HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-17, Page 8Smart evl Row
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• Choir At Dashwood
Elects 57 Kers
The, Annual ehots supper et .Zion, 1 Cobgregatiellal. eveningwill. be
.14Antean Chereh was held Mon- held in February with Group 4 ,day evening • in the Lutheran in charge. group 3,. with nrs-
Church baeement with 20 pegs- Alvin Rader to.nvener, Was, in
lent.. In* .cornmittee charge Charge.; or program and lunch.
-Was. Shirley HO" Mrs. WM- , Three neW members ,.e.iired.•
Stade, Mrs. Albert Rader and 444. club .
Howard Dates. The 4.11 Homemakers Club held.
Gernes and crekinole followed. their regtdar meeting with 13
Winners were: Mrs. Hewarcl. Da- pills present, The wor k on the.
tars and Albert Miller. Console- ' pypolas. was, noted and help thin; Martin trader and Ed Nadi- germ where .necessary:
Samples, of materials, were
given each girl to put in record
Woks, All girls started making
a hound button-hole. Roll call for
next meeting ie. "Name an Article
and Datars, Mrs. Robt, Ifayter,
Albert Miller; librarians, Carol
Becker and Anne Koehler,
The Ladies'
The 'Toadies' Aid of Zion Luth-
eran. -Church held their quarterly
.rniseienarY meeting Wednesday
In keeping with the topic, "What
the Dible says about Missions,"
Rev.. Zorn Showed pictures
At-the election of officers Edgar
Restemayer was. elected presi-
dent; vice-pres., Melvin Stade;
'aec,-treee., Gertrude Diesenthal;
leader, • Helen Nadiger; ase t,„„ „,„
Mee.- Wm. Stade; ne* committee, 4". 4'44' ''''"!"`4.4 4"'"'
Mrs.. 'Reinhold. Miller, Mrs. How- Sltetirip Party Members of the Walther
League of Zion Lutheran. Church
and Rev, and Mrs. Zorn enjoyed
a skating party at New Hamburg
Friday evening,
Mr. and Mn.s. Ervin Latta and
Kay Webber, of Waterloo, spent
• the weekend with wit hr- and Mra.
Fred Wieberg.
Miss Anna Messner,. of London,
was, a weekend visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Messner.
We- can give quick service in supptying
custom made rubber stamps.,.of budget
Prices. Drop in and tell us what you
Want - have if ready for ypq with.
SPEED in a couple of clays.
Carmel choir Entertained
The choir of Carmel' Church,
their wives and husbands, were
entertained at the home of their
leader and organist, Mrs,. Har-
old Bell, Thursday evening, at
the conclusion of choir practice,
Members and guests numbering
twenty-five enjoyed a social
hour of progressive erokinole
with six tables in play. Winners
were Mrs, Clarence Volland and
Jim Love,
Personal items
Mr. and o Mrs. Ed Dick are
vacationing in California, and
had the pleasure of viewing the
Parade of Roses at Pasadena,
Mr. William Venner was taken
by ambulance on Wednesday to
Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
forth, in the interests of his
Mr. and Mrs.' George Hess
were in Fairgrove, Mich, attend-
ing the funeral of- a relative,
Mr. Kirk, this week.
Mrs. Chester Lee, of ,Parkhill,
visited during the past week with
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Geo, Beer.
Miss Jean Lavender, of Hamil-
ton, spent the weekend with her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lav-
WwwwwWrooftWwWWWWW,.. •IWwe
Letter From
r boy Bannermann
iDies-,In St, Marys
Ray Dennermann, 62, died in
St. Marys Memorial Hospital on
.:.Siniday, lie had farmed in Blau-
shard Township 41 years, retiring
to St. Marys three years ago.
Surviving besides his wife, the
former Dovena Cole, are one
brother, Cecil, of St. Marys; three
sisters, Mrs. Charles Richardson,
Iaast Missouri Township; Mrs.
Will Rogers, St. Marys; and Mre.
Lloyd Johns, Exeter, R.R. 3.
The funeral service was held
from the Marriott funeral home,
St, Marys, on Wednesday with in-
terment in St. Marys. Cemetery,
Animal Health Needs I
Cohirifittartift Mittifis Olnti
t it ItottitiltotttitititilcattlitittottottotioittottottoottlitittittriitottotttotiAttlittor
Hensall Kinsmen in e t 'on
Thursday night for their dinner'
tneeting,held At the: Kok Korn-
er .lestauraxit, followed with a
brief 'business meeting chaired
by President, L. Tiberio. Unto-
'Give plans were laid for .A big
•night in March and other inter-
- eating ,. Items of business were
Harry ltecEwan, president' of
Clinton Kinsmen Club; ,and-
Gribb, also of Clinton, were
guests; • Bob Baker and Conrad
MacRoberts were guests from
Hensall, Frank Pearce won the.
draw raffle, One hundred per
cent attendance was noted at
this meeting.
Mr. and° Mrs. Tom Burke of •
Wroxeter visited on Friday with'
Mr. and' Mrs. W. Mellis, Mrs.
'Meths returning with them for
a short visit.
Mrs. Mousseau of Zurich vis-
ited the past week at the home
of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Elzar •Mousseau.
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Work-
man visited on Friday with their
aupt, Mrs. S. Cudmore in Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
Mn, Don Cooper of Exeter
visited Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. ,W. R. Cooper.
• Mr. and . Mrs. Orval Mc-
Clinchey of Varna were Friday'
afternoon visitors with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. James Mc-
Clymont. ' •
W. M. S. Meeting
Mrs. Wilmer Joiles; treasurer,
Ctrs. Morley Cooper; press sec-
retary, Mrs. Norman. Long;
missionary monthly see., Mrs,
A. Parson; Mission Band, Miss
D. Turner; Baby Band, Mrs,
ltd a a Broadfont; community
friendship, Mrs. A. MeMuttrie;
eltristiali stewardship; Mrs, N.
Supply secretary, Mrs. E.
Kyle; supply corninittee, Mrs.
A. Parson, Mrs, It. McAllister;
piarfists, tthee troarlfoot
and Mrs, Harold Jones; suit.
shine associate member see:,
Mrs, E. larrott; christiari
eiiship, Mrs. S, Pepper.
Mrs. Aleit lifeMottrie was
eleeted president of the for
Mt, Honorary president i s
Mts. Harold *MOS and vice
presider& are gild vice prof.
dent, Mrs. Rohl; McGregor and
Attl vice pretideot, Mrs,Verne
Alderice; trerouter,IOC
Marie Mar sec K: , M ert nher.
institute Learns
Diary History.
Mr, Deuce Perry who in, on
the :staff of South Huron District
High School. addressed the mem
bers of Hensall Women's Insti-
tute at•their meeting on Wednes-
day speaking on the "Dairy
He traced the dairy indeatel
from. 1860 when the firs” milk
was shipped and the Pest cheese
factory starteete-ta the present
time when ae addition to butter
and cheese, milk powder and -
concertrated milk is pheesseti.„
Thirondale Jolly ,Tills 411 Home
making Club demonstrated .-what
they had learned in their sewing
course. They were accompanied
by their leaders, hers, Arthur
Rundle and. Mrs, Bruce TuCkey,
The program was arranged
by the Agriculture and Canadi-
an Industriese committee for
which Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs.
D, McKinnon are conveners.
Hostesses, were Mrs.- W. 0. Good-
win and Mrs. B, Edwards.
The president, Mrs. A. Shir-
ray. presided and gave the "Leg-
end of the Three Chests." The
group will entertain their hus-
bands at the February meeting.
Chiselhurst VVMS
Appoints Officer
The -January meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of
Chiselhurst United Church was
held Tuesday - afternoon, Mrs,
'C, D. Daniel took •the chair for
the meeting and read a New
Year's message from the 'ekes-
ident, Mrs. Earl Kinsman who
was unable to be present owing
to- illness, •
Mrs. T. Brintnell took the de-
votional period, Mrs. Clarence
Coleman presented the study
"Malaya and Indonesia,
'It was disclosed that the allo-
cation for the year •will he $135.00
the same as last, year. Mrs.
Clarence Coleman was appoint.
ed third vice-president to take
the place of Mrs. Cal Horton.
Suggestions were presented to
the meeting as to, holding a pot
luck dinner and quilting for the
supply work 'at 'the end of Jan-
uary. Mrs. Jack Brintnell pre-
sided for a brief meeting, of the
Women's Association and the
group -suggested improvements
to- the church for this year.
Found On Floor •
Mrs. John Hazelwood, an el-
derly resident of the village, who
is over 80, was taken by Bon-
thron ambulance to South HOren
Hospital, Exeter.
A neighbour who failed to get
an answer when she went to the
home called Dr. J, C. Goddard,
who intending to break the lock
of the back door ran his arm
through the glass. Mrs. Hazel-
wood was found lying semi-
conscious on the floor of het bed-
room. Mrs. , Hazelwood lives a-
lone as her husband is a patient
at the Queensway Nursing home
Carmel WAS.,
At the January meeting. of the
Women's Missionary Society of
Carmel Church, held Thursday
'last, Mrs. B. Edwards and Mrs.
D. MacDonald presented high-
lights of Mrs. Ritchie's speech at
the Presbyterial held at Clinton
last. Tuesday.
The president, Mrs, S. Dougall,
chaired the meeting and was in
charge of the devotional, assisted
by Mrs. P. Campbell arid Mrs.
Edwards. Mrs., Malcolm Dougall
favoured with a piano solo. Gnest
speaker at the February meeting
will bellies. Russell, of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morons and
fathily of Dashwood visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett over
the - weekend. '
Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. 'W. Har-
per, Mrs, T. Laing and. Mrs. M.
Lamond attended the animal
meeting of Stratford Presby-
terial of the Women's Missionary
Society of the Presbyterian
Church, whichi was held in St,
Andrew's Chtiteh, Stratford, on
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Walker were Mr. and
Mrs, Garnet CockWell and soil,
Sack, Dashwood, And Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Cockwell and falnily,
Air. and Mrs, Wesley Russell
home of Mrs. J. M. Scott on Tuea-
day evening with the new presi-
dent, Mrs. W. Harper presiding
and leading the worship period.
After reports had been read,
business was dealt with and coin-
inittees were appointed, Mrs. L.
Sorsdahl and Mrs, Grace Sena
Ste the pregrant committee for
next Meeting and those on- the
Work committee art:: Mrs. T, L.
Scott, Mrs, Mervin DOW, Mrs. J.
Millet, Mrs, It, Laing, Mist Olive
$Peare and Mrs. 5, M. Seat.
Mr. Edgat Allen,
Called on friends in the village
on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker en.
tettained a few of their Merida
on Wedneaday evening on the cid*
caSion of their twenty-eighth
wedding Arinietteateit The ette.,'
nil% was spent, playing: euchre,
rid abcial ohet.
Crontarty Perm Vomit met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crahlet
14:e1C4Ig Oh Monday obniog.
Officers were elected *and. in -
stalled by p3st president, Mrs,
A, Clark, at the meeting of the
Hensall Legion Ladies Auxilliary
held Tuesday evening in the
Legion Hall.
President is Mrs, 147, R, Davis.;
vice-presidents, Mrs, William
Brown, Mrs, Gordon Munn; see.
retary, Mrs. L Baynham; "trees-
' user, Mrs. William Parker;sgt,
• at arms, Mrs. IL Horton; execu-
tive,. Mrs, Ron Mack, Mrs. Inez
MeEwan, Mrs, Howard Sinale,
Mrs. Robert McKenzie, Mrs,
Garnet Allan,
A motion was carried to cater
to the Bonspeil which the Legion
is- sponsoring, Wednesday Jan. 2a.
Conveners are Mrs. E. R, Davis
and Mrs, S. , G. Ronnie, Mrs.
Harry Horton volunteered to re-
present the Legion Auxilliary on
the recreational committee,
The group will organize a Red
Cross collection again this year.
Mrs, Aida Simmons won the
mystery, price. Mrs, E. R. Davis,
president, chaired, the meeting,
Hensall Kinettes
Plan Projects
Mrs. Harold Knight was host-
ess at her home Tuesday even-
ing for the meeting of the Kinet-
tes. The chair was taken by the
vice-president, Mrs, John Heal.
A lengthy discussion was held
concerning the raising of money,
The group made plans to enter,:
taro the men in February, Mrs.
-Don Joynt to head the committee
to look after arrangements.
Mrs. Heal paid tribute to the,
treasurer, Mrs. Angus McLean,
who, with her husband and
daughter Kathy, take up resi-
dence in, Paris this month. Mrs.
George Sawyer was appointed
treasurer to' take her place.
Mrs. Frank. Pearce was admit-
ted into• membership and pre-
sented with her pin by the pres-
ident, Mrs. Knight Members
gave Mrs. Frank Ellwood their
favorite recipes to be publiShed
in forth coming bulletins. A
motion was carried that each
new Kinette baby will receive
a baby spoon, Mrs. Ross Jinks
Won the raffle prize.
personals' '
Mr. and Mrs. Radius Faber,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert,,Faber and Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Faber left on
Saturday for a motor • trip to
ChipLase; president, Mrs. Doug-
las Cook; vice-presidents, Mrs.,
William Mickle, Mrs, Jack Drys-
dale; secretary, Mrs. Howard
'Searle; assistant, Mrs. Wes Rich-
ardson; treasurer, Mrs. Robert
Cook; pianist, Mrs. William Fuss;
assistant, Mrs, A. Shirray; stew-
ardship, Mrs, 'Brian Kyle; liter-
ature, Mrs. Walter Spencer; sup-
ply, Mrs. Jeck Traquap; card,
Mrs. J. Drysdale;' friendship,
Mrs. Ken Elder; social commit-
tee, Mrs. R. Drysdale, Mrs. R.
Paterson; recreation, Mrs: J,
Taylor, Mrs. R. Mock; press, ,
Mrs. M. Redden; Mission Band,
Mrs, J. Ciarneil, Mrs, Christie,
Mrs, G. Munn;
Past president, Mrs, Chipchase,
was presented with pin and life
Membership by Mrs. R. Cook
and Mrs. W. Richardson,
The devotional was taken by
Cedric Sears
YFC Present
Reunion of the Young People
from South Huron and , district
Will be held in the United Church
this Saturday night at 8 p,m,
When the guest speaker will be
Reit. Dr, Cedric Sears, of Chi-
cago, who was evangelist ,at the
South Huron • Crusade t"or Christ
meetings held hi Zurich in July
of last year.
Mr. Harold 13onthrori is attend'
big the furniture convention In
MrS. Thomas Kyle, who has
been -a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital - London, the past two
weeks, la responding to treat..
nients and coming along nicely,
Williatii Kerr spent the
weekend at his home.
It was the little fellow's first
time at Sunday School, and at
home his mother waited anxious,
ly for a report and for his iot
preasloha, It War kWh Wet.'r ad-
milted the little fellow, "At the
end' everybody sang.'
"What did they slogP asked
rte dotil know," he replied;
"but I sang navy Crockett!"
And. District News.
Mrs. Maud. Hetiden, Phone 5
Mr*. Archie McGregor, Phone 682441
Legion Auxiliary
Picks Executive
"'Somebody picked my pocket,"
""What did he get?"
"Practice." Make Plans
For Promos
Comments About
Personal Items
• and Mrs. Nelson Riley
and Mrs. John Riley spent Tues-
day visiting friends in New
Hamburg and Stratford.
Mrs. Harry Chesney was ad-
mitted Monday of last week to
Scott. Memorial Hospital, Sea- -
. install Officers forth.
On Saturday morning Mr. and
Mr. and -Mrs. Rochus Faber, By Candlelight Mrs. Harry Faber of Hensall;
and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber Officers were installed by Rev.
viotored to Florida for two. C:' D. Daniel in an impressive
week's vacation. candle-lighting service at the
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schneider, meeting. Monday evening of the
Judy and. Paul pf Stratford visit- Evening Auxiliary held in. the
ed Saturday afternoon with the United Church.
latter's father, Mr. Robt. Thom- Honorary president is Miss M.
soh also Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellis' past president, Mrs.
The first meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Drysdale, assisted by Mrs.
forthe year 1957- was held R. Cook and Mrs. MickIe. A vo-
Thursdayafternoon at the church cal duet by Mrs. H. McEwan Jr.
with Mrs. W. Workman, hostess and Mrs, R. Broderick, readings
and Mrs.., John Sinclair, co. by Mrs. E. Rowe, and slides
hostess. Mrs. Toe MeLellan pre- shown. by Mrs. Spencer and Mrs.
meatSided for the meeting. Mock rounded out the entertain-
portion of the program. The worship was taken by Mrs, Harold Jones. Twenty- The new president, Mrs. Cook,
three members were present. took the chair for the closing_ex.
Visitors for January are Mrs. ercises• Hostesses were Mrs-
Sohn Anderson and Mrs.• E. Jar- Richardson, MrS. W, Carlile and
Gott. The treasurer reported assistants.
that the allocation for the year
had been Met. A sole was sung
by Mrs. Howard 'Finkbeioer ,
The study book was taken by
Mrs. Rose Love assisted by
Mrs. Eldon Jairott and Airs,
Russell COositt,
Mrs. E. Anderson is presi--
and Margaret Jean and Mr, and dent la 1957. Mrs. Kyle is
Mrs, Donald Scott and family honorary president and vice
visited on Sunday with Mt. and Presidenta are Mrs, J. MeLel.
Mrs, Harry Elliott, Parkhill, Ian, Mrs. Russell Consitt and
The Ladies' Aid met at th e Mrs. John Andersen; secretary,
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