HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-10, Page 6edding Stqtionery Make sure the wedding invitations are correct in every detail. We have a large choice from which you may select. The Times ,Advocate Phone 770 Exeter , 4$1 4 ,14.**10614. ___IIIINSOMASOOMMOSOMM11441.114644 lll 10 l 111***1414101,11,146.19HIMISOIMMISN11+11114111111! COME . TO DINNEY'S FOR THE World's Best Mattress Buy! LIMITED TIME ONLY! SA LE FULL' OR TWIN SIZE Nothing Sox Spring Some low Prise Compare Features! (with others soiling up to $59.9.5) EASY TERMS! Choose any way to pay...the cost is low per clay! This mot-tress advertised In $ha Journal of tho American Medical Association AS)Yi:If715r0 IN LIFE e Extra...Heavy Inner-Springs For Firm, Resilient Comfort! • Extra Leyelizing Layer Protects Mattress,..and you! • Both Sides Fully Insulated With Top Quality Padding! • Upholstered to Perfection with Beautiful, Long-Wearing Coy., *rings! •Box Spring and` Mattress Matched To Each 'Whir For" Support and Weed *Mader Ay The Makers of , Famous Serfs "Perfect Sleeper"e Mattress. *Trademark MADE sy Dinney Furniture PHONE 20 Main St. EXETER Ertv ASSOCIATE it's TEX-MADE VARIETY TIME . wherever Sheets are'sold ititnit WITH. 'VANITIES' 1 fa we' Ofifflitt TLitTILE COMPANY .LIMITIO,. 1 • Streit* Weet,LMeift reel Mrs . Erla Lynam of Hamilton just found the buy of her life! 0,,A • Xow you can: afford shelves-full et florals, stripes:'" solids, fitted .sheets (now in colors I). They're all Tex-made,- so they're tettified washable, all with matched quality pillo* slips! And all °with a heavenly scented sachet enclosed! Watch the ads for Tex-made Variety Time.-:.and get the surprise of • your life sit those budget prices d II the buys of your life with Teit-niade't beautiful' variety or sheets, With made Varieties at the Attest stores in taint A.;) the thrill of it is—all these glorious sheet iashions are yours to own and treasure at Iantiary's very, very low prices- • Special Sale .. SPIRELLA GARMENTS Ends January 19 Mrs. V. Armstrong • Anne St. W. Phone 12$ •Art . . . „ • #A9 "THE FAIRWAY FOOD PLAN inter Coats 1/3 OFF! Pook 4 Th. ifirnaMOVOCaft, Janklary 10, 1957 Dors Beauty.Shoppo r;• Western Couple Wed Fifty Years The golden wedding .anniver- a:try of l(tr. and. Mrs. 3, Chris- tie of Edmonton was Celebrated in the church ball of Stralbearn United Church, gdalOntQA Qn Thursday December r. • Mrs. Christie .ts the daughter • of the late Mr. and MN, Willian>ee lothing For Refugee Bagshaw, formerly of Exeter • — ' — - and, Mr Christie is a native Of 'N FANCIES Poinsettlai and ferns formed E. the setting at St. Anne Church, 'Kitchener, for the mar- riage of Mary Caroline Tiler and Edward Joseph Conlon on Thursday, December 27, The bride is a daughter of the „late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziler, Dash- wood and the groom is a' son of Mrs. Lucy Conlon of Coniston and the late Herbert Conlin. Rev. L. A, Wemple of Christ the King College, Toronto, per- formed the dpuble ring cere- mony. Given in marriage by her bro- ther-in-law a Gerhard Straus, St. Agatha, the bride wore a gown, of pearly peau-de-soie. Appliques of embroidered lace lighted with pearls and sequins enhanced the scalloped neckline and brief sleeves. Her finger tip veil , of ' illusion was held by a headdress of pearls and sequins, She car- ried a cascade of red Sweetheart roses and feathered carnations, Miss Gertrude Tiler, Kitchener Was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a dress of holly green velvet with matching headdress trimmed with pearls, She carried a cascade of white carnations with silver and red motifs, • Mr. John Weir of Waterloo was best man. Ushers were Gen() Francolini, London and Harold Brenkolt, Kitchener, • At the reception at Castle Inn the groom's mother wore a pew- ter-toned dress with pink acces- sories. For a. wedding trip to points East the bride donned a blue wool suit with pink accessories. Mr and Mrs. Conlin will live in Chatham where the groom is teacher. ~f hack Snlith, Jeweller) .PierMartelit Wevinn t....Ustrort told Wove Dorothy G,. Pfaff, Prop. Pte, 7141/ foto-, tkele Beauty Salon. PHONE 1-11, GRAND BEND, IQpen /. to 4, Monday to ,F1'1419y Friday'Evening Till 9.00 SATURDAY 9 to 12 OPEN ALL, YEAR Luso Desiardine, ,Proprietrers: 'Y GO BY' Beauty Bar MyrIgincl Smith, Prop Individual styling, Permanents Hair Treatm Tinti ents, ng manleures, Facials: 401. Mein St, Phone $22 1.4achute. Quebec., Exeter On December 26, 1907 at the home of the bride by Rev, E. A. Fear of Main. St. United Church. At the reception and banquet were over one hundred relatives and friends mostly from Saskat- chewan and Alberta, • Hotelkeeper: "Goodbye, sir, and here are some views of our hotel for you to take with you." Guest: "Thanks, but I "don't need them. After eating your food for a week and sleeping on one of your beds, I have my own views of your hotel," Councillor Weds Hensall Woman The marriage of Lillian E, Hyde of Hensall and Alvin E, Pym of Exeter took place at James St. United Church par- sonage on Wednesday, January 2 at 4 p.m, Rev. H. J. Snell officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Down were their attendants, Following the Wedding a re- ception was held at Armstrong's restaurant. After a wedding trio to Detroit and Toledo they re- turned to Exeter where they will make their home. • By this second week of the new year most 61 us are back to normal hours and normal eating habits again and it's a good thing for we couldn't stand the holiday pace all year -'round, could we? Holiday meals must have proved a real challenge to those on a diet and some of us who should be will maybe find it easier to start now. * * '0' For those who prefer a more 4S,,,,,111V,1,11111111111 llllll 11111111111111,1111111111111111111110 At the meeting of the Ladies' on Tuesday afternoon it was de- cided to collect used warm cloth- ing .and goloshes fer Hungarian relief, Hungarians are arriving in Canada , every day and have not the warm clothing especially • coats and goloshes, fez' "the cold climate. Inasmuch as the Auxiliarrore- cpives vast off winter ,clothing at the spring rummage pate: and it does not find a ready sale at that time of 'Year it Nas Voted to collect this clothing now and send it to the Salvation Army in London who are help- ing in this project of outfitting the New Canadians with' warm apparel. It was arranged to receive the clothing at the Auxiliary room of the ',hospital next Friday and Saturday morning and afternoon. The ways and means com- mittee of which Mrs, E. R. Hopper and Mrs. W, G.. Cochrane are co-conveners are packing the clothing and will be on hand at the hospital to receive it. The Auxiliary is sponsoring a bridge and euchre party to be held in the Auxiliary room of the hospital an January 24. The treasurer", Mrs. R. E. Poole-y, repeirted that a $500 bond had been purchased from Auxin., ary funds, Mrs. E. D, Bell pre- sided fin. the meeting. "Did your wife have anything to say when you came in late the other night?" "No, but that didn't keep her 'rem talking for two hours," substantial cake to the light- textured feathery kind, (we have one of those in our family) we have a recipe given to. us by Mrs. ,Max Turnbull of Grand Bend. We made a cake from this recipe and can recommend it to you. Raisin Applesauce Cake— (Mrs. Max Turnbull) 2 'cups sifted all purpose flour 1 tsp, baking powder 3/4 tsp, baking soda 1/2 tsp, salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/s tsp. nutmeg 1 cup raisins 1 cup chopped nuts .3/4 cup shortening V4 cup white sugar 2. eggs 1 cup sweetened applesauce Heat oven to 350° (moderate.) Grease and flour a 91x5i inch loaf pan. Sift together first t ingredients. Adfl raising and nuts to dry ingredients. Cream shortening and sugar and add eggs one at a time beating af- ter each addition. Add apple- sauce then flour mixture a little at a time. Turn into loaf pap. Bake 1 hour and 10 minutes. When tool ice with vanilla ic- ing. * * One day we were thumbing through our • cook books looking for a dessert which Used peach- es. In a book of recipes from the ladies of Thames Road United Church, we .found one that sounded interesting. We made it and it was se deli- cious we asked Mrs. Archie 14torgan's permission to use the recipe in our column. (In place of fresh Veachet,, we ,seed can- ned ones and thickened *some of the juice to make a sauce and served it warm. Peach Dessert , Cake (Mrs, Archie Morgan) 1/2 cup Shortening 1,#i cup sugar 1 tsp. grated lemon rind 2 eggs unbeaten 1 cup sifted cake flour 1 tap. baking powder 3/4 tsp. salt 4 fresh peaches 1/4 cup sugar 1 tap, cinnamon 3/4 cup chopped walnuts Cream shortening until light,, Gradually add .3 /4 clip sugar' beating until light, Add lemon rind. Add eggs bne at a tine and beat vigorously, Sift OP- gether flour, baking poWder and sari," Add to batter in quarters beating each time, PoUr of. batter into greased pan. Slide p. caches and lay on top of batter. TO with remaining batter spreading it with a, knife. Com- bine sugar, cinnamon and nuts and sprinkle on top. Bake it 350° for 50 minutes, * * • * Airs, William Snow who lives on 'Mating Road sent us a cookie recipe you may like to try, We thing these cookies would be Mee cut iri a variety of shapes and decorated with icing if you wanted to Use them for sonic special occasion. like A Valen- tine party. Icing Sugar Caokiet (Mrs. William Snow) cream together: 1 cup )eing sugar 1 cup butter I egg pinch of salt and flavorin g Add: 1 tsp. soda 2 tsp, cream tartar 2 oups sifted flour ttlend well. Chill dough, /toll thin and bake at 850', Raises $1,337 The newly elected officers of the Woman's Association of James St. United Church were installed by Mrs. H. J. Snell at the January meeting on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Whit- ney Coates, new, president, took over the meeting from the re- tiring president Jars. E. D. Bell. Annual reports from conven- ers were received, The treasur- er, Mrs. Laura Harvey, reported that $1337 had been raised in 1956. The visiting committee with Mrs. Alfred Hunkin as con- vener stated that 220 calls on sick and shut-ins had been made during the year and Mrs. Ed Johns reported on Easter and Christmas treats to the shut- ins. „ Mrs. H. Pollen reported $629 raised on canvass that was made in place of a fowl supper. Par- sonage and church improve- ments were discussed by Mrs, H. L. Sturgis and Mrs. W. C, Allison. It was decided to have a pot luck lunch in February with members of Woman's Federa- tion as guests. The group voted to send $25 to the fund for fur- nishing • McKinnon House. The program was arranged by Miss Verna Coates and her group. Miss Coates led in the devotional theme "Ye shall be My Witnesses." Mrs. Hector Murray present- ed thoughts for the New Year concluding with the admonition "For 1957 may we look ahead with confidence and faith and unfalteringly press forward to- ward the mark for the prize of the high calling of •God in Jesus Christ." Mit. Allan Westcott sang a •Solo accompanied by Mrs. H. J. Snell and Mrs. Sam Hendrick contributed a reading "The New Year." Kitchener Church Scene Of Vows To Assist Groups Mrs. Cecil -Wilson, newly elect- ed president for 1957 presided for the January meeting of Main St. Evening Auxiliary on Mon- day evening. Plans were discussed for the year's activities and it was de . cideel to assist the Mission Band and Baby Band in defraying expenses. A balance of $179.34, from 1956 was reported by the treasurer, Mrs. E. Howey. Mrs. E. Carrot presided: for the prograin and led in the de- votional assisted by Mrs. Wm. McKenzie and Mrs. Reg Tay- lor. Mrs. Wm. Marshall con- tributed a reading "The New Year." Mrs. J. M. Southcott spoke on her trip to England and Europe last September. Mrs, Carroll and her group were hostesses for the social hour. Gram Says: ,Back To Normal '4 • Ry MARJORIE STEINER ,011111111111110 ,41itm1111111,1011111111,14$4,411144m$1101111111111111111.1111011,11111111,1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 111111 The couple were married 111 Main St, AUxiliary Ao,xiitory to South Huron Hospital J ames St WA *Eviler** OvitiNk Take Mir "litidirWary" 1064 OPENING SOON Modern, Beauty Salon NEXT TO TOWN HALL Pearl Henderson Proprietress ALL-WOOL, NEW STYLE' CHARCOALS, BLUES, 'GREYS Leather Handbags V2, Price! Sweater Collars 1/2 Price PHONE 474 EXETER IRWIN'S 0 t/ (% '1 V ► DONI essELAv-7-cup AND PSAIIIL:t0IDAYI FAIRWAY GOO DS, 285 HUGEL AVE. WEST, MIDLAND, ONTARIO Please send me full inforMation on the Felrwat hod Plan with absolutely no obligation, NAME,..„,. lll l • l•lll 66 lll 661166666 l • l 4•664166664:6•6 AD6RESS66 6.o64116666666666•466.1666166661641641•46666 ll 641,66Y41611•66ii 646464 PHONE NWABER.66of6l6.4•6•••11444.•• ll l •ig lll 663666•64,161,6446“...i I heve a Home Freezer .0 1 do hot have t Home Preeter CARTOON"HIT PARADE / MONDAYS AT 6 P.M, ON C L-TV LONDON CIRCLE s RANCH tiUtsbAYS AT 16 r ON CKNX4V ININGNAM cuts $6.00 from my weekly .shopping bill!" OOK into my kitchen and you can see two of the reasons why I'm such a happy woman these days. I. First of course, there's my son, Jimmy. You can see the kind of.hecdthful, nourishing, meal he's putting away lust now. For him, nothing but the finest cuts of Meat, vitamin-rich, fresh frozen Vegetables, delicious 'fruit desserts. Laughs just like his father when he gets a wonderful, dinner like that served up to him. And there in the corner, is another one of my pride and joys—my FAIRWAY HOME FREEZER, Yati'd never think that a beautiful, trim looking cabinet like that could hold such a mountain of food inside. And imagine, we got our FAIRWAY FREEZER and three months food supply, with no down payment and our weekly payments are only $6.25. Now we're saving at least $6,00 off our food bills each and every week, and We're eating better. I'm certainly getting everything I could have dreamed of—and more, from my FAIRWAY FREEZER and the FAIRWAY "Bulk-Buying" FOOD PLAN that tomes with' it: Big Savings on my food costs • An end to those hectic trips to the grocery • The finest quality food in my home -- unconditionally guaranteed by Fairway • Courteous delivery of all my orders, promptly when I need it. WATCH THESE EXCITING FAIRWAY TELEVISION SHOWS!