HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-03-14, Page 1TSN SHILLINGS lit es. f VOLUME III. "THE GREATEST POSSIBLE GOOD TO Ting GR.ATUST POSSIBLE NUMBER.„ GODRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1850. poetry. A PORT BOT LAT SLEEPING. A pest -bey ley sleeping, as aid mea was k.episg Beer railing, mail sone g, ehereately, And tkreoak pipes -Wes prying. heeded, were crime "Oh' Berczy my dsrbag, bee lens will ye' • Tee pest -bmf still slumbered, 'midst letters es - ' timbered, Aad .stied la his deep, no doubt 'biakteg of she Weave Might eyes wen eluting, Bed bps oo ea treac i e e. la dreams softly wkl•p'risg, ' come home, love, to me.' Nelms the deuce is the eaaos of that bustle and . oes Suffices( es( to banish the happy boy'. aleep— 'Ta frees fest stumps/, crowd! up and down tramping, Arid wittily cad ting their patieoce to keep. There's ks.eklag, sad paohisg, and teabisg, sod credits'. Elbows .bated fate their neat neighbour's fief. Then'. grlmblime *ed chef. , sod swearing aid %eagles& A.d •dies sod jeering, ad teaseled erlmace. Tee yens( hay awaking, ..d tbe old use .tier takes(. Cry "devil a letter we'll give out to -day,” Be the mail hap sswrted. the crowd hew. de- parted, To be hem►sggd to -marrow is lust the parse way. AGRICULTURE. ON THE SAViNG OF MANURE. As your Society ass offered a premium b tie farmer who eas displayed tee toast iatelltgeece wand feet er bre daft—sq, pet ase Iwd of time to sit leads of mask—the. i tei.k, wbeo pet ss the grot.d warm, weeW be • veer good maser*. But 414 is sol the rthed followed by the larva - en sf lbw leelhty; they commonly swig the lime with the wet sear mock, tritium( tarsier/ it over f• the samewr, or seeding tt, or waiting for the required power of the atmosphere to men - elegise it; ie the spring the lime is deed, sod. I shish. eon be very little stericc• to the lend — Chrcoal weeld he smother excel/eat in/reediest to make manure, especially to the farmers is the interior parvo( (be coarsen, who eat so node wood -lid down aooeslly and born it a the ground.. 1f the farmers weld mak* chareral of part of the wood they bars 0p, they would filed it very much to their benefit. 1 thing that sea- weed woele be • very geed isgredieet re mix with peat for compost, but this •rtiele is ening to be obtained along the yes board of this Province, ant could sol apply to the 101rrHl or benefit of the farmers generally, but only to thou, farmers who reside along the sea coast. Neither este haw b. bad except to particular plaice is this Province, nod the■ it must be pa:chasel at a very dear rate, pleciag it entirely oat of the reach of small farmers, or of those Tines is the beck •etilem,ae and interior parts of the Provioos.— i think the simple method of making manure that 1 found out by experimeu, would trod to the general good as well .o the melt remote parts of the Proriace se is (boor localities, u the article can be gait almost on every farm, with WO other cost than that of m..ufact.rine it, and it is with- in the reach of the poor farmer as well as the rich; Ord slthougb simple.s this mode of making masers may appear, soy firmer who will add to his masers heap twice tin quantity he makes sI his harr-ytrd. •ad follows it up annually, to- gether with rotaries cropping, may rest s.eerod his farm would moo have a dtffereet appearance to that woich tt ban thio day. 1 have sae bus - mai eeor ata mvi eel maks maser*. sad area u* wrearr wage nurse twee of nog sarin etwy y est not handwme. os I u ewvteead (lastBew prepared as o above for the coing spring. I epee this Mpsd* is a 6od tb.. 4eecnptloe of manors mon aatrilio00 it requires a very peealiar talent to he twat artisteaeaus•fd pte5ee, of •tyt to p!s.ts than gay other I bars yet used. Aa- overetoeked with gracdaa y, •ce, and in this colter& u this revelry, 1 h i. is to lay kin- "'lent Mi.. Kole *stoned; she was sail ten roe sr esperwses is t►e .. value. Tb ea- other toed tendency f omesmta tioe bra es masers ►I basotisg pees., of (sash•. \likens .carried lea is to destroy the fool suede, such is dog-..itl., and happy lay the side of her brilliant sister to 0... rm.iot...s.t b. improved, assn by lb. sorrel, and ether abed., which remain wife and se any little eostented star that far ares ►ad prod.etias a(• larger gasstiry d maim (has