HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-02-14, Page 4t .DMICAI,IT1F14. t► Petminn are Raw ansa- a. -\V• copy fro* e New Yretk Sara as aewst.g raft fell- IPIP1t'flI; ' A .prate {milling girl of 19, tipple. • ►l ng ata moderate peer. with a emosll bolo 014 .pd•• her arm, was accreted by s •le tl••.wa. who u f ked perm seine to aceemles 1 JAMES POBTaR & 00., • MARKET *WARE. OOtiLRICM, a. bet. Crttv5ly^ said al.r'ptet held my-_ Luulle while rti• my nor k•ny, an• i ilea' recoiled ewe rhe LI' ROPEAIII m el AMERICAN MARKETS. ewe of tbe Misr. t -..r 1• in bin, se .ho .puke testaslly ran _ 111, s.s wad MO♦TIRLYIIDID ASSORTMENT el t...7at full speed. TI e gentlemen felt • fa/fpnj , ,j N!' loamy ut If a0mD 0 •1,; ,t movement to the b.oalb, end t• mew - '`ill, l'Ji i17+• AND •• •'•''+ • ( i irony GET COTTON.IIIRTIRGA. STEAM 1.00)11. lreatdatu'' trotted offer er, rep. a• COTTON 81IIRTING8. bin liar r.t ' Iter. you Overran. von. Peter•d.C1iieees. Pna,.dMoaie% Deleon* .avaCaohmrres, 1.bwPeea.1lme.easad Crapes bi.ek sad 'eke visor halo.' 14..s a crowd "'enemy teed OrMas• Cray.. Alpsee* at all rebus. .1 be..Wefatylea, get Ler elto;earnIt•'come ofles do.friar. S'Iae.Now. wed Salm Twin. Wsand C.po.Canal* Reent&Li•..lames.adLace • A steam& eve rine kir loth! In hold. sari (ones Lowrie wed Ilan ► rh••f•. red Cd.. Gouda a valFety, tl I a rots1 tret•ou,Iy excisre,ed 14• IS.P' 61 bard. O. 'Take of In the •Lo•b.w•e: *'muted /mum heti dozen v. oyer. ' Le` w au U WIT(' Ara,' yard one WIT(' that. Gm rest ; see se a large router towel as, unfold✓d. -• ut premed a hod' -grown seat, wD•ch nar, ttr•nJ a/' am d the e r-rife'uu *hew'• anal lmurhtar of •II frr.Put Rasa"41, e. •.n 1u• Viol airfoil" •ad. It et eat d Curt a Indy des.ring are tld her Ionise of eine ut 'hoer! anOr•ele *hoes peetY lett-caws in nue k.tchen wet* t.a •otoee 1 f great aunts.' c.. Lod c.•nrm's.tuned the vire..ni g:r1 to take it eat U1 the ncsglsbo.irhuud and drop It. A poor wnu,an, salt to be 90 year. cif see. was walling nprstde the' doors of the C;,elteni sin Then re two ho,.rs before then eeeeter. hav eg ..'ii• -.I eight miles to ser •3nne Shure.' Mr, Mc( blo„u, who was to ! a.e ala -ted the Ierur.lt:e, dr.m:ag asel, dr ruts... to IL.: drama n,a 504.. a.keJ bar air^.ser, who nonrated the circum twice, d the poor mestere had intellects. '1 elou't know, n.:i aro: sato the g.rl: • rhe'. 'triton pmwet tied up 'n her pocket bandkertbi(rt: Nevi r did le 1r:.' man ut'er •better bull than urd bowel John, who heir( asked by 'Has lona airier eel a son nr a d•ughterl' 61LK9. ( OTTONS, , Con nay an:l 1 d" not know %tether 1 ,5,1 1f'.ns ..f e stn an ureic or .:y. Lunt.' »escr:pPnn as P:•.•rit,• •, the G'rcias genua(, walking goditr. 1Ltiotie:i ron.e of the fielder, several Ferrules - 1n'1.IereJ his the' it)'. '1f you unit Vito.' tot knell your lend: sled :r , . 1 will lend; • If you omit .rid to sow, 1 rel I luxe lou I MERCRANTS srPPLIF.D ON THE LOWEST WHOLESALE TERMS. 'r•mr: bulr•l 1 will prcuurageLnf.e t4 icierws•. London, ('. W.. `Nth No•rwher, 1149. ._a43- By this . nduct. Ina .him . ri te. there was t not et bergs' to be .e*n in elh . detronions. Tran ScX'to I.'/ • R.ILRo•D (Tees -J • D. - td a an-• I earl. 'to get pay fur a pig, tat ter railroad it turned over.' Secretary...-. 11. w cause the engine t• run over your pig 1' genie pie was rennin' it. ng, end shier.ter. railrned Cas Ceiba.' •'er. and ter fill - road did not see t.r tog c:ln:n' alorg. and ler pie( vent to run utter.' ter rarlread sen It Sae menus' it. ng and ter noir, turned toter ter pig ren he ase a cnuun' e!o' g.' S.