HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-31, Page 10• 11) 'Th* Times,A. dem* Januery 31, 1957 The Story In•Announciments YOUR GENERATOR STARTER . end REGULATOR South End,, Service Phonel2S 1111611Ville Alto,. B94.5 .5.KiNNER: guchre Club EUA1Ville Euchre Club was held on Friday ev"Ing ill the GliVot.i;Ni iTa /NY' crfWtor LI r!igrir3. hall with Mr. Rein Westclorp as tile elillt*Of their daugl;ter. Hatict- hag. A good crowd httehded leen, at SouOt IlttrOn Hospital, With 10 tableS PlaYing. January :5. 1957.”a sister for Aiary Amte atid JohnnY- Prizes went to: men's high, ItAn..Nzss ---.11r. atul Mrs. Harold Mr. Laverne Skinner; ladies' Harness announce the birth of . , . 11 at ' lUgh, Mrs. Harold Bell; low 4/0300, Antler)? 26, 1957. score, Mrs. Franklin Skinner. :mu NI Nir (1 NIrs Ha old Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd JOBS will Redden, Dresden. are nappy to BIRTHS CARDS OF THANKS CrAARKZ atici Russell Clarke, P.B. 1 Creditart, announce the birth Of their son, LartY Al- vin, at South Hviren HosPital, JaintarY 23, 1057—s, brother for VatsY and Venn*. be bests On Frilay evening, annottnee the. birth or their daughter, Debbie, at Wallaceburg Yonni People Meet hospital, January 29, 1057-4 sis- _The Eta -urine Young Peoples' U 'o held their regular n eet- let tot Bobby and intnY aiu thirty-fourth grandchild tor Mrs, Catherine Hedden, Hensall. ing on Thursday evening at the IIIINNUSSHT—Mr. and Mrs. 1,11t011 Exeter home of Miss Grace Routly with iiennessey, Simmons Apts., San - six members present. dei Zxtter, announce the birth of a. son. li,"enneth Patrick Mr. Fred Delbridge had charge Lee. at SoUth Huron HosPital, 67054-6GiTsii THE. MAN OF THE. HOUR SPENT MANY DAYS AND NIGHTS GETTING THERE_, */Ltd GRAIN FEED• SEED s- x /1 i-••• 7 -s5 WI -1A1 N riChr.WE ,PK/ON / of the prograin. Games were January 36, 1937—a, brother tOP played at the close. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Mervin. Duan of Henson visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Johns on Sunday. litr, and Mrs. Howard Pym were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym of Exeter. Haeter, announcer the birth Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, of their on. Williern Xerry,at Wayne and Ruth. Ann of Crecli- s2i).ui131.087X-rusli. HoPital, January ton visited. on Sunday with Mr. Mrs. coultern1a to BUtefni' and Mrs. Bruce CoOper. WILSON—Mr, and Mrs. Boss Ur, and Mrs. Neil Valentyne 'Wilson, 257 Algonquin Dr., an- nounce the arrival of their son, and family of Petrolia visited on scott Gordon, a.t South. Huron Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,.Koop- Hospital, January 56, 1057—thanke man. to Dr. Butson and staff et South Miss Helen Hunter of St. Call - Huron Hospital. arines visited over the weekend DEATHS with Mr. and Mra, Everett SICi11- CALIMBLL—At her late residence ner, in Exeter, on Tuesday January Mr. Elgin Skinner of New Tor- 29, 1957, Ida weber beloved ronto spent the weekend with of the late John. Caltheell, in her y his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ever - seventy-third ear. ett Skinner. . . Evelyn. PREszCATon—Afr. and Mrs. Don Preszcetor, London, announce the birth of their datIght0 at St. . Joseph s Rasp tel. January 25, 1957—s, tt Wel! 4or Gary and Wendy. SOUTHCOTT — Barbara and Don, Southcott announce the birth Of their son, Andrew John,. at South Huron Hospital. January 25, 1957 a brother ter Michael and Mary. WIT SON—Mr. rand Mrs. Hugh The Ellaville Women's Insti- tute .are holding a ladies euchre party in the Township Hall on Tuesday,Feb. 5. Every member is to bring a guest. The Elim - vine north line will have charge of the lunch. ripi$11111 l ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt tttttt t I tt ItItittiliiimilm111111111111111111111111,1111111i0 READY-MADE Suits kegular $39,00 We Have 1'o Make Room [ • For Spring Stock Suburban Coats A Few At Cost Price 99c. Bargain .Table T -Shirts, Work Shirts, All -Wool Sweaters, Ties 3 for 990, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Leather Beni, 2 Pairs Sox, Bow Ties 3 for 970, Underwear, Boys' Sweaters, 3 Pair of Dress Pants 'for ,99e each. • Special Values DRESS SHIRTS \ HUNTER — Th Vietoria. HOsidtal, London, on Thursday, January 24. 1057, Gordon Hunter, formerly of Exeter, ii hie kitty -seventh year, GODBOLT-0-In South Hureit Hos. Pital, on Thursday, .Taratry 24, 1957, Annie Lucretta Hodgine, be- loved wife of the late George Gabolt, in her seventy-first year, PFAFF — In Exeter, On Thursday, Jamlary 24, 1957, Man* Ellen SchWaltn, beloved wife a the late WilulainRfaff, in her eighty- seventh year. LAFOND—Edward Lafond, 67, died suddenly at Blucher, Saik., on • Thursday, Jahtuls'y 24, 1357. WALPER—Mre. Laura Weber, 67, Passed away at her late resi- dence near Dashwood, Saturday, January 26, 1657. IN MEMORIAM SIZINNER,,— la laving Meniory of Mrs, Wellirigtcin Skinner who passed away JECnuary20, 1955. She wished none a laz,t farewell, Nor even said goodbye; She. had gone before wa knew And only God knew why. Asleep In God's 'beautiful garden, Away from all somber arid pain. Some day when life's journey ended We shall be together again. —Ever remembered by her family. 31O POLLOOX-1n loving' memory of a dear husband, Albert Pollock, 'who . passed alvay 11 ,ea,rs 016, Jan. 30, 1946, 1 What would I give if I cou1 say Hello to you in 'the same old way, To hear your . voice and see your [Arid _sit 'with ,yoff afi'ci chat: —Ever reineinbered by hlsrife I Laura. 9.1* FAHNER—In'1ov1n .thernory of a, dear father, Edward IL Fahnee, who died a year age, January 28, 1056. A day of remembrance tad to re- call, Without farewell you left iie all: Precious 'memories treasured el•er • Of days we 147are' all together, *Ever retnembered oby de.tightert Inez, Dorothy, Carrie and ison,111- laws.31* ENGAGEMENTS ' Mr. and Nies. Gordon Fritter of Rarkhil1 wish, to anneithice the engagernent of their eldest - &MO., -g ter,- NOrtne,*.Jeari, fe. George Wiliam Baird, :abit and .Mrs; Thomas Baird, "Grand. Bend: "rheparriage ter Oki. place •:Febrtiitty: 9, ' 31c S2A9 6 Mr. and Mris," Bruce. Eagleson, of 5' Parkhill wish to announce the' engagement of their daughter,: Mary Lou, to Me.? Douglas Harvey DiX611, soh of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dixon of Ails& Craig, The -Wedding will take Plaee at the Grind ,Bend Nlanse, MarCh 2, 1957. 31* . MARRIAGES • • MEN'S ALL -WOOL SWEATERS, a• few Orlon ,..„, ttttttttt . $6.95 MEN'S PYJAMAS ' SPORT SHIRTS tttt 2 for $5.00, WORK SHIRTS .WORK SOX, 100% Nylon BOyS' •JACKETS, quilted.lining, all -roof, reg. $10.95 ,4, $4.95 ?MIEN'S HEAVY JACKETS, quilted lining, reg. $12.95 .