HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-14, Page 3Mora bike of IMnd.o Wr4w sail tihywer-
Yseseal r MI tho lest -horn lade .ad Ists+isk
itte sde ef die seirkeskeod. Lomond meets -
flit W he plead nod bewsted meg his limb-
less IK. '1hamesdssod th..saede et times had
his rs.iested nodally se tbe •aria«b.ir aeon-
sese of Gray.
•• tall
.say a flower Is bras r Hud snares
Am tees. w w«taw es the dews air."
Hew prspbti.ally appropriate ! Alaimo drys
. ad slsaplese nights. Gales ideas — fervid
thaws of (.agi.•tis.r-Byroeie aspintio.s and
Unitarians, rolls •f paper, 6..ds of irk ..d hoses
of tapers had hitherto been wasted is nit. No
. side. to tranpnit hie seotimeotulliiea to a
"ds..enieg peblic" and his same to as earthly
i.mwuhy ! Hope has sit kegtb milled Hie
renes is sew •rear. A local Newspaper was
all that was mattes to suck his name Is the
seem slehe with the names of Byron and Moore,
ad Burse, and Scott ! Already he perceive',
$•pb•, and Lelia. and Chloris. and Chloe, and
Clara melted into the sttften coosisteser d lau-
plehisg aod ennfldiog love. Happy child of
la short. melt im the excited condition of the
p.►lie mind on the is•.r of the •' int Newspa-
per," that with s very little exertion any som-
ber of subscriber es.ld be obtained. Hard`
Bills, Pesters, ?Weird', Visiri.g nerds, Pro-
freairsal Cards sad long Adverthe meso all
crowd is faster 16a they can be sne•ded to;
..d the poor F.ditrr look. epee himself as already
herbed the reach of peeuoiary.diMcoliies. le
seder, however, to 'sodomised the tree .tate of
altars it isaeeeesary to•ssppose that the Editor
y• Nnag•e, sod utterly so.cq..inted with the
eaten of the materials from which b. thus cale•-
MW ea his fitters . "Did he know
W anomers, is all ppsk.hility his first it...
wseldbe bit last.
"O, bli.daeso to the futon, luridly gives
That each may 311 the circle raark'd by hear'•."
• r.e/barke. shapers, swindlers. Beekropu, bleb-
boe gfaskeeerds midi Bar -room Loafers are all
Wag it wait to seise and grasp something from
the stranger. Perhaps twenty -fvs
grey rise of the Poor Editor's wbseripiioo list is
made •p of ebor.ctere who] could not obtain
credit d• flews of shirt buttons from any mea
who knows (bete. Characters who have lied
.ad premised, end blustered and lied, and gouged
toad cvse-reached till their names beve become a
"teach 1s the •setnle d eveo tb• commonest
tridents. Aad yet they palm themselves on
lbs hoses' Editor as " Gentlemen," nod have .
the gia•borse imptdeoes to assume Esquire as
at appendage u their .* .. ' " Sahara* ! yes
far tie...pise( It's every man's dui,' and
should he ever sty's pride to subscribe for a
keel Newspaper ! 1 always eneoorege these
chitogo. sol am tweed of the opporteniy of sob-
.cribi•g dor a lees! Newspaper--.od; i■ the
meantime i mast bees • pack, or gather two
peeks id 'Maria: Carib ! we: max support the
Prete !'•
Such are the extravagant compliments
nail prodigal promise' of support tendered
to the teen who commences the " fitst
newspaper." But this is ell mere chaff.—
► The authors of all this elided pretension@
are men who live by such low deceptions—
Mao destitute of every principle r( honest
and honorable manhood, who by a long
course of despicable Tying, shuttling and
evening, have sunk down even below the
common dregs of society—dreaded as a
burden and a pest to the merchant and the
indatnous tradeem•n—and who have noth-
ing left to recommend them even to the no-
tice of strangers, except the "aloft sawder"
of the practised sharper, and their uoblush-
lag impudence. Visitug cards forsooth !—
In general their visits are'dRaded—and at
say time are looked upon merely as a toler-
ated nuisance.