armed ihi°.gh the winter ".boat the barn -lard. twinkled on, o.woticed and almost selipeed, herotefero. Ceevi.eod of ahs., moat* of T4 resell geek-•heti . • Vein tees is sewn ►y the .ids of the peerless moos. masted, Idy, three „ma sine., Mali set a(a het.i.h- very mach the.. Ism( three or fear years all ever the only art or .050"0 is which Kg" seer y tut leads of bar wank N rhe teed of the lane l tb. wavy ilia seed of whack is da)osi impar- made any great prolcieacy was the art enIdtable, and ewes the firmer• peat dee' of tree - d wMre I iouded a apply tt, mitad it .illi .bt •ed science of being happy, and in them she b estreads of meek lime, .ad lit it remora til bis i• weecli it oil from 1.".."t "'etc..; tt so excelled, that one could .seise be in her the folkwi. when I it, breed- might be destroyed by petite. the manure heap g wise' sprue tbrouth a thoroaah coarse of fermentation in the . pre.enee half se hour without feeling meat - emit, d -kali of Ind TWELVE AND MIX PENCE AT Tire •00 or o— vasa. NUMTIER VL receives them from jwdicious 4 • the meadow may be moire Ter any length of time without renewal.—lEerkisg Far- mer. THE BASHFUL COUSIN. Mistakes and mi.uoderstandings are sot stub bad thiegs alter all, at least not al- ware—so circumstances alter caws. i remember a ease i0 point. Every body in the country admired Isabella Edmonds, end in truth she was tin admirable creature, just mule for admiration, and (allure in love with, and accordingly all the cnuaty of wit is love with bee._.. The columns of every Argos, Herald, Sen. cis.', Gazette, and Spectator, and all man- ner of , ".hounded with the effu- sions .npplicetory of her worshippers. in *hart Miss Isabella was tie object of all the spare ' Ideahy' a all the region round about. Now I shall sot inform my readers how she looked: you may just think of • Venus, a Psyche, a Meioses, a fairy, and as angel, et cetera, and you will hail" a very definite idea on the pots(. 1 most run on with my story. 1 me not about to choose this an• gel, for my heroine, because she Is too h,odeome, and too much like ether hero- ines for my purpose. But Mies isa sell. had • sister, sod I think i shall take her. Little Kate,' for she was always spokiee of in the dimisntave, was some yowl yobag- sr than her sister, 'and somewhat shorter in statue. She had no to beauty --none at all—in short, ser, she looked very much like Min G., whom you admire so much, though you always declare site is Whet', and eves all they had said—vnd re short the whole neighborhood was full of V.' Thai strange knowledge that doth nom+ Wo know 001 bow, we know not where." As for Kate, she always gave all admirers to key slater, ,x-offiico; so sloe thought of alt the men she had ever seen, she woyjd Mae ceuatn Edward boat for a brother, and she did hope that fabella would like him a. she did, and (or some reason or other, she felt se if she could nut irk any question about D. At last event". appeared to draw toward a ernes. Edward became more and more brows studious *very day—and he and Isabella bad divers solitary walks and con. Tabulations, from which they returned with a .oletunity of countenance. Moreover, the quick sighted fail. Kate noticed that when Edward was with herself he seemed to talk Dor; when with Isabella he was ell animation and interest, that he was con- stantly falling into trances and reveries, and broke of the thread of conversation ab niptty, and in short, hod every appearance of a person who would be glad to say some- thing if be only knew how. •So'wid Kate to herself, ' they neither of than epeak to me on the subject—I shod think they might. Bell I should think would, and Edward knows i am a friend of his. l know he is thinking of it all the time; he might ss well tell me, and he stall.' The seat morning little Kate was sitting to ilia little bath parlor. Isabella had gone set shopping, and Edward was—she knew not where. Ob so, here be is, cowling back tote the self same room. ' Now for it,' astd -'the little g -r1 mentally: ' 1'11 wises a charge at tine.' She looked sp. Master Edward was wittier diegneally es tele eels, twirling the teems of hie ?took 'res a very a:sseh.iu- Ir:. masser; is.ked sett of the wieriew, thea walked ,p to the misheard sad thea poured out three tumblers et water—Oben he drew a chair up to the work table and took up tint sae bell of eottoa, and looked it all ever. and lid it down again, thea he took op the .cursors aad minced up two or three little bits of paper, and then began to pull the needles out of the needle -book and put them back again. 