HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-02-28, Page 4At 14 GemmelMwi.g .f sba &!fort. Araseiatdoses Wtitls•.drp event it reed Irtins wee petted to fever of 1 I 8r/4Kry although essomest ilia. Ilrambees pewees' Universal Suffrage (ousel mime .4- vpeatea. We give a " Trent for aloe Timer,' in this impression, from Revenue - 10e, adver,tltag a .omelbing akin to Ust- i Suff.age, although he kilo to define whet that "universality" should be. H. /peaks of all tax payers as voter., which to a plau.ibls theory enoo:h,hut when attem ted to be reduced to procure rather difficult of definition. Tha drinker of cof e, the !.sonar of sugar, or Ib. wearer of a pair of American boots, is s tax -payer, as much as fin resident landowner. It is absolute ly imponatble, thee, to adopt the mere pay- ment of taxes u she qu'Aeolian. In unr- eal of the Stater of ohs Uatnn, some proper• ty goahaeation to essential -and in all a period of residence. varying in ite length, prior to the day of election. The adoption of HnnaeholJ Iutragn would materially ex- tend the franchise, whilst it would insure Importance to the r,Eht of voting. The qualification now nq'ured in Ili. 'township Election wn„W he a just one for enters asd Member '4 Parliament. The C-Ileelor'r Roll, 'mitt/doing mho names of all Freehold- ers and ilntteehotders would then be the guide of the Rcturaine Officer. A man run-idered .uffi hotly in'elhgent to select local officers, ought cot to be .hot out from the *ilium -marl ,affrgr. Three is a cootradic- tioe is the prevent pian highly repugnant to every ad.o;mr of liberal institutions. But io aetaiay to extend the franchise we most stop at the prop •r limits. We must temper our de- sire for Reform with moderation, and carefully ■void one ee're,ne whilst seeking to cocain from the other. The system of Universal Buffnge would invest the meetly arrived emigrant with • authorities which he ought sot have until mei. dent is Canada for a eertaio period, am' often, gives Is that pay whose clap trap is •• Loyalty." and who crake political capital out Mille prejudices of the " old coun- tryman." Uriveral Suffrage would lead to mach abuse on the part of minatory loafers and others, who, having an direct wake in the eom.oity, would possess an egad voice in in legislsdna with teen harlots• heat interest. at heart. It in true that llounehold B.Rrage would still shut out some Irom the polling booth, whose intelligence should secure them an entrance, bat the evil Milos would be ovetbalareed by the beaefta derived from defence .5.10.tthe•aodue (fluence of a large class of easily -bought voters. Journal and Express. tat .oma -Former gnoations sustained except i0 ''...ruche of hay, which now brings $7 per ton.. Ilobkra of flour do not seem disposed to *ell freely. Ws have head (done transaction of 1000 barrels, during the week.- Warder. H intros. -The markets for some days back bass wen miserably attended, in conaegmence, -.►doubt, of the very Uo(►•orable and •broken .reacher that hes lately leen experienced. But liule is doing so any department -the Pork trade is fait clotting, several buyers having'leatly re- tired from tee field -that which is bronght in, ho.•ever, still find+ a ready sale •t $4, and for •...:ghta over 2501ba $11 is obtained. In Berl there is an advance on rreviaaa quotatlnna, $3e to 1141 is naked. In Wheat there i• no eba.ge. Hay is sold at from 1t7 to $9. There 1s • good demand for Railer, Ttmntby Seed, mad Hid.:: a our previous gnotauooa. 