Huron Signal, 1850-02-14, Page 2THE NEXT RlilgJON OF FARLIA-
Kalamai ands piers feed NIM fhb
M It lir ai l kink IsNuhbesd when Pa.
bass* tai seen , Bough there ow rem
arse lar ewaprRsia( that U
of the Seamen will b Iolayed t 11i tee open
lag .4 ae.yitess. If the .Hassey .os only
be fully e.awse-d .f the asitesty d lee
rare, and Mea real Nate of psblts .y.s.a.
we awe so 40rhe that they will lel it ae-
e rwry to intrusion a .chemo of 6•'sneial
reform ark, ilia es my ...f the
ao•erax Gese►J ...d gorog 0.1
the . TSi Prce.J.ary of the
C owed might to be •hot•Aed shoo. Ther.
seed the Crowe L .4.. D.psrt.trwt turned
leaade ...t. Who ere" at artery may bv
prepared to do we believe that •he q.1., two
refth.Cler(y Ro.ereee weal he brought ►e-
rose IM 11 one. overt' r .f cr t he u(,e••Iog
el the Seas.... Tree q w ton ..f Lt.', It.
form sal he br.e(ht , p b• tn.:et••n•Ient
o e.uh•re. %V. bare (nem • Lanni j •u►irl
that Mr. Smith, the mer.'.er 1..r D srhea".
will lotrodrtre a memoirs, to r• Jose the law
soots *a tolier•te • r'ebt• teed smother to
mime.' either par'v I. an .ci o. 1 . show
0401111 Irby the 11 O err 1e d.• .h"'•IJ no*
be sealed by Arbil ratoo. T .e Trot of lakes
eeeour. • r went.4 bed minueh is all roe
*tenet, mid Ile au'hoe o'11 doubtless re
nese ab. hearty :he it. of 1:e noble for to
In'rndntt•ns. The o. her for ear
'modus the pri.riple of arbitration, .f 11 can
be main to work esnn'hlr, writ •'e'. lend
m»ch to reboot* this law ---tier cn.,o'ry of
• me of els hur'bv. The met... wall
come with e11 the Muer (race fr m the
t eu.'.or for Derham, 00 aortae of hi, be-
im; • I•w''er ; if R meresl to oboe•
that go of oil, rooms &Wel Naxareth.-
%Yr h... reuoa to alma •hit other asi
mare *merrier( mweroe of Iter R?form
w ill h.wt. c,breed by nodepen.fent members.
0..e. sheet may pr•etrahly be introduced,
wall *,breve tt.e "below. of the present
f eert o1 . I.inter!. and glee se .gutty ruts -
diction to the law e.or'e. N oeh a measure
sill be'a'cuduerd if therein. any'ton
that it ran be peaml. .1t •11 events dote -
!red.lcUus`m+(het verve • zeal perpns*, as
sheeting who are to favor oar iae Reform
ad who are sol : and the information thus
*bummed would servo an excellent porpoise
at Ihe next getters! elert on. We olreerve
that .leulhcltor General Dre'mmnnd hag let
drop Mme remarks is favor of a eudtic*tion
of the lows. Whether be will teak* any
movement In Parliament to pere th:e ob-
ject rematne to be *nen. It would ageesa-
rdy be a work of greet labour, aoJ would
occupy a greet deal of lame
It is somewhat singular that not the
.1igbtare iatlslau.n ba keen given thronZh
the what ewes mutters intend
ti introdoee no the opening of Parliament.
The country will probably he kept in the
dark respeetiag the matter, and then met-
eorite that nobody seer dreamed of will bo
ushered tato bong, and the country taken
by supine*. About • year ago the Globe
bd is•lepeadeac• enough left to object to
tins eour.e ; but we cannot expeal that our
pf mpsrary will de so unruly • thing Dow.
.Yes Veer ewe.
T111i&$DAT, FEBRUARY l4. 1830.
Ferns O'C.a.r used to tell as &meodem of
se Umbers katal bad bees .est to Debtia with • t
able haft TM egpsimeo•tt of • Adsaa•
Cass away el Peblie Werke (< area the
psalm testis. 0U00 4.eee, • kir sad lose.
sot st•nied peiet fa to ede.wY111 of sheep
Demonist. s it demi* Ines heals the
weals d Rareackoasai or w RsMe•rbswt -
Hest, it ie peeped tae iN Mnalotoial robe
of this spp.i.tawa& sisal M d•wsse sd sad
tlwertod by the R.l.rtsree of Halms sppseiag
the re- telecom ol Mr. WeteehaH. Now, al.
Meth we cordially apposes of the .hjest era -
empl.led, a.wly, the •bdiebug of • melees
office- yet, ere take dm Iih rty.fdiese•tieg so -
hely from the menses by which it is 'deeded to
swiss of Dans Corks b.Isgi.g to Lad Rome
whet hod s.leeed himself a.a of the Cockfight -
ere fa the approschieg Easter Meeday. The
war wee loss-. ed Paddy. after a •• acre day'*
treerel." had -bete obliged 10 tyke ep his !eda-
m,. for the night. is a farm brae by the way-
side, sail relieving the Corks from their masa-
cies. he threw tauten ism the hers, se till they
might "enjoy me few e sight at Lafe. "-
As might have been expected, the Cocks made ▪ men an each mho, sal when Paddy mimedtn
the horn door in the era;ing, Ile bad the
&.s'ion to find that the one eight's liberty had i
4:ILJ themay a t, ie hie moats'@ "Mang ia.
