
London, Mr. and 14Ire. E. It. Pitt,
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Neil, Mar-
garet and Mary Neil of Luean,
Cooney School Euchre
Mrs, George II0dgins and Mrs.
See O'Neil were hostesses for the
SIX •thble tuthre in the Coursty
Scheel last Friday night. -
High sort prize$ went t o both
Air. 'and MrS, Tont Cmtnqey. Lorie
hand prizes Were Won. by Mrs.
Allah ROY( and Mr. Cha e Grose
ant the luelcy their prize by Mr.
1-terVey Hodgins.
Theological Sunday
Leaf Sunday being Theological
Sunday, Ifoly,Trinity thitteh was
fortunate in having het One, but
three students, from throe NI -
lege, to OSSiSt in the morning set -
vied, Mr. Stanley Tomes led in
the Otavets and Messrs. Charles
Dymond and Jim Xiddiell 'read the
!emelt, the latter also preaching
the sermon.
This year's in Huron
Cadge is the laretat in its his-
tery and new, the swot:lat.
Fir ctaAhnotaliti,ean. theoletital 'Woo
7:30 p.m.—Evening Service led
by the W,S.W.S.
Speaker; Miss Audrey rink-
beiner, Missionary to St. Lucia,
Rev, Samuel Ker, B.A., B.O.
10:00 a.n1.—Suitclay School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon Subject: "The Three
Tenses of Salvation"
Monday, Feb, 4, 4 p.m.—lvlission
Tuesday, Feb, 5, 8 p.m.—Circle
Rev. R. Van Farowe, Mihistet
2:00 pen.—Theteh Service
All Weleerne
Pastor.: X. Urn, l'hane
10:00 ant—Sunday Sehool
1100 ant—Serviee
Suoday School
10:30 lo 11:20 A.M.
tettit Me thy l'euth, UM"
Supt.; Stanley Sander, Zurich
Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor
Me. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M.,
• Musical Director
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship
Sermon Subject: `Redemption'
Anthemy by the choir.
Solo: Mrs. John Goinae.
7.00 p.M.—Evening Worship
"Sertnon •Subject: "He Shall
Reward .Every Man"
A Warm Welcome
Is Extended To All
Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector
Trivitt MemOrial, Exeter
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:15 am—Sunday School
11:30 aan.—lbly Communion
Vieitors Welcome
The United Church
of Canada
Minister:, Rev. Alex, Rosen
Orgahist: Mes. A. Willard
10:06 aen.e-The Seevice o,f War-
Nureery Class (three years and
under) in the Primary Room.
Beginners (4.5) will withdraw
daring the second hymn.
11;15 ctn.—The Chord, School
Superintendent; Mr, Sterling Inca
Hero You Are elot A Wenger
But A Gueet Of God
Male St. •
0:45 a.m.—Su:ides(' School
11:00 e,tree-Cortiretthibe Service
7:80 p.m,. The Evangelist Will
Wednesday, 8 part,—Meetiog for
Thursday, 2.30 p,m, W.AI.C.
Meeting at :the hdnie Of Mrs.
Friday, / p.m.—Christ's Ambas-
Weirs, out .inWri meeting,
please be on titne.
"Without faith it is 'MOO:Whit to
Molise God , to turn yew
faith leieeti Snd JeStiS Will Meet
your every need."
Rev.i W, Kteuee, Posfor
Winn guile,
Alieciatear PiatorivangE
development from a recent talk
given by Mr. Porter on the
standard .of English in grade
After lunch in the home eeon-
mules room, the group diseus-
sed with great mutual profit the
standard of English of the dist-
rict pupils with the purpose of
finding methods of improvement.
Definite suggestions were made
and a 'plan stretched. .
The second part of the meet-
ing was a discusaion of methods
and aims in teaching the para-
graph and grammar in gredes
eight and nine. The high school
teachers presented briefly 5
method they used in presenting
material, and the public school
teachers responded by explain-
ing their methods and problems.
A copy of grade nine Novembet
examinatioft was studied to il-
lustrate the amount of work
covered in the first Wm.
The meeting, the first of its
kind in neatly years, adjourned
at five -thirty.
will be held in
Monday, Feb. 4 .
at 2 p,m,
for the purpose of receiving
the reports of the Directors
and Auditors for the past
year, for the election of two
Directors for a three-year
terrn, election of Auditors,
and any other business that
may be in the interests of
the Company.
The Director% whose term
of office expires are Martin.
Feeney and Harry Coates,.
both of whom are eligible
for re-election, •
Secretary -Treasurer.
Thursday, January 31
3:15.4 i15 --Flight Cadets
4:30.5:30—Exeter Pe. Wee
All Stars
8:00.7:00—Centralla Pee Wee
All Stars
7:00.1100—R.C.A. F.
Friday, February 1
4:00.5100 --Skating
700-8130—St. Marys vs, Exeter
8:45-10:30—Midget Playoffs
Seaforth vs. Exeter
SatOrday, Fetbruary 2
81004:00—panthers v.. Royals
5$00,•10:00—HOrnikts ve. Flaaheis
10100.11:00--Flyera vs. Wings
11 00.12:00—Wee Wee S. Settee ties
:00-2:45—PubIle Skating •
3:15.5:15—rigure Skating
7:30.8:15—Zurich vs. Exeter
Wee Wee;
8:30--CHA Senler Heckey
St. 'Themes vs. Exeter
Moha Wks
Sunday, February 3
12100.2:Q0—Mohawk Practice
2:00-3:00.--D54hw00d Vs. Kinsmen
3:00.4:00—Aces Vs. MohaWks
4:15.5115—PigUre Skating
Monday, Fehruafy 4
4:00.5 tOO—Skati ng
:30-7100-13a 'Item Playoff
Centralia vs. Exeter
Tuesday, February
4:30.5:30—Exeter Pea Wenn
6:00.7:00 --Figure Skating
7 :00.0100 --Midget etayetis
Mitchell vs. Exeter
Wednesday, February 6
Wee) iii sles ii ii ii 4,0 ii iiiii HMI
The Ontario
Municipal Board
IN THE MATTER OF Sections 64 and 47 -ot "Th. Ontario
Municipal Board Act" (Ft.S.O. 1150, Chapter 2623,
IN THE MATTER OF an application et tho Corporation At
tho Town et Exeter tor;
(a) Authority to disperite With a veto of the ratepayers with
respect to a proposed capital expenditure of $80,000.00
payable to the Ausebio River' Conservation .Asitherity for
the Tawe's share of the cost of conatruethie this Mor -risen
(b) Approval tit the laid undartakitie and toitiltal leperidituri.
Appointment For Hearing,
Thursday, January 31
hour lot li.retock In the fotellieen Oki( tittle)
at the Connell Charnhori In Monet for the Marine if all
portion interested in support -of or fri eppoolitien fit the said
DATED At Taranto this flit day of „Woody, .100,,
'Owen Its thiphtint, Seeratitry