1!,.. Daniel Webster and Ilon Ruffin Choate, it is said, have refu•rd • fee of $2.000, to under- take the dense, of Ur. Webeier, The Legir-lat.re of New York have agreed to permit Canada to become • State of the Union. Mr. Jose. has introduced a bill into the Geor- gia Legislator* for arming and equipping 200,000 soldiers to$gbt for We understand dist the Onara Advocate. a rabid Tory print, published in Betown, has died a.sterat death. -Tile Coswtutiowal. a little 'sheet of the same character, p. blished in Perth, ha* shared tht some fate -Beason Parket. About $3.000 has been subscribed by our citi- zens for the purpose olaeeuring the neat State Fair at or near this place. -About $+;,000 is wanted. -Ala Attu. The public should be eantious in receiving Mexican dollar...a we understand there in • con- siderable quantity of.parious in circulation. of • finish sufficiently good to deceive the rye. The surface will frequent, resist arida. but. the cop- po'r'oondation makes its •ppearaoca when the eu1n is eel. -Spectator. Lake Ene at present, is quite free from fee, and steamers are ailing. on itaswell as if it was the middle drummer. A Watt Cin. -The city of Utica, New Y' <. does not uwo • eeot of public debt, and has motley in hank aid tales collectable ; mad an ahnadant runny of weer from the erovatsin !prig,, and alighted by pun and excellent gas. Orr•Paot'ro,rns.-Captain Tuliovh, who has ler -n employed •• on rpecisl dor," in Canada ex - omitting II and reporting on the mate of the Orsi-•,easionen to that colony. and alio os the eapc.II..ey and practicability of forming the Pensioners Ito as Enrolled Force. as in the Lome.: Kingdom, ha. returned to this country, bar' -g been most actively ..gaged during the past summer or visiting ell the chiefoenlements, where numerousPeesiooers are located. Wm an- sioipa.ahe e$rty formation of • moat **Mal. per. fierily naval Frontier Force, to which in due time large ad lidos• can be made by the soldiers •:Icbarged in North America. The system of Earoli.l Peosionera has worked inimitably at home, and we rej.,ice to hen of iia being exten- ded to our chief culuuie..-Neral and Military G.larus.. A Sem in Commutes. -On the 19111 after the the w'aole day had been spent iu fru,dns ea• Maroon to settle the d.tutkeeper geeetion, the following scene occurred :- Inimedlately alter tin., a rough .'rely looking moa teak a stand at the Clerk's dealt, and in .te.aeri•s loan, urged on by menP.ers Argon to make • terrific speech, Paying. that for five long weeks he hod been here waning for Congress to tab aomethrg for hu people. Its wee one of the b'boya, and had stiff -red every thing next to d.sth. (Cheer., and speak "louder." "goon." .-d hsvrg rapped lustily with the hanm.r, ./read hitnrelf for a his speech. 1 ' • 1 sant Co- neda •.*!ruts Qares trirteria off See Arena, and ..'t reveries i. IAe !'mime." TM Worthier. eoeeriag, awl .ppiesa, were deafening Annoy whirls Mr. Holmes w•Iko, "p to the eased sod ted the water` not to the area, whoa** hi was gently shown his w., out. 11' rave leu ase a. N Harmers**. -N. Y. Her- ald. When you see a poor, half starved, mill• merles@ dog in trouble, he mire to Trope this boo -and -cry aroma hint. calling not " Mad dog ! mad dug !" lentil some charitable netghbonrs k'wck hoot es the head. The same dine of a snduet is !wally adopted 10 - ward. nnlurky d lei of our own species. A CLRau.IL RRTORT.-i• some parish churches it was the 1115100 to separate the me• front the women. A cl.rgyntaa., lining interrupted by loud Whiny, stripper' short, *bee 5 woman eager for the beer of the sex. arise and raid, " Year rememaiee, It ie ea li Mw. u.." S. w ich the bet- ter" rPd ilia prioat ; " it will be over , WOWS . . VOIR $AUL r ONE edible $ s., sell t'S0 weber with Is Omit $ males of Goderich T' wi, Plti1. The bit a (f:T 10 to hat Coact's= atom, TowasMp .1 Oedeeteb, CONTAINING 161 A('RES, 1. boun oil al the ono mot by Lake III roe, •rd Al ilio other bl a Pudic Rood, -sad Ike.Moad is LOT 8 is 8th Concussion, f'4-Y('Y 4. `ITAPIJ DMrComm. Colborne, W. Denton, GREY COTTON $4jRT111€$, Printed CONTAINING 100 ACRES, C■Leon, Punted Mudie., Sammy *ad Ories,. and I nluated at the Juactiva el two Pub. Cloths, &la. Satin., arid Nana Turks. Line. Ile