HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-31, Page 12SO NOW YOU kNOW
to tHEY'lke IN
This Week's Specials
ItS4' Peed Custom Wan
Dark blue, one ISW110; A beautiful car for
VHS MorcOry Montclair Tudor Hardtop
Yellew and black. This car is fully equip-
pad and la in excellent condition ..„.„. $2,695
LUI C moral? [Sit/
1-7 Y N (1, ,a4 NI{ 1{1 ,1/ ri/46 ,11
Ai ,10, Canadian Girl in Train,
In/ under the leadership of
.001s, it it nlY Purpose to
And thus,. with His help, be.
.come the girl God. would' have
me be. •
Lucan CGIT
South End
Phone 328 Exeter
South End
Faith Study
Hs&S Topic
"Religion" isles the theme of
the January meeting of the Lu.
cap Home and School Associa-
tion, convened by Mrs. Robert
Kehl, in the school auditorium
last Tuesday night.
The president, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, displayed a flag do.
nated by the John Dearness
I,O:D,E. branch and reported
that this branch was also do-
nating a framed picture of the
Queen. The Legion Auxiliary of-
fered to donate a stand for the
Plans were made for a Fun
Night in March if Miss Angela
Armitt could be secured,
Mrs. Russell Goddard and
Mrs. W. O. Knight were named
a committee to be in charge of
a sale of hpme baking, candy,
and white elephants at the next
H. Hodgson
PHONE 24 "The Insurance Man" EXETER
Snelgrove's Frigid sire
Factory Clearance
Deluxe 12 cu. ft.
This striking Da LUX0 Food Freezer-
Refrigerator comes In a popular size.
Storage Door is packed with food- °
keeping features—Tilt-down egg server,
butter compartment, spacious door
shelves and handy left-over dishes.
Roomy 10,6 Cubic foot Refrigerator Sec-
tion has automatic defrosting, four full-
width aluminum shelves Including two
Roll-tc-Vou ShelVes, meat 'Tender and
Twirl Hydrators. 49 ,pound Food Freezer
With three Quitkube Ice Treys ,.and
Frolen Juice Can Holder.
REGULAR $499.95
rer and T. P. Kinlin.
Many .reports showed an in-
April, a weekly bulletin of church
Menday, -February 4 news, was started, using a new
and the League of Loyalty also Tuesday, February 5 a garage at the rectory was built. 7:00—Bantam Dame Sunday School report as given 8.a0=11derton vs. Zurich ant.) by Tom Tomes; Mrs. K. O'Neil
for the W.A.; Mrs, Cecil. Carter Wednesday, February 8
for the Ladies' Guild, and Mrs, 7sit—riteeway vs. Clark Side Road
London, left a bequest of $100.00
to the church, and $100.00 to the
The early morning services will
start in June, as last year.
On Sunday, Theological Educe.
lion Sunday was observed at St.
James Church, when the rector,
the Rev. J. P. Prest, was assisted
by three students of Huron Col-
lege, Charles Dymond, of To•
ronto, preached the sermon,
James A. .Kiddell, Of Oakville,
and Stanle Tomes, of Clandeboye,
taking part.
At the Clandeboye United
Church, Youth's Sunday was obi
served when the minister, the
Rev. E. J, Roulston, was assisted
by Jim Scott and Ruth Donaldson
in the service.
Persona( Reels Missionary Work'
Russ and Chuck Snell
Miss es Marlene Revington, Clandeboye Church •
Eaton attended the Middlesex
Roundtree Memorial Church, Reviews Progress • Presbytery meeting in the
,,Hockey Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins The annual vestry meeting 1958. Committee'for same was
London, last Saturday.
P 12 The Tirmoo•Aalvdcata, January 31, 1957
Young tent
Phons. 156 Grand Bend
Youth Week
• vr
ed the ftmeral of Mrs. George
Godbolt, in Exeter last Saturday.
The London relatives stopped
over with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins
on their return. Mrs. Godbolt was
Mr. Hodgins' sister.
