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that whatever neat,,/ taut Goer w Mite dae/ we/eentiwa At the je0gdaiMs M
was sns.sime sad shamed.
`et seer dist tsrssalled pMttods�m. Who lsttdrini tight the Mei/ woee Goes.-
t►ay yaw ea ib• mamma. ie Ousm•my, uses He bestowal it roe all the area%
ea way systems a elaborate. results es that fnallsse►1v, He world eel adrrl Ibsl
gree, k bosom them to sen.hak Ibe dee- the pose aria'. Seseeettas. gave • right to
%Mee were tbat agitated Eerepi. He the rich roan to keep it from lila. TIB
bill before said that ibe revolution of Chartb-anJ wbes be used ibe word, he
Fresco was sol political. It was mainly 4,4 out mean Ibe Established Church, bet
seetsl. It was sial a pr.1..i agsasei ansa- all wbe pet...W to b Cbrisrkee-bad
welt, fee republicanism. it woe a bugs kept ruse from cosslderlsg ouch systems.
pompe' agates( peuperiare-a rala•ng up oI The genius of CMulm,aty was ao: in bar
sass'..wces to tee if (1.11 crdaloed poverty reser with their .yeine. Net ole of them
1e be the lot of manned. That such I, gnuy da'e4 to carry the competitive armee Into
war stedful it rntg\' tit: J Scutt 6,r Ineut, the (:',tit. There they co&d preach bel
newsed is comfort, and pampered in luxury the reqqueluy of men. If to the sereno■ on
to uadersta.J; Wt te some of there, who the M•iast be added competitive doctrines.
slaty saw laxity to feel the contras', 11 ouch as ' buy in the cheapest market and it r thereprtsemsuwr es the petty realties be simplethem . Let em see how t1 was •ell in the dearest," or the other cboseo
elated s Om Twos. '• Wealth and num- 'm ue:Vas n' commercial life, and be would erect award by thr 61040 ch,d•-. reeeeniue"
Item throttles lo'•g sed lariat collision.- canonise Adam Smith, sod regard hen as or rather a dim embodiment of the Jere0isl
The many •re busy eking by what eve of hatter written the last page of the revere power Weer the serf -people. 1t has w Asinine,
e atery, what rule of common good, the soil tion of the future. If be could abet the .nn.s►iss ie be' .„,.„lee w s pewees of ,he
-cuDterriag mewl, prtvilegea, digatty, &tile he could reaJ the Gully of the eye- I wti..a1 miehi"ery.J kseeteens--it is rmpbei-
power, sad sista-!+
,uo!J be shut op in "he tem; if he rood iq wawa, he meet pretest iety a• rlG.h r•pr.l.asrina 1 pen srl6enna.
bents of a few, stet those so unworthy el the m•dern sect%) 13r'eial
the powarand incapable of the (furl." Tbal evils were distinct fr m political, but they -sad ere" 1k' elaimw 1 rook. birth sad °erre
war ,he q wii••n, eh. her they blinked it 'eight exist the one end., the other. Were •oust the rights of Wier. and the npremae,
or .o. II saes the q leatlun on which the they prepared to tvodic.t, the immense - n(kenweelee one vete.. 1t is celled a cheek
eyes •,1 Eur". -e were 6x, d. S •ct•I,.m sad wSAI lh of some men and the deapsiru•g u'.. hasty ta4 in,e,sti a isselarion. het i., in
e0.010110411.0 u'iKbl be ma•Ins,s; but salt. 1' err poser', of other.? Here was one great reality s f'rmidehls aril seri,hl,r,ea Mrrirr to
w so they were b'.uoJ to tnqu"• tato fell. 1t war rued -ter beautiful nor jut•- pnpnts. and the progress o✓ ter re
*been. No n ,.e of t e, pewee, but inoteefrJ Triers was nos very .,range law which said, "1 ewe,' warn any the pmt. este o poo to
Won., Zoo right or pri,i!e,i,(• withheld.- that they who did not work shonld not eat.'
Tb.v eerie bowel to another wet; they Their mod. ro •rate,, said that shonld sol Depekre the in.,itu'inns of the country nr to
suuiJ sot rr.t.t inns,. Doer nes ha4 pow- be. The rich men hada ,..ted interest to ext"d the power of the Morita ■nin.t matinee.
or to destroy, earn .Ithongh they weir evil. his property. and might sit .1111 etlhmit h", pee the 11,ese •f Commons. a general
Now. the want of the tine a a, t'.•• wane cuo'nbu'tng to Om common stork. He f,, nr. ih. :he pnhlie mini they the mr.."re
of true doet•ines rt 'n!• tr. He.•rn, ted tint denied test. Let them leek et the result
u1 ihtl Compeurlre svatem. Soeiely war will he lest In the •• ['prier iloose," sod hence,
like • pot of mile, each •erring to get to err' "61"6"41 Penin ins et I"n 17.71 a see-
the top for air, but caring nothing for those 'o' back, hoe gneetinned not only the utility.
whom they pushed drawn. 'helmet of mar hot the equity- of nueb •n iartitetiee. till, it
ler by workmen and workman by master h.. • m•enine-and sn 101.111 as see reeneirerien
fulloweJ. in short, there was one England or on, (•,. ,. g rel veneration for the old fend+'
-no aglloa; one, soil, but two races -the ieevn:gny ( ,h. Moreno ethos, them will still
that race that b J and the race at hail polo !•. s oh,l.w of plttsa:h;liar in maistainieg the
and s i:h no political change could touch.
