The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-04, Page 10ThillosAfivoots, Jim/vary 4, lti4
)9siate Money, Articles
To Clandeboye Victims'
Phone 109 Lucan Carrespondenti Miss Lino Abbott
And. District News.
Holy Trinity Church for the
first time in its history held the
traditional "Nine Lesson Carol
Service," last Sunday night,
C. G. L T., Explorers, Cubs,
Scouts and members from the
other two churches joined in a
great union service.
The following representatives
from the various organizations,
as well as the clergy, read the
nine lessons; Hugh Elliott, Frank
Egan, Terry Culbert, Mr. Jack
Murdy, Mr. J. H. Steacy, Mr.
Chrales Corbett, Rev. F. P.
ThoMpson, Rev. E. J. Roulston,
Rev, J. P. Prest.
The choir provided special
music including two anthenes.
Between each lesson choir and
congregation sang appropriate
hymns based on the lesson.
In area Vancouver Island is I
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At their Christmas meeting
held in the church parlors, the
Evening Auxiliary of the United
Church elected the following of-
President, Mrs. George Paul;
vice-presidents, Mrs. A, E. Reilly
and Mrs. Ivan Hearn; secretary,
Mrs. Vert Thompson; assistant,
Mrs. George Thomson; treasurer,
Mrs. Charles Sovereign,
C o m in unity friendship and
Missionary Monthly, Miss Reta
Chown; supplies, Mrs. Ben Saul-
flier; stewardship, Mrs. Eldon
Young; literary, press and shut-
ins, Mrs, J. W.'Lochyer; pianist,.
Miss Beta Chown; Christian
citizenship and temperance, Mrs.
Dave Park; Christmas card sec-
retary, Mrs, Howard New.
Roll call was answered by the
presentation of scrap books for
Children in the Isolation Ward.
Recipes were brought in for
the . recipe book. It was decided
to present a model bale at the.
sectional meeting next spring.
Mrs. J, W. Loehyer, Mrs. Dave
Park, Mrs, Charles Sovereign
and Mrs. Howard Kew were
named the baby-sitters for the
four January Sundays during
church services.
Nine Lesson Carol Service
By Harald Ribson -
The past week was anything
but good for Linen hockey teams
hi league competition, A real.
'curtain raiser' Friday night
saw the Bantams defeated ,94
by a bigger and better (or
should we say older) team from
Zurich. Barry Black, was about
the only boy on the Lucan team
who had comparable size and
speed to match the unequal
competition; but the old, Lucan
spirit, was evident in all our
boys when they went down
fighting a losing ;cause. 0.
Over 700 c a a 11 customers,
watched the "Six Irishmen" of
Lucan playing Santa and oozing
hospitality by helping Ilderton
to help themselves in defeating
Lucan last Friday night, Lucan
had the game `in the bag', so,
to speak, until Fred Revington
received a major penalty, for
accidentally hitting an Ilderton
player in the face with his stick.
After that, 'Lunn decided pen-
alties were the order for the
day and heaped up enough to
sew up the game for Ilderton,
The Lucan boys have appear.
ed to relax just a little in con-
ditioning with the exception of
Don Fletcher who it seems is
tireless. Boy does , that guy
cover an amount of icel Up-
right or horizontally its top
speed all the way. You bet
we've got a good hockey team!
As I see it, they are' just three
goals better than any team - in
the league.
Pee-Wee hockey these days, is
nothing sort of terrific. For the
last three Saturdays at noon
Lucan and • South Lions have
played. London scored 4 to Lu-
can's 3 in the first game, tied
4-4 in the second and lost to.
Lucan on the third, with a score
of 5-0. Watch for ,the final rub-
ber game. This should be a
dandy! I think the star for last
week's game should go to Rod-
ger Black;, as the player show-
ing the greatest improvement.
A word of advice, Rodger boy—
better lay off body checking the
referee, son as George Higgins
packs a lot of weight.
The figure skating club will
hold a meeting next Saturday
night at 6.30 p.m. in the arena.
Oil painting classes will soon
be under way. Will all those in-
terested in enrolling contact
yours truly as soon as possible?
The "Keep Fit" Class is 'sched-
uled to begin shortly.
In conversation this afternoon
with an Ilderton gentleman the
subject gradually evolved to
hockey and Lucan's talent in••
said ,direction. In this man's
opinion, come play - off time
Lucan might make a showing —
yeah, maybe .— in about fourth
position. "Yep", says this Ilder-
ton citizen, "Too many old men
on the team. Can't stand the
pace for more than a few
And his parting remark, went
something like this, . . .• "Most
of 'the old Lucan hockey fans
are just that — too old to take
in the game any more while the
young are too young to be in-
terested. Result? ' The games,
played. by imported players, are
frequented only by a crowd of
imported fans." Sad' if true, but ,
methinks one Ilderton man' is
going to eat crow before 'the
season gets much older.