Rued.. Law•. a.d Fl••Jkerebiefi, Late Cambries.gd Fut Particulars apply to Hadkerchie(a. 8w1.., Rook, end "acetic. Moo- JNO. McDONALD, Eel, less, STEAM LOOMS, Detainee mid Cub- Goderich, 19th Jose, 1849. ,lfi`U memo, Aliment 0111 colon. Worked Cape, Col - tars and Cats, Ladies lion. and !Woes. Dress 11dk1.. and Scoria, COTTON SHIRTiNOE. R. WILI.11M5 k CO, Balsa , fire!!. and Copes of bewtitel C H E M I S T S AND D R i/ O U 1 8 T S. styles. Beauufrl Linea Laws and Law Ooad. i. variety, Gloves and Hssiny, Atmi4eid Fl.w• Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi -era, Rabb.... Cities, Perfumery, BrushesA Nrenorn ASSBORTMENT OF SHAWLS. , BR( IAD CLOTHS dr. imasmtMERE8. OE' Paint,., Oily, Varnishes, FINE, FtR\l, AND DURABLE FAR8JCKS, OF FASHIONABE BTTLES, Dye Stuffs, &C. &C. Beautiful and Fut Coker,- •nal at prices that II\IIB subeenbere her to inform the inhab will serprise all purchasers forChcapseas. Yash- i'ant. of STRATFORD and the aur- io.able rrowt n.ga. Du. Vnuege C•+roti rnon•Iin Township., and ImM Weol Dines and Phirr.. d p•, as well a. the public MQI.F.SEINS, dATINETTS & TWEEDS, in general, that they have npened the ab,.ve %IA OE P COA'rta, YF:STI. AN!) eal•)blirh,,ent in this Town, whet. they TH(IW .Rfi STOCKS. NCA I`'!f, will alto prep constantly on hand a gkoice and Mikis! kisb Limes. Beebe/kis 11 w. selection of Glove. English. French mail Alamitos Caps GROCEntER wixr.4l LIQUORS, A A kc. FOk 1848e.ii JAJIh laKTER A . MARKET BEitlttute, 000ERICH. LIAVEtetree►lrm4+ Mnr rM 11RfRO AN ..e AMERICAN RiCETN, Cheapest ad MOST BiLENDtD ASSORT- MENT of no HARDWARE, ho Ii y ate CARPETING, When they hope by keeping a good stork at low prices to receive a abate of Table Linens, Towelling8, Linen public patronage. and Cotton Sheeting, Counter- Phvciati s preseriptinns and (ami!' ►e- panes Marftailles Quilts, Dam - C.111.11 dispeneed with tho greatest accuracy and prnmptrtnde. auk Flannels and Blankets. N. B. -Crawford k Imlach'. Mustard FIFTY SPLENDID BUPFALO ROBES! wholesale and retail. sod 500 BAGS Superior Liverpool BALT. ell R. WILLTAMS k Co. of which will be sold at very redeeed Prices Stratford. 14th January 1850. etnf.0 for CAK11or Marketable Form Prodace. Goderich, 2dth-November, 1319. 2v-.43tf TRAVELLER'S HOME. S'1'RASEURG, WATFRLoo, 28th February, 1849. trite. Smb.criber hereby intimateo to his minds and the Teaselling Publi- gene- rally, that her has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village oI Stra.burgh, and will now be found in that well-known house for- mer'," recopied by Mr. Jones, -where he will be r.•n&v and able to conduce to the 0. 1.4 0 101141'0r1 of those who may honor him u ith th' it pitrnnagc. And while he returns iD, thanks for past tevoee. he hope., by strict P attention to the wants aid wi,he• of his customer", still to merit a continuance oft their patronage. JOHiN ABEL. N. B. -Goo) STABLES anJ attentive Groom.. t 2-n4tf HURON HOTEL, GOUF.RICH. TAMES GENTLE:., woobl rr.pectfelly in- •lt form the inhabitants of Goderieh, and 11. vi- cioirv. that he will enasmutty Keep I_, d.. ,. i.. FOR 11111,E, for whieh be respectfelly iolicitp the patronage of the public. JAMES GENTLES. i8th Sept. 1849. ..22•33-tr OTif'E.-Rereiycd in Store last No- r" > ....1.1.r..? 3 r 0 'another, per Schooner .4 Liss. A -` 7 t a A. n P I If theLot fIRON, conoiened to F. C., same is not taken sway forthwith,l11 • `• .s' . A -ata•) it r will be sold to pair emirs. i' ' it ' '-t s 10 g, CHCiSTOP,HER cants. c n '•" , p• Goderich, Jan. 93, 1830. 2cr,51t( - twee c a N, I a C c ,' 0 -e a 3 :...y c= C. ' 0 c i Y ! Cor •0 ' e n 67 r.; • r. iwT • c4 0 o C` A P 4 .. • , CANADA :Lees ASSURANCE Cdd.81P.4VY. • 9111E Sobpriber having beet. appointed Agent of the "CANADA- LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is preparers) to receive• proposals for Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any person the necessary information, as to the principled of the i0attution. JAMES WATSON• G:.dorighh. 