Huron Signal, 1850-02-07, Page 3OM fetr OSA L 'leer b the inset *refit proof theft Dlthiog will be leer illeed obeli is .tinily tree that the R.4icaI , is their Mess to praclkei 1sa/ of • as .mallet party, now* tiff i bahiga. Bet in the It Is Wiest% to end weed meson for the repressive of action by Orem already la the myortty. 11 certain dews were to be for oyer butted, becaun in advance of cereals men, liberal doctrines 'null ever psmale is abeyance to Toryen. L the En- glish Chartists neglected to diocese Uuver- sal SuMege beefiest my L..rd !oho Rus- sell believed the stepping point to bo at lee -pound householder., the Charter would never be obtained. It " leaders" had al- ways supplied ideas to the people, the reign of lif)C1of*a week' have opened epos a stele of society as semi_ fist ail the Ant Stuarts. The powrr of thought was sot given to men to be lucked up, and used only un holidays. An educated people, • reading, thinking people. ars not to have their liberties meted out to them according to the crotchet' u( •1.0141 hall --dose■ party •' leaders." Tbere may be much in the foregoieg to gets with the present feel- r@gs of umny honest and conetatent ltd.'- mers ; something to create apprebenaion that, if acted upon the Liberal party would be split op into (.drains, and sobecome easy prey to tis opponents. Aeenef reflection will allay such learn. The Rodorm cause is more .table new, than During any period of ea existence ; but its " leaden' are madly berrying to -the edge of an abyss, from web ch, nothing but the noel energe- tic warotngs can save. It ie well, at meet a time to remind the mus of its duties, so that the individuals mite be prraer.cd. If the individuals are heathers of the friendly voice of tauunn, the masa must bo prepared to gaffer nothing from their rashness. In short, if one asd n( men have objections to Reform, and to meet the wishes of (he pee. ple, the car of iniprtmement must not be stopped until their scruples are removed. The words which 1 have set at the head of this Trset have a deep meaning, when spphed to Canadian po'iues. They appear to have been written expressly for the" the times," so well do they accord with -oar petition. They we -e the emanation of • gifted man ; the prophetic voce of far-see- ing politician ; lbs weighty reasoning of it bater of " Finality." They "Peak out trumpet -tongued against that falai repose, which is content to maks the rrrnelence of Reform fur its reality ; they are a deouneu- non of that dangerous wbegtam, wh.ch would step the people halfway on 'their road to political freedom. May they find m home in the heart agree/ true Canadian to testae aid DESPATCiIF.S ON A N N E X AT ION AND THE REMOVAL OF TIIE BEAT OF GOVERNMENT. From the Glube. (Copy .)-No. 448. Downing Sireet j January 9. 1350. MT Lotto, -f have to acknowledge your Despatches of the dates end sumeen gun - ted in the roarg n -(Nn.. 114. 19th Nov. )819-127. 3'd Dec. 1819-129, 3rd Dec. 1849-134,,14'h Dec. 1849 2.-1 have late these Detnatches before Her Majesty and item the A•1Jrecs of the %Vard• n and G•uncillers of tee elunicioal Council of the Gore Detect: of the Lt. Co!..n! Officers of 4)tltt,. of the 1.1 and of the 8th Bat Winne of the Regiment of Dor- chester : of the Offi ere of the 4th Battalion of the Regiment of Kunn'rarka, and the iobabitacte of the pariah of Ste. Anne de la Pocatiere : and of the Office.' of Militia and Lieut. Cof, Cnmraareeng B ::.lions of the Regiment of Quebec, enclosed in the two first of these Despatcher, which Iler Majesty has been ()leveed to receive very graciously. it has affected Iler Majesty great satisfaction to revive these expre.• mons of that loyalty land attachment to the British Crown which she trusts a generally felt by her Canadian subjects, 3. With regard to the Address of the people of Canada in favor 5.1 severing the Province frum the British Dominions for the purpose of annexing it to the U States, welch forme tbesubject of the third of these Despatches, I have to inform yet that Tier Majesty' approve* of ycnr having dismissed from Her Service theme who have Signed a document which it Scare. lv short of trees enable, io its character. iter Majesty con - Woolly relies on tie• loyalty of the great majority of Her Canalise subjects, and she is therefore determined to exert all the am- thority which belongs to Her for the per• pose of mainta•ning the connccticn nf Cana da with this conn'ry, being persuaded that lbs of that conoeelion