-' My friend, I don't think the ie a c:,e in .Lich the road night to pay.' D. -`Tann afterwards, 1 keeps my pig' _ & C.. IIUN•T'S S.perew Old Pert. ii1FF GORDON S Ca., awl UEt1Pe , r n 0 Pak, d lienee @herrn• SI tiCE RUMPS steel WOOD & Co'. M.deir.. ('hampeira, Claret. • I....es t a,abeato l II.i,4b, ck,•Is. 1.•di•. Henna •d Shoe% 65.••e mad IIa•i.rr, Swim, Boob. sad J•..o.et Molle% 1)rw HAW. and Scarfs. Arnfioi.l news, Ribbaso. A Splendid Assortment of Shawls. 3:11111101111111141111111111111 RE -S1'Y r a of F.\d1110NA LRS. F' FINI; FIRxI..\NU DCS.\Bi.E FA CRI K U Beautiful a.•d Fein C'oleu's, aid al pries* that wail auryn.•(all purrhasrrs ler Cheapens. ,rash- i.10bleTr.•w-.rises. Ire. Weeders ('..i..wad tombs Went D•.wm.n4 hio.. .t<JOLESK1XS. S.4 TI.VETTS AND TWEEDS, RI Any; i P t OATS. VF.b'T$t Alb TUOW'ERN. STOCKS, Scarf■ sod UdkI.. Irish Liv. Bmekskin Mits. (Rms. E.1Nab, Fis.s wad AMERICAN ('APS. Table Linens, Towelling*, Linen and Cotton Sheeting, Connter- p-tne.. 11artailles Quilt*, damask Flannels and Blankets. 50 SPLE!\DID BUit'I'ALO RUBES!! a„rl Sim BAGS S.p•i ••.'Liserp.,l SALT. all of which will he mW at very reduced Prices for CAL II or )L,5,.tatde Ferre Po.dee.. 2r -a4311 Gudesicb. Seth :fo,e,wb.r. 1849 BLO!1QINO to the stlkeeflb.t, betterea hid Store .M the Dtvueloa Coact OE - Ike, ea Fridley laid, 1018 tostut, Two PROMISSORY NO'>.S, Via.: Ose JOINT NOTE against Jou:. Elm.* aid Casuists i)em115aTY. for £3 18e 9J., disuse wattle to Jones Phelan , r bearer, sad enthused by James. tr',teta,, pant dee.-Also, 000 aglifitit 1 1Cnlll. STo•LOr► it-ek Smith, fur CS 12s 6d.,--drawpa)a Id. to (Threaten Saeger, or bearer, Written in German, also past dee. Tim is to eau too any person Crum purchuieg the same, or the above parties paytog Gee Notes to any person but the aubsertber,-avid any pereun finding the above Notes will much oblige the aubeenber by returntr[ them to him. TIIOS. M. DALY. Strtlferd,' Jely 16th, 1059. 2r-n30ef DIM GOODS DEPARTMENT. ).mum HOPE, BIRRELL & CO. IMPORTERS, 1.1Vi:NS city J No. 19, DUX/MS-ST., LONDON, C. W. Ill.rino-. Prieto,Shawl. Stead Wsree. Hosiery I Sewed I.AC1 , Gawda, &e. GROCERY DEPARTMENT HOPE, BIRRELL $e CO. Grocers, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers, .1.VD Oif-.NEN, 17 DU:(DAS STREET. LONDON, C. W. • HB. & Co. reep•etraflv ...Heil the vtesu•u ni i.e. o'.m•rou• customer' and the Public, to . their pretreat tarp. se Peeve .11♦ flee:er Iowa mark end Green TF.:1. Mu,coiatto, Refi- ned, .rid Creoteel SUGARS, Old Government, Jana, and Laguyr* COFFEES. New FRUIT, /meth 1149. Freels Spice. sod Groceries y Then Stora of wINESto also vet, r.oatrlrrr-r.•.*i*t.se of S.1NDE'iAN & (•e GRAHAM ' from consul' a:uol, van to railroad weren't' anon g.' • 1 hope yon will be able to snppnrt me,' acid a )ounr lady ehae walking out otos evening with. r intended, during a slime whet elipp.•ry state of the sidewalks. Why yer, maid ilia somewhat hesitst- Mg ■warn, ' •u!i a ;,tele asststance Gem yo'• (ether. There WAS .we eo a' Wlus, sad • profound silence. I.., I)octnr, how yon talk. Suppe,* 1 should quit .r .kine. what .hmild I use fur cxcitemen', seeirg I Maw no baby to nuts. Pei... awl Brown Codes.. J.wr.cm Rum. Schiedam. Ln.4.a Petier. std F4,nbureh Al.. All of %tech an ill be found of the he.' q:n'i.ies..rid ...id at eseeediuele are•rfente paces. . • Er •• ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO.'• j HARDWARE DEPARTMENT mei IVO .... -... 