'Do you with for some sewing, sir T said the young lady, after baying very cow - nut, os at tw.Be a scree which had bo.. plo.ghed about the time 1 has'Piths, led spr, before .pitying it is the ground. This couotably happy himself. out the beg earth. I sewed it with rata, limo• thy. tied red clever. .ed harrowed it properly. - 1 hada good crop of cots that year, and an ta- meless crop of bay tee wet year. I did out, however, like the leek .f the heap: when I turn- ed it over, the line seemed dead, and the beg WIN and clasp. Thera was about thirteen Cr iserteea bads of the beg earth left, web which I had Bet setfieiest nate to aria a.d it laid over winter. I aft/natant to try hew barn taasatr emeld de to mix with it. I am erdtsgly put ea wart loads .( lb* ban planer* te the bog and let It stead for fearer five dare, when I resod it in a complete situ of fermeetatioe. I applied it to a piece of greed aieegaidr the ether, midi Bond the crepe to be "'metier to the latter. The pelt reit I keeled etre h.sdred and seveotr load. of past to the field where I intended is apply it. a.d tie every 11,esth lead I added ase of earth. I tetrad ilia heap ever twice is tM rammer, which I (•sad improved it very much. As soon as the freet left in the *prise, i ked the ban stove edmized, sae load 10 two .f the peat, with the latter est pulverised, sad thrown loosely in a compost heap, tea feet ia,widrh and fire feet is height. I thea left the heap to do for itself. I thea harrowed the ground, peeked off she rteoea, and stack out drilla two feet sport, and left the /resod prepared for the reeeplios 0 the meagre. In leer days 1 (goad t►e compete" in a peeper nate of fenneoutior. (ft is necessary to have a few leads of earth eo..esieet, lest the heap would overheat, to throw ea the top, timer three description of grain the fanners heretofore best- She bad a word of sprightliness, a deal tared ie emote', is . of the great di(- of simplicity and affection, with a dull of 6edty they hod is clearing it o.t of the land; good natural , and after all kept ibis difficulty este easily be removed by tkm fol- you more to awe than you would suppose lowing method: As sees se the grain is removed off the land where it btu twee grown, pot os the barrowand barrow in all the biles greet smooth. li . la a few day.. roue breard will nomn ep, which noold sot be teterfered with. Now have it set.a down with cattle in order that twin seed may In well eshaoated before the frost sen which will kill the grew. breard. cad the farmer may rest amend it will give him no more troe- bl.._tioee &orbs peps►. INCttaaax or FEAT/LIT, 7a011 e0.Du,o Tea 8e11..—Fier, oheerring person, says the Americas Agsicalteri.f, must have noticed the unequal productiveneee of roil which has been closely pret.ctsd foe • time. The earth under a building, the i northerly seise/ a wall or large log, is itrelf • valuable manure. Now is thin remit or change is the character of the soil produc- ed 1 Will some of our scientific readers exelOIn i We know that meth earth contains targe quantities of nitrate of potash (saltpetre.) and "tarsus of ammonia, and it is frequently teed for eztracting saltpetre in the mirth. (setae of gunpowder, Doe, it net mention other salts, -absorbed from the atmosphere, and devoiored in the soil, in eonsegneece of ire peculiar position, ,ll of which art rattily favorable to the growth of vegeta tion I And hnw can this e'en!' be made of practical benefit to greenlet reI We have heard ranch of the beneficial effect of Gar- aeyhm (entering irtead••ws and pa.tnree with straw, or refuse rcgetable.) lies this been tried, and with what result to ibis country 1 To ww.T R:ToNT DO ,'ng ROOT. Of PL*ci'* o.Tea ren SoiI1—Perhaps ne fact is en little understood as the depths to which the roots of plants will travel in a well disintegrated moil; the length 01 root.. also, in their horizontal travel, is mach greater than et generally supposed. 