The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-31, Page 6Grand genii (Adele) Mrs. Willis Williams, Detroit; (Pearl) Mrs. William Miller, pashwood; four brothers, Franca, Sarnia; Lea- sum, -Grand,” Rend; Henry, Rat- s on, e , Omaha, Nebraska. Services were held Tuesdays January 29, 1957, at Blucher, Sasic, Canada's Old Age Security Fund, which pays $40 a month to everyone 10. years of age, re- gardless of need, had a deficit of $6,200,000 at July 1st, 1956. DOLLAR DAY $PECIAL$ At Al's Friendly Super-Save Market * * SUPER AVE inARKE TS IP llll 14111 llllllllll lllllllll 111 llllllll WEINERS 3 lbs. $1.00 STEAKS 55c lb. 2 lbs. $1.00 HAMBURG Steak 3 lbs. $1.00 BACON 1 LE LIVER 1 Lei Br3M1 F" $1.00 SAUSAGE Beef Pork 3 lbs. $1.00 tweet, Juicy call/wile Sunkist Navl Orang's 2.0z, /3c Crisp Green l`iorlda Site 4a Celery 2 Prjll. 25c .644n, Mmi-M iaut Florida New Cabbage 2;Lit, 15c Rise j, shine, Juice Sweet rierpo Grapefruit 10 PIM 45c snow White, Fine Meade, Florida Cauliflower -25c extra toetisr,, Kraft 13-ot, ler Cheez Whiz 45c A °PIN FRIDAY NI0F111 HENSALL 4444 •P/111111111111111111111141111.111,141MMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFM11111•11411111111,111111111101111 TTOM Our Prices On Top Quality Used Cars And Trucks Have Hit The Floor. Be Sure To See This Fine Selection This Week 3 2 a 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY Power Flite Transmission Radio, Two-Tone This one you will want to see and drive. 1954 PONTIAC COACH Automatic Transmission Power Steering, Two-Tone Low Mileage, One Owner 1952 DODGE REGENT 4-Door Sedan Overdrive, Low Mileage Clean Inside and Out Locally Owned 1951 DODGE REGENT 4-Door Sedan A-1 Condition Dark Green, Clean 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 4-Door Sedan Sport-Tone Performance and Appearance Like New 1954 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-Door Sedan Low Mileage. Showroom Condition One Owner 1952 DODGE 4-DOOR One Owner This car is in exceptionally fine condition throughout. 1950 PONTIAC COACH Radio, Heater It's tops for a 1950. See this one and drive it. 1950 FORD 1/2 TON EXPRESS 1952 FORD 1./2 TON EXPRESS Both trucks are in *good condition. Hensall a 3 Motor Sales Dodge DeSoto Dealer • HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 31 llllll 111111111.11111111111111111111111 lllll III1111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111WIMI lllll 111111111•11111111111111'. Only THREE bays, Left BARGAINS ARROW SHIRTS .. 2 for $7.00 MEN'S SWEATERS $3.95 PYJAMAS . $4.95 SPORT SHIRTS $2.95 WORK SOX • llllll 300 WORK SHIRTS ,. 2 for $3.00 FELT HATS 54.95 $11 SPECIALS Jaynes Winter SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 nc e -- ale f s , , PHONE 62 -C• JOYNT AND SON HENSALL UP-TO -DATE FAMILY... uAtk, a Good, oa,..Faoktanat Rectpol The Dilthrops are a modern-day family who have rediscovered,a re- cipe for better living. It's not a new recipe by any means—it has been tried and tested for years. Were are the 1,ngredients: • a B of M Savings Account • a Definite Goal to Save for a Dash of Deterrnina-tiOn here's nothing more just d deposits regularly. Mo and nut can point to the results that Suit she's wearing .. that chair ....the sense of thrift and sell:trelianec in Jimmy and Carol gained r.iby operating their own ac- counts .t the 13 of IV. Titre's fun, they sayl in saving together and in sharing thrills of realizingtheir savings Ooals. ' 'Why tIon't you open accounts for member' of your family today? You'll fin 1 a *alit welcome awaits you at th T3 of M. 13A1M or 'MOISTTREAL 6,40444 7outt e‘ft444 rxeter Branch: C. B. SHAW, Manager Centralia (Sub Agency)': Open Mom, Wed. end Fri. Grand need (Sub-Agency): Open Tuesday and Thursday Crediton branch: CLARB Matiaget (Open Tuesday, Thursday and on friday .1.00.6 part.) bashntood (SelieAgcrity):' Open Mon., 'Wed, et- kiet15$11 lIkancht KENNETH' CNRISTIAN, Ivimaitet tutail &Stich: IACK STEACY, Manager WOltKINO WITH CANADIANS IN IVtItlf WA t Winter Coats' & Jackets REDUCED 25 AND 50% The Dilthfop's Passport to Genet Liviri VALUES WORK SWEATERS $2.49 MEN'S OXFORDS $5.95 Scott McHale SHOES $10.95 BOYS' SUITS 25% OFF- BOYS' PYJAMAS $im BOYS' KNEE HOSE , 2 for $1 NY BANK" tow h ire# ox divis 01 I.14 a SIN -0:11P HUNDREDS OF $1 ITEMS CHECK THIS LIST FOR YOUR NEEDS Men's and Boys' Cotton Shirts and Drawers with elastic waist; Boys' Colored Arrow Shirts; Men's White and Colored Shirts; Men's Sport Shirts; Men's T-Shirts; Work