5 .. N 1/ .tale els S. I)R. P. A. McDOUd$L`L 111111111111111111111 ARE PREPARED.* SOLD B1 J. RBw- LETT. •d. 101.0E STREET, TORONTO Aad y assts ieyi Ms J4sesooss. Hewlett's Restorative Balsam, 1. L E W I 8 , Petra is. 34. pa Baltic. This M••dietsi is a sale and Aleutians Jeer, IBRI OODBRECN. ! rare for Danlos, Dysentery, Bloody Plus, Retuzuiion, and tll t dienrderedd slate of the ALFRED W, O'TT'ER, so. ela..o prevalent during tho hot weath- er, known as the Summer Cumplaitt ; also, General Agent dpi► Conveyancer, for the Cholera Morbus. COLLLCTUB CIFAOCOUlITtf, 4a 4+ liewlett's Embrocation, GODERION. Price is. 34. ro Dsala. Oct_ 1, 1849.`* .r heed For the Cure .t jkl,esinat•Oi, BURNS, JOHN STRACHAN, Stable. BrutSomme,.., Some, Swelling., Cramp, , Chilblain., Cults, Green Wounds, SufI'nem in the Joists and N ek, Numbness, Pile., Er•splmas is the BM, ke. kc. TH F. Seb.eriber bees to Selena the inhabits'''. of Credeneb and its 'emelt!, thou he hoe re. mewed s Isere S pl, a the LATEST IM- PROVED PATTERNS a HOPE, BIRRELIA & CO. N. 21. Duad•s Strut, 1<iZ01111a M a IffilC E. 1111\T T MEI 'N ANU IMPORTERS OF Sheffield, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and New England Apples andP(;ixtera'Tv•es-'Ssv,Sam- HARDWARE. Johanna. y•-umega, a literal out ega, sniwer Iron. ' Ct•.I. Copper, T.i. 5 ]Selo Aovib, I \leer, I Vols, I Wire, Glass, me this :-Why ern •poles like printer.' types 1 • I rube Ant up.' ' Ab, you nem- eo.Irgbtene•d biark roan ; ria because they are often Ill pie.-• Y..h, Jab, jab o A Beaton paper says. that a printer in that city was a• en w Oil a p.•cket full ot change. He war afraid to go hy the mn.e am, est he should bees:sled in and shown as a curwstty. A sem 0f the Emerald fele, mee'irg one able eouotry men whose face was not per- fectas remembered. .tier eal.,trng him Moet tordtsl!y, i. (pored Iva name. • Walsh, Wal.l•,' responded Paddy, , Aro ye frun. Dublin r I knew two ould maids there et that nem•, was either ol'em yer eaten)' 'Well, Mr. Snow, i wants to ax you just one gtwsnon.' • Srnsrh ahead, den.' 'Wily am • lady'. hustle like de j•idge'. 'esti' ' Well, G nger, 1 gibs dat right op.' 'Dues you g`h It rip 1 -Kul tt silo . eve 1'10 seats Ob ethers.' A Di Iehmsn married a Yankee wife, she (tinned n•ut to he an int. o-ishle vixen. Ono day when nr ts'ed betnrd endnoa•ce by flee tongue. the r•,or ft I:oa- began to reit a little in turn. Ile tried indeed. to call ;he woman by that eery nt en.lec bot expensive epithet Nhreh .ign'8e' the fr-melee oftile (anise spectra, hat shocked 't the thought of using so nnbeeomu.g • nl.ra•e to a lady. be gave vent to his wrath in an ingenious (acme:or:mem bv .wearing tbat she wart 'le wif of • tam t g.' We *are a man. yest.►day,,wnrth two )..n4,.t thousand dollar., emend an hour in looking for a ,Ixp•'nce he had drorpe.1 in the pow. No won_'cr 50 trot rich, he sa. too AltP50 t0 remora poor. The erne chap nr.c. tan half • mile to atop ■ .tare driver who passed • smooth ehilting . 1.nn Ann, mitt beat dews a tv iltr awn eu,ts 00 a pint of pes- •auto.- fKiekeriar.ker. Some member. of the A'ah►nra I louse 01 Reple•ent.I:te. were lnt,•Iv nevem' to ali- t/oil the race. . but the hme. retooled to ad- le.rn. A member then propose! ares. 1•1 1 rR !tar the •ppmeteeent of a committee to 1 q Ilse pito the r•.ndou°n nl the ceding' •d t or hall. which. as t e had bees infer,oeJ by • mechanic. wan In on 4Anr•re.u. a e'ataa teal it was *rotate to .'