Huron Signal, 1850-02-07, Page 1TBN SHILLING.'
is •avaitta-
ark; __
* DR. P. A. Mci)OITG.LI,,
CAN he eensult,ed at all host,. a
Mr,. Wm, F Coe tiaR , F, est -St.
c Jerich, Sept, 13th, 1819, 33-
BARRISTER, ftOidC1 FOR, &('.,
June, 1948. GODF,RiC(1.
General Agent & U
Oct. 1, 1649. 2•-425
aiderieh, Aprf( 12, 1819. Iv -n lOtf
J. K. GOc)I)ING,
w 'LL attend SALES in a:iy part of the
Diettiet, nn reesoneele Terme. Ap-
ply 1 •the British Ilotel.
(Mderic;i, March 9th 1849. even
7lire deers feat tic at Caned. C,'i, (Ors,
teem': e7tb, 1849. ev-n30
pe t t r It. oir scythe, wets ore -fourth tor est -fifth ran
Thee art wet gene ; thou cnuid'st not go ;
"Prue fncnds Cart Deter part, prayer to one, our hope is one,
. As we are rine in heart
Net ream nor time, rnn e'er divide
The "nide which friendship weals ;
But sill the c' eerier scenes of life
Their mutual love reveals.
Body frets body sear bepleeed
Remote a. pole frorn Dole :
But can our fleshly frailties bind
The fellowship of soul 1
'T is when removed from ?roaster mese
Me Pettit shortie her right :
AIv frt.;id is oven /east away
tVhen absent fros, my siglt-
TO Tex Rn1TOn OT Essex HERALD,
girt*,—Ifavire V roelneed some experiments
at our armed meeting ripen sown, wheat.
?aria?. • few remar;,s in expfanetion will
prove accep'sblo to those who feel joke -est -
ed in the results, much ere and great pain:
haring been taken ti render them emirate.
The land selected for the trial is a mixed
toe, deep etaple resting upon marl, after a
gond reset of clover rummer feel, and in
rood cultivation, end wa3 planted en the
\'1tb November, when 1 year wet and rather
unfavourable for dibbling; and the rain
L'IIEJfIST and DRUGGIST, e1L'ch succeeded operated mucin ^Gainrt the
experiment', ss numbers of holes 'failed en-
GODERfC1t. rirely, Werke the lees of e great portion of
Yateb 9, fid!1. 21,-5n Ann welch could Dot be detected; aeTetthe-
lesa the result) a:c ;a unieen and tolerably
J O 11 lr I. E. LI P T O N, cosdusive, and agree with a preitiou• expo-
s eTalT et •LIC,
iatlsis.iwtte►' Queen's Bend
Marek, 99, 1849. v2 -s8
[can roes stesws,)
LJ Lai aLJ 2 c HAIL9
Jai, 31, 1849. 2.-418
OCL 25. 1849. 26,38
pa3xraen scaz3eR,
Corner of Light -Hones Street.
October, 25, 1949. 2vb39
DIXIE WATSON./ a.Jerite, •
BARR/STER AT LAW, &e. &e. and
U1 OR .6 WILLIAMS, of eltruef.rd.
late of the erre e(HKtw, Weller aid Williams.
learnmen, dre. Tenets. baring thio der retired
,sue co -partnership, in the Piaetice. sad Pronis-
tiaa of Law, CR&,caar sad C
meal in feting keep new Offices at (:oderich and
9rrarferd, resaeetivdy, seder the name, .tyle
tad firs of Warmer arid W¢r.iam.
Dyers WAraose Ga4rieb,
Oto .1 Wilms's, Stratford,
24th December. IBtt, 9v-a47rf .
Solicitor in Cemetery. C ,
Has ber office is Wept Street, t;od.neb•
Ge4er,ch, Sad January, 1850. 9v -n49
fwd Conveyancer, Solicitor in Cemetery,
Has his msece as ferment r, in Sheathed.
$traford, Ind January, 1850. tv-649
N. B.—lir. Strachan, of the lett, Brea of
Strachan k Lents, continues' t• aft as
Ageot and Counsel for Mr. Iwai io all
mature whirred to him (roost Strafford.
And einil Engineer• approaches selreet the number of grain.
Office at Mr. Roet.t ELLIS' sown, so that if the soil will prodece teen-
GODERiCIIi. ty-one good eats per square foot. tweaty-
Jannerx 19, 1150. tv-star one kettle's, et pewee pecks .f end, any be
pecan per sere.
•Vsriou• opinions are given by different
•writers of the number of grans container!
in one bushel, and the difficulty of ascer-
taining eorrcctly induced me last year to
adopt the Rev. George Wilkiei nictitation
of 459,000, which was soon corrected by an
anonymous correspondent to 800.000, and
anon afterwards appeared another statement
with envy 300,00e, eneste :ently with such
conA ether optatons, and „I desire to (Atari,-
the truth (without which tbe.e experiments
would be wortbleee) 1 have had arsenal! por-
tion offeree simples cat•efully weighed, sed
calculating t' e bushel at G3 lbs. gave the
following cumbers -537,176 new white,
543,33e new rod, Ced 6.4,960 old red; and
many kernel* will not germinate, 1 have
for my experiments adopted 53.,726 as .
fair average of good sound kernels contain-
ed is este bushel, and a there are 48,560
feet ie one acre, four peeks of seed will
allow exactly tweltegraina to each square
It is la curious fact that as three barley
Ceres so correctly represent one inch, so
also 490 selected kernels will be one ounce
troy, and that an barley represents length,
measure, and distance, so at.o grains of
wbest regela:o weight of gravity, and that
a 7,000 grains troy are equivalent to 18 nz.
or ooe lb. avoirdupois, and calculating 04
lbs., a bushel of the finest wheat would
costae exactly 443,000 kernel,,
The experiments alluded to were for the
purpose of ascertaining the quantity of seed
which was must rroductive, andalso wheth-'
et the grains abould be allowed to teem -
nate singly or otherwise.
In reference to the thick and thin plant-,
iog, there were nine experiments, contain- _
log fourtees feet each, and four holes upon
each foot, in which were dropped from one
kernel to nine that is from 56 to five hun-
dred and four, consequently from foot to
thirty-eii kernels per foot, and at the rate
from one-third to three buehele of feed per
acre, and the greatest weight came from
304 earn, the produce of 280 keno!. sown;
but what number of these perished it was
impossible to determine, °therein' it ap-
pears from Ibis experiment that the great.
est produce is not from the greatest •um-
bers of ears, but from that sober which
be expected. Set it only requires else mince
per square foot to produce by weight sone -
thing newer then forty-two bushels pet acre,
i allowing sixty -font pounds to the bushel.
?notice the forcge:ng remarks will in
duce others to assist in the attainment of
Ithat formation which ahsit prove tho most
saleable, and "to settle the veat,on" upon
which so much d'ffereoeo of opinion now
el is ts.
1 romaia, dear Sir,
Your moot obliged,
Teo_, Kele T** *it.
ET A ro;.I TopIIaie.
Not wispy year* since one of the finest
op•ciaterta of a clipper built brie i ever
?ped on board of, d cureesshtty ren
I�rge manner of Africans into a.y ports on
the BraZillIea Coasts, is •the .cry tecta of
lynx -eyed ngiieh and American crui.trr—
and after se. argit,g oho would .weep in
by the Florae Loaf, and ronin in the placid
and rotseatic harbor of Rio de Janette, di.
vested of avers appearance of the fernier
" blackbirJ.' Iger repeated suet... wall no
tattering crmplur.ant to those engaged to
supprrseiog the ' traffic,' corresponding ex
croons were made by ^evcral gentlemen,
whn'ported the golden band, to capture the
.,perry player.
A'+out tette darn rail to the anuthward
n( .f•o. nibigoe, GO the coast of Arica is a
°oted slave pen, en admirably bulwarked by
err M
riche sed quick ..d bars, that none save
an adept at negro stealing, would ever one -
pope that a verse! could be •tlely ensued
through the doubtful eatraoce. One of
light draught, boa•eve-, might psis" tho bar
when the tick was (ell—but should a haw
strike her head sante, it woul,l rend ber kepi
beyond hope of escape, for the ebtide would
boat the nbe out of a "eventiefnur. The
entrance a•es mites! end fes the -purpose to
which it had been devoted, it w-.. inial,
feeder the covering of so lowering a sky,
the ' blackbird' relerred tn, effected her en.
trance threngh the c.,ntracteJ channel one
eight, and running up the creek to wbic'i it
led a th ort distales, dropped her anchor.—
The proem* of taking rn enassorted car-
go' was speedily executed, sad forty-eight
hour. from the bine her long raking masts
hovered back of the towering cocoanut
grove skirting the narrow stream in which
she lay secure from obsenation )ly sea, the
caskets confining her head salts were cast
off ad rhe w.e edging her way
-towards the dangerous entrance, ber mid-
dle deck crowded to aufrcatioo with the
manacled (eines of over three heedred be-
ing* cursed with akin darker than Christian
white man's. As intimated she was a mo-
del craft—a Baltimore built clipper. lie;
ability to beat to windward, was equal to
tbat of moot •eases for running free—and
so for a chase nothing pleased her heed-
oorne captain so well—for so fortenete had
she been, that • spy -glass view of the gin-
ger bread work, adorning her cabin win-
dows, was all that her pursuers had bees
able to gain. The twain defence of the Sea
Bird, was the long'tapering engin° of death
hung on a pivot, amid ships, .Ithdush for
ao emergency nbe earthed guns capable of
doing execution in cfoee gnartcrs. The
splintered bulwarks of more thab one slave
chaser could beer testimony to her gunner's
"practiced eye -
Hamer' an unlisted valuable cargo on
board, the c-aptain of tee Sea Bird felt **lief -
ton, of snaking short work offs, and to that
end kept his brig trimmed to her best pail-
' iog point, nod nobly she requitted the care.
For several days a reeve) bad been hovering
nn her bows, but too far ahead to be made
out with certainty e•tdently watching their
a,nrerteret,. Did the slaver alter his coarse
a poiut, the phantomab,p ahead followed
nut—was sail shortened in order to increase
the, di„tance between them, the vessel ahead
did the same. As they approached the
wiener, cnaat,every notieel feet was call-
ed into regmeitton to misread the tbaaos
sail, forever 'Novenae on the hnrteo•''serge,
but in vain. Thu* shoaled, the Piave( was
enabled to recognise the far famed Eaglub
man -of war -brig, whose captain knew from
nbservation almost every stave poo oo the
African eoa•t, and wbo had taken more prm-
see Into Hie than any other two tenets
Obis. Thennare into which the slaver
bid been decoyed, was enhanced M danger
be its being in the Brest thoroughfare of
transient cruisers, seat up end dow■ the
coast by the commanders of the Dave/ ata-
tto0 at Rio for the purpose of exercising
the then. No alternative remained but to
Poll fbt the tied, and If interrupted, leelat
91s way thrnngh.
Early Om ne•1tt ttnreing the two brigs
west ender sate, the 6logltethmses ahead to
tee witedward. The Sea Bird 'seedily Ies-
..oed thedistnc. between there. A. they
veered each other, not more that* one or
two of the slayer's crew were visible from
the Englishman's deck, and thea 1 custo-
mer art het forcma.t was screened by a tar-
eawtl+eR, which soon bronchi then in.peak-
wig dreta.eet of inch ether, vend w .he drop-
ped undo, the lee of the slaver, a clear
voice hailed ; •
' Brig *boy r
' What Bn``,that r
' The Stria Bird, at your service,' return-
ed the C.ptaf*.
Reed year beat 'ea board,' said her Majes-
ty'. flaky,.
' A,* are: •• re-oeheed back from the
Akre', AM he • t wee ;wade to lower a
beat. Well luso tbe,ibereieer be had
to deal wily, wires? er from the
Fie Itah B
h.e Ma t 's nm .V w to the Otte that
r !r flidt4 -orf• to •fnte.t. Bret
the smoke frost the dtseberge had .e.reely
I4Jted ,Ir•ea th. breech of the gun, be-
fore a breedaide frump - e • Bea Band emote
Coshing along the , ptoettaling elicit°
nnbla 'Alen Tn at the piratic./
Pe df fel, a a' if
glia\ brig ttttll ltq, i ti.,e..
To the Clerks and Kadiff'a of
the Division Courts.
�IEIE Iscrttifa•d denoted for Su*Mttasas
and othdr BLANK WLITB, in con-
*ICtloa with the beamed* of the several Di-
Api0a rao.rte is the District. bee warranted
Re Il printf theta is two\ target aeaey-
We thea h i toferw, asd easeeggeatily awry
Mee es to Il thea smelt ekespsr--e
tore we Intimate t the several Oaes,a iy-
• using hose Bf.t Perms, that from this
SJiwosse" sad 111 other Writs h.
leaving 10 the
Dtyr•ie. C,oere, ell be Sold
the _ O at the red..ed'rico d
sae . Ati.asioa teen
67 pp �
.ET t7,Ule Cr. Bets ell ether 1Wfli[
1 .'si• asa tD'
�i.Ks!!�' a f` Y1r
T14 other experiment shows the products
of (68 kernels, or twelve pee foot, pis.18J
is ante ditstrest ways, ollewmrtg fetaft•en
Ret for aka triad; bald the prodbee from
efghty-fent holes with two grains in each,
wr atbe greatest gwia, these were
ilenet7* * helm etisaid to pleating and
l\dte were three diefleiest, whereto twelve
wilt* depoffted; otherw at jittle drier
este* .woe±d Jrve tR/ as thus .r,.6l1w,
wheel; are seerw►d oat r•a*disory sad e•n-
eie"W. teat 'Worse lnentele per feet, planted
in ley t►wr, Vats *41 eelllei..t, ae ,either
of t\e•e ?fathead somote w restart tees -
i have ere ,• repeat. 1 ?.,'t►.r deet`(.
than Of 'this iat.tiMag aultiettr date lige
geese 'refined MHO aeasnit*$ 6o .Ireton.
Dee • sheaf
,-6ff whet Weighing
i 1pitrievnide
tial.' `7y kr* est h,
Bracing hi. vards (here, n;+, he postai°
her to speak to tome purpose. A
(gene own of her ferw,rd gaits rent the b
of the Hee Bud's top mast altar from
place, wbtcb bronylbt it Ui.nJsrilg up
her deck, her topeatlant and ruyal ma
yard', lap hemmer andel!. so eflcctau
tripling her henJ r.tih that Cho refused
nbe; her helm, end playing either ire t
wind, wee in ',mesentery denser of r,tmli
the Eo, Ir•h brig aboard.
Tokio* ad-aalag.r Plater Mudded cone
nage We h;ng1ichutan laded up just is to
to.swing clear, anti wh.lo runnmag by sac
other the grappling Iron* were tbrpwn a
its a twirk!mg the two weasel, sere fast.
Above the cra.h of the meeting brig, a
Ithe berrying to and fro of men, "rote t
order of boarders away'
Bot the desperate slaver's were ready f
the c'.aree, and 'rend to hind dieperted eve
inch the hoarder', ad.anced. Tho Conte
*3' a:1 is fay.irof ten teieeeh, when ea
deely the slavers retreated in a heeds, just
le 1
Md without a "truer.' or a *onion, (rem the
II twee of sleep to tee repose of (!Cath ! It
cad ff is the fres purpn.e to •nake Mire work :
tr• and he vet plies the digger, theeget it win
on .obvious that Ida had been destrnyed b► the
at- blow of the bludoc..:•. He even raised the
11Y aged arm, that he may lot fait In his atm
to at the he•ri, ed mnlare. et srein over the
he weem!s of the pe.rru'J ! To finish the pec.
ng Owe he errp!ores the wrist fee the pi.. !—
He feels for it. and a•eerbmina that it beet
1- en Ina gsr ! It to accompli
me is done. He retreats, retrace, hts eve!;. t.:
h 1 the window. payees out throe eh it c, 1 e
.d carne te, and escapee. ile tae dire tee
— monies—nn ere has seen hum, on ear he.
nit :,rare hmcn.—The secret to lits own, and It is
so'safe !
Ah gentlema,•, that n -aa a dreadful min-
or take.. Such 3 ferret ren be wife nn where,
re The whole creation of God Asa neither nook
et net corer, whetp the guilty tan boetow it,
1- and acv it ,s mfr. Not to speak of that
In eye wS'eh g:antes terbugb all' diseased, -
i: end be(anWe every throe(, a. in the •?sewing
time to escape the discharge of 'long tor.
wheeh had been levied with spike. a
chain helm by the gunner during tt
melee, in an:mcipatio° Lf rho rc,,;aU. T,
aa/eh was sprltnd,wad a wangled moa,
teal, sod blood strewed the forward Jeok
the slaver. The rolling of the two roue
'teamed t'.e graphite* u tilt. m•iment, an
they Glue It srparmed only to renew th
Coban in soot ser firm. As the Erle -
brig tented dirt t,, the tenser!) rf the ee
a shot from the $ea Bird shi.ered the heed
of her twain main.
Ruh rev -fele mere tonality Cut rep, the
placer: a at:ilioar.l was abut entirely *war.
and the Letts r"one tarneeh her f'nlwarks,
fore and aft, wh.L tee E'l lr.!etwe'a boats
were c.)mple•.•h a.nfhi:(ted, his main nisei
to danger of fublreg, **rend of hx teen
killed or d.uhled.,reei his vessel killing
bully. So intact' were they .pen tee neo.
tual emerecti•,o of each other, that a rhos?
of war hearing the ruing several meas to
windward, bore down upon theta, and was
within two miles of the eeeoe of seems be
fore her presence was o,rereed. The silk
folds of the meteor flag of Erelsid ?ands,
wooed the brese from the mases Desk sod
while Ina afpearancs was lite ed with wild
and prnlongei cheers from the Engh.A brigs
deck, hope yielded to dc.pau le the hearts
of the stater..
Tbecontnt had been desperate and,fear-
fuly deetrriceve, but the moat heart sick-
ening scene was is the reserve. After the
autvtvore net heard the Sea Bird bad been
cared for, the tig�tly battened cower of the
i**.s betelt'wa 'emoreel, sal a spectacle
more reeolting in humanity never pretested
inter( than eras d: overed by the bright sen-
Ggltt as ,: r enetr.ted the dark aaJ dee.ely
packed bole of the slayer. The pour slaves
had bee. peeked 10 rows along the decks,
ane eloaoly as the could b. Crowded loge -
tepee sad ail trowel. The routes and tem -
hang of the vasa: hed thrown them togeth
or in an usdistineueihable moss, while the
shote from 'be English brig ploughed :he
piles of helpless living betnes, sundering
bo4iee sad severiieg limes until the deck be-
came slippery with the crimson tide of life,
end the dismembered bodies o. the dead and
dying were heaped up with living a.d broa-
tbioe survivor..
Ltbrarie. hive been written, tracts di.-
tribated, and wermoes have been preached
to set in bright c..lon' the infinite trate of
ev'I emanating from this trait In human
blood. but euule those ,who deal in human
fleili Lko goods and cbattles wbo contend
fur whtientan's right to d"uoose of his d irk
ekir.ned neighbour—could they have'look-
ed on the scene i have attempted to des -
111 ..,f anon, sects secrets °trove are never safe
to from dctechnn, even b• men. True it i.,
he eeneraily epeak'nr, that' murder wit' out,'
o! Trite it i., that Fror it nee fiat!, eo ordained
of and doth .0 Resin Min?R, that thee• who
le break the great law of heaven, by •eo,,'•hng
d men's'blood. eeldow succeed in avoiding
c de.eoscry. Fipectally, ie a ease exciting
h ro much attrition as this, discovery meat
a, en "e and will corer., sooner or later• A
tbrrusand eves turne 1 at once to explore
every man, every thin;;, every circnmetance,
connected with the time and place ; a thou-
sand ears catch every whiner ; a thonsand'
excited etin4a ii trnael, dwell on the.feene,
shedJing all theta light, and readily to kin-
dle the slightest eucumetance into s blaze of
diacaterf. itteaatmmr, ti.e guilty sou! can•
not keep es own eecr,:tr It is /alio to it-
self ; or rather it feels an irresrstshle im•
n.dawa(ennecien to bre trap to itself. It
tabor* ere rainy posseeeiofl. and
knows lot what to do with 11. The burette
heart was bol made for the reaiJence of such
ae inhabitant. it finds itself preyed on by h
torment which it dares not aekoowledge to e
God or men. A vulture is devouring it, fl
audit eau elk no sympathy or, a•,istence, i
either from heaven or earth. The secret
wb:eb tee murderer posse...s soon tomes
to possess tetra : sad, like the evil •pints of
which we read, it over coiner hin,, and leads 4
hire whrthereoe,er it will. Ile feels it beat-
ing at his heart, rising to hes throat, and s
demanding disclosure. Ile thinks the a
wirnle world sees it in his face, reads it in
his eye*, asd afmont hears its working* in
the very olefin of bre tbrwghts. )t be-
comes his Paster. It betrays his discre-
tion, it breaks doves hie ccurbge, it cre-
epers his prudence. lVhen suspicion from
without, begin to emb him, the fatal
secret etruge!es with still greater violence.
to buret forth. it meat be confessed, it will
- be coafassed ; there r• no refuge from cog -
femme but suicide, and suicide it 0001..-
AT Tose SRO of Ten Taal.
! en old or rich man, alio bag not, at seine
'period of his 1if', been a hiekntpt, ether to
heal'\ or lit poverty, Ruch men, hasin;r,
reamed by duel's provelencee the value of
what they have !net, and being unduteonr-
■eed, beve always foetid themedt-on
•trenbrtbpncd by C.cir (alt.
Frim 11-ll'e Weekly Messenger.
31r. Beget nheereeJ shat this wee the
brat rime he 1•r* -1 Met hra er.ns'ifnrw'. ►,y
•peciel in. ten"n pine -tee ele0tien oft847,
thineh he had had rnpnrtotriries of expree-
•int hie view; r n mettle qtr, etfno. nn remit
than ere nerasinn in 1Ae Fr -e'en -Fe ifete—
Ile rnn!d ;not forret the Sitoggle to wham,
they 11,4 beenengap••d—'he •tr,•g, le *tiler,
interested then se meek new at it did then
—decrying, as they did decry on every
hand, how fully all the pre•l rte. nM they ea I
male were now beteg fel,i'led. They sew
the country emeryeleg from the dcrpett
miser,. and dietrcre. it wan sent d'atr els
brnpght on by Fier -node, 1,1.1 wa. in itself
the num why Free -trade trinrrlphed nt the : -
time it did. They behel,l thi. cone try rhes_
dRy emerging from a state of 4i91..alty see-
ly equalled; emelnyment beeotninp stere
abundant, and wages teethe! rather to rise
than fell. They found tiro, ahri,daait
everywhere, poor rates grodnal!y ((slug•
and they fend also the leak of the !abetter
clapper, for whctn they wormed e• Pooch se
for any cline, heel the means of Inner to a
degree which they scared, ever enjoyed
before (sheen). It might peen unneeese-
nary to make these observation. on a mem-
tion with which they were all familiar; Inst
they moat not forget that the party Hwy
nver0lme orae yet eneenrinced, sod would
endeavour to force the legfstatere to go
back to the principles which be thought the
'settlement of 1848 had discarded for ever.
Ile asked their attention t„ one or two facts
which bore upon the question. He (seam-
ed, founded upon some inquiries which els
ad made, that the aetute expenditure of
act individual in the United Kinrdnm ker
our was 14. per bead per day; and ansim-
ng tow population to be •30,000,000, that
gate a total minuet rxpeediture of 45
m11lion. end a half pounds sterling per an-
num (hear, bear), That is when wheat ie
Os per quarter. Now, then, what do the
Protectionist* want 1 Why, that they
hi -mid have a remunerating price. lie
.sumed that by ibis they meant such •
prime as the Corn -laws wore intended to
secure them, vis, from 5Se to 60e per
quarter; so Ihnetbey made the modest re
quest that the price of cora should bo
raised nearly 50 per cent., ore'something
over X.20,000,000 sterling . per annum.—
Their °permeate attributed the present low
prices entirely to'Free-etrade, but he held In
his hand an extract from the circular pub-
lished by Mews. Sturge, of Birmingham,
whose authority would not be disputed, in
which they state that the average price of
wheat in the Guutte of last week was 44a
4d—tower tkan it has evqr been in tbst
preeent.,century, except ie parts of 1832,
1835, and in 1836, when it eras below 40a.,
and came an low a. 36e ?4 per quarter,
which wee during the period that the high-
est eliding scale was in force. It seemed
o be the prevelent idea That if wheat was
ow, 11 was the duty of parliament to mien
he price, that reanufeeturere
ight on the seine principle ask for a law to
arae tie price of yarns and cloth (cheers).
armors were in an unfortunate pestle',
or tbey have been led to look upon gement-
mit as something quite d�ffcrsia from that
hich it had appeared to our eyes. All
heir members and their necklets* for 80
ears past bed asked the farmers to seed
Cain to parliament to rate the price •f
gricultural produce, and now, when the
rice is low, they turn round upon theme
mailmen who hare not fulfilled their en -
agement., sirs they expresso themselves in
most rmolent and intolerant manner against
parliament which legislates toeeive free -
on) to "the industry and freedom to the.
(tion. The* e•eppeee that ag►iculture u
be free from the fuctuetion• mead/Dial
the ether branches industry, and they
e now only launching forth on the ocean
ack which should have been followed 30
cars ago, and then they would not barn
and tbemselres so astonished and so det-
ected at the changes tbey trust inimitably
net with. Ile thorsg mt the landed Iwo-
setors had no reek to come to them with
erten facts which he believed were tree
roughoat a great !minion of Englead.—
tthertu Gere had been mo reduction of
ol. (year). 11 the Cern-laws were te-
nded to maintain teats, they aro perhaps
got is asking fir it; but a,k them freer
they have done anything to meet tee eine
the grant farmer (eheere). And of the
rmcrs he would eek if they bad taken toe
crate, the auctioneer'. hammer wo,11 drop
nerveless' by bis side, the lash of the slave
driver would never again diefiguro the per-
sons of the injured was of Africa.
One hundred of the uuhappy wretches in-
csrceratedio that living sepulchre, gazed
upon the clear elf, and respired the free air
to appreciate their worth. the remainder
formed a them. baegnet fur the moosterd of
the Jeep.
Years rolled by and I was again a lands-
man, Otte pleassat afternoon I stood ad-
miring the glittertog throng that swept by,
forever ebing, and bowing through that
mighty artery of New York—Broadway—
where, who she'd I °berme approaching,
the gayest of the gay, hie really elegant
figuro decked in extreme of (a.sion, bet the
Nee—the eh -raper -ado whose hand applied the
swatch to ' Long Tom,' mss the terrible crn-
fect between the Eogl;ab brig and the 'la-
ver ! It was the captain of the Sea Bird.
Ile watt now t Spanish Count, rolling in all
the luxury wealth could purchase. Two Iatet, painful mtrmises as to the fate
of a relative. Introduced me to the Coroner
of New York. 1 elected the dead hoose and
among the cold white coteries of the lurid
tcmh, exposed for recognition, 1 beheld the
coterie oldie slaver captain ! Ile who had
fettered so Tilley in life, !red been forced to
Yield an nnconditrnnal surrender to the
grim messenger whose keys unlock the por-
tote c! t temley,
Of n, wa.•Tr.R,
4.n aged man, without en enemy in tete
world, in Ma own haute, and in hie own hed, n
f. made Me rletim efa hnttborly Innrder.
for meth May. Deep sleep hod fallen on e
the demised' auto. Nd ea all bseeeth ►w
root. A healtilie old stag, to wheat sleep
was *ween, the first ousel slumbers of the
night held him io their oat but street m
embrace, The in enters, through the Y
w ndeer iitrerly prepared, into an tate eeopi a
ed apartment. • Will emirate,* foot he pa
neo the teeelen Rail, half lighted ivy the t
moon I ho wia41 ep the *seen et the stair,
sad rosette* the dose of the chamber. 01 ge
thee he more, the lock, by sett acid con- r
Ono impression has taken me. be surprise
I used to w.nder—and always did till now
--at that stupidity of tie ieraelnes which so
angered their leader,—their pining after
Egypt, after finding it impossible to live i
there. It wee inconceivable how they t
could long to go back to a place of Pilch '°
cruel oppression, for the sake of anything it r
could give. I now a under no longer, haw- F
tog sees sod felt the desert, and knowing f
the chum* of the valley of the Nile, Ooe
evcn,ng,lately, just at sunt, the scene vv
struck upon my heart, oppressing it with t
the senre of beausy, A village wits beside y
an extensive reeve of palm., which sprang ti
from out of the thickest and richest clover a
to the height of eighty feet. Their tope I
waved gently in the soft breeze which ruf- g
fled the surface of • blue pond lying among g
gratify shores. There were golden lights
and sharp shadows among the banks where
a stream had lately made its way. The d
fellow eaod-hilts of the deserts just .bowed
themselves between the steno of the more to
nattered palms. Within view were snme to
carefully -tilled fields, with strong wheat, 1r
lupine sad purple bean blossoms ; and some tr
melon and cucumber patches were nut far f
off. Cattle were tethered beside tee horses ;
and on • bank near eat an old woman anJ a 10
boy and a girl, backing in the la.t rays of m
the rnn with evident enjoyment, though pr
-the magieai colouring given by Egyptian at-
moephere could not be so etrikine as to lie
English eyes. But what must It have been
in the memory of the Israelites, wandering
in the desert, whore there is no colour ex-
cept at Connie *n.1 •unset, but only glare --
parched rock. and choking dust or end !—
twit! not attempt now, for no one has ever
succeeded in eurh An atrrmpt, 10 convey
any Impression of ib. seemlier drearineep et 1
the depths n( the desert. I can only fey, C0
that wilt torr up before me et .mn•et 1 r
ben u rstnod the surrender of heart and
eason on the pert of the Israelite., and
elle sympathise ,n t`me,r forgeetfml.en
f their pest woe" to their pining for
'Mere avid etreln ., he shape Ind rigid
fool, ane for a perpetual fight of the stinted
ver, instead ad the hateful Pend. whteh
moose *beer i whichever way they ten-
d.— Pegs"'., J.srs.I,
Nimbi GIYB Ule.
Here i. "ometbiog for those who are
earning udder eltstortiiar, from the New
nrk Mesmer Slur. Read it, sad 'tiy
• Alt yneng mon hare to he ruined neve, if
hey begin etch or proppereos. Nothing
et a mewl. eon mane them. They er her
t maeried befeee they clan "ford the lime-
of a wife, or (atl_tod thee, and not till
hen, are they good for anything. 3len arc
of made by coaxing. They seldom thrive
et *neer plume. To be men they must be
taorht it. And the sooner they begin the
%setter, (nee ate meted in wind and stewrn.
Ceder seethenfer. triwawerthy. Hot house
yams' sone op ter (-few day. and MANt
Look *boot you and ru will hardly 0nd
lineal pressure, 1,11 It terve on its bi•ge*
without noise - and he enters and holds hie
•feteetn IfeRite Ma. The rrtnfn was unrowl-
nnly open tA'1M adtbfeeien df fft . The
how of the Iettectr.KikepMy`whmglowed from
'the wurdeweq-tot/ the bean wed the rweon,
r__4ial4011- C • _yel.ek--. ate aged taw,
the 6
iftt btlnlwf i� given d the
•'ct,m Tphewa-
vice of a vary elite agrrultutmtt in the
unty 0' Devon, Mr. Fowler, a lin recently
°commended, is a letter to Ike farmers t f
the comity, a. one means of camp -tine
with foreignme, to our.fino the n,tr.•ber of
their acre. 10 the Dumber of their LIP
notes; ter if the terms Correepooded to (heir
capital, they Cooks much remc eseile western
foreign coop-Imtten, aa.! live well web prq-
.ent prase, than they cools under a system
of targe fern's and (rials capitate, which lose
teen .o ling purailed in all pargs ,d the
kmngd.un (app .oar). 11,' *Sc Dut sutptierat
,et what was ruing en in tee atncullural
di.tatct,. '1'I err wap ,igrcuit rel saereb1
+laugher'). The litnrvre were a•tnli'1tOd
Itecauee the ttrrua,attoee. sere so rrswar-
:anted (rheere;. 1(it air:l they ta'ked of
rr-elrcim.' tl,e L ,n -law•, and fp h•• of a
cervi• cloche'') where a PreInClioniet,►as
been etnreed. Weil. It may be that the
borer' of taatt:un very heavily an
a o f the e,0ctora of Cork. Wait eon
he more ni'n.troue than the donee.* that
they wilt, for the sake of Itelen,t, repair Ira
the old and oaploded i.dtacy of Irr'tet{ttae
It was 0',1 the mfdust:ea ' f thio
wee not the elements of the district—lies
it was the, erillllgr and starvation 4htcb
had orertakeb, a et ie years' protesting.
the mewl agrti itterntpantos of 110 �tlIf.i
mow/ (Owen). If!! wee,tlao *M0wl• nt-
r-essrty of 6espplymng with feed runtime' of