HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-01-31, Page 39e9 Aloetilet)ass le t,tas6rlee is eh they did set *set at the ementeseeaaost the Pored, km been added a meek great► amount of regard, on the pert el these power, to the wants sad washes of the co mushiest over which they respectively p side. Public opinion demaode that Gime meat should be a benefit rather than a b deo,-that tt should be carried on in harm s with the fattens as well as the thieve oftl. governed, --fully recognising the 1 partial principle of ultlmato responaiblh to the people, and that it should adjust self to the varying developments 01 1 times. These views prevail, not only in Gre Britain, ober. political freedom has ma good progress, and the ehetive french, has been widely extended, but Men France, Hullaod, Belgium, and many of t reit Need, beet them dews, asdmulch of frees lbw grog. Site !Fee dose r she bas purged herself frees the in . She paid a hundred matrons of do m• like planters, and theft bunt satin re- 'cheese sf the bondmea throughout rat• worms. There to now no antis 1r for the sun to sh.ne upon. Pard o• egotism of the speaker --and slow ata ray that it to among the must plea m. collections of this lir. that be loo ty part tn this holy crusade; -.•that he It• honor to co-operate with the great be good or rousing the people of Eng 'tbat state of virtuous sudtgnattuo at which silvery withered and 1e11; - de heard the eloquent pleadiegm ul ee Thnmpaon--the cutti•'g'erc.ems of in O'Connell -and the tbundertng db he Ilona of William Knibb;-and that . the venerable Clarkson at the great • Slavery Convention in Exeter halt, b o tinder the weight of more then fou y years, receiving the plaudits of congr r• thousand► -yet meekly enjoying h o umpb, and expressing in terms of acknowledgment, his gratitude to Al ( God for beteg permitted to 'ive to se n Jay ! it was a British Poet who said e " 1 would not have a slave so rill my grin . To carry me, to fin ale while !Weep And tremble whim 1 wake, for all the wee Thai eiuews bought and sold bars seer e And itis in the dominions of Great B that all men are really born "(re . equal." - io 1800, men revelled in war. I t the rage and the fashion. Enghshme and they iroatd fight them. yThey have paid dearly for it, and they will .mart for 11 (or many years to come. But a great change has takes place to the public opinion of the country. Englishmen have no a natural enemies" now. T6•nka to the influence of Christianity, better understood, we may adapt the words of the poet to our purpose, and say- War is • game, whieb. now 16* men are wise, Kings sten mot play al." Not that the fighting is all over. There 1 will be cone:cis yet; -but men will not i " play 11" war, es they have done. h will • e be the ae I t resort, and all other means of adjustment will be first and patiently tried. Formerly, it was the rile. and it coo- stitutcd the history ret the nations; hereaf- ter. it will bo the exception, and counted as a blot on the record. Bleeding humanity exclaim*, "0h, that war would cease !"- Commerce, science, philanthropy, plead for nnirersal brotherhood. The voice of God declares that men 06.11 "break -their swords roto Jiougbshares, and their spears into pruning hooks -that nation *hall opt lift up sword against natic ," and that " men shall learn was no more." That time, we be- hove, r0 not very far distant. (laving thus endeavored, briefly and im- perfectly, to sketch the progress of society, mace the co - t of the present century, and to contrast 1850 with 1800, I preuume that all presett nip admit the con- clusion, that it is our bapri teas to live In a very extraordinary age, -an age which has been dlatrsgwaaed-.raore OUR any that pre- cedsd it, by profuuod research, brilliant dl.- covery,and far-ranging beneficence. The reeond half of this century will be much more :Ilustrioos then the first, and era the year 1900 dawns upon the world, mankind will have been 6Ic.eed by such an unfold- ing of the true and the useful, in every de- partment, ae " eye •harh not seen nor ear heard," nor the mind of man conceived. Meanwhile, what is present duty? Faith- fully to avail oureelvee of the advantages thus lavishly bestowed upon os -to cherish a (key .nd arrow le000 of theresponsibili- ties thence arising -in regard to intellectual Ira;ning, t o exercise a sound discrimination in the choice of authors, preferring the ticalto gra the showy, the fanciful, and the romaine-tocultevete theepint of the age, and prepare to advance with it -and especially to talo part in promoting all well Jrge.ted plans and enterprises for the benefit of our fellow-ereatures, our country, and the world at large. Ours is a noble vocation. Let uscheerfully respond to the calls which aro addressed to us on every eidc. In the progress to which your attention hail been directed this evening, Canada bas largely partic[pated. Her advaocernent since the year 1800 has been steadily rapid. fo that year, the population of Lower Cana. was 250,000; it has increased more than roe -fold. beteg now 780,00o. The postil- lion of Upper Canada was 70,000; it has eroaaed more than ten -fold, being new 1,144. in 1800, sixty-four veasels ar. trod at the Port of Quebec: in 1149, one mined ,end sixty-four. In 1800, the rovineial Revenue was less than J;30.000: 1849, the returns for two quarter, ez- eded £300,000. in 1800, a vessel might ke as much time to gettiog from Quebec Montreal a war occupied in crosaing e Atlantic; now we leave one city at nset and reach the other at sunrise. in On Ike merry 1 ill moral reformat eilareetion t -♦ed laere m h.t w trip tutlt._ biro for this cousary, and corebts• with all liars re tree patriots is the preeecutroa of sub der the measures u shall render Canada •. great Ger ter- tad glorious mobs is free ! ► dare nes the A preliminary meeting of gentleness ems him to held yesterday, at the room of the Shak- lee* re- speare Club, Great Si. Jamas' Street, to k some consider the propriety of twt.mntf*g a Nett- led the menial to John Yeutter, Keg , for his swe- ated the comfit' exertions on behalf of the el. Law - lead to r.•oce and Atlantic Rail Road Company. - before The Honorable Peter McGill occupied tate That he Chair. The following were George primed unanimously, and a subscription list Daniel opeoed ; sums to exceed four dollars : OURCia- Moved by .1. Leeming, Esq. 'wooded by Anti- Resolved Is( -That in the °pintos of this ending meeting, some public testimonial should be recore presented to John Young, E.q., b, the CM' egared sena of Montreal, for his relive end success- is tri- ful exertions on behalf of the St. Lawrence devout pod Atlantic Railway Company. r mighty Moved by Sheriff Collo, seconded by Wm. ' that Workman, Esq. ; Resolved tad -That a Commftte be ap- e d, pointed to carry but the foregoing resolu- tien, and that a subscription list be opened Iib forth with ;-the following gentlemen do earned." compose said Committee ✓ aisin Dano KI' aaKAm, E,•q•, • and Gen. E. Caarraa, Eaq., M. P.P. II. 8 ri r Utes, Ei.q., t was W. Winiewae, Esq., n had J. Lenarena, Esq German Slates, -en fact, wherever know ledge is diffused, and, in propertied to th extent of enlightens', education. They ar destined to prevail universally, because the are consonant to truth and sgnety. Irate sated and obstinate men will continue t oppose them ; mid long eetabluhed despn Uses, such as that of Ruesra, will reels their iatroduc'ion ; but opposition will be t yain, for the nations will assuredly present in their efforts to obtain freedom and reit government, and wit: riot rest till their pur poses are accempltaheol. Although I am addressing an audienc composed of persons of different denomina tion., and under the auspices of an instal/ tion which abjures all interference with re Bgtous pecuharpiee. I trust that tt will no be considered out cf order, In advert for on moment, to the encouraging *sped of the time., reference to religious liberty and the rights of conscience. ',Vho, on his conti- nent, will stand up in defence of the ex- ploded dogma, that mad ie re.pon.ible to his fellow -man fur his religious opinions 1 Who, in the nineteenth century, will ven- ture to plead for their repression, restric- tion, or even d'scouragement 7 Who will diepute-the positinn that civil government, being constituted (r the protection of life, liberty, and property, is bound to secure the benefit to all members of the common. wealth, recognizing the equal righte of all, and trettin g sit as equal in every r e as lar pec n they obey the Laws? And abbe will refuseas to admit that when the British Parliament, in the year. 1828 and 1839, removed from the Statute -book certain prohibitory enactments, and upeaed the doors of ►thee and employment to all ccs peteat persons, irrespective of their reli- gious professions, it performed an alt of strict pieties, restoring a right which bad been take► away, rather than beetowine a boon *bosh Light have bet n withheld? - These qu,etions can receive but one an• ewer, and Ibis meeting will allow me to affirm on the:, behalf, that they anticiratc with h:gh setiefaction the period, aow'fart approaching. when absolute religious equality .hall be every where realized -e when a!1 bounties and a!1 reatractioe., in regard to religion, .hall he abolished -and see cea,e to "hurt and destroy" o.s another, on account of those differences, fur whieb, we repeat, they are amenable, not to any human trieunal, but to God only, the " Father of Spirits,' and sole Lord of con- sei• rice. I cow cow► to notice the ieneoo/eaf ef- forts which have sprung into existence since the year 1800. Bot it a not possible to mention even a tithe of then, ea great is the number. During the last "fifty year., phi:aatbopr,te have vied with each ether in devoting plane for the diminution of misery, the suppreseten of vice, and the motif and wligions improvement of mankind. How gracious ham been their success We have hospitals -general and particular -as we!! for all tondo of do:eases, a, espe• easily for those of the eye and the ear -for /seer, consumption, and other disorder.;_- .rlcyfwau for the deaf and dumb, the blind, and the tunstie-for widows and n rp ha n s for thees lit t f d u e, the decayed, and the die_ abled; and, as we hare before observed, .Qdools for alt. We have CAariluble Institutions of every description, and adapted to meet all "oseih;e forms of orceealty;_and we have gocfefirs is all parte of the world, ror moral and re- liguous objects, embracing the multiform views which are current io Christendom, and employing a vast number of agents for the promotion of 'hoes mews, by me he saw O. E. Cartier, Esq., . P. P. ; SR be retried oat 1. the satiefhet.•s of TAKE I1E1:D, these fatereetod, aaj. ea we gruel, 1M8 boss - fit et these who may ernherk ttr the eater iter 1 pow, -1849MY°leg Journal, (London) Decent Dau.cu Dalvsam.-The sue of Frank ha Somers w- the 0►to Stage Comp.ay was tried last week to the Superior Cour of Cleveland, and resulted ,n a verdict of IIKA0u for the plaintiff. Owing to the 'reliefs driving of a drunken dr.•er, the piuet,Rwas thrown from the outside seat of the coach and mush injured. W)iERIAR sty wife Elea Malough, hold' a NOTE of HAND from me fur O.e Pound Free Shillings, Currency, Due 0o the 77th inst. 1 hereby caution all aeJ every pesos against accepting or purcbas- t ug the mud Note, as 1 will not pay the same, basing received may value fr r ,t. And 1 further tnttmats to the public-, that 1 will not be responsible for oily drifts wad* the said Elle* $faluugh way contract alter tie date of this pollee. BENJAMIN MALOCO( I. Ashfield, 5th Jan. 185u, rev -n49 -Bt 111 rritb, On the 16th ism, at Delaware, 6, the Rev. R. Ftoad, Font':scut J.c*sos or hayfield, H. D. 1-•q.. forrth sea of the late Gear. Jaekso• of Tent. in the Coolly of Dublin. Ireland, Esq . .o FRANCES C*Swrlara third dace tter of the err ,N.inrr Romero, Esq.. of Cavlados, C. W. Pa01j IUIION DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL. BOC/ ET Y. FILE Anneal General Meet*g of the above Sne,ety, will be held at the Huron Hotel (Mr. Gentler') in the Town of Guderich, oat Tuesday the 14th day of February next, for the election of OFFICE BEARERS, Etc. &c., for the present year. R. G. CUNINGIIAME, Secretory, H. D. A. S. Godencb, Jan. 81, 1850_ 5914 e natural enemies," the pm°tin press, education, and oral teac• h- ing. Jf Rite asked what has been done! da we may reply, in the language of the in- th scriptton `n St. Paul's Cathedral, in bettor la of Sir Christopher Wren, its architect, "Ni in nrserwenheit re -griefs, cirtrerspice," (If you '72 ark (or a monument, look aroned)_or we n may adopt the words of the Saviour and th say, "by their fruits ye shall know them," P Put, seised of descending to particulars, in let me only refer to two or three of the ce most interesting Illustrations. ta In the year 1800, the Temperence move- to meet was unknown. Alen brutalized them- th *etre*, almost without rebuke -killed their sun wives and beggared their children with im. 18 pulley. They cannot do it now. The i blighting acorn of society would he upon them. Drunkenness ie .t a lower discount than ever. 1t has been discovered that it n is wise to abstain from that which can do no good, sod may do much harm; and that tt 1* right to dbny oneself to save a fellow- C creature hors misery and ruin. The result to, that many a home hap been made happy -many a wretched being restored to his proper place in society -and that a salutary . Impression has been produced favorable to s Ow general principles of this great reform, r even among those who have sot enlisted In its ranks. In the year 1800, modern missions had a ugly commenced their comer. In 1830, we review nth their moven with astonishment n nod tbChristms M1 wimeatles of every w desemrtatron have braved all den- w VT, and imbued all privation and toil in w the pr.e roti. 01 thew welt* enterpnee.- be They bus pleated C►r$.tjs.lty ie every w eau% sad b Meseet every emootry. They s hove laid the foundation of a mageifleast pr bhee8Nng, to be reared fe eomisg ogee. Thu m Carried with them know/edge whe t dvilisation-reduced barb.roes language* of to wntug-�ierredeced the a0d comforts of life among e°tages--laoght . them to think .ed to reason -•.raised those be b the tree dignity of human e.tere--open- hes ed to ahem sew sad diversified some.. of to tree f-00d shown the heathen tbat the weft bee 18. promise of this is life" se a. of "that , to toot,^ ftp is 1800, Greet Britain was o slave -hold- •r et. She able 8014 -.ad elm bought them, oc sad sold them. Abe w'0 the pelsoipd e of the great flowery ices. Set ab T. I). HALL, req., sod •A. RosaaTson, Esq. Moved by David Kinnear, Esq., ace by L. T. Drummond, E.q ; Resolved it'd -That the thanks of meeting be given to the Hon. P. MCG for his able conduct in the Chair. We ma observe that, in Ibe cosi the remarks offered by the lion. Chair he Mon. Mr. Moffatt, the Hoo. Mr. Ai Mr. Sheriff Coln, Mr. Deckle, and of entle/nen present, tuft justice was dome he exertions of the other Directors' 1 was stated, had been unwearied in t xert IOba 13 eau 1' M O the railroad Ion ad whose claim on the thanks of the public is by no memos sought to prejudice or 1 sen by the public testimonial intended to Elven to Ur. Young.-_Traneeript, Singing School. CAME tate the t_etwur_ of h e du bee *bout the Orel of NovemberA RED IIEIFER about three years old, with • white spot oe the !see, and the top of the :eft bourn o11: with a white belly, and spot• ted whet• and red biad lege, with t6• lower put of the 1.!. white, The owner is re- quested to prove property pay exptores and take her away. EDWARD SHANNON. OoJ.rich,:Drc. 31, 1849. 2.-048 t�TRAYED from the subeerther on or ,bout the 1st of Kuvewber lost, Ono Yoke of Black OXEN, brown streak on the bark. acs years old. Also three COWS, no black, 'mingled with white•nuts, One 'Awe Red Cow w ;h a .hue F.ce. (Inc otd bark brindle Cow, and ono Two STAT COW. -Caste ,oto the L.closenof o the 8ubser,Mra, abort ,hr :et Dee. 1ts49 • i RE property, pay charges; sad ,hats her stay, D CO W . Tin amber is rqueued to prove i h JACR$0!% A MAI(8 W + years old Red Heiler. Ary moron leaving Al.., snr Loot a small red SPEER Calf, marked. I infero., tele of the shove cal t'e at the Fog- . ig- An.:-r.....-,:-- _---_-._.. -.. - - - - --•tides or with !Fir. John Allan, Lot 441, isi Con, Goderieh. Jan. 9. Tart 'l ', Guderrh, • 'I f:1;1 r 11: ibis. 13. AMCE1. Mrfti: E1ER1'. ('AME into the Clearing of therubscnber • nn the 26th December last, 2 ('i )11'►, one Bloch, the other Brown, with a Bell.— The owner is requested to prove. property, pay expenses, &c. WM. SMITH. Cth Con. Lot 40, W awano.h, Jan. 8, 49 LINT 017 LETTERS REMAINI\IJ in the Rist •t 9ueesid apto 7th Jaaaary, 1850. Albert Tbo or John Johns Son,', rrol L A Jordan Mr tlexander Joke Kamner Jecgnee Baker C Keppan Alex Bohr' M Meinny Mreh'l Barfly Wm Magall David Brown Robt May Mich', ! Buckly John Meptin Philip Barker Witham Aloes Wm Bannon Pat'k Madd'ford Joha Brennon Jae Martin B,yam Byers W E Merry John Bickmeyer August Murry henry Brown Miles Memnon Barfly Cury Monro Makin/ J„hn Carmichael Joh■ McTavish Jen 'os r (, I John hat R McWilliams Jas Clark Thee McLennon Duncan mbel James - AicF'artane Andrew ins John Mcleod Arched stun John McKenzie Morduck ►wen Thos 8 Nnwlan Patrick shine Wm O•Donneld F.Jith outlet. Mesar R & Shingle Goo trtis Gad Phelan Mehl rney Wm Russel Leonard Rankine James Scott Peter , Simpson Wm Scott Capt Siraldee John :Heymann Wm Shray Daniel Stewart Dunkan Taylor %Vnr Verner Moore Wallace Thomas lop Wm Wood Ge,•rge rper James Writ Prath miltuo James 'k� A. F. STICKLE, Poatmaater. trat(otd, Jan. 7th, I550. sled ELEMENTARY CLASS. A -- THE MESSRS. W. k E. WOODCOCK beg to inform the inhabitants of Gude this rich and its vicinity, Dist they intend open- ing • Singing School on Monday Evening ill, seat, February 4th, to be held eo tbe Cum- mon School House, Goderich. course of The System of Teaching Messrs. Wood O110, cock propose to adopt is the most approved orin, pow le sea r. England. Iter The Course of Elementary instruction wbn, still .consist of Twenty -aa lessons, and will q.:ahfy the papils to enter the Upper heir Sehuol to be commenced at the completion and 01 the First Course, The Claes will meet every Monday and Thursday Evening. Lesson to commence at Seven o'clock and conclude at Half past E„ht precisely. terms : Fur the course, including the use of books, 10x., to be paid rn advance. 'Tickets may be had at the School House on the evening of opening. A. W KIPPEN, Secretary. Goderieb, Jas. Sb, 1830.' ve-s59 u es- te We copy the following from the Montre- al Gazette of yesterday :— ” We are happy to bud by a com e:mica. tion aimed " Montreal," in yesterday's Herald, (where reference is made to Met- ras. Young and Galt's joint labours on be- half of the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Rail- road sod their great enccess),.tba it is pro- posed to signify to John Young, 13. q., in some appropriate manner, the high estima- tion to which his services are held by all who wish well to that great undertaking. He cannot, therefore, but feel grmtefied with the successful time of hie labour, so we./ attested by the large money grants that have been received from the B. A. Land Co., and other sourcee. e We hope the people of !Ventral will not be behold their brethren in the Town- ships, ler testifying suitably to the zeal of Mr. Young to so good a cause." We believe that there are few men who have done more to advert ,t ruin and decay" from ('ansda thee Mr. Yoosg. 11,s name is associated with meat of the rising insti- tutions of this city, and to his exertions, conplei with those of Mr. Galt, the public mainly owe the completion of the arrange- ments for carrying through the Portland railroad. The people of Sherbrooke have testified their hence of 81r. Galt's service, by get hog up a te.tunonial ; certainly Mr. Young does trot lea deserve a testimonial than Mr Galt, t it meet be confessed, how- ever, that -as a general rule they wbo serve the public best, 'get the least thanks, and that whilst the political agita- tor and cunning eurnbug are publicly feted and rewarded, the sterling but silent and unobtrusive worker for his fellow sten, ie passed by unnoticed. Bo it has always been ; so perhaps ,t will always be ; and yet wo could wish that there might be en exception. ling. -Transcript. THE NORTH-WEST Pass.oa.-We learn by telegraph report that a letter appeared in the Courier ¢ Empires-, of yesterday, dated at Mazatlan, 23rd November, in which the arrival there of the British frigate .J1m- pbifrite, is nuticed. The letter goes on to ray, that the party on board the Amphitrite have discovered a new passage in latitude 73 deg., and about 308 mite, and which goes 14 deg...farther north than any vessel hair prev,oialy been. They have a'sn, it Is said, du.covered w ntw cootlonent, but on account of ice, could not approach nearer than 15 miles to land. They did not find Sir John Franklin, and, on account of ace, were bbllged to leave.—Globe. were no Common Scheele, and Mow* --In thus remarking en the ap- n,Upper Canada no Colleges: in 1850, oat, plucatioh ofeapitel away from home, we are schools are fregnented by 900,000 pupils, induced to d,rect attention to a project. and in addition to the Colleges and Semi- which 6as 1o► its object the working of erica connected with the French Canadian mineral Wes In hh(chlpacton island•, o^ population, we have M'O,11 end Leneoret le Lake Superior, Western Canada; and, judg. Cbllegee in Lower Canada, and, in Upper Ing from the specimens aubmrted to us, we anode. Queen's, Rer.opolrs, end Virtoria we have no heattation in pronouncing th.- Colleges, and the Univerwite of 'Toronto, mine to be ora of this Brit promise; while beatria numerous private een,ierines for the assays made by Mr. P. N. Johnpton, edueeuon, well conducted and crowded with F. R. 8., fully bear oat Elm representations toile**. le 1800, there was no gait, no made. An sibs) made by Dr. Chilton, of m^hosts, nor railroad., nor plank rude- New York, yielded 55 per teat of copper, y plume mosre.ly a road and 18 The change*i* artyat all.- a e0 es. of silver le 18" cos of ore. - these respect. treed sot be Two other essays, by Mr. Jobsaton, gave eofarged on; they are well bootee, and duly highly satisfactory returns.'bat not iso rich pprectated. At that time, the country wore as aspect f rudeness sod discolor -ill: the pnpnlaunn as scattered, toilsomely pioneer:4g its ay through the forgets. Settlements ere few tied far between, turd towns were t bate mad there visible; hot to 11150, benne the traveller goes, he discover, reptant* of esjoymept ea,er r neperity; well cultivatedr P umr and anofactor' forma, a popubru tee, tArivist tillages, populous to and cities, displaying the beat style modern 'legs►►., together with abeadsnt roofs of remunerating commerce, are pre- med to bia view; wile in all direction* eheme., with eatfafltetioe the tare which bene taken to provide the ,uses f 1 Iteew ■s v Das is pr,.duce, the yield of the one being ont 24 per cent of copper, with 860 os. of fin silver to the toe of ore; sad the other 30 pe cent of copper, with 841 mt. of meter. W can very well imagist that the, essay wa mad* from " grille," hot having seen spec( rnene from are lode, retermrsed with the spar, or country, there can be no difficult In detereninung that the lode is regular, an not merely a deposit. We bare been disposed to advert to tbi from the desire which is daily evinced o embarking capital ,n sump, eaterpr,pe while we leve to those who may be se die posed, to esquire, and saua/y themselves to the merits of the speculation, or the ALEXANDER PROVINCIAL LAND LSUiRV SURVEYOR, . And Civil rat, ineer. Ogee at Mr. RosnT ELwe' GOD/OUCH. January 19, 1850. tv-n58 NOTICE. A1.L those to whom PREMIUMS were awarded at the Annual Exhibition of the Iluron District Agricultural Society, for the year 1849, are requested to call upon the Treasurer of the Society, and receive their respective award,. ROUT. MODERWELL, Trea,nrer, H. D. A. 8. Goderiol, 30th January, 1850. 52,1 S TR A T F OR D AGRICULTURAL SOC i ET Y. TfIE General Alerting of the Society will take place on the third Saturday of February, (the 16th) et 12 n'clock noon, a1 the Union Hotel (Mr. Woods') when the Managers for the ensuing year are to be elected. WILLIAM .i.fA iF! Fi t .11 ill . I're,. t. J. J. E, LINTON, Secretary, Stratford, 99th Jaa., 1830. 52 NOTIt;L, THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore exirt- ing between JOHN STRACHAN ret Goderich, Esquire. and DANIEL HOME LiZARS, of Stratford, Esquire, s. Barris- ter and Attorniea at Low, Solicitors ,n ° Chan1ery, Notary Pullic and Conveyan- cers, is this ds dissolved by Mutual con- sent, JOHN STRACOAN, DANIEL HOME LIZARS. Wirne°e-A. W. ST*ACBArr. Goderich, 2nd January, 1840, 2,-a49 NOTICE, Ca Ci Ca Ch CCa Ct Ca Dunn bine, Durum Jobe Driewea Christ• Davison Wm Ekereweiler Jas Fisher Dorian Fend' Alex Henderson Joh. Hay John Hamilton Hugh Houghton Joseth His Ha Fla 8 A VALUABLE PROPERTY' FOR SAL + ! ! Ti1E anbsceiber offers for SALE his GRIST and SAW MILL, 'Misted in the Townsltis of McGillivray, on the Big Sable, within three bales of. Flanagan',+ Corner. The Aldi► are now.in operattun,an newly built. Tile Prrvtlege is the bat the River, and ert,a•ed in the beet Tuwn Hipp b in the my of Ihirnn--well se,tleo and RniJi opened in Ail directions to Tatou it. The Machinery and materials ere o the very best goality, end put up by the ye ry beet Machinists. Fur Particular* In quire ofiames Crumble, Esq., Galt, or ap ply to the subecrth,•r. PATRICK FLANAGAN, Proprietor McG,lhvray, 15Th January, 1350- 21.50, v- The Galt Reporter will insert tit bone until forbid. lmcatd,ne, 21 h Doc. 11/9. 2i-47 CASH for WHEAT ,A T the Godeti. b :11 Ila -acid C oh for Cherry !, Saw Logs al (o.Ierieh end Ileyfi.ld 61,11e, by WILLIAM PIPER. Qi•"Irviek 884ls. S•h D rrtr,iw, i449 46-d JUST BIW EIVED PER SCHOONER ANNEXATION, ANI) few sale by the $sibeeriber. Cheap for Caah or Produce. 45 Ctse.ts Temp. Mu*►orad.. la oilier Seger* R•.se. Tobacco, ,Do Soap. 25 bb1. Joshes drat °WOW.. Wbidey, 4e bhle ftlel.eordedoab(e reef. Whiskey, 1 H.dgsltea l .,f C"gnab Bondy• 1 Pile 11. 'helmet 50 neer'wolf. Engleh lion It, a: Brsnde a.ruttLJ, 800 buts tine Salt, Woo:,u Sheet., Do P,aiJ., Pounce. Ere. ass. C. CRABS, Goderich Dec. 12th, 1949. n45 -calf. I' C tl)TiON TO TifF: PURWC,-_LOST et the reaidence of the subrcnhee in the 2.d II GCe. ees.•on of the Toenshi of Goerriethe end o{:q rV A, short • or rhrr 1" November lair, • Promissory NOT};, male by ens J.eob Willwo io favor ofJohn Gal- ',,,. bt" rr or br.rer, for Li 1 15s. and due on '6.138 No emher 1ed9, witnessed by Robin ENiottsad John Hr.ly. This is therefore to emotes say per ,on. finding or receiving the said Note, that , •the same is still the property of the•.suhaenber, sou tint he has not assigned the same to any Gni, sed that the same may be deiivered to Dixi. W .rano Esq. Barrister, Goderich, or to ahe.ab- se,rber. JOHN GALLAGHER, 2nd Con. Township JoGoderieb. 4th 1)eeember, 1449. 2v -n45 -if NOTICE. -A Young Man, of geed moral character, who hides a certificate of quali- fication, of me, of the firs class, is desirous of Obtaining a Common Wheel. 11e has sows koowledae of 1.e,in, and will be ready lo teach . few of the first elementary heokaie,hat tongue. Apply, if by Letter, post-paid, rat this office, or ' to Mr. 1). McMillan, Teacher of Scbool Section .No. 4, Teekeremith, London Rood. CHARLE, FLF:TCHER, Supt. 0. 8. Iluron District, Edeeattoo Office, iluro• District, j Gedenc6. 1818 Dec, 1849. 1 2v-n44-sf TO BE SOLI), A' N excellent Farm, being Lot No. 11. Maitland Coaceesion, Tow*etsep of Goderieh, containing 100 acre, -?$O of which u cleared. The land is of a ,uperior quali- ty, and well watered. It is ,trusted exact- ly nine n,rb•s from the town of Guderieb o0 the Iluron Road, and at the j.mction of mss d different roach.+; a•ol sa it 1a to abs center of on a pope/mar-end prospect** locality, it ie sae - lei t Ir v of adopted d tpd n fr a Tavern weed R d or a 1, Strife. This tarry is well entitled to the * attention of person desiring of an eligible f ,iteration for imsitlev, end will be sold oa - eery retainable terms. Pot partiewlat,, apply- to Thema Dark, T►Rrtr-keep,,, Ooderiebrtx to the proprrntor • JONAB COPD, Village of ilarpt:tLey , f June 15. 1849, .201911 a TRAVELLER'S HOME, 81 R%Sl:i I:G, 11 ATKaLoo, 28th e'ebruary, 1'49. Sub.errbcr i,rrphy intimater to Lu ,ende and the Travelling Puhli• gene - that he has removed front New Aber - to the Village of Surasburgh, and will e fourd in that weM-know,, house for - occupied by Mr. Jonco,-where he be ready and able to conduce to the THE Debts dee by the late firm of STRACIJAN lc LIZARS, as Barris- ter and Attormee at Law, will be paid by John Strachan and Daniel Home Lizere, at their respective. offices in Goderrch and Stratford : And the debts due to them are d requested to ba forthwith pard. Those due the office at Goderrch, fie the .aid John Strachan, at Goderrch,aforesaid, and' those due the office at Stratford, to the said Dan- iel home Lizan, at Stratford, aforesaid- 8 JOHN STRACHAN, DANIEL HOME: LIZARS. Goderich, end January. 1850. !y -n49 . TO PRINTERS. TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTERS rill c'"RNiSHLNG WAREHOUSE, 2. THE Subscribers hove opened a New .711,"' Type Fonn,lry in Ihe City of New doee York, where they are reedy to supply orders now, b to any -extent, (nr any kind of Job Fancy "1,e,',1 Type, ink, -Paper, Chnsee, Galleys, Brass Rales, Steel. Column Rales, Composing emmN Sticks, Cases, and every article necessary 'poor for a Printing Office. thank The Type, which are east in new monlds, anent ram entirely new sett of Matrixes, with i! oto eepcounteret and warranted to be unsur- passed by any, be sold at prices le mi,,, the t N. rt of those who may borer him with patronage. And vi Ade he returns e: for past favor., he hopes, by strict ion to the wants and wr-hoe of his mere, still to merit a continuance of patronage. JOHN ABEL. B, -Cool STABLES and attentive e. v9-edlf R. WILLIAMS & CO. CHEMIST AND DRUG Chemicals, Piitent s, Perfumer Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stub's, &c. Re. 'ViIE'nbecribere beg to inform the inh.b- Imes. " AH the type furnished by us la hand coat." Groom Printing Presses furnished, and and glee, teem Engines of the most approved pat erne. Cnmpneitine Rollers cast for printers. (1?' Editors of Newspaper, who will y three times ■s much type as their bills mount to, may ere the a-bnre six -months' semen in their were, and and their pen eonta•ning it to the Suhserthere. COCKCROFT & OVERENA No 78 Ann Street Niro York. December 7tb 1847. slid JOHN SPRACHAN, - .m BARRISTER AND ATTORNEY AT rR LAW, P• Solicitor in Cbnacery, C NOTARY Hae his office in Wept Street, Godard). Goderich, 2nd Januar 1850 DANIEL HOME AKS CHEM QJRZ, Drugs, Medi- ' eines, y, Brushes, bents of STRA'fFORD and the eur- rounding Township., es well res the nbli 7,• 2v -n49 P C in general, that they have opened the above IE LIZ. NRW ('ODDS IN FERGt1S establishment .n this Town, where they ATTORNEY AT I,AW will also krep cuoataorly on hand a choice 611d C.merj,.neei, :iolfeifar in Chancery, THE s"6.Cnber has jn,t received a f.erQr eeh'ct(on of Y 9• and Complete Assortment of DRY fROCERII:c, /FINER, LIQLOR9, e Ha, hie office a, formerly, in Stratford. GOOD;. GROCF,RIE 1, Hardware, Crock- HARDWARE, Etc tie, e Stratford, 2nd January, 1850.y,u !v -n 49 cry, Wine!, Spline, kc. ke.. which he of 1VLes they hole by erepieg a i .1 ° N. B. fere at low remunerating priers for Cosh nr poloist a low pyres to teems •stars of Hr. function, of the late fires of Reedy 13'.,.an WHISKEY, sinek of for Sale111S,tee- n poloist hLatrans pr a Strachan k Lure, continues to set as Agent- *acand C is di.;wnn welt the gr and familyfe- e for Mr. Cuero in all y, Also, • n sat ,,pos omen ted welt the greare.t aceuraey sesta , *f assortment rind to him from Stratford. g ret r sat I rum tituJp, 9, f rine har of Bos / k' 1' t' ATOVt� c e • d L fniloch's Meefeed Y h I The hegne,. price paid in CASH for any 11 R -i1 1 l4 MS k Co.f Slratlnrd, idyl, l.nnnn INSO lvng0 Pork, and Timitthy B,'ed, CAl1�; into lee enr•hosnre et the subrerl- All kinds of Country Produce taken in "Li bet on er ah •or the 28th of Nnreatber w THAT Handsome and COMMODIOUS exchange for Blore (:oats, BRICK COTTAGE sitsata en the last, a Black H1:IF'ER, scull a few white y ,e ih1•r1 N P. -Cranford d i'roper� Parlor,) Plnnghs, Sugar Kettle.., R ke Excellent Oven. and Bellied Pot o ►sale and •err rel " �'OR S.BII�e quaattty of Good Merchantable W i I E.1'I', neo stn- prospaeb ttbolds out for rotern. Bufficis t Nortbin Limits of the Town of (IoEeiieA, Forge, !fill Ste .lee. W. N ATSON. spots. Alen, a ked COW, with a white igloos improveessat. a it foe ss that,haled been furnished w,th b, and belong. °rL1 M M 1, !8511. 2v-o48t1 face. The owner a rrg„rrted to prose pro. Before es, alp, an •ti g latah occupied by Jobs Trac *prised. Whet Mbsrtri prospect ^°the, bird lb •Psoieness b•61 P41"" placed be- lag to Henry Horton Ivo to b wiwlt �� het '-at we re, forty ire, we tiisfr it well to 1 a jj lied situation, d well adapted for a Po pblhice m or rafipowl wo* to 'k foreign adventurers. rr- r '- put forth Tants : or otherwise LET for • TERM of venerate to tAe utmost extent all I re et a reaeosoble Rent. The e"becri- alett wird to deeper. of a Spas nfgood ertl0g HfMAEB, tree three sad the oth- paerjotfog-•-{lt.t w00‘,„ colonial eau, or property before any of ret pomitieft we tiny lakfleMdawll tt0..— to 'km* ndkf .trd re ea This Cottage stands is a beaotifol sad ion as is ntmit (mealy. It will be said o. moderate will by te.dre to the advaneemi*t erne Intev r "theme m 0sot ear object to advasee one w amply Haa/ea8 the treat,. She has de- I eP g bums to � kavis baa • + b it AI I Cr1010, 4.ss of hes owe s•6' t unwind .t, i0 the �° °• pricey. At M itamasss rant tibe bot swot bey Alpe of war le weer* the 4ealere is bun Saab .0d the tom, +tea¢--sMttN .15 footer its frreatio Mammies �tk • het ... to direct r Brad Lisboa, b bring thew as seer wR of Mot► 4v dais ie the er teeth* pesy t ie k y ~'dty cb *. the pse the sed tial �e �v,ttseM as M ak�, � Ilea. tki tint tassay.. P h Pesti« am the (:sty to , sea lay Camellias leer years old, sad well broke, both to 0,001/0 00d saddle. For Partieeleve apply the Pr rimer. Gonamen. oblP 31. OLIO. neer per barrid. (in bid) 3 17 Plow prt 1001h. (farmers) R %meg Whom per bash 0 Hay. per ton, i 10 amen kook) per lb. 0 0 Better is the keg, per lb 0 0 II a WILLIAM IIENI)ERSON. 4th Con. 22nil Lot. January 13th, IS:A. tr-n30 O 0, stag horne, black ring rimed both eyrie O 1 Irii A's bet/9'. The owner re req. -ester, re prove 18 0 Preemie. pey ovary*, bett tithe him awe, - 0 Ian. 1350.