Scene Of Rites ,'1 Huron •County. Council' . i ' f
snap-dragons formed the setting El, I
I •
16 the iiderten. Wilted Church f for the wedding of. Katherine I
Marie Kodgins and Donald Stev- 1. NOTICE. en Idedd,.. The bride is the .dough., -1 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cl
}04gins of Penfield.' and the 1 ,.,..
groom is the son of Mr, and
Mrs. Steve Medd of Ilderton.
The Rev. Since Guy officiated
and Miss Elaine liodgine, cousin
of the bride,. provided tradition,.
al wedding music, ;
Ilderton church- f"...,ififium„,....„„.,„„„,fiumwmumimum,,,,,,,,„„,,,,,iut„,,,„‘,„,um„,...„„,„,„,m.„,„„,,,
White shasta mums, ferns and,
?dale Lewis and Mr.
Mp 'e 1S ngnant report the
01 SO • '..00 was 'received in the ,calivas ter the family
Mr„ and Mrs. ,George Sum-.
Pere and two, small sons who,
;Oat their household effects and'
clothing in the recent fire at
MAW director, . assisting'; H. c, Murless. wa,S,
Fo llowing the, concert
C144$ called and assisted in un-
loading the tree and, presenting
the gifts.
w.m.-s„ induction
Monthly secretary, Mrs. T. Col-
On Sunday, December 30 he
installed the W.A. officers. Pres-
ident is Mrs. Alex Macintosh,
vice pres., Mrs. Wilmer Scott;
secretary, Mrs. Mae McNaugh-
ton; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur
Simpson; sunshine convenor,
Mrs. Arnold Blake; parsenage
committee, Mrs. Mat McNaugh-
ton, Mo. T. Collins and Mrs,
Alex Macintosh,
Church Services
The rector, 1110 Rev, J. P.
Prest, conducted the service o
Holy Communion .on December
23 and on Christmas Day at
10 a.m. with a good attendance
at both services. The Church
looked festive with the large
decorated Christmas tree with
The Luc.arKlandeboye, Explor-
ers held their Christmas .party
Friday night at 600 p.M. in the
United ,Church parlors. Gaines
were played nntil. 5:30 when sup-
per was served by .candlelight,
The Explorers decorated and
packed frilit baskets to take to
shut-ins. The Explorers sang
carols to 16. shut-inn .and also to
the ministers of Anglican and.
United. Churches, thus ending
another year of successful ex-
The .0.-G.I.T, filled the Christ-
mas stockings left from the
bazaar and delivered them to
On Friday, Mrs. G. E. Nichol-
son and Mrs. John McLean took
all the c.G.r,T, and Explorers
who assisted on tag day to the
theatre in London, followed by
Pulpit Exchange
Rev, and Mrs. J. P. Prest
end family spent last 'Sunday in
Strathroy where Mr. Prest took
the morning service in St. John-
the-Evangelist Church. The Rev.
L. H, CraWford, B.A„ of Parle-
lull and Greenway, had charge of
the services at Holy Trinity,
Lucan, and St. James', Clande-
boye, on this the Sunday of Dio-'
cesan pulpit exchange,
Almost' 172,000 motor vehicles
were sent to the scrap heap in
Canada during 1955.
The bride, given in ,Marriage.
by -her father, was gowned in
M.L10, irrideaeent taffeta fashion,
ed with, softly molded bodice,
scoop neckline, and fully bout,
fent skirt. She Were a winter
white feather 'headdress, and
carried a bouquet of white ;ewe,
gardenias and stephanotis.
Mrs, Mervyn Hodgins, 'sister-
in-law of the bride as matron
of honor was the only attendant
and wore a gold irrideseent taf-i
feta cocktail-length 'dress with
a winter white feather hat and-
' carried a cascade of Mums',
Jack Hodgine was groomsman
and Mervyn Hodgins.- of Chat-
ham arid Robert Harvey of la-
dettoil, were ushers.
At a reception held at "The
Latin Quarters", London, the
bride's mother received in a
Dior blue antique- satin gown
with white accessories and cor-
sage of pink carnations, She was
assisted by the groom's mother,
who chose an ensemble of black
and white wool with black ac-
cessories and red carnation cor-
For travelling the bride don-
ned an afternoon frock of im-
ported silk, charcoal wool coat,
and dusty rose accessories, After
a honeymoon trip to St. Cath-
arines the young couple will re-
side in Dublin. The groom is a
graduate of the Teachers' Col-
lege, London.
Stamp it
To Speed :t
— Let Us Supply You With —
Rubber Stamps
The Times-Advocate
Evening .kuxiliary
Names Officert
Lunch was served by the ladies
feliowing the distribution of
treats and gifts to the children.
Jean Cunningham received the
prize for general proficiency
for Seniors, Jean Cunningham
for attendance and proficiency
for Juniors. They are daughters
of Mr, and Mrs. Jim Cunning-
School Concert
Miss Eileen Grainger and
pupils of Clandeboye School No.