Mr. Fred Revington returned
from Florida last Thursday. His
future plans are uncertain, as he
requires papers to work in the
Mr. and Mrs. James McCor-
mick and Carol of London were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Coughlin and fam-
Mrs. Malcolm Hodgins, who
has been a patient in St. Jos-
eph's Hospital for the, past
month, is slowly recovering. •
Mrs. Stanley Homer and Mike,
spent' a few days visiting rela-
tives in Parkhill.
—Please Turn to Page 13
Mr, 'Tanta Freeman. is taking
a. /Our Week hydro cope at Nia-
Mrs. M. 0, Smith Spent ten days
in Kenmore, New York the guest
Of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burt.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy and
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs left
last Sunday for a holiday in Flo-
ride, UC Chooses Mrs and Airs. Myron Culbert ac-
companied by Mr, Merton Cul.
bert and Peter, attended the rede-
dication of Zion West United
Church, Usborne, on Sunday'.
Mr. and Airs. George Lachie
and family of Waterloo Were Sun-
ray guests with Airs, M. 0, Smith.
Mrs. Margaret Durham is spelt-
ding the winter in London, With
her daughter, Mrs. Elwood,
Last week's sudden January
thaw flooded many basements
and set sump pumps going for
days. Several furnaces were put
The zero weather following the
thaw, not only froze pipes and
pumps but also made miniature
outdoor skating rinks in back
yards mulh to the enjoyment of
the children. Over a dozen young-
sters had several nights of hoc-
key in one Alice St. back yard;
thanks to the weather-man and
Jack Frost.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith and
Maureen spent last week-end in
Toronto and Oakville.
Visitors last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Myron Culbert included Mr.
K. A. Culbert of Granby, Quebec,
Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Perkins of
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Hem of Zion.
Mr. Louis Eizinga. has accepted
a position as salesman with Mer-
lin Motors, St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Haskett and
Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence Haskett
attended the Furniture Show last
week in the Exihibition. Grounds,
Mr, Royden Herbert has bought
the home of Mr. James Thomp-
son, Water St. and has moved
in, It was previously occupied by
Mr. P. Crudge and family who
are now living in Mrs. J. Dobie's
house on Main St.
Special prayers were said at
midweek service in Holy Trinity
Church for Bishop Harry O'Neil
(formerly of Clandeboye) who
was consecrated Bishop of Frede-
ricton, Friday Jan. 25. The bishop
was ordained in Holy Trinity
Church in 1930.
Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell
of Riverside were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan
Mrs. Harold Butler and Mrs.
William Aylstock motored to Lis-
towell to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Aylestock's sister, Mrs,
Charles Silby.
Carl Roes of R.R. 4 Denfield
had the misfortune to have his
leg badly fractured when crush-
ed between a car and his tractor
last Saturday and was admitted
to St. Joseph's Hospital. He was
attempting to aid a motorist,
'stuck in the snow when the trac-
tor lunged in reverse.
Mr. and Mrs. Art McLean of
London, Mrs. Len Lobsinger of
Sarnia and Mrs. John. Park of Lu-
can visited last week-end, with
Mrs. Gaily Johnston. who is a
patient in St, Catherines Hospi-
tal with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Doran MsNamars bers of the. Auxiliary have work-
Of Midlandd Miclugan spent last ed faithfully and .untiringly ' to
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. E. raise funds for the new building,
Reilly. By holding monthly bake sales,
Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Revington euchres, and dances so it seems
and family of Mooresville were only fitting that they had the
guests at the eleventh birthday first meeting in the new building.
celebration of Gary Revington,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan
and family, and Mrs. Ada Walker,
Lynnette Walpole and Marilyn
was held for St. James church appointed: Moore Cunningham,of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. Hendrie, Mrs. Tomes,
Mrs. J. H. Paton, Mrs. Ed Flynn
and Mrs. K. O'Neil, with the rec-
tor keeping a church record.
Henry Ilodgms, of Lucan, attend- with the rector, the Rev. J. P.
Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work •
— Oil Burners
'f 1/1/11111t111tf111111111111111111 nlll 111111 lt1111111111111111111111111111111111t1/ills 11 11 i1111111111111111f1111111111111111111111111 1Ir
Lucan Arena crease for the year. Last year in
South Middlesex Midgets Gestetner. The junior congrega-
Garnes-7.00, 5.15, 9.30 p.1n. tion was started in September,
(5 ClarneS, Senior and junior) Paton for the choir. The late
Skating to 10.30 Miss Margaret De Coursey, of
Prest, presiding.
Karl O'Neil was selected -as
vestry clerk for another year;
Clarence Carter, rector's war-
den; Alan Hill, people's warden;
lay delegate to the synod,
Maurice Simpson; alternate,
John Hewitt.
Board of management, H.
Murless, Ed Flynn, Andy Carter
and Ray Cunningham; sides-
men, Joe Cunningham, Jack At-
Jenson, Tom Tomes, Clare.
Paton and Earl Morgan;
Cemetery board, Moore Cun-
ningham, Andy Carter, Karl
O'Neil, Maurice Simpson and
Ernie Lewis; rectory commit-
tee, wardens, Cecil Carter. and
Roy Cunningham; caretaker,
Mrs. Ernie Lewis; organist,
Mrs, J. H. Paton.
Mr .Prest spoke on the centene
nial of St. James, to be held in
George Paul,, in the chair and
Mrs. B. Saulnier's group in char-
The members of the Auxiliary ge of program and refreshments.
to the Lucan Canadian Legion, Mrs. Saulnier assisted by her
held their January meeting in group had charge of the Study
the new Legion Hall basement Book. Mrs. Dave Park led in de-
when past presidents, Dwight votions.
Ball, and Ralph Smith of the The branch is busy preparing
Legion installed the officers. a bale for over-seas..
President is Mrs. A. E. Reilly; Most of the business `Msion vice presidents, Mrs, Dwight Bali was spent in lining up plans for
and. Mrs. Ralph Rummell; seem- 19v7.
Haggai;tary, Mrs. Chas, Haggai; execte "
tive, Mrs. F. H. Hovey, Mrs. Bert Library Days
Thompson, Mrs. David Egan and Owing to the alteration in Lu-
Mrs. V. A. Seifried; sergeant-at- can store hours the library will
arms, Mrs, Ralph ,Smith; step- now be open Monday, Thursday
dard bearer Mrs. Lloyd Mason. and Friday evenings and Satur-
During the nast.years the mem- day afternoons.
During the business session,
plans were made for an oyster
supper on Monday, February-15.
The wardens and executive of
the Men's Club were named a
committee to be in charge of
At their thirty.fifth annual con- advertising and pre-sale of tick.
vention in Medway school last e ta ,
Saturday, the Middlesex 'school The Men's Club made the fin-
Trustees and Ratepayers Associ- al payment on the new projec-
ation elected the officers. tor, President is Donald Graham,
R.R. 3 Komoka; vice-presidents Medway Euchre
Edward Hamilton, R.R. 2 Moss- At a• four-table euchre, spon-
Icy, W.H,A. Thomas R.R. 3 sored by the Medway Euchre
Strathroy; past president, James Club, at the home of Mrs. Clar-
Eastabrooke R.R. 2 Kerwood; once G. Lewis, R.R. 2 Denfield
sec-treas., Mrs. John Brown; di- last Friday night, the winners
rectors, Mrs. Ifaneford Shaw, were: ladies' high .Mrs. Erie
Wardsville, Herbert Hudson, R.E. Middleton; lone • hands, Mrs.
1 Thorndale, James O'Shea Gran- Wilbert Stanley; consolation,
ton, Delmar Cobban, R.R. 5 Mt. Mrs. Otto Daley.