„. $9.95 iBOYS' STATION WAGON COATS, fur collar, .1/2 -price..,. $5,95 g. SUEDE JACKETS, reg. $19.95 t t . ttt t t . . . ... , • '. $15.9S 43,49 . $1.98 , .79e "Llovd Ford' PHONE 299 Men's and Boys' Wear 1 EXETER .. ... .... holm)* .. tt Ilit• ttt totiiiret HICKS-MATI-LER -- On SatUrda,V, JanuarY 26, 1957, at' 3 p.M. in Lambeth Unitet1 Churth by. Bet,. *A. E. Duffield, Mabel Randle, daughter of Mr. -A. A. Mather and L11 e late," 74fes."f•Mithee 'of Van- couver, )3,C., to Mr, Stanley Ile - rig Hickt, son 'dfilfrs. Rieke and the, late Me; Byron E. Hicks, Of Crediton, Ottt. 31* CARDS OF THANKS The faintly of this late 'Mrs. Ray Fletther wishee tO extend their heartfelt thanks and aPpreelatIoit for the acts of kiiidnesa. messages or sympathy and beautiful fldrat tribittes received front their rs,A.- 1.1.ves,, friends and neighbour*thdur- ing eir recent bereavement. Special thanks to Belt. 11. Snell and the Hopper -Hockey !mural home. 51' • Quality Cart Bargain Prices '55 DODGE ieDAN, green ..„ $1,695 '53 PONTIAC SEDAN, blue .„ $1,195 '52 DODGE COACH, blue $1,075 '51 DODGE SEDANS (3), ea. „ $ 84S '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, blue $ 745 10 PONTIAC SEDAN, grey „ $ 545 '50 PLYMOUTH $ 395 16 CHO/ $ 175 '53 DODGE SEDAN, maroon „ $1,195 '52 DODGE SEDAN, black „ $1,115 '52 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP $1,150 '51 PONTIAC SEDAN (8) $ 795 '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ 745 '50 METEOR SEDAN, blue $ 545 '50 HILLMAN SEDAN $ 194 '56 DODGE 112.TON, new 46 CARS (5), ear t tt ....... ttttt „, $ 195 Mereury Chev,- Hudson Exeter otor Sales #140140 200 Fred Debbi, Propi NIGHTS, /62V or '76944 ,We wish. to thank reletvies friends and neighbours for acts oi It edit .s. MeS44,,, 4 of ayiuJ9Uly end floral tributes Wing AtIr cent bereavement. Special, thanks tot11111 cev.. H. :I. $11011,—.5,1r.a. ger:on DouS t ash, ate WM to,thank my many friends and neighbours. for cards and let- tcrs and kind expression of help to those .at home during lay 03. Special thanks to my father and another for the comforts of their home while recovering health. --Nits. .Stuart Trieblaet. 31 I wish to that* my friends, neigh. bours ilti4atsr, end I4ttvoseine I rotd any Sit while in Smith litir611 Sos,pitAl .and since r et urning home. special thanks to Pr. Hutson and nurslog staft—Aire„ Gerald Thompson. 31. Miss Alma, Johns wishes to thank her Many Went% relatives and neighbors for the kind ass and eymagthy .shown her durbir her re. cent bereevelnent; also or cards and floial. tributes. Thanke to Rev. Livingstone, Rev. It apeo n, Dr. Bead, pan bearers end Dino'; funeral home. e 510 'We would like to thank our neighbours, Mende and relatives for helping in, any way dining' end after our flre. Special thank! 'to the Zurich fire hrlgade. Harald and -Edith Bell and taniuly, 1c Aly deepest thanks and apprecia- tion to the many friends, neigh - bout's, members of liensall, Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Amber Reber:all Lodge, Hensel], who so kindly re- menthered me 04th cards, . flowera, treats and visited me while a tient in St. Joteph't Hospital, Lon- don, and sinte returning time. Thank you,—Mre. NaneY HYle. 31* The Ladiet• Ati*lliarY to 'South Huron Hospital wish to thank the residents of Exeter and district for clOthing and. bedding. Over Se cartons were 'Taken to London by Guenther Tuckey Transpert to be distributed to the Hungarian Re- lief Fund by the salvation Arnie.. 31e wish to take this opportunity to extend MY sincere thanks to ell who have remembered me with Planta, newel's,: treats and card during MY tonfinernent In M. Jo- seph's Respite.] and eince MY 're- turn horne and all Other arts of Claypole and efaff a South Rurot 1kt oi dttoboni s‘tf:i. —0Wen S. Atkluson Th 11 N . G sod 0 h to express 'their sin- cere thanks to all- whe tent cards, g lift and f Oat tributes, . to Allan his $616 at the funerai, Rev. J. T. Clarke and Rev. ter id Si en, •D1. Fletcher, Nits* DiStrict Hespital, the R. C, Dinney fnueral home; also- to those wise kindly remembered her during her lOng illness, 21* The family of the late Ws. Wit- ham Pfaff with to thank Mende, relatives and ileighbOra for floral tributes and expressionof aYm- Pathy during their recent bereave - molt arld kindneeseh shown their Mother during, her • illness. Special thanks to Mrpt,. Nel$on 'Wells. Mr. and Mrs. 1V,Illiarn Homey., ,Dr.. R. W. Read and. rtev. B. T, Snell.' jack .and Marian XeStle; 'rorontO, wish to thank • friends and relatives in and around Exeter -for the mthly cards and enquiries 'during Jack's illness. 31* Comments. About „Kirkton. By MRS e HAROLD DAVIS Vestry Meeting St, Paul's Anglican -church vestry meeting was held in ,the church baSement Friday eve- ning beginning with a supper' prepared by the lanes of the church. Mr. Dymond Opened the meeting. Reports were given by treas- urers of the church organiza- tions. The officers elected for 1957 ate: Vestry clerk, turns Black - ler; peoples warden, Andrew Knox; ministers warden, Theron Creery; Lay delegates to the Synod, Maurice Dinkier and Alex Irvine; sib ley delegates, Fred Hamilton and 'Eric Hum- phreys; • Board of rniniageinent, -Jack Roundel, Ken Bleckner:: Mr. -and Mrs. Alex . Sidgairien, Jack Rolindel, HaAlit"•Davis, Garth Blackler, Bill Waghorn, Blackler ' and ' Maurice Itlackler;, cemetery derninittee, Garth. Blackler; Earl Berry and tack Rouncle14 rectory commit- tee, Cecil Dobson and Harold Davis; auditors, Bill Irvine and Ken Blackler. Bride -Eliot Honored Mts. ROM. Marshall was host- ess to the senior Girls' Bible Class when they prieented one of their menbers, Miss Muriel Routly, bride elect 'ofthis week, with a gift of :a white enamel kitchen waste can. Rosemary Dobkin read the ad- dress and Patty Marshall made the presentation. A program con- sisting of contests followed. S.S. Supper The annual United church SUnday School supper was held in the church on Friday evening. A program followed with Rev. Pike as chairman. Mr. Ray Mills of Woodham Showed colored slides on his to the West. Mr. Wilbert Kirkby gave a month organ selection accompanied by Mrs. Alvin Cra- go. The junior choir sang two rininbers. Wt. Fred Switzer and Miss loan Switzer of New Zea- land played piano duet. Mr. ROSs Marshall, settee' secretary, presented 13 franked diplomas and 50 teals for 90% and over attendance. TheJunior S.S. feathers presented 23 with 100% ;Merida:We. Anglican A.Y,P,A. The Anglican Young Peoples' Association Met on Monday eve - rang at the hate et Mr, and Mrs. Alex Irvine with 12 pres ed. Dorothy Irvine, vice-presi- •clent, had charge of the meeting. Ian Grigg read the scripture passage. Marion Dunner gave the topic choosing for her subject "New Canadieris." Games were played. Personal Hama Gordon Hunter Auto Salesman Vuneral .services for. .GOrdon' Hunter. 56, .of London, .who checl in Vieteria. Hespital. ThUrSclaY. ..January '.24, were held front the Disney funeral home on Mon- day at 2.3D pan. .couducted. by Rev. If, J, snar Mr. Hunter was born in Vs-. borne ToWnship, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. SliTion Sa ou net eurt AsSa leas m"aunP. fl1fl hewf fors several years prior to going to London in a similar position 12 years ago. He was a 'Crated church nlenlber. Surviving besides lila the -former Myrtle Sims of Cred, Ron, are .one daughter, Mrs, Douglas Bruitnell, Egeter;, one Sister, Mrs. Everett .Skinner, Eliniville and one .brother, Exeter. , Interment was made in Exeter cemetery. • MisSoal Cynthia and Sylvia McBride, Miss Beverley Veltelf of Lenclori were weekend visit- ors with Mrt. H. Copeland and Miss Ethel Copeland, Saturday evening 21 of the Young Peonies met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garth tack- ler for a sleigh ride And grit- ing•party. "Co. 3; MI identity yourself? the leiter Asked the ,girl with the the tie gilt pulled but her tornpiet Mirror and studied "yea,' 'She Said Iriutriphruitly1 "Its me all right.!' •••••••••••••••,s,.••-••....w.s•••,,•••,•"••••••,,•••••,,,, Message From Greenway Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carruthers are celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary -this week, Mr. and Mrs. Russell- Pollock and Peter of London visited on Sunday with Mr. Harold' Pei - lock, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts and Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Waun visited on Sunday with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Gardner and family of Summerville are spending this week With his mother, Mrs. J. Gardner. The Harmony Class of the United Church will hold their Electing on Friday evening at the manse, Grand Bend.. , Message From 00dhCitlil Ey MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE •••••••••••••••••Wia•••••••••••• Whitfield Switzer Whitfield L.' Switzer, 81, who resigned as treasurer of Bien - shard Township at , the end of 1956 after serving in that capa- city for the past 28 years, passed away suddenly at his home in Woodham Wednesday morning, Mr.• Switzer was born on a farm on the Base Line on JulY 16, 1875, •the son. of. the late Fletcher. Switzer and- his- wife, Eliza Doupe, ' - On January 2, 1900 he married Miss Minnie Sawyer of Wood- ham. 'Up until 1938 they operated the family farm and in that year they retired to live in WOW - ham. Aside from his work as treas- urer of Blanshard, Mr. Switzer was an elder of Woodham United Church, and a director of the Blanshard Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. ' • He is survived by his wife, two sons, Raymond of London and Carman 14 4St. Marys, and two daughters 'Marjorie) Mrs, Leslie Zinn of Sudbury (Marian) Mrs. Melvin Louch of Hamil- ton;. six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren a 1 s o one brOther, Fletcher Switzer resid- ing in Calgary. The funeral was held 'on Fri- day afternOon from the L. A. Ball chapel, St. Marys.. The pastor 0 f Woodham United Church, ReV. 3. H. Slade, was in charge. Interment was in Kirkton Union cemetery. • Tall - bearers were Fred Doupe,'Al-bert Scott, John Dunnen,.Alex 'Irvine, John Stephens ,and, Harry Webber. • , Friends and relatives from a distance 'attending the funeral Were Rev: Andrew • Laing of Galt; Dr. arid Mrs. Glen Sawyei of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.. Ken- neth Zinn and Mr. arid Mrs. Marvin. Zinn and Mrs. -Kenneth Pollock of Sudbury.. Fractures Leg , . Carolyn Hern had the misfor- tune to • fall on the ice while skating; at the Woodham rink on Saturday night. She was taken to ..St. Joseph's Hospital where. an X-ray/was taken .and found she- had 'broken a bone between the•knee and the ankle, She 'arrived home on Monday exening' with .a, oast on, • Birthday Party Sharon -and. Marian, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squires entertained nine little girl friends on Friday afternoon at a birth- day party. Gamea were played and after lunch they enjoyed a skating party at the Woodham :rink in the evening. Those present were Margaret Rose Levy, Jacqueline Beckett, Doris Mills, Susan Tomlinson, Kay Lawsm,,Linda Thacker, Sharon Thompson and Verle Hoene% . .. • Personal Hems' • Quite .a number from- WOod, ham attended.' the redeclicatiOn series, at Zen West on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Small of KolOden were Sunday guests Of Mr, and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy, Rachel, Helen and Hilda of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer, Ronnie and Barbara of Sbipka spent Sunday with Mt, and. Mrs, Bert Rundle. Ron Chatten of Elora. was a weekend visitor ae his home in the village. Mrs. Melvin Lbuch ot tiil too, is spending this week with: her mother, Mrt.W I Switzer. Gordon Wanleaa, Mrs, Winless of Stroud tilled on friends in the village. on Mon. dray afternooh. Mr, and Mrs. James Mawhiii- ney of Crediton Were Sunday Vis - tiers with Mr. and WS, Harry Squire. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Levy of St, Marys were weekend visit- ors with 1Wr. and Mrs. Ray Mills. Mrs. Ada Butters had as het guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. IlaYinotid Butters Mary Leon- Ard and Darlene of:Motherwell. Rev. A. Laing of Galt Vea$ )(nest at the parsonage with Rev. J.. H. Slade, and lqrs. Slade for the weekend. He aSsitted with ,the dedication service en- Sun- day morning at Zion 1Vatit5 .iy $KIPPER The bignews •of this week, I i suppose, s the Eaglepatrol's trip to .Toronto: on Sunday. Ac- eeapanied,by the three Scouters the -boy!, saw two Junior "A". gariles All Maple Leaf Gardens. The first contest saw the Marl- boros play Ottawa Junior ,Can - adieus and thesecond match was a real rouser between, St. Mikes :and St, Catharines.. We -travelled to Toronto in Scouter Hal Hooke's station wagon. Roomy things,,. these sta., tion 'wagens—seven Scouts, three leaders and ten large lunches. Last week at our .ineeting we had two visitors, our District Commissioner Doug Carswell of Bayfield and Assistant DC Jae; Corless of Centralia. 'While at the meeting Mr. Carswell pre - SOW. Patrol Leader Doug Jer- myn with his second class badge, the first earned in thetroop for almost a year. .A few organization changes have been decreed by Canadian headquarters. One ..of these Is' that Cubs may now enter Scouts Scout Sponsors Attend Course at 11 years and must be out .of the Cub pack and into. Smits by 12 'ears. No boy inay stay in a Scout troop past his seven,. teenth birthday. •These policies will be put into immediate effect 15. Exeter, We Scouters are organizing ,a "uniform ,exchange and sale bank" which will. enable boys to buy or exchange articlesof uniform which either no longer fit or are no longer -needed, We The Exeter Boy Scout Group Committee played host to 30 district men and women from Seaforth, Clinton, Bayfield, Exe- ter, Centralia and Lunn as they attended a course for group com- Mittee members entitled 'Scout- ing Explained" Friday night. The course consisted of de- velopment of Scouting, Scout or- ganization, aims and methods, • sponsorship of Scout groups, the • group 'committee, training the trainer of boys, the group com- mittee at work. The course was given by Dist- rict Commissioner Doug Cars- well, Bayfield; Assistant Dist - rid Commissioner Jack Corless, RCAF Centralia; and Scout- master Terry Lawrence, First Exeter troop. • tow 'them arA scvoiJ uniform, in gxeterwhich are not -being used. Wo would like an