1V* have tried • number of experiments to es- eert.in these facer, and the results are as follows:—The roots of Indian corn, al- though ineligible to the naked eye, have an average length of fin and a half feet, while those of the onion are generally eighteen ache. in leagth. -If a trench be dog through a garden which has been thorough- ly sub -soiled, and the ride of this trench be wombed carefully with water, the roots _ will be found todown to a depth of thirty-10er imams s a etaxtmnm; such plant. (like the onto ) e. hams a keen length of root gang to 1 r depths. During a severe dresgbt, however, 0,555 the shorter rooted plants will throw down mioute fibres, which bring up moisture for the sustensece of the plat. Thee we led that me.dows, if well .ab- seiled to fell depth, before being pot down t0 •inns. verse ►me set: yet theme wlueh- h.,, lige plated to slight d.ptb., ensie bogie to fail. We has. Issamieed seer sueh mgadew., cad ham always foetid that when the Mendel of the rents sf gramme meet with a told and compact wb-apil, they Lely and prevent a b.shhy efraduioa of the Out above; these m.sdews winch ha,e hemi pemies.ly folly w► soiled may he mews for mime witb•.t say Musial d. Iterisestitis ie ty; and, indeed, if the *4 mettles s hal supply of et you could be kept by such a merry, good po.edly anperiotesded thou operations. 'How Ma'm what V said be starting and npeettiag the box, steed and all upon the A ' Now, cousin, I'll thank you to pick up natured little body. Not ogre of Isabella'* , , cataract. Onevea had thrown aside the How changed ! The dee** waters once darkened Its waters, and the wild swan •potted in their quiet seclusion—ibe rude denizen of the wilderness reclined upon the rock above its frightful chasm, sad watched the surges of the angry waters below. Spring bad bineeomeJ Into the fullnrs@ of summer, and the rosy hues of morn gilded the !astern sky. The giddy songster* welcomed it with their shrill carol, and the forest rewooded till its echoes swept along msegling its joyful sounds with the thun- ders of the cataract—all eaters •eemed to pour forth anthems of joyous thanksgiving to the Great Ruler of the Universe. A light eesoe darted oat into the stream, and thus calmly reposed beneath the tranquil sky ; and its fair burthen, the lovely Nab. asks, laid aside the paddle, and her wild poetic soul drank of the soc6aetments kith whteh nature thus eurroueded her. The frail bark, with its unconscious adventurer, drifted aloiig faster with the increasing low of the current on which it was borne, yet sell N•baska moved not—eche thought not of the danger to which she was fast approaching ; but her thoughts were far away in the spirit lad of her fathors. She knew not that the kens eye of Onawa had The governmeut (Canada) has been cow - ducted of fats years to conformity with what glen Majesty's !Meteor •believe to be the opinion of the people of Canada.— When Lord Elgin naw that the Mistier! he had found In office bad nsrruw majorities is the Assembly he proposed either that they .hnuld cnntieu• in office until there was enme adverse vote, or th• t, they •huold di.,olve the Assembly w5ieh was ret'irr-ed, gave a great m.jnrte to their adversaries in mice. 1 do not think, therefore, that It would he pno.ble to carry Govt 0)000 fettle or more reify the principle of allowing the province to manage tie own affairs. 1 have however, seen bitter complaints on this suhject : and 1 hare teen that some per- sons hese vivo gone the length of propn- sieg that, instead of remaining subject to Her Majesty, the province of ('nestle should hl" •nne:ed to the the [lolled State*. To that proposal, of roars., the Crown could give nothing but a decided RegMfs, (loud cheers), and i trust, although such a sugeestiion had been made, that, from the characters of several of the gentlemen who are members or the arsoeiation, it is not their iotention to push their project of join- ing a neighboring state, to the ultimate ob.erted her, resistlessly borne towards the 'ie•utt of endeavouring by force of grins to angry waters, nor perceived his strong canoe as a "peck on the water, re the dis- tance. The gay warbler hushed their note*, nod the cataract.