HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1957-01-04, Page 3Anncouncemsim s BIRTHS IffORSTE.71t — Air. and Mrs. Allen Forater, 126 Algonquin Dr., Tio.o.6' Station contrana, .oravotmeo7 -the -birth .of their datIghter, Susan 'DorothY, at South Huron Hos,. • Pitai. Pe be 01. 1086-4 stater rStePhea. -11ASI14TON—Afr. and Aire. V. 4, Harrillten, ROAD' Station Cen Oahe, announce the Methof a • on, Edward Francis, •at Sonny Htiren Hospital, December 29, 093. ItATE---Air. and Mrs, .Dorden Ilat5. Dare shwood,. ahappy to annOtInce the .birth: Of atiatighter at South Huron ifosPitel. January $, 07. 'WALKER — Air. end Airs, Noll Walker, Zurleh, wish to ,aimotince the birth o a, datighter. Slte Anne Derbera, at -South Hu.eon Hospital, January..1. 4957. 'WHITE -7- LAC and Mrs. Norman. Whte,-141 Empress 'Ave., RCA' 'Stetlen Centralia., announce the .birth ot son, Neil' lordon, at .Seuth Hum 'Hospital, JantlarY I, 1957. .DEATHS , VT-ARK—At San Francisco, Cent., on 'December 31 1956 Aire T E. Clark, wife 'of John Harrison, • Clark and daughter- of the late • •Air. and Airs, John GlIfillan, Funeral xervices from the Mar- riott •Flitterat Home St, Marys, Menden January 7 at 3 • ENGAGEMENTS' The engagement is" announced of Barbara.' Jane Lewis, of London, daughter Of Mrs, Frank Lewis and thr late Mr, Frank ,Lewis of .11;11.. No! 1 Lucan, ,to Leroy. Guy Heed - Son, sou of Mr. and Aire. Fred Harrison, of Centralia. The mare 'lege will take place in January. 4c CARDS OF. THANKS Afr• .Mex WaikoWsici wither; to thank' his friendsand neighbours who 'in any way remembered him while in Victoria; HosPital,' London, and since returning home: ,Speclal thanki to the Members of the Ex- eter Leglen, 4 I wish to thank ell the 'many friends and rieighbonrs who re- membered the with cards, flowers, treats and visits while a patient In .51. Joseph's' Hospital and since eeturning 'home. Special thanks to al: -those 'Who helped release me fi•cim the machine,. Dr, Goddard, D;Gibeon and nursing staff of St, joseph'S..7-Malcolm Di:algal!. 4* GINGERICH'S0eade, HEATING' ENGINEER. IP HEATING IS • INADEQUATEA CALL US AT . ONCE.- DON'T HESITATE `ta 400.1U111..rM44. (2)tad GING ERICII'S HEATING -LIGHTING -PLUMBING OIL BURNING -AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENTA,SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTOR REWINDING 34 ZURIC CARDS OF THANKS Yvonne Fisher Wishes to thank her friend:5, relativea and bni olo* Who so kindly reemhered her with treats and gins while she wes a Datleat in St. Mary's Bor. Pital and since returning heine. 4c 1 wish to thank all those who so, kinflremembered me with treats, flowers, cards and visits while a Patient in Victoria HOSidtai, 1,erme don.—june• • •le Air. and Mrs. Francis 'Clark of Crediton wish to thank theiz . many frlentla who remembered Mrs. treats vtsits. flowers and cards while a patient hi MesPital and since return - log home, A apectal "thank yoti" to Miss Claypele and staff. to Dr. Fleteher, Rev, A. Rapson and to Mrs, Fletcher for the, playing Christmas carols and to the Wolf Cubs who sang carols, 40 We wish to thank the subserIttere on Rural Rotite No, 1 Centralia for the gifts we received at Christmas and we wish to extend best wishes for the New Year. ---Alton and Jean Isaac. 4* Mrs, William Bowden takes this 011pertilnitY of •expressing thanks to all those who remembered her with t'ards, letters ami treats at Christ- ., 4c The family of the late Andrew Clamobell wish to express their thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors ,for the beautiful floral tributes received during' the loss of their father; also tothose who helped in any Way. Special thanks( to Rev. Ilapson and to the Tiopner- Hoeltey Funeral Home for their courteous service. 