HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-10, Page 12:rA r.,,rertierwm, 111=11•11111111111111111,11k,
.ire mak4
• Gasoline quality has risentremendously in the
'pest few years. Two gallons of today's gasoline
, do the work of three in the '20s.l.
Fliii•LIg new techniques to make thole Improved
gasolines, and new equipment to put these
techniqiiitO work, has' cost a lot of money.,
OIL tiM1110.
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imperial, with by forCanida's most extensive oil
research.facilltiel,:hat spent 20 million dollars
revei''the)oti ten yeas on research alone.'
im eirii144ent-6i In the same
• "J, period directly on new equipment to
improve gasopne_quellty.
• treittIng'mote and more money
, to make the gasoline! required
h today's more powerful cam '
Phone 109 Lucon Correspondent; Mist. Line Abbott
And,Pistrict News
"Priestlier,. your Wife -.says you
have her terrorized-,-"
..But ,yolth worship-.-"'
" so as man to Man, What's
s nun• Secreth •
A cow's
best friend.
Any self-respecting cow likes to
know that the precious •food
product she supplies is handled
with greatest care so it will reach
her customers fresh and pure.
From the dairy farm to your
doorstep, aluminum is aiding
the hygienic handling and pro-,
cessieg of dairy products, Milk
pails, cans arid churns ... tank
trucks and dairy equipment .
hoods for milk bottles and foil
for butter and cheese ... all are
of alurniaum. This modern
metal's smooth surface prevents
contamination, is easily kept
shiny-clean. And it does not
"pick up" foreign flavors or
Odors. As one European author-
ity has said, aluminum and
milk are made for each other.
Larry Snider Motors
PHONE 624 Limited EXETER
'55 FORD COACH $1,950
Automatic, very low mileage
'55 FORD SEDAN $1,795
'53 FORD SEDAN, • automatic, radio, a beaut $1,425
'53 FORD SEDAN, new motor . $1,295
'53 FORD COACH, a steal ....... ......... $1,250
'52 FORD SEDAN $1,095
'52 PLYMOUTH COACH—Your Choice $ 995
'53 CONSUL SEDAN, cheap going $ 795
'50 -FORD COACH—Your Choice ..... ..... $ 650
'49 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, a steal $ 450
'50 AUSTIN SEDAN—Your Choice $ 195
'56 FORD 3 TON DUMP, a steal $3,500
'55 MERCURY 3 TON C & C' $2,195
'54 FORD 3 TON DUMP .......... .......... $2,195
'53 FORD 3 TON DUMP STAKE • $1,895
The following 30-day ,units_ to be reduced $10
per day'until sold. Thursday's Price
'56 FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR, au• tomatic $2,315
'54 FORD SEDAN, automatic, low Mileage
'53 FORD COACH, radio, a beaut $1,120 ,
'52 METEOR COACH, overdrive $ 965
'53 HENRY J COACH, overdrive $ '765
'51 CHEVROLET COACH, lovely $ 720
'51 FORD COACH, above average $ 720
'50 METEOR SEDAN, a steal .. . . $ 550
'46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN ......... „...„..,,.,„, ........ $ 115
'52 FORD PICKUP, a steal $ '515
'49 FORD PICKUP, new tires $ 295
Herm Says:
Tailor Made for Yourtusiness
Standard business forms ,
Can cost you Money if they
are not designed for your
particular operation.
, You Might be surprised at,
the amount of time you can
save by having your forms
"tailor-made" by The Times-
Advocate . . . designed to
make yOur bookkeeping
easier and expertly printed
to give the best impression.
When you're taking stock
for 1957, take a critical look
at your stationery and see if
you're wasting effort by
viriting in a' lot of words
which could be printed on
the sheet. Or you're address-
ing plain envelopes when 'a
window style would save a
second, writing.
Look at the' design, too,
for; style. Perhaps you'd
like • something More ino-,
dern, distinctive. We'll be,
glad to submit ideas,
Place your order early---
it takes time to do a good
Printing And Office
Supplies For
Modern Business
Peitlla 12 The Timee,AcIvocefe, Jeousry 10, 1957 —
News Budget From
Mrs. T. Wallt of London.
spent Tuesday with „her .dangth
ter, Mrs, Leenard Thacker and
Mrs. 'Thacker.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dann, Karen.
and Nancy spent Saturday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. John Rhin. Mr. Bill Ill=
of Baseline spent Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. • Norman Bode
gins/ Gordon and Grant, Avis
and Allen were Friday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glad-
wyn Hooper.