* roar seemed for a moment to grew limier, se rf to were Na►afka of its fearful pie.eece. She started from her trance, sod her eyes looked es if they would start from their sockets ; bet with • pre - mace of mind that seldom forsook her, she ee:aed the paddle is her pair with • tightniag grasp, struck boldly for the shore ;1 The strong arm of Gnaws had swept with its huge stroke, ►ie tro*ty hark to the rouse of Nabask•, rig fair bride. Not a Mord was npokea, bet am he darted to the side of hair canoe, eh* dropped the paddle sad seised hold of the side R kis—for * mo- ment they toned upon rbs leaping waters - the next tbey struck the shore. Gnaws grasped by a rocked that projected but a few feet above, but Nahaska had just left the boat whe■ his hold slipped, and his effect a separation loom Great Britain : but that, koowiag the determined will of the Sovereigo of this country and of her adri- gen not to permit that project to be carried Into effect, they will acquiesce in i6a deci- sion of the Crowe. (" Hear, hear," and cheers.) I wonder, at the same time, that any person* who profess loyalty to the Sover- eige, should bare entertained a project, which, if ly any inter -onions' differeues oecured between this country sed the Uoited States of America, might have placed them in the position of nisisg their arms against British authority, and of fighting guise the British flag, (Hear. hear.) Such, then, ie the condition of Canada. If the present Ministry in Canada aro sustained by popular opinion --and I believe theist* election* that have takes place is the recess is Canada rather show that they will he—if they are sustained by pobile opinion sad by the Assembly, they will remain in office ; if, on the contrary, canoe whirled with him into the foaming the opinion of the province "heti be adverse waters of the rapids. to them, the Governor General will take Nakaska reaching the firm footing of other advisers, and he will set strictly tic - the bank, ran swiftly to the verge of the cording to the yule that has been adopted here. (Hear, hear). With respect, Iikewien, to Nora Seelig, and New Brusewick, so very long time ago the Executive Council was the same body u the Legislative Couneil, but—I think it was wheal Lord Glenelg held the seal. of office, I am sot quite sure of (bat, bet sot many years ago. -a ebaege was made, end the Councillors bare been cho- sen, if not from a particular party, in such a m au to conciliate, the opinion of the province, and to oommasd the support of a majority of the Legislature for Nova Scotia and for New Brunswick.—We have not heard of late year* o(those ottbappy distention" which used to prevail when the executive councillors of the Government para sir There is sever s never away use in being a food, s. I her hand to her brow, she approached once found themselves in a small minority in the more the brink of the chum, and started Assemble. Kate, bet Igen vexed that I cannot say'— " long pause back with a convulsive•s's udder. With respect to Canada, Nova Scotia Well sir, you have displayed a reasons- "The Gr,rrt Spirit,' sbo gasped, "has and New Brunswick, the principle which lila fluency .o fit; dont yeti feel as though taken from Nahaska the young chief of her there 'milkmen wish to have carried into you could fisnb l doet't be alarmed: i bosom, and the angry waters bowl his funs- execution has been carried into effect, and eboeld like of all things to be your confi- ret song. Onswa your Nahaska will come 1 should say that the consequence bit been dent. to you in the spirit land of your fathers," and must be, that then have been far few - But Edw.rd did not finish; his tongue rhe now cried aloud, as she rushed forward, er questions brought before the Secretary but the strong arm of a chief as he grasped of the State than -there used to be. (Hear, adorers ever looked at her with such detect admiration as did the laughing loving Kate. No one was eo ready to rue, wait and tend —to be up Main and down stain, amid every where un tee mn.tee, when Isabella was dressing for a co.goest. is short, she wee, se the deidteatios of books set forth, her ladyship's most obedient, and denoted ser- vant. But I am going to tell my story, i must sot keep you all eight looking at pictures; w now to my tale, which I shalt commence e manner sed fovm the following: it emu to pees that a census college vahtudts•riae anal a far of csusis of the two sweeter, came down to pass a few Wehrle to pr the ..cape of the ammonia or gee) Ie • kw lays the compost packed down eight et ten itches into • .olid mass of fertilising ]atter. 