4! IN MEMORIAM loving memory of Rich- ard Baker who passed away 12 years ago, January 1, 1945. Gone from us Is his smiling face, And his pleasant, cheerful ways, A. heart .that won so many friends In happy bygone clet,s. His smile lasts on forever, Though his .hands we cannot touch. We shall never lose sweet ineinerles Of the one we loved so much, —Lovingly remembered by his wife and family. 4* CNIB Total Hits $760 • Final - report on the district fundTaising campaign for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind shows a total of $763,30 collected, Chairman S. B. Taylor announces. The amount is slightly less than last year. Exeter contributed $570 of the total. Of the smaller communi- ties in the district,crediton led with a total donation of $93.00. Contributions by .municipality were:. • Exeter Crediton Centralia Dashwood Woodham Granton Kirkton, RCAF Centralia „ $571.15 93.00 65.00 23.15 7.00 2,00 1.00 1.00 The preacher at the wedding 'ceremony was an ardent fisher- man. He asked the groom: "Do ..you promise to love, honour and cherish this womanr "I do," •said the groom, meek- ly. "O.K,," said the preacher, turning to the bride. "Reel him Cornish Mitchell & Co. I.I. . . CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 111..1. Cornish L, F. Cornish D. ,Mitcholl • K. W. Slade • Ws E. Suchard 291 DUNDAS ST. Dial 2.2651 LONDON, ONT • 00 NOTE =CHANGE IN STORE HOURS Open Friday Nights Until 9 p.m., Saturday 6:30 P.m. • ALL LADIES' AND MISSES' . • Fall & Winter -coats -Suits -.1>restes Coats in wool .tweeds, Alpacas, mohairs, elysians and . camel cloths. Sizes g1/2 to 221/z, A 'good range to choose 'from at 25% off regular prices, SaintSbuni Ay .M$R- Ht DAVIS Holiday visitors in this com. Amity. 'were: Mr. and Mrs, Jack .Dicliins! with Mr, and Mrs, Frank &vire o 1'ill43110Ct Mil till Monday And Mr and Mrs. Albert 1)141,11s opt Lambeth GO Christmas day, Mr a and Mrs. Don Maguire and boys and :Mr. Harvey Latta,„ Carol Ann and Kenneth with 1r, and Mrs. 1a1 Atkinson, Carol Ann and Kenneth Latta spent theweek" with their grand. Parents, Mr, and Mrs, Garfield Latta, London. Mr, and Mrs, Hari Greenlee and boys and Mr. and Mrs. JUDOS Barker, Joan and •Gary, Mr :and. Mrs. Hugh Davie, Heather and Michael, Miss Al- marie 'Davis of London, Mr. Jim Young, Lucan, Miss. Alexia Davis pf Exeter and. Mr. 110bert. Tin- daU, Mt, Brydges, with Mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis fpr dinner on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis, Heather and Michael were alapguests with .111r, and Mrs', George MeFalls, • Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Ings and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Carrell and, Mr, Hugh, Carroll 'with Mr. and • Mrs. Harry Carroll, • • Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Davis, Sharon and Cameron With W. and 1.YIrs. James. Turner, Mrs• W. J, Davis with' Mr. and Mrs, Murray Abbott on Christmas .and with Mr, and Mrs, Don Abbott for New Years. • Mr. and Mrs. Herman Atkin- son and family with Mrs and Mrs. Oke for Christmas and with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkins of St. Marys for New Years. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis entertained Mr. .andMrs, Earl Greenlee, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Barker, Miss. Mildred Dundas and Mr. P, Cronyn on New Year's eve, and Mr. and Mrs. George MeFalls and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs, Ross 'MeFalls, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Miss Almarie Davis and Mr. Jim Young on New Year's day. Mr: and Mrs, H.. W. Hodgins of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and Ruth Ann, London, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Abbott and Rowena and Mr. Allen Tindall, Exeter, Mr., and . Mrs.' Arthur Abbott and Muriel ,and Miss Margaret Bertrurn of Exeter - with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Car - Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee and boys, Mrs. A. Greenlee, Elmer, Verna and . Bert of Brinsley, Mr. Harold Guilfoyle, Ailsa Craig, with, Mr. arid Mrs, R. Greenlee. • Report From Grand Bend By MRS. E. KE WN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer entertained at a New Year's Eve party, among the guests being Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Wuerth, Mr,. and Mrs Frank Taylor and Mr. and Mrs Edward Lindenfield, all of Exeter,. • Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb spent New Years weekend visiting with their • daughters and families in Toronto. Mr. Arnold ,Mason of Paris spent the Christmas week at his home here. The Candlelight service con- ducted by the girls of the C. G. I. T. was impressive and well attended: Mr. Lawrence. Johnson spent New Year's Day at the home of • at violet i oil li i WM feel Mini llllllllllllllll 11 lll 111111111.111111 ttttttttttttttttttttttttt 10111111i0111111111 tt 111 tt 11111111111101111/1111I111111111111411111111111111111114111n111/t . . . . i .. New Year Greeting .: Z5V� Dresses Hundreds of ladies? and mIsses' fall and 'winter dresses, Misses' sizes 9 to 19.— half sizes for ladies and larger Women sizes 16% to 52, All at 25% off regular prices. Buy several at these low prices. Extra Special! One rack of dresses, sizes 9 to 20. Clearing et 45.95 and $7.95. or We wish t� expresS out sincere appreciation for your- liberal' patronage of this Stertydtirirkg 1956 and wish you all a Happy and Prosperous 1957. FRED A. MAY WARREN D. MAY lll tt &Mei t tt ooftioiniedifiaiftifignmeriunivemenrinortmninammoninunnotiminointetinvin tt oinnotitimettoontramituritunote F a A 190 ..MAY&S. giatt(R Photo, '190 lassihod C4ASSIFIED RATES ,25 words it, Ns' 70c Moro Then IS Words Pr Word succeEDING. iNsoRTIoNs 400 More Than 25 Words 11 0 For Word 200 OFF if adpaid with Order or by Saturday following the lost • insertion Sormi-Disploy (Restricted to one. column) First ,intortion 980. Por Subsequent Insertion* 440 For Inch classified adsaceepted up till FOR RENT AUCTION UM Pr.prioox APAATMENT, litto ,fltrxilehted. wired for heavy dlitY AUCTION SALO stove. Apply John Ward, phone of. Homphold Effects EleLIOT APARTMENTS The 12 -suite ateeni-helated aPart, Anent Wilding in the Centre pf town has self-contalned 1-bedroomanartments wIth private bathroelna Monte of closet pace,astove, re- frigerator, (some fully 'furnished); Janitor service; plenty :a hot water and Parking space for care; Very reasonable rates. tnie 'Vacancy new- fiANDY 871410T• Phone 476 or 645-1 Exeter 8:9tfo' . . APARTMENTS—A nnmber of 1- and 2 -bedroom aPartrnents, C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne pt. 151fe 6 APARTMENTS-41,1)1YTay-„N,..0 Bakery, phone 1001 Zurich, stst: EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Wednesday 'noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at EWING AIA.CHINES Electric noon, portables, by the week. Hopper., ffOrkeY Furniture, phone 99, Ex- eter. FOR SALE . . Stic LINDANE --- Be aura to get your Lindane for control of lice on all . V, Hogarth, Ex, Floor Edgers, Floor Poliehers animals from L eter, phone 266. 