At the end of two the poor Editor
discovers his true state of affairs, viz.: that
his circolatton and success depend upon
them who made fewest professions of
friendship or enthusiasm. He finds that the
mestere" of show and pretensions have got
deeply into hie books, and have newer meld
him a sixpence, nor entertain the most re-
mote idea of ever dmng a0. Ne would wil-
lingly hurter the whole accounts of the
wholeeless of would -be -Esquires for a sin-
gle load of cord wood for his printing office.
And yet nobody will accept of his offer.—
The impostors too, in their turn, will have
made some important discoveries- They
have discovered that the Editor is • strange
•ort of common -place, common sense crea
tura of reality—that he has no faith in flip-
pancy sad alamtoork—that he calculates
the support given to his Newspaper by the
quantity of bard cash which he receives for
it, that be regards "'Gentleman" and " Es-
quire" as conventional terms of respect and
honor, and, therefore, supposes that when-
e ver men study to get ibto debt without
studying to get out of it, they are altogeth-
et destitute of the very qualities that would
entitle them to these terms. Yea, even the
poor milky -minded poet has discovered that
all his eang,line expectations have been sad-
ly diappointed, hie delicate ditties cannot
be taken as cash payments, for • Newspa-
• per, nay, worse—they cannot even be inser-
ted, except on the regular advertising scale,
and hence the proud Nymph of Poesy, like
Pats cash, refuses to be forthcoming. But
after alt these difficulties, disappointment.,
sed disagreeable embarrassments, it must
be admitted that the ooly pare and efficient
11110,00 of rectifying the .local "boon of
brown, the warmest ingredients of seemly
to then proper revel, and of improving the
time of thought and actin° in • prosperous
sem.estlye is just to establish • local
Newspaper ander the management of a man
who will fearlessly br.ng the filth to the
(Q Ws he.• receiver " Th. Philosophy of
•siia.da,w a ien.a.uti.g little wank by Theo.
C. Keefer. Tq., Civil Eagiaeer, sed peblisbad
by Ammer rad Ramsay of Mistreat. It is •
0,5 waist« treatise es e "shire, of meth ge.e.
d impsetaeo H precast. it monism a
liege •sr.oet .1 useful knowledge, sed while
rho Kiri. mad *apemen@ an adapted to tie sell -
saw ra.naity. It. an the sem. firer, ..asses«
the gntifrleg fact that eves • • tem Casein" le
e r tltrigetber defieleet h Mseeaaseal sad Ee-
si•ewi.g abet.
Cr k will be ebsar.ed by a p.egwph (rase
the rvwislefi t ef Meshy Iso, that Mr Wet -
o aken bee bre defeated is the ..test fee Hal -
rushy s iiwtjmitf el R. 1110 .rill lefty le the
•el st Is ties salt
Taws moos ',Trireme. —Os Bat.riy tie Id
last., Os dwellt.g hes.. .1 Mr. Jame. Meru..
Ne. k D.w.te, wee breed to flu gr..ed. The
Ire anspeated, it is eappesrd, fie. a .park bras
• pipe. dropped .awes .nose wheat .sewed is
the sppet Met. Then w« hardly sinking
meed. Tbs s.. Mien, watb a g«K..e mimes -
thy gathered together se Mesday, .ad pat
mother hoes ep foe Mr. Martie.—Cara.
We hasten to place before our
readers this horning the import-
ant intelligence that Mr. Hopkins
has been returned.for the County
of Halton by a majority of Fifty
Seven votes,
By this decision the Electors -
of Halton, speaking in this case
for the entire Province, have e-
lected Mr. Hopkins as the bearer
of a " MESSAGE " to our Le-
gislature—that no more useless
offices shall be filled in Canada—
that suitable Retrenchment shall
be commenced immediately—
that the settlement of the Clergy
Reserve and Rectory questions be
entered upon forthwith and in ear-
nest—that many of our laws shall
be simplified, made more suitable
to our circumstances, and their
application rendered less expen-
sive to the people—and that all
necessary Reforms in all other
matters shall be entered upon
without further delay.
This is the second triumph of
" clear grit " principles—the first
being the election of Mr. Perry
for one of the Ridings of York.
The following is the state of
the Polls in the several town-
ships at the close of the election.
Hop. Net.
Dumfries, 53 158
Beverly, 44 195
West Flamboro' 94 156
Feast Flamboro' 38 95
Nelson, 125 132
Trafalgar, 229 91
Esquesing, 292 45
Nassagawe res, 89 35
964 907
Maj. fbr Hopkins, 57
One of the most extraordinary calamine"
that bar befallen" this Village, took place
this morning a little after four o'clock, in
the Mill belonging to Mr. Dickson, and
tenanted by James B. Ewart, Esq.
