HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-10, Page 3Children's Snowsuits Misses Carcoats Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Dresses Ladies' SLIPS Odd Slits In' Crepes And Nylons All White, Values to $4.75 $2 ..1111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111,11111111111trntilifillitlffitffillalf11111111I11111[101111I1111111111111110° • Men's and Boys' Station Wagon Coats Car Coats Suburbans Sport Shirts AolittfiterilmotinummuttillitilfiffiltitittfutrummirtmitlotolonmitniftlflinitiffillIniftlinolt Free Pant SUIT SALE Buy a CAMBRIDGE fallored-to- regular price . get a pair Of MeasurO fashion suit et the .$42.5 extra bents FREE1 %10/1”Inf011tiniu10,HiOn0A , " CHECK THESE FOOD VALUES' CLOVER' LEAF SALMON 73/4 Oz, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, — ,, . 39g SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING ?rite ,,, , 4 Lbw: $1.00 SWIFT'S PREM 12' Oz, Tin „ , ... ,,,, 390 PINEAPPLE TiO BITS Aylmer, 15 O. Tins ,,,,, 2 fog' 3U WHOLE KERNEL CORN Aylmer, 14 O. Tins 2.40e 290 TULIP MARGARINE Price .,,„ .......... . . . ...... „,.. 4 Lbs. $1.00 SNOWFLAKE PASTRY FLOUR Lb, B,ag „ . .... ..... . . ,...„.„ .... „,„,_ 370 FIVE POINT MARMALADE Large 24 Oz. Jar ....... „„ ...... 450 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12 Oz. Pkgs. 21 fog 470 INTERLAKE TISSUE Price .„ .............. ..... 3 Rolis 350 GOULD & BXETBR PHONE 16 „ ,...± .N OT I CE ,.: , . The Huron County Council will meet in the i Council Chambers, Court ,Hollse, Goderich, on Tues• li. day, January 1:5, 1957, at 100 p.m..,. t . All accounts, notices of deputations, must I be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than s Saturday, January 12, 1957, . , A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron. ,:i11/11111111111,17(11111,1111$S1111111f111711MOMMUMIIIIIIIIMMIWIIIMItilltIttlitlitlEIMLIMIMMIMItlittltiMit, VIIIMMOR Enters Race In Middlesex McGillivray township reev e, Fred Homan, is a candidate for Middlesex wardenship this year. He and three others are compet- ing for 'the post. Mr. }Iceman was installed in his third term as township reeve at the inaugural on Monday, Clerk W. J. Amos also admini- stered the oath of offide to Councillors Earl Morley, • Earl Dixon, Thomas Hall and Duncan • Drummond, Rev. F. Barrett, of Parkhill, gave, the devotional. Grants of $25 each were made to Middlesex. Seed Fair and Salvation Army, Ten, dollars was voted to St. John's Ambulance Corps, The reeve and Councillor Mor-, ley..were appointed, to McGilli- vray Memorial Park Board,. 'Fortner. reeve Freeman Hod- gins ayes renamed township rep- resentativ on 'the Aus able Authority.'He is vice-chairman, Other appointments included; Clerk W. J. Otos; treasurer, W.• S. Patterson; road foreman and grader operator, Cyril Mor- ley. , Janitor, Clarence Rogers; tru- ant officer', Murray Hamilton; assessor, Wesley. Watson. • Board. of health, George Mit- chell, Andrew Thompion, 'Fred Beaman,. W. X. Amos; medical officer, Dr, F. F. Boyes, Park- hill; sanitary inspector, Breden Taylor. Sheep valuators, Bruce Dixon, William lace, William. North. graves, Arnold Wasnidge, Harold Lee, 'Earl Steeper. Fence viewers, George Mercer, John Rock, John Bullock, J. C. Nichol, Ted Hotson, , Andrew Thompson... • Weed inspector, Ken Sholdice. thEN'S BLACK AND' BROWN . Oxfords Reg. VLSI $6.50 ROYS' a.pLaCKLE RUBBER O'SHOES, 1.3, Peg. $4.95 for $3.99 MEN'S FELT-TOP RUBBERS, reg, $6-50 for .seas MEN'S FLIGHT BOOTS; leather tops, reg. $13.50 for •$11.00 KNEE-LENGTH RUBBER BOOTS, 10,'11, 12 2. MEN'S SHORT SIZE RUBBER ROOTS, 9, 10 • $3.49 MACK SHOES, best shoo made from $14.15 PACKARD CORRECTIVE SHOES For Children See Them Used Skates 99c Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses' and-Children's. White and Black SKATE SHARPENING' RUBBER. AND LEATHER REPAIRING From //ton to 65,00016s. G.C.W,,the hIth- styled choice for sit your hoUtint tomb 01001`tatioAlititillar, 1)500 wits .buisp bsav bAbli Deliv§ry ='000e with Stats,body, tot) Psi Id It 45,000 51. G.C,W. 11,000 101.msx, GYN. body,15,00illes. Max. 0:1./.411, a,sosits. maX,S.V.W. 1,000 ibt.ittett et 1w,, action, When kidneys get put of order, escess arida and wastes remain in thee, system, Thee backache, disturbed real or that tired-out and hem:headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action, Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. . Get Dodd's,Kidney Pills now. 31 1 Huron ,Caunty Council ' .., i . , I re11111111111111,111‘111111111iIIIIIIIIIIimpititimorittiti'mleill1101011tillifiertimittimOmilimeit11111,9111 114Attlid114114, Phone1.02 Return Of 'Councillor Exe !.