*y t4•re TS* Ileese thee rmteedietely ad) simnel -to the t een -and the Committee fond the ceiling •1 right. Tee 1'.+at.n row c Mrtw.--11'hsl can as tonne be.utieul then the f.11oeInd r'.5 Wealth of Iona m, a•Il•s..,l to the Neenah ting We.. Howe, of &rat •g• Springs t- • •' %ken wary 1 re, I .mnk* my c -gar ; A.4 as the smoke rsee, Aed gets into ... y .See•. I think o/ thee, dare.•, Aad feel queer of the qu.er•yt " An American paps•. the Gln,nelter Tele 1 .pts asp • •he follow fp. rt. feeder. Sea petro~-'"4ARyefourfr ked te••d-Jebtedseesete IIMIlwillistriebillberreettbsppyloofrop•por • Aftlleft ellef' • Canada Plates, k e. 4'-- •.D for sale. IZinc, S2elter, CerJage, I Saddlery. Prion Very .IV•.dernte. SALT. -The [aubseeheos alit tor Sale 1,000 Rsrre:. F,oe Oesadaso Salt, Just landed, es "0.- ceole." a Osw,.•n. Also 70 11b1.. St. Ube. S.11, well aJ.p•ei for Perking purpn.es. Sit Bags Floe Liverpool Salt, to abs of 220 lb.. each. 200 Begs Flee Dairy Salt, weigh 24 lbs. each Priers HOPEBIRRELL ash. o. Lnndnn. 29th Nnv.mher, 1149. 2v -n43 I1NTEN.-5,(o0u Bushels T15101112' FLED; for eh.cb the the Hieh.at Plies is CASA V will Ire p„d. IIf WE, BIRRELL & Cn. London. 2n•h November. 1449. ♦ tv-13 Prndree Merchants. b TTA\ 1 e W1't)L.rUaUE' )\'MOPE, Novi., IRRELL & Co. Prod:.re M.rdeents. London, 2dib November, 1949. 2•-043 DI VISION COURTS. 9'lltE next Di.iann Courts for the ratted Comities of iloran Firth ••d Brace, will he he 1 ■t the tomes and p!ec..1nl;uwoed:- Dirision. flare .1 )eldisg Court ,Da 1st. Conn hour. a• G.elerich.6th April, 2.1. 1)ol.kin'• T.a.r. Ilse. Reed 23•1 Frt. eery. 3.1. Wool'. T , Suellen' 2Nh F•I'r.ary. 4.h. Quirk.' Tarrre Leedom Reed. 2a dblereb. :ob. Rattenhary's Tenon Cli.tos. 11'h ultra►. Gila. Srhoolisoner Si. )lacy'.. 29'h Yebeeery The Stump of the Several Comets will cemsesee GoJerieh, Jen. 17th, 19.58. le. Clerk. nanny. .T .0 Marren. Esq.. Clerk. R, Met C.r.a, Erq , Clerk. Geer, W.I.:awe. Esq.. Civic. G..,rre Caner, E•q. Clerk. Jew.. Geodes, E.g., Clerk. Junes Coleman, Esq., Clerk. pare•w•Ne at 11 e'rleek. A. M. ART1IUIt ACLAND, J. D. C. 2e50 !d CAN M ee4w.lw at ear been., stt Mrs. Mr.% F ee104I4iles, /%wt -.W. Oudenck, Sept. IStb, 1818. ASS• B.1RRiSTER, SOLICITOR. AO., C()OKING, B 0 X , AND PARLOUR STOVES, which he siren Inc SAI.E at .er5 REDUCED PRICES FOR CASII. The ideibse•ihe• air keep. on ham., u 5110. at his 01.13 STAND, • LARGE and very Se- p.•rinr •...noes,.* a{ 'l'INWARE ofevery The au' criber takes this npnnuonia"' Meteor - ■me his .reeve themes le the Pmblie for rho very hovel patm,age he has received since he has been i., bus..*.. i. Gal.rieh, lied hopes hy strict alt.nuno to bn..n•rs, and meJrrove ounce., to crenaeus w rare~ • *bared the pebl•c panonsae N R.-GRAINI:YG. PAINTING. GLA- ZING. PAI'F:R and BE1.1. HANGING retried oar% Ler-:o[nre. WILLIAM STORY. OoJerieh, 6,b Sept. 1819. 2v-a31tf sf1'IiA't I l)hL 5 -.Il • Bi5-.111(NI.YVICFa. • !•i 9111E Peh.erih.r heeler hers napei•rejd Ater • ,be PRi)VItICIAi. MLTi'Al. Alit GENERAL. INSURANCE COMPANY. . e h. In,.rw.:r.• ,h.! he • preM . cilpo•.0 int 'hock ,a the Prnpnet■r. 9'r e' e nd .,•t,',r.•,oe• for fnaer.wr+. in the Ilam, a Drenchsad to rive feet inferrwan*e to !h. k r .•mrd v11F' 8ebecober in 10,1 505 h•• sure. 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE IN CANADA WEST. Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; . y I 'G BITTERS. OR, STRENGTHENING Fear. Is. 1044. per Sada. For the cure of \I reek Uige•uon, Bilious Di.etses, Pains in the Stomaeb, Loss ot Appante, Genual Debility, Palpitatioo of for Iie•rt. Consumption, Ise. ke. Q7'Tbis Medicine is one of the best and cheapest in eirenlation. CANADIAN FRIEND; OR Hewlett's Universal Oiletment. Pries Is. 3.1 per B.MIs. For Curing Cerrupliuna of every de.erip- tion, Ulcerated Sure Legs, Boll*, Sealas. Chilblain., ke. Hewlett'. Apperient Family Pills FOR Bt iTlf SEXES. A remedy for Chan !veneri. Pates earl G.d- dines. in the Head, Disorders of the Liver, $tomaeh, and Bowels ; also, Indigestion. - Peke 9.J. per Bor. IE LETT'S Apperient Fainily Powders. Fos BOTH SEXt;ia. A remedy for Costa ernes', Pains andGid-- disees in the Head, Dieordere of she Liver, Stomach, and Rowe. ; also indigestion. f17'To the many'prtones who ohieet to the taking of P•11., the.* Powders, ere ror- ommenee't; and for Children are preferable. -Pelee ls. 3d. per Bottle. Hewlett's Antibilious Pills. BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor so Cb. fir. Coatyawtrr, NOTARY PUBLIC, :lar his office in Went threat, Goderieb. Godench, 2tall January, 1830. 9v -e49 DANIEL HOME LIZARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. alta CosveyeuCer, Solicitor in Qeurerp, Ilam hat office as formerly, in Stratford. Stratford, 5nd January, 1830. tv-.4• Y. B. -Mr. Strachan, of the late Ire of Strachan k Lure, continues to net are Agent and Connell fur Mr. 143111111 to 511 matters referred to him from Sten ford. WATSON & WILLIAMS, 'rllE CANADA COMPANY have for .11 di•poeul, about 1,500.000 ACRES OF LAND tisperee•I throighout most of the Townships ie Upper Canada -nearly 600.- O 00 Acres ere situated In the Ilpro* Trocf, well known air one of the most fertile parts •f the Province -it hoe trebled its popula- tion in five scare, and now contains up- wards of 20,000 iohabttanta. The LANDS are offered by way of I. EASE, far Tex Years, or Jor Side. C .1 S H D 0 N" \•-tlie plan .,f nae f (tk Cask, trod ik. balance Sri lariat - 'nests belay done •tW I f with. The Rent. payable let February each rear, are shout the Interest •t Six. Per Cent.upon the priciest' the Land. Upon must ,it the i.ola, when L. EASED, NO MONEY 15 5CEQL'IRED ].)OWN -whilst upon the other*, according to locality, one, two, or three years Rent, meet be paid in advance,. -but these !violent' will free the Settler from further calls until 9n0, 3rd or 4th yea of lois term of Leas.. . The right to PURCHASE the FREE- BOLD during the term, is secured' to the Leasee at a fixed sum named 10 Lease, and so allewanee is wale accordiag to antici-" poled paywen'. List* of Lando, and any further informa- tion can be obtained, (bv applicatin•n, if by !eller poet -paid) at the Coe.. .'sOrncee. Toroxto and Codrrick ; of R. thievish, E•q., .'lrphedel. Culburoe Didtnct ; Dr. ALLIRO♦ Gaelph, or J. C. W.' Data, Ey., St?afford, Huron Diotnet. (;e tee eh, M•reh 17. 1949. '7 PI111T T1[E ELII1• MOFFAT'S VESETABLEM LIFE PILLS • PHONIX BITTERS The high W envied celerity wireh the*. rn-ewi*.y \feJwinr M....yn.ra• far then i., swate alias., in a, Cha a,wa,.s arnica •ry prelim sere. hr re.d.red {tat . w.pnetie. of ,disc nM only oriaveanary, ►.l we.n- tiy .4 thew. The) .n ►•urea y 51.n1. (netts; .1.,, `..a v.al, wady for rep., and trey thri.45'.d Ir, the (sell el the •n.,s.r. MC Mir sz>L os -./1 (4'40T454. JcUTS sod C'Nlo%ic Rn1YYATIIY 4FFCI'TIO.+U ear BU11111 wed KD.NLYB. BILIOUS TETE= 1 LITZR OJMPLAIUTa.- In .r"iru, and weal. .ia..1/.a dew.. penal. Orr wall r farad In.lowiable Pia*'•••• arwrn. sod when. lea. ewe M th a tr,dtn„r. eel 'wear .e.r.ana hr .ahem Ile se 1/L/UU' i'INJLSC..of *{RUYa L..reese. 