4 :toe, Vacuurn. Cleaners, Tools, Etc, BEAVERS HARDWARE, EXETER ANNEX 'STOVE., 'white enamel. . with pipes, nearly new,. Apply to REAL ESTATE Harold Corbett, phone 51. Lucan. Floor Sanders Lnwrrni) $timr.ir. of 3 CW Oats, ideal for poultry, 558.00 per ton, Exeter District Co -on. 4c 2 JERSEY HEIFERS, due in Janu- ary. Phone 36-r-2 Crediton. # 3c BEATTY BARGAINS — Save on these washing machines. Deluxe model, reg, 5229, now only 5180 plus liberal trade -1n 'allowance; Economy model, reg. 5149, now only 5125, no trade-in. Fieher's Hardware, Ex - 40 CH/CKEN— OetverE.x_amADT frozen or fresh. Carl Oestrieher, Phone 57-r-23 Dashwood. 11:204:24* GET YOUR "HOLIDAY" regularly. Subscribe to 'Holiday" at a wonder- ful bargain price of 14 months for 53.79, a saving of 53,21 over the n ewe tand price. Exeter Times,. Advocate. phone 770. 8:23-10;25 NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oll furnace; east /tide of Exeter; close LADIES HOME, JOURNAL—Sava to schools, IL E. Balkwill. 47 John half the single copy price by sub- st. RANCH STYLE HOUSE. cement block. erystalite 1101513, 1, bedrooms, attached. garage and porch, gement drive. :Otte 2-STOTtEr BRICK HOUSE, duplex, separate entrances and baths, oll burning furnace, garage. * 5-11002A HOUSE, 1 floor, bath, new furnace, garage. 6 -ROOM BRICK HOUSE, full bath, garage. • DUPLEX BRICK HOUSE, 01,500 down, $30 per inbnth for balance. We have a list of good farms, 50 to 250 acres worth seeing, and some small acreages with buildings, W. C.' Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. Phohe 435: Earl Parsons, 607, Fred Cole 536-M, Salesmen. ' 13tfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE nearing completion, 2 bedrooms oil fur- nace.- Reasonably priced: Apply A. Whilsmith, phone 270-j. lltfc . scribing' now at the.tfc special rate of . 23 months for 54.03. We're agent , for all tpagazines. Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. S:23-10:12 FOR RENT APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet. hot and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton, letfc HOMES FARMS C. I V. Pickard 2 APA.RTME'NTS, ground floor, 1 . furnished, 1 unfurnished. Both ' are Exeter ' heated, hot and cold water, built- . In cupboards, . use of laundry for We have clients 'looking for .2 - washing', private entrance. Ble.tch- .and 3 -bedroom houses located in ford Apartments. 44, Exeter. 0 BEDROOM BRICK. close to his sister, Mts. Arthur' Mathers schools. This is a tidy home in at 'Sylvan, good repair with ,all conveniences. Nice lot0 ..,ti;h garage. house with Mrs. 000 Sturdevant, Snr. and „ 1 $7,.0 — 4 -bedroom ' Miss Donna Sturdevant of Park- Exmotagiokitchen and bathroom. hill spent New Year's Day with otaand garage. Small,down Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Sturdevant 114Yment'' I COMPAPT 3 -bedroom brick, good and family., !kitchen and better than average Mrs. -Elizabeth Smith, who has bathroom; oil -burning f ur n a c e; been visiting for some weeks. in 1 garage; reduced pripe; liberal terms. LAND xvith good London, returned home last birirtelRioEuse0aWnd small barn: House week, is in excellent condition; good kit- MYS. Myrtle McGregor inft.ohan'3-piece bath' and heavy wir- last week ,to visit with her' sonReasonable price, Terms. , ,- Ino" and daughter in Western Canada. mh e Acres witFAftcol\nlitortable house Messrs. D. W. Harrison and and exceptionally