13th June. 1849. • v2m/91f 1.1S•1' OF LETTERS RF.\IAINING in the Post.OQee at Stratford up to 7th February, I$511, - ACen itev 1) Mtnziee Achd Ar1ad! Thos Monygban E1ety H ck'n.rer Angt Mitchell Stomas - Black Thos,Moore E Brown Richd aMurat Geo Barker 'Wm Montgomery Mrs Bronner 'Phu. Masson Jos, ph Bell Rev Wm , Miller Joseph (lord Jammu McCarthy Denis Burnard 'Aon 11(eGoil engin Rota Carroll Jot% Nt Woo Jolla& k Henry Curley John . Peddie Tho. Carroll Pat . Pu.nroy Thos Crowley Ltwrence I'ringie George Curry Monroe Turtle Patti Campbell Time .. I'edar Thom Colter Sam, Jr Priest James Dempsey Win Purday John Hempstead John PerkerJohn Dourey Mich! Qualm James Devisnn Witt QDiabean John Dair-hert, John Ritter Veto:tine Enylishy Thom Robb Joseph Flanagan Danl Rutledge Peter - Go ling G -o Robertson Catb Gallyher Mrs Shirt Duncan Haven Theis or John Scott Alex Henry Sarah Shoup Valentine !linter Moth Segmiller Adam Hamilt• to John Smith Peter 1latherlev Mary To,•man Joseph Jordan Wm Turner'. Wm Jones Sant' WIII=oe Thos Kippan James War,I John Kippan 1) 1VaI.h Niter Kintner Peter William. Jorws. Kr'ispe John AVhalev David Levin J+mss Zimmerman Chemins Moor; tan Theis Z:mmerm••Jacob Mutgomery Wm A. F. MiCKLE, Postmaster. Stratford, Feb. 7th, I=50. 'IX) BE SOLD, 1 excellent Farm, hying l,ot No. 12. ) 31a, Iand Conerv►tnn, Township of G deficit, coronets, 101 mires -20 of wh,eh I clewed. The land is of a ,opener t♦notn 1', and 1,11 watered. It is sirne$M exart- lyTsine mile. from the sown of (i.Ylerpeli ne the Huron Road, end at the jnisc,rowr of six different roads: a d a 11 la in the crater a popiloue and pro.perouS locality, it M ex- rem/Illy adapted (or a Tavern :'and' fir • Store. l'hi. farm is well entitled to the aN9wrlow of activation for Mreinem and will be 'Md of very reasonable term.. F••r partieelsrs apply is Thome. Dark, Tavern beeper, Goderich, or te the propr'.tnr JONAS COPP, Vtu• f Ilstrutter, . Jaws II, 1919. vIsIttf b NOTICE. TIIF. Subeeriber bavin, hoe. appointed Arm for tile PROVINCIAL !MUTUAI. AND GEN E:RAI: !N:'1RANCE COMPI\Y, hers• by intimate., that Inc is prepared to t*ceier Sub- ecriptios. fur Steck in the Pr:prietary: Branch, an.) application. for Insurances is the Mutant Branch, and to give fowls information on the subject as may bet required. JOHN CLARK. Gderich, 26th Sept. 1849: 2.-it341 y FARMER'S I:CN SmkreettU- MKS. DOROTHY DOUGLAS. 'wiilux • .of the late Thomas Dougbo., of the Farmer's Inn, Stratford, begs to retina her thanks to the inhabitants of Stratford, and the public .•enerally, fur the very liberal support which they received doting the short time they have been in Stratford. The high .sa!arid cel.briy ,hicb see.. pr..r.Lr a amt of the most Improved Moulds. Self - 1 • Douglas begs la intimate .tat rhe I at.eiti .hum. leq".r<a ars o,eir latae abl. .&. n, ,..w 1 acting Mill Doge, and various other cas- intewds carrying on the burinem as herr to- the cur.». IV kith they prorate to veer, lima iceman: tae fore it the Old Stand, in her own name 'ami • Y1°';f'"""° or i"ies ""` 4l °"ete..ry, wt "mace I Inge. }laving engaged an experienced !inhere esu confidently r ..-.. RW ONGIf)YUs the eubeerlber, bet ween bet• Phut. ant an Danlos Cant Of. *even Ewesy la.t•131h ieMast, 'wu PROMISSORY NOTES, • Vis.: One JOINT NOTE agates" Sotos ISIS/Alt nod CNaaL1a Uuolfswrl, few £3 184 94., drawn payable to James Phelan ear bearer, •rid endorsed by Jarmo ► oelao, pest due, -Atex, one against MiceaItL Scoot -tire Bl..ck Smiths fur £3 I. ad„ -drew. pava- bls to Christian Sauget, or beater, written in German, also put due. This to to ant. 11nn any person from purchasing the sante, or the ;hove parties payt.g the Notes to any person but the subscriber, -and spy person finding the above Notes will much °bilge the subscriber by returningthem to him. - 'I'l1OS. M. ALY. Stratf'rt, July ICIh, 1849. 