11LM CO!4T1/RNCSR. COLDS L COl'UH4. CIh,L•4 C(.\YI'wr r►..`/. Cera .01. sand rice.•. a aV drew.*. CORRUPT SUROR(. DROP*IL.. VTtlEPRIA. no .w. a yer. sr w. _ L dase..aiwal ll., rune these emd...re oward.alel, SRUPTIO•"l t the IOW LRT14I1.[LA2. PLITO L0.cr. V O W E: I1 • ad •611.' E. ►w tile inane et the w ren ragout/ ire. e.rd.•ww .dr r lo.ed • ..i. ,.rdr..r erns, wards lab* awdrl•r• her the aro ..rate r a Iw2n..4 el• 6+..e-1 .rent b era ..r.:rw. a PIINN a.et- TRY TIICM. RL *11/5.100. A5I) 1E CURED. eu.VLN!•' p4 COMPL a1 lr.. I11133NEkAL a>QIPILZTT, OroUT. OIDOVrir W. QRAYEI. ntADL'NR4. 'f mewl Mad. INWARD reran. IA'FLAVSATURY RN2014 , 1 ere► • s Ie 'h. In4•!''"nn . TI5Jf. iJlPUa5 /LOUD. JAUNDICE. LOSS e/ AVIS l ienifr•d. sod r. tits el•rol•rn yee•nllr. for t T?R. •ti• hb.rd prrFeMege which h. has received dor- I L I V O R O O 6I P L A I W T B. of Ow risme he his bey* i. bea.e•a: wiobrs t. L&►Ruar. Lix)clrxare, unmet. 11.5 1 w owproved arreng•me■,* whieb a IC ut C d REAL D 1 5 C A s a Nene. sub r..■Anna• e•,wl, ■4 ill a►.a et sa... , ta$ •'r lIr1elly bars Ms 'e i• hu ..•■bl'•hmeat. W,,.e.rtb••,rwwp•••e k&,._ ua.ads.ts.r,ue '1 .ombk him 1• make a •ep•t .'r quality 0f Iv/mu' swt4TI. A-RRYOUg DEBILITY. RYarOCa BEER, sad to (ara••k it en each wine •a e,Iid► COIIPL4I T'4 •' en mere OIIMNIL APPLern.Nl. PALP,TIno:v .1 SD SMART. PALYTRR•e Cn0110. FILAR. Te.e.m.dparlor .rWine w.d.w. INN NINA of Pie of w Fere iuda.g be lbw m■ 1 tame 54. •r'yeei ..r• t• a ee•oi•o•ti^n of the buoioew wbi JOHN CI.ARK- el-decich. 26.h 8•p. 1849. he 5. hitherto rvJeyed. J. P ViVIAN. els 9".11".1' Ir. SS. 1811. v2 -n43 F•1R1N?R'S INN RATroRD 8•nuf MIRK, IV -MOTH Y WHIM Ast, wtdos • NOtu e 40 Creditors. of the Int. Thema, ]]••sten. mf tan 1./. Pwrmo.. M4•nr chum. sprat 30- Par'n•* .inn. Pt •tIar4 h." •w "1°14M•, t5P11 VURPII,LAT. ^ the Toww thank• ►.r the Inta'•tant...f Stntfosd. •n.' tise p iid•e 544Pralty, for the wow Mere& assAe.... dor Priv. Is. 31. peen 8.rde_ An excellent remedy for [holm. Cnmp'aints and Costiveness. They remove all od.truc- tiona on the Stomach, at the same tune Strengthen the D•gestleeDrgans, Extricate W 'LL attend SALES re •ov part of the three Paine attrodant upon D••ordere of the Deaner, nn reasonable Terme. Ap- Stomach. act as a Tonic Upon Relaxed ply a .the British Hotel. Constitutions. and produce Vigor k Health' G....tertch, Mireg 9t11'1849. gran Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills DANIEL (' ORDONI, Pries Is. 3.1 per &I..For the erre of C.,tgh•, and Asthma.- CABINET MAKER, ,.J DIXIE H -.l TSON of Goderid, fARRI9TER ATLAIV, As. te. .''d GEORGE IVILLIAMS, d Str.(rd. late el Ms firm el Hector, Weller and Wham". Barnsten, dr..Two.to. barter this da *OMNIa.10 co-partuer•L ip, i4 the Practice. sod Profis- eon . f 1.•w, finances• nod Co.vsyueese, will in future keep rhelr Offices at Goderreb.ad Stretford, respectively, ander the ''ave. MSN sod tires of W*r*ou and WILLIAMS. . 0,1,W.rso.. Gew'erieh. George Williams, Stratford, .8Tt 24th December, 1849. *v.e A. NASMYTH, FASHIONABLE TAILORI W337. •i 4 Qs . OODERICH. G ..lcrieh, April 12, 1819. 2s-s10tf J. K. GOODING, AUCTIONEER, rI These admirable Pills are moot beneficial to the speed, removal of Coughs, rel•eye d 4B• cnityin breathing, so try nr to Aitl:mate subject', god procure the r.fseehing com- forts of rest and Phren. " Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRI('F. !). 