Br y d g e s; Honorary members, Gent's high, Mr. Wilbert Stan-
Walter McClary R.R. 2 London, ley; lone hands, Mr. Bob Lewis;
William Atkinson; Wardville; ho- consolation, Mr. Earle Middle-
norary inspector presidents, Ell- ton, wood Oakes, H. J. MeNaughton,
H. A. Griffith, H. G. Schlotzhau- Evening Auxiliary
The Evening Auxiliary of the
Luean -United Church held their
n Legio Au xi iary first 1957 meeting in the church
• Installs Officers
Parlors, last Wednesday evening
Rev. E. J. Roulston Presided for Church last Monday night. Tee
president, Mr, Jack Murdy, pre-the annual business meeting
which followed, electing these sided and Mr, Vincent
officers: treasurer, J. Alex group was in charge of the pro-
honorary elder, Myron gram and refreshments. In the
Culbert absence of Mr. Hodgins, Rev.
. Elders, George Paul, W. J. J. P Prest took over,
Stanley, Cliff Culbert, John The guest speaker was Mr,
Park, Robert Murray, Don Rev- George Walker of Arva who gave
ington, Ivan Hearn, Ivan Stan- an interesting talk on the dia-
ley, Alex Young, Harold Whyte, mond mines of South Africa
Clarence Lewis and Erie. Has- where he once was employed.
Stewards, Wesley Revington,
Murray Hodgins, .1, H. Cantelon,
Harold Whyte, Alex Young, E.
R. Pitt, H. B. Langford, Clar-
ence Stanley, Gordon Banting,
Don Maguire, Cecil Robb, Mel
Culbert, Dave Park, Jack Lan.
kin, Sheridan Revington, Don
Abbott and J. B. Ready.
All annual reports showed a
splendid year in atendance and
County Trustees
Elect Executive •
There was a splendid turn-out
At a congregational potluck; for the January meeting of the.
Meer in the United Church Men's Cisth of the Anglican
Describes Mines
'57 Officers In South Africa
Phone 10, ‘u.cen
Mrs. Rea Neil and Mrs. Rupert
Willi ain 8 attended the
Middlesex Presbyterial in Lon-
don bn Wednesday, Members of the recently orga.
Mr: and Mrs,. Wilfred Logan nixed • Lucan-Clandehoye Young
and Myrtle, of ThOreciale, visited People's Union met in the Udall.
on Friday evening with the Paton United Church parlors lad Sun-
family,day evening, During the busin ess
Clare Paten spent the week-end session it WAS decided to change
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1, the date of meetings to the first
Patoti, and third Sundays, to send for
Mrs. Elsie Hodgson left last membership cards and to chargé
week to spent sonic time with her 25 cent fee.
daughter (Mabel) Mrs. Sam Marjory Sovereign was appoin.
jaekson„ And Mr.Jackson, 'of ted .pienist and _Marilyn Eaton to
Toronto. . Make: "Purpose", pOstera.
Guests with Mc and Mrs. Met, it was decided to have .* this-
vin Carter On 81111(100, Miss Mary sionary offering At the -COnitiliS'
Carter, of.. London, and Mr. Bill siod of Mission meeting.
Walden, of Thedford, and Mr. and R o g IteVititotk (convener)
MrS,„PouglaS Carter, London, Nancy. John tWetic Wayne
. 'Coeur Atkinso .• has 'het .Willietria Were hatted 1- social
fatty on No. 4 Highws offered
The film, "It yeti lived id Mal. r sale,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'ISimpsoii aya," Was Shown.
andft oni,rtidal Morning, w411 Mr. The next /netting will be in
1'1", tlititdOn. Xlantini for Cbodoboye United Chhr4h nest tioritta. . Sunday.
parlors with the president, Mrs.
Mr. Howard Kew, organist of the
United Church, accompanied Bob
and Sharon Stanley's instru-
mental duets, and also played
for the hymns and the Queen.
