Huron Signal, 1850-02-07, Page 2people
is the wet of Ireland, she Reser ibe country that it was now a etudes/id anything rah hot prnnure food far them cnedenteattnn ef the g oversmest sod ...-
selves. Limiting to • •me teem with retat.: Oustit $.. el this kingdom (hear). i1n
to the dsseieacy •. rinse is (rel...l, he opiate. was, Ibat the tom had come when
leen' that to the three year.. of 1616-'l, every max who valued the welfare of IUs
sad Ili, then Md been Imported tato Helloed eoustry, er was anxious for the neatest
of foreig. grain 4,430,170 item -term; of meet of Its Aegis, or who eared that the
British, 1,063,000 quarter"; at t' a same properly end In many of the nation should
time of foreign ft ear, 1.434,000 cwt ; &r tali, not he Improperly taxed -the' every map
1,680.000 cwt.; in three year., mind, sad who looked forward 10 or 30 years to a
le an serienitural country, with,, greatly i.eresesd population -he said that
more people eeiaing on the c"ltur• of the every such uuo ought to look at the cos
tool Ciao ie any other country in the world. • Outten of parliament, and see if there was
There can be no doubt wherever that ant no .pot whence arose .o much of evil
other country in the w0r1t1. There con he and pre much h of good. Ile
no doubt whitener the' any amount rel emit 0uul.1 have to this loon, in every than,
you ms 1„•
y 1 p open corn corning let., thio to every county, .ssucisUuue formed up-
country w"el 1 net In any way serve to ad- on floe iuiporlsnl principle, that the Home
vance the condition of the farmers •n'I of Commons should, as our eonst.tution
liked •weer.. The q ..prion L•• been asked pn'feeeed, vpeeent the great bulk of the
in puller..I ci•elee. ' U theft, eh,uld lie a t.vrty and Intelligence of the United
ds.o;ution of pa liam•ns. If there he • hiirdom (.ppl,o,e). It they were to bore
majority. what can tho nilntetre d, ! Von absoltetirnu Irl them have It 10 its naked and
wnnld nut ask a nun..try 1•. legtel.1'sennet unuu.tokal.le (..rm. If they were to hate
parliament try 11,) ri1; r 'rimy did n t an oligarchical government, let them
sett anything of t'ne kind. but thea e -ked lacknooledge it; bot of they were to have a
• (resit 00 or Iwo with regard to the policy popular government, a , wherein
they would ado 1. Unplearanl guest o•• kiwis era have influence. seri is whirk they
would be asked in many. gnarter.-indi a I, could br°•g the opinion', to bear, well. Let
many of them we're driven to 09 neem of ■ I them have an "ern, fair, and popular repre-
demncratic nature from the .'x•riirte tom I.enta'rvr government, such es the eon.tUo-
eulty extverienced in r pealing ,).e Corr -loon ...old per... de them they strived,' had.
laws. Cnpleasant ga..ti.t.a wnn1A anee (The hon. gentleman sat down amid luud
about the d•'rihu'h'n of the repreeentate•n theorise.)
and the conetilution of the 1Ioo.e of Lords. --
Soppope men began to a-lt them.elve. qua•- ---
trine like this, fair Inetanee-"'There are
400 gentlemen cal !eI peer. -Wren who,
generally sneaking. ore not born• In rttrnu-
stances cab.ulat.J to give them greater
wudotn Than other men. 1Vhy .hoald•
those 400 tor r• .a there without betty re.
•ponsihle lo are ore!" (cheering.) Now
bear in inin.f I.° wax not putting tete g .er
teem at all. 11 • n s tn'rr!y thrnw'inu nut
tis halt to c•rin"o to, tis to whom such
questions wtu erre.•°t thrm.clvee eery
(nrcil,ly. Could they have the present
scandalous 'expenditure If l'ie 11 ,u.evnf
Commons repr•...nte I the volae '•1 tee pee
pl.! They tar we hate • Creat debt of
which the toter •st !•a. n1 00117 to he poet,
and therefore not n " h can M: d"fee to re-
mote it; bol ii we Lave• a Creat debt, it M
only the greeter reason why we ah'eIJ be.
come rareflol •'f our met o. It is ally
another Teuton w Ly we m11111111 be. almost
parsimonious In our e%nen, nore, sit ai riot
to increase it thesr, hear). (tor evnorl■
don't tsetse., £53,000,000 or £4;1.000 tem
sterling. Our taxes come to en .goal .um.
11. held ti was not to be believed that witch
es expenditure was necessary for a and
. wise government of this nation (cheery) .- charge of the Aesermeet Rolls which is at Trait
if they bad a parliament fairly elected, •q'Iiralent to the whole salary. Georg. Brown,
should they have those offi sial jobs which 1:•q , Treasurer, reduced from 200 to 120 twined..
ars being duly perpetrated, and which sox- John Strachan, Esq , Solicitor, reduced from 10
cite our dumust. Had they read the letter to 3q toted., with a enOdrrable increase of
smitten by tau 1-hatl►Napier, in he daft'Joseph Rid', Esq., Ssrveyor, thea..
states that, since 1821, parliament
had in room f Mr. Smith, with a salaryof 411 in-
fe ted £157,000,000 s'erling for the
sstimalse! And dean¢ all Hue time these
skips have, as (hey had head before. been
eppbiet.d to the Medlrerratean, and the
Tagus, sled everywhere that was pl t
(cheers and Wielder). Birt, somehow or
other, during that tirse, £1¢7,000,000, bad
been expended, during s pried of *linnet
Wofosind peace. They bid heard of the
oods aml F•ueet, (hear, bear). Thst
department had already been spa;ken of by
Mr. Gibson, but he foreotthe beet think in
the report. Looking over -the Wo•da end
Forests' estates That mnotuing, hie eye had
reefed upon one called tho forest of Select',
to Northamptonshire. It consisted of 1250
acres, and the uangersh.ip•of this wee given
to some fortunate individual who filled the
situation of attorney's clerk in the city of
London. Ito went down to purvey it. end
finding it t geed thing he appropriated the
forest to himself. and }'ears before it wee
discovered by the cn...mi..ioners he had
actually cat it all down, fold it, and pocket-
ed the money (laughter arid apnlanre).-
Lord Carlisle presided over the Woods and
Forfeits- before him Lord Lincoln was at'
the head of that department. He was not
sure under who.. government thin pert ica-
lar act of plunder was commuted, but there
noble lords receival salaried' of from £3000
to £4000 a year for performing the dotter
of the .office. ilas anybody performed
them ! Has not the property of the Woods
and Forests been shining •why year by
year, without any "fee payinz the elighteet
•ttentinn to it 1 them noble lord, are
often placed in office more for ornamens
then use (laughter), and he believed that 0
we had the parliament thoroughly to repre-
sent the 0.1100, we should not have nohlc
birds in office who had not the habit of Amu-
lets' and eapscthy to eondect the affairs
Intrusted to them (applwi.e). Now. if we
bad a real parliament our Colonial Office
would not be en irrerponeible to parliament.
and that insurrection in Cera,(• would not
have taken place some years agn, and the
dtmeuluee there now demanding touch seri.
hos ennetderzhnn might have been acnuled
by • different .y.tem of tnvrrn'nenr (heir).
They would not have hod the 'townie.
committed in Ceylon which had d.•oreced
go,ertrnrent and covroot with shame Iho
name of Lord Torme+,ton-'he dit8cnlhes
in which thee were now pt,rrd with the
Cape would have been avohted (hear). It
had been well remarked uh.t the people in
the Cape did n, t trq'nre oar *••I.tancet to
Ajht thetr own Leffler". nor nor protection,
ter by a course of persue remittance the%
bad entirely defeated the attempt of the
government to introduce cnnytrts into the
colony. Lord Grey had been nhhge.l to
order Them sway stain; end ltd th', think
that it we had • gnverno'ent rrpreeennne
Ilse people e.lhnold have hail Rajah Broke
en the coat 61 Borneo. slaughtering 1300
et 3000 unre.Ieting pera0ne. w horn h.
cheers to call pirate", but of whose piratical
etesdenceis we heti no ei ioh.nre l And if ere
heel an Engli.h Hommel' Commons, dM 'bey
think we should have hid an In.b.n impure
extended neer ono kingdom •tier another,
ennetaRtly 1 mg to extent soil demon
oaten, in wealth and •eenerees-
Would the, have heard it nhj.rted year
after year thee, whilst there were immena.-
f4eibti••p for ra,l esy• sed rifer navigation.
to dorelopn tee rnwnur"ee, °peeing• a me,kel
for the &apply nI the e,.ttr,n They were en
emelt needing 10 .timulale and stopply the
industry of thus dint rice ro little had been
Aisne 1 (Amos.) The fact was, the lino.•
of Commons, as at oreeest t"nannte.l, was
reify a great scree., to the evil. of thea
greet department. ' (gs,ernment. and to.
hnerers wn..ld not ergot's to .11 In the
Ho•or%of Commons more thaw nna groom
to dt•rnver that the Armee did not represent
t#w p0001.. and did en all occasion. screen
the mise. 'e which were eo0auntly bees,
brought to fight On the public'wr,iee, Did
they thus& that if the lion.. of Commies
led dJlrly reptemated the pimple for the lest
Ib pare the enndilfoo of Ireland would be
gwb 1r it nevi V I Ile wield hely say of
.vwvwv i•wrv�.•�A.r...n_wu
We know not whether our Councillors had
ant out of itunuor by being detained three or foto
day waiung tor the D.s.rict aeconnrt, or an .b.
terse of them-nr whether they had become new-
fangled with the democratic tendencies of the
new M nwhpol Art , nr whether they had get
infected wilt the pnptt'or doctrines of Retrench-
ment, hot crown it is, that nn Swards, Iasi, they
went et their work like men with their coots
MT tied the eateries of the several Conroy officers
werr'6z.d tee felines, viz:, David, Min, Etm.,
County Clerk £75 as f•rm.rly, bat to take
stead O( :110 pounds. Gores Frazer, F..q , As-
ditor, rotary redeeed from 40 to 10 pounds. A.
W. Otter, Esq.. Aeditr, in roam of Mr. Wood -
tiff., salary 10 pound.. iter.. then, 1. a easing
of a hoist 75 pounds in connection with :he
nlO'. of Clerk. BO pounds from the Treasurer.
10 from the Solicitor. 60 from the Serveyer,.
sod 60 from the tw-n Aodhos -amounting in ell
In an annual saving of 285 pounds ! We wenld,
therefore, eeeelede that the present Connell is
ii:c•Iy ro Ise very popular. W. ere .lee.,• w l -
ling that these who eery. the public should be
fairly r.muneniej for their cervices: bee, at the
tome time, we have ever sdveetted semitone,
and retrenchment, end we feel r'nvineed that
many thr monde of pnnndb might be m..o to the
public. even in Canada, if every public ° eer
were to receive the full veins of he ..mite.,
end wo m• re. At .11 evntp, W. see no lessen
why the United Cnaetie. of Heron, Perth .rd
Bruce phnuld pay forty or fifty per cent hither
for the mune reviews than they weight bring in
any other County of the Neuinee. H•npe, we
candidly acknnwlmdre that thio commencement
of the County Council is pretty mach ire herein-
ny with env nwn notion...1f propriety and rand
enndart. Perh.p• the prunning•knife ha.1,.n
applied rather keen/y in the phut.. of the Tem-
perer and the Cnenty Clerk. There are the awn
prineipel Cooney cater., and soler the doti..
of their re,peftive offices are lighter than we ex -
peer, we think the Councillors have dealt rather
herd with them. Still, the error is in the rish,
direction, end we most give thew eredi: for geed
intention, at least. And we mere them this
i( their subsequent Pettey be in ,keeping with the
heeinnint, they will soon change the tepee( of
nnr Ineel affair,. and merit a large .hue of pub-
lic •pprehatinn and ennldenee.
The N.,. Momeipol Act is certainly the most
liberal mes•nre flint has been permed i• any
colony -it gives the people the petite control o
their own keel effete end may be regarded .s
et, groundwork of s e►et•m
and pnpulsr inui tenon,. not if the people fail
in imprnte this privilege -if they neglect to do
their dot, to them.elne.-if they cannot econo-
mise their means .rad expend their local
in bearer •dyanu,•, they might Jest as well have
remained ander ,h. renis kind of Government
w Poch wan admin,.tered by Sir Per.5ria Nam -
The Municipal Act will then be a no
ben. -6t.
We tied d that a t .tt.m)1 to obtain a
1•..n •qn.l in the press., debt .f the Counties
will 1., mode- and we toot it will be •necesefel.
The Debentures nosed by the ire District Cn.n-
cil m.y be goad as ..rarity for the several
•mnu eta for which they were grratlf`'hst they
are not ennn,rnhle-rhe, are of no value as •
rarr.nrl -they cannot he pat into eire.l+ti.e,
■ rad her c.. a large amount of boomer. that would
eeueinly bee frase.ct.d in the Counties rema.r
u narm., simply hens." the debeu•rrs cannot be
routed Besides, many pmeona who hold these
Jebenturee are actually in went of real vele far
lions, and ane compelled to pelt them ata eerie.*
di.cnnet, which give. ripe to mach grumbling
.11 diseonrvnt. net .t all edcnlued to raise ear
crud", or to yet no. perdie works let on the
nowt relvseta,•°na term.. The (y" haat•res are
limiting et per eyed mete•*,. .rad if empty le
...nohow them meld legally be obiaiaed at eight
or eyes ten per cent, we believe it weld he 1r
the totere.t .ed prrepenty of the Cutups to bee -
row eves at ihts high rate, rather than labor owlet
in. pewwl•ee. and ro.eemseet stag -
aeons of hesi0.5If • Iwe teasel be RN•ised
we wield even dhm,e is doside .stratisto fee s
s,thai5. other 11011 M eq.eed.g Hooses the
p erpetel ottiled•ws of 1.h,. sad wo ere (wrieeed-
ed Ibex the p weoM be greet german by pay-
ee( doable la ere kr ewe year, lathe* ghee pay she
iate*ql en six iboarnd rimed. herd dllsbm
teres fir perhaps lea yeas* sod MO loth the
Oil thoswad peels, ps{ooip.l, IR peep aMMwhtde-
le those* case it will r • pep•telat pries and
dtaggieg oleo& without mile( are reel pre-
( rw-m des ether, 11 will be as sato effete
yid as rata dilassity at trey bet it will sena
be get.,St-d the sew bis sad emery that
wall necessarily sprang .p, as getuq quit of the
b.n►ea, will soma create • prosperity and as
sauvlly to basiuM that will amply wu.fy aid
eomprawte the people ler whatever hale to coo-
veaiesee they may Keifer by se elan deemed ea
their pockets its the mean time. We aro aware
that the Municipal Council doe. not possum the
peeper of imposts, aa este Asse@wn'at at pn-
eeat; bat, we writs soder the coovietios that the
New Amessnwat Bill of the Honorable 1septic tor
General, will be the Wet m of the ap-
proaching Section .a radian -woo aad that. in •ll
probability, it will corn. tato operation imme-
diately en beast pawed.
We feel a little sorry that our Retreachrueat
Coeocillurs have reposed themselves to some
weggis11 remarks, 0o the following vete is refer-
ence to their veg.,.
On Moad.y it was moved by kir. Heary,
aeeonded by Mir. Smith, that each Town Reeve
be allowed the sum of 12s 6d for each day's sit-
ting io th*s Ceased. 1t was thee moved in
•ttw.lment by Mr. Helmet, necosded by Mr.
11odguts, that they be allowed the sum of 7. 6d'
per d.y, on the votes being hake., there voted for
12. 64. 7.. 6d.
Scott, Ilays,
Heiner, , Hodgins,
Smith, Armand,
Elder, Hol roes.
Donkin, Ritchie -6.
Daly -7.
it was then moved by Mr Sentt, and second-
ed by Mr. Daly, in amendment to the original
motion o(12z6.1, that each Councillor do receive
the tom n( 10. per 11.7, en the votes being taken
there only voted for 12s ht, MeiverJ. Helmer,
Smith and Ilrnry-3-the amendment of 10s
per day was then pat and carried.
The weeps of the late District Ceuneillors
were limited, by statute, to six 'anilines and
three pine• per day, end it is certain that Ibe
intros... of three .hillirgo end nth. pence is net
exactly in harm.n, wish the principles n( rr-
trrachmo'.t. Hese., all ws have already ob-
oe -reed, there have been roma waggish and tor -
erotic remark. sheet "charity beat., et home,"
and the universal prevelene• of the No. 1. pokey.
Rot we t unite iii the .pirit of these re-
mark.. We think the ant of the Councillor.
in i.eressinr"Meir owe weeps i. equally
jesti6able with- their other acts - it is, in
bet, part of the amt policy. and ihnneh not
beloneine to the retrenchment department,. is
•gnelly in h.rmnny with the great pnnr;pies of
jn•rire which reward man seenrdina to hie
merits. The tam of sir *hillier' and three pone,
per day in men who ?revel forty, fifty, or even
piety mifea Prem their ewe homes, and remain in
taverns during the time they are r.o.ivinr this
wars., and then mown home without any .11nw-
..e. for either their treoell;n5 time oe expenpe,
is eer'ainly very far from an •q.itahle rsmnnersi
Oen for their rCrv;rn and trnubl,. We .xpwet
that, in fuiare, the sitting. el the County Ces,-
eil will not oecnpy more than perhaps throe dory
•ash time. Many of the C,unrillen must re-
move torn days to come In G.dprirh, aid two
dap to return. which, together with the three
drive which we seppn.e them to h. in Session.
will *menet to ,even dare aheence from home :
ono le; which each one will henceforth receive
the ..,in of t;:lire sh.`1lin,s eerrener--•enol to
shunt firm? shinints end Area pewee hs(j-peeve
per dem for the time w;ach they have semen,
leas in eras•aeu;af the public i.s;nesa ! Thar•
is cert. mYe
nn treat pxtnpfanee hen 6 In
tneb, •ran et the ten phdlian Mr d.v. the ma•
rr;ty of the Cnnneillnrs will be teem. rather
then othmwife, .ml .• ere hove en faith in 5110
man prying the puhlic for nothing. we are lir
Ansel to record ,hip net of increasing their own
wage., as an net of Guide justice and plepriety.
JOHN I*UT.L'S V7>tictWe lir,"PEACEA
10 months enterers will be fennel • Di.petc
from the Colonist Secretary to His Errellene
the Governor G^neral, chiefly in ref•reace to th
Ann.xarinn mne.m•nt. It is meetly what w
•.peet.d-.,d we think it moat be hiehle flan
Nieto to ear annex.tien tier Brine
-Majesty dews sol threaten to fight no the quer
tree. She e.,,n. In .ymathi.e hoop!, wit
the gri which her dissffeeted Candia
f entire,' are snfferine from the Bri'i.h yoke, an
;t perfectly willing that they shall be relieeeo
foam the bendier, even to the tome.' limit whit
the peace of the tesatry nod the boner of he
crews end dignity will anew ! She toes nn
wieh th.t enintl, "P•.eeahl. Ann•euienipt'
,hell either be compelled or permitted in hot
any °Rice of frost oe .mnlument in this Prnvise.
Nat. rhe even ,mime to hint • Riot of williag
neve that they .hall leave nr nth•rwi,r be cent
palled to leave her Mal•ny'.dominions ! W
think we esti infer from the Meow", to teeGav
enter General, that the British Govnn whet ha
net ...jet -tine than men in Canada who i
di.pinpd twit the moment form of Colonial Go.
•rnment, ,hell immediately soon himself to th
Stets of Miehiesn, or pre farther westward an
join the Mormon, in the valley of the 8.11 Lake
t1 he please ; but if h. attempt to he
Majesty's colony to the Untied States, or en
deriver to carry Dep acre of Canada over to Jona-
than's ride n(the brook, he will at once be deem.
.d a traitor, and his treasonable attempt will be
opposed by all the authority which her British
Majesty ten eeaveaiestly delegate t. Lord Ea -
ate ! There is es amb,pity a this Message -
.e i.op-Jere to admit of a - • 1t
is a plans as daylight. end railed to every at Bi-
nary rdpseity. The babble hes bent ! The
" greet stem" of peaceable •nnsauine has ere•
ponied, and the stere rp.l'r, e( '• tight or be
.till," ha can. forth is is own do'.I elders
We think ,be &loans hes been brakes ea ped
thine. it will prevent the disloyal kale (rem
k.eekteg their meek• farther i.te the mesas thee
shit saw safety drew them heck spite They
will ewe is eommtl ib,m.elcp b.y..d the,
toughie( pest et wheeh they sew meet sad
their •.mereoo demo will be reed free the
Iesemi.y aad -rens whiten evidearly aerated
thea Resew es die reesesr
hew the +bieerbeg Irbirh We mid loam INN
.wise, we lege they will pled op am.
Malaita, eeebellt Is i; a amnia. d g►.r who
are dimmed and I e.r.Med tee sok. Camels s
greet sed • peoggerew Reseal, by patties
her is the leeispewi p of Jeeeskee,
lit by penis' forth their ewe had gee
rupia' ie moieties Jeeatkee i the develop".
meet of their toesery's reseerees, lied 1. utiles
JenatMs'. errors air beseeee lia geese them
holiest weeder mlesderateres. Wo. fol quite
seesisd that 11 every mea to C/sada who a ca-
pable of thinking ntioeally oa p>falutical,
will jet east he parry prejudldee teed bickeriegs
to the wiede, and ewes is the 1 to
make oar cwatry proper, and to create ■ es-
tioeal pride and a national ' i is
favor of CROWS, the slavish dream of ..undo•
will Mortly amen' its ewe ridiculous appear -
At the t of the tion ma-
nia we published our opieinn, that the chief'
obstacle between the people of Canada and pea-
reeble tion was the British Army. The
1T01RIRsat llatiais.
A M5.I1.0 >w Mild es the *imam of
the Seth January, at Mr. Martin's New
Hotel, in 81. Mary'., commemorative of the
birth of Robe. Dere, the Ayrshire Poet.
Mr. Thomas. Mciatosb in the Chair, aad
Thomas Christie, Elite, Vice Chairman, -
About fifty Gentlemen sat down to a most
aomptuous dinner, prepared by our worthy
host, Mr. Martin, who bas proved himself
en eminent caterer to the public taste. -
After an eloquent sulogium oe the seeks
and character of Burns, coupled with an
historical allusion to the pools of other
countries, and the "lights of other days,"
amongst whom allusion was made par-
ticularly to Shak.pear, Milton, Goldsmith,
tai tis w�asi lMk I1* test f«w W
lel net Caaadie -e I.y
Pe� i lit
A at tie se i. � t at
Privy ,will ee*vttlee that
R..poat►k@ Goverseie Me as yet,
ted best little for the eersl welfare. ile
Beech he tell the tsduect create(8 ef the
grows ; the Siang the tool of the genre.
pat; the Magistrate, the rewarded pans•
us, and the Irr.epoeelble Jedp : the fru.
chtes,tb. result of bargain and sale,the fruits
of cbealing, or of Smoky labor ; the poll
booth, a mockery to dependent tradNmea ;
the sham House of Lords., the minion of
Minisslravagnce a ie egpesdt-
turs, mtry cryto;ep abate.a; over pipull►lsod ussloe
oak. -holders, the iscubl of every country
a legalised elan of `owe wearing robber,
winked •t, mod unblushingly upheld ; the
public domain wasted sad driveled piece-
meal ; public works jobbed out to favorite. ;
restrictive laws checking the monetary re.
(illations end doallois of commerce ; the
Dupateh from the Home Govnameat eonoha- Wm. Thom and Bereauyer of France, and Press fettered and subjected to the maligni-
rates this troch ;but we have, nevertheless, been + comparison drawn between the latter and ty of emery pubho peculator, held up by it
frequently reproached for offering the opinion, Burns; both tea Poets of the people, and to scorn ;esus rehacctgiooor pareal ; r aiandd fuby emewnhry
man, whate,er hb
even by men from whom better things might he both admired with idolatrous affection by nothing standing to the credit of the system
expected Re have wines mach and spoken their countrymen. The usual loyal toasts other than a batch of bad laws, passed last
more, during the last twenty years, apinst the were put from the chair and heartily re- essson for the emolument of lawyers, and a
barbarous and practise of war -and 'minded to. Muoitlpel and Road Act ! What good ban
when we waned the Anoexatioaisn to beware Responsible Government yet dose, then !
of the British beyone is, we have beet told that las' The Queen -Song by T. Cbristle, Has it lightened taxation, diffused know
Esq., "Th. Queen God bless her," ledge, extended liberty, equalise) the ►emu.
ed, Prince Albert and the Royal family nnnUon lad m,
duced settleofmentlesi, of pubtacreas•lte landpr•,o.compep•IledtyIm-
we should be the last man to adduce the wan
treatment ! Thi• is a strange philosophy -we
think we should be among the eery first to warn
our fellow creatures not to provoke the beyoset
argument. 1f we should writs aid reaaos is
order to prove tint it ...old ie desirable that
there should be no wild beats in Canada, would
that be any argument why we should allow en
ignorant man to run into the embraces ale rave -
non. She Bear, without warning hint of hi.
danger 1 Our notions of the atrecioes wicked-
ness of war does not destroy th- fact that Britain
keeps a large standing army and a atront depo-
sition to rase it -and the very same feeling diu
leads us to denounce war, induces us to publish
this fact for the benefit and guidance of the un-
Tea celebrated Pope seems to have supposed
tbat there is, is the nature of things, a kited of
moral necessity for the existence of the human
nee, when_ he rava-
•Th.n. in this settee( reasoning life 'ri. plain
There must lee. sem.-where, rack a ore na even."
And whether he exits (roman ahaol.te neceseity
in the nature of tillage, or othnwi se. terry Jody
Soberer tier J. dee, exist. Nay, e.erybndy be-
lieves that he exists ae the enhlest of all animals
-that he stand. •t the top of the reale as the
moat perfect aad most dignified epscimen °fere-
•tive power and wisdom exhibited on the earth;
and hence he @s.nmt, the di.tinpuhed appella-
tie. of" Lard of the rrentiw'" Where thea is
this amble -this dieoi6rd creator? Are we to
recepiee Ohio chief race of earth's -animals in. the
d.x•n iud; that sit upon the world's
thrones', Can we Ineie open the mere handful
n(erearnres that are rolled the learned. the weal-
thy, sod ow gent, dnd my " hen are the human
race 7" Or .bell we how to the few who are
diseiage;sked by idlen..e and dreso. and seknow-
lede them as the nee celled mankind All
these die het a paltry few, and are. to • great
extent, artificial prodoetines. We most go to
the majority -•o the mill'nn.-and whether we
find them rangier the primitive ferrets in their
petaled skinsand for farn••ts. toiling in th•dark meat.'-Ju"Ce.
tied Birtr mine -b' m•ared with sweet and dost
ie e.eleeti,e the nelie er pa.iinr with hest and I Tho ambition of statesmen is as varying
lobo, in the close workshop or the crowded fee- as It is pressing ; it leads one to be satisfied
tnry, we meal .eknnwledge that Qum ara mac- with the mere acquisition of power, another
hied -these are A. keens* rats. to rush Into the perversion of it, and still
-Song by Mr. Colerick, '• The fine old hottest! in officials, or removed the dagger
English teentleman." of a dominant priesthood 1 It has suppli-
3d. The Memory of Burns -Drunk in ed ibe machinery for thio, and more ; but
solemn silence. the people here neglected to work It. The
error 1 not n R•po.stbl, Government, rut
4111. The Governor General -Song by the bungllog rand indolent 0(It. retipieata.
It has sot produced because it has not been
traded. Good fruity are wa.usg, Imams
the plopeh, the barrow, and the sickle have
born Loft uo'oucb.J, it supplied the im-
plements of industry, but the busbandm.a
neglected to go forth to 'ahoy. Why was
this 1 The answer is briefly told. Loud
agitation preceded the procuration of Res-
ponsible Government ; it was landed as the
road to national fortune ; it was painted in
glowing colours by enthusiastic admirers ;
It was mieuodcratood by a people who tun•
founded the means with th• results, and
looked for that .If cts to the cause. When
the Imperial Government said t• to your
own leg:elation," the name thought the
legislate n done, and were well centime to
rest from th• labors which bad produced en
much. Apathy followed energy, and the
politician laid down his ax• wben he had
Dearly felled the tree ; he forgot teat an ad-
verse wind might crush him beneath the
fallen trunk, and that the log would he mot
rot, uilcas hewn and earved into useful
shape. A Tory Administration, imbecile,
selfish, wavering, and ns61 to severe,
through the treachery of a wily politician,
ssnrpel the places of mem who had well-
eetsed the eer6,).oce of their country. -
Unfitness for office soon fall 111 coarse, mid
■ Reform Ministry supplanted a Tory oma.
Two S.,esions hate sines been given to the
worker, of Responsibility, by its admirers.
The fruits of these are not to he despised .
bot they fall far .hors of the wishes of 1h.
people. The one idea, Responnble Govern
ment, hes so long absorbed popular att.n•
tion, that Its proper products hate been
From the Toronto Mirror. Jorgoitea. i intend to devote a series of
TRACTS FOR TIIETIMES. Taacrs FOR TUR Timis, to a consideration
of the measures which should now attract
RT " &EYORir4To•," ■ share of notice, at the hands of those most
likely to be affected by their peerage.
No. I. The leading want of Canada, tacitly se-
- knowledged by at least two thirds due
" Liberal minds are open to conviction ; inhabitants, ie, self-goveremeot. A nal
liberal doctrines are capable of improve- difference of opinionexut• only as to the
form in wh,ch it should be admisi.tered ;
the Tory beteg the only olio 'eters the
dissentient in foto, and he is scarcely wor-
thy of ceosideration. TM Cosereative
would create an au.Socracy at the cost of
the commonalty, but give to the common-
alty a liberal appearance of self-manage-
ment • the Whig would bare an aristocracy
of birth aad wealth, mod aeeord to the people
a eel' -government similar to that of Gnat
Britain.; the Radical would tolerate only
an ari@toency e( went, and give that popu •
lar mode of Administration w eminently
successful in the Republic of the United
Sante.. The ebodition of Canada, ice
youth, its population, its eaters! position,
and its Peculiar resources, point to the lat-
ter party as having the greatest claim epos
the sympathies of the patriot, and the at-
tention of the statesman. The Segment -
tore idea is a chimerical one, loaded upoo
a oanow new of humanity ad es respire -
mem, ; the Whig doetriee to swiveled to •
country of backwo,7lle, lad mind immigrate
population ; the Radical creed is the otey
one likely to lend t0 pnetica: bem3u, or to
tis ekvauoo of worthy ability.
1 shall coaSne myself to an exposition of
the principlee of the latter party, amply N
Caul 1 look upon teem an abs beet 6.1.d to
to the nreum@tamees of my , t
and Weaves I regard them as the views et
a body which will, .re long, assume the
nine of government in this colony.
The purity of representation is the basis
upon which the superstructure is to 1. rais-
ed. Universal or Household Sudiage,
Vote by Ballot, Nos -qualification of Pub-
lic Officer., other than freedom from crime
and ahlily to serve, and appointment of
Repreesstatio. +ecordng to Population,
e re the four corner stones of tbe edifice. -
have ever since been rubbing their eyes,- Religious Toleration, Freedom for Com -
lost to wonder at their long sleep. The m.rce, Abolition of Monopolies, Election
pocket -picking which moseyed them when of all Local Officers by the People, Public
sleeping, ie only the more cuonngly car- economy, and direst repo.eibility el botb
vied on, now that they ere disturbed from (louses of Legislature, ars its wall. ;
their . Whilst we have bad whilst " Equal Rights" is the motto insert -
many words wasted about Reepos.i- bed over its entreat.. Clever artisans will
ble f within the last lee years, be tegeired to ergot it ; and Patriotism will
it is • somewhat diea_reeable fact, foreed be the only cement to assure ate stability.
epos es by efremmstanese, that we are lit- • An ardaea bot glorious work is before
Ile beer for its adoption. We have e'er- th• true inroads of Reform. The pith u
lately got an ability losg denied, bet the neither a easy nor a strw`et one. Tory
will to exert it appears paralysed by the officials will use the whole influence of their
daxitling tinsel of the gift. Man buoy position to thwart the onward movemnt.
tbems.lvee with the thought tel they have Famine* one of the meet difficult obstacles
rewrote make laws, cwt are very well eon- to oesteem* or remote, will be the steeples
tent to lave the laws to look error them- of those ee-celled Reformers, who like to
shite.. The baby by cried for 16. ley aid bear the Liberal title, bet mttdentand not
thrown it mode es speedily a obtained.- the Libra! deed. Petty jesbo.l... tbreat-
There ie somgleing wrong ie ten •opine• aged Iatetnetie deelgoteg oppo e*t., mists -
semi, soda gore fat•bty to the lethargy, ea- ken Bleeds, sed timorous compatriots, will
lees shakes e% Responsible On,eremeet all be threw* in the scale of the etasd-etill
is Canals is like the Reform bill a gnglsad : advocates, The fight will bate te be wa -
a @tallies potht, where fres tsstrtuWss gra, Toryism, bet a aeafitHs
b .1 C...wvebee and Medan* R.hwmenr-
The victory will be gauped with sadela.t
e to o rapeeee yg tie labelers el
its seamidtse*. Aemb1s(�I&II *En gin•
Irwin the meeesee*a '41M/i0 essla•
ef poeltise(eetresemeaet. This le a p 117
sad miu'pwtby Mgr. • �s.M *d
Ca5.1*W, MROP game salla
peg* �� ` tiMM-
the chair, •• Scots we hau we Wallace bled."
8th. The Army and Nary -Song by Mr.
Clark, " Ye Mariners of England."
6th. The Press -Responded to by J. K.
Cltndenin, Esq., in a most eloquent address.
7th. The Agricultural, Commercial and
Manufacturing prosperity of Canada -Re-
sponded to by A. M. Germen, Esq., -Song
by Mr. Rodger "The brave old Oak."
8th. The land we live in -Duet by
McDonald and Clark. Canadian boat song.
9th. The Ladies -Duet by McIntosh and
Clark, 't All Good Lasses."
14th. England -Song by the chair, "Rule
11. Scotland -Song by Mr. RoJemg,
with general enthusiasm, •• Here's a health
to (ear Scotland, the land of the brave."
12th. Ireland -Song by Thomas Christie,
Esq., "The lnebmari."
After the weal toasts were disposed of,
1 excel'ent volunteer toasts and songs
were given by Messrs. Colerick, Laniu, lee.
Sae. A duet sung by Colenek and
M'Donald, "Mly native Highland home,"
was given with fine taste and feeling.
At "The weo short hour 'ayunt the
twat," the company broke up much pleased
with the proceedings of the evening.
The Lien, of the Menagerie in the .Tower of another to convert it into the machinery for
1•m7d°n, may be limper lid and bertrr ward_ carrying out measures beneficial to the
mus. Canada has suffered •sough from
may he lea savar• and mor, pia.nrie. hot he iv the two first cosines, to turn ane eyes anx-
iously towards the expected ruing of the
third. Ever eine. this Colony has been
under British rule, It has suffered from bro-
ken promises sod abused con6dences,-
Soteeasve men have .ought the popular
fever ; toyed with:t when they have gain-
ed ii, and Isttghed it to scorn when they
have made It s;:eserviest to their selfish
purposes. Under Lee two guises, Tory
and Radical, Cooservatire a: d. Liberal, bold
pluoderers bare 'weeded in subsidie'ng
the public chest for the creation of pmvais
fortunes, and effected;iegel robberies whilst
whining of liberty and patriotism. The
wherefore dentist. petert., or oink of labour a dishonesty of some public men is 001 of the
of somethingmesa7 Man is set the better nnrineceuary evils of representative govern -
the worse h.e.ese hie coot is coarse or eat of meet ; and 11 is a consolatory thought, that
fashion. "Tailor..ed herbra mar enure.. oar ibe further we fall back ir' m this, the
Ino4 ■, nr keep tie mare in h•rmnay with .ver- more the rapacity of rulers ioereasee : but,
ch■rasing polio pinnm, end geld may percher which
io Canada, the faslastic mummery of parte;
remise th
homage from s pise crowd. Bat evertat weiature hue been the golden key
teh hu opened the way tri indtscnmnate
same crowd, 'Keogh breezed and wether beaten, robbery of the Treasury, and strengthened
reefed end hare, and half broke dews with toil. the arm of the political imposer of Black
and imminent of manners and geed grace, animal Mail. The country bas been gulled, by the
a pnrtinn of cr'eation's Innis -a part of nenkind, cession of some reforms, into a belief that
more like the man that God made, end more see-
It had gaped all which could be accorded to
fel than • crowd akin. Knew, then, that Men, tl :foal because the tyranny of one tweet;
-Ohs living "ea". of the king animal, lean was great, has been satisfied with the
is frond is the field, in thewoods, teed is the stand -still, tyranny•reheved condition of the
(ollowiog ten. The rebellion of '47 awoke
workshop. miss from an uncomfortable •)umber : they
Ws regret that we had isedyerteetly been
gaily of as error i• ear last week's article no
thissehjeet. We were ander the impression
that Jaan Wa►sos, F.e1., had persoeslly made
the prpoeitine ■i the "iLetath torr," of offer -
tog himself as Mayne. This, however, we mot
the can -rho affair on hath aides, we wader -
stand, was dee, by proxy. and as we hap a
sires( desire to avoid, st all times, the gosh of
positive lslrherd end • , we
feel celled epee to make this carnelian
.ot more awi,n;lsted to the Lien which God
mode` than his brother t''at mon in the dewrt.-
'Tie en with ran -his dignity ie not la wealth,
r Lyne,. Of drew. Forton• Ueda?* may Chimed
hie eery form -may tip new attitude., create
desires, end hang him retied with dexxling tie -
eider : Mot he is not more mom Ihaa lbs whip,
slave! His aoblener ;e in his power of thought
-that principle that seeks to knew, end learns
-that enemas, hnpio,, restive' thing called mad.
which lives in king sad work -honer canny.. as
if th., had been here in the some (emily. Then,
ITT Tee eommaaeatioa of '• Aa 0a -Looker,"
ie too long for as immense is est pretest ire.
Beside" it is tee seven aad tee pommel. The
ceedeet .( Cel. Moaner is o&adug the p.Mie,
tied thee remise a bet mirk of tontines! holisg
amend him is ertaialy es despicable se the ep-
petstmest of hie m to the Clerkship, seri that
is merely bed .eeogh. Stipa we do not wish te
atop ; a este -word for finality me., vibe
get iota a purism all at see,. We will aka beet*, reeebed the lop of the Whim them.
alms new (fibs matter text week. ..lee., forsg0e1 the eroted wile\ Niel these
above its eho.lden, end gave 10 theft a
CTA /rival heti Aawyed es with •espy eke firm f uli.g. The possess of tb. Rotten.
Bill ready. the people of tie/lase • valuable
111sI1, Waal" Mre*sgw, how w►iek we hap weal , tee greet M R..pew►a O.vor.-
esteemed • Sp.reh of Mr Bright es Free 'rude, meet to Ceetdvase.15 4 easels them t►et
wird' to th
we reesmeas•d e epttleltal micelles sf am Gaged sad rMoM m
Meem..r�r a Weir
ew, _s..dh. ti'w ____ I r M L -al 4I fMgN pewee 71. y..
� r
meet dlreet
bleu ta
of • mesh a
Det IN Ilse
for the rerre
la tis myon
be for ever t
cereals met,
female la art
eel Osamu
sal BufMge
sell believed
tee -pound hi
be ob
ways supplir
of Victoria
of society at
first Stuart
sot given lc
only on hol
reading, than
their liberty
to the croIc
" leaders."
foregoes( 1'
tags of mu
mets ; tom
that, if act,
be split op
pry to its
will allay
is mon cul
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madly burr
from wb ch
tie warnlnl
• time lor
that the is
the individt
voice of ca
to suffer of
shorn, Of on
Reform, ter
pie, the ca
stopped un
The wet
of this Tr
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to have be,
times," so
gifted mean
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hater of
trumpet -le
which to c
Reform fol
tion of t
would stet
road to po
home in ti
(Copy .)-
)-Mr len
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the 8th I
o1 the I
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two 6oet
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pose of
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