2v-.3011 f'lHE Subscriber bete e.•inform the inhabitant, 1 of Goderich ad its vicinity, Out he has re- ceived • Largo Sarpllr of the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTF.RNS of COOKING, B 0 X', AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he offers for SALE at very REDUCED PRICES FOR CASTE. The Sabseribsr aka keep. oa hand, as usual. at his OLD STAN D, • LARGE mad very So- o( TINWARE of every description. The-eobscriber takes this opporinniy of retur- ning bb aiocere thanks to the Public for the very lioerl patronage he hu tteeier.l eince•hr haa been in baainea m tteir4tteh, mot hopes by strict attention to business, and , to 1F, on unue to receive a shares( the *lie patronage N. B. -GRAINING, PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAPER anti BELL HANGING e•rried on as heretofore. W1Li„1ASI STORY. Goderich, 6th Sepi.e18t9. r 2v-.3iff 1,500,000 ACRES OF LANA • Ft* SALE IN CANADA WEST. :hl: 11111•116-4r1i.liv AIlefeejjC btnlbA 1.w /esge odar K6( P[eEAli{ O•d•rieb Mill& 51h December. 1949 I4450 • • DR. P. -A. M('DOt GALL, CAN N . "JIM e+a .t d16 , Wm. sir R.s2•k►r. JUN '. RECEIVED Goderich, Sept.1ithrdidw 13 - ERR *ICHAO"ER ANNEXATION. ter AND for sale b the Subecnber. Cheap]r • I. E18, - fur Cash or Produce. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, A.C., £5 Chests Teas. Muscovado k other Suers i...,11148. GODF.R1CH. Boxes Tobacco, Do Soap. 25 bbl. Jwltos Beat old Ohio Whiskey. ALFRED W, OTTER, 40 bbl. Me[eodedoublo reel. Whiskey 1 Iludgelleae) etOegs•c Brandy. General Agent & Celaveyancrr, i Pipe Highwines 60 over proof,t COLLECTOR Of ACCOUNT'S, 4e- 4e. English Iron 11. al Breeds asaortsd. OODLRlCB, S00 bbl. fine Salt. Oct. 1, 1f349.• !-rR5 Woolen Shawls, Do Piaids,Piiote,kc- kc. C. CRABS. JOHN STRACHAN Gh/crich Dec. 12th, 1849. a45-v2tf. BARRISTER A; D ATTORNEY AT 111 IVT OTICE.-A Yining Man, of good moral LAW, character, wbo holds a certificate of quali• ,!Aointor in Chas Conv.yensecr, Amino, of me. of the firm class, is desiroo. of NOTARY USL/C, obtaining a Common School. He has roma Ilea his office In Wert Street, Godericb. knowledge of Latin, sad will be ready to teach Goderieh, End January, 1950. 2v -see e few of the first elementary books in that tongue. Apply, if by Letter, teat -paid, to mks. epee, or I)ANIEL HOME LIZ.IRS, to Mr. 1). McMillan, Teacher of School Section ATTVANRY AT LAW, No. 4, Tueknsmith, I.eadna Read. ,teal Conveyancer, Solicitor in Chancery, CHARLES FLETCHER, 'VISE CANADA COMPANY have for dbrpusal, about 1,30(1 001) ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout most of the Town.hipe in Upper Canada -nearly 300.- 000 Acres are situated In the Hires. Tract, we11 known as -one of the most fertile parte of 11.. Proriwee-it has trebled. Its popula- tioo is floe years, and Now contains up- wards of 29.000 a:habitants. .The LANDS crit o9'orei'by way of -1.. . k .9 3 EN , /.r Te. fines, or Jor $ole. C A R 11 1) 0 /f" •l -Me pion . f one fifth Cask, and Ike bulunce is Instal - meats toeing dome ail -,y ui:h. The Rent, payable 1st February each year, are about the interest at di: Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. -Uptw mu,t of the Lut., when LEASED, NOMONEY i8 RKQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the others, aeeor.ling„to locality, ort:, two, or three bat'. Rett, moat be paid En advance, -hut, there p.,yrn -nta r ill free the Settler from further catjs until 2ud, Srd or 416 yea of Iris tlrW of [.case. The right to PURCIIASE tho FREE- HOLD during the term, is "!cored to the 'Leasee at a fived sum named in Lease, and an allowance is made •aceordiig to antici- pated payment.' -Lista Of Leads; and any further informs:. tion can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post -past) at the COMPAN r'a 0rrnCR1, Toronto and Goder'id ; of R. IARN.ALi, Esq., "Andel. Colborne District ; Dr. At.ii o, Guelph, or J. C..W. Dime, Esq:, Slr .ford, Huron Distrito, .