At that hour, the Miller who was atten-
ding on the machinery, and who was at that
moment reading in one of the front apart-
n teats, felt seine of the grain from the upper
floor trickling about his ears, and, alarmed
at the circumstance, be fortunately went
toward, the back of the Mill, but before he
had made many steps from when he had
been sitting, the whole east front of the
building fell to the ground with a hideous
crash, carrying with it thousands of bushels
of Wheat, and mixing in terrible confusion
broken timbers, glass, stones, grain, and
hing the building contained.
The enormous weight thus borne to the
refill crushed the platform in front of the
Mill to pieces, and a great part of the
stones, and vast quantities of Wheat were
thrown into the race, which wan immedi-
ately choked up, and is now for may yardp
covered from 6 to 12 inches deep with the
It appears Ibat the front part of the build-
ing had bran crammed choke full with
wheat to the depth of 10 or 12 feet in each
of the three stories of which the Mill con•
. int.. The enormous pressure of the grin
had forced the joists from .the sleepers, and
the pressure increasing on the wall finally
drove it from its perpendicular, sad threw
the whole mass to the ground.
All the grain in the outer bions—about
12 by 30 feet—is lost. the floors and all the
contents being either in the water, or lying
a mane of confusion in the street. Five or
Aix thousand bushels have probably fallen,
and of this from 1500 to 3000 bushels will
be a complete los.
Fortunately no damage has been unstain-
ed by the Machinery, and at least 35,000 to
30.000 bushels of grate in other parts of the
building a safe. No injury was sustained
by either of the two serious i. the Mill at
the time nae the accident.
Had this calamity occurred in the day
time, the In.e of life must have been very
great, for from morning till sight tbe plat-
form on which the ruins fell is usnally cov-
ered with tee Ily frog 90 to 30
standing around to unload on the very .pot
where the huge mase now lies.
It is i.po .,hd. et pest to estimate the
loss ; bat jrtoately, the Machinery being
safe, the milling will sot be isterreptor,
and the enormous quesuty of grain sow M
store will be without stop-
page.—Oen Reporter. JOHNSON GRAHAM.
Goderich, Marsh 9th 1850. hit
Us' I. Louie N1p4Ma res tat a pop-
u lar as beretofoee.
"Tbe French have eradiated se the Greek
rowel. Admiral Parker a skid so.trstusg
the blockade upon • great number of uter-
cbsatrwee sad several corvettes, Wavle/
to Greece. King Otho a beloved by bra
•object•. Rums and Aastrfa have come to
1110 aid. A Bat has bete sent from the tar-
ter to oppose Admiral 8u J. Parker. Aus-
tria h« proposed • roasts! Customs Union
on the principle of Proteeuoa, which has
n ot, as heretofore, the prohibition of French
menu( cture•.
The people of Hungary are begissisg to
express their feelings towards the Govern-
ment. Count Fellki has bees discharged
from custody ; the Pentanes of death passed
on 23 Hungarian Officers on the 16th Janu-
ary, lase bees commuted by Bares tleysau
to terms of impruoomeot varying from five
to flftees years.
A serum" altercation bad taken place be-
tween the 2nd regiment of infastry, at Ino-
spruck, in which 31 Ines were wuuilled.
The fleet is to be increased to two frig-
ates of 00, and • corvette of 30 guns.
The latest dates from Coastanuseple are
of the 30tb January, at which time it was
apprehended the English tie. 1.
Greece would divide the *forts ale Fraser
and her on the Turko Remittal stair
Notice is hereby giv- es, that the COURTS
01I Otto •Pe TOrrusa •CD GINaaat.
GAOL DatrvaaT 'and of Aeons sed ,NUI
Pries, is sod for the seven! Counties of
that part of the Prowisee of Canada former-
ly Upper Canada, will be as follow.:—
Conway of York.
The Hon. Caner Jurrica Rost..or :
Toronto Monday, 6th May.
Osfurd Ciresii.
The Hon. Csisrltrancs MacAutar:
Hamilton Monday, 15th April.
Tuesday, 30th April.
Woodstock Tuesday, 70 May.