34. pry Dar. For rernevinr Obetructiona no the Chest. L'JI(E.KLST and DRUGGIST, felt after eating. particularly after Dinner, envied by great Weakness and Debility intioe W E 9 T • 9 T R F. F. T. the D:eeeOrgans, GODERiCH. Ileeetire s infants Foothing i/areb 8, 1819. 9y-85 CORDIAL. JOI1 N 3. E. LiNTON, i\1PORTANTTO MOTHERS k Nurses. - For easing Paine in the B•.wels and Stn- e o T A a T P o'' L a e, mach, so general with Infante. ecpel,ing the 1 COMMIentretler Qtlerit'8 Bench, Wool. and prneurnp rnfreshieg sleep. AND CONVEYANCER. Price 1s. 54. per Raffle. STRATFORD. Sold by B. PARSONS, God.rich : ' Messrs. P. B. Clark k Co. Port Sarnia. ALEXANDER MITCHELL, Mr. Wm. Jones Sydenham, Owen Sound A I/ f T 1 O N r: F. R G'xlerich, 20th Ana ,-t, 1,40. 2v -o29 3 nem . 4..rs Fist to the Candela Co a. (hes, WESr-STRErT. GODER1C10 Angn.t tt7th., 1849. 2•-•160 Stokes, STI(ATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOME MANUFACTURE. THE Suhaerihers In returtnnr thanks- to their Cnetom►n for the Idlers, •'rp port they hese revered since eemmennnr bonne., beg to intimate, that they have for eale at low rate.. Cooking, Box & Parlour Stoves, %len Ploughs of ei_ht descriptions, and con- sulting of the most improved Mlould•. Se:f- 1 ecting .Hill Dogs, and various other cas- 'lnv. having engaged an experienced Mechanist. the .nbacribcra can confiden'ly rcenmmend their THRASHING MA- CHINES of the newest design, both •ate- tinnanv and moveable, and would solicit a call from Intending Purchasers before buy - log elsewhere. All orders pun•tually at- tea:d,d lo and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WILSON. Strafford, 13th Aug. 1819. v2 -nett(. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. erllE Subscriber begs leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Ilnron, and the ne•rhboring Dis'rict., that he has Established himself in Stratford, and is prepanl to etre Plan. end Spectfiea tons of Public er Pnvate Building., Bridg- e., Mill Dame. ken ke. kr., and weft eke the superintendence of soch Erections, on the most reasonable term.. I los thnronrh knowledge of his profession and hie practice as Render, qualifies him for env ire the line. Address post Pohl, PETER FERGUSON. B.ilder, ke. kr. Stra!'nrd, C. W. Stratford, March Mb. 1849. Ile-reltf STRA'I'FORD HOTEL. PAL% Peen awl. mil. bol. Volas. Reba ■.a roma un ss tis. d H w IUM a T l 1 SN. Ter sw,rael era tab () remade. Anew .is r sew r•1.41, !too t,a 10.1•.a. THE 8ubecrib•r inform his friend, and savvl .r whoop le CIA. HEAD. scouter. the Travelling Piths., that he has tented 1ALTRYsow. •KILL:MIL *be large BRICK TAVERN, at the Esst RC R(,?5ILA. •• ZINO'S XVII., ft, sr .rem Remo YLCRRI. of sweep Awer/FeSoe ell n( $teal ford, (.nw ti e.'ve[y el Ifwtb m.spa M the 1lnrnn U's p O awe• e+v + *a elleno*er.ar•w M Perth.) lately occupied hy Mr. Imam May, r, a•'' r. gwe.tee.4 t0 ha n.l 1 em to the .•Rr.4.a."•16°a4r eepw.►t wheels Ibevy reel" vol deems the r, -when be will be ready at all time, to bee foe r reeimation and Adpt'tment wee twwwwww• r emus slew .$1ir.wsaa b1, •rt ems. thew het•teen in ytlralflNd. WILLIAM lite, A T1rB LIPB PILI.t NI PIIS{II BITTEBI `ff'rd the smn%I. comfort and &applies and m•tr 11.41, sr• e'gnew promote the petauual convenience of bis lire. D •'tela. her* t, Int, F'.n t•. Pahf. of 1 »eph Vmrpil!.