This Week In
Miss Margaret Ann Prance is
recovering following a ' tonsil
operation at South Huron Hos-
Mrs. Jolly, senior teacher at
the local school, has been ill at
her home in Exeter. Her place
has been capably filled by Mrs,
Howard Pym, Elimville south.
Mrs. Harry Ford, also Mr.
and Mrs. Freeman Horne and
family spent New Years with
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Sparling in
Mr. and Mrs. William , Arm-
strong, Kenneth and Joyee, Mr.
Leland Armstrong, of Exeter,
also Mr, Clarence Armstrong of
Detroit, were New Year's guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haw-
kins and Leonard of Anderson
spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley of
Exeter visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Batten.
List Trustees
For School's
Trustees for 1957 for Lucan
and district Schools have been
APPPinted and their names and
these of the teachers are listed
Lucan: George Paul (chair-
man) Cliff Culbert, J. B. Ready,
Murray Hodgins, Clarence Has-
kett and Mrs. Don, Revington;
secretary, Jack Murtly; Care-
taker, James Little; Teaching
staff, Wesley Clow. B. H. Elliott,
Mrs; Art Black, Mrs. Harold
Cobleigh and Mrs. -Wm. Allison.
Separate School: John Cruni-
can, Joe Benn, Hugh Toohey;
secretary, 3. E. Conlin; care-
taker, A. Van Bynen; teacher,
Mrs. J. B, Conlin.
Coursey School 5,5. No, 1
Biddulph: Wilson Hodgins
(chairman) Joe O'Neil, Charles
Grose; secretary, Austin Hod-
gins; caretaker, Evan Hodgins;
teacher, Mrs. Ross. McRoberts.
S.S, No. 2 Biddulph: Jim Bark-
er '(chairman) Arnold Cunning-
ham and Cliff Abbott; caretaker,
Lorne Hodgins; teacher, Miss
Dolma Mills,
Granton: Der win Beatson,
Mervin Baker, Bruce Stalker.
Revere, Biddulph: Gerry Dann,
Harold Westman, Tom Gagan.
Japan Missionary
Addresses WA
The Anglican WoMan's Auxil-
iary held its January meeting
in the Parish Hall last Wednes-
day with the president, Mrs. T.
C. McFarlane in the chair, and-
Mrs. C. W. Hawkshaw at the
,piano. Only a short business
session was held to give more
tithe to the speaker.
The guest speaker was Miss
Lilies Powell, a missionary,
from Japan, who will soon be
returning to her duties there.
Before beginning her address
she spoke of the wonders
wrought by prayer and thanked
the branch for prayert in the
past and asked the members to
continue in the future.
With Mrs. Clarence Haskett
in charge of the church's new
projector she showed Colored
pictures, not only of the hos-
pital at (Anse, where she works,
but . of Japan, its people, its
farming community and rice
fields and also pictures taken
on her trip home in India, China
and Egypt,
Miss Powell- was introduced
by Mrs. Jack Murdy and thank-
ed by Mrt. T. A. Hodgins.
Weather and road conditions
prevented the. presence of the
Ailsa Craig and Clandeboye
Mrs. Clarence Hardy and. Mrs.
J. H. Steacy favoured with a
The financial report showed
a good year. •
Mrs. J. H. Skaling
Former Resident
Mrs, J. H. Skaling, 51,, passed
away at her home an Winnipeg,
Friday, December 28, after a
lengthy illness. Her body ar-
rived at the C.P.R, station, Lon-
don, on Wednesday and was
taken to the C. Haskett and Son
funeral home, Lucari, where it
lay 'at rest . till Thursday after-
noon and thence to the United
Church for a 'funeral service at
2 p.m. with the pastor, the Rev.
E. 3. Roulston, officiating, In-
terment was in Granton cem-
Pallbearers were Donald C.
Mowbray, Keith C. IVitilhargey,
Arnold Hodgins, R. Bruce Mc-
Irvine, Clarence Hartwick and
John Park,
Mrs. Skaling, the former Lu-
ella Victoria Mewbray, was the
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Mowbray. She was
born on Alice St., Lucan and
attended the Lucan Public and
High School and was a member
of the 'United Church here. In
1914 she went to Winnipeg Where
she worked in an office till her
marriage to Dr. 3. H. Skalirig
in 1921 and reeved to Saskatoon.