1 let It mod for days, thee healed it est es tire lead, thirty-four siege horse -load to the see, gad covered it ■p with the pinogit in the drills. I pat i• carrot seed: the day following I (treed the manure bad warmed the ground, end. aetwitbtasding the dry weather, the seed ger- missed. .ad is four days they appeared above the ground. I pleated it the same sere of greyed, potatoes, (termite tarsip, been, cabbage cud tors, all of whielt pew ebesdatly. So, sit, like the Irish bog, then is .mething very ie the peat if properly maeebeter- ed, sad 1 would straggly recommend that is all meets the peat Mould go through • thorough seem *i farvragetetier, sad, if paw iblr, be .p• plied to the grsgad when warm. it may bo asked weir sot add more earth to the heap 1 1 sower. 1t emeld prevent fermentation. The sonar* that f mired with the moat wit that of els eswe ewe tee beet's, which wit trinity netted *mein rhe Usu., l• the bars -yard. -- Het. sir, set hearts real rhfsh eery had to gait tidy old method, wki.► wen to heel eat their 00.10 sad apply it le the gonad **ki wet, sad easalone whieb, if It newer was to hs pet w1A a irommeet, it weer/ lmpeere it ray nub t• t*es it mew, std let I t mead Tac a kat dgy* ta warm a isle Were bolsi pet le cls mud. 1. .« 14 Melee wsatliwr, mare Muhl be takes amt N pact lisp lbw is lbs sews esemest witb beta re. m they suer agree: t6m we is awe meet tip t%#.,. it may be .shed else, utiliser paid% %Ms de to mea with pet; sod I twee ft !Mould. y pep•lrlog the pont de same w aAWAI.erthed, .e1 in dm mesa, break owe Mata lee 01111 piswk and ea it sbeesilh lbw peat Si it /IOW See tem N rue eta! let (t months of hie free agemey at his father's: and a. aforesaid, he had carried off the first cone/title honor, besides the hearts of all the ladies In i6a front ga'lery at the com- mencement. So interesting, w polite ! such floe eyes sod ell that, was the reputation be left among the gentler sex. But, alas! poor Edward, what did all this adeaesage to him, .n long s* he was •Meted with this unut- terable, isdiecri►abte milady, ecumoaly rendered b•ehfulae.., a worse s.41:11er then ever heard of is Careless, shouts you see him is company you would .nppn.e.him militated of hie remarkably h.ndeome per- son and edltivated mind. When he began to speak, you felt tempted to throw open the window and offer him asmeli ng bottle, he made such a distressing affair of tt, and as to speaking to a lady, the things' was not said Kate collegian stood staring at the cotton balls rolhsg is divers directions. it takes some time to pick up the strings in a lady's work hos, bet at last peace was restored, and with a long psoas. ' Well areas,' said Kate is about ten minutes, 'If yoga can't speak, I ens; you hare something to tell me, you know you have.' Well, i know I have,' said the scholar in a tone e( hearty vexation. 'There's no use of being so fierce about it, 'list the seischie,io.s maiden, 'nor of tangling my 'ilk and pieking out all my needles and epsomite my work box as pre - paddle ant' seemed to be preparing himself for some great deed• The canoe rushed wildly betwece the huge rocks that lift their beads from among the foamiag waters. Nahaska gaud ; it was but a moment and she fell upon the fiat rock se use dead—the canoe with Gnaws had plunged over into the fearful abyss of waters below --she be- held Ottawa spring forward and her senses had reeled with the fearful reality. Bound thus to the earth by the strong bands of nature, she moved sot (or a while, but her eyes were set with a glassy Mare. Soon the quickening pulite and the slow and labored breathing throbbed and heaved, and she arose slowly to her feet. Preasiog cwn to tree root of m1 0100(5 sow appeared to be •reins into convulsions. with the other a stunted shrub, caught her. hear.) That in regard to many questions e l), i must finish for you, I suppers,' The shock threw him from his foothold on of official conduct, with rega•d to many *std theyoung1 'The short of the a narrow ledge of rock, and they both local affair" in which it ceold be nothing swung for an instant over the frightful pre- but • difficulty and embarraeameat for the matter le, Master P'!ward, you are to lore, and have exhibited tib phenomena thereof melee. in this extremity his nerved arm Colonial Secretary to be called upon to for this fortnight. Now you know I rem a wavered not—a moment more and they decide (hear, hear,) he hears not a word : would hare dashed on the rock. beneath, the Governor informing him about them if (nerwq utuG tioey, w do se traetab+e an but the chief threw forward his foot, and he thinks they are of importance. The esti the rivet. Have you said anything placing it firmly on a jutting crag, with all Government is carried on therefore, with to her obotri it 1' his .trength he pressed his body forward, lees resort to this country that used to N ght of. ' To her --to whom r sari Edward start- and they were eared. the case. (!fear, bear.) When Kate head that this rare aria Ing' " Ouswa," e,ied Nsnaska, half frantic' - - was coming to her father's she was .nuc- Why, isaMlla, to be ,tiro—it's she with the mingling of j• y and fear as he HUM ON REFORM. tt?' couatably interested to see Mm, of sennun t a hastily rprunr upon the rock, "tAs Great The following letter from that eminent —because he was her eoe•in, and t+ecan*e ' No Mise Catharine, it's you!' said the Spirit heard the secret with of Nobuka, scholar, who like most bashful Dorsett.. public servant, Joseph (fame, &q. pour- -a dozen other things to numerous to sod Ottawa free the wild lower hang Doane trays the character of the English Wht gs mention. would he •maziwgly explicit when he spoke his beart," ho uttered, es the maiden re- J g at .Il. d., de- Hecame, and was for days an object of ciined her head npon hie bosom. ion as well se admiration to the• Poor little Kate ! it wit her turn to look , s • scribes that of the present Canadian admit.- who!til family circle. After a while, bow -at the cotton halls and to erhi►it symptoms ;rotation. in a letter to on. of the Marie- Onawa had sprung forward as the canoe ever, a quite domestre; mitered the I of •°114°I f" --but that'• no 000°100 o( shot over the cataract, end jest escaped the trate* of Fwbnburgh he Bevy: grew q room straightforward instead of stealing in m;./' t g rock below. His sell-poe.eesinn neer t.(1 November 11 1M9. side ways; talked off et hole **titmice' with- out stopping, looked Muse Isabella full to the face without Meshing, even tried his skit) at elietehing patterns and window silk --reed poetry and played the lots with the Idi ad frolicked with the chril -Abu, uN is short se Jolts °braved, was as merry Gla a psalm look from remise till tight. Dir,n report• began to epreed abroad m Me s.tghborhood, ad great confusion ex lilted is the camp .f Isab.11a' s admirers.— It was stated with prseieros New wavy times they lid riidss, walked seal ulbed to,. " Great 1-armonrh, Bron.ley Hall, ONAWA—OR THE PER1LOUB LEAP. him, but struggling bravely with the (nam- ,, Dear sir,—V"nr letter of the a'h Inst , — ins eddies of the courser, torched the shore has bees forwarded to me here, and i bae- * •0011115 Or 'TRW MAGMA. where climbing the precipitous sides of the ten to Inform you that i am much plesawl Nearly a amatory hos passed sway Gisela reeks of the cliff he just reached the top- to leen that there are appearances of vital . the light cameo of Onswa glided over the most ledge at a moment so epportuwe 10 ty in F.bnhorgh, se regards P.r(ismests►e elver waters of the N/agao lora, ser the safety of Nshasks. and Fa tima l Reform. 1t is quite earliest Naha.b,. the iodise maiden, skimmed with - _ that the present 1.niote0 will do soiling bee light bark over its ealm bosom. Sines IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT.—althongh they were owe* the advocate* OOP the heed sf dvtlisstien 6u despoiled A most imperteet debate was going on, for Reform, end rode tato ranee nn the pee, these emus of their wilder grandeur.— on the et* inst., is the Home of Commas pte who placed cooldese.In them, and be - TI. Ne usbeet wow &ppreeebes t6. Poem- upon the *object of the Calomel Polley of lie,. that they wontd, whtalet re rice, carry tag rapids .f its giant cataract, and the Great Britain. From a very pnsctsaal tai net all requisite reforms, sold the pewee of busy hem el ar.balitng I bsiesse--Iib speech of Lord John Rouen, the people shnold he established is the rim le the detest of ite tbuwd.nwg rear.—' we (wake the following ettrart : Commove Hones of Parti•mest to roguish