‘ te .PS Boarti. Town -Starts 'Big' Year "" trial properties. "of- pears int tomeewners have cote, W. D. May, and Glenn BOO- M ClI lhhten ted. Mr" Paterson: since disconnected the machines, startle, 111ACKAClin fasas:LsI?elITti,ru:nelz4V .,-%Pbttr4ong glee. btreoktnfqVaVilill --14,:rv1; Zan ct:Ir.retir4 :raciAestsli'e6c1 the board. Conintittee chOrmen. a r 0 , property, Bonneinei tad. and auppites,. 1$ e a v e r a; teachers, Mayberroinimi cluatrial percentage of at, least 4(? 0 ity is to itaVe a cOMmervial-An- ' , II percent, Ours is better than _ that- Bond Carbon Mimeo Paper Times ,Advocate Backache is.often, euses' by kidneys amounts le 47 percent he said t for: :HARVEY'S 24-HOUR SERVICE The roll revealed a total assess= meat of $824,373, which Is broken professional and commercial, phone, $15,e0,5, Increased discounts for prepay- ment of taxes were approved, The new schedule allows ratepayers a reduction of one-half percent per month in advance a the due date, September 16, Thus,. by paying in January, village taxpayers will receive a discount of four percent. The discount was raised be. cause council felt it should give ratepayers the same premium for early payment that council would have to pay if it borrowed from the bank, The tax prepayment plan has 'worked out well for Hensall, Last year the village did not have to borrow any money from the bank and was able to save several hundred dollar by paying county taxes early. - Solve Drainage Problem Councillor. Sangster revealed men, When the firemen are office in ,eaSesOf telephone .calls, 400,1.2t4 manufacturing and in- . of oqUipinent, is . left for the Mr. Pickard stated that as far . , He paid ti•ibute to council P.In. dustrial, $163,82,5; and Tele- for Mr's. Mode was appointed Fills Slate At H , ch-1,44.,,„,,,,,,,,,soerv:,4st e rre 'estebtrie ith Surplus --Continued front Page 1 Salenced Assessment Report on the n57 assessment, flensall is well-balanced, between also given by the el erk, revealeti that garbage disposal units in- New member, R. T. Beavers, the market. was peor and sus councillors '2.o' per year 4 with $5 asi re.sideuti al and eobtmerotal„tothis,itt:Iled an two homes woeld clog was welcomed to " the beard- tercet, rates were raeos f rom deducted for non-attendance at .40,,,,,A,Huoitminiummonwm,,,i,o,,,tolowilliffilligiAmaiousompamonialtaptes Tenn ei al drains, hut it ap- Other trustees are Rebert South- 6ea a regular meetine" of eoUecil, Members of the road Centinit- Clerk C, V. I Jokers]. s salarY , clltirayttas owner of the new Queens- itite ursing Home, wah;I:lt:unrr,1 "'a see tire amicable way in which this body earried out the business of the, town, I was dis- that a drain problem ,discussed by t eouncil at previous meeting had been, ar011tnterilY Solved by houses' holders invelved. Council, feared People here." its excellent record in tax collec- tion and praised the village fire- men for their success iii extin- guishing the fire in the frame shop of General Coach on New Year's Day, A donation of $10 was made to the St. John Ambulance So- ciety, lie had been sitting next to her at the dinner table for the last hour and was deeply admir- ing her beautiful arms and shoulders, She: "Do you know, I've been, in misery for a week. Sometimes 1 could almost Scream with pain." He: "Why, what's the matter?" She: "I was. vaccinated last week and It has taken dread- fully." His eyes fell and his gaze was curious. But he saw no scar; "Why, where were you Vaccinated? She raised her eyebrows and smiled sweetly: "In Toronto." * * But 'Social Drinking is a horse of a different hue, Ask any housewife who has come down in the morning after a party, her head thumping like a tom-tom, and viewed with horror the cig- arette-burn her rug, the' stains of whiskey mixed with 'ashes on her White linen tablecloth, 22 dirty glasses, a lady's hands bag, a man's 'hat, 14 empty cigarette packages, and her hus- band snoring on the chester- field. That's Social Drinking. Ask the fellow who drops in for a drink, just a pick-Me-up, and just one, after ,,work, be- fore facing the spouse and spawn. He gets talking With the boys, one thing leads 'to an- other, and be arrives home an hour late. He's little high-spir- ited, but scarcely a reeling drunk. All he gets for dinner 'is cold shoulder arid hot tongue. Yet all he was doing was a little Social Drinking, * * Social Drinking*. was Me be- fore the women got into the act. In those clays it was known as "having snort," or laying the dust." Mee enjoyed a de- licious sense of guilt when they get off alone 'Iot a nip. There Ava,s a good, market for cloves. But the women starting boozing arid* Messed the whole thing up. Mixed drinking developed, and the only thing worse than Mixed drinking is mixing drinks, • Social Drinking, or Organized Guzzling, as could just as easily he tailed, has the po- tential destructive poWee Of the hydrogen bomb. It leads to broken promises, broken dishes, broken homes, and on occasion, broken • hoses. The. only good thing abotit it, and the main reason it is so popular, is that it enables people to put tip with the bores, ktmekle,htacis and ether, Varieties they afire con. demised to be, social With, Vi end this little homily, let rite just quote the iiiintortal rites Penned ,after a particular hard night by an old drinking' pal of mine: if yen got stinking Feet dritikirig, tt i$n't &stied, attOele., Sugar ,And Si:Ace —,Continued Irani Page-2 le 'of short barking laughs, So- cial Drinking is; just an excuse for getting plastered in public, instead of quietly and decently at home' or out back of the barn. Social Drinking and the Cock- tail Party go hand in hand, A Cocktail Party is a gathering of people ,pouring free liquor on their empty stomachs with the utmost dispatch, They're 'all get- ting looped' in a hurry, but they make 'a gesture toward the Soc- ial end of it by eating a cracker with a dead sardine on it with every fifth drink. * ' Thdre's sociable about Social. Drinking. A . quiet glass with ..an old friend, by the fire: sharing a couple of bottles of cold beer on, a hot day, out fish- ing; a good hot toddy after a few, hours outdoors en a cold 4.Y,—those are sociable drink- ing, down Into.' "Re4dehttal, $44015; -appointed there weren't more m -orb.,'. t 7.-30 called: out, of town a percentage etc,- Farrow. ' board will meet the first nday of eachmonth , to the library board. Principal, A, B. Idle, it, his report, announced religious ed- ucation by local ministers start- ed on Friday, January 4. Class- ea. will be held once a week, $00,01. Beard at its inaugural Meeting Monday night. Farrow is vice-chairman. Names, Officers London, ; t. Johns ode : Councillors a remuneration of $10 Association $0. a day for loss of time while out , on the other hand to increase the • 71.Hentlerson was granted E of town on the town's business or for pc/in anion to erect a beauty pars isoelptointments were made as W- U sborne Council '; 1.1:11 . titilletituryybleA RiVxronC. to —Continued from. rage 1 the Cemetery Committee for three years, J. Prydes.. Library tor; tractor mower operator, Board for three years, Mrs. R. N. Laverne Kellett, 81.10 per hour. Creech, Inspector „in charge of. live- The' clerk was instructed to stock pasturing bylaw, W. J, high school, William Ellering- nt:TI:otlYAw'u.nsasi:ei pAurtehporreiatyc,ntaw.ti.veitsi Brock;'. Upper Thames Author- ity, C, A, Smith. Feed-eview.ersi William Lam - port, Clarence Down, Gerald Paul, 'Nelson Couitis, Clarence Fletcher; poundkeepers, Maurice Coates, Robert Jeffery, Edmund Alexander, Everette Skinner, Heber Shute, John 'Bray, Thom- as Yellow, Russell Ferguson, James Anderson, Elson Lynn, Everard Miller. Township labor rate, 80 cents per hour; mileage rate,' eight cents; crawler tractor and bull- dozer charge raised to $10 per hour for work outside the town- ship. John 'Batten was certified as a permanent employee of the township. The treasurer was instructed to prepay county taxes in the amount of $10,000. Tax collector , Johns reported 1956 tax arrears of $5,157.22; tax arrears for all years amounts to $12,323,35; The road superintendent was instructed. to advertise for the 1957 road gravelling contract. Court of revision. on the assess- ment will be held on February IS. at 3 pan, A grant of $25 was made the Huron County Soil and Crop Im- provement Association, Regular ',meeting date was set for the 'second'-Monday after- noon of each ,month at 1.30 p.m. in the township-hall. ul tee- were delegated to. Attend the was increased from $g,f0Ct to.. 1. SttOWCARD$ PAM the first week in Febreery. Office expense front ;OW to- j Good Roads .converition, in To- $3,800 per annum aod share of : Fire ,chief Irwin Ford. report- .