She returned to Winnipeg in
1937 where she lived till her
Besides her husband site is
Survived by • .one daughter, Mir-
iam at home, three sisters, Mrs.
Pearl Hedging of Woodstock,
Mrs. William Rosewarne (Ethel)
of Detroit and Mrs. Keith Har-
per (Edith) of Toronto and one
'nether, Ross, of Calgary.
Among the over 50 friends
who 'returned to the home of
Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Langford
after the funeral of the late .
Mrs. .1. IL Skaling were the
relatives and friendS who dame
frona a distance: Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Cethill and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Retewerrie front Detroit,
Mrs, A, ;lodes, Mrs. Murray
Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Harp-
er and Mrs. William Butler from
Stove Explosion
Provides Scare
About 2 a.rn. Sunday Mrs.
Kathleen Iredele who has an
a art rent above the Itivington
It eat Market smelled oil burn,
ing. She woke her neighbor,
Miss HattieHodgins, but her
stove was 0,X. So Mrs, Iredale
went across to the phone booth
and oiled the. IteVingtenS,
It, was found that the spate
heater in the• meat market had
exploded. NO serious damage
was done, other than everything
Was covered with Soot so the
butcher shop employees are do-
ing their Spring planing early.
Coursey School
Begins Euchres
The ., Coursey school section
began its annual euchres last
Friday. evening in the school,
with five tables in play, The
hostesses were Mrs, Charles
Haggar and Mrs. Harold Cour-
High score prizes went to Mrs.
joe O'Neil and Mr. Tom Cour-
sey while Mrs. George Hodgins
and Mr, Chat Grose won the
second prizes and Mrs, Harvey
Hodgins the lucky chair prize.
It was decided to hold the
euchres Weekly this year,
Biddulph Elects (Iffiest.:
Biddulph was one of the eleven
municipalities that. eliminated
elections last Monday by filling
the offices by acclamation at
Lucan, •
The Reeve is Austin Hodgins;
Council, Timothy Tpohey, Harold
Wallis, Ratymend Greenlee and
Lorne Barker.
Holiday Visitors
Mr. and MrS. "Ed Dunseith of
St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs.
Earle Young.
Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey hie-
Conaehie of London.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb Stretton
and family with, Mr. and MrS,
Doug Sangster, London.
Mrs. Sam Joseph, Sydney and
Paul of St. Thomas, Mr- and
Mrs. Ray Dawson of Toronto
with Mrs. S. Chowen and fam-
Miss Hattie Hodgins with Mr,
and Mrs. William P. Hodgins,
Mrs. George Young, William
St. with her daughter, Mrs.
Mary Dauncey of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Jones and family of Kip-
pen. •
Mr. and Mrs, Tom. Collins of
Clandeboye with Mrs. George
Rev. And Mrs, 3. P. Prest and
family with Beryl& friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Strasser,
Mr. and Mrs. CTeorge Strasser,
Mr. George Riddler and Miss
Line Abott with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Hodgins and family.
Pte. Earl Ruttle of the Mech-
anical Engineer's Depot of Bar-
riefield spent last weekend with
his aunt, Mrs. Cecil Robb.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood of
Byron, Miss Doris Wood of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Ab-
botte'and Clayton with Mr, and
Mrs. Don Abbott.' -
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar MaaIls
with Mr‘ and Mrs. HatverMez
Falls of London.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 'K. 13arss,
Elizabeth and David of St. Cath-
arines, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Ache-
son and family of Atwood. and
Dr. 'George Jelly of London
with Mr. •and Mrs. Lloyd Ache-
son and family.
Miss Marilyn Brownlee With
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Laverty and
family of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and fahaiiy with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Dtmlevy of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Alyea and fam-
ily of Kitchener =with Mh. and
Mrs. Harold Men and family.
Mrs. W. Blonde and son, 365-
eph, of Chatham With Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Conlin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins
with Mr. Nelsen Hodgins of Den-
Miss Rose Marie Robb and
friend, June Mackenzie, of Sar-
nia with . the former's parefits,
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb of El-
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Smout,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Atkinson
and family of London and Mr.
Albert Dobbs of Stratford with
Mrs. Wes Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Black and
family with Mr, and Mrs. C.