is highly adrantsgenns to both, 4. Your Lordship will th-refnre under• stand that yea are eommanded by Her Ma- jesty to resist to the utmost of your power an7 attempt which may be made to bring ebont the separation of C.neds from the Brush Domtmoe.. and to mark in the Neon- RANCLstsAlKAR IBM TURKEY. A i?OMdt kerma gram trove psrtheilare of tie estate recently bestowed by the Sul- tan es M. de Lsmartfwe. The domain Ices la the Memedsate .. ggor►oed of Srnyres. and is needy ea Ierge as the Isle of Wight, being sheet iffy -four moles re circumfer- ence. 1t has hitherto belonged only to the crown. s.'ws should .ay in Englaud. The roil is described as roadsrdully ferule, like moat of the land is the neighborhood of Pleyrae, as being weep planted with oranges and olives, and as capable of every variety int euluvasien. The chateau, built for the res.denoe of an imperial officer. is esmwaodi- oes beyond the usual res of Turkish booti- es ; and under the wtsdows lies a One fake of mere than • mite seem., which is descri- bed as well stocked with filth. The estate include, 61. village.. M. de Ltmartone, it is said, goes to Asia Minor in the spring, to take possession in person of his territorial LIR. MiSCELL.ANEOUS. New Year's day was seised upen an an excellent occasion to give the President a blow in the face is a way which he cannot avoid or resent. In the time of Louts Ped- Iippi it was usual for the Chamber of Depu- ties to send a grand deputation to central - elate his Majnsy uu the advent of the Dew year. As the traditions or the monarchy •re at present the order of obs day. there was no ►earns to sappow that the Lege'''. teem Auembly of the Republic would alter a system which had beep practiced in the times of the Bourbons. Accordingly, the President "tent a civil leiter, through bit official secretary, to M. Duple, the Presi- dent of the A.rembly, requesting to know neat hoer would suit the usual deputation to be received at the Elyse., a the Presi- dent was anxious to consult the co.venteooe of the Assembly. M. Dupin refused to put the question to the Arsembly it all, and in - inflated to oneof the Ministers tt'ho spoke to him upon the subject before the /intern - bly himself, but that he (M. Dupin) could assure him that the proposition would be received with shouts of derision. M. Rnu. her, the Minister in gneauon, res the face of such a declaratinn; prudently abstained from bringing the subject before the assembly, and the . was that no grand de. puttee this year baited on the Pre.mJeot of the Republic. CONTINENTAL POLITICS. The Turkish and I(uasian gnesuon is is d by the Times to be finally settled by the hanithenent of some of the refugees front Turkey, an.l the confinement of others - the gallant Kossuth atnone the rest, to for- tified cites under sor,nllance. The Time. says the British Government is satisfied with this, but ,we cannot believe it. What took the British and French fleets to the DrJanellesl Surely net to yield to Res EA. It is 111•o said that (Nista has extras- ted from the Turks the consent to deliver up political refugee,. in time evening. The Times chuckles over the alleged settlement, but Lord Palmerston would never so lower the British nation as to bo a part to such - an arrangement. The contme- ment of Kossuth with the consent of tete British Goveromeot would be werse than I the lose of wllhont, and it would take Sir Charles Napier anti a naval victory to tee tore our loss of to8uence by their being par-. her e. it. The columns of the Ttmea are more than ever insulting and contemptuous t in speaking alive fnends of liberty in every reentry which has lately been agitated. - Italians, Hungarian.. Presentee., all alike fall under his lash. In France there has been no very remarkable occurrence, but seine cnrions and rapid changes in the develop mends of.party in the Chamber of Deputies. The coalition between tee ILegittmiay and Socialists seems rateer on the deeline,while the m.dinm party are getting stronger. - Little Jerome Bunnaparte, formerly king of Westphalia, and only surviving brother of Napolenn, who carried a mo.ket as private in the National Guards at the late Revoiu- eon, ha. been restored to bus rank of Mar .hal of France. -Globe. ENGLAND. Liverpool, Jan. 19th. The most important circutast•nce, to ern• nection with home politic., note the last parkot, has been the publication of • semi- official announcement to the effect that the Government have resolved to bring forward a