Gary Revington, accompanied
by Mrs. Revington, ,sang two
Alan Ready gave an interest-
ing resume of the Older Boys'
Parliament, which he recently
attended at Waterloo,
Correspondent: Miss Line Abbott
W.M.S. president, Mrs. Alex
Young, Evening Auxiliary pres-
ident, Mrs. George Paul, C.G.-
I.T. leaders, Mrs, G. E. Nichol-
son and Mrs. John McLean, Ex-
plorer counsellor, Mrs. Calvin
Haskett, Mission Band leader,
Miss Reta Chown, Mrs. E. J.
Roulston and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins attended the W.M.S. Pres-
byterial in Trinity Visited Church
last Tuesday. Later in the eve-
ning ' Mrs. Hodgins and Alan
Ready left to attend a joint
meeting of the London Girls'
Work Board and the London and
Middlesex Boys' Work Board
at Wesley United Church to plan
activities for National Youth
Week, Jan. 27 to Feb. 3.
100th Birthday
Mrs. Elizabeth Sinclair, form-
erly of Birr, celebrated her 100th
birthday at open house at her
home on Cheapside St., London,
last Wednesday where she was
showered with flowers, cards,
telegrams and good wishes. Mrs.
Sinclair, the former Elizabeth
Brown, was married to James
Sinclair at 16. She settled on a
farm near Birr, She Moved to
London five years ago. She can
recall her school days in Downie
Township and her rides on the
Donnelly Lucan stage.
Youth Week
Youth Week began in Lucan, by
Scouts, Cubs, C.G.I.T. and explo-
rers attending the morning ser-
vice in the United Church. Mar-
line Revington led in the respon-
sive Psalm' and Alan Ready read
the second lesson.
Youth Week will end next Sun-
lay by the above Youth Organi-
zations attending the Anglican
W.M.S: '
Mrs. Cecil Robb's had charge
of program and refreshments for
the January meeting of the. Uni-
ted Church's W.M.S. in the church
parlors last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Robb was assisted by Hrs.
Murray Hodgins, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington and Mrs. Wes Hodgins,
in the devotions and the Study
The high light of the meeting
was a- report of the recent Pres-
byterial in London. presented by
Mrs, E. J. Roulston.
Heather Acheson entertained
with two solos.
Explorer News •
The, Lucan-Clandeboye Explo-
rers held their regular expedition
in the United Church parlors last
Monday evening with 30 members
The expedition opened with the
making of murals of the last ex-
pedition story, "The Swimming
Pool," The second story in the
Study took, "The White Pig,"
and also the worship service was
taken by Counselor Kae Haskett.
An initiation service was held
for one member, Sandra Tromp-
ing she already has received
two new school entries.
The guest speaker was the
Rev. F. P. Thomson who spoke
on his great love for children
and of his method of giving
them religious education by im-
personation of the various char-
acters in the story. He gave an
interesting and helpful talk
which all present 'enjoyed.
Another highlight of the eve-
ning's program was the show-
ing of movies taken by Dr. and
Mrs, Harvey Revington of Lon-
don, while on their honeymoon
in Scotland, England and France.
The doctpr ran the projector
and Mrs. Revington supplied
most of the comments.
Mrs. Cobleigh's moist won the
attendance cup.
Attend Presbyterial
themselves with an equally good
win from Lambeth, 3.1.
Si. Marys bantams play a re-
turn game here on Friday, Feb.
1 at 7 p.m.
Lucan Merton cross sticks
again on Friday, Feb. I. This
should be a sizzler! And the
bantams play Centralia here on
Tuesday, January 29 at 7 P,m,
preceding the Mitchell-Iltierton
We 'tip the tam' this week to
a visiting player, ,Geoffrey, goal-
ie for the Zurich midgets who
played a double-header here
Friday night. His performance
between the pipes, for both
midget and intermediate teams
was expert,
Credit for the most improved
hockey players in the Lucan or-
ganization, this week goes equal-
ly to Red Maguffin and our goal-
ie, Desmit. Desmit has shown
considerable improvement.
