Huron Signal, 1850-01-31, Page 2i 1 • -._ blliKtl OF THE Till LS. ► aWen ,gsl'd w►t►.abided lib- Trters re allsst by Raw-Bll. Asd, Aosta w►* world wine *••••1 •lesal N.wapapwStove .b• begsatag u( lbs wwIJ, it Ir .. • I.' my is seed Noss edify's, sad ssseblmg re- alio Tees Caussa (f% icor w ises en.) pace set backward le goalies ka•wn the ►emanon sad p oelble that every generation cou.uJrr. d 0 y, to : MOM which have lees attached as srariable a By law to this ,Feet, the Beeool will be free *sperm, osorrses of sur • •Jar tsar" mutton/ - At': •upc►wr to its pr..I.c .sots, ss being I e•Ieriety Y the finals etbsotmp11 d the Eng- tied who a desiroea that we shield M d.ewte- /arlheir advanced is mistime nee, and mak ng - ,, ,,, ,"...,....- - ' -- " w all and sioJry-the a■ who Beads so ail• ly rc lbo the far ore rertties-It breams a more rapid strides ea the wad to perfection. - lime meuapsha Hard wads sad herr% word*, dmo will, ie ,„,portion to the amnnet of hu Dw partially p n, HURON ! G N A L , half aamessod nidaoaaas were heady exchanged wbrcriber 10 the (furan .%gamic and taus satead In ilue u ni n men werewri o a nteable ,„oyer q, pay is mach to the maintain• rhes here of our rselulsew iwd enable tie to a. the genelattuas Cost vara,•) doting the by "/rote Wen !" aod w• acre been ,o(orn.d p ane„ of the School a the was rho rad. Alfa . live by ear eadravore to both others. The storkstork period .hot ■ucceedeil the stow ulal of THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, 18.30. t%at tae arau•y *f aharieirf ww p rein•„►ably dows «choler.. It a, therefore, reasonable to - tes _ •wsiwr•, were, thouvh nearer to inmate mad searching, that mote the would-be 0x Rreat- aoaual,nice of the 8itwwl is moderate 1.so pro- „ peer that the number of scholars will be "Lorton to .L• disadrauges under which a is yeL- a touch more eahsulrr.ed period, tutinitely aldrrmce were actually coo•ielal of the vulgar w(br.ur In ttse"I.l rtoiliiy tuw,mo tit those ANNALS OF "f I1 F: CORPORATION. ly ierrea•ed, sod we ody wire that the exertion,. lished. We Lave atter been considered • Mrd _ - cr.rwe of ear.og thou by herd and diligence of the Teacher may be increased shoe rat ono ,Arae Aad yrewdad them. It CuuT•w seronv. mensal labor! How shocking ! to pay, lir, sod v mea only .Low a wolliIbeni rv0s it only tones Ihs Is,Msiu....1 prin,utg from is propomoa. We bade always advocated an to • we are ever real to .,low thein time wot100bl* 1yfnw, 1hilt m.ali,sd hr.° made Tax third Monday of : au.ary arrived, big For the credit of the Town, w0 must here re- P Y. 7 ample remuneration to School Teachers, and „co to the mt.., limits that our any very great advances towards pwrfee wile the mighty event of choosing the first Lord cord the fact, that •m,J this ridiculous and du- have often r•nrrtm*rd our regret .hal they are the I on ; for it is by the peer, ti.., the is.gu• Mayor Cd Godeneh. Oa the first day of the graceful tempest of ill (echos sal persuaal abuse, wore„ paid clam of ,ebbe memento flat in the will permit. We, therefore, hope that all who once of *Jocattun h..r, til lair. buoy au 0* month everyibiag bad been done. that fair play there war one man who remained o0muve 1 by present condition of this enemy, and eoor.der- are fnerdly to our endeavors in keeping up 8 tend.',I. th.t 110 • l: el• aro pal,c,tie 10 vb.' '..d foul play could do, for the purpose of Recur• the siorm, one who looked calmly un with the local Niewsp•{sr, will make a little rein aur• tri n I all mutt loll w• and rag the tow avenge of Teachers' willies, we lino to ieercuie the eircoluioe of the .Yi ata! roc+a. 01 Caps • Ing t rmj•i Iiy of C.uac,llors in favor of Mr. dignified composure of the phdwopher--one x g as U' ,a letlgn that aur w ural, Vwu;(fi lee• aeknowlydee that steRaly ponds is eompiriure• io our own United Comities. gy- Rah feeling+ and •pony ieBueaees bad it whom f til word-oo ase ia.iuuauo° ly • handsome salon;and that thaw who