Guelph Tuesday, 14th May.
Western Circuit.
- The Hon. Mr. Jerrie* McLean:
Basdwich Monday, 23W April.
London Monday, 2911 April.
Goderich Monday, 13th May.
.Midland Cirevif.
The Hos. Mr. Ju.nicu Darn:
Brockville Monday, 12°d April.
Kingston Monday, 29th -April.
Belleville Monday, 13th May.
Pic ton Thursday, 23rd May,
Home Gireril.
The Hos. Mr Juerrce Svt.uv•s:
Niagara Tuesday, 2nd April.
Cobourg Thorsday, 18th April.
Peterborough Wednesday, let May.
Barrie Wednesday, May 15.
Easters Circuit.
The Hos. Mr. Jurrice Buses:
Monday, 22nd April.
Monday, 19th April.
Tuesday, 14th May.
L Original
Cornwall Monday, 201h May •
Of which all Sheriff's, Magistrate', Coro-
nets, Gaolers and other Peace Officers are
requested to take notice.
By the Court,
Clerk of the Crewe .sd P/444.
Crown Office, Feb. 16, 1650.
At Stratford, H•ro•, es Sunday morning the
3rd ism., the Indy of Alexander B. 0'', Esq ,
of a son and heir.
At Hopervills, Beath Eaihope, oar the ilStb
February, Mrs. Alvis Sebring of twins—'soos.
At Stretford o. the 4th lust., by the Rev.
Mona" McPherson, Presbyterian Church, Mr.
D•,ip MicCoy of Ioveroo Bridge, Sear Clady,
Derry, to Mies Maty Arm C•eaiau., daogbter
of Mr. Thomas Campbell, from Kilns'. Derry,
now of Gore of Downie
New York, March 8.
Ashes market firm ; Pearls $5,97 ; Pots
in good demand and sales at $16,50 a 6,56.
FLOUR, ko —No -change in western and No. bats Vimam oiwsiptiew.
state; sales 4000 bbl. at (4,871 a $5 for
common to straight state ; $3 a 5,25 for
favorite State and mixed Ohio and Indiana.
GRAiN—What firm. Sales 2600 bush
good Genesee. Oats firm and in good de -
wand et 42 • 44c for northern.
PROVISIONS—Market for Pork beavy
but more active ; sales 3000 bblg part it not I
all et $10,871 and 290 bbl. et $8,81 which
is below the market.
WISHES to intimate to the inhabitants of
Goderich and the eurroo•diag comity,
that he bar commenced business as Cosveraeer,
General Agent mod Accountant, and by made -
ma attention, accuracy, mid tetederats chargee,
hopes to be Woeful to mach as may require his
.enie.•. Thome wirhi.g to employ bim is any
of the above branches will please gall at the
Registry Office, Lighthouse street,
Goderich, 13th Match. 1850. e3 -n6
STRAYED from the subscriber on or A-
" the fret of April, 1849, A RED
STEER, with crumpled horns, white on the
belly and tail, four years old last wiring.—
pring—Any person l.avi.g information of time above
Steer at the Heron Signal omen or at Mr.
Robert Cook'. 'Tavern, Huron Rad, will be
rewarded for th r tremble.
guron Distrix , TO Tut Tows IZCVE$ Or THE MUNI-
tidyin ac niin loitd the ?bra- t,I000UNTtLSt0? HUKON rE*TH
surer for the year ending, Feb. AND BRUCE.
1 l th, 1850. • '1 £NTLZME•f.—I .w sakes u lemmata to
yea Ow the less thaws set mode a per-
Jsty 7, 1.800—Be sash wgised far w. wad erpGnatiea to pw s it Pear ..s&r.auw o/
as« dCseed, £ 11 0 0 • of Cott, Clerk. which the
S. t. 1—By
sammo.tt of wbseriptwse & Warese !ae eetsined ea tea, presoak (raw a ba-
re«)ved, 37 3 8 Si that she ,swat way to omen year eselldea«,
/she R 1830—By share of G.wen.ust I.4 c..eegeem approval of the Warder's •p•
Great. 100 0 8 miettseet, will be by attoadieg carefully sad
" By missal *this. Geodes' sots, 9 15 0 welasly to the down of tat arias.
Ai the some time I Mari forbear mariag •
£157 H 4 ew oborrvattear se tha p.epesal which Mr.