$1,50.1), I ed that when the fire depart. •Councillor Bailey Asked ' if it left the force short and he re- : .clerk .s office tosthe town hall to). Illuild.Scoles meat was called out of town it would be feasible to transfer the it quested permission to edit two act in conjunction With the pollee town's protection together with as he was concerned it was an enough men to look after any impossibility, but suggested that his office telephone number he Reeve McKenzie felt that an listed as a second, number sm. aada ddeltdi"anald rfouersoalluetinonswhaousldpasbae- bdeer re(lrayoleidce)to. ptlitecse"gaess quwiockullyd ed that the fire department be as possible, permitted, to add two extra men i and four if needed.The following grants were, • • • • • $00004419414,11,940,0041,1001#401.00040614A14110441114AWIMIMM444.00 I ALF ANDR. —Continued from Page ,. mayor's- ,or nouneillors salary to, 403 ANORIEW ST. In reference to. interest rates ;on . cover this expense. the debentures for the. proposed The mayor sit present. is Hooting, Plumbing, Shoot -Moitil Xorrjson. liant, indicating that lowed .$050 Per annum and the ,e'en urns a, Clerk C. V. Pickard rea d a made: Salvation Army $50; Re. - communication Submitted to the ion County Crop and Soil Im Municipal Board astripg if the Provement Association $25; ail- town had the right to pay the dreres War Memorial Hospital, s • • I 3 sge $110 .. . WUERTH'S AFTER STOCK-TAKING This Tins00141001140$0, 0 a prepare a by-law to increase the discount for prepayment of taxes from four to five per cent, the by- law 'to be presented at the next meeting. SHDHS Board — Continued from Page 1 $4,700, Administration costs. how- ever, rose from $5.850 to $6,600. Cafeteria Loss $1,500 Loss on the operation of the cafeteria amounted to $1,500 compared to $1,000 last year. Cost of labor and supplies 'total- led $15,756.75 1 while receipts amounted to $14,197.33. Nearly 46,500 meals were served in the cafeteria during 1956. Charge to the' students is 30 cents a, meal, Grants from the provincial government provide the largest source of revenue to the board, This year they totalled, $100,8'86, some $2,500 less than last year. The increase In tax levy doubled revenue for mainten- ance. The amount received in 1956 was $53,431, compared to $26.000 in 1955. Tuition fees from other diatrict boards and RCAF Centralia totalled $1.0,236. All but $1.000 Of this amount came from the air station fel- edutation of children of RCAF personnel, Among other sources of re- venue to the board was a. $500 grant from ,the county of Huron towards the operation of an agricultural department, The county has informed the board that this grant will be discon- tinued in 1957. Dodge brings you the BIG difference in trucks for 1957-sets new highsin=rg:7erm to Actvonted Power-Dome V-11's are :now available in all Models. Dodge. engineered to give you full power (ISO to 116 h.p.) on regular gas, Or you can ehootts the Dodge Big 6. Biggest witipmround windihlifId gives you 1,028 square inches of 'vision area. Wrap-around Teat window is available, tee: Electric Winclaideld wipers Operate sit eohatent Speed. Church At Zion —Continued from Page 1 in 1889, 24 years after the church was erected, In 1909, an L-shaped shed, open on one side, was ereeted' to house horses and buggies during church activi- ties, in 1930, the two parts of the "L" were joined together to form a closed shed. "Not Many years after,P recalls Eph- riam Hem, "the automobile re- placed horses." The shed was used for church suppers. Mr. Mitchell, who purchased the shed, lost his "barn in a fire several years ago, He lives on No, 23 highway, about five miles from the 'church. Chairman of the session .is James Earl. Other members are Wellington Brock, Ephriam Hein and Harold Herm MAKE YOUR WINDOW TALK For Shaweards, Window Di$Plals ofc.,•511. BUEHLER SIGNS PHONE 232 ZURICH or Mohawk, 4-2201 St, Jacob's worktabiiity Chrysler Corporation At Canarkz, Li1ati44 f`tiVO Oiljt)eff ot-gyp, heed own be opened k full 90 degrees for complete access to the Nigh16,...or 45. degrees for routine. servicing, . Sturdy, two.potitieris stop keeps hood in plate when opened. D OE TRUCKS :um, EXETER MOTOR SALES A 4 ,tho Ph ono 200 1t toter WUERTH SHOES Phone 252 OPEN PIUDAY NIGHTS Mein St. 11//fil111.4....1 ..... i!!!:4LIMAttal t$,tC I Push4buitori drhilm), available on ton models, lets you pub a buttes's, „ step on the gas and got Nit*, hand- brake lever enables you In adjust olds slack from inside the cab.