table In years, is but literate it carr riveted was who had io claim to such boson, -no hash or nefneoJl whisper sed or pay u - (u »I•c'cut lurtwy war read u( ten two_ y aper war v have a richt to reactM a competent, if not ■ Ru - THE COUNTY COUNCIL It.ti,•e u( 00,41 errt:rlr, woo u( c.a-dura- and no promm ions to the nee-ssery talents -pro- uttered -awl that vas war the Radical Candidate per,nr Teacher. We eunent anvil„ subserlM Mat on Tuesday is prnuaoce of the New tole eru,iiliuu, a,•1 fain tare nsatiary t..,ltt. ; tested voce& bad bora recorded,..d 1'unsitbrtisw for the Mayorality_-Benjamis Parsons, Eeq. to the principle of giving the Male Teacher Aluuicip. Act. The (ollowieg are the ,*mea of trot %•h4 wuuhd atop lir • w ,avid to 'nett had peso' practiced on a swath reale.' BM. after Om charity recoils Isom a farther descriptioc Ii.te • c iwparau0 between lis .leu u( tin, 011, 1t was awertsieee before th• mum hour of this ludicrous set ne-aod we conclude *ho ;Ilion pnur.ds a peer more than is given to Airs, the Reeves who hare come forward. - ciao unless tiWS, sad len Pycr eol1CP, ai.'114 li rat ..,)the dl.t itis t. ,bat the police wen exactly chapter of the •'_leads'" by offesiog the three Rose, Wnlrss some beat„„ reason can be assigned Gtwlerich-John Holmes. f••,tOtnK, •' ft„sceOJ" isirings wlw now Inhv- ifs 1 for the apparent i men'. e,th•n the mere common.. ToStark,rley -LJ•v,d H. Ritchie. wlar.etJ, std it war equity surpeited that this following 'Asia propositions to the cwudenuo^ Tuckenmilk-Dr. Chalk Lii old 'uother'earth 1 What w fotufatil place feet. „hal wages are uniformly moth err deemed to b0 i/up,s.ii.11 on, ,imus •• highest civic heats*" world be the fortenste of our fellow Townsmen. First -A respectable, Alcib0ri and art Oo -Robert Hays. higher than the wages of remitters. If the"woman Ilibbn-Robert Dunkin. rine° boon pruvuJ t , b" gnilo,p...r.b!0, .nii !'it .t -- Nelr,Jy 1 The. Coreciliorsmrt in intelligent man,libe Mr. Rich, should be aware performs ib. tame emoent of *Aar an the man Logan -John Woke. sow, wilbtu lino inns low )e.►•, the .hecuee the Halt of the Btiiieh 11ate1. is confor'niiy to that Co office, however high or imporlaoi, can and if tea r•.ul'. are equally., benefia•i., thee, Fullerton- Mr. lull. rete that have Learn w•ulu la Pciroco err •he prosi.ioi• of the Boom' •• is shit ease aide be either honorable to the man who ,ill. it, or p-S1anshard- Mr. Clendianing. 61440 rut$,a •al t o eno.11e the preen' to , end provided ;" and before tommeecisg ro take edvaslagesgs to the pubbc, if it hes been obtain- there sr. !beth prejwfiee, cower ire and tyrnnv Uuwoic-Wm. Smith. 00 uuJ0ilatluw of rbc •n1.g 110gied •ge."- the rates Bet.jemia Parsons. Eeq., the aniline ed by a grow violation of the pnaciples of public 'n melting the do•idioo. distinction. The Nonh F.•sthope-T. A1. Dilly. 'Pit: ra iw uuw u•. ties„• to I au e; sia.bl. „I ,%r Ref'nn tai proposed that it'd). n p wire right' sed ubli morality -if %(corn tion, perm- aw rml ej'rwrft should, •Ione be the v.t a( Ihs South Eaathope-Andrew Helmer. arnon; mho u4•ingrst ywuw til tw ewuau I S D D{P g a D y- P Def ,espreti•e wears, and we ••r per.esaeel that. i( Ellice- Mr. Henry. fetor!' ; 00 the contrary, al, lim KA • the) ;easy woei I a'low or order Coiner Merton, the ,y, and inj.stice baste been employed to ermine fl•y-lVrlbam F.her, Ser. a bave.slip d la m'heele-.v,,u'a a'.1 a;telialne Rsto[..t•Ig O.tieer for St. Patrick's Ward, to 1t. Second --Tr f 'hi' strosa!e will .. to this net. the ,!atm• of Mot. Ross U.hurne moilStephee-hrrtea Scott. ,r" will self- r nothing by eemparts,n. We may. McGillivray- Mr. Fisher. Lc Ityhtning of hp.,.,. s girds t o make it emend hie r. 011 by darling off two fictitious about nuking Mr. Rich Mayor, prove. beyond • fl,dJul w .h -James Modeles. eu..crilral to their csr, sad altauugh tar) hnwrvrr remark that the Rrhnnl fir' It. nn { s bave captured C.041404 .s•1 tai,.e.1 lase isnot power