•. tottered* eurrintr on the ►wise.s u Worsen Hemharr, lath 14pe. ten. 9rn37•f P U e l F r T N f 1110011, gu.rb. for. •t the (till Resod. r• her nw• seine, ea.,And thee retnov. ill disease from the mem. \C 1 NES and I•TQUORli of the beet de - hep.. t, emirs .11 45501 to the e.mfnrt •4 STRAYED free the $at''rr,Mr the Irt a W.i,. arid .,u mss tw 1 I F E P1118 .ai I ecripiton. A steady Rootlet sheave in her vow.. and '••.Multi chargee, to M1 015 a ►.7 MT .t Aureet Wel. a RED 11E1 FES. P9 0 R 11 1 1 T T 19 S bey... we ewe, r«afi •ttendanre. ALBERT O. HATCl1. .M'. of rho ',Alit ne'renar.. 04. ? ,1 .44 woo, or a SVE:t;k-(.31) Inks be me sabred* of every polies. Stratford. 11th July, 1849. 9,-4tbtf M.ratf.nj. 2l.1 Amelia. 1849 9e-cf9eF F A C sed w►•r. betty, and . rtece of "1"' *'s *e• ►•1 q t.„ w efP „.,.114...,'"7:71:14? •;..ha. owl . .,ireet, wad 'the kh ubM J. Any peen.'' Inviug n iii New T.sil•.riart Establishruentet►n.01 I►. vi.4el Ofd'• veil be eNr•Pd foe th5.• tro..►I*. IN OODERICHa . JOHN SAVAGE, let Cern. G.derie► •rein 54.45 S.w•rm.m," •a.mwi7 d.netr•. 1s, .■ .►a► ... l..;.g .t $ .d.s, r5.a w•4 dr•.o ..'w (twee, y elfeh rrr*re. •hwag See eMr .a. ,..) rwy aaenii T1. enY1'•'• e.A *a.r.e. r ef,rlg THE ft•,•eer,terr tar• *e ■s•ea•e5 n* the M•' he eine lane pereurs goo them wM oho • . •n Thews .! G J.reh es fee i that 91 10N 1 r r 1 M •mered IW 6. •n •aMe M asrM. •tri k• •.o , •'s • tics' r. T bay them *tri wwprn: bat V yen d\ M mrbrs he hoe ro ms.•Ped amigo+ he rhe allow R.r. c st ?AID time they cows ..w to the Rope, m•j.irsine // HORTON•S VW. OIs BELL'S CORNERS, SOUTH EASTHOPE. Marc),, 29. 1949. vl-s8 DR. JOHN HYDE, iL17t room tensa.) MEDICAL I'IA - QTRATFOR1). July 31, 1849. 2v-.96 MINI. REED, ' HOUSE AND SICK PAiNTER. 4•m., I.IalIT-HOUSE ST. GODERiCH. Oct_ 25. 1849. Ses3S r.IIW Alttr 1 A'11/. LIJ. pa3Naeti 03r123tR, Corner of Light -Hesse Street, GODERICR. 0 )ober. 2S, 1849. 8.445 ALEXANDER WILKINSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, And Civil Engineer. Office at Mr. Rea MIT Ew.w.tr,', GODERICH. January 19, 1850. • tv♦1• NOTICE. THE Rab.et%ee having RENTED Ilse WAREHOUSE and WHARF belong - ng to the Messrs. Davenport, of this piece he. emtablii.hed bulimia( se a FO.wARDRR •ieD communion w*RCR•RT• Any orders or comm(.siw f ... lb* Mer- chants of Goderifb, will receiver prompt atlent•one JOHN McEWAN• 1Vtodsor, March, 1649. Rs -Jeff. Bihc 4uron l3ignat, 11 PUMP= sae PO.LtR''D tenni TM•. *e BY THOMAS MACQUERN, Morelia 554 P.0541154''. Orr MAelST•IQD•R*, eoe4 CIP. ••• Bonk sod Job Ptistug, *Reeved will nle.ra•M awl diep•teh. Teems w via Scone lvwsaL -TEN lf11L• LIFO!! per seems' if paid meetly i..dreser. w Twitters ended Posy with the asp ramie of the rest. ii* parer dherseissed esti! arrears se pati rep, salon Ne p•Yid*► ditto/mit it lar ideas - tare ado r.. A'' isdiadsel i4 the country bee ming re- spo. fee sit n►eeriber•, shall receive • er+.wtbeepy gratis 1T AH k,tmsddrvestd t. Ate Riker pert peril, et they will set ho wakes lam 1 tb• ptrat.flfew mum or- • i rrey •e w amt •yah ale., ib Six liner sod ..M, hest l.w,tiae, •• - • /• • • Prsr•oM W w THF. SUIIRCJfIbClb Mill pay the FARA n ti•esrti•e. ... • • li •die Mese. Merleei Nom, whore L w,A b. pr.. I.41• r►I LIJ►>R 1♦. IIB -AT, HI(sHBA'I' MARKET ?1' l RICE Tea hews ssd.+, •see ismwtitr •• nI`LlvlltY 4•••' _ alrerias M twice. edea miderit et ws.Iwet• riarltw F at , N.O. C45isg a gob - ohm ewe 111, 1,141 • F; ri areaAwa,, smr..f a.u..y .chin ere T.A r..... • • 1e pend et a iced• a t t mos n his Ire. w she /b, `„ L''eb wbsrr,rM eaooss on (JM►O C1 F.Afe RARELY, h. M t Op)d H1mAant hole Wh t sMw+t .trske 1AITLAMD J1 wLRY, M too JOU ADAMS- J- P BRJTTMI BENJ. FARStIY JASON Q'i'il i CO Om tea Gose. OM Isle >w 1t1sA. 1010. Rett Astral •+.is+` Ort A' IS*