Measure for tee extension of the suffrage, both in England and Ireland, mad that it will most prnbibly be recommended In the Speech from the Throne. $hnuld the meg- sore be framed Or anything like a bread spi- rit it will prove 'one of the *meet that were ever planned ; since then never was a pen • od when, riming to the absence of all irriti ting betties, it would be more safe to piece seditional power in the bands of the people. The discueston of this subject will of itself render the session ase agree' importance, since it will test the diseression of the Heise of Lords; hot there are also other sillies, especially those connected with the gest scanner Her Majesty's dt.pleasure with colonies, tlhe adjnetment of taiation, the all thole who may directly or iodiraetly en- emancipation nI the Jews, lice., which are courage such a denies. looked forward to with considerable inter. 5. And if any attempt nf this tied should est. To the surprise of all persons there take such • form that those who ere guilty has as yet been no intimation in th• absolv- e( it, may aceopdtng to such arlyire as you tut papers that Lard P•Im.rstoo Is to be may receive from your haw Advisers, be impeached and positively aid utterly am - made rs.pncsibts for their ennduet 111 a helated, immediately on the aseetubling of Court of Jvetice, you will sot fail to tskr the House of Commons Among the pub - the neceseaay measures for bringing them he meetings of the pact furtnigbt there hat to aeeeont. bees one at Manchester, in which Mr. I ate. My Lord, Bright detailed to his constituents lin views Yonr most obedient servant, regmrdteg the remedies for the distress of (Signed) GREY. Ireland. These comprised the abolition rat The Right Honorable entails, at least to the extent teat the law Earl of Elgin. should not permit property is be tied up beyond lives to being ; the abetition of the (Cspy.)--Ne. 449. law of pram •genitors ; registry of land, Downie Street, with a 'imp* and system of Lot Jansary, 1850. trampler ; leasee to tenants and severity for iKT Loath --1 have had the bonnr to re- r ; a reform and extension of attar your Lordship's Despatch and its 55. the 'NOW ; the whole number of regia' closure No. 111, of the 18th November, eared vmten being now not mors than about reportteg that res hail ..soleal, on the ad 80,000, of whom not mare than half are Mee of your Conseil sod doer fell asd ase- .luted to vete ; end inaffy a redaction of lees ds4OerNies, to net es the reeneteme. the Protestant Church with its £1,000,000 dation of rhe Heats of Amembly en tea of revenue and its petit:cel power and pnei- esbjset of tee plate at winter tiro Moire bees. Attestins bow dpi beim attracted 8esgros N the Pre,tecist Parliament by Ike ergesixation of a roriony for colonial .hosted be hold and summon tee .ext Pare reform m *Meh.everel of the loading tortes Bement to sleet at Tornsto, and liberals hemp alike .malted themselves. As tee A.a•m►Iv fs their Address of Cebdon. Hem* sad Sir wtllli.m M'vforfrorth which yes tistwnitted a • copy es the ibeingaste.g theists". The objet pro- IUOte of May lent pespoeed this srrsoesJawed wed is is trying sheet a teesasre t shall most, 1 hare only to express my twee that relieve the o .t ., soeetry of interference K may peeve ssee.etahl. bed my sae espouse On Menest of colour**, except of year Iwedukipoe d.wwi_sien to met uo• to deftlsu them *era aggre.aios by fo .. the*ewe .Oprerppd "epee by *he i.• pow.r.a1 war with the &open. The com- p•ees.t•tives of the p..ple of Canada. Mesons td Important, sued is dtreelel against I am, My Lent Lord Grey, the Celestial Mfiit.ts(, Who is .w meet 4MAOm Ilenswt, in rocn decree paraocally snpopt(ar. - !fMgrly hewer the the of :he pout week Imo t H.msesNet ` Off, 111 b m W el Lest.t. W sgimeu, the pts. Mallet +t r• t . cwt of OM 115111gnd Sethi IP lisjia. Ar wee a ower Ws 1.ssc. Clad tw.kahle seercyb het he had lanes sate issewp.r@to Imbue. and hence the termtaattoa of kis hie throegk a cameral break op of kta compute tion, at the age o148. THE NEW EMIGRATION SCHEME- - The followeg extract from a letter, daied January 30, 1841, to Thomas nankin, Esq.. by Rtebard Oastler, Fleet Papers, Vol. I., pp. 31, 38, will be read with interim' at the preterit moment The late Michael Thomas Sadler, who was my friend frum boyhood (aid that, she is no trifling honor), once told we the fol- lowing anecdote :-' During my stay is Lnneun,' said Sadler, 'I called upon the Duke of Wellington to explain