Pants; Smocks; Sweaters; Dross Sox; Children's Rubbers; Child. rill's Shoes; Men's and Boys' Ski Caps; and many other items of interest. - Half-Price Sale. Men's Suits Topcoats Sport Coats Slacks Hera are real buys. Come in and take a look at this mer- chandise . . you'll like what you see and you'll save plenty on the price. par f The TiffmapAdvocetia .iinuiery 31, 1957 the session liar consists el David ivings p lieu:tweedsorary eiders 14- eler*, Crago, and Miss Jean Soldan, nurse-in- training of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Townsend and family and Mrs. Flossie Brock moved to their new home in Mitchell on Saturday. Miss Shirley Chapman, R.N., of Sarnia, 'visited during the past cussion period arising from the week with her parents, Mr. and talk. This is the second meeting Mrs. Lorne Chapman. of this series, the first one hold Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster were recent visitors with rela- tives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Kempster and family moved to Goderich on Tuesday of this week, where Mr. Kempster has been appointed to a position at the Goderich Post Office. , Malcolm McEwan, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 11IcEwan, Jr., who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, for the past two weeks suffering with pneu- i foll attack f mon a ow n g an o measles, came home Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Red- den, of Woodstock, were weekend , visitors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden. The death occurred in Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday of Mrs. Elizabeth Moodie, 86, of Brucefield, beloved wife of the late James goodie, The former Elizabeth Thompson, she was born in Hay Township, Her hus- band who predeceased her 12 years ago settled on a farm south of Brucefield following their marriage, retiring to Bruce- field 40 years ago.. Mrs. Moodie was a member of Brucefield United Church. She was an aunt of Mrs. N. E. Cook of Hensall. The body rested at the Boii- thron Funeral Home, Hensall un- til Sunday when funeral services were held from Brucefield United Church. Rev. S. Davidson offici- ated. Interment was made in Baird's cemtery, Personal Items The annual" congregational meeting of St. .Andrew's United Church, Kippen,. was held ' on Tuesday evening. The meeting was preceded by a pot' luck supper prepared and served under the direction of four retiring members of . the Board of Stewards, .Archie Par- sons, convener, • Whiner Jones, Joe Lostell .and . Elmer Turner. The ladies were not in evidence in the preparations but it is sus- pected that they were behind' the scenes. After the supper, a short pro- gram of entertainment was pre- sented, including Song's from the Jones boys and a violin solo or two. from Keith. Anderson. At the piano Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Broadfoot presided. The congregational meeting was called to order by the min- ister, Rev.. Norman McLeod,. who led in the devotions, In tile absence .ef the recording stew- ard, Mr, Ross Love acted as secretary of the meeting. The minister's report review- ed the work of the year. A vaca- tion school has been heldwith success, the minister had visited two sehoola every week through- out the term, a communicants' class had been held and five members of the Sunday School had joined the church on profts- skin of faith. The membership roll had shown a decrease of two, there had. been nine bap- tisms, four marriages and seven burials. A period of silence was ob- served in memory of those who had passed away during the year, They were Mrs. Fairbairn, Mrs. Henderson., Mrs. 'Tomlin- son and Miss Dick. Reports were presented for the WOman'sAssociation h y Mrs. HaroldJones; W.M.S., Mrs. Morley Cooper; Mission Band and Baby Band, Mrs. .Ross roadfoot; Sunday school linen-, cial repOrt;. Marie Sinclair; Young People, Phyllis Lostell; Young People financial, Harold Paraena: Board of Stewards, Archie Parsons; Session report was included in the minister's report as the clerk was 'unable to be present. The treasurer' s report was read by Mrs. Bell in the absence of Miss Ivison, the treasurer, and ahoW' ed. successful year. The electionof officers was then held and four stewards were elected : Mr, Lorne 1-Tay, Mr. Rest troadfoot.,, Mt, Robert Mc AlliSter and Mr. Harold ,Tones, Koss' Love' and Harvey Turner were elected as lay representa- tives to Presbytery, A letter WAS read from the Official Board