Tbthere war the q'iesteon as regarded p^11„cat.nprrmse1 nl ib. Parra
womb. They were not equal, either in Thu• ire w. 1011 ree'su z. and allow the nh-
culture Of is the face of the law. Then so icer of the Relish •• UPTON Hoer." And while
to divorce. The rice man who coil., per ws am Wein, ,n ac reit the .ala and nteeeerily
feu bis lszer:es ha I i!; but what could lie-: „(yki, eteeea'ie i'ien.'.,,.,alt,. we err deeide4-
d•,ne by the poor man. The best men of ey'eep^••1,, th.'.reel. eeeet e. wh;ch emirs
the Socialists hell that p thlie opinion seri •.i,.nt" what ;r weitirey ab.wre anp
e •r-
satoeld tae a heavily upon man a upon
women int so slimed it be. There were, •icing• ei these iesditan07•. and 4uh.charae-
he admitted, Sae:th't• who had talked non tie i• '"1 Cp/rr Ness. The L.gidativ Coon -
sense on this subject. What he protested el ce Caned., is a l.'T'. ne ere the British H• ore
of Pers. 1: i. • mere skew. 1t represents On
claw distinct ism the people. 1, has no sewn -
erotic inlmaa re' claims 10 anppnn OP pmtrea--
it is enmpn•e.1 chiefly, of illiterate men. farmers,
masons, merchants. Are., and el'hnaeh Teepee's.
file, and perhaps aright nen. +' -v have neither
talent. mini -mien nor pr.etirnl knowledge to
enamors with the members of the Legislative
Assembly; and toca'Imem ih+present A•::•1• -
titre Council to revity nr • vend the political de-
liberaunos of the honorable Roamer E.Luwty
hog te be ssig. Three le w. mora* spisb
mg, ss Mw -ass& wriewwweerg re Ogee& t end
see with m msda el ea, mew s•ktmsess f• •1
ma.God list se sash islgmsww &steer dee will
seer be • $.butted le this e1wt7y. Bat, •
•es•lderable seise hos lima sods.. Mae, .beet
ea •• Clecii•• Leveled", Clewed." ..d as We
seem Is Of to be the Gest slop iw•rds see for•
mates al e• arieteer•ey, ere will offer • ke re•
teethe es the srhj.eI T►. •tin saelese.rr of
tsar Mutat krielet,•e tidies i. the same cas-
te, ie a n►.isee that It regatta .e exposer, -
0.,. the Betioh Hesse of Peers, whish is the
anaemia! model of ••Upper beeereeis • ►re:irp-it
masse ssmethiag-,.cry penes ns 0.4.nrsed
• great ,!eal of the rover,' of men, hoe
their sino,w.- t'. r o.vn full: b:t thorn .till
retu•:oed the qu••slo.n, a '`,ere ;:et.ble bt
every wit ing hen.' and h• tit a loir,'.y m
wage• tar Their let, Jai's ewe ! Was It
air,.• tu.t stater" h• uu of the yard -.i !afros
44 net beteg .u!!iceset ttj keep buJy aeJ
soul t g.-tb.r 1 Sonne, talking greleesly,
said it watt eu..'petitioe: hal twee weold go
lurtteE, add q ration these .nulls. Every
lee aeration l:ad • pow,brr of ut mewtunable
truths. Trey had lied to tee, inverthe-
hse, the right t.f tui'oerche to rule by right
divine q.estmned to serious f1.h:u6. No
Juctrms teat (be ercr1Je haJ ever Jet sten
btr.,'be stamp of finality. The faith ul
England had tree tun tnoeh in pulitte•.-
They had been taught to knurl,thatif the
woo the ballot -Sox and the ebarler all
would go well: they had striven to depose
use vary and enthrone another, •ndyet the
great evils we:s untouched. The great
struggle of party had aiway• been to °brain
u much power•frum the peep'e a, would
put them in pace and keep them Ih• re-
lief., even from the rime of Earl Grey aeJ
the Re'crm BSI' to that of 1,1. present "im-
mune. Ile (that noble) preached finali-
ty; he would stand be hie order. H. meld
his euereseore would, a. had been end, de-
bate all guestimate from Hill Cooker down
to dog -carts; but they would not discuss
the state of 'the country gnestloo. But
this was much the fault ut the peup!e them-
selves; eves despo•t-,n was Ibe e-oatare of
the people• He had learned to distrust the
promises that heraaeJ great political
against_ war the .eking of marriage • sort
of inlet stork kilobits for the mutual henefi'
of both parties. He did not want them to
believe Cummuniern or Socialism; he died riot
believe in them himself; he wanted them to
know what their. doctrines refill, were. -
Mr. Deletion then sketched the Commnoisis
amongst the •nt:entr,the ,y.temof Lycur-
gun, the Spartan King, 'of Pinto, (which
were vitiated by there being ne laboring
slams.) -of the monastic -societies of the mid -
"die age., and of a peculiar /meet of Ibe Jews
spoken of by'Jusephu■ both of which werevand his eoll..gw •, may be eery amnsin c. her
glensby the Geprrman .uant o( busy. Ile I .ssoredl it is neither • rational nor • prnfitahle
¢lanced •t the German peuarit wars under 7•
Munz•r, In the middle ages; how it .hunk kind el amnrnment. Si!!1• in its present form.
iamb to things that seemed final; bow *1 1 the Commotion L-7;dati•e Cour-nil. is like rh.