4 and 12 held a successful con-
cert with Miss Bette Leake,
MerrisOn. • Christmas Sunday the minister,
the Rev, Vcigar Rot/sten,. con-'They also received, canned • - ducted the service the in- Vtlit;, pickles ands vegetables, w.1.4.,.$ with officers' Prior tq. that bundles of cloth- foil ,10.7. •
jag were left at the home. of "
Mr. Moore Cunningham, Mrs. Rea Neil was inducted.
as president with vice pro., Sonslay Schaal Party Airs. T. C 0 inns; secretary,
The Sunday School party was Mrs. 'Wilmer Scott; treasurer,
held at the church for the pupils Mrs. Rupert supply of St. James Church Sunday secretary. Mrs, Lloyd Lynn; as.-
Snheel on Saturday. A film de- Mstant, Miss Aggie Northgrave;
picking the ChriStrnas story was ,associate meMberS secretary,
'shown. by ;the rector, the- Rev. Mrs.. William Lewis: Missionary J. r. Prest. A -short program of
snags and 'recitations,- with
Christmas carols, was enjoyed,.
the farm, of Mr, and Mrs. Ja0 At the United Church on
SOW!, Meetino,
The annual echOol meetho,.,'Of
the Clandeboye Public School,
No. 4 and 12, was held at the
Scheel on Thursday evening.
The 'chairman elected was
Wilmer Seott; retiring' chair-
man is H. C. Murless; trustees,
Bill Simpson with Alan Hill the
newly elected one; secretary- g . ar
treasurer, Murray Hodgson. retable, yellow, mauve and white
mums, also the nativity scene,
Special . music was rendered by
the choir.
colored li ht and at thealt
On Sunday, December 30 the
Rev. Lyall H. Crawford, B.A. of
Parkhill and Greenway, on the
Sunday of Diocesan pulpit ex-
change, took the service at St.
James Church.
Personal Items
Mr. Ward liodene• spent
Christmas holidays with his son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Ainslie and family
of St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Almer Hendrie
entertained on Monday evening:
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing,
Karen and Joan, Chatham, Mr.
and Mrs. Mac MeNaughton, Mr.
and Mrs. sandy McNaughton
and Diane, Mrs. Fred Simpson
and Mr. Moore Cunningham.
— Please Turn to Page 11
Deliver Treats,
Sing To Shutins
The Huron County Council will meet in the
Council Chambers, Court House, Goderieh, on Tues,
day, January 15, 1957, at 2.00 p.m,
All accounts, notices of deputations, must 1,
,be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than
.Saturday, January 12, 1957.
llllllllllll lll , lll ,;. ll ll llllll lllllllllllllllllllllll llllll llllllll
, now 111 111111111,1, ll ll w1"1e1001111 I/III llllll lllllllllllll lllll l l ll llll 0111!WIIII4(4,11111141111mtliatisiiito'
A, H. gll$KINE, • „
Clerk, County of Huron,
Phone 156 Grand Bend
Mission Society
Elects Officers
Mrs. Pitt's group • of the Lucan
W.M.S. was in charge of the
program for the pot-luck supper
Meeting in the church parlors
last Thursday afternoon, when
the following officers were elect-
ed for 1957:
Honorary president, Mrs. E. J,
Roulston; -president, Mrs. Alex
Young; vice - president, Mrs.
Sheridan Revington; secretary,
Mrs. John McLean; treasurer,
Mrs. J. H. Cantelon.
Corresponding secretary, 'Mrs,
Clarence Lewis; citizenship and
temperance, Mrs. Myron Cul-
bert; supplies, Mrs. S. Chown;
community friendship, Mrs. Wes
Hodgins; literature, Mrs. Ira
Carling; Christian 'stewardship,
Mrs. J. R. Murray and Mrs. J,
H. Cantelon; Missionary Month-
ly, Mrs. John Park; press, Mrs,
Ira Carling; pianist, Mrs. S.
Group leaders are Mrs. E. J.
Roulston„ Mrs. E. R. Pitt and
Mrs. Cecil Robb.
Reports from the W.M.S., Baby
Band, Mission Band, Explorers
and C.G.I.T. shbwed a splendid
Mrs, Clarence Lewis read the
poem, "New Year's Eye IViorit-
mg.". Mrs, Art Black read the
story of the fourth wise man.
Holiday Visitors -
Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Henry iteclginS,
Lunean, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ab-
bot and family, Saintsbury, Me,
and Mrs Bruce Abbott and Mrs.
Ali:Mu Abbott London with Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Abbott,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam liarle and
family, 'Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs,-
JimTubbs, Mitchell, and Mr.
Milton Hodgins, London, with Mr.
and Mrs. Wes Hedgins.
Mr, and Mrs, Cohn Nugent and
family, London, Mr.. and Mrs.
Jack Bison and family with Mr.
and Mrs. T. A. 1-lodgins, also
Mines fully, Belle Martin of
London_ and Miriam of Detroit .on
Mr. and Mrs. 6, g. Nichofion
and family with Mr. and Mrs.
W, Green of Oakridge Acres,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Cronit, of
TO/Onto spent a few days east
week with Mr. gild Mrs. Frisnk
Please 'Turd t9Pagii1 11