urgently request. to Rev. arid Mrs, McLeod to attain with the congregation And was unanimously endorsed by the meeting, Posener Nenis Mtn Wilt Ilarvey of Norwich visited a few days last week at the home of Mr, and Orville Workman and *so visit., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K K. Christian. Next Sunday eve- ning it will be held at the United Church manse. The hour' is from 7.30 to 9 pm' Sportscaster Richard Taylor Born In England Kin Speaker Personal Items Mrs. Nancy Kyle, who has been a patient at St. joseph's Hospital, London, receiving special treat- ments for her health, has re- turned home and is doing nicOly. Roland Vanstone, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Roland Van stone, who has been in •Victoria Hospital, London, with pneumonia from the effects of measles, is home, Mr. Ron Passmore, of London,. visited this week with his mother, Mrs. Pearl Passmore, and sister, Miss Norma Passmore. Kenneth Schroeder; infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schroe- der, was taken to Clinton Hospi- tal on Monday with an attack of pneumonia. Tuesday evening, February 12, the Rev. Donald Orth, agricul- ture missionary from Japan, will speak in the United Church. He is Miss Ruth Soldan, of Hamilton, on a Huron Presbytery itinerary. Miss Bonnie Kyle has accepted a position on the staff of the local Bell Telephone Company. An hour of Bible study was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burtt, at the. Queens- way Nursing Home. Rev. Donald MacDonald spoke on the "Call of Abraham," followed with a dis- Ward Cornell, sports announ- cer of CFPL-TV, was guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Hensall Kinsmen Club attended by forty-nine members and guests, with out of town Kinsmen from Clinton and Ayl- mer. Mr, Cornell gave interesting and informative highlights of of the Olympic games held in Australia which he covered, and a 1 s o discussed broadcasting. President L. Tiberio chaired the meeting, Founders night will be observ. ed by the Club on "president 28 when the National president of the Kinsmen Club, Iry Cantor of Leamington, will be guest speaker. Stratford, London, Exe- ter and Clinton clubs will at:. tend. The affair will be held in the New. Commercial Hotel, Hen- sail. At Kirkton congregational meeting Xirktell United, ..Clwrcli. was "ACK Wednesda'Y Jan.' la, reports from all depart- hlents. showed .an increase in A total Of $0,151.78 Was raised for all purposes, including local chureh fund,. 43,387.39; At and: .$1,413.10; Sunday. School, • 51: repah' fund, $67.86; Class That Counts, $41$.4.1 W.A., $1,771.014 W.M.S., $3.75.94; Mis-; SIPA Band, $36.61; Mission Circle, ts.U.S.fi.. • The two retiring members of Session, were re-appointed and 1 R P.S,S Marshall, Roy Ewitzer, Robert Hazelwood, Thomas Brock, Clarence Routly, Everett Donpe. Wlibert R:iritby and Bay Francis. The stewards were re-elected. They include Harry Burgin, treasurer, Fred Switzer, Ray. Paynter„ Lorne Marshall', Or- ville Roger; Lavern Stone, Cliff jory, Lorne Doupe, Jack Swit- zer, Jack Urquhart and Fred Roger, Total givings for M and M. on the charge of)1Cirkton, Mt. Pleas- ant and Anderson were $2,869.04. Praise for the work of Rev. W. If. and Mrs. Pike, who are supplying for the year, was ex- pressed by officials,. Richard Taylor Sr., 73, of Hensall, passed away Thursday evening in Clinton Community Hospital, where be had been ad- mitted as a patient on Monday, Born in England Mr. Taylor came to Canada some fifty-two years ago and settled in this area, He farmed successfully at Chiselhurst, and took up ^resi- dence in Hensall four years ago. He was a member of St, Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, Surviving are his widow, the former Mary Richardson, three sons, Richard Jr. and Edwin, Chiselhurst; Jack, Seaforth; thr e e daughters, (Margaret) Mrs Lorne Kaye, London;' Mrs. Myrtle Young, Toronto; (Jean) Mrs, Gordon Munn, Hensall; 13 grandchildren and ,one great grandchild; two brothers and three sisters in England, Two sons, Melvin and Sydney, paid the supreme sacrifice in World War Public. funeral services were held from the Bonthron, funeral Chapel, Hensall on Saturday, Rev. N, D. Knox officiating. In- terment was in McTaggart's cemetery. Comments About Cromarty „_ By MRS. K. McKELLAR Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay McKel- lar, Doug, Bob and Laurie, visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Don