changes. Every great n.easute had the de.!oyed feuds:tom; how it made war in be- i hoopoe on the hack of • men's cent, it metes a'
Ytlleniuut auacheJ W its (u!rihment, and half '(the principle of Chnetianits, that ale i eine and deo ms h.,•'! It is the ere.ture rf
T het as the result of its being los,.- Chri-t dial fnr all men, the world and it• ,
c• showed shat they ought change rights were for all .nen: and hnw, although the F.xeeu',l•. sed i:s d.eninnr, like the
t it iestitutiuna a'lugethet and grin note- 1 utccroded not, it influenced the world•- Aimew " "f the Person'. Cloak. is jmr in
nog; their Republic was merely monarchy That principle -the principle of. the. New ,fits Master's decree. Under Responsible Gnv.
beaten our, end loan gthled. As John Mil- Testament -war the 'sale by which aye- ernment, the Acts of the Executir, are rem -
100 sail of Presbyters, they were priest• tents wot-Id be tried. I1. pictured the Com- pimply ender the control of the people. exercised
written large; and so was Republicantnp munleI colony n( the Jesuit• in Paraguay: throneh Their Representative., and in long ere
/ IMO, • lung word for meharchy-a drab- anJ finally, tn,eh.d on Ih' systems 01 these Reprerntsriv.s end the F.nrn'ire ae, in
huh and dtrty S•turd.y-looking attempt at Ruu•*ea./, which had the radical defect n( barmnnv nn rhos.! prawn ei,her shoal,' nr meld
Sunday. Now, to E glail., they did not proceeding upon a prim:tye equalit,,
want this. They b•J the utmost pol teal which was ah.e.rd. in conelnston. he a"""l Ih.m. :1n4 heure, ,he l..eishti.e
• Cnoneil ■s a nnminorly di.t:ncl pnw.r, nut in
('edam, and the wont pauperism in the showed that •Ithnngh Rnors,an • tyotem
world. Tiro were the most advanced in was so, its promoleation had been attended reality the eche of the Executive, is • mere
politico, but they bed no corresponding with the hest effect in destu, ing formality nullity, (faint, neither gnat nor evil in metres e1
change in their social state. All clasws in and affection, and sett:ne up nature in their 1 eei.lnio.-er ss we have before muted, ii is a
?attend heti risen. The barony culminated place. ekaw
to the peerage; then the bourgeoise eulmi- We have given merely in (mein the sob- The inhahji.ars of the Uwiird 3tsas, their
rated; and never dad God place men to a stance of tlr. Daw•oo'e teeters, (tinseled of extreme he inhnerleats far Rritieited States.
ins. have
Dobler pennon then that occupied by the much felicitous and charactenelic.11lastn-
G reene classes, if they were but noble is riot►. Ile wast loudly cheered Ihresth.blo emahliahel a Senate in imitation of the Ilonne ref
*pull. With but few exceptions, their and at the conclusion a•' ole of thanks save, Piece, het hill rain •nnngh In4.eor••e r • r two.
'Cort war appearances on the utas side, and no the motion of Alderman Weston. passedrower Cnnsti'n'inn in the each n(remeeee i'ne.
oppression on the other; their Goe genum
li- to him. The concheling levier, on (he inib I e',.' MP" wee their Senate e1.c1 •e. -that in, the
ty, their wor.hip Mamrnoo; their greatest jest takes peacoat the Tows Hall on Tiles-'
desire to ,mike the world think them coesse
ii fast; the, had no desire to raise'bo.o
men below teem. They would be supplant-
ed by another clams; but so that was the
lowest claire, there meet be a strange
change. lo ancient times the (emotion
0111/Of arose. As the wbrk was done by
slaves -men things, cliattnl.-the lahor
quest tun could out arise. But in England,
feudalism had died; that great question haJ
u ntie, and Englund and Europe were at
that moment listening to a new and great
demand. Under thus English life there was
• class, called by some writers the Jange-
rong clan., of whom till recently they had
been in ignorance -men whnse hand was
• guest every man, and every nisp'a hand
against them -who had no • atbio means or
living, cad who clustered most oumerou.ly
in those towns which flourished newt. -
T►we towns, like certain vegelable., the
greener the tori, the greater tnc a mi•,nt of
decay at the bottom, seemed to O',meh
most the mon they were versed in death
e t the bottom. He pointed to Glasgow an
Illustration. Men rat under that, aeJ with-
out stirring a linger, trete to the Bible to
drag out some unitrlomt• text that there
will always be poor in the, last, ithether
they tried to present it or no. 'That God
laid down that rule to good eoadeet he de- ibe poor man in sewed to personal usefulness sed
Wed. in M• heart of hearts he honored lo his moral sad spiritual vale", may be the
that book, but he called nn them to attack equal of the rich man, yet as • benefit to society
roach btahrtn, that was not the spirit of the he is inferior, simply because he ho• not W
add.. Was •Iar,rs to he att•cksd, they
wens ,(doing good to an equal eaten,.
leek them to the Bible, .ar.ug that ate 01
Nosh'• some wee aeearoud, and therefore is By an Anneersey .e do set mea that want
,retia eoerinu'. Sn alae had the pauper meltiiede who eeneriv to he owlets by bring
Om reeetvnd the R.ble blessing. Su •aro We, and .Mme highest ambrti..s is to wear
war 11 with a►soluti.m; en was rt wash Andy apparel, frippery and trinket. -:o stirred
many other 'longe, with ,et.0.e and with Bells end parries, and he eon.der.4 genial -
pnieiw.. And Ole led Mm to runnier
Theisen certainly tree of the " mire evils loader
what war the pru'replo sof Chliens.tt,; it the ism. bet if their *same M equal to their
they vane know that they wools' know the
future. • cee!. And on the g•eeu.a N tent is, if trey keep set of basset
fore them he 1 that where God wept.'" deb. we nee ns rose grey thee, gess.