`.Gn.lcvmei,. \Id rah 17, 1'948. 7 • .lBiIFT 7II1 BLOOD. M OFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILL$ AND PHOENIX BITTERS Supt. C. 8. Huron District. 11,5 his office ss formerly, in Stratford. Education Office, Hares District,1' Grderma. 16th Ike. 1849. ( ly-o46-if Stratfnid, 2nd Januatty, 1150. .2v-.49 NOTICE. N. B -Mr. Strachan, of the late firm of Strachan k Lizar., i.iaan to act as AI.Lthose to whom PREMIUMS were Agent ted Counsel ler Mr. LIMPS in all awarded at the Ainual Exhibition of matters referred to him from MITstlbed. the Huron Di.lrict Agricultural Society, for the year,1849, are requested to call upon WATSON & WILL the Treasurer of the Society, and rec.lc "'-`- ' their reapectireawards. D1YIE W.3TSO.V q% Goderia, ROUT. MOUERWELL, '-• - Treasurer, H. D. A. 8. Godeetch, 30111 January, 1860. 6211 STRAYED from the mabacril,cr un or about the let of November last, One Yoke of Black OXEN, brown streak on the back, six years old. Also three COWS, rine black, spangled with white spots. One large Red Cow with • white Face. One lined bark brindle C.w, and one Two years old Red Ileifer. Any person leaving information of the above cattle at the Sig nal Office or with Mr. John. Allan, Tavern Keeper, Goderich, will bp satisfied 'for their trrnble, SAMUEL #IcCOSYIERY. Kjncatdine. 24th Dec. 1849. 2x-47 NEW GOODS IN FERGUS. TILE sub.criber has just received a Large and Complete A.sortment o DRi' GOODS, GROCERIES, Hardware, Crock- ery, Wines, Spirits, kc. kc., wLieh be ot• fere at low remuneraUag pr'ees for Cash or Ready Pay. A Large' Stock of very Supe- rior Canadian WHISKEY, for Sale In anv quantity. Also, a good sseortmeat of STOVES, (cons.stine of Box.. Cooking and Parly,) Ploughs, Sugar Kettles, Bake Ovens, and Bellied Pots. The highest price paid in CASH for »y quantity of Good Merchantable WHEAT, Pork. and Timothy Seed. All kinds of Country Prodnee takes to exchange for Store Good.. L. W. WATSON. Fergus Mill Store, Jan. 1, 185n. 2r-n49tf Blank- Deeds and M. • 1 ND all kinds of DIVISION SIMMT A BLANKS, and BLANK PROMS: SORT NOTES, for sale_ at the Mina! Office: Every discription of 10011 ..b 3011 .Printing executed with ne ttoeas and dl.i.atch, TOR PRINTING o/ e'.rydmeeription, meetly J -rind promptly executed at this &ice. December 90;1849. ; STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. • NOME 'MANUFACTURE. TTHE Subveribers is returning thanks to their Customers My the liberal sup- port they have received Mots commencing business. beg to intimate, that they Dare for sale at low rates: Cooking, Box & Parlour' Stoves, also Ploughs of eight description., and coin- hopes Iby .Mall. Thenen a.... u.w arab: ih.ir goee Machinist. the ..b hopes by strict attention to the comfort of l team wally for ..; ora they lane' mot by il" r,.w 1 nenmmetsd their THR.ISHiNG MA- her guests, ane Tobi rah.' c!sargns, (0 un•n' a tvsum, ..., CHEN ES of the newest design, both sta- tionary1.1 AsTHau. ACUTE •rid CHRONIC RHEUMATISM and moveable, and would solicit • AFFLCTIOMY of rte CLAUSESs.8d KIDNEY& call from inte0Jiag Purchasers before buy- ""."' "'"'r.".S'"e.'k"' dor.."• e"""t-tk. r' tended t0 and executed with neatness and be fount Invaluable Piantne. linnets. •ria o hers. le o' ..tar,,-tt..l. -....tine,-nanr enny&be*Pimatna despatch. share of the public patronage. Stratford, 21st August, 1849. '2v -n2911 New Tailoring Establishment IN OODERIOH, THF. Subrrrtlt-r hers to •onoence to toe in. BILIOUS FOVER re Lists ooMTLancra._ ing elsewhere. All orders pun;tually at- Mtk. BILIOU-1 CIIOLD.. mad SEROUS Lnesrwu.. eau. T.osr,rExget. COLDS • CO VOHS, elm 'C, Z b•himot• of G.k sleneh, sad ire vicinity, at . Used wan arrIIUaeea" is tM awsxa he hp.enmmeneed Twine** in rhe shove pine, CORRcPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, is the Rnnm aljoiniog II. HORTON'S Bed- DYSPEPSIA. No person aria taw d.rreaurr ha die Shop. Market Siloare, where he will be pre- eon. Mown deur mint Isom medicine. rewrdaseir oared r execute all order• in his Inc os the 51UPTION., af Ow Man. ERYSIPELAS. PLATY ' ORR Si WILSON. Stratford, iIfthAug. 