to be grace the object and pincip:e of the Teo Hour. Factories Bill, and to urge him lo support that measure. After conversing upon that subject, the duke said to me, " You know Oastler, of course 1" 1 told him, 1 knew you well. " Ile is • most extraordinary roan," said the Duke of Wellington, " he has called here several times, and he rate:, writes to me, -be hes very singular notions. I have received a letter from him this morn- ing; I do not know hnw to answer it. 1 will read it to you, and hear what you can say about it.' "'The Duke then rose, and having found your letter, put on hu spectacles and read it. it was about a 'hip leaving L•verpool, mei emigration. Hying finished, his grace asked, "Now. Sadler, how can I reply to such • letter T' "Only by acknowledging its truth," -1 answered. •' Do you think with (Metier f' , " Most certainly, be is right,' was my reply. "1f so, we ere all wrong." rejoined Wellington. 1 said, - "There can be no doubt of that, my lord duke, and the sooner we turn a- new leaf the better.'•' "No Si (continues Mr. Oantler), 1 felt pr at any letter of mine should have attrseterl so much attention from the D oke of Wellington. As 1 bate told you what Radler informed me, and as the letter is not very long, I will insert et for your permed. It is es follow,:" • TO HIS a*ACti THE Dyad or wat.umorOIt, a. e., &r. "' My Lnrd Duke, -May it please your Grace, -Il is impossible that i can express my erautu4e for your graces letter to me of the 31.1 Memo. " • i would not willingly intrude on your time; bet there is one fact, which i think is worth a hendred theories, and which I omit- ted to •tale in my last -:t proves the great ■hsurdtty of the prescot system of mt•gov- ernment. "'I I,avestood on the dockside at Liver- pool -1 have seen a vessel having England, with • cargn of emigrants: some of them with targe seri of money; some with small fortunes; and the rent with E.14) or ,e20 each, which had been paid to them by the over- seers of their different parishes, to " get rd of them." I have seen ber sail, and I bave wept at the sight. 'Those were sent off, beccuse there was no room -no fond for them in England -no work-noeinpl•yment. t "• The returning tide Las brought in an fresh steamer, laden with Irish labourers; W110 Come here and I•ever the prices of labor, in the very country which .tie export- ing its inhabitant., and brib.og them t, go, e because she cannot maintain thein." "'II have seen these things -1 have won- dered. Why so much turmoil ! The tame result might be produced, as far as Eng. land to concerned, if the steamer stopped at home, and if the first vessel, instead of sailing many thousands of mules wi'h ber cargn, were jest In pop beynn.t the Black Rock at the mncth of tho Mersey, and there drop every farthing of money she had on board into the gen, then return to Liver- pool, Anil land ber cargo penniless, to seek for work in the conntry which they had jest left with plenty of money in their pockets. e ', Time effect would be precisely the same on tier country, although we now eta- pliiy two sets of hand.. one to go out and the other to come in; and this we call pole tieal'economy. I feel 'stored that your grace will ex- cuse me 1,r giving the trouble of this let- ter; and I beg to subscribe myself in no- cerity, " y Lord Duke, your Grace's 'Ai".lost obliged and obed't serv't, "' RICHARD 04-TLER. „ F,aby Hell, near Huddersfield, August 4, 11132.'" We now not only feely import laborers from Ireland, but alio the produce of the u $l. spa M Ips 8dt..Eure.opa8Ue of cited j A VALUABLE PROPER'T'Y aisle,, to WO with tweet Crises grist, deemed, asd would brlsg 119' eJ w •. Ashes• --Pet• breg /Ss; and Wade 80e 1 _ per cwt. The receipts aro tetoming larger. y IHC eubsrnher tigers for BALE his Provtaooe-Pork may be quoted at 41. j GKIJT and SAW MILL ettuated to 6d to 45e for prune, sue to 53e OJ for pima the Tewo.►tp of McGillivray, on the Big mese, and $14 to $13 for odd eon; beteg sow held st thee. paces. Butter ha* been .old at 604 to Od der ids, and 604 for seconds. Greco -W heat 4e 3d to 45 od; Pees 11.341 to es 4d: Otte 1e 3d to le 4d per mi0ot. Debentures, it lo 3 per rent. discount. Hamtltoo, Feb. end, 1850. Wheat per bushel 3. 