Corks'" Ile nand i• 441e4.s►me.t, and •a -
claim d • Ar,.!.. alive ! dad ye•a fight 1 By
japers, 1 the 441a ye'ss owe ell oat same sss ends I"
The prevent position Vi 111. Reform parry el Up-
per C..4. b•gios to threatsa a catastrophe
sander to the fete of Lord (tos.e'• Game Cocks.
Every matt who is solicitous ins the welfare of
the contry mus. deplore this sofortueat* state
of donee: aeld th.hole history the put abews
plainly that the prosperity of Ca..da and tits
edited exertions of the Reform parry me gaoa-
ymous expressions. hence, • division of the party
can only be lepsrded se • step backwards. It 1s
reawnable to ..upset that there will be • certain
amount of fault-fiuding among Reformers -that
they will occae.ouedly grumble •t the slowness.
or the (esteem, or the selfishness, or the (..ori -
item of the,r It -lidera' movements -this exprrwioe
of di -content is both !tramway sal benefcial,b.
e nd to expeet or wish for the aence of it, is to
.1.that either the leaders were perfect, or the
party aye.; hatic or indifferent. neither of which
or likely ever to take place. Bet while we can
tolerate, Day, eves approve t that ielt,z ble •d-
hereece to the pnseiples .f genetoe patriotism, -
that manly seal, aad temerity, ad independence
that is oeitber ashamed nor afraid to find fault
where craw has beep committed, we a *either
approve of Dor apologise kr that reckles•sese
which pre.olell a hostile opposition among t106e
who have ever acted in harmony for the an
ment of Good Govern torn t and the promotion of our.
eouatry't weal. Weediest but regret an actu-
al conflict between friends *Loans airiest' beta
en t4 sass side.
About nine clock on Sunday morning
lest just as we had finished our breakfast
we obser• d smoke to issue from the stove
hole in the ceiling of our breakfast room,
through which the pipe passed to the rooms
In the upper story. We immediately took
• pad of water sod ra up attire, for the
purpose of reaching the fire ; but upon
.peatng the door •t the head of the stairs,
etch s votm• of amok.- burst forth as al-
most to produce suffocation. it was lin -
poweble, without Ines of tffu, to penetrate
through the roadie to the location of the
ire, for the entire upper part of the house
was filled with smoke ; several persons
made the attempt, but wen driven back. -
By 1111. 11100 quite a number of persons had
assembled, who thinking the fire could not
be checked, commenced saving our effects.
The ire must have proceeded either from
the eolrtnca of the pipe into the stove
ehttnay u, from a separation of the j .into
of the glove pipe. the second story : whifb
latter .uppoattj11D :e the more plausible
from ties fact tett no flame whatever was
discernible whet the discovery was first
made. Fifty person" were on the ground
before the donee burst out from the roof
Koster could have been procured for the
engine, the Are would lime b'^eo cagily ex-
tinguished, but the *sot of water end hose
prevented the e•gi:,e from playing on the
firs at all. The loss was heavy on 00-
thedestructioa of buildi'g, fences, tree•,
'rockery, plate, wiring apparel, He., (ice.,
cation be lees than fifteen hundred dollars
more than the paltry nom insured thereon.
We had but • year sineo finished our
dw.lh.g. which was sixty feet
front and forty back, and Insured for
£130. In the upper part of the bu'Idine
was a room wed for a wardrobe, in which
was a q•rantity of linen and wearing apparel
of every deocnptinn, both for ourselves and
child •1. The Beeping room of our Iwo
ss girls wee sive above stairs ; every.
"Hai Olt) ked to the worl'I ma Amni-
a( a second drew was left. Several
tru•ks ate dot shove star•, filial with
valuable g.nit.r beddipg. blanke•s, k!.,
*limb wore loot ; also two beta, two bed
meads, table., looking -glass, with -hent.
said pitchers, in the rooms shunt. Almost
every thing in the kitcbee watt burnt -a
valuable katcheo stove which cost us fifty
dollen-pearly all our kitchen utensils, tae
blas, copboi4a, lire. 13otfae tibia -41e g•dl
Jewelry aid ether plate ta mu•tng, the
• sande of which would hate been loot bad u
use her for M . 1errp,C,rtiat's kinJuesa
..d bee.sty, picked up mime..( 11 In the
crest .d took un of it for u*.
W• 1 let Ibth access no pas with
that t•a/srtog our sorere thenkz to the
cot mess of Steama geworailt, for their tree! LM atm* elf eta 'o saving our
• tr.
Om leas woul 1 hers been ranch
r had it mot hoer bees for the shoo it
eisperhuamaa exertions .dr' n"mher of alone
prswat who teemed to • *Illi each Other
1• menet osreVects ; to as of whom, and
to them isha►ttaote generally, we espre.
.or deep n( gn'altele sod our en-
amel thesis Th. kindness exhibited to us
es lbs 0410111111011 )•o mels • deep tiupre.•
e ine est *air heart. W• cannot mos. -ludo
Hoe article without publicly t.n.l.n"g nor
Mamie to Donna* Campbell, E.g., Dr.
Cates, C.1. Woos, Mr. Lyons. sed rete
ral .tier geotiosat. fe Ibe.r inesdly ear -
lorry elks .f •oosata.e In our trains aid
Intro... - Biose ddsec.fe-
A Nese theles. er diee.eeeod a teethed
Ile seal bong hewed ! ' How. --►not -
Met I to hair everybody shier. Neer
two is drat .
accomplish this shiest. We have a faith is
Reformer' come,' • fatale opposites to each
other -it is eddy calculated to invader ;release -
tee •ed bad teems, sad w dimiaieb the credit
tied •uWuy of the party. it 'said that the
Hosoea►le Malcolm Cameros Ms beat sdho,ted
a some forward as the sppsst d Mr. Write -
hall. end there may be truth i• the report. Bet,
however meth Mr. Ceara may be unhand tei
promote the policy of , we dab•
meet deepening Mr. Weteaball wok at all
weer his purpose. We bare mach coafdeece
• 11e iategruy of the m*yority of the mood
Cables!, ad we eh,erfsllr ogre. with Mr. Wet -
/Moan i• b•lieei•g, *het •• the sepp.rWn of the
Admi.i.tratio• will be satisfied. d.n.g the seat
Serie, that in eo breech a( the public service 0
there ay desire, on *heir port. to wsirtaia melees
ef6ces or etnvyo*..(•rite." We are, there-
fore..ocliaed le ,oppose that the •ppeitmeat of
Mr. W,te.hall ba been aceeene.ied with se
iptimanes that the office wail, in all prebelJi•
tv, be abola.h04 in the toads' Sears, and we
ere decidedly of ',veletas that t1. Ilea. Malcolm
Cameron will bat promote the i.tere.0 of the
cases which he has Se long ad se csistently
o d'oc.ted, by bringing forward • taoios is the
Legislator* for the aboluia of the office "Hsieh
he bit deelsr•d stele, and 160 Electors of Mal-
in will bet eeseuh this credit .f the reform
party, and the success of the Retrenchment poli•
cy, by pledging Mr. Weteshall to vote fur Mr.
Cameroq'. motion. A division and a eoatest
boomed Reformers at the the polling
booth must uree00.rilr ad the Interests of
Toryism, .ad should, therefore, be deplored and
deprecated by every 'onto( oar common 7005177.
It app*aw that the election for the Co.oty of
Halton is s question cot which mazy of the best
Reformer• of Upper Canada, and eves some of
the brit Reform Journals are d.isroa sed to join
tame. Mr, Weuaball has accepted the Aisne -
teat Cornmissiooerahip ref P oblic bake, mad
comes back to his caottitueott, the Electors of
Halton, to obtain their moron' of his accep-
tance .f Office. The Han. Malcolm Cameron
lately resigned this Office with a public declare -
tion that it was entirely 'useless- Declares that
be would have resigned it long ago only that the
furious and criminal opposition with which the
Government had to eooteod, rendered it
impolitic to louse any plit in the Cabinet ; sed
i• te.deriog his resignation, offered to perform
the whole duties of Commissioner ad Assisted
Commissioner 15 the same salary which be had
been receivi•g. The equetry is ■ware of these
fees, and knows bow to appreciate them -the
doctrine of retrenchment has bees promulgated
and is becoming more popular every day ; sad
though six hundred and Arty pounds 4 year is
'only • very trifling saving in the publ,c'eapendi•
tire, yet it as these trifling sums that make op
the whole expenditure; and the people hare come
to the determination that neither their friends
nor their enemies .hall henceforth he .permitted
to illrow,sway via hundred p000de, nor sex Mo-
dred pence of the public moony upon az office
which the most competent authority hes declared
useless. The determination of the people most
be listened to, otherwise they will make them-
selves telt-they demand retrenchment zed they
will obtain it. The time ie gaze by when any
considerable portion of the public will willingly
consent to pay merely for the sake of haring their
professed friends is office, if •o practical
benefits result from these (needs Mea, gene-
rally. are beginning to eapect nom• Dort of reality
-some tangible adeantsge in pnlr.ical Reform,
for God knows, they have lived, and hoped. sod
struggled lung enoegh upon the mere name. -
The great M.i+r,PY of the people of Upper Cana-
da hire recently given the most satisfactory
proof. of their loyalty and genuine patriotism, by
ort irg a bold face spied the annexation mime -
mew; bot while they voluntarily sad cheerfully
earns their atIatchmest to the g meat
and inetiutwm of their native land -they at the
sum- n rte believe that the serest method of de-
stroyiog republican tendencies, and of escaping
the invhlione reproa fin of republicans, is to
manage their 05.1 local affairs so the mot
eeunoinic•I principle', in order to eoavinee re-
publican* 11141 cheap Government ad liberal
100111 11 1001 an be established and loitered, even
to pro.penty. in monarchical depend.eie. is
short, the mat effectual method of cackles the
growth of Repobltca notions is to prove to tie
people that the popular sdvanteges of republican -
arm eae be enjoyed at home. Aad rima met
they hen become isngibly ese.need of this feet
they will eah.bit very Italy dlspn*itine to germ -
61e about the men sante or form of their Goven-
Tie inhahu•naof alis anion, have sew bees
•ntr„•ed win the entire meesgement of their
own .111,5, lei so ter at len, es e.dos'aI gears -
meat is eeeeeewed, end they ars 'oehoed to mot
*hie privIbge to the hest memo' tent by e•dee•-
0risg to forego their ••see to the British
Crowe. het by practically pr ahg that that
allegiance is set s rise. They have very ri-
Sewe.le eouel.ded that If they are still at beep
•p the same mseh,•ery-te applwt the tame
s•mbsr of .eines sod to pay the same salaam J
the. formed the fit sot mans. of the palmy der
.4 Toryism, the., '• R.epoewble O.,•rstew.t"
is May maedi., amu for • greet shwa They
heat eosele4ed dist thee sail-go••nmvet,
n ame Asap and efw.N G...r.*.att ad beam,
Stool .•Amewt to tea atrw•H p setie-
W. lately had eecesioe to remark that the
Comma. School o(Gad.rleh hu Mee fora long
time managed by the very wort species of poli-
tical feeling, and wt feel sorry o0 beierg again
called 0e to rung the. vexatious sed discredita-
ble *object before the pgbtic. We would wil-
lingly pass over lb. matter in silents rather than
be the of publzii.g whet,' oar omelet
IS • deep reproach se 00f owe. But the re-
markable proceeds(e which took place at the
late vitiate of the int Cott, compel
us in perform • politic dty which is saythi.g
bet agreeable to our feelmp. Whether Col.
Moats is a good Teehtr or a bed Teacher we
are not prepared to say, for we have bed
an ooportaity of judging, we Mrs so protocol
interest is bis school, and no per.oal know-
ledge of his method ut teaching nor of is suc-
cess. We Dolt know that he hes Identified
himself with a political party, sed amigos and
*gain bees iodshted to political feeling for sap -
port in his capacity of public teacher, and with-
out enquiring what party he Wimp to, we t
oats coa4ewn such coodue;. 1t is reprehensi-
ble is tee highest degree -positively injurious
to the istereou of edecatioa and destructive of
his own useluloeea In short, Mr. Mauna has
incurred the displeasure of the boat inhabited'
of Goderich, and has Mews • d.spontiee to rt
their displeasure at defiance, still depending es
polities' feeing for preteetis. He is Clerk of the
first Division Court, and :his is be seems 4.t«-
mi•ed to bold through the •truth of his politi-
cal party, as the fallowing ridicules,* farce will
•ap!ai•. Roast Mosaawt.L, Eq., who nes
been much diegwmed with Mr. Mo ass's 11111i-
tiesl istriming le wheal matters, preferred •
charm •goias% him as Clerk of the Dirisioe
Commie the effect that Mr. MORGAN Is is school
each day from tee *'clock to the morning 61
three is the 'Inflame, and as these are the hours
which the State** require.* nim to attend to the
baton of the Dit.000 Coors, that Insigne
most either be neglected, or done at untimely
hour* In the great inconvenience el the public.
Mr Mol/atiwui, we o0dert.nd, fou•ded his
eorpltat leo his own experience stating That a
amber of wits belonging to bim.elf had beeo
kept out of Court merely on account of Mr.
Monsen% einem, densg office hen. The
compki•t had bees (smarted to writing to
Jedge Arland, who from iodispoi tion had been
onobf to attend to it for some rex or eight
days, old in the meantime oos.of these commie
clap -trap peutione had been secretly got op, by
Mr. Simeon and hie friends, prays( :edge
ACLa.D 10 appoint Mr. Moaao'. Sen, • boy
of eosins or seventeen years of age, to' the Clerk-
ship of the first Divi.ioe Cott ! When the
Irishmen was tried for stealing the pig, he pled
"Not Gaily" -the gios's Coattail told him
he would brigs forward ten ',tansies who weld
*wear that they saw him take the pas, " Arrah
Mat's •e.hisg at all." ways Paddy. "I'll bend
forty to *wear that they did'.l we me take it
Paddy's al/id sad Mr. Mosasa's peridia are
eased, Of . peer, sed Nr. Moas.'e petitim
is jest • pan of the same low, cannon, politica
itemise that I s marked his codec' is relation
to the 001•001 affair.. If Mr. Mm,R5,LL his
bees a(gneesd by the segl.gaaca of Mr. Ma-
ma, is his official cepeeiy, ie1. to he dated
redrew, simply hearse Mr. M •. political
(deeds, plowed ta get op M petiuou ie hit
favor' Is tie eempkit 0(41se Mss to be disre-
garded bream fifty *dim wee my they have we
grated of an.platat 1 Ws retest this m e-
t•mptiblet species of lam meth*. The n«ir
of Mr. M.saowsti's es .plot de not 44 -
peed ea whet that people man thisk of it,
bet se the fads of dm nam. Perham Mr
Msemawnt hes iwee wended by polities'
kslies ie *ids matter. Mr. Mows.. has idsti-
ied himself with a pallid party, 5d appeal* s•
political prneash p ie matt.,a whim's palati-
al Helios mask Brim : sod. bees, he mise
*spat to heart with the weapons et his .w.
eb.ise. Bet tilt is a.. the games which
Jodie Acta, wen collides t. aliside. He bed
twthiag to M with Mr. Mwissw(tt,a's nowise
it was a master des 55.05.54 M him bow swaya
gas so lest pined with Mr. WissaatiAkio'
eaadaa--prebeblp he 0Iwbf of these wis
was pleased, hod sever deal as hatless wet►
Mr, Meese ea CMA 14 she Diverge Oast. -
AS if they dud, sed it they tease pima' r es-
eoessradett Mr. Maas by trsssaetiag their
b.sieem at daybreak, or at mdoigll that la as
assesses& wy Mr. Msssawau..Imes @e.ds-
eeed to groat the ease i. The
boon appeased by the State" are sat appointed
wick a view 1. aeee--ad.te fvseol/s, bat 11 5011
the et tee abbe. Asd. diadem,
u mite of all d.p-asp petiti.a is Hier d Mr.
Masaoor his so., sad all tech ear arty
trash, the pita simple gaieties to be dwided
as- Dees Mr. Muosawaer. c.mphia of a aeglnt
a the proodm• of the Statute se the pert of Nr.
►leasee 1
Tbesly redr►eaasmded to Mr. Mttwwat.t.
kr t1. 4000 and c.oplassed o(,
hes bees the .ppoiumst .f ler. Mssu's is -
fat as to die !ware Clerkship of the Hos
D•vias Court 1 Aad this isossendly a mea
4..gsroau vioktioe at till Statute tee the a.
of which Mr. Mooaaw*LI. complalsed. W.
mistime 'bat ledge AcaAno mad. this .ppoist-
loent Item leeks(' ofchanty tad friendship, lee
we fors m.ate•t appose, that he was.
is the flighty* degree, ialle need y the h b-
.ad-arwer pacifies to which we have ellded.
No atomise of petitisisg nem authorise • oma
10 act to direst °pomm11100 t• se erasing Statute.
And altbough Mr. Moasa's son may 1t . very
clever boy, w* feel perfectly satisfied that the
Government will reform to easedoe or tolerat elbe
•ppas*meOt, otherwise we will be compelled to
chareeten.e the set u a wilful tampering with
the plastic ',stereos at the espeowa of •iolatieg
literate of the lead. We, for our owe pat, have
a greed of *Lpetna agafst either Mr Molt -
OMR .r hie boy, bet we have a decided °birdies
ta may man who will attempt of play tide kind
of fast -low game with the rights of the
people sod the Sudan of the wary. It is
meting • daasereas precedent, esti, therefore,
se are prepared to expose and condemn all such
conduct, from tehate•er source it tray emanate.
QT Wm feel sorry is ins the death of
DAvu1 Doe, Esq , late District Clerk. Mr.
Doe died on Sanday morning last --and as we
alien/ that he deserved more a oar hands than
a bare intimation of his death, we she! endea-
vor to gives very brief sketch of him 1001 seat.
010 As this is the Secood Number ofuur
Third Volume, we remind our Subscribers
I is the neighboring Townships, that FARM
PRODUCE of ill Merchantable kinds will
be received et ;he SIGNAL Office in pay-
ment of last year's Subwanpttoo.
03We direct p•rticalar tttesti•o t• the Cir-
cular of Daniel Lizars, Eq., tddreteed to the
Tows Reines or Cooley Councillors. We have
always thought OM It wo.ld he much for the
Merit d to coe.tryl1.t the Clerk of the Pewee
sod the Clerk of the Council should be ooe and
the sante.pe1,o.. Mr. Liana' Ing experience
is the rotes sal taw of the Hiroo District,
aboeld entitle his service. te at least forty pounds
a year of preference, and metes that the be offers
to accept of tweoy-Gee pounds a year len than
dim salary allowed by the Conseil, we chink the
i.hsbitste of the United Counties may con-
gratulate themselves o. their good Cortnoe.-
Retrs.ehlpe•t sd economy are smutty dotage -
log ugly" fess local i odepead.ece
Io refetllleee to the following commaaieatis,
we have only to remark that We are perfectly
pinned that Mr. Watson should do justice to
himself hefore the public -we do not think,
however, that be has improved our first account
of the oto -Mayor Me.tiag The sebtance of it,
at lout, seems to have been tolerably eorreet.-
Oar correction Mott *he proxy affair was sug
gleed by oat 1u owe party, wee amerced pos-
itively before a ■umber of witnesses 1141 Mr.
Wats» never, antimony, made the preparative
o f becoming • e•edidte for the May«sliry.-
Tbe weeds "vales aid dignified ' whish Mr.
Watson has quoted from our article, were applied
exclusively ti thec.adoet of Mr. Panost, and
a the manlier is which Mr. Wt.oa employ
them. is calculated to convey Ili• impreesioe that
Mr. Pewee had bees guilty of cendoet wbieh
Mr. Wates would have felt .shamed of eyes
tarilly rorw1.w.wrsag, we Balled upon to as-
.ert in the most prompt •id partitive manner that
each an impre.sss is fide un melena. to regard
,t0 the"d.yracsf.l and creel" mealier in which
solos of the Reform party bad behaved them-
selves, sed of winch Mr. Watson eoopkips, we
bare only to way that we are always iodised to
dol charitably with the errs sod foliage of *or
fellow -men, -we abjure entry i• every shape.
Ret we expert that a0 man who knows s will
tampon that we have any sympathy with theft
species of morality which will allow . fele, deli-
eacy to interfere with the performers. of • pub-
Iteduty.-Ed. H. 8. •
Deputing. I I th "'rimer!, 16.50.
TO TWO rmTO• OV Ta■ .ORM, awe AL.
Sir,-Owug lo eke atttation which 1 have
thoeght it .Kenny t• give to my owe imtstdi•
ate bsesese, 1 been not till sow, feed it cm-
teneal to Notice one or I*..Iat.40.a(S ..s4. by
Toe 1. your " Anoals of dm Corp.ntis," abs.
2.4 whseh, referrals( el they de to myself, 1
*hint 1 bare • perfect right es atom, more re-
pveiahy as I madder them at .It.gether in st-
eadied, with teeth. i will sat ail yen
that you have keswiesly teed an face whet
seem sok place ; s« that, while oce•pyitsg the
eery1apeetst penis of a peifie " Asada "
yes iste.tioally excluded mates( that
did .ever, La this 1 w•II tell yve, that la es fm
as the rve4na of the Hemi Signal ere eseer.-
e4, it is quite immaterial whether you have is•
testimony or asitetisally published f.4.e
t aets..t.: lee, s receiving !braes the col-
ours" of that paper wet pee ars pleased to ski•
de the " Amato of the Corporative '• they ate
resited • garbled sad ess•wded warmest, is
winch teeth hes bees ahem titterer pvpstiess.
sod is whieh the smreakabk ode isg domain
iia) partisanship ie t50 clearly perceptible
i will rade..« 1s ears myself s manb se
pssssblI r adumss what i haw 00 he arra is
regard 00 nay • rs sake, a to matey keep t
the Brite Heads Mommy the fast lwary,
fs the eMetieg of • Meyer, Is Assn.e.a►-
w Misr, it le etotrt•4, tot at the ft the beer I
plinked op eloodeassminoties 4.0sec selifir. aloha
sad that "1 gneiss syar as M slisedd of
Selina Lod lemma Oedstaba bet toss ads -
y tawsd by Ile. newels Pests dist wpm -
lase was saw ties las." Not, tb0 t istise
aro the weple Mata :-1 ed sever ibis slightest
&stn, bet leo the ossuary, the verities reasons,
a smog 4tsaafansera to be eleatad Macao, be -
Mg ewer' for oat this(, tat is seder to dis-
Aerge properly the dobee e( the .dee, I sh..M
ave to segket, to same *sem, my ewe bssi-
sem. The pnaeipal masa b.wreer, for my
kitbag duiaelis.4 t, be elected was, that 1 haw
It.11 well, that w far better gall/tot tbaa *y-
ak, by age, experisee, sad g..mmi is'ell.gesee.
as well es Webs- respects, was t be (Dead to
Mr. Rich. At • hie boar e( the erea'g, how-
ever, and whens it was perketleevideet that nei-
ther Mr. Per.... se Mr. Rich .old be *looted,
Mr. Dixie Walesa adikeesag himself t, me, te-
maked Chet .utnotbiee wok have to be 4....
or otherwise we should have a demise, hod
that the balsam of the time Realities he re-
aroly selected. He farther said that if I weed•t to he pet forward, he would propose to
Mr. Bighead the rest of our party. that he (Mr.
R.) .beak withdraw. My reply was to the a( -
feet, that 1 1.d set any with to be pat krwsrd,
Mt that rather thea see the brines of the town
sacrificed. 1 ws!d consent to it, a the *area
coeditors that Mr. Rich *mild flet voles tenly
withdraw. Mr. Wass rbcs immediately left
.te is seder to speak to Mr. Rich mad hr friesds
abort thesauri, and I wit to Mr. Parses, sad
told bine that i bad sow m•ds1 ep my mi.4 to
stead, provided Mr. Rick Weald withdraw ; sod
I ezpremed • bops, that he ad his party wool"'
still do as they had proposed at an rally put d'
she day, and tilos put as wad to a very tedio•s
ad nspleawst affair.
1 wit informed by Mr. Parsons is what ap-
peared to me rather an agitated manner, nod 1
think also by Mr. Wallace, that they would not
thea agree to it, mad ale my proposal fell to the
ground. Such brims plaits facts, (mad I can
prove them to be each) it will hardly be urge"'
• gaiast me, that I darted my friend eves at *1.
I Ith boar; and I think my cosdoct throughout
the cosiest will folly exsrrate me from the
charge, of wishing to attain to the hoars of the
Maymlty, •t least for the sake of the empty
boson alone. Before coacludtog. I most be
eaca.ed for remarking, that 1 consider the cos -
duet of sense parties, a the meeting, toward.
Mr. Rich at most diajr•ceful and cruel: ad it
is to be hoped, now that the excitement ie over,
that they are heartily •abamed of it.
Without ■t all wishing to minify my hairy or
ill chomp exprrnaoss that I have made use of
s the oceasis, 1 believe, that very (owe those
who listened to the fool and unmerited abs
beeped apo. Mr. Rich, wemdetedd at the time,
that i tad the rest of that geetlemaa's freed*
gave vent to oar feelings. if 1 'had
even Wee the party most prominently opposed
to him, i should have eodearsred to cheek by
mi reproof the violence of those who might have
bWe reeking to advaoet lny claims to ',be
Mayoralty, by any such unfair mess: said
though VON1e•m 10 look upon it as cafes and
digedsd, i should sow feel .shamed of habil
era tacitly given countenance to mach cendect.
Your most ebd'i eernot,
P. 8. -In the last number of the Bigs.lys
make whet tome may be di.pbeed to eo.alder a
correction of your •' Annals of the corporation",
is referee** to mt but a Ido not by any mea..
regard the correction as .ppr..ebing poorer tot
the truth thea the original statement you will'
oblige me by giving insertion to the foregoing.
1 n proposing myself to Mr. Parsons it was not 1
done by perry bat by myself perssally. .
J. W.
FOR Tea 01RON 11008*.
It is Sete time settee the i0ta0ded aew Road
between Galt and Stretford, by way 0f Des
Mille •.d Hambors or Hayoeille, (distance,abest
36 miles) was before the ■otiee of the public. It
had bees resolved to (Ora said read -a tock book
was epeeed-arid there ie so doubt but that exer-
tions were lard i. Waterloo std Doetnese
posh tb• matter o. Ils.ever, as yet, it hes
failed le r'garde the required amount of meek. -
It is admitted that those meet ieterested, anew
(rinds is Galt, mu. Das Mills oma New Aber-
dare. Bot did *he ferme't and others is sad
snared Presto*. equally the (needs for traffic
with the Heron, give dee emsider•tio to 5 road
o f such importance 1 Hooch had bees comple-
ted (or began with melt as ideation), as kr as
the eo•ewd bridge, (Beek tela) them was .very
eseo•rasemst, is the atm of the soil, the
wealthy sod respectable firmer is the Webber -
hood, with the iehabituta of Preens and Galt,
to expect that fres that post, two brssebes
us•rly equally divergent, awes have bees m•
tempted, -the leaving the wasters traffic as
optimal doe with the frames wad store -keepers
of the West, which div.rgi.g read from the ca-
rved bridge they obak take, -to Prestos a
Galt. The faders, Of the delay ie gas( a-
head, is this iia 'freed, was • awe* of soma
avocets to these at a di•tetee, and is Horth sod
Seth Eathepe, and weft of Stretford', " often
Dao spoke to the ether!' abet it. Tbei was
hely a lee of the whole went ter. and
it is iso le supposed that Meewa eolith, Or' sad
Mite1.H, (waked •visissily sad wale bes give
se the sabja•t), wan au Slav-
ed. A pwan aa.tioe wan salted is eltrgtmd,
for for day, the &la N Fobesery, to sect at the
'Uses Hotel, Meade) r'.de) sod then wee • snits ieg,
ad • geed ... Joh. C. W. Daly, Esq.. J. P.,
wae spas ted Cbsitww, sod Mr. Alex. Mitch-
ell, Secretary. la '• brisket's grimed," (it is tit
be totalled that it 1154 tree poeti.olly,) there
was eome pnlists•ry diocesan, is witch tier
friend of the Black Creek, Mr. Smith, !Tows
Reeve of Downie) took his seal pnmrsat port,
add Mr. Tb.'ta. M. Daly, (Terra Reeve fir N.,) sad doer the is•ndaetida tai the
meati.& by Mr. Daly. Mr. Fosse Talbot, ef
Leads, arts M sabotsor he the rade" Preen
Lia Red. sal eaphsedese ei • pare atom
• by tat Ostlwras, who wee well reword y
the seting, sod wits had seas • sawn serest
.f the nod is to Wjis. Li.., -the Unwise
readeuese erase passe r
1 Mad by MR AMwmder Mrsahe(1, sees -
dal by Mr. Pats Weak, That alike spas s-
eamed se be retrad .J hes the Tews5Mpe
WSess, Desthlw, sd W.:ethq beefs, falls/
er mos W o clot ..,_,LN sk 11f1*ASS it ago
pales to fes s On.Raq Im Ism sails 14 b
sed te the Wilmot Lits. wb.4. t*rBl eat sap tate
elpou es Mesueswes by tree of Weeds al,
and leas it spas ties as nates Oahe Pith► M
1,0•tfad to epee • .essooieenes with es
1 Mowed by Mr. Wile SAtb, w.s4d by
Ms. T. M. Daly. Thal the e.9rslereeh be pet
• t £4000. sed. 50.n 1se11 send aloes, abet
the revered seas be esbsedb•d he a sees Se
paasbl, se se to mom the ••otples• e( the
work dens the mason seamer. or two yew.
3. Mowed by Mr. Ala. 1411.1.11. e•eoed4
by Mr. A. B. Orr, Tat met Haste than ea SW
.l tit stock be called is the Int year.
4 Mored by Mr. Ales. Hondas, eeeasdad
y Mr. the, Thu the lolbwieg O.. 4..w be
the Dermas for this veer, via.:-Ae4e5w Hd.
Baer, Juba C, W. Daly, Williams Snick, Sebes•
tea Fryfogk, •.d U C. Lee, Esme...
S. Moved by Jam J. E. Lists, e•ewdad by
Mr. Wm. Byer', (M. !j, That Me sena thea
Road 1. the " B uafeed sed Wilmot Road C.m •
It was resited that tb• Hers, Celt cud
Woodstock papers be requested to insert tier
✓ eaoi.tis.. The distaste to the Wilmot Lia.
from Stratford is twee@ miles- te Ball's Carats
(etas Weodnock Reed Ms rams) eaves melee --
to flays.',II* 17+ mile@, where the Paris Rood r
istetded townie the Hors Read. This ass
of nock irks iw . very short tea, a1 bdf .s
actors' sheet £1100. 1t is eapee'ed that it will
b. all takes •p is . few days. Let, bestow.
these minis prumiaestly, posh .a, -.s Slay -
ad a mouth. " nine is •• fear u the Di.
MUM. klB8TT' FO5.56 TH. •
Downie, 3,1 P.b. 1830.
Gooaarcw, 11th Febr.ry, IWB.
1 TED , r . ..Or HURdN0 PERTH
I have the honor to iatineta my Jemmies .4
beeomisg a Caad:date for the Office of Casty
Clerk, Now ',tent by the lamented doth of Mr.
Dew, and aimed Ibe sea fetanat• a to 114 441111 -
Ed, I &ball eheerfally undertake to perform the
duties .f the office, togetbet with the taaase-
event of lb. Amermeats sad Collrt«'s Rolle
for un annual salary of £S0.
1 would at the same lime beg to cal fmr,a-
tiCe to the esperie•ee 1 have gniad devise the
ler' eight yeah is eoodacii.( the Rates and
Taxes t .ed . that the bather .1 the Clay
Council i. sot to me, Mess w.eer-
full y .rp.asrd the rade .(antis adopted by the
Doric' Codicil at im first eiltia( 1. F.bryuy
11?13, a my then caps: :y of Asti.( Donne.
Clerk, which 1 believe has at bon swerved ties•
in the eabegseat ceedeetieg .f the. affairs .f tip\
Mortimer, as the Member, .f the. C.stp
Csail see am" helices of the Pease as glisie,
I should humbly ...sivo it as Mas advantage
to comes* the dear's."( the Casty Clef* with
the.e *filth Clerk of the Peas ander w oases
as a owner both o(eeo.omy sad.s*aMay.
1 have the boos t. he,
Tar vary OOodia'terve56,
At the Anneal General Montag of abs
the above Society, es Tuesday, the 111111
February, 1850, held et the Mures Hotel,
The following gsllemes were elected
OQke Bearers, Inc., for the protest year: Gibbous, Esq.
Vic* Presidents -Jobs Assad and Jamb
Steg Miller, Eege.
Secretary -R. G. Caniagham•, Esq.
Treasurer -Robert Moderweil, Eeq.
Director. -M . Daniel Liu' Thos.
Sowerby. John Stuart, James Clark, Jobs
Galt, John Hunter, has RrtlNbary,
David Clark, Jobo Clark, hoes Payee,
Thorns McQeesn, George Elliott, Charles
Giros, Cornelius McKee, Jobe Hawktse,
Henry Red, Joseph Salkeld.
•T "asrroartro. o
No. 1i.
"There is only es coastry oo the face
of the earth where the citiaens enjoy an•
limited freedom of association for political
purposes. This sass eouet►y te the only
one i5 the world whore the restioual exer-
cise of Hie right of association lies been in-
troduced into civil life, and where all lie
advantages which civilization can confer,
are procured by meass of it." -Da Tocgva-
i am about to deal in startling doctrines.
1 am calling up the " east" of a Preach
pbilo.opher to aid m• is an osaloegbt upon
a Harling error. The idea of politieal
equality is blaepheety to some aristocratic
an in Canada. The ower of base -lots,
buttooe up his pockets ie tripalatios ; the
speculator In wild lands stand, aghast ; the
professional red -tape is horrified at the
sosetrneity ; the merchant turas to hie
hedger is dismay ; the panne renes to his
books with authority ;-thee whsle political
fraternity is is commotion. ser Equslity u
republicanism ; republiesniem roof into de-
mocracy. --democracy foto anareby." So
reams the ad.oeatee of the rights efproper-
iv t swill sot saes the people ofaC sail.
The ee.t. Freansen, .hes word. 6/sed
Yeasts noted t11. gest (ser, that the
sere tee freedom of association for political
psrpsoe., the mon the share of those beat -
file comforted by civiltuu.n,-thee sere the
sb•Itty to procure them. The truth reser-
ked by Do Tocqu.villa, is no di.eovery of
his alone. The country indicated by ►is
was not embodied to the bright iatisig fie
of ams rind dress. He dad cat row( N
the fatast'e •a1011 of as Utopia. Ho
dad not plea to himself a anima sail gold**
Iqguaria. He stood on the sterile reek ./
Ptyseeth,-jolted ever II
or as Ameraeas beekwood.,--est is a elaioo
ey Yankee railway es, -acted NOT/ Ywwibe
Philadelphia, ase Bo44os,-e1*anted desk 'I
the Mioei*Mppi el -sot the* aw(ts d
-1Mese4 is the Half* of
to ! he W *tensed s the AN. And (1W
cant -.amen 11.11, and psipsMs.-ie decd
ripo. tbroogb the esm05er 1•.ver sen g j
to pay hie smoothest fare ; or Intl rllllii
to stater to M the nage pot. it i
will's a mile of ver frontier, sod *Ire*
Mend to os by the whe bridge wkseb 'Me
th Wagers.
k lea the bosom -book /
tail NI aN emyY
it te vM''•*
',••••.‘• **AV,• .I1•„pIr