slam, moil ooh it -peo,ol..d 1.0 uiI1:!ity vesicle will ab.rh th..y•Love .i'n nod Ovum:an, a• well a etc cants(.. w,h cl dy w,ts.ahs sat I, b:outg .peel ..pa i 10.0* red. of iron wb•;.o rau,litesoturn mow ex nod over a large to„tool ad 'Le ctoiIt od wo'ii, yet thorn no no hall c.,h..J, but tor Ss aid, still onward is li!e cry. fur the worid, ta out in its is(aacy, and u.ach :mains hr the pro,'e..t generation to p'rf.rm. Po - coons is rapidly cluing 11* great w..rk, wen% le feet *meowing lir fern„„ to wailer. Own thungh the p1050111 peri wl ut.y, In m -tem . gene a ions hence., he iuokod spur >a a aerl .01 .1 lealt a doi:ded °tie. tar Conk that um S UCCC.surr upuu Ilse world's *rage,_ wilt ire caedtJ enough to own, that the locp *l the present century deserve um. credit for - Lasing originated and perfected easy great works,' and for finite: labored' herd to w muutb the way' fur their succcsairi.=. Tbreughout the world, sr.J to - Patten. where they were but little aratPetted, there ere perceptible to the clot ,l'ijacr.er tit 'vette, aigne of great c tangixa'tor !Le bet ter in the cr'nditrun of the people -.rod he cutlet be dull indeed, who cannot d.:.ety is tt.a poinneoti°ne that are agailing toe old conservative monarchies u Lar.'p-,•'the len - will the making a Chief Mayutnte of Mr.. the question whether he has ar Let not been h-ucy of the people t4 I.rogreoa, to cart oar Bich ip deaanee of the Radical Gower/mien: ; I apowrd a sufficient amount for school -rent here- WANTED IMMEDIATELY ! the yoke of their despot:, and • aa•unle the I aod again, Mr. Parsons, rowil1 *F than the burl- ,wer and dignity to es titch their mabhood 1 i !more, nor whether she has sot been amply re- - p g Y new of the Town aLoulJ b rr.a:J •J and thrown muor;atrJ for err past services -nor whether Two women kona„lide Subscribers to the entitles ,hem. The cold blooded masa• cies of th' people by ouch heartless mon- s,...• on- into tonfuioo, hoowaMy propo•eJ to withdraw forty pounds is • (..ir salary (ors fcma!e Trechrr. i/cro11 Sitvol, whi will at ,rut he triUinp to sten as flaynao- ve cuwahgratz. and ethers, on Coe condition that Mr. Rich should wirLdra.v I There are not the points ■t 1upae, The fair Day at the end of the year. tVe have atrur¢IeS 0 nose much fur Austrian freedom ;and also, •ugl alio• J•mes Wdaenn, Esq. (a Cueser• l cationic, oe is o► ought to Le, is forty ,noels •just! hard a ei'nbliah a len, jngrod in Huron ; and although tare horrible cruelty, plundering, •uc•.1'o be 0aaimousl• declared '.leyor Mr. 1 hie of th in order to gratify the gent variety of ta•n•s that uifief i[nrorde"ic'Y. "'y.'.VA.''.t. (•'ma1sa, and aod cohere like .Lem, in Italy aod Roasts, have put the atrocities of Neto sod Caligu• la into the shade, they could not • possibly have adopted measures better maculated to ;impel their serfs to action. Dut sot is Eu- rope alone, aro the evidences of progress visible., The Saxon, with lie civilisation and free trade doctrines, bas scaled the walls of the '• Celestial Empir3" and penetrated deeply into other parts of Ana, and into Africa, where theopollts Frenchman has • *lee secured a (truing, whence he may -from his position in Algeria. extend civilization over the whole of the surto of Africa: In _ America, there are yet some dark spots, but they *to (astbecoesiag illuminated. The shaking received by the country of the h(ontezunas from her powerful Nurthren sister, hoe sot been void of good effects, as • spirit of enquiry. bar been aroused' in. Mexico, in' order to aacurtain from what wyrce the Americans of thu north, hare . bees able to gain so tnoels power --have besaable with a small force, to conquer about eight millions of people, -and to wrest from them the guides teglon of California, in which, w %this a period of Itwo years, wore improvement has been erected, than two centuries of Alex:can trio -rule would be likely to 'feet. The cuoclueion at which .they moot arrive is, that Mk superior Intel - ii woof the Anglo Americana le the cause or votes Oa hi he had recorded m the fare of • re• doubt, chat Toryism is efaetly the same selfish. provision for two rrper■te oast dis,inct even,. Colborne -John Awned, Jr. miler pro. --t, a:.d is direct op; oiit.on to ;tis own despotic thing to -day, that it war fire hundred . A•bfield,tVawasosh and Kincardiate-Thoma• erLaJwelrJ dd ronrirtiun.) and .:nw Rn'yert years ago --that the credit, the leave, the pro- ,n Ihs rime Rthe.ol sertion. We ci,.. Ie it i• Johnstone. r:ildras,'E- n, take him nest .a the dol sad rest' andprosperityd tbs wk.e eomm.0 i optional with the inhabitants to decie... through. 'Soh the exception a the eajprtrwon Tow■ e••. Y g y thr.r Meairi I Rrthnri tin, wh••hrr tea Com- elee:eJ C eueelllor in place of Mr. Mar- will readily. soul cheerfully, aid iorstitr.fy be pa of GMrncb all the different eorporstio,s of the do McLennan, oho hail been falsely retained on sacrificed by Toryism, if thereby int own narrow - the School of their .„criers shall bra male Uuitrd . ao l o s ere rep eJ. Tberc •rr • the streoe:h of these two spurious votes, he, Mr. sowers, interests can be promoted -and, Third- item, or • female schen, or, a Barr, whether it (rw new •o-1 Worried heads et tet Ceucil, bit Parsons. would withdraw from the co*t, and al Aa we have bit few " G.-ntlemao "! in God, sF■II be tenth, M ■man or he •woman, or he the ma; perp are old Dt.ntiet C000eillors. mad both a• joint Teee,,ers of the seine Seen,• lint f embody. with Iwo or three exception* the %mi - low Mr. 'f ire to br made Msyor wabnat oppoal- rich, and u rite the ezrrs prxeedne* of the Po- tion. e 5(u r-3ltetipg hait.pon,ine04 a* that we bane in .n fir a the Aet i• rnnrer,ed, ler owe rq,i. I cipih wit,lom of bygone year.. Dr Chalk hu Alter some delibenetIme, this proposal was re- even (ewer thats we expected, it won'd he dear- 8108 rs that eeith•-r the inhahiu^'s of ter been elected Warden without oppn'trtio0, awl PoeJ, sod ib¢rssmimmiM. rind malice were for- !ruble, and -wise, and honorable, and rt.:able, section nor the Tm•tee. nn oke •nv Ir;titimatr )tr. DatiJ Dna bar barn unanimously will, weesed malty peo...d.d wife. Qedile ddr0ee:J Meseta. I that the working -men of Gndench rhon!J take ",'inn for the r ,- ooIy.m•nn nr m. mtlito nanrr of Clerk. The other County O( %ears be. • W ti:iam Wollate, Liriinpber Cnbb, James the manseemeat of the.„ own Town into their t70o Cn n i. t Peh.bsl. in rhe pine arh,w,l ►re• ,%etre, De eemo, to -ley. The Plue orf Meering Grtulee. ,(„face Harts•. Jam., Birsrt nnJ Brn- own hand., and.e'eet more of their Cnanelllors '1O^' And, lherefnn, we rein% that whntr•rr hu bre^ remove) from the Briush to the iluroe patio iirssus,-.iz :-and on the other aide and Mayon and public Officer, from among! hos already Men done io reference to the amount Hotel, upon the gond old pnweip:e, we suppose. tool Messrs. Morgan James ilamilton, Dixie - themsel ver, instead of p. odering to The unwrea• i of "tart' which Mn. Rata and C01. ',0(1Motet, •• rw,ul'g Rae step -*runs." The Council has Watenn. Deoiel Heeley, James Watson, Mar- nog vanity of mere mnbroom i tans, who te- „hall reeperuvrlyrreda•P, es the Teachers of two uader.ly eao•gh of business on hand ; hat we tin J1:Letinan and W'lliam Bennet It cil,_,ix. gird labor as a degradation ! I span,* schools is School ration Nn, 1. is be- understand the diminishing of the •Hood ex^ea- " It was *tic." Aud supposing that the partite + I pond the tumefies of the law and is utterly with- /More, and the devisreg of '• wave and mean•" had bad faith to each other's hcnesty and %direr%- • THE SCHOOL QUEBTION. 1111 mol effect. 11 the Town Connell of Gnrlerich to liquidate the District Debt will be the chief _ ty, the matter would just have ended herr. The I - I shnn!d ever hepprn to he heeded by i Mayne, an topics of dirroannn. We wish them sue - Radicals had no faith io the hoaeety of the To. fs rcfrrence to the common,ntiea e(•• A Levet, ear ,o rnn.iitnrr ,t • corporate MMS•, wr believe •ueceu in these intentions, and we iii orrtu.d- of Fair mu., in the Si,•nai of d►e 1 i th ion., wr the I•X 1X section of the New Act empowers ed that only • fair than of prodeoce aod a hole ries, but t l.y koew they: were u atubbern-aa have hard „viol oto eaiooa to the maore r m it were aware that the public 'interests . 1 u to Irgulsta ata this gonia,„, upoe an applies- . pplin- extra metre, are required to place the rich coon - milks -they • neve er..wsecondaze eoasi'kmion ctwnparrJ which our eorretpondent rcprrrnts the ease of tion being submitted by a merrily of the rate- ties of Heron and Perth is a far more honorable Mrs. Ross. R. .....nr ;,rl .,1 to d.rmsa and prosperous position than they occupy at pr vent. Retrenchment is the order of the day ; and .though there may be some difficulty io ob- taining la-ge punts of money, yet, we think that a loan of pix or thousand pounds on the security of the Counties they b- pne-icable, and we believe that amount would cell is the whole of the Debentures now afloat, and raise ear credit propprtion to the uti it a e iency a to a is'sl fr«.' w 1.:.0 1. •y1.. ..,.r s. ha.. W r``i :, --- k,rlV.• .a,.,,vr, wises ay out wen memory • ,eecseanly rant In n'erre r•.wnmOnlly, we here *%Sago, Md puioicd novo„ been kept is the , fallro. pounds given to tet ma school , And here written as num? •wr.t 1 Ittrt, and a mrd haek ground, would hive bee¢ piepnsrJ by the we take the opportunity of entering our solemn ter thing., ind as mach sent., and an morh non - crowded Uren'a A'nni.ersary, has unavoidably Ates Radicals a Mayor, war afraid of offending his protest against the prevalent practice of depre• rnse u mold reasonably be expected from ae. crowded out, for wast of room until west ween. parry as this seeaios-he s fused to abandon elating the value of female edarda:a0 when cam-. Ediuor of oar size and limited education. And. tee ebasp! a bf rile patty, aod AI r. Parson.' ,crest with the edacatioa of males. The :Sew yet we regret to, aeknowledxr, that after it's maolyproposition was again rejected-/: was a School Act soya that the words "Teacher" aod yon of hard labor and leneveonee, we h•.e- tie. "School" shall for all the purposes intended, not obtained the, amount of patronage or support The Tories bad full faith is the honesty of the have an equal application to female Teaclen is the Horan Tract. whieh ♦e an wait ♦nssillr Radicals, and their oily bops lay in their liberal- god male .Teacher, and to female cchools mad 10 snnpne. nnr.rlres ..Bated to. The Vnited They loirked back epos the history of Rad- male rchoois-this is certainly adruelsg is the taesetire of Horror: Penh and Erste meat eon- ieatiTs, and they found that aider its ! ei.ign right direction, and we hope to live long enough tin about five thousand able-bodied men who nM Tories of the lint water had Leen •to fee female schnr.!a value., as •t:ie highest inti• , *eigit tt rend 0 Newspnper. And supposing that to ,pang of frost and emolument -they foagd tenons of our .00niry ; for, edly if we are l. every eighth mon of the 5001 was swaed that piety e/4 ha , I bothers and revenge for never to have • geuerarioo of properly educated t• p•y fm a Newspaper, he'.hnnld pay for the proms intone/4 had MI been ncntic.d is a seat to and intelligent mothers, we can never reasonably! H•►n9 Signal in preference to al ethef+. not promos the (rami two of good Gozetthe sal Iia expect a generation of intellectual mad i8te1N-! exae4• beeline. it it th, hest ,aper i0 the world, prblic ctrl. They were ■ware that the real the gent wen. That Mrs Ross has .been a diligent! Mt bens' it is " home esiorfachrre:"and, in tomtits of the communitybjecwere diens. Mei/it-the aod • sucee3dul Teacher will, we glare • be thew times of chief -the sole object d Radicalism, They say, M•th.t e i tie« « rsroe it cordially admitted -and that her school hate bees I most be admitted that m Dishier w a. County kiew that rime Indica! Tovowship Councillors of iofiwitely more benefit to the Town than the witbwt m ,seal Newspaper is eiwapa►itively a WOW slat • Tory Toren -Rices if they thought Male school, will mutely be denied by soy per. I'le*rk-a saw1Qiag sat ie keeping with the that by w doing, they would advance the inter• sea acquainted with 'the facts. We regret ex.; Point or. the age. It is emrles@ on telt us that este of their Township ! And, they therefore, eetdiagly to record the fact that the Common the Signal is 001 worthy of patronage, lir not hoped that the six Radicals would shrink from School of Na 1 School Section of Goderieh, has entitled to the support of the inhabitants of the retarding floe business of the Town, and allow now for • long time been ander the ardereed Dintricl. Tht., to me the least of it. is an un - MC -Rich to go in as Mayor. But they had t.- , irit of masted without their Lest -they had hoped a• . P parry politics, and has, oa that account, charitable. if not a perry excitor, and in Reneely Leen productive of a less amount of reefltants supported by fact.. We willingl• acknowledge Piot all reseonable probability. The Radical• .limo, perhaps, any other school in this District, the comparitive feebleness of our abilities •nd it ia certainly bad enough when the political the deficiency of oar information and literary spirit it permitted to interfere with and derange gnelifir•tiems. We are maitre that the remote the common local matters of our Iowa ; but it is ei'natinf of G'wlerich necessarily renders oar • most disgraceful occurrence when the educe- Newt ether sale, and our political intJfli¢eoee lion of our children mutt be prejudiced or neglect- somewhat nut of dare. Silt we have done our ed, for the pernicious purports of gratifying this eery beafto make the Signal woeful -it is the sgly .pleea ! It cannot be den ed that for near- paper of the District, and the fact that, notwith• ly two year* the mincemeat of the school hag *tending the oitnen°, ditedynnnzea which it been 'chiefly in the horde of these who have an labors tinder in retard to late Neves, one heti' of iotereda is it. sacred.. And w thnroegbly eon- nor precept rire,l•finn in beyond the District e1 - •%need is the Teacher, of hie unpopularity with loather, should be received au strong circ w - the parents of the whalers, that, at the bort two stands, evidence that there is something in it that elections of Trustee., the town has bees raked entitles 11 to patronage. It is .roe, that oor old- from one end to the other for political partizans,(iahinncd friends the Toric. are sometime. treat. • the Trustees hare been .018415 by mem who ed to as extra gosstity e( "hot staff" -hot never had, and many of chem will have, • they mutt admit that we never interfere with child in that shoal. This is surely one of the them except when they wander egregiously (mat most Banning purpooee to which political in- the right path, bpd perpetrate some specimens li tense hu ever been applied, aod is alike died of rode antiquity mach farther out of date thea honoring to the Trotters, to the tool* who .ret even our pol,ticsl news, and far more inimieibI, them, to the Teacher aod to the c!arr;cier of the 1• ihrlr "ea erethic and the best interests of the Town. it is true, that the men who trots have eomm08ity• indeed, we believe they are satir- e legal nght to do so, and that the Trustees thus Bed 1ha. Dor eutigatiows are administered from elected ha., • legal right to engage the Troches. 'the perrst tad most .,errs motlrrs-.Mt ws and a law to prevent oils.haer of ass right may really eAmi6.R u fere. And we cheerfully em- end be beyond the eagaeity of Iwgi.l.tioe. Hsi no brave tbiw^pportioiny of hnaestly •diniot^g that man possessed of honest or honorable priseipl"- tsaoy of 'he mat inAoewti.i ..sl re•peet.be no man Luing due scoop of dm bl0aisp e/ Thele, in Hine hue, tion the fires, treated oe eistilieahas, will exre,r . 1e0.1 right re the is a friendly moaner, and that the party, true - ire tejary of ton metghbse ,• • matter when be hies- oily, have ober more to patronizing the 3ittssl If hes no istereet : and where tie water til- Ion the of oar powriea world • sekool systems of New Englad and New York are perhaps es near p•rfeetioe u say. thing of the kind can be. 1a all the astir States, too, large tracts of lead aro reserved 101 school purposes. 8enslearie eta high_ er order are slaw to be found In every part .d the country, and are continually increas- ing in number. Ot the hundred and ewers. colleges now existing in the United States, ninety -al: have been established since the year 1000, sod may -ere wilbia the last twenty-five years. Education a justly op• precured in the United %'liaise.. 'Phare ts another considmr.Uon w! ch n.u.t not bo civet looked -the improved me• „thyself of educate*, which have seen town. ved end Introduced moos ttie year 1@00. Fonuerly, the end was thought to be gained, if the chid learned to read ; and the daily rxeretsea largely eonsiated In cummit- rug to memory hasps of word., and the innwotouuum reading of prescribed portions, without any endeavour to communicate In. (oruiation, elicit inquiry, or discrpttoo their maid. Now, the range, of instruction it much more exten.ire, embracing, even ,a c,-mn'on a•houle, a general acquaintance witb Geography anti I rotary, and a know• !edge of the principles a science ; while by Irrqurat exationa'loos the teacher Inborn l.. recite intere.t, trims attention, and edu• care the 1 ,trllee1 of the pupil. There are many c►tebb•Ltueets, it is true, to which these remarks may not apply, but 11 u en. courrging to talc,, tont the improvements which. Lave bees brought tato so within the last leer years are making ra1p1 progress in every direction, and the assurance may be indulged, that ere lung they will be uni• vernally adopted. Tea U;dsoioe of Knowledge sett claims attention. The spread of education has awakened a .leeire which must he satisfied. 1f there' are echools for all, then awl be books for all. In both respects the year 1850 may he most advantageously contrasted with 1800. The demand has immensely increas- ed bui the supply has kept pace with it. - Solomon, could 1. return to the earth, would eft up his hairdo in seloni.ht:rent, and again exclaim but with greater terms', it Oi making many hock, there is ea end.' Docks ofevrry size of .11 !eecrt•,. Ilene, and of •aryieg charac'rre, veil, had, and ind't'wecl are daily Honing from the prem. AL countries are described. Al history is re -written. All great and gnat „nen, and mcoy wan were neither great 0,.r gond, live again in their m''mnirr, All K.- mice c- once is pofutanred. Every department of literature IP cultivated, and made sub.eru• ent to the general gratification. All *00:n ire consulted, and for every age and class there is digiti. ct provi.on. II the bnoke.01 the time are leas'prolonad, they are mote undid. Author* used to write for the learned acid refined ; they now write for the people, as learnedly. indeed. as the euhjerts require, but in • style and manner adop'ed to secure circulation for their volumes, for beyond the hoots of the merely literary coteries. Exceptitamble and echo porn:cl• nus as many modern books are, the inp1,'un- ty of truly useful bookie, betukn',s on 11e whole, a healthy taste, and prevents us from finding fault with the " liberty of ea- liceneed printing." And it must l.0 reexr- - ded as an encouraging sign of the tiin.o, that while the moot richly en':nwed and bot informed mind' are anidia0al!y emo!oy- eJ to providing mental aliment for this pub• - Irc, their exertions are duly appreciat^d aid well rewarded. Scott, Ilrllam, Macaulay, Prescott, Irving, and many others %home names cannot be mentioned, write fur the world, and for posterity. The half century has been (wilier sig- nalisdd be the rxtenni•'n, the creation [a many 'Tepee's, of Periodical Literature. - With the exception of the .Monthly Rrbiew • and the Cewtlrman's Magazine, there was beide deserving that nam„, in England, in the year 1400. Since -'hat tune, the Edin- burgh and Quarterly Reviews, with acv, rat whers of strutter charac'er, but more honora- ble pretensions -monthly magazines, liter- ary, philosophical and religious, In great number.