went the mew• '• ann.. thine, that getbemM gess snit pseeerkisee should make wise mem
mnrh Aad little over. those that gathered 011(7?. Ret eh.. we opal' of'e eristnereey we
beth h•1 selficsnl Lott' them look hue omen • ala°o of men whet by ent*e 1 binh se
St. Past interpreted Uvea: 1 entree net that wealth are elle ved to poems' ad "same pees -
ether 10410 saneld be ea.•'i and in hurden.J,
brat by an metal tv that now •1 the time bar civil .rrogeu.ee try pslitieal
yror ahJrtwlanes 1717 e, supply f•.r th..r p.lvthe•.digrr,et from, sad esprer s the righu
wises, that %hour ahnnl.mee� 511 , 0,a, be a and enmities sf the mum d skate klMw ,...-
Wwpjs'y for your wants. 1ha there vo, be sir ., -.. Fse inset*e., wt MK ere immsdi•T•
pgeahe,, •e it u• wniten, h that ',leered
,.y.rn•u lit the Dube 1 IBee'•1"gh shave' meanie and .mea de.ptrsbls d.senpiiou. 1( the
,wore% h,4 ."thief neer, and he that gather peewee and eery Treaty sash ,nas•s •• lee- esee"iluI70e is Ie he impend .irk or ti.bnd.
.4 hullo he4 no lark." it might b said eleagtu ind Dr.mlour•g, if ilwy wen legally we at neer, Vote for the sol .*,,aeon of she
that teat meant chanty; Aur in the early tra0sstneed b► his peoreitere: be, .e Mr. • ulsnve Cnsweil. meld?
1 we...
we ,ie. 11
ago. it was mol se eouldrrcd. TNJetiw 1••zf rte /
decided etramiee to the Dela 1 Beeeleegb, or es • eery weeks. +pp•dr age. Bel we hewe
shisntd its tem* sari •e • 1'
d.elnee. MAIN Moore MI4 *trans! don err ..bar IMP, pisereme sad ••••,fang • shell *ever ere it wade Astor*, ter if it were
le which b. divi'llid pewee ever eer life and %ben,. .hie► we are •t•esed by wat people. it eold be, • •' ew-
sp.11y among time, The., "- -- • loran, Mempe.1 .ted fie eserNeisg ever him- lam w
sego doge," bet • eery seperf5s k•mep
IBM IM 4..iM.. world eat 18.4' be madS s a we as .lml.1 w M pew, bat w In tat wll- and if it trews sleeted be • shim dialect Dem
THAT oar enders may sot be misled by our
musses of a restive this gaeetiea, we here take
the precaution of saying, that by ua Aristocracy
.s do sot mess the peweenr. of men wealth,
nor thohexten.ive proprioten of ,he and. Th•
argeietinn of wealth Or property is certainly not
the noblest exercim of the human being, bat
when regulated by the strict principles of haa-
t', it is (.r from being erimiaal, a.1 whets pro-
perly permed itis sweet, necessary and eves km -
debts. We have .g.rded the riches of
the rieh man as an aril -the evil cenrisu in, or
resorts from the improper ms.. And although
sovereign people elect th. eery wis•►t man in the
whet• lf.iem to represent ihem.in Cnn,r-••. end
then Omit •jar wiser • os to watch over and enr-
reet the error* and hlen4err of the " very wire,,"
Conon-so mon ! This ie eertsi.ly the most ez=
trar.ga.T specimen apolitical ah..rdin on re-
eord-lt is a " Trent sham" doubly reined. Bat
e• i, it one ef Jonathan's eery few l.ei.luive
blesderr, we shall deal mercifully with it. mere•
eng1•sting that if the Ameneans instead of
electing the •' very wisest man.•' would .leer
the fee wetter ens firer. they might eery sally
dispense wish their " Upper Hoe.. 'rend relive
themselves here the charge ef e pportingan in-
stitution which is reality means notkiar. Th•
mire of the "groat" League Cnnreetinn are
eel load in their .ulogtums of en "Elee'ise
L.eielstise ('nuecil." and the Menti.s and in-
cdcol.h:•'e•s/nieg•s of seeffl an institution have
been .ha4ow.j forth in very glowing and bei•
natio' colors. Rot oar readers mese net sup-
pose 'hat the Leagne men are derireas o(imirat•
Mg the eleetive •' Upper Neese" of repe'ali •
tan Jonathan, this would be dislnvelt► cad tm-
son, and the Lague men are all 'seal ! The,
rieh te establish as e. -cute Upper Hoose of the
right B•re•sl east. The councillors are net to
be takes from the pimple -that would be velem'
and prefene. They e'er rot In be elected by the
nevpl.--that wool) be democratic and disloyal
Tee, ere to be men n( the highest gn.liiestinn
which the enanny affords. that is, they are to
cosiest of the kw irherds•Is who h.•e xegnir.d
mnrh wealth in the Province. •nd they an 11 be
elected by • bigger, Mies, • wrathy else" 1
voters. In short, the elective Legislative Coie-
eil and those who are to 'lett et, are tit'''. cow -
nested • higher sod meaner clew, "surely dir-
tiest from t):e people : sod the advantage ens-
templated islh.t they shall &pewee the reposes•
n'i•ee.( the people .s the most ied.peeda•t mad
seeceseel mas*er ! by 'moist Rebelling Lessee
O ,11. R 8.Its, Usi..rwy Ba11.,
Asenienwet Bell., sad all Nell popular moans
se might heppes re obtain the .netmn 01 •
lore msjori'v nl the people's
The ,e the Levity, Lernei rive Caecil of the
rat Leagve-it to good, old mediae/teed fey•
ens rek,sg to esu1Fish OR Aristserary of the
ibe pmpk. thee, the seamier weal be t akesewd
e ell the ewe.1 r ashilhe- - ttrllbgu ewer -
lag any 11te bowies.
8:7 Weir wma,wn T.. Cesuws se bears -
awn awn r Caere • M•a.a t-IIw thou
Mr. Mania McLes.n hes pmitivtly sad per-
eertaeiy r•Wigssd his wet as C.a.eitler isr st.
Patrick's Wsr l wt ihs.k that serest►ug those'
br dose to pet the stiairs el the ewpsrstlos is
.."slag order.
IIT A ...'her sf our nbreribere is the United
enemies of Huron, Perth sad Ike...ill please
accept this somber of the Signal •s the last
which we can.lford to eros them till each time e•
,hey tea dined In pay some pet 1 their srreer.
We give them fell credit for their red wish.,
(or ear eseeesa. enJ for their good tremulous le
pairoeiwn, os, bot we are sorry in bring te10-
pelted to 11 form Ihem that good wishes sod geed
i■troltena alone, ore too swards! is moppet* a
Yewapaper is Goderieb.
Ey Ws direct the munition Moor Qederieh
readers to se ennnaneemenl is our advertising
enemies, of • lecture os th. Be*e8ts of Life
Automate. to be delivered is the Rritiah Hotel,
to -morrow "seeing. by George W. Baker, Esq.,
of Hamilton.
Ktaeanor.s. 43,1 Feb.. 18.50.
TO T11 WITS. Or TES ri: Res SIO,AL.
Daae Sim. -1 have limped that a deplieate of
the enclosed letter has•been sent, by the Bear,
rn the Selieiter General, sad he is ie high spirits
that be .i11 received is the Anew,. A ..mils,
letter was lately .rnte by the Bear, and aigoed
Ay • perms of the name of Campbell, or rather
it wassignedfor him. this letter warrent to Mr.
Nice by the Crone Lases A/eat. mad the resell
win that Mr. Clark cans here last week. and
veiled • quantity of lumber sad L.,. at With-
er's Mill.all of which wee hal agote le Memo den
who had drawn is the Loge 4.r Withers ,o ss..
John Clark weal to lops and retard • /tarter
thousand .hi voiles on the 0.sr•sioformetien -
A peer man had two 0r three pose este for ohi..
glee at the door of his Amity. which was also
sexed. Th. wt,len feel meek annoyed by eseh
t•oodurt, after having set rimh.r oe their ewe
Ism in have the lumber muted by they G.,rea-
ment Arent. -Fie •euully pet the broad R. ria
• pair n( Oriel, runners Peineleme 70 a p170n7
who bid brnsaht them to the Mill te be sawed.
1 rernaie yours truly.
This is het owe of the mst'itede of earth com-
plaints that have retched us from Kincardine .-
We are rally viewed that sotto low, istrigwing,
underhand. . i should obtain • (trim,
in this sew and otherwise prosprroassettltr.s,.
The Crows Lands Agee, is obliged to set in ac-
cordance with hi•inetraetinna. and is, therefore,
sot a1 fault,-tL: nil ti" is the duplicity sad
patty tyranny of those evil'.piri,a who through
forged and fictitious t.'rers, endeavor to impose
upon the Government. create mi•chief•nd leer*
their neig''hnn. Such wretches most be elder-
ly watched and brought under the smite of the
Government in their trios character. otherwise
the settlement may be eerirusly 'termed by their
malignant macaroni. We shah sauced to tins
subject at our very first ativesiex,.-E- H. B.
Cuc.TT 01 Pa1T,-PaoeI..osat C•cscsl -
Accnrding to the inmost., gives, by toasters
from Mewl. Oily and Smith. the Covet -4 met
t., -d.,, the 25 , ,ns,., et the Utilise Hotel, The
Ilewin, ges,;emen of the Conned were preant:
Aothw Ilelener, req.. Smith E•.ih-,pe. Thos.
el. Uses'. Esq , Ner,h F.as'hope: Rohm' /leery,
Esq , Elite. and Mnrninetne: Will'sm Smooth.
Fig , Downie. J K. Cleod.nia, Eve . Bl..-
•hwr'1: John Hi.k•. E.q., Logan, Elmo and
W.C.ee. Mr Smith was app. -owed rheirm.n
Mr. Linton clerk, pro tem. After oak's, into
eon.id.rannn several matters, and Inc eppotnt-
m•nl of Mr, Smith u,Prov'sinnaf W.rdrn, oche
was 'worn into of re by Jody. Arland. in the
afternoon') the Conseil acenorned ,ill to -morrow
■ 1 10. They hon srd000r duties to ;uniform. in
the formation of a new Monty, het 1 Thick the
farmers and other. of the Huron may depend that
rhe Coufal, who are well known..will•et ....-
Ty end Gnn•1 fennel'. Th. Cnonrllon for F":•
Immo and Mayhem Jas. 11111 and Robert Dem -
kin. E►q.., were detained from beteg at the
meetince tut they are expected to -morrow
(26,h. )-Cor.
STRAT►ORD anD W IL.er ROAD. -ells* aleck
1. •nernsine. 1 Ienrn that the Directors ore to
meet to -morrow, (20.h) seri it is to he belied
they w111 appoint owe nr two •rent• to •p.nd ■
few days in North Esothwpr .sd Dnw.ie, so as
to complete the Stock Beek meekly. -Con.
