Huron Signal, 1850-02-07, Page 4"An EVROT'& The Bret white child Slat was bora is N. Asci nes, was Vii iota, daughter 4 #m. genas sad Manor hare, and greed diotklitet ell dee. Joke White. She was here ea the IStb of August. 1597, in Reensake, le North C.arol,ea Iter parentnt were of the 'amnion sent rot by Sir Walter Raleigh ha that year. There is no record of bee that of her bulb. The first minister who preocheJ the gee- peI in North America, was Robert (lust, of rho Church of h:egland, an exemplary an, who came oat la the same company meth t'apt. John Smith, is the year 1603. Ile was uiweh esteemed as amen of poser., end „u is many ways unfit! 10 the eole.oy.- There r n" r•eor.l of ht. death, .r ut his return to F.. !land ; he died at Jameetowe. Ile hod a I,hnry, which wig bon' wtlh Lis other property, In the burning of James town the next w:nlrr after he CAMP mil. The first ti•mnlen who came to Virgil s proper, were Mr*. Forest and he, ,nu.J, Anne Borne. to the expedition of New p'•rt, I603. The first re image In virytma warm in the same year -John Laydon to Anne Borns. The cere:nonv wee performed by the name 'geld notate' Hero.' The flet In'ermarriaee between the whites and lndiatts, Was Juhn R.dfe to Pec abonier, to April, 1613. Pocahontas war alio the Rot of the Virginian Ip :bans who embraced Cirri -01.1111y end wee btp.ieed. The first Icanlauee •s-e.robly to Vir_tnit. met in lily. 1619, at the motormen of G v. (ben. Yeardlny, Ono month later, rrgroer were first brought moo the col fly, by 0 Ih,teh men of tear. The first uestnOreal in N. Ailfwrina, war. the B.e'er V.-wn Letter, which mud. its appearance Hr August, 13O. The Br. -t in the Old Dominion sus the Virginian lea unite, pe' Inti.' at 1Vti);amhborr. by WA lam Parks, wools, at seven ghillie s. h appeared- in 1138, serf was long the only paper pibliehed in eelowy. Slavery proceeded ties p/iiu.ue.1 mess 117 y.are. 'rhe Brie Ripe wt. first crossed by the white" in theyeer 1111;_ The fiat non rein•tee erected in North America, Ivam logg li vernier BpohI.weud, in 1730, in Spotrrptenoi county, Va. . ANECnnTR or ,114; I,ATSI Da, PApiMAM. -The Bost•, correspondent' of the Wash- ington Reiut')lte. relates the following re- miniscencea o' the deeeased:- "Dr. PariMAI, was one of ear weal:bie.t eitizene. !lis I r"p.rty b •almated at about half a million. Ile was in he habit of carrying large some or money shoe* his person. A gentleman who once went to him for .C1000, tells me that Dr. P. homer - ed him by thrusting out his forefi"ger call remarking, 'There is just the run,.' On examination, the gentleman found that the doctor had a thousand dollar bill wound round his finger. The Doctor was a larges, owner of real estate, and had numeroos poor .tenant., from whom he made his collcet,00. himself. He utas punctilious in hie beat- en. habits, but bestowed much charity Iu an ueostentatou. way. A politician nate stopped him in the street and asked him to subscribe to • fund for bring a .alae in honor of some party victory. 'Just' step with me ronnd the corner,' said the Doctor. Taking him up a dirty alley, through a dark doorway, and op three flights of rickety stairs, the Doctor lapped At a doer, which was opened by a wretched, pale -faced child. A poor woman, appareo'ly in the last stage of consumption; was sewing upon • shirt. There was no Aro in the stove, although It Wit s cold March day. ' Now, sail the Doctor. turning to the politician, there is, ten dollars; yror may either fire it sway in powder or give it to this poor woman. I won't attempt to hiss you.' The Doctor darted out of the room and down stair., leaving the non-plueaod politician standing by the bedside of the Invalid. Ile did not hesitate long as to his dispo•itioe of the money -hut handed it to the sufferer, and departed a wiser man."' Are you poor ? you will pre bably forever remain so if you habitually waste the preci- ous hours of the morning io Led. Who will seek the labor or services of him who sleeps and dozes in the mooing tell wren or eight o'clock 1 It such's. person is poor he most forever remain poor. ' He that would thrive, must rise at five.' The pour can 111 Afford to lose duly two. or three hours of the best portion of the day. - 'Economy of time and diligence is business, are virtues peculiarly appropriate lo those who depend upon their earn,.gs for the means of subsistence. Allusing twelve working hours to a day, he who by rising at cightinstead of fire o'clock in the murn• bag, thereby looses three hours Tabor datir, parts with ono -fourth his means of support- ing himself and family ; tea year's labor lost in forty ! A country merchant having procured a new clerk, waked him up the morning after he was Meed, at a most unreasonably early hour by calling out that' the rawly were sitting down to the table.' ' Thank you,' said the bot as he tuned over in bed to adjust himself ter a new nap -'/bank yo., but i sever allow m)a!f to eat anything during the night.' ENGLAND, notwithstanding her deplorab'e pauperism, 1e not so bad in this resroct as France, taking the great cities as a trot. - According to the report or the Board of I(ealth, 1,000,000 of petering aro crowded in Parte into little more than 40,000boeses, being at the rate of 15 to a hone, while in London 9,000.000 people have 980,000 hoer - nes, oe shoot 7 to a house. While Great Groats has increased her population In, a give. time 195 per cent, France has mereas ed hers only 68 per cent, Am.'rie 85 ; Pro* Mus 184 ; 8arnny 145 ; Wurtemberg 10 ; and Holland 90. The rattier increase. h..eh is Austria .ad Freese, is rapidly dimin,sb. ins...N. 1'. See. 1.po.Manon WA.rao.-Juhn McRoory. a native of South flue, Scotland, .roved with kilo family In'isolatus about the mid- dle of September last, when in the burry of debarkation he erne lost sight of, and no iii Uigeace has been hadof him *ince. He is shout 60 years 01 age, 5 feet 8 while high, Stout uudc, red hairs', and tan speak nu I± fish. Any II,(orm:u'oo contenting ►its will be meet tbankfoH, received by hie eon. Archibald McR•.nte. 10th c.nuc.paton, lteverfey, rind all Clitors coQying ttts on. Vie/ wiH eorffe, a favor. ,yllj Thew Is s Duan who reg tidy att.a 1a the Stile( of the Superior Cr art to sas(Ae i. Wbeehnr 'Pt every day. tt'e take" bk. IIL6 IN OIT TI8i9 F91 1849 • HfteLONGING to the avmthes, helmets ►is Sloes and the Aii.ipB .Creast O(- fT PRPJ C,I{) a 801.0 11 J. HEW. -.-...-....-.0.--__-__ ace, on Friday last, 1311a leolaat, ! 'R', Sie.TQNOE StaJi;L7. TQIRorrro JAES PORTER & 00.1 Two PROMISSORY NOTES, MA ET SQUARE, GUUERICH. via.: 0.. JOINT NOTE, agaa.t Josi• Hewlett'. Restorative Balsam, HAVE jut reeetvrd few she OPEAN sod AMERiCAN MARKETS. es. .4ihsCbsap- EDeaa sod CHARLUts Di aesati, for t3 18e Penn 1s. ball par Jb ea. on and MOST SPLEWDID ASSOI&TMEN1T of 9d., drawn payable to Jatneg Phelan or T1.. Medicine m a oafs sad /icsetous nutsQTY Tpl n innwt iptA 1st y TD at' 6 ®®ion bearer, and endorsed by lane* Phelan, past cure for Diarrheas, Uy.eeten, bloody Flux, G ll COTTON RTIBI k!/ lf' lL 1[ !keit Ai o .lue,-Also, one against Micheal. SToecorr Relaxation, and that disordered ata% of dor GREY COTTO8 SHIRTIRCB. STCAY LOOMS. COTTUN SNIft1t OS. Black Smith, for E3 12s ed., -drawn pays- bowels, so prevalent during the hot weath- Pristd Calkers, Pnet d M,sltea, Delsia sad Caamerei, Dsiasr.sew lar. e.. d Crapes ble to Christian Sanger, or bearer, written er, keown .. the Summer Complaint ; ale., R. viol, sed OrMase Clelhs.Alpacas of ell colon. el beeeulrt Tyles, in Gonne, also put doe. This is to eau for the CAelera Menus. Swiss, load Sum T.A., Wens/ Ceps, Cotten, Besetd,1 Line. Lacs sad lice thin any person from purchasing the nam., ' Lows Lawns sod Iisrl►,s5'. , sad Cotrfs, Good.m vu.ety, or the above parties paying the Notes to Hewlett's S Embrocation,Lbe• Cambria, led Hsadkersbisls, Ladies Swuead Shop. Glovesead Hosiery. Prier Is. 3d. Fa Boras. Swim, Seek, sad Joules( Maedis, Uses•Hdkla.andSeeds. Artificial Flower., R.bbon. any pereoo but the eutrttcriber,-soduK For the Cure of hheugMusm, BURNS, 1 promo finding the above otem will mus Scalds, Bruises, Spr•tos, Swelling., Cramp, A Splendid Assortment of Shawls. oblige theaubacnber bas returnia them to Lb;,b,ai ,, Cote, Greta Wounds, StiStiffnessffpe him.THOS, 3I. hALI . . in the Joints and N ek, Nombnese, Piles, Stratford, July 1611. 1919. 9r-nSOtf F:•upuons to the Skin, kc. kc. 05' FINE. F11tt1. AND 1JIJaAS1.E FAIHUCA.S. OF FA$HIO!YABF. STYLES. r r 1 Hewlett's Stomachic Tincture ; Iteeu,iuul sad Fist Culver', sad At puces test will setpor ..1 purchaser. ter C1eepaess. lash- ‹.:.-"-s- •'-' r "' ' I OR. STRENGTHENING BITTERS. tunable Trawrwria ,. bo. Tawas Comm sad Lambs Wool Drawees rad Shims. a Pries Is. 19ej4 per Beals. 11"?.ESLC/SV'S. SAT!NETTS AND TWEEDS, i • For the cure of K eek Digestion, Bilious MADE 1 P COATI&), VCSTb AND THU%V8E11S Dtauee, Pains in the Stomach. Loss of App'llte, General Debility, Palpitation of the Heart. Cuneumptloa, kr. ke. 0 Thu Medicine is one of the best and cheapest in crcrafattoe. Al.d dr yule atesegili As +.lulls 1111/11121111111112113u13 STOCKS, Scarfs and 1141.. Irish Limon, Boakakia Mits. Gloves. English, French and 1 THE 8rb.eriber b.pWorm u to ers the ioh.Aiva Allk:b1CAN CAPS. j' of Goderich and Its •&tinny, /bathe has re- li Elk. i[It11110011133Tit MaT11311-• e.ired a Large Supply of the LATEST 1M - Table 1.iueti4,,Tortrellings, Linen andCotton Sheeting, Counter- PaovED PATTERNS of panes. MartfaiUes Quilts, Damllak Flannels and Blankets. Counter - COOKING, BOX , 50 SPLENDID BUFFALO i2ffltR/4 Q1 I ANI) PARLOUR STOVES, • • whir+ he offers for SALE at verri sad 500 BAGS Ssp.rier Liverpool SALT, all of which will be wild at vasty sd.eslZzlcea ler REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH. CAS11 or Marketable Farm Precise.. The Subscriber alai keeps on head. es Meal. Goderich, 2bth Nnveruher, 1848. So -cans(, at hie OLD STAND, a LARGE Yd very Se. DRY GOODS DEPARTIVIE pe'inr awurtlne0t of TINWARE of every description. HOPE BIRRELL & CO. SILKS. COTTONS. LINENS sed W.dlena rel every Deieriptiuu and quality. IMPORTERS, ES, No. IS, DUXD4dLGS-ST., see.tC ood., dee. LONDON, C. W. s The whet -rater takes this opportunity .f retn- sioE his "Meer, thanka'to the Public for the very I:bem1 patronage he lass received efface M has bee* in business to Goderich, sod hopes by strict attention to business, and moderate pnce., to ISmell. ho Merino., Prieto, Shasta continue to receive a thereof the politic petroe.ee Smell Winsiery, N B. -GRAINING. PAINTING, GLA- ZING. PAPER and BELL HANGING carried om as berelofcrr. WILLIAM STORY. Goderich, Cth Sept. 1849. 2v-n31,f New Tailoring F.stablishment - IN GODERIOH. THE Sehsenber begs to announce to the in- 'whiten's of Gedericb, and its '&ei nit,. that he has commenced Amines, in the *here line. ,. the Room •+moon H. NORTON'S Sad- dle Shop, Market Square, where he will be pre- pared le execute ell orders in lou lee o• the *honest not;ee, and at moderate charges. N. B. -Cutting done on the shor'e.t notice JOHN ADAMS. Goderich, Oct 17, 1319, v2n37 YERCII4 tiTS S'UPPLIGD'ON THE LOWEST WHOLESALE TERMS. Lades, C. W.. 28th Nosetnber. 