1649. ,9-o28tf. • PL INS AND SPECIFICATIONS. .bortcet notice. and mt moderte clinger. N. B. -Cutting done on the ohorte.t nolle. JOHN ADAMS. Goderich, Get. 17, 1849. '.2n37 • STRATFORD BREWERY. THES abeeriher iw rewrote, hie linter acknowlelgem.eto to the mnh•bitenta 0 Brvatf rd• and in' its ee'tnmere generl!y. for the liberal palming, which he M. received dar- ing the oma he has been in bast'.; glehre to lalisate that the unproved arrangement. which have recently been •tads 1. his ecahlirhoseat: will enable him to make a super:or- quality, of BEER. mad to famish it ea such term's' entitle "FIVER ami AGUE. For then era„ge(Wwee Ti iIIEt6Sibuiblsseartfbs eor f betges tDeaastetietotn(foHrmurtohne, I"' """b' urs a ,era.,"' w0 b. •'"•• • ••6 .4""0•. •at and the neighboringDistrict', that be has wetmn ,r.e.Iy. (rhe 1041.,... leave the wawa white! t• • rows or do .`..w -a ow todew thetre+- ■. ret....- Establislied himself in Stratford TRY Tut e. eE sstis IED. AND at CURED. 7 ♦n OL NERR V COMPLEXION, and is prepaid to give Planq,od Specifics - u 1. S . UNANEL. N.DI,p..,ifesera es, 81111 Dams, kc. 8 ..&c., and will take lima. 130045D 05) -ER. INFLAMMATORY *SLUM/ MM. IMPURE BLOOD. JAUNDICE, LOBS 4 AP05 the rwerintendence of such Erections, on "'LIVER the most reasonable terms. LEPROSY, L OOP _' A I M T S. His thorough knowledge of his proles/non K a H e u R I A L D a r t A s R. ...- Never and hn practice as Builder, qualifies him for e,lacemi•es manly•N tae!tots A Neenor i•& any undertaking in the tine. Address post . Ww'rw tM,,15.s tr.e.au rs.e.ru...l re'v.rrrrtl► paid PETER OHMDBAL D 1ILITT, tions of Public cr Private Bui dings, Bndg- GOUT `IDD YC A NIGHT RN-EATR. N*RrOCR nsB/L/Tv, (I U f ,y ' FERGUSON, OOMPLIINTR V .0 tr,d.. uRnaN2 Builder, kc. kc. Stratford C. W him to • of me bu•inesa which PALIITATIONefOr HEART. PAINTRR'BCNOLN:. Stratford, March .6th, 1849. 2v-a7tf he has hit hens emptied. PILES. Tr*newel w.prtwarsdew .:dere 3. r VIVrAV. ..e raved"Pdr of■nen ~d■ *the neat thea talk Stratford. Nov. IN, 11+41. i9 -n43 Bediera. ekes. PAINS in lbs Mort *i•, beef. Mahe. RNIRVNATI.Rte. Th.. .ii feriae a4wase. eon be .we at neer If fib tali N.1.sr.. RV1114 of BLOOD t. alas NSAD, BCC/AYE .ALTRNRUM, aw1LLINDS er'RortILA. e■ MEWO'S 1•tlz&, wit ower haw VLC.Rs, eta even, VoseaORNO Notice to Creditors. i, 1.l. Pnsnaa ovinOV ID. m. age net JO- SEPH VU Pf(.LAT, of the Town ship of North gem hope in the Huron Die - trio,. a'e erqueet.d to hand them to the 1 W O aaK$. eras u.dw ow sArraltv.aaasd be Subscriber Inc EYamtnatinn and A'i net Yiei1 a ►w+swefs.Mabeatasaettirate.rr i meet - . wiw.wa abisr/oAb.taase WILLIAM SCOTT, :+,•Agee! - Til LIPS P1LL$ 1111 now snug For tharatotsofl•"cph Vnrpillar. Hamburg,PUhIFY III /LAOOHamburg, 27th Rept. 1441. 5,.37,, • Ad ties remove 111 diemm from (Memoriam STRAY1) from th. Aoharrihet rhe M• A- ' 1 Ilflea sire LI! E PULS d w TT on. roar Old poor, w.' h a N PEi• k LED- deka la Ito eelle,11a d.eery pa1M•t. 7 A C E, and wtilts 1011,. and a 1,..re of Th.a•••to. or thew ,..aku., an w.. put ey t• able eel Miele, rng.rh.. with . y,e.eaty,,Aa'.. .•Ild the I4' ear taken riff. A t per'nn leaving •B.. GeedSennef.e.." .n, t4dir milia! Oa, i at they ,feed go" well ha .hl.h h . dwN.g 0) lmad y r"a Wall .0..et v oar satisfied for thew t mettle. . i.g •. by .►Mb waa•g.n rLm a ilia r,y e.. veer seer, W . T. warean r1 lla.r"tate en r..”.0., . JOHN SAVAGE, lot Con. GMtrnrh. tMr•air.dote woo Pno.n,h"e.MN,"oos.010ms ..sr•d iYt M en genie.. ear r."hl, said i s. any tile.