Next week is "Young Ontario
Week." Your support is urgently
requested. Watch for special ad-
I am pleased to announce a
Airs. j. B. Ready reported on precedence, set by our Luau
Afidgets, undefeated in the W.O. the coming musical festival say- A.A. League, They've set the
pace by reaching top spot. Fern
Fillion's influence and . instruc-
tion in minor hockey here at
Lucan has shown worthwhile re-
sults on the score-board.
I would like to take this op-
portunity to • request that the
gentleman handling the Zurich
midget team give some consider-
ation to sportsmanship thereby
improving hospitality with visit-
ing teams, We understand sport.
Manshin is a prime requisite in
minor hockey, No complaints in-
tended for the players them-
Harvey Langford was as good
as his word when lie treated the
Irish Six to a steak dinner, in
return for a winning score
against Ilderton. I'm told how-
ever, that the steaks had some-
thing in common with the game.
While the Irishmen were feast-
ing, Ilderton came to town for
a practise—behind closed doors.
Good 'reason, would you say?
Could be, inasmuch as we were
taken aback to see, Stub Roving-
ton, working out with the Cats,
in Cat uniform yet MEOU!
The art class meet again this
Thursday. There is much en-
thusiasm in this class and still
room for more students. It's
still not too late to engage in
this project. •
Don't forget the "keep .fit"
program which meets every
Monday night at 8 p.m. They are
enjoying an excellent attend-
Arena •
Activities Cornish, Mitchell & Co.
H. ,t„ Cornish L. F.. Cornish 11,* Mitchel(
K. W, Slade W. E, Suchard
291 DUNDAS- ST. Dial 2-2651 LONDON, ONT..
"The. Flavor's. Perfect"
Rether's Coffie Shop
Phone 302 Exeter
, lll 1 l 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllllll 1111111111111111111111M111111111111111iiiiimmilmilimmillimmol:
New TV set, fresh drapes, a fine oil
• painting . . . naturally you are proud
of your living room But, despite fault-
• less housekeeping, there may still be
present a shadow you have overlooked.
Prices still continue upward. Cost of
replacement has gone up since your
last purchase. Have you increased fire
and burglary insurance accordingly?
Why not see your friendly insurance
man today to remove that shadow from.
your living room?
Thursday, February
South Middlesex Senior
Friday, February 8
7.30-4Atean Lenrachauns RCAP
All-Star Pee Weet• /-a,ceott by
Harvey Langford, firat
0.0—Irish Six vs. London 11,C,P,
Saturday, February ,f1
11.6o--Extter Scouts va, Lucan
7.80—Luain Juniors vs. London In aid of minor hockey.
Skating after the game.
'53 Meteor Tudor
'53 Chevrolet Sedan
'38 Plymouth Sedan
'57 Meteor 300, In Stock
(Special Deal)
'57 Meteor Niagara
6 Cylinder, in stock.
South End .
0111 lllllll l 111 llllll 11/11,1111111111111111,1111 llll 111/11 lllllllll 1111 lllll 11101111141111111111111111111 1/1 llllllll 1 t1111101 1111t1111
Lions Club Dinner
Mrs. Allan Ryan's group of the.
Anglican Guild, catered for the
Lions Club dinner in the Angli-
can church basement last Mon-,
day evening..
And District News
Planned By YPU
Personal Items
Mr. Dawson Lawrence is a
Patient at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Miss K. Bowyer was taken to
St. Joseph's Hospital last Tues-
Midgets took three games
week and are now leading
rat two
irliesall."eSiZ pulling out of
their slump this Week, beat
d.erton, Goderich .and Zurich, in
p0000.00000110101Millii4141VIIIA01014imilmiiimpli mtl001 q1 41111/0001101k001.111;01/00150'110g4litmlimmili1010111111110•
I*Tehe7Iidaerntams lost a elose one
to St.: Marys 2-1 but redeemed
/111111111,11111411111111111111 lllll 111111111111111 lllllll 1 llll 11111111111111111 lllll 11111 lllll 1111/1111figH11110 11111H1111111111 111 U110
Does as menace your
Living Room?