-wcnkly journal., and hosts of newspaper., have started into eiietenca, and continually pour forth copious floods of reading matter, in Great Britain, on the cnntinnnt of Europe, and in North Amerea. The iuflucnce of thee, publications is ama- zingly powerful. They correct the public taste. end shape public opinion. They osp- rey infrru.atron-au,gept inquiry -aid in forming plass. and control their operatien. They stimulate the dull and languid, check the forward, and confirm the heptatin .- They are welcomed by the upright, and feared by the base. They ■re found to all places, from the drawing -room of the `peer to the work -.bop of the mechanic, -•and they away all nitride. not evrepting those who beset of their inde;oerd:nce' How desira- ble is it that the current of Perjodreat Liter- ature should be clear and deep, as well am strong B•it, knowledge ie not merely ddfueed by schools and books. The social principles which God hes implanted in our nature has been very properly pressed into rervice.- What cannot be done, or not so well done. by an individual, can he accomplished by a society ;-end by a society the division of labour, which a essential to succeee, can be fully carried into effect, securing the due employment of every kind of talent and qualification, and alloting to each his appro- priate eIntre in the general effort. Since the year 1800, societies harp been multipli- ed t.oyood all former example. It has bees tr:ly an ago of cnmbisatinns end opinions, aod the utility of their formation i. 11nlver- salty 1. To the Roy. Socie- ty, The first of the kind, e.tahlh.bed in the rage of Charles 11, have been added, in our own lime, the Aetronomtral, Geographical, hoographical, Geological, Meteorological, C emtcal, ArceologR.cal, Zooioggicsl, and other societies undertakingdifferent de- partments of investigation, and placing be- fore the public from time to time, the re - results of their argnrie¢. Last, but not least in worth, sod Importaaee, come M. cheeks' fastitntee, which • have been emu gently sweee.afel in diffusing knowledge, I directing the militia of thou- sands, and eostnbutieg to their happiness. Permit me to speak briefly of Ge eoseiret. Great pmgrese has been made is the oN- et►ee e1 legielat,on arae* the year 1800. - Set tittle war done dune¢ the drat half of that period ; the great European War, ad les new msrm•queet ea b tsrminatioo, harks( eeeuped 11N whale Ione aod at teetios of slaseese$. Est me- rino produerd dj.coatsal sad agltatli•e 1 sad fr.xe the pnsee ssvwlwYowM $ISS 1111 the pes•eat (JOOS, tfuw bas sS a 1 d- brases la atweea the a 44•4re died ` "Mile whims sommi as *Wes here lie oho 111111600 - smelts rf t In dtrplsN hawse* Ala =swim i tial„ isbeireibto of their van great superiority, and the ar- had already made every proposal that honor could Will, admit, or justice could demand. They hod six rival at such a couclusion will, to a certain unqueetinnehle rows spinet Inc good nae•, and aired, eoabie the Wxicanr and the . pimple of the the Spanish A. States, to see nae unq,u.diowably lord, and they had a men of themselves as others- sea their, which will ibcir own party, whose honor, honesty, andjror• sedately be followed by efforts t0 meliorate at rectitude, constituted him at least au good a tbakeudit:u... But whilst taking a suF man for chief Magistrate as Mr. Rich ilrsider, v y of tither portions u( the globe, we Must Dr. Hamiltoo•s bravado slant " he 'Avioid b.• n ot forget to take a peep at matter,' neer*, blaynr, and he tied, Ire Meyer 1" and the hreak