• wan wngpre: Imo Ir yes •, be !lewd day of Aogu.t last. 1 RF,D HEIPF.R, ►N R I K e I E A t ►.y.a iM meal .fe.aps- Nov. 21, 1849. !•-e421f last they tele , boo s, .r neat tea& thaw. cAcz FAIZ OI.\ KT rupia ked old y DRi.IV 1': k Y ,M w•..w.y. tow .. Ambers 00.., ner r... DE. iRorr*T, FOR GOOD e•r.>cA!1 R.1RLF.v, at ibe w mite rel No ITL1 seribee. fBadsliA Ott It 1 BREWERY. I. hi _Ibe N. BKNJ. PARSONS, J. I. ill AIN. Ar. snoopy 1 Gi►iwiei Ju sfl 1i8 A.:4 Agent. • •1 • STRATFORD HOTEL. (tats Nat's.) AIMIE Subscriber 'edema his blonde and the Travelling P.M*. that be has Lamed the large BRICK TAVF.RN, at the Bart end of Stratford, (now the county town of Perth.) lately occupied by Mr. lease May, vshs.w Iw salol ler gijy fid tlq/e to •Mord the ..u&1 comfortrsand ruallpphea and promote the personal conveekaee of ht. 5110.1.. WINF9 and LIQUORS of the best de- scription. A steady Hostler always in ./Nodes... ALBERT 0. HATCH. $ i Ue►d, lath July, 1549. tin -albs( THE Subscribers will paythe HIGHEST MARKET PRCF. for Good Merchantable Wheat. JAMES `POTER & Co. . (rQNcuCi1, coni'F+RIr 1 a$ pp ARRESTER AT LAW. Ito. Joe. and D GEORGE WILLIAMS. of Stem oral, late of i1.firm rm of Hector, Weller sad Williams, Bowmen, tic. Toronto, basing ibis day mitered into co -partnership, is the Practise, tad Profes- sion of 1.Aw. CraecarY amd C will is future keep their Offices at 9sd.eith and Stamford, reopeetuel; mama, style asd firm of Wavaaa and Witticism. Ditst War.oa. Gorkriet., *soma W,Ltia s, Stratton', 24th December, 1849. '95'14711 A. NASMYTII, FASHIONABLE TAILOR: • UODEi*CH . Gde►ieb, Apr11 12, 1549. 2,-N I Ot( J:" K. GOO.DI NG, yR. 191%ALL .iniad SALES in any part tit Ibis District, on reasonable Terme. Ap- ply a .tbe British Betel. Goderich, Marsh Gab 1849. t;w-bs D.tNIEL GORDON,,, "CABINET MAKER: Three loon East t/ the Casale Co's. Office, WEST -STREET, GODERICR. August x711►, 1849. ev-S30 Stokers; CHEMIST and DRUGGIST WEST -STREET, GODERLCA. March 8, 1149. Sime JOHN J. E. LiNTON, NO1 ae 1 PtaLae, tCufn))dissiouer, Queen's Bends, AND CONVEYANCER. - STRATFORD. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, AUCTIONEER. BELL'S. CORNERS, SOUTH EABTHOFR. `, Yarehi 9S. 1849. tell4►t DR. YOHN HYDE, [toys meow 1.1.0.] MEDIC h. IIS HELL? STRATFORD. . "sly 31, 1849. 2v -.2i WM. REED, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. ;•e.,.. LIGHT -HOUSE 8T. GODERICII. Oct. 25. 1849. 2.238 F:NWAHUI ('ArsHEL1e, i23NOEI1 &*, enaZ]ZIt, Corner of Light -]lease Street, GODERICH. Oatob.r, 25, 1849. 2.138 ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And C4ril Engineer. office a1 Mr. RoaPaT E.Lti GODERICH. • January 19, 1850. NOTICE. THE Subeeviber having RENTED the WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong- iqg to the Messrs. Davenport, of thio place bee established bimeelf ii a ro*WA1DRa ARS NZPL7a NT. Any orders or from the Mee - chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOHN McEWAN. Windsor, March, 11149. ti -Taira IOW tic juron .Signal, is ►news Alan mLNOlV !11x1 remee41 RV THOMAS 1MACIII F:P.N, amavOS Aro O11Tc11 YA• SET-KQVVA RR, Winn*ICN. • Book awl Job Priming, !recited with weaeae.5 and dispatch. Trews ov Te. liras* "!nisi.--TENANIL- LINOB per amnia if paid weedy Madame,. or Twa,ve AID 0.i Pisca with the exposit** of the year. No paper 1ienos.4..ed usHi atTIMITs aro paid tip, asters theptailieber Maas idhie admit - saga 'ode s.. Ash individual is tb. many Mea g w.. ep.aeaWll foe eta s.haeeiben, Nall rearm w smash copy gest*. ILE 111 Wass edceased to t►e FAusi .net be Pest Paid. 'eMy will set be mime are of dna pool .Men tont OV • Ste 1iw.ut wed vendor, Ant ]osettio., .... Et t 0 Fee% nbeemsest teems an 0111$ Tow lhrew sad wader, Iren issertiss h 11 Each sw»gss.t hesertinn i1 h Over tea Itae.. firm iaserties, tat ilia, 0 0 4 F.aeb eseasy 1a0014 0 1114 tI (► Ybetial +liar or thea: