HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-24, Page 144 • :vt, • AV NCI e Andy Snelgrove Presents His First FRIGID I E FACTOR LEARANI ;14711111iiiiiit ""Tki\I k ~ \ il/ATM Ar if I/ intealtswo vW111.11111111Pr...—. ow • NIA NMI III* ilg 1. 11 !MITI!!! 1111111Mr! • All '56 appliances MUST go to make room for '57 models! It's the chance, you've been waiting for all,year—to get Canadai No. 1 refrigeratoi• or range at prices 'way below average. But come early. At these prices, they'll go fast. Remember, the wise shopper is buying now. NO 14 The Timoa-Advocete, January 24, 1957 Mr. and Mrs. II. Doherty and Denise,. of Mt. Clemens, Mich., spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs Whitney- Coates, and attended the Hodgert re. Topic Front Thames Road By MRS. WU.L.IAM RHODE eph's Hospital, Louden, is. now At the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lainport, Strathroy, Town Topics b„hpnor of Mrs. Frank Coates' birthday on, Saturday, Mrs. Flossie Dickens entertained at surprise diluter last week, Guests included Mrs. Coates' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, Lucan, and niece, Mr. end Mrs. Will Garrett, of Gran- ton. and See, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates. figAnk,n4,4101.14111.111101(1,111111,1111.1,1111IMMIIIIMIllii.,11gM0filf.MillikitkIllittill ifill1141411MOMIlikklits.kmig, 1 Your Home May Be Next . the Dominion. Hotel, Zurich. Grants included $20 to the Huron Soil and Crop Improve- ment Association, and $10 to the Salvation Army. George Armstrong was re- appointed assessor at a salary of $600 phis $300 car allowance, Other.officers appointed includ- ed: School attendance officer, Bruce J, Klopp; stock valuator, Bert Klopp; Ausable Authority representative; William. Haugh; clerk, H.' W. I3rokenshire; road superintendent, James Masse, Fence viewers, Percy Camp- bell, Lloyd Hendrick, Karl Haber- er;. pound keepers, J. F. Ingram,, Laird Jacobe, Max Turnbull, Harold Finlay, Herbert Cornforth, Allan Crerar, William Watson. Hay Township Community Centre, Reeve Becker and Deputy-Reeve Oscar Klopp from council; Delbert Geiger from federation; Ray Fisher, from school area; Milfred Schilbe, vil- lage; Ferd Haberer, Zurich Lions; Arnold Merner, Sr,, agri- culture _society; Robert' McKin- ley, hockey club; Wes Hugill, Chamber of Commerce. Caretaker of hall, Mrs. Fanny Bender: relief administrator, Reeve Becker and Clerk Broken- shire; court of revision, Becker, Alex Mousseau, Oscar Klopp, Coinments About - Kirkton By MRS. _HAROLD DAVIS c'oul At y ou Replace It oday's Costs? We'll be glad to discuss a complete insurance program based on today's prices. W. H. Hodgson Euchre Party The Hall Board held a pro-, gressive euchre in Aberdeen Hall my Friday evening. Prize winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Wilfred Wilson; lone hands, Mrs, Eric Humphreys; men's high, Harold O'Brien; lone hands, Lawrence Beckett; door prize, Harold Davis. Library Meeting The Kirkton Library •held the annual meeting in the board rooms on Monday evening with a good attendance. Reports were given showing circulation up over 1600 and a membership of 365. There were 145 new books placed on shelves. The Library Hoard for 1957 are: Mrs. Harry Webber, Mrs. "The Insurance Man" PHONE 24 EXETER tttttttt 111111111111111111P111111111111111111111 tttttt IIIIIIIIII;1111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111! union at RIIISSeltlaie Mr. and Mrs. Lorne PASSMOM Mrs. Fred Cornish, who bas attended the funeral on Tuesday been convalescing in St. Jos—last of the late Nelson Knox of • Metrhpelitan at the Ross Mar— riptt funeral home, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ppwe. Mr and Mrs. Allan Elston of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs Harry Dougall of Hensall, Mr and Mrs. Winstpn. Shapton of Exeter were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr. and Mrs William Rohde,. Douglas, Glenn apl. Calvin spent :Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter.. Mrs. W J' Moores spent a few days with 'her sister Mrs. S. Mc- Farlane. and Mr. McFarlane of Hamilton. Me, and. Mrs. Elgin Luxton and family of Mitchell wereSun- Ma Hodgert. Becker entertained Members. and day guests with Mr, and Mrs, township officials to a dinner at Miss Margaret Bray of Lon- don .spent the weekend at her home here. 0! Mr. and Mrs, Foster Bray and Catherine of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr, and. Mra. John Bray. Mr, and Mrs. Mark .Strapp of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Bray. Mrs. Stanley Coward and Dan- ' ny spent the weekend. in Toron- to visiting Mr. . and Mrs. Wil- liam Tennant, Mr. And Mrs. I Harvey Tennant and Rev, and I Mrs, M.. B, Parker. The first community night will be held in Thames Road School on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter and - Mr. and Mrs, Reg Hodgert will be • in charge. The annual congregation meet- ing will be held on Thursday evening in the church basement. A pot luck supper will precede a program and business meet- ing. ' Hey Township Council is eon- aidering the purchase of 'a new graiter again this year. Tenders are expected to be called this month, A new Machine has 'been the wejeet of ontreversy in council during the past year. 