oppor- tunity to buy these *o that we may get ,our Plan into ,operation and save a1St of boys a lot . of money. We with to aa .Laver of the parents, thisk s week. Firstly„., we would. like to, get our meetings started at 1 pap. sharp so could yoti parents give your boys e shove towards the front door a few :minutes earlier gee!). Mon, day? .Secondly we would like the mothers to teach the boys to prepare simple. dishes Of Meat and vegetables. We would liketo see the stand, ard of amp -cooking 'in Exeter. this. year..,Second • to. none.. WO believe the boys can do it with a bit of help. din!!!!!!!!IIIIHI!!!!IfIAIIII!!!!!altIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!amItlIU t !! t IntnoolififlittalliinallatatIMItlillonwitli•!!!!1 Super Service Dripless Delivery And Of Course More Heat Per •GallOrt • Exeter Farm Equipment • Phone 508 Exeter . • • • • LUNCH-BO:5 BUMS? home 'freeze 'em away, with. F AI RWAY .! • TIRED of the same' lunches Week in week out? Don't blame the wife. She's ' doing the hest she can.'But meals that lunch pail of yours can be mighty, hard to' vary — With food prices going Up all the time. ' Give the little woman, and yourself -- a brealt. You an do it very easily with the Fairway 'Home Freezer and Food Plan. • Buying through Fairway cuts more than 30% from Your food costs each and every week. With Fairway you can regularly afford the kind of 'luxury lunches you usually dream about chicken or turkey sandwiches, cold pork roast, 'rolled beef, for example. Chalk,.up another food miracle for Fairwiy. With her Fairway lfreezer the little woman cart prepare your lunches ' 4 months in advance, includint all her 'fanciest baking,' She quick freeze" your , favorite dishes with all their natured goodness sealed In, They march out of the Fairway Freezer into your lunch MX whenever you get that traVingIor something "special". And here's the facts about 'coat:You cave more than $6.00 a week on Your food bills with the Fairway .Freezer and Food Plan. Yet you pay only $6.25 for your Freezer plus the food of your chece. Figure it out -- you can buy your Fairway Freezer and a full supply of food for not a cent More than you re now paying on food alone. 'So save money, eat better. Get rid of thote.- lunch box blues with your Fairway HOMO. Freezer and Food Plan. • „ . , . . . , • • • • • • Sudbury — CKSO-TV — 5 p.m. SUNDAY •.• • ' FAIRWAY'S ONT.V, Winghant-k CKNX-TV —10• p In' THURSDAY . . . ,. • London •--- CFPL-TV -- 6 p.m. 'MONDAY ' , , . • • ' rtost, 414•t Tlite eh* "Faiiiivoogy" In toed a DON'T DELAY — CLIP ANOMAIL. 'TODAY' FAIRWAY TOOK . Ilia NUM. AVE. Wrat 04191,AND„ ONTARIO Mesta .aasti me fun iiilottnitloh,os the tileway food Plan with libtettitity fl fi 660000, I I I II.. Aalet..,,„.,,,,, ....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....ys.,,.......1....,44,,,,..•,,,....1.6, tt j....1. t • tttt ..,....41.4,0• .. ••••••Vrt•Y•000,1••••••••••••••04•Ooslik...o..,,iSik:.• . jiroli.340...Vti..V.01.,,,....W..S..4,01i1.•.••.• 1 It A 0 bliteSS...,....•.,......o., ....•4•14.41411•14,..1140,,..“4••••••••••• .. ., . ;SP.. 0•0•0••4•411,40•••••••••.••••46“..1146.4,114. . 00•16104.41004•114,4; Mliletii.,06.4. I itPHONE NONIatit.... .................................. ..... ,..... ... . ....... ,,,......,...........,,,,,,„ ..... 1:14111,416,410.161. " 11,064.1..,......1,46444,,iaio..41.41.0144.ini••11•04.1,11111114.tie . • I Ivivi "Honlo tteetet I �omIFHZ.rtj e L..** Nita. Ali was 11/111, oi• Eli Sib 'lig. obi um", In* tali 1.• air Ale :ow 41;11;i,