Wallace, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family, Stratford, visited on Saturday with his mother, Mrs. M, Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen, Sheila and Mary Lynne, Mitchell, attended church service here on Sunday, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cockwell, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen, Georgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLach- lan entertained a few friends on Friday evening. The Y.P.S. members enjoyed a skating: party at the Mitchell I skating rink—fart,' Saturday night. William Davidson Former Resident Residents of Hensall and dist- rict learned of the passing of a former well known Hensall bus- inessman, Mr. William R. David- son, of Port Colborne, who died on Thursday, January 24 in Port Colborne General Hospital in his 69th year, Surviving arc his widow, the former Estella King, and one son, Allan A. Davidson, funeral director of Port Colborne, and one grandson. Services were held Friday from the Allan R. Davidson fun- eral home, Port Colborne then to the Currie funeral home, Wingliam, where the funeral was held Saturday with interment in Wingham cemetery, Mrs. E. Moodie Dies In Clinton Hensall And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hidden, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie McGregor, .Phone 682141 Edward liefond Native Of Bend Bond Carbon Mimeo Paper Times-Advocate Stewards Serve Meal For Church At Kippen ed several • friends and neigh- bors. Mr. and Mrs. G. Vennema of Hamilton were weekend guests of the latter'.s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Binnendyk. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown of 4Gran413end visited -,Tuesday with their` daughter and • srm-in-law, Mr. `,,and Mrs. E.,'Mousseau. Mr. Sam Cuchnore who has been residing with his son and daUgiter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart cudmore of London since his• wife's illness, spent a few days" at his lidme last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran of London visited over the week- end' with their grandmother, Mrs: Amelia McClymont. Mrs. James ,MeLean, who has been confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, returned to her home last week. Mrs. Clarence Priestap of near Mitchell visited on Sunday with her father, Mr. Robert Thom-, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Hubbant and baby of Harriston, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of Han- riston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle. Mr and Mrs. Radius Faber, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Faber and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Faber of Hensall, returned home from a two week's vacation in Florida, Relatives from a distance Mir) paid tribute to the late Mr. Arthur Anderson included: Mr. and Mrs. Emirierson. Anderson and family of Marlette, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Landon, Marlette, Mich., Mrs. Crystal Anderson of Ann Arlie'', Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burnham and daughter of Salem, Mich., Mr. and IVIfs. Gordon Landers, Marlette, Mich,, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Snover, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter and Mr. Clarence Potter and Mt. and Mrs. Rolland, Clinton, Young People Meet The Young Peoples held their meeting at the home of Harold Parsons on Monday night with 24 members present. The devotional was taken by Bonnie Kyle, An interesting arlt dress was given by Rev, N, Me- Load. The highlight of the meeting was a debate "Resolved Elvis Presley IS a gaid influence ,on teenagers" with Pat Lovell tak. leg the affirmative side and Phylli.1 Lenten, the negative, All the young people took part, Mrs, MeLted and Mrs, Archie Par- sons being the judges, decided olTh$te tele" next meeting is to be held on Feb, 3 in the Sunday sebool tooth with Young Peri- plea as 4tiests. The program celli- Mittee is: Keith Love, Harold Pirsons, Pat Lovell, Ruth Turn. or. The business Part of the, meeting was,adiourned and Donald!. Lettel and Marie Writ. Son took charge of the games. Edward Lafond, 67, died sud- denly at Blucher, Saskatchewan, Thursday, aanu.ary The son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Lama,. he was born and raised at Grand Bead.„ Besides his wife, the former Grace Rudd, of England, he is , survived by three sons, Agri-or, Cecil .and Austin; three sisters, (Matilda) Mrs. Russell Wanner,