1848 v2 -n43 - GROCERY DEPARTMENT. HOPE, BIRRELI. 4. CO. Grocers, Wine Merchants, Fruiterers, AND 0i1.11E.Y. 17 DUNDAS STREET, LONDON, C. W. HB du, comment respectfully solicit the attention of their nemerous coers sad the ?ebbe, to . their Prettiest large ■ndcarefully selected stock of Black end Green TEA. Miseo.adn, Rr6• a -d, aol Crushed SUGARS, Old Government, Jars, and Laguyrs COFFEES. New FRUIT, ;rowth 1849. Fresh Spier. and Groceries e. Their Block of W INF.9 is elan very cnmolete-enn.i.tine of SANDEt4AN & Ce. GRAHAM & CO. HUNT'S Superior Old Port. DIiFF GORDON S. Co.. sad DE ,1PSTER'S Pale, Gold - es. sad 3row. Sherries. BLACKBURN'S and WOOD & Co's. Male&,, Cbwpiiga, Claret, RI., sci Brows Cognac, Jamaica Rum, Schiedam. hoodoo Porter, and Ediebarsla Ale. All of which wilt be founder Ore herr qualities, and .old at tic...tingly moderate prices. E "ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO." ,toe HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. HOPE, BIR/ 2LI. & CO. No. 21, Duu:ar Steed, N-NlintAial NOWMU T"JUMP 'J AND IMPORTERS OF Sheffield, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and New England HARDWARE. Iron, steel, Copper, Tin, i feed, Zine, Speiser, Anvils, i %ice., I Nola, 1 Wire, I Gla... `Cordage, I Seddiery. AND Canal,, Ptak?, Le. 4.r. 4-r. for sale. and Pikes Very -Moderate. SALT. -The Sob,eribers offer for Sale 1,000 Barrels Ftae OaadagoSalt, hot Medea, ex "O.. Ceeds," a Oswego. Alpo 70 Bble. Si. ("bee Salt, well adapted for Packing purpose. 50 Bags Fine Liverpool Salt, in bags of 220 Ws. each. 200 Bag. Fins Dalry Salt, weigh 21 1b. each Prize: twofer. Crash: HOPE, BIRRELL,ti: Co. Landes, 28th November, 1949. 2.-043 ANTI:1) -5,000 Bushels TIMOTHY SEED, for which the the Highest Pries 1. CASIi wit! he ma. 4 . HOPE. BIRRELL de Cs. Leedos. 23th November, 1819. 2.-43 Produce Membaats. a UTAN I'EU'::-5,ut0 POUNDS OF WOOL. Apply I VY !LOPE, BIRRELL de Co. Produce Merehasus. London, 28th November, 1819. 2v-043 DI VISION COURTS. THE ..i, Diriuoo Comte for the Hiroo District will be held at the times and places fol- 1- rl.risiow. Prom ei halm( Cower. Dore- Clerks slew,:. let. Court 11.... at Goderich. 6th April, A. F. Morgan, Esq., Clerk. 2d. Doeki"'s Tavern Mired Red 25th February. Robert Cane, Esq., Clerk. 3d. Wood's Term's, Strae'ord 26th February. George William". Erg., Clerk. 4,h. Quick"' Tavern London Road. 20 dMarch. George Carter, Eery, Clerk. 5th. Rattesbnry'• Tovera Clinton. 11th March. James Gordon, Esq., Clerk. 6th. School base. 81. Mary'. 28th February. James Coleman, Esq., Clerk. The Stoners of ,M Several Cairo will commewce pooetually et 11 o'clock, A. M. ARTHUR ACLAND, J. D. C. Godericb, Jan. 17th, 1580. v2n50 NOTICE. ISTRATF01tll BRE1VERY• } HE 8ub.eriber in returoieg his eines. THE Subseriberesit. t ►erssppoiotedAgeat' 1 sc&nowledgem.nts to the inhabitants o the PROVINCiAJ. MUTUAL AND.Btrtrord, .0d to his ee•tornersenerall , for GENCRAL INSURANCE COMPANY, hers•ybe lasers! patronage which he hu received der- by intimate", that he is prepared to receive Rets-'ing the time he has been in batinee: wishes is seriptinne for Steck rn the Proprietary Rreneb.lionmste that the improved arrangements which and appllestioss for iswrsneee in the Mhru.il base ree.ntly been made in bis establishment, Branch. end to give moth Information 00 the will .nehle him to mak. . in p,,,,,, nper:nr go.'ity or metre* a may be moored. (BEER. and to runtish it os each term. ■a entitle JOHN CLARE. ibim to •a eosuassuns of the business which 0.d.rieh, 26.h Rept. 1849. 9r -.34i.11 5 has hitherto enjered. Stratford.J. P. VIVIAN. Nov. 9d, 1819. •2-n43 QTRAYF.Dfrom the sobeeribr en or about 1.7 the middle of Rep•embt1r, Three STF:ERS, 'Notice to Creditors. white, fereniped in ih volt ear, freckled ooe reded mulee, ALL Perron havug Clams against JO- wanta a pert of the intl. sad upped in the nif ear, SFPlI VURPiLL.1T, of the Town and ,he others dark red, unprd in the off estiabin of North Ew•ihops in the Huron Dus- ted when young got one time broken. A.y per- tr..et, ar• rt•geeetd to head them to the so■ gi..g ,.fnnrarieo of lh..id Sucre will e.Subscribe, for Baatatation and Adjustment et;'.f.d f e r their trouble. j WILLIAM SCOTT, An'ga.s DONALD \I.1CAY. Mill Road, Tockerimitbi For the Estate of Joseph Vnrplllat. Deemmber4tf,, 1819. Pe -14d hamburg, filth Sept. 1049. 9.oi7ef CHILI) D} SERTED• ON THE Nto::r or K'LDNaaoAy, Tug 14th inst. (1R -early on' 5bewliowiog morning, some .. 1 Isenrtire mother abandoned her infant tont. ieelemrocy of the weather, and the world's char- ity, by leaving it in my .keep pen. The child was it,,. apparently ahem four days old, and'a a thri•ing, healthy eoodition. Aav person who will give •nth information as will !earl to the eooneiion of the unnatural'. mother, will receive .1 Rrrnlyd of Tea Po.ads, Currency - JOSHUA CALLOWAY. 'Bay6eld, 27th November, 1849. 2v-n43uf- 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE iN CANADA WEST. I11IIE CANADA COMPANY .have for Oi.nosal, about 1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND dispersed throughout most of the Townships in Tapper Canada -nearly 540.- 000 Acres are situated in the Barrow Tract, elft known as one of the most fertile parts of the Province -it has treb'ed its popula- tion in five rare, and now contains up- wards of 20,^00 iobabitantc. The LANDS are offered by way of L 1:.4 $ E , for Tea rears, or _for Sale, C JI S N D O N --the plan of one-fifth Cash, and as...balance it Instal - meets Leing done away wills. Tho Bents payable 1st February each year, are shout the interest at Biz Per Cent.upon the price of the Land. Upon most of the Lot., when LE.f ED, NOAIONEY IS REQUIRED DOWN -whilst upon the other., according to locality, ope, two,• or three year. Rent, must be paid in advance, a -but those payments will free the Settler from further call, until god, 3rd or 4th yed of his term of /.ease. The right to PURCII ASF, the FREE - !CANADIAN FRIEND: OR Hewlett's Universal Ointment. Prim 1s. 3J.per Burls. Por Curing Corruptions of every descrip- tion, Ulcerated Sore Leg., Belie, Scalds. Chilblain', ke. Hewlett's Apperient Family Pills FOR BOTH SEXES. A remedy for COSI tonese, Pains and Gid- diness in the Head, Disorders of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowels ; also, I■digsstioa.- Price 94. per Bar. HEWLETT'S Apperient Fancily Powders. FOR BOTII SEXES. A remedy for Coetieenees, Pains and Gid- diness in the Ilead, Disorder. of the Liver, Stomach, and Bowe!. ; also Iotheeetio.. Q/ To the many persons who object to the taking of Pillai these Powders, are rec- ommended, and for Children are preferable. -Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. hlewlett's Antibilious Pills. Price Is. 3J. per Bottle. A. excellent remedy for Bl;n'u.. Complaints and Co.tivenees. They remove all odstruc- tions on the Stomach, at the same time Strengthen the lhgestive°rtene, Extricate thou Pairs attendant upon Disorders of the Stomach, net as a Tunic Upon Relaxed Constitutions, and produce Vigor k Health- Hewlett's Pectoral or Cough Pills Pried I*. 3d. per Box. 'For the cure of Coughs, and Aett:ma.- These admirable Pills are mnet"benefcial to the speedy remove! of Coughs, relieve diffi- culty in breathing, so try -ng to Aathmapc subjects, and "procure the ref:eshtng com- forts of rest and sleep. Hewlett's Dinner Pills. PRICE ls. 3d. per Rex. For removing Obstructinns nn the Chest, (ell after ealiog, particularly ■fuer Dinner, canned by great Weakness and Debility to the Digestive Organ.. Hett-lett's Inftnf Soothing ('017101.11.. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS 1 uses. For easing Pans in the Bowel, and Sto- mach, loo general with Infants,expefine the 'Vint. arJ Fr:cuing rofresbing Slee;. Prise 11. &l. per Bottle. Sold by B. PARSONS, Goderich : 11AI',sr.. P. 11. Clark J>r Co, Port Sarnia. Mr. «'m. Jones Sydenham, Owen Sound Goderich, 9015 August, 1130. 2v -n:29 3 STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. HOME MANUFACTURE. THF. Subscnbers in retuning thank. to their Customers for the liberal sup• port they have received since commencing business, beg to intimate, that they have far sale at low retest, Cooking, Box R. Parlour Stoves, also Ploughs of eight descnptiona, and con- sisting of the most improved Moulds. Self- •etiog .frill Dogs, and various other cas- tings. (laving engaged an experienced Machinist, the can confidently recommend their Ti(RASHING MA- CHiNES of ;he newest design, both eta- tiooary and moveable, and (Mould solicit e HOLD during the term, is enured to the call from intending Purchasers before buy - Lessee ata filed sum pained to Lease, and ing elsewhere. All orders punctually St- an allowance is made according to aOtici• tended to and executed with neatness and despatch. ORR k WiLSON. Stratford, 13th Aug. 1849. v2-n$BU. paled payment. Lists of Lands, and any further informa- tion can be obtained, (by application, if by letter post-paid) at the CperaNY'sOmens, Toronto and Goderich ; of R. BaaaAat., Esq., Asphodel, Colborne District ; Dr. ALLUNo, Guelph, or J. C. W. DALT, Esq., Stratford, Huron DLtriet, Goderich, March 17, 1848. 7 NOTICE. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, THE Subscriber bep leave to inform the Inhabitants of the District of Huron, and the neighboring Districts, that be has Established himself in Stratford, ALL those indebted to the Subscriber, and ie propard to give Plane 8pecirlca- either by NOTE or Book account, are ! tion. of Public or Private Buildings, Bridg- es, to call and settle their accounts es, Mill Dams, lou' ke. kc., and will take the on or before the first day of February out, l most superintendence o soca Erections, on as all 'cermet. unsettled at that date will the most reasonable terms. be, without Reserve, put mut for enlieetion, flu thorough knowledge akin profession TUOMAS WATKINS. and his practice as Boilder, qualifies him for Goderich, Dec. 26. 1139. 9v-n{7ftf any undertaking in thettine. Address post paid,PETER FER .. N, Builder, kc. ke. Stratford, C. W. Stratford, March 16th, 1849, 9v-n7tf CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE Con P4NY. THE Subsriber having beep appointed Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," is prepared to receive propose!' for Assu- rance, and will be happy to afford to any person the poeeaary information, as to the principles of the Institution. JAMES WATSON. Goderiek, 13th Jeno, 1849. .2019tf HURON HOTEL STRAYED from the Subscriber the let (lODF'RiClf: 1R11T?it'd iNN STRATFORD, day of August feet, a RED HEIFER, .TAMER Or'(T1.1:11• world respeedally in - MRA, Nino -111Y Dflr•( r.AP. wdew.oM ,Tae o(d plot, with • srECKLRD (nem 'Mitt,a►itaausf6a "A", 9" Itevi- T A 1' t, and waste b!h sed a i em,ty. Marti wiil eenetbn*ty of test Ilie ' cremes mimosa, of the,. 1. Pecs a v STRATFORD HOTEL (urx ray's.) TI IE Subscriber ioforms his friend' and the Travelling Public. that he hao leased the large BRICK TAVERN, at the East e.d of Stratford, (new the eesity town of Perth.) lately occupied by M►, Isaac May, -when be will he ready et all times to afford the usual comfort and supplies and promote the personal of his guests. SVJNF.S and LiQUORS of the bat de-. ecnptuoo. A steady Hostler always in attendance. ALBERT G. EiATC11. Stratford, 18th July, 1849. ' 2v-atl5tr' Ea. nor* Inn, f t'atfnrd, beg. to triers "yr the I.f ear take o8'. Any person leaving p Horses and Carriages ther.ke to the Inlahttante of 8erotford, .Ncldeen'atioa at t►. Signal OAce will be FORE. for width he respeetfelly toilettegat.801 toe their * rowWe. I I the ptrhllr ccneralry, fur this ter►h4+4t, U ftbeps+lie. support wb'nh they "retired &Meg Use 10/11T SAVAGE, 1ptCon. Goderich. )AMF.9 GFNTLRB short l me they bares bees in Sleuthed. nee. !1, i•4•. !,-se!.. iota Sept. 1849. .➢eta -1/ S seat by the troy. le th. Horth -welt corner, _ ,o Roes td sleep titian than half an houre -sad beldam wakes op doing meet Amor*. Keep him awake. and he'd orate a capital Juror... I bbed orultr just as geed a sae *Pa A.t - teed" rxrnint no theesinaa a hereto V Dry. Driglan bete t Wien,* Ow Wohrol•ASSZ p jui, on, NOTICE. -Received in Stere last No- vember, per Schooner .1.wraetieta, A THE Sub(irribtrls ill pay the lenMt►eminions. iebet ewe earen,'s.J • fF.LiVRRY, Lot ofIRON.eessign.dtoF.C.,n.dwrieb. HIGHEST MARK PRICE epee hp Hetet ettenlico to the comfort of TOR 0000 CLEAR SARLEY, u ,h., II the same re wet taken ootoy forthwith, it(Good Meri bantab wheat. be geredie, sad .•'d.,Nt eb.rpe, *. moo n. jl will N gold top+ r roots. for .ban.( awe nobGo twrreeags. Sv►. 'AlTL1ND /!Lf>r1f, lbs>>Id- . 91.( Angatst, law. . t. fMl rAl>R. CHCIATOPHEIR CRABS. JAMMI PORI E h Co. Gahm* Ona IS, les - 1nmMM OsesnoSe he- In, INC SPAIMlli Aode 'Mi, Qct. t?', Ififa. ' MY A ttY'tiY'l '* i aL' MOFFAT'S IIESETABLER LIFE PILLS PHOENIX BITTISRS {Me •.►aO see resod waste* IS Mae• ' Awemxepkfsi\"1►ai 14 er Israrta►la - 46)47.1a7-161.7. la a se.. V paatlss *wane .•a tww:1111. aeMr, Ir MIAO.4ii , 'sorb fY j..Mi► M aw. aN Irvy lMw te.A4 by tM 4iS •r IM JIMMY ..1111LML.AIL4 //y pglt111* Ohl .tl.I rawl, ,OVts wt aiYONIC ayl ewirilMtta Io mobs rutwrit. is 64, ie Y le. mob W .esm..ra.w t5. .... i1 tksr eB es ams rwbeMta Plaaeso. beano. ad etre ass tube let ie s se .sew sastowmai mower era - 112/003 CIOLIC, sad IZA0Y1 L...5. *ILM OOPTtTIN.5 1. COLDS ra COUTN:1 Catj4' COISSUMPy10M. 0.4.114. ser seem.1. tae Atkasa COA&UPT SUMO/S, Daua'5i1a, IllssPsr,t.*- uta......s4 Sew -'-- - ,. d1. sass. shaeY iYt dry rase a.alenea .'aiiNv. =OPTION 4' las Mob, Bay.rp1LAa. )2110 "FIT/ IRA alma AGUR. rat this worm ails vow tan ew..U, are .•siesta.. .ill be awed a safe apsady. ars .ma• .,.e/r. M4 uwdiaiate ten the qts .5141.1 e e reams d ilk. Lassa make thea surge TBY THEM. Olt IATel1'60, 6,140 BE CUSCO. POOLNISS COMPLLIION. •111111/1tAL DEMIELITT mar. O1DDINm, aur*L.11ID/Cala Warp eat d, INw4BD FRISS. INPLAILMATtraa £YSUYI Tr31, I*PUE1BLOOD. JAUNDICZ, LOSS •/APPS• TITS. LIVER OOMIPLaINTS. ,&taus r, Lour 1'2x3. MRRCaVR 'AL DIaThAS1CS.- M... WtY,. wmeale easel►18 the ala. d Mew•► ahh Naar swL.rs, h'lb Vt1I OWtJv Y, N1Srolla COMPLAINTS d .0 a.4., OSU/NIC Igr&Url PALPITATION fi res HEIST. PAurrier1 C10Li0 PILRS. T.....n.l..pY...r sr lord of 5.0 die yeas erasing le rr- dUs. tas al•diu .. aims PAINS i• the bee, dd.. batt. amt., hints .d reps Toms sage/ .16 ,ti Ail. 44•r. mil he roma whet sr Ae tai std.... RUSnI .r BLOOD 10 thee IIRAD, SCL'Ry Y. SALTRI&OM. SHELL/NOM. SGROYULA, m KENO'S DEIL, is au met beau, U L C S S C, ei a..rr Imsrlyet . W O R aI S ..r eau heels .w .smeller .,mess M doss Medic•.. Pumas wall 4. wen to whole:ea las ober user thew .11.81MID 1. asseessol. Mar o,8 be come. A• nd thus remove all disease from the system. A .i.ele trial will place the LIFE PILES aid PH CE BI TIERS b.y.d the eters et mope twee u the ewimtioa of every p.Uaal. TI. sn.io. of them medicines an taw rut op i..►u. wrappers .4 labels, together with • peephle/. called "Motors Gaal S.a.Nla.," cwuiairg Tie d,redlve, ams, et which is a drawu.a' 1 Broadway free H- alt street to ., (lnce, by .hick &tra.nsit vigil leg the city can .cry evilly S ad a.. Th.4•m.w • velme:..Sereave ry rerig r therefore th.se who pro..re then eel. arae ernappers W ha awered trot they .r. genius De careful. aid de res bey thole with y+ W. wrappers; bet Hyo. 4e. be .s4 that they core direct fwd rah or deet tweak them. Rj repand .d amid by DR. WILLIA1l D. 1MOTYAT. 233 Broadway corer of Aatherty street, Y. Y.mt Tor Bile by TDB LIFE PILLS IND PDIHNII BITTERS PURIFY THE 81000. BENJ. PARSONS, Sets .lge.t. Goderich, Jan. 29 1948. 1 TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. OE within 2 miles, sad the ether with- in about 3 miles of Goderich Plot. The first is I. ;T )0 in %t Cosies - Ilion, Township of Godeneb, CONTAINING 164 ACRES, Is bounced at the one .rd by Lake Heron, and at the uther by a Pubhe heed, -sad the second is I.O'P 8 in lith Connate., Colborne, 1v . Anuion, CONTAINING 100 ACRES, and is rousted at the Ju ctio. of two te►- Lic Roads. For Particu!are apply to JNO. McDONALD, £.q. Goderich, 12th June, 1649. a13-tf N01'ICE. /TGE Subscriber having RENTED i5. WAREHOUSE'and Yr HA '2-P belong- ing to the Moser.. Davenport, of this place bas established himsel( as a roaw•aD&a AND COMMISSION MtuC*ANT, Any orders or commission from the Mer- chants of Goderich, will receive prompt attention. JOH"1 McE YAN. Windsor, March, 1849. 4v-7ntf. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. A. NASMYTH IN returning thanks to his friends and nu- merous Customers for the Liberal Pat- ronage which he has received during the past year, begs to intimate that he has jast received an extensive Assortment C7 'L71!0J 7481E1Ob85 Oa, and is ready to Execute all Orders gins to bum with are and punctuality as formerly Goderich, April, 121+, 1849. 2v-oIOtt UpperjCanada Rebellion Losses. Receiver Generals Ojfiee, Montreal, 19tb-Mareh, 1849. PUBLi(: NOTICE is hereby given, that Claiments for Rebe;lioe Leone in Canada West, who have not applied to, and received payment of their Claims from the respective Agents of the Bank of Montreal, in the several districts". heretofore notified will from and after the first day of lose next, be necessitated to apply for payweot of the same, either personally or by duly appointed Attorniee, to the Parent Bask in this city. (Signed,) S. M. VIGR1t, H. M. R. G. 0-12 dile 4uron 11 iarsT*D Axe P.et.aaMs& EMIT T7e.mAT BY THOMAS MACQUEEN, 1Dtrot ARD PI0ral)rroa. omen M•ansr•squ•sa, eonttareu. ' • Book and Job Pliatiag, 'legato with souse., sed dirpatch. Timm ow nm Hcsew OrnssL.-TEN R11iL- LINO8 per unions if paid strictly teal ►,Mer., r Tw.Lvi •so 8t1 PRIM with the e.piration ef she year. Re paper discwtis.d estil strewn are paid up, milers the publisher thighs is his adves- tage to de es. Any isdividsalin the eouutry 1 iagre- sponnble,fa girt embaalpete, a►all teeri,. 'erred§ espy gratis it7 All lettmsddrawed to 1114 ?Ater ,test pied, or tbey will set be tensa cut peer elle. los az Uses sad sailor, Sew lagerdalll.a..'t8 ! 5 Reek s.basgu..t bientiw, tS 111 Tea liras ad gado,, •ale kudewbaj..t. • 1 4 Fed ia.Nktseh.... • • 10 Ortimpl lies., &rat 4•Mse'M u K Imo. • • 4 Zee'ET Aht dei beral alasSee+M/etk- TrT tT"