9J. Fleur pr bbl. 11e 6d no 90e. (lite per bushel is Id to Is 3d. Peas per hush. Is 9.1 so 2s. New York, Jan. 21, 1850. Asher -Market for Puts IS buoyant.wilh a good inquiry sad sales 80 bble a1 56,81 fur Belle; Pearls are in moderate demand at 16.06. Flour -There is more asteadiness to the Excellent Property market for Fleur, but pores are without change. Sales reach 3000 bbls at $3,81 a B 1,871 for ordinary State. FOR SALE ! ! Sable, wales three miles of Flanagan . Corner. The Mills are now to,operattoo,aad newly built. The Privilege a the beet un the River, and situated is the beat Town- ship in the County aid Heron -well settled, and Roads opened is all directions to favour it. The Machiaery and materials are of the very best quality, and put up by the ve- ry best Machtneta. For Perimeters to. quire of James Crumble, Erre, Galt, or op ply to the robsertber. PATRICK FLAN AGA N, Proprietor. McGinn/ray, 15th January, 10.50. 2.3011 t 7 The Galt Reporter will insert the above until forbid. IIat RLLIOHNCR It Texas. -it speaks wall for the people of Texas., that already thirty- one new.papers have bred established, two of which are religions, and are weekly dis- seminating Intelligence through that thriv- ing State, This is precisely the number of papers published in New Hampehire, which has been settled above tom hundred years. -Con. Juan. LOST -STRAYED OR OTHERWISE. GONE A -MISSING !-Soerrtnner about the sod of August or begiosing of S4slember Int a young Inas lately from Beodaed, went on beard the Eclipse steambnst at Port Credit on Lake Ontario, and delivered (to a person whose apprsrence seemed to say he was either keit Mute. or Purser, or Steward of the host,) • parol wrspt in strong brown paper. and address- ed to ' Ths F.dtior of she Huron Signal, Gode- rich." 1 be pelves who received it was instruct- ed to lase it at the Gndetieh Stage Once in Hamilton, for which the young man paid h m was s/filing currency. Sinee tet time many enquiries tiaa• been made in Hamittoo about it, bat the parcel has never yet been heard of by any person interested in its welfare. If any of rev friend. or in Hamilton or Toronto, who may be •cgn.inved with the gen- tleman who usually takes charge of such things so board the Eclipse steamboat, would take the trouble of giving him the hint that the :parents of the parcel would be more highly prized by the nwner than by any other person, they would cooter a favor on THOMAS ItfACQUEEN. Swett. Ovrtc►. Goderich, Jan- 31, 1850- y POP. 1�.L?jEe ' MIAT Ilandsorse and COMMODIOUS BRICK COTTAGE situate on the Northern Limits oftho Town of Goderich, lately occupied by John Ruch, and belong. loft to Henry 'torten. Thee Cottage stands in a beautiful and retired situation, and is well adapted for s genteel family. it will be sold nn moderate 'Perms ; or otherwise LEI for s TERM of years at a reasonable Rent. The subscri- ber also wishes to di.poee of a Span of good Working HORSES, one three and the oth- er four years old, and well broke, both to harness and saddle, For Particulars apply to the Proprietor. IiENRY IIORTON. Goderich, 33rd Jan. 1850. 2r -n5111 N1:1V GOODS IN FERGUS. fetHE sub.criher has just received a i.ardEk i1 and Complete ,i•sortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Ilard ware, Crock- ery, Wrne., Sptnta, L;, bat., which he 01. fere •t low remunerating prices for Cash or Read, Pay. A Lsrgc Stock of Supe- rior ('anidean VIli 4KEY, for Sa!e very to an•v ynanlity. Also, a good assortment of STOVES, /coos:sting of Box. Cooking and Par!or,) Plough', Huger Kettles, Bike Oven., and Bellied Pot.. The highest prime pate in CASH for any quantity of Gond Merchantable WHEAT, Pork, and Timothy S' -ed. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Store Good., 1.. %V. WATSON. Fergus Mill Store, Jan 1 I85n 9c -n4911 Grand Fancy B all •! Illank Deeds and -Memorials, AT TIIE DiVAN,ND all kinds of DIVISION COURT On Thursday Emraiag, the MA keg. ,'.'..� BLANKS, and BLANK PROMIS- ROILY NOTES, for sale at the Sigoal OPEN TO ALL. - 1Olft.e. Every diseription of BOOK and 3011 Printing 'petaled with neatness and Tickets 51. Dancing to commence at 8 dice -etch. - o'clock. Tahleax Vivans ! Ethinpiao Melodies, NOTICE, kr. bat. during the Evening. Goderich, Feb. 7, 1850. 3v1 THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exist- -°- between JOAN STRACHAN of Goderich, 'Esquire and DANIEL ii0ME THE FARMER'S PAPER. LIZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, as Barris - The Canada Agriculturist ; The brat and ter and Attornies et Law, Solicitors in cheapest Fenne, s paper published in Chancery, 'Notary Public and Cu$veyan- Casado, and the only one ROW published cera, is this day dissolved by Mutual coo- ns Upper Gaeadn. ' sent. JOHN STRACHAN, teethe second volume of the Agrteulturist DANIEL HOME LIZARS. 