STtnouio. 25t11 Feb., 7850.'•
TO T0R 10170a Or T',( HeR011 NO7*L.
Dr.R Sun,-[ hope you won permit TO. its •n
old friend of Mr Lizards. (in,Is,ire to the cor-
rectness by whieh he has shown the fel6,meot
of his dunes as Clerk of the Peace.) to my,
flint when i was sr Montreal 1••t winter, to ob-
tain the (11,1. nn of Hnron. haslet/ had "testes
in visit the •' Sta,inieel Office" .f the Province,
ender the sonerini,,4.,ee .f W. C. Crofton.
Esq. Mr. CtaRno said, "that the most evict
and etr ry( iah.rm.tinn romplel, and rest to hi. I
office. oiw by 111r. Liar., the Clerk of the
Peace of the Huron."
in Repine now. • conearilinw in rhe District
ler the vacant office of Coen!, Clerk, i consider
but an 517 of jwr1ace to Mr. Liar, ',leaving
friendship aside ) to ask of yen to insert the
ewe i• yens .sluahle paper, end otter,
Tilers truly.
If yna have the misfortune to be a mar-
ried man, whenever your wife is hent on
ereaunl7 • breeze, the best way to treat the
case to to attempt to argue with her, and
o.k her to listen to reason ; thou always
Armco) matters to • crisis, and you may ex-
neet the cu.'omary hystencs in a couple of
Twin Movies Powea.-Dr. Bnely was
asked how he contrived to keep all hi. pre
ferment". and the bead-mutnehip of West-
minster School, through •o many changes
of party and of power 4 He replied, " The
fathers g the nation ; the mothe•s
g overn the fathers ; but ths buys govern
the mothers, end I Borer* are boys.
A GISOT Drsrisclton.-A Shopkeeper,
for his etrtue•, enamel the name'of the
Little Rased.
tet. sprsllettna 1
'ingne.h ase from
said be, " who a
stranger 'eked him why
• given hem. " To no.
,e rest of my townsmen,"
all grew( rascals."
A Rueter M,•Taan -" Pray bestow
year chanty, young g00tleanea, on • peer
N and men,said • beggar to at pyrene pie- out the twain, and materially althea tat
nag ►y. " If you ere 171tnd, 1717 geed h1. nos 1n power whoever they may chasm te
low, hew did you knew the, 1 •m young r be. it ie a tpp or of pti•eiple which
N Oh, sir, 1 made a mf.t.ke," geld the beg• aheeld newt be akeratsd is a fere ermtws-
ger;r 4te M
ay give a trs a peso b. pity 1 it Mee ./ sahem ememiasly-1.. .1
n ee mimeo by wbhh peblb *Mee kgs me
se w a>t/RlsslM.'s 1
e The ire* pl.mpb l Moitt a lir
power M rebs oppedareameet of It is mosey
4111br,st depositaries orbit\ has been adop-
ted in all the reset free ..d stable Slates of
the Urease.' -4r/ LM,17 .'s Jbp►t.
When Lord Durham made the enoce.-
110a to the Muslclp.t pimple, which is to
►s friend 1n ti s language jest quoted, the
Jpp•r C•ssdsea House of Assembly wee •
aey • eatly-conducted parish muting, sod
its members were local eortaor•ats, d..-
p•tebed to Toronto by greedy Township
mo•opol sts, to filch the greatest possible
amount (roan the general treasury, for some
fa,0771e reed or bridge. The legislation
for • whole Province was lorgotteo io the
clamor for " appropriation ;" and the repre-
*er1.711e system was need for the adra•u-
ment of sellh interests, rather then the
good of the public. Whilst Members of
Parliament grumbled 'Motet the respective
sum. alined to their Merino, irresponsi-
ble members of Executive totrodused mea-
sures tending to their own aggrandizement,
and secured their psnage by skilfully play
Ing with the grasping spirit of the " esrr.-
boos." A legslatnr war paid the mess of -
hie birthright ; and a grant for
some petty public work bought the lode
pe.dence of the County Member. rawly
Campanian fluursl.ed under Parliamentary
jobbing ; atad so that • certain sum was
obta'tted for the furtherance of the local im-
prote(11ent, little was cared 'bout the do-
ings ref the Governer and his frieode. It is
true that at limes a more creditable course
was followed by public men ; but so seldom
that it serves to stamp the general tomer of
events with a blacker dye. Lurd Durham
saw the error, and a municipal Act did much
to remoe. it : Mr. Beldam profited by the
example, and advanced the reform another
sage. That •y.tem which •' has been
olupted in all the moot free and stable
Sates of the Union," has yet to be brought
Into action. The toccata of the 6rvt Mu-
o tcrpal measure, and ibe•general satt.ract'oo
•h -ch has been expresseJ with the second,
lead many to hope that the third and last
instalment will be speedily granted, and
that it rill emboly the whole of thal popu-
lar hbeily essulg in "the most free and
*table States of the Union." 'The reform
must he effected at, an early date. The
temple have dammed it, aprruved of it,
and are preparing to petition for it. The
Press is almost unanimously in favor u( it.
The only dssentients to a are the bigot. -d
defenders of every old absurdity, and the
timorous nppouer.t of ',vers pro;rose•!
cheare. The words, " Elective Insttro-
' Ione," " Elect all Local Officers," are m
the months Mall man. .'t few object, but
can o.'er no thrown for their objection. Tee
British Coo.titutinn permits, ani even
points to it, as the foundation of evil liber-
ty. The B.glt.h 611 column
aftercolamn with wicket beerisg upon It ;
and it is nut lou mach to Rzpeet that a tete
rears will tie the •'atnte book of Great
Brittain occupied *ah i' as tee law of Ibe
land.. 1t to obvious., then, that an adminis-
tration Is Cassell sell(sling to claw it
amongst Its fire' reforms, IS sot discharging
Ito sworn duty to the people.