'Purchase was considered earlier but post- poned favor of repairs. to. the old machine, Council has been .spencling ap- preximately V,00() a year' keeping the old machine in shape, Former reeve, Earl' Campbell, criticized council at the election Meeting in. November for reno- vating the grader instead of investing in a new .one, Rev. K. Zorn, Dashwood, ad- dressed council during- the instal- lation ceremony, Reeve V, L. • Leonard -Qreb.• and V'. T. Willert. Following rates of pay were set: Man, 70 cents per hour; road superintendent and two helpers, 85 cents; one man and learn, light work, .$1.00; ,patrolinen„ 75• cents; snow plow 'helper, 85 cents; • power mower operator, 85 cents; grader operator, $1.00; truck operator on, snow plow, $1.00; Selectionm 4r n""$i.40;: r jurors,, P.00; fence viewers, $3„50.'per trip plus mileage; trac-• for ,grader or pulling $1.59; .tractor hauling brush or snow fences, • $1,00, School attendance officer, $2.50 per call .pins mileage.;.-stock valu, ator, $3.00 per trip plus mileage; deputy returning officers, $6,00 per day; poll clerks, $5:00 per day. 'Reeve, $175 plus. mileage of $50; .deputi-reevp and councillors, $125 plus $25 mileage; extra meetings $3,00 each plus car allowance; clerk-treasurer, $150 per extra meeting; mileage rate, seven and one-half •.cents, Last Call FOR OUR Made-To-Me'asure Suit Sale Outstanding selection of the , latest fashions to choose from . . . all at Terrific Savings. Cloths and tailoring by W. R. JOHNSTON AND LEISHMAN'S . You can't beat 'em for quality. Sale Ends Saturday . January Clearance This Week's,Specitil Men's And Boys' Winter Caps 1/2 Price Socks, HUNDREDS OF PAIRS 25% Off Jar gain Rack! All items Half Price Or Less Boys' and Youths" Winter Jackets and Coats Fur Collars . . Quilted Linings . Good Quality Slashed As Low As $5.50 Here's The French-Door Range t That's Swept The Country Here's the majestic queen of 30-inch ranges! Excitingly dif. ferent new French Door Design.. Featuring new roll-to-you shelf and automatic shelf pull. Full-width quick clean oven. Wormer drawer. Many Other Modeis To Choose Frrom • MAGNIFICENT 9.5 CLAM FOOT REFRIGERATOR Model FD•950-55 • Big' acrosS•the-top Zero Zone Food Freezer holds 40 pounds, Three Quidkube Trays and,, Frozen Juice Cali Radk, • Refrigeratbr sect 1 o n with automatic defrosting, has 4 full ,Width shelves and handy ha if-shelf. • Sliding Meat Tender and full- Width glIde.Out hydrator, • Filmy Storage Door with Butter CoMpartmeriti dawn Egg Server, two Left. over , Containers and three removable shelves;. Height: eV Width: 27%" b'epthl 31V4IY Easy Budget Terms Low Down Payment BIG, BIG 12 CUBIC FOOT' DELUXE MODEL REFRIGERATOR • Roomy *cross-the-top • Zero Zone Food Freezer holds 49 pounds. • Refrigerator, e e ct,i 0 n with automatle defrosting has 4 full-width aluminum Shelves, Including two Roll , to YoU shelves, • Sliding Meat T e n tf e r and ' twin hydrator* for extra convenience, • Elio Storage boors With, lilt. down Egg Server, Butter Compartnient, Leftover Corl• tainers and spacious shelves. Height: With: 507/•" Depth: 31'A" Boys' Suits . $8.00 Get A BIG, BIG, BIG, Allowcnce, When You Trade in Your Old Appliance Good Wool Sults Reduced At Least 30% Phone 18 Emil* • r Hay Township Council Consider New Grader This Weak in rots :..jury. $y MRS. 14, DAVIS St, porkies On Thursday afternoon the W.A. of St. Patrick's church met at the home of Mrs. Dean Gibson with nine members pres- ent, The roll call was answered with a donation toward a gift for a war veteran in 'Westmin- ster Hospital. The devotional was taken by the president assisted by Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. Tom. Kcloy and Mrs. Maurice McDonald. A short business period followed. The ladies spent the remain- der of the afternoon quilting, Mrs. Gibson assisted Mrs. Lome Weiberg in serving lunch, Personal items Mr, and Mrs. Tames Turner were Sunday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Ab- bott, Mrs. Jean Bailer spent a few days this week with Mrs. 0. Dale, London. Joan visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis and Gary with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Miss Margaret Burtrum, Exe- ter, was a guest on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and boys. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Green- lee and Mr. 'and Mrs. Heber Davis and Joan Barker were guests with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Atkinson on Wednesday evening, ,Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta and family and Mr, and -,Mrs. Earl Atkinson were guests with Mr. • and Mrs. ,Donald Maguire on Thursday evening celebrating Mrs. Earl Atkinson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls, Mr. and Mrs. NelSon Squire, Farquhar and Mr. and Mrs. Don Meyers and family, London were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis. • Bob Robinson, Mrs. Jack Robin- son, Mrs, Ern Cowdry, Mrs. Wes Neal, Mrs. Wilfred Paton, Mr. Wilbert Kirkby, Mr. Laverne Stone and Mr. Allan Eveleigh, Rev. W. H. Pike showed slides on "Lovely Canada." RUBBERUSE STAMPS THE TIMES-ADifOCATE re A. C. Cooper tells of revolution brought 'by frozen foods "Frozen foods are revolutionizing daily living," says: A. C. Cooper, Manager of the Frozen Foods Warehouse of Dominion Stores • Limited. "They not only save the housewife's time and cut down waste in preparing meals; they also make available, all year many tempting fruits and choice meat. — and a far wider variety .Of vegetables and seafood." As a family man, Mr. Cooper has also benefited by the progress made in another field „ , life insurance. Today, providing continuing income for your family is "only' one of the functions of life insurance. The increased flexibility of life insurance plans enables you to provide funds for emergencies your children's education, safeguarding your home, protecting yourlmshiess . . . and a retirement income for.yeurself. Your life upderWriter'is better trained than ever-to help you shape these flexible insurance plans to meet your fAinily's needs. , In these and other ways, the life insurance conlpaniei keep in the vanguard of progress. A total of over five billion dollars has been invested by the Life Icier once Companies in Canada, on behalf of their policyholders, in homes, roads, utilities, industrial plants and other productive enterprises. 'THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Wedding. Anniversary On Saturday evening, rela- tives and friends gathered in Russeldale Hall to honor Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Hodgert, of Iroquois, the occasion being their twentieth wedding anni- versary. Those attending from this community were: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and family, Misses Agnes and Margaret Bray, Mr.' and Mrs. James Hodgert, Mrr and Mit. Ross Hodgert, Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Cottle, aed Mr. Roy Coward. Message From Greenway Miss Elda Brown of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Browia and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steepq and family attended" a 'birthday supper last Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. John Twe,ddle of West McGillivray who is Mrs. Steeper's father. Mrs. Robert Dixon of Park- hill is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartle of London spent the weekend with this parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. Mr. and Mrs: Gerald Eagle- son left' on Saturday on .•a trip to Florida. -Mr: and Mrs. Milton Pollock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock and son in London. A second oil well has been dug on the farm. of Mr. Lloyd Stew- ardson. Mews Budget From Dashwood By MRS. E. H. RADER Miss Anna Messner, of Lon- don, spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Messner. Miss Barbara Becker, Of Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Mifred Merner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tiernan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Bartliff and family. They celebrated Mrs, Tieman's birthday. CH Club The Homemaker's Club met Wednesday evening with eleven present. Bound button holes were finished and the girls were shown how to Sew on lace. The discussion of forming a garden club" followed. Roll call for next meeting is "Ask a riddle." Euchre Party . The WI, held' a well attended euchre Friday evening in the school. Committee in charge was Mrs. Addison Tiernan, Mrs. Harold Rader, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and Mrs. Floyd Wein. Winners were: Door' prize. Mrs Ken Keller; high prizes, Mrs. Hobbs Taylor and Glen Webb; consolation, Mrs. Mer- vyn Webb and Larry Wein. Mrs, Clara Irwin and George visited with Mrs. George Little at Genanoque, ()nt, Master Braden Klumpp had his tonsils removed at South Huron Hospital last Week, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan, Harry Hoffman, Mrs, Addl.- son Tiernan and UM Ken Me- Crae attended the furniture showing at Toronto last week. Mr and Mrs. Charles Snell and Beth, Mr. and Mrs. Ken MaCrae and Bonnie, left Tuesday for Florida. David Haugh David Haugh, 67', of Dashwood, passed Away at South Huron llos pital, Exeter. Sunday,/ january He was a Member of Dashwood vangelical United Brethren Church,. He as Survived by one sister, Mrs John Schmidt, of New Dunk 'lee, and William laugh, of Hay Township, lie farmed in Ilay Township Wore retiring to DathWOOth The body rested at the Hoffman tutieFat home until Wednesday at 2.So p.m., when 'services were conducted by Rev, W.. Krett, Iiitenrnerit was mode in Zurich :1!,Vatigelital Ettrignit Line Ceme- tery. SUPER 8 Cuale, 0'00T REFRIGERATOR FUII.width saer.freezer chest has two quldkube trays—gives you space to spare for holding up to 29 pounds of frozen food.. Three removable shelVes, but. ter compartrrient. Be An Early Bird! O' feat the crowds, 'Void ells- aPPoIntrilent, Dome • in right aWay for the widest seleetiom Remember, tpey are bargain priCed .for tte awl, ;quick - sales. - BUILT AND SACKED BY GENERAL ;MOTORS Men And Boys' Wear EXETER Open FRIDAY Night*. -f.