Lain Ism made 0 res to sedan/am the deters
of the office st £tS lace flee the eatery that win
17 N .warded u the Coaly Clerk ea yoga Tate art -
;Mg. Yoe are aware that a year ago the salary
10 0 of the Dutrtet Clerk was raised from £75 so
£190. il res d • Reeolutioe of the
O 0 Coouothat Me Clerko
rk remold manage the As-
sr.sor'.sad Collector'' Rollo, sed with • view
0 0 to remuserste him for the extra week *hes sated -
rd os him ; bat Je Clete ads. Peace wariest the
0 0 alert.eed issued the Rolle before the Cameral rose.
Mr. Doe received his former solary of £75. and
12 6 Mr. Lisen (as I am credibly isfortsed) received
upwards of £120 for the maaagemaot of the
13 I Roue,
At the late Meetiag of the United Counties
0 0 ' Coaad, y'•• decreed by me' emphatic Resoltr-
11iess that the management of tit. Asesgemeo:
O 0 (tills should be undertaken by the Coast, Clerk
i ll *e salary of £75. Of this salary 1 cermet
9 0 i «.plain, seeing that 1 undertook the whole de -
limo( the office at that salary, gad I shall coofi•
15 0 ' i 1..dy item it to you to de smile' at your next
0 0 i aweti.g, whether the county clerk is overpaid at
iamb • ansa«rasion, or art.
7 0 11 cannot be doubted that Mr. Liters would
6 2 iieeha•ge efficiently the donee of the clerkship,
bat 1 botsbly submit that there are tnany others
5 0 is the Vetted toaties who are able to fulfil those
0 0 official duties to the satisfaction of the public,
146 16 54 ted that then is neither reason nor j.stiee it ta-
king sway • slice of bread from moa mea to give
B.I.nga is Treasurer's hands, £11 3 101 It a another who heirs a whole loaf.
Assent of Notts is Treasaret'a 1 cosset understand trait there will be tray ad -
►ands 42 8 6 vantage to the public in combining the two offi-
ces of clerk of the l'esce and seamy clerk, for the
LIST OF LETTERS bu.aeee of the Reeves as Matutrstes will nate-
REMAINING in the Poet Owe. at Stratford rally be in the clerk of the Peace's office. and
Grp to 7th Much, 1850. their business as heads of the several Township
Cowbells, will as naturally remain with the
coaoq clerk ; the duties of the two clerkships be-
ing perfectly distinct.
1 cannot help observing that the argument of
"economy and eooveoieocy" comes with bet •
bad grace Isom a Gentleman who sow offers to
eadertake the whole duties of coenty clerk, for a
sem mach lege than one half of the sum ise has
hitherto received for the extra work now to he
ese(wmed by the corny clerk, and bed Mr. Liz
.IlAbseb ealion to save expense to this impoe-
aitili.d District, had he beets formerly alive to
lido new spirit of ermoomy he now cruces, or
dale seaaible of the moral obligatioos which•
*mild exist between the employer, and the em-
ployed, he would long ago have made th• offer
with which in such • generous spirit, be now
assns forward.
It is so 00eemmoo thing in England for the
'Chancellor of the Exchequer to receive largo
IMM" of swasy from anonymous individuals; who
womb. by. a latent seem of won* injustice ea
thelr part, ps, Grp what they consider to be dos
.1ay them to the country, and these moms are call-
d " emaciates monies." May we not expect
b see is the ext statement of the comity Trea-
t rarer a large sem to the credit of the United
murales, paid in by theconeeiace stricken clerk
sfthe Peace.
Is conclusion, I beg te submit that where there
lee efficient persons, willing to 111161 the duties
NOTES LOST, ,3f am office creditably to thertuetves, setidetori-
ttete thcan publnico, januatdida. •modoerate emunanenmoonoe,ELONGING to the subscriber- and all yBptrties ars hereby cautioned against person with official duties, and that I hoype
buying the undermentioned Note., and the.erove that I am an efficient comity officer, and
parties are hereby cautioned against payiog ,Mall endeavor to secure your confirmation oo the
the said Notes to any but the subscriber, above grounds.
and any person Ending the said Notes will 1 have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
be liberally rewarded by retarniog them to Year faithful servant,
the sub•cnber. A Note in favor of Edwin ALFRED W. OTTER.