The. Election of Local Offi:rrs by the
common vntl rs noteing mem than a 4n-
I'nand which an iote:ligert .population
would he expected to melee. It to a carry -
'me sot of ehat representative engem which
(wood us both m the Rest 01,111zed nattonr,
and which has beers vies reeewfuN. grattfed
npon the Break Constitution. In Canada
it already exam 10 part, a.d r productive
of goat wherever ezerrloed. The Member
of parliament and the Township Cnuectllor
am the direct ser,a.ts of • eon•ut,reney,
1.d the roost 'root woriby of the public offi-
cers employed in the country. But hall
be works done when the system to thee
given ire its m,,ula'ed form. Tne Legula-
eve Con meteor, the Sherif. the County
Judge, the Clerk of the Peace, the Rgis
trar, tae yaiu.tratee, the Curnoer, and even
the Police Magu'ratr, •re all the
nominees, of the Crown. The poplar rote
Melds up one half of the governing ■nhe-
✓ ey : the whims or interests of individuate
erect the other. Two under currents are
eonstant'y in collision ; and Whilst the pop
'Jar branch otthe Legislature may be at-
tempting economy, the other is as surely
emitter awl abetting corruptigo. Two
distinct classics are rhos given birth to
which are perpetually a; war with each oth-
er. The Crown leans to Torvi.m and
Aristocracy : the People incline to Liberal -
tam and Democracy. A party spirit of the
most unwholesome cad virulent desenp-
troo 17 thus engendered by the rivslr7 "f
,nt.•re•ts which should be identical. The
people regard their soperrnr o4eisls with
jealottus : the superior officials cann•ly sae
responsibility In the Crown. Extrava
ga'ice on the part of law -maker -00o support
a (else aristocracy, is the immediate conse-
quence ; and every successive admioistra
tion becomes suddenly nears of • power
which it must sustain and wield by a pro-
fuseness of expenditure. The very mages•
tads of the influence resting with tee
Crown tempts to It1t abuse ; and however
.patriotic any body of men may have eosin
when out of place, their accessio, to office
is too often the point at which their goof
intentions begin 16 ebb. In • country like
Canada where on many place -hunters are
en0oar•ge4 and manufactured by dee prac-
tice in existence, the 0Jstem is mon objeL•-
tionable than in England, where •n ancient
aristocracy, sod the hereditary !totem of
Lords, •(fords some excnee for its oheer-
,.see. A swarm of sycophantic partizan",
reedy for any work however dirty, and
equal to any political trickery bowever ,d :
hag on tbe outskirts of the popular side,
g od change their creed with as little enm-
punetton as their coat. The Wet doom not
confine itself 1s a email circle of thee. back -
nied tool.of.very Ministry. E.eh M
liar of Pa►liarn.nt, and each !enrolee
Coven dyer, has his own coterie of ex
ants. Farmer Self Fwteem bepa to be
mad* a Magiserute, and is the "terve* fol.
lowernf John Harec••h, E.q. M.P.P. for
Stempel!.: Storekeeper netball has u
eye on the Post Office, or a Collectorship,
or an 1 p, or some other wsll-
peying-..hip, and is the active agent or
Themes LongMed. Esq., M.P.P., for the
Tele. 1Biefeelint. Mr. B.If-Reteem se
well content to pie eternal opo. the .less.
of Squere Hsar4eash ; and the conning Mr.
Grabl1 k.p, Wile/ally 1. IN wake of he
parse. E know that this M "sly pert of
the ,all ; bit itis use eat.mdtag thswgh-
tuai1s. Tb1. � -u ii 11111t11saagd
ekvN 1eMbia.. le Ica til/ from
.aim r rt»ptiwi►hs ga".(rima►, sed
w 1M only addle 'r«y porgy. it i.
• e eruption capable of exorcism( a pet", -
nous effect upon the leadtne men of Every
Tows.hip, and before the passage of the
Meamtpsl Mt, robbed the people of any
actual voice in the rub of Hatt ewutry. le
proportion to the hberelaty slows 0 the
"remanent of our Mumtetpal i..utwiess,
Me evil has decreased ; but 11 le at111 •1.1, -
tent to a Brest exited. Yee VIII overlies
much for emolument, or wbat He regard.4
honorable dieetactioass mod dm primped.
of some office "to the g•ft of the Crown,"
le • dawdler best st the User of general
eau. I wse 1 sputtoeevery
alilecngeto0bsr ; yidould ►yreIboei.wiag117opste•
u45ce to competition, an.haate Ibat (0 -
.7007001 potato/sage tench us so deeuiedly
optioned to independe.t and free onion.
I envies That ddir.ct re.pessiblbly 1 a
good principle is the ease of the Commons
Representative, it would not be sad is that
of the local of&er, or of the Legislative
Coonciller. 1 do oot regard Prerogauye as
a sublime mystery. The word is becomlag
too common sense for that. It a difficult,
,n these days of Muneepatities and periodi-
cal elections, to conceive that some dozes
mer„ styled "i ," eve know
more of the wants of every Towbehip or
County, then their resident population. It
is still moredimcull to believe that Me•rr..