B. Deyo of Londe.,.:
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb with
the Finlayson family of 'London.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins
of Lucan,,Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Abbott wit Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell
of Riverside, Mrs. Harry Mc-
Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mc-
Falls, Mr. and Mrs. John Mar-
tin and Dikvid of London with,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Reving-
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Culbert and
family with Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Lachie of Waterloo on Sunday
and with Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Patrick of Sarnia for New
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Zurbrigg and ability, Mr, and
Mrs, Leonard Poole, and' family
and Mrs. Margaret Stewart all
of London with Mrs. J. R. Mut-
Week Of Prow
The Liman churches began
their union week of prayer
services in the Anglitan Church
Sunday evening. The theme thi$
year is the interests, of ,Jesus.
Christ," The Rev. P. P. MOM-
son reed the lesson,
Rev, E. J. Roulston was the
guest speaker: He chose as his
text: "./esus Christ the same
yeaterday and today and for
ever." Before beginning his ser-
mon he spoke ofJhe happy fel-
lowship; n o t Only among the
three ministers but also among
Liman's three &orates,
Skating party
Eighteen members of the
United Church junior choir held
an enjoyable Skating party at
the Lucan Arena last Saturday
Hew Year's Dance
The annual New Yeat'S Dance
held New rear's Eve in the
LUCA Community' Memorial
Centre and sponsored by !the
Le 'MI AtixilltrY drew * Idrge
Luca!' Boy
Hit By ..Car
Hugh Conlin, 12-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. 3, E. Conlin,
narrowly escaped death .when he
stepped from behind a parked
truck and was - hit by a Grand
Bend car, nearly opposite his
own home on Main St., South,
However he escaped with a
deep puncture in his arm and
a brush burn on his leg.
Barry Black, who was with
thin at the time, escaped injury.
Hugh is making satisfactory re-
Among Indians
Describes Work
The Women's Association of
the ,Lucan United Church held
the first meeting of 1957 in the
church parlors last Thursday
evening with the new president,
Mrs. Cecil Robb, in the chair.
The only business of the eve-
ning was the making of plants
for the congregational pot-luck
supper to be followed by the
annual meeting Wednesday, Jan,
23, '
Mrs. John Park as group con-
vener led in the worship service,
She was assisted by Mrs, \Varn-
er McRoberts and Mrs, H. B.
Langford. Barbara, Nancy and
Betty Park, accompanied by
their mother, Mrs. Dave Park,
sang Christmas carols.
The guest speaker Was Mr.
Stanley Tomes of Clandeboye,
who spent the past summer on
the, preo Indian Reserve at
Severn River, in connection with
the Department of Indian Af-
fairs. He showed colored slides
Of his work among the Iiidians;
Mta. C. H. George, past presi-
dent, moved a vete of thanks,
Mrs. John Perk's group was
hi charge of program and re-
Epiphany Sunday was observed
at St. James Church when the
rector, the lIev. P. Prest was
assisted by Mr. Stanley Tomes,
a student of Huron College, who
read the lessons. Communion was dispensed by
E. Roulston •at the morning service at the United. Church.
Start Retiolaus Coors*
On Friday afternoon Rev. 3. P,
Prest, rector cl,( Holy Trinity,
Lucan, and. St. James' Church,
Clandeboye, started the course of
religious instruction at Clande-
boye Public Scheel.
Mr. Prost will conduct the class
on Friday from. 3• to 4 o'clock
each week till Easter. Then Itev,
E. Roulston, minister of the Lu-
can and Clandeboye 'V nit e d
Church, will continue from Easter
to mid-suminer.
W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting
Mrs. William Darling enter-
tained the ladies of the 'United
Church on Thursday for their
January meeting.
Mrs. Rea Neil, president, pre-
sided' for the meeting of• the
W.M.S. Roll call was answered
by the paying of fees for the New
Year. Mrs. 'E. Collins took the
worship services, and. the first
chapter of the Study Book, "Des-
tined to be Sons."
Mrs, A. Macintosh, president,
presided for the W,A. meeting.
During the business session plans
were laid for the pot luck supper
to be at 7 p.m, on January 15 at
the congregational annual meet-
ing for the Clandeboye United
Church. t
Personal Items
Miss Ruth Sigsworth, R.N, re-
turned home on Monday from
Florida where she had spent Sev-
eral months on the staff of Mercy
Hospital in Miami.
Mrs. William McGowan is
spending the winter with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Verne Hodgins, of Spring-
bank Drive, near London, While
there she had the misfortune to
fall and suffered a broken wrist.