Dent or bearer; for £5 5" currency, due let A NOTE OF HAND LOST
April, 1850, payable in Lumber, signed by
P. A. Sebring.—A Note in favor of Edwin IN Goderich, on Friday, the 8th instant,
Dent or bearer, for £3 10e, payable in los- given by Jame" Campbell, in favor of
bar, doe 1st April, 1850, signed by John
[ossa Carling or better, for £ 19 13s H C'y.
McNay.—A Note in favor of Edwin Dent payable two months after date. Any person
or bearer, payable in shingles, due 1st May, leaving the above Note at the Huron Signal
1850, for £3 some shillings, currency, sign- office, will receive a Reward of £1 5a—and
ed by Stinson tar. Murray. Sotice is also gireo that payment of said
EDWIN DENT, Note is stopped with the drawer.
Fanning Mill maker, Mitchell. Goderich, March 9th, 1850. 3v -5t3
9th March, 1850. 3w-s8ti IT QUMMONSEB required by the New Dis-
trict Court Act, and all other BLANK
FORMS treed i■ the District and Division
Courts, es Sale at the Si'saf Office. Also, all
801tY NOTES, for ale at the 8i s Ilkiads of JOB PRINTING executed on the
g a •horte.t •oda, arid on moderate tenni.
Office. Every discription of BOOK and God.rieh, July 19, 1849.
JOB Printing executed with neatness and Signal Office, Goderich, t
dispatch. lith September 1649. S
1849 DR
Pea 12—Te Halms* d«
Treasurer, £g
raid Aeeuesaer fur tell-
isg Bel1a. 0
" Jacob Wilmot ?roman
for best litanies. 10
• John 8.Ike1d for keep of
Calf, 2
•• Stationary allewa.ee to
Becrew,. 5
."Thos. McQueen, pristieg
bill, 5
•' Fright of Wheat from
Kiagetoe, 0
" For mouse opted ukiag
down pees, 3
•• Treasurer of Proei.elal
Association. 5
•• Paid Jas. Gentles bis WI-
NK ass for two punt 90
" Premiums as awarded at
Show, 75
" Secretary's &Mary, 10
" O.. Judges espartos to
Stratterd, 0
" Pester access'. 1
Paid Hear, Reed for gervi-
een at Show, 0
" Treasurer's Salary, 6
Armstrong Goo McP►erao. Peter
Bells Charlotte McTavish Douglass
Bell William Rev MacCoiaig Widow Aa.
Brett Mrs McGree George
Curtis Gad Newlaa Jody
Casty. Mary Asa Newell James
Catlin James Nott Rat
Clio' William 2 - Park. Jab. 1
David«, Math Pbela James
Esglieby Catharine ' Perth. Juba
Edgar Joins Phillip. Joh.
Femmor Valentine Pawls Patrick
Gnat William • glop Jaanthan
Gibbs George Res ouch J.ha
Hill Thomas Miter Vasa um
Heedelon'rboons Rowland Mary Ass
Sebring Joba
Smith Jew
Switzer George
Stewart Peter
Scott Job.
. Tenor Mr.
Taut Joh.
William.oa Joh. 9
William«. John
Weber Jacob
Wright Alex 2
Ward Jolts
Horgan Joh■
Hawn Anher
Hearnsip W
Johnson Jahn
Johns Saml 2
Kutner Mlcheel
Lampton Thomas
Laptoa Charles
Mooteeth Robt
McDowall James;
McCaoily James
McCloud Alexander Ward Jaw«
illank Deeds and Memorials,
Issued for the year 1850, by CHARLES WIDDER, Inspector for
the United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, between the
20th December, 1849, and 20th February, 1850.
New York, March Ste, Halo.
The an,da arrive) yesterday at Halifax. EST A B L I alt H M E NT.
The lineal int.lhga.se by the (,as.da
is sot very important A. N A 8 M Y T H
FRANCE. IN rstorstag thetas to his friss& sad sa-
The .wisp is Pavia hashasty does rosmeroe. Ceetowers fee the liberal Pat
petage which In has received kris the
hot the Socialist" are orgaising for a poet year. Wealo utimate that be hula"
grand t'smonatration on the 1811 wtat. mealy" an sztessive Aesertssest
Yllitaq p however, W ewe . OP T b>OOwf 10111000.
.ads to Meer the poses, and the PreeitaaS M. with ears and paseleaytExecute all (y .e forely
W hese pissed ander a Ned lied M oar- fiedeneh, April, Hath, 1840. fov-s doff
Ale sited Bose
Rahman & Crawford,
William Grace,
James Watson,
Jobs McDonald,
James Clegg,
Do.a!d Gordon,
Peter Woods,
Francis Fiabliegh,
Sebastian Fry(ogle,
Hoary Kng,
Albert G. Hatch,
Thomas Kara,
Jobe Emmet -toe,
James McCauley,
Patrick Mellbargy,
Wm. H. Ryas,'
Barnard Steely,
Jeeepb Quick,
James Whiteford,
Petnek Flauagae,
Jobs McKeezu,
Jobe Huck.,
Henry Haeebe,
Wm. W. Comfier,
John Allen,
Mary Hick.,
Robert Deakin
Jacob Willem
Themes xieaard
Dorothy Deeglaso
Asdrew Deeweh
Matthew Rogers
J W. Robraso.
Thoma Dark
Jeer B.Ikwtll
8•In«l Fretkigh
William Omit
limy Wettldrer
Jame Geodes
Gacrge Hod mos
Bame.l Johns
Wulliam McDonald
With.. Reed
Raridesca. Amount of Total salt.
Duty. of dads ai-
der ssrA A'd.
LT 10
7 10
7 10
7 10 £3000
7 10
3 0
Bt. May.,
Stratford, 7
Mitchell, 3
Booth Eastbope, 3
do. 3
Stratford, 7
Ellice, 3
Heron, 3 0
Stratford. 7 10
Biddulpb, 3 10
do. 3 10
do. 3 10
Usberoe. 3 10
Tuekerrnuh, L. R. 3 10
B ddelph, 1 10
Steely, 3 1Q
Mitchell, 3 10
Bayfield, 3 0
do 3 0
Goderieh 7 10
do Township, 3 10
Hibbert 3 III
Hay 3 19
Downie 3 10
Swofford, 7 10
Goderich 7 10
Ueber.e 3 10
North Feathers" 3 10
tiedench 7 10
U.born. 3 10
8t. Miry, 5 0
do 5 0
South Ertel hope 3 0
Gederlee 7 10
B.ddelph 3 10
Stratford 2 0
do. 2 0
G.deri.b 3 0
ineppeseet.r, Usual Counts. of Huron, Perth and Bruce.
To the Clark of the Piece, IJsired Cewtieo
of Maros, Pert8 sad Ernes,
A tree eery.
162 10
THE PARTNERSHIP be e*sfes east -
me betty**. 10H 1AACHAN ..f
Godeneh, Esquire. NIEL HOME
LIZARS, of Strut . quire, se Barns -
ter sod Attoroi.a- w, Bithenors is
Chancery, Notar.D S ee sad Conveys*.
cora, is ibs d• our Msteel etsa-
.en. 1Ts ----'.t711AN,
U :! av,r0ME WZARIH,
1Vi'tnece—A. W. ST&•Caas.
Goderich, led January, 1840. 2- -n4$
rrillE Debts due by - the late Arm .f
8TRACHAN k LIZARN, at Barne-
ter and Anomie, at Law, will be pard by
John tltrachao and Dowel flume Cesare, at
their respective offices in Godenet, and
Stratford : And the debts dna to them are
requested to be forthwith paid. Those due
the office at Goderich, to the raid Jnhn
Strachan, at Goderich, aforeeotd, and thn-e
Jue the office at Stratford, to the raid Den
tel Hume Lizan, at Strutfur,I, aforessio.
Goderich, tnd January. 1'i5u t. -u4.
Couaatc i, 111h February, Io50.
1 bare tise honor to intrnat• me totenu.. of
becoming a Candidate for the Office of Cooaiy
Clerk, saw vacant by the lamented death of Mr.
Dos, .ad "holed 1 be so fortunate as to tae elect-
ed, I shall cheerfully uudenake to perform the
duties of the office, together with the manage-
ment of the As.esownte end Collector's Rolls
for as samara salary of £50.
1 would at the some time beg to call your ma-
lice to the experience 1 have gained darieg the
last eight years u0 co.ductr.g the Rates and
Tares ; sod that the Mosinee' or 'he Coe•ty
Cooped i' not unknown to me, baring seceeas-
fell! orga.iaed the mode of solos adopted by the
District Caromed el its firm mittisg i. Febresiry
1842, is my thee capacity of Acting Domino
Clerk, which i believe has sot brae swerved from
in the sub•eoasot contacting of rhe again of the
Moreover, as the Members of the Covet?
Cosoeil are sow Justices of the Pease els fti,
i should humbly conceive it to be an edeauge
te combine the ditties of the County Clerk with
those of the Clerk of the Peace under one officer
as a matter bottle( economy sod -
I berg the honor to be,
Your very obedient servant,
Goderich F o u ndry.
THE Subscribers beg - to inform the ;ohs -
tants of tho County of Huron and the
public generally, that they have now on
hand, and are constantly manufacterisg •
and seem, description of HOLLOW Ware,
which they ars ready to dispose of os libe-
ral Terms either Wholesale or Retail.
G. M. la Co. would also take the liberty
of iotitnatung tit all those whose Notes and
Accounts are over due, that unless immedi-
ate steps are taken to settle their 'spee-
tiv• debts, they will be under the disagree-
able necessity of resorting to legal.meas-
ura to eo(orce their claims.
Goderich, Feb. 13, 1850. 3-213
be disposed of by Lottery, the following
valuable property: TWO TOWN LOTS.
of one-foartb acre melt, (with a substantial
FRAME HOUSE ea see of them' . 1.ed
£75ao4 £2$—beiag Lets 19 sod 20, abetting
os Elgia tenon, Gederich, the property of Mm
HENLEY, Also, ea. Table, £1 5e. Oa
Stead, 15a. One Clock, £210e. Pair Candle-
sticks, 5e. Pair Dog (roes, 15e. Leafier
Trunk, £1. Pair Catdlseticks. 5s. It u pro-
posed to dispose of the ab..e property by way of
Lottery, at 427 TICKETS, OF FIVE SHIL-
The Lottery will take place at the BRITISH
HOTEL, Gederieb, oo THURSDAY, the
I (tit day of April nat.
The following Gentteroee have eeesested to
set as Managers : Meters. James Wallies. R.
Gibbons, Jacob Seeg Miller, and Dame! Hee*.
Tickets to be had at all the principal Taverne
and Stores in Goderich, and tbroughoat the
-United Counties.
Godeneh, Feb. 28tq, 1850. v3-65td
Excellent Property
BRICK COTTAGE situate on the
Northern Limits oftho Town of Godeneh,
lately occupied by John Riach, and belong-
ing to Henry Horton.
This Cottage stands in a beautiful and
retired situation, and is well adapted for •
genteel family. it will be 'mold no moderate
Terms : or otherwise LET for a TERM of
years at a reasonable Rent. The subscri-
ber also wishes to dispose of a Span of good
Working HORSES, one three and the oth•
er four years old, and well broke, both 10
hareems and saddle. Also one Pair nearly
new Double Hareem and a new Wagon and
Double Sleigh. Debentures will be taken
in payment for the Hones, Wagon. Sleigh
and Harness. For Partjculars apply to the
Goderich, 22nd Jan. 1850. 31--031 t
THE eubsrrtber offers (.r SALT. ht.
GRIST and SAW 311L1., euuated n
the Townelnp of M. G•Ihvray, on the Bit
Sable, within tree mile. ter F lanagai•
Corner. The Mills are now is j,peratiun,and
newly built. The Privilege ii the beet on
the River, and arcuated to the beet Town-
ship in the (:minty of Heron—well settled,
and Roads opened in toll direct' no to fevou•
it. The Machinery and mita isle are of
6 00 the eery hest (paltry, and put u by the ve-
ry best Maeh•nr.t.. For Pa trculars in -
£198 10 quire 'flames Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ap-
ply to thej.uherrther.
McGillivray, 15th January, 1350. 2r5f.tf
ail -The Galt Reporter will insert the
dove soul forbid.
Orrice or ewe Curia .,' TV. Peace, t
Goderlgb, 13:3 March. 1860.
Clerk of the Peace, Cloned Cousins
of Huron, Penh and Bruce.
JOB PRINTING of aver, desenphe...euly
and promptly .r.rut.d et •!os office.
f1•.ember 10, 1849