2. in ito present form commences January, Wetness --A. W. 8raacuae. 1850. It to teemed monthly, and cantatas Goderich, god January, 18.10. 2e -n49 24 pages, double columns, imperial octavo. Diru%g the preprint year, the edteretiog sheet wt!t be dispensed with. It will con - NOTICE. tain nemerotis illustrations of Machines and 'IMIE Debts dee be the -late firm of Farm implements, Farm Howes and Cot- STRACHAN & LiZARB, as Barris - tepee. &-., Plans for School House., and ter and Anomie. at Law, will be paid by Diagrams in explanation of questions in John Strachan and Daniel (tome Ligate, at mechanical science, and natural philosophy. their respective offices in Goderich and Great care will be taken in the 'selection Stratford : And the debts du,e to them •re atwitter, whether rel•ttiag to Agriculture, requested to be forthwith pied. .Thole due Horticulture, Mechanics, D tmestic Econo• the office at Godench, to the said John my, Education, or general Science. Set.- Strachan. at Goderich. aforesaid. and. those rel intelligent practical farmers and garde- due the office at Stratford; -to the -skid Dan' bets have promised correspondence, etre tel Home I.ixare, at Stretford, aforesaid. the editors will be happy to r.coive comma- JOHN STRACHAN. nications from all their eubsenbers. Such DANIEL IIOME LiZARS. as are of interest mil be freely published. Goderich, Ind January, 1850. 1v -n49 Two or three gentlemen of high scientific . attainments [one of whom is connected TYPE FOi1NDRY AND PRINTERS with the University,] have agreed to con- eTRNISHING WARE HOUSE. tribute to the columns of the Agriculturist. THP, Subscribers have opened a New Partnere, subtcnbe and pay for your pa- Type Foundry in the City of New laborers of every other country. 01 course, per, and then write for et all parties will York, where they are ready to supply order@ the Aped of misery an l destitution rues thus be pleased and benefi'ed. to any extent, fie any kind of Job Fancy Higher and higher. Then we are told Tho Agriculturist is devoted to the de- Type, ink, Paper, Chase., Galleys, Breis Chnsuaniiy and "common sense''teach us, velopment and advancement of the real in. Rules, Steel. Column Rules, Composing that our (mute prosperity will be promoted terests of Canada. Much gond has already Sticks, Caee., and every article• necessary by .pending our "surplus Capital' to rear- been done by this paper, and these which for a Printing Office. ' Porting onr ' .nrplus population.' AS it to a cnotinoation, But the proprietors of The Type, which arc cast In new mould., (Sadler .a•d to Wellington, "the sooner we the Ceftin:or, and the other papers alluded from entirely new Sett of Matrixes, with tern over a new leaf the better."-Deeles to. suffered great loss; and the proprietors dcepcounterr, and warranted ,o be unsrtr- Werk1g AI ger. of the Agriculturist have, so far, been ant passed by any, be gold at prices to soul the of pocket, besides the time, labor and anxre- lime.. All the type furnished by us is THE POST OFFICE STRUGGLE. ty'pest in he pubhcetion. Is the reproach " hand cast." The Sonday l.bour••t the Post Office is that the farmers of Canada will not support Printing Presses furnished. and and also, still very imperfectly performed, and tate an agriculttiral paper of any kind, to con- Steam Engines of the most approved pat volunteers are anxiously looking for the lame? We hope not. Let those who ferns, timetme of Parliament, to relieve them from love their country, and desire its improve- Compositinn Roller, cast for prinfera. their 000roge duties. Several hundred Lon ment, make a little more effort this rear, O E:utor. of Newspapers who will don letters were sent by mistake 1.0 Liver. and the reprnach may be wiped ont forever. huy three umee as much type as their belle pool on Suaday last, and came back on As an inducement to extra exertion, we .menet to, mai dive the above eat -months' Monday stamped " mis-sent," offer the following Premiums: -Os. Hes- internee in their paper., and send their Last evening one of the Sunday volume 01111.11 DOLLARS ! SKv'KSTy-nv5 0014,0tW! papers containing it to theSuhecrihers. teen, named Clayton, wag apprehended on E'trTT Do5La51! Every person who will C"OCKCROFT & OVERF. JD a charge of stealing money at the Poet Of- procure 200 subscriber. for the Agricultu- 11'0 78 Ann Street Petr York. 6ce, and will be examined this morning et reel, at the subscription price of ONE Doi, December 7th 1847. m t3 B,•w-.t rest. Comment is needles.. Lea, end remit the money at the time of NOTICE. The P ••t Office Surveyors reset Mr. Row. ordering tee paper will he paid 1100; for land (till en Teeraday and WeJnc.dy, and 1f0 • , $73; for 190 ditto, 150; ALL .hose to whom PREMIUMS were were closeted with him from ten till four on for 71) ditto, $30; fur 60 ditto, $15. Agri- awarded at the Annual Exhihiunn of each. Their coneultatinns have not yet celtnral Societies, and those persons who the Huron Deane( Agncnitoral Soc•ety, been brought to a close. The result is obtain the paper through their oociety, are for the year 1849, are rcgnested to call upon doubtful, but tomer has it that there is no excluded from the attove. As we have no the Treasurer of the Society, and receive intention, on the part of Mr. 11111, to .ban• itavelltsg Besets; the offers are open, end ii,eir re.prruvr a-rsrds. ROOT. MODER W ELL. or to ■boLeh Poet Office business in the tneetkreed. Noa Treasurer. i1. D. A5.25. p pars will b) sent unless Goderich, 30th January, )850. 5211 rouotry on that day. Everything enmbioes the siabsertption sccompaniem the order, un- to trete the friends of Sabbath observance til the ••••11•41 ,comber [601 aali realised: 6f- ' S T R A T F O R D AGRICULTURAL with the conviction that an act of parliament tee that ass toff the price may be retained SOCiET1'. -nen 1 ifro Poor Of4es trenanto by 11 ., till the completion of the ' mluE General Afmeting of the Society the uelnterrupled enjoyment of the Lord's hag which ho iwtesdo to oww•rd, Who will take place nn the Third Sa'uiday dale -BIC. Weekly Meserager. will try 7 Where is the townabip is Cum- of February, Oho 18th) et 19 o'clock n m, da West, is which sn young man cam be et tee Ue,on mewl (Mr, Wea1J) wen ,lit a X Ic e t s . toned willing to speed two or three weeks the Managers for the ensuing year are to this winter to win at least the 515 priest- be elected. Agriculture) Societies ordering 95 copies ' tanerrw, Pets. 1850.and opeWILLIAM SMITH. Pratt. aree, will be supplied at half a dol J. J• E. STON, Secretary, Feer per barrel, Da bbl) 3 17 F • 0 18 0 1 tr; twelve copies and upwards. is 9d.- Stratford, 99tH Jan., 1650. 5e. s 4 • Fleet per 111191b , f aveten) 8 9 a 0 9 0 Mingle wbsenptiras, nos dollar. Lnctl rail Whoa, per bedel, 0 3 0 a 0 3 1 Agenea, whh will proenre Deet three soh- ' C'AM1S into the enclosure of the titterer,Kr, RPr,nt wheel Per befit. 0 1 8 a 0 9 94 'mitoses, and remit us the eohsCription, free ber in December last a Black STEER. Oats, per hs.hel, 0 0 9 e 0 0 10 of peonage'', wet he allowed 10 pet' sesta-- 'sowing (kr., years old, with a whit. fee. Pew, per bawd, 0 1 9 s 0 1 lel Garman lteemaaistm. Secretary Agriealeo- ''tag born., a black ring roonj bath eyes Hey, per los, 1 10 0 • 1 13 0 nal Assneiarte,c, Priacipsl Editor, assisted I the *i7 of 01. tail *kite, and some *Atte 0n Boum Orme) err N. 0 o a • o e 7 ► Wr YCQO 'tie. TAKE HEED. WHEREAS spry wife Elkus Maloogh, hold.. NOTE of HAND firms sae for One Pored Pi10 Bhdh. s, Curr . Due 011 the 17t► met. 1 hereby caution N1 and every pone. against accepting or porcine - mg the said Note, a. 1 will not pay the same, never having received e.y value kr it. And 1 further mimeo* t. afw public, that I will nut be responsible fur soy debts witch ill* pate Ell.o Malo.gh may ce.tract after the date of this none.. BENJAMIN MALOUrH• reattach:, 6th Jen. 1850. !v -e49 -Jt QTRA YBO from the .ebecrber ••• or eboui the Int of Nosembrr lett, O*. Vok. of Black OXEN, hrown streak on she back, rix year. old. Also three COWS. one blank, spangled with whsle spas. One large Red Cow weh a whit• Feces. One lint -d Lack bundle Cow, and non Two years old ick lleifer. Any person Lavirg tnaormsttu• of the above carte at tee Sig nal Office or with Mr, doh• Allan, Tavern Keeper, GoJerieh, will be tan.fetl for their rouble. SAMUEL 11e('OSKIEkY. Klncatdine, 24th Dec. 1049. CASH for W II !-t::1'!' AT the Gudcrich M Ill -and C•.b for Cherry Saw Logs at Go.rrh and $,yfi.ld Mitl.. by 1rvll.l.ln tl YH'F.B Goderich .fella, 5th December, 1849 46-0 JUST to:cf.:IVSD PER SCHOONER ANNEXATION. A ND for sale Ly the Sabeeriber. Cheap 41 for Cash or Pnxdure • 55 Cheats Tea.. M".eus•do & other Sugar. Boxes Tobacco, Dn R••.p. 25 bbl. Joshes Bust n!,1 ()'ion tt'Mrkey. 40 bbls McLeodedurille rect. Vb,.kcy. 1 Hudgeliead of Cot nae Ilrandy. 1 Pipe Higbwines 50 over pr. of. Engheh Iron Brest Brands snorted. 900 table fine Salt, 1Voolen Shawls, Do P,aid., Per:te, bee. Ike - C. CRABS. Goderich Dec. 12th, 1849. n43 -•SIL C AUT1O,1 TO THE PUBLIC. -LOST .a the residence of the subscriber, in the 2nd Cot cession of the Township of Goderich, about the end of November last, s Premium, NOTE. nes-le by one Jacob Welton in f.,n, of Jobe Cal. Meter or bearer, der Ell IS.. sed dee o. the 8ih No ember 1849, witnesaed by Robin Elliott and Julio 11.517, This is therefore to cootie* soy per ion, finding or recei•iog the said Note, that the game is still the property of the rubacraber, ane that he has not assigned the same to say rani, and that the same may be delivered to Dixie W Amon Erg. Barn.ter, Goderich, or to the sub- setiber. JOHN GALLAGHER, 2nd Con. Tuwnsbip joGoderich. 4th December, 1849. 9v -a45 -if NOTICE. --A Young Man, of good moral character, who holds • certuieate of quali- fication, of me, of the fiat class, is desirous of obtaiotng ■ Common Seiwol. Ile has some knowledge of ',see, and will be ready to teeth • few of the first elementary books in that tosgse. Apply, if by Leiter, poet -paid, to this office, or to 111r. 1). McMillan, Teacher of School Section • No. 4, Tucker/meth, London Reed. CHARLES FLETCHER, Supt, C. S. Haran District. Edacatlnn Office, heron District, Goderich, 18th Dec. 1849. ( 2v..46-11 don the trenrtesseee of mail. on Sunday. aeeessible to all, with 11e eRCeptiott just Setter ern i. tb. key, per 1►. 0 0 5 • 0 0 C y w 0.1- r. AQ N/lMnah.e84 N 7wsl•pu1t and ad• rtsitgal, Jas 31, 1850 drgasd MTs e15 Kittens to the Agasetle- tlper-.Betel able of wiper? ..perA.. nek Tireatt ." ,- life belly. The owner is rege.st.d to prove pnrpwty. pay eleveted tabs ben away PEl'RR GRA:iT, Manley, 1.esdnn Riad. Ilgn DISC 9ysuffn-0 TO BE SOLD, AN excellent Farm, being Lot No. 11. Maitland Conee.sion, Township of Goderich, cootaiuing 100 acres -30 of which to cleared. The land is of a superior quali- ty, and well watered. 1t is situated exact- ly nine miles from the town of Goderich on the lluron Road, amb at the junction of six different roads; aid as it is in the center of a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex- cellently, adapted for a Tavern stand or a Store. This farm is well entitled to the attention of persons desirous of an eligible situation for business, and awiII be sold on very reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern.keeper, Goderich, or to the proprietor JONAS COPP, Village of Harpurhey. lune 15. 1849. v2o 19tf TRAVELLER'S HOME,J BTRASBURG, Wariat.00, 28th Febrility, 11549. rrHE Subscriber hereby intimates to his 1 friends and the Travelling Peblle gene- rally, that he has removed from New Aber- deen to the Village of Snauborgb, and will now be found in that well-known bouse for- merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where he 'will be ready and able to conduce to the comfort of those who may honor bin, with their patronage. And white he return* thanks for past favors, he hopes, by strict attention to the wants and *i,bes he customer., still to merit a continua a of their patronage. JOiiN ABEL. N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive Grooms. v2-0411 R. WILLIAMS 4 CO., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. • Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Perfumery,• Brushes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, &c. "&c. rF(F beg thiamin the (nhab. A 'tante of STRATFORD and the "or- rnunding Township., as well as the public in general, that they bath opened the shore establishment in this Tulin, *hero *Pier will algo keep constantly on heed s choice selection of GROCERIES, ;FINES. LIQUORS. HARDWARE, tic &c. WI en they Lore by beeping a Nenw stock at leer pr cos to rceoive a metre of pnhhc perronsge, Pftscician's p Wines bbd family re- e;ees diepensed with the greatest security amt promote tele. N. B. -Crawford tt i eluch's Mustard wholesale and relaid, R. WILLIAMS 81.' Co. Stratford, 14th January i8511. !voSO HURON DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY. TILE Anent' General Meet's, .1 the above Vice,ety, Will he held et 1h., Horne Hotel (Mr:Gentler') in the Tern of Gmlench, no Tue•dale the Milt day of Fehhtsr, nrgt, for the election of OPF1Cf' BEARERS. kr. 1gefor the provost year. R. G. CUNINGHAMB. Nrcreiery, 1J. R. d- R. Go :rile'', Jan. 31, 1860. held 8 PR .f every deseriere. Sset r J0as set) promptly emergent atmkt .der. Niemen 10, 11.4!