Ilardea.h, or Loagbead, the M.P.Ps., otlgr.1
to select the Magistrates sad otter govern-
ment appointed officers In their consnewn-
cv. Men cense/ern) contpeteot to elect a
Member of the Hasse of Assembly, or a
Tewosl.lp Councillor, will slunk, despite
the "rights of the Crown," that they has
full abrlite to make an egna'ly qo..d choice
orf • Sheriff, a Registrar, a Clerk of t1.
Peace. Member of the Legislative Council,
or a Magistrate.
Having thus pointed out some of tee
evils arisier from the " patr..nage of the
Crown," and f.lrnished some reasons fcr its
,6aa,nuoosnee, 1 will Mush tees Tract by
rapidly sketching the system "wh•cb has
heed adopted in all the meet freeaad stable
States of the Union,"-ackcUog the r.: w
Constitution of New York State es a lade
sample of the whole. 1 shell confine mya •if
Kumpel, to those portions of :I affecting
the power of election by the people. As:
1it,zeo above the age of 21, an lchtli lar.t
ofehe Sta'e one year neat preceding the
electtoa, aeJ resident fou: mouths in Ib•
county, wherein he may rote, is entitled to
rote for •!l' nffleere elective by the people.
The whole of the rotes must be tendered
tl:roii h the baliot-hoz. The Levine' int
uuwer of the S'ste is vested to a Senate,
A -d .1•e•mbly,-:ho one consi.ti.g of th,r-
tr-ins.Seaatarr, chosen every two years;
ant the other, -of one hu•drod and twenty-
eight Member', elected 'mousey. The
State Is d,nded into thirty-two equal 4..-
Mnetr, for each of welsh • Senator is retcre-
ed. The Members of Assembly ere apeur-
rionerl according to population, as beady as
.,ay be. The pay of the Members of Lel •
i.leture Is .flied at e3 per day: but 1 -of to
•xeeed in the aggregate Sesstop, 83:)0. -
The stem of el s allowed for every 10
miles travelled on tome to su4 Irons the
ghee of meeting. The Executers power
is vested in a Governor, holding bis office
for two years. To he eligible for this
office. a candt4ate must have attaioed the
are of 30 fears; been re'idebt in the Sine
for five years next preceding the election.
and be a citizen of the United States. A
t.tent Governor is also appointed, who
acts as President err the Senate. Both tie
appointed by the people, at the same time
and p see as Memblhs of Amembty, Thal.
Governor has power to pardon and reprieve;
sod ran use the rete, which is. however,
liable to be ret aside by a rote of two-thirds
of the Honore In which the •.toed measure
originated. The Secretary of Slate,Coap.
troller, Treasurer, Attorney General. Slate
Eogrneer, and Surveyor, are choseo, at •
general election. for the period of two
years. Three Canal Commissioners hod
three inspectors of State Prisons, are elect-
ed by the people. The Superior Judges
are some elected by the popular vnice, and
.erre by the i.egisb•tnre, for a period: of
eight years. In each County of the State
a Judge is elected, holding., office for four
years. In Cunneen haying • population of
40,000, pros:te m may be mado for the elec-
tion of a Snrrogate. The electors of town;
elect Justices of the Petco, to hold office
for four years. No Jodie -sal racer, except
J,tbtice• of the Pease, aro allowed to re-
ceive, to their own use, any fees or perqui-
sites of offices but are com;.eneated accord-
ing to rates provided by the Legislature. -
Courts of arbitration can be established,
and their decisions made obligatory, when
contending parties voluntarily submit their
case to their judgment. Sheriff+, Clerks of
Cnnnties, Coroner., and D,atrct Attoroeys
are chosen by the Cou.ty' electors, once 1e
three years. Sheriffs ars allowed to hold
no other office, and are ineligible Pr the
next three years after the termination of
their period of service. The lower Militia
officers are 111011.0the written votes of
their cnmpuny.-thrnext higher grade by
the officers soch'.'en, and so on, -the Gov-
•rnor haring 1hera:.ht to nominate all Meier
Generals and the Cnmm,aesry General. -
The eommiuio0s of the ut5cers appointed
be the G•'venor expire with het term of
oaks. The Constitution provides that at
the general election of every tweetiste
year, the goestjon, ".ball then be a Con-
vention to revise the Constitution, and
amend the game?" shall be dee-Khasi by the
electors minified to vote for Members of
the Legislature.
A comparison of this simple plan. with
the rortndabout practice bore, will redound
but tittle to Canadian eyed.'. it will be
ROOD that the power of the people ie New
York Mae le rally god •1-
%heath " apportioned is sissy dt8 net de-
poertanu," to maths to w rk I
for the general good. What impediment
elands in the way of the adoption of 'web a
system in this Province? i Inv* my rea-
ders to supply the answer.
To.ewTev Feb. 111, 111tf0.
We entice the following t in
Flour durtag the week, 100 bb1s. superior
at 1s 41; 900 do. at t M 641. sad 1100 extra
Me; to f ey breed at e; Millers are g.0snlly
reltraet in selling, as the shove rates yield
tAe d no reewaentma with
t payee
paid fey what; Meket deu►�ty ew-
ae pttes le bags eN4eees tie Mee. sea-
* metre at 90s; farmers 17e dd le 19.. -
TN deliveries of What astatine 'toady
g ad command w to 4s d per bask. extreme
ralb; it ie ebiely takes by (Twwesg• Kil-
ler*. Berle? 1e 10frd to le per N Me, we
eel sire/ fee. Oso Ie iId M be Id per dg
lbs. Peas le ed W is b/j/ lee alahladt f1a,
tee bog saw Ole 0 Ille•w•wIA+M.