Mr. McGowan returned home
here last week.
Mrs. Emily Neale, of Belmont,
spent New Years with Mr. and
Mrs'. A. Hcndrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins
apd daughters, Laura and Pat-
ricia, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ainslie,
of St. Marys,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton en-
tertained ,Mr, and. Mrs, Willard
Aneett, of London, on Sunday.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. H, p aten and ,
Clare spent New Years with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Logan and
Myrna, whose seventh birthday
was celebrated.
Figure skating is tow well
forming of a regarding the
Young Peoples'
the decision of
a Union should
Check Your '57
News Of
Refugees Need Clothing
Donate To Hospital Auxiliiry
on the al& list. M O. T. A. Watson Sprang a
mintriSe birthdeY Parts, On her
1.6..year..eld daughter, 14eth, by
Inviting IS of Beth's friends to
crowd, A. tendon orchestra 'pro- her home last. Sunday after
MO the elating at the arena,'
Sheridan iteviniften"
Mrs, Harold odgins has been
By HAROLD RIBSON Young Peoples' Party
The Lucan "Irish Six" meet The 'Young People of the
Mitchell at 8.30 p.m. . Fr iday, United Church met in the schpol
Jan. 11 in a most important room on Friday evening, •De-
game of the season, As a "cur- comber 28 for a party, spensor-
tain-raiser" at 7 p.m.,Lucan ed by the Hi-C Class,
'Tee-Wees" will play their rub- A scavenger hunt was enjoyed
ber game with South London followed by Folk Dancing and
art aye/ling- of terrific hockey! novelty dances called by Mrs. M. Hodgins. Winhers of lucky Liens. Come early and enjoy
There is . considerable agitation spot prizes were Rose Beving- ton and Jack Park. Mr. Howard theat days, to instigate a game
therchants_--- -more on this at a Kew won the Miss Hi-C prize.
betweeh the Irish Six and Lucan Following the arrival of Santa
later date. Claus, a discussion took place
established, with the Lucan club
being most fortunate in securing
Paul Teton, a'n outstandirig
professional, as instructor.
This next week will see class-
es in oil painting, under the ex-
pert teaching of Mrs. D. Bailey,
of Arva, who will give a two-
hour instruction weekly, for a
course of 12 weeks. Also a class
in keeping fit is scheduled 'for
the coming week. Please con-
tact yours truly for enrollment
right away as these classes must
be kept comparatively small for
proper instruction,
• There have been some requests
for classes in smocking. We are
anxious . to hear from all who
are interested before making
necessary arrangements.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Menu Kennedy
(nee Gertrude Young) of Fran-
cis St. ate happy to announce
the birth of a daughter, Debra
Jean; at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, December 4.
Nese 'Year visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Jolla Park -included
Mr. and Mrs, Clinton Haskett
of Bin', Mr. and. Mrs. Stewart
Park and family, Petrolia, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Park and Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Langford, Lu-,
can. •
Mrs. Charles Sovereign/ and
Mrs'. John. McLean assisted Mr.
Charles Haggai', Mrs. A. E.
Reilly and Mrs. D. A. Ball with
the larger than ever Christmas
Pat Watson has been
transferred from the Lucari
Bank of Montreal to the Market
Square Branch in London,
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod-
gins attended the annual New
Year's Eve Frolic scelsoredb
the Metropolitan Church, Lon-
Ten-year-old Nancy Haskett
arrived safely home front her
first plane trip to Florida where
She Spent her Christmas vaca-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Mc-
Irvine front Port Credit, Mr.
Keith Mellhargey, Mr, and Mrs,
,D. R. MOWbray. from Kingston,
`Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mowbray
from Lindsay, Mrs, Pearl Hod-
gine. front Woodateck, -Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold }lodging, Mr, and
Mrs. thrift Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarende Hartwick, Mr. George
Hattwick, Mrs. K. MaGoun,
C. A. McDougall front London,
Mr. Stewart Park from Petreilia,
Mr. and. Mrs. R. Campbell from
Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Morris
}Wens and family from ,Lin-
Severt,year-old Carla Reving-
ten, daughter of Mr: and -Mrs.
Lyle Itevinglon, spent part of
her Chriernes vacation with
her grandparents, Mt, and Mrs.
Union. It was
the group• that
be formed, Ai111101Mliniall1116.16IIM11111,11,116milmmililinMOnrillifilUIPM11,1.101111601 ,MIllimunhllfts,