good barn; drive - Ted. West are. on a business trip shed; hydro throughout; productive to Toronto this week, 1 loam• suitablefor all crops; 7 acres of bush; price $10.500.00. Terms, At the regular service on •Sun. Possession to suit purchaser. day morning in the United If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V, Plekard, Realtor, 394 Main Church the 'infant son of Mr. St.. Exeter; phones 165 and 628. and Mrs, Vernon Speiran, Rod- • 15tIc ney Wayne, and little daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Hilson, Kerry Lee, were • baptized by Rev. E. A. Holley. Next week being the annual week of prayer, special prayer services will be held in the Dash - w o o d Evangelical. . Brethern Church on Tuesday evening when Rev. E. A. Holley will be the speaker, and on Wednesday evening in Grand Bend 'United NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estates' of . James - Sydney 'Heywood and ' Lillian Heywood, = . deceased, . . All persons having claims against the estates of James Sidney 1-1eY- wood and Lillian HeYwood• late of the Township of Usborne, in the Church when Rev.. W. F. Krotz county of Hurott, who died on or of Dashwood will be the speaker. about the 30th day of September1956 and the 30th day of November 1956, respectlyely, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter. Ontario. by the 19th day of Janu- ary, 1957, after which date the estates will be distributed having regard enlY to those claims of which notice hag been received, , spent the weekend with Mrs. Bell & Laughtbn, McCallum's parents, Mr, and I Solicitors for the Administratrix, Mts. Matthew Sweitzer. Exeter, Ontario. 21 ' Mrs. Jack Paton called her mother, Mrs. Mansel Mason SERVICES with, New Year's Greetings on New Year's Day, from Los WRY TOLERATE LICE! on your Angeles, Cal. ' animals when you can be free of lice very easily and cheaply by The Women's Missionary $o --- ca.iling L. V. Hogarth, phone 264 clety and Wornen's Association collect, 4:10c of the United Church will hold • • their regular monthly meetingtannsbudasiln- on Thursday afternoon) January nese OKfrNgG—eneIrasentrbtaicckicinign equipped With hoist to do •your Job. 10, at 2.00 p.m. Service is my motive. Give Me a Mr. and Mrs. Arnold' Desjar- eau whether the job be large or dine entertained on New Year's small. Clare Masse, phone 125, Dashwood. 4:100 Day for the annual Webb family • and connections reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love and daughters, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Love and son, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Colin RA'vo YOUR teams sharpened Love at Shipka. and set today, the Foley antomatio Mr. Xenneth Flear attended r0a5y,SagreiV 5 eltrIgifter,Selihiot the Teacher's Federation held in 454, • 7e the King Edward Hotel, Termite,,.. • last week. , SEPTIC TANKS pUinDed out. 'To - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle are mediate terVice, Butler Bros., Lit, phone 108 or 110-w. spending this w,tek in Toronto can, 12:6-1:24* Visiting with their daughter and i4,1A:inu:: Loi\D/Ne4,Lipp'ly .1'llor-' son•ln-lavV, Mr. arid Mrs, Ted Brooks and family. man Whiting. Exeter, phone too -1v entertained to a family dinner On ' WA,TERLOO CATTLE ltfo Mr, and Mrs. Thoma 13aird —"-, : • New 'Year's lyor 'when mr, and BREEDING ASSOCIATION Mrs. Lawrentt Mason,Diane "where setter BOOS Are Used" Delbert and Arnold Mason amd nufronaregogsigroar g:S; Ntprre,seantitd. Mrs. Emery Mason were of Cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle . . Breeding Associatittil at: Clinton Mr, and mit. Alvin Kerslake of 1u2-3441 between 7:311 and 0:30 Hensall visited with Mt. and Mrs, 1—A1110* 14‘n.eahltly:L a'ioltwiTetts ava41:21btil: Clarke Kennedy bn NBNIV Year's Day, Rev. E. Wattam of the Church of God and Rev. M. Pinkney of St. John's -By -The -Lake Anglican Church will assist at both services. Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Mc- Callum and babY, of • London . PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK • TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 . Exeter 4c HELP WANTED Miss Mary Yeo .spent Now Year's visiting: with Mist Muriel REL/ABLE HOTIST1KEEPER, Pre- Fallis in Sarnia. tenthly niiddle-aged, Thr 1 adults, Mr, arid Mrs. Leestime Desjar- in :man Goett hone° for the dint, Miss E. Hipler and Mt. Ian ;'4,11.(lite,z1::,;!i0e1111're7gtto:t1-.V.Q# `•;taef4ttlt14' Desjardine all of ntatet,, spent Thnes-aveente. 40 New Year'S Day with Mt. and Mrs. Hettnan Dedardirie and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mr. aid Mrs, Noah Tetreau of WANTED; Man ftir, steady travel ?ort 1 -futon atcoinpanied Mt, and , iggfatgTruglr;t6gicgwZ,,Tuid`).tgal'i IN_tr.s. Henry_.POVkilt 'ilanufittillier. Only reliable huatlet Ellen DegjarcItlie, to Mis. Light 0011eidered, '1Vr1te RaWleigh'e Dept, • Adams' for New Yeat's Day. 4.202-,13I, 116litre/A rm. 4o • Mr. and Mras GetdMi y*; and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh ,Adair Of DAD T FORSALE tendon, and Mts. Road, Mena of tut sAltZ high istentiard in 'fit sPent 116*. YeAr's aj Want Mere- eggaseaettrit speelalited with htt, and. Mrs. W. J. Holt, "Meet' birdet have the special Mtk, Can Chapman tied the strains, rltia Stiltuifted strains. Ask sf0Vtline, in s1i ifl his drive. AyiltsT,44,7:nglIg 4.111tvaIt: way.ort Christmas Eve, and fall, oh ta% .tr16 earstadoth, txotor, breaking, lila right iirM. ' nhorio 40 family, AT xiAmvit..tx .SAT1JRDAY, JANUARY 1$ at 1:30 p.im ATeCiary frig.; electrie rangette; Beatty washing' machine; Quebec heater, medium, and pipes; china cabinet; studio Cettich; 4 rotating chairs; kitchen table and 4 chairs; 6 ,dining room Chairs: large kitchen table; lerge kitchen 'euplipard; bed, mattress and springs; Adresser; New Williams sewing' maebine; vacuum cleaner; electric Ian; ;sprayer; elec- tric .icitchen clock; trunk; electric iron; toaster; reading lamp; tri - light lamp; quantity fruit sealere; 6 jarge arock5; garden and carpen- ter tools; lawn mower. nearly new; sten ladder, nearly new; curtains; radio, radio table; linens and bed- ding: quantity 04 dishes; miscellan- eous ,articles. MRS, pg'N'y,;$";', FOSTER. Admin. CLARK FISHVP, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, 'Auctioneer 4400 AUC CrlieoaNrinsgALE Of Tractor, Auto Valuable Implements Livestock, Poultry, Feed and Household .Effects On the Prernises, Lot 7, Con. 1, Pis AfilesKA'sYoutrloVf." HaelLall„, or Miles North of Exeter, HrgnwaY '• The Undersigned Auctioneer is Instructed to sell by Public Attetion on , WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 Commencing et 1:00 p.m. Sharp TRAcTon. So AUTO: M -H No. 22 Standard Traetor, in guaranteed new condition; 1049 De Soto 4 -Door Sedan, .correct mileage 42,800. This. car is in wonderful condition. In- spection invited before day of sale. FARM IMPLEMENTS: M -H 15 - run No. 20 "A" fertilizer drill, completely equipped with all at- tachments, like new; M -H No, 11 tractor spreader, like new; M -H 3 - drum steel roller, like new; No. n 4 -bar side delivery rake, like new; M -H 2 -furrow plow, equipped with hydraulic pump lift; International 26 -plate tractor disc; elqaf 3 -section diamond harrows, used, 1 season; John Deere heavy duty 13 -tooth tractor cultivator: M- H 4 -row bean scuffler; M -I] bean Puller; 6 -top cap. rubber tire wagon; combination 16 -ft. beet and grain rack; 2 -wheel trailer with racks; .2 -row sugar beet puller, like nen'; M -H No. 900 electric cream separator-, like new; 32 -ft, extension ladder (new); post hole digger; 2 electric fenders; 16 -ft, heavy steel chain; electric fence post; grass seeder; lawn mower; rubber tire wheelbarrow; root pulp- er; 2 large steel hog feeders; small hog feeders; fanning itill1; water fountains; assortment of carpenter tools; shovels; hoes; forks; saws, etc., etc. • HOGS: Torkshirk sow with lltter of 10: Yorkshire sow vvithi litter of 8: Yorkshire sow with litter of 12: Yorkshire sow with litter of 9; 14 Yorkshire pigs, averaging 130lbs. each, Pigs are all purebred Yorks and of choice quality. Two Holstein yearling heifers. POULTRY: 465 De Kalb No, 101 Hybrid. yearling hens. FEED: 150 bales mixed bay; 400 bales wheat straw: quantitY of turnips and potatoes, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Admiral 21" television set. complete with aerial,, like new; dining rqom suite, 4 chairs, table and buffet; centre table; electric radio; 2 beds with springs and mattress; ironing beard; assortment of 'dishes; girrs bleYcle, and many articles too numerous to mention. :Plan to attend this out- standing sale. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. JUIWEN VERTANDE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 31 .3 3' PePeotillaneeMeliateleellitnettaltnettene0OrMetneal Check •This / Of A4 Used Car .Barjai FOR 1957 BY Larry Snider Motors Limited LINO T. '53 FORD SEDAN t tttt tttttttt $1,425 Automatic, radio, a beautiful gar • '53 FORD COACH '53 FORD SEDAN—Your choice ......... tt tt $1,250 '52 FORD SEDAN, radio ... .... . .. $1,09P '52 PLYMOUTH 'SEDAN '52 PLYMOUTH COACH—Your choice :$ 995 53 CONSUL SEDAN .. . . ...... ..•.$ 705 '50 1VIONARCH SEDAN '50 METEOR COACH—Your choice ... ....„„.. $ 650 '48 FORD SEDAN, a good one . . . .... .......... $ 195 '46 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE . .. $ 195 TRUCKS '56 FORD 3 TON DUMP '55 MERCURY 3 TON C & C . .. $5 $23:10905 '53 FORD 3 TON STAKE DUMP ........ ..„..... $1,895 I '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN. DELIVERY . „ . $ .895 A SPECIALS The following 30 -day units to be 'reduced $10 per day until sold: ThUrs. Price 1, '56 FORD FAIRLA.NE TUDOR .. ..... . . ... $2,375 I '54 FORD SEDAN, automatic, low mileage .. $1,475 I '53 BUICK SEDAN, radio, like new $1,405 '53 fORD COACH, radio, nice $1,180 '52 METEOR COACH, overdrive $1,025 '53 HENRY J 'COACH, overdrive ... ....,$ 825 '51 CHEVROLET COACH, like new $ 790. '51 FORD COACH, above average ' $ 790 '51 METEOR SEDAN .,„ ... $ 610 '49 STUDEBAKER "STARLITE" COUPE $ 260 s '48 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .„, . . ............ . , . „.,.. . . . . .. . $ 176' I '52 FORD PICKUP ....... .. .. . .. ...... ..... ..... $ 575 '52 G.M.C; PICKUP, above average ... ... , . . $ 465 I '49 FORD PICKUP ... , . . . $ 355, • Larry Snider MotorsI. Phone 624 LIMITED Exeter SOMETIMES the best news in the paper is in the adver- tising c olnm n s . . news- worthy products, styles, values . . . new ideas for better living! Keep your eyes on The Tines -Advocate ads for better buys. And (if yon have something to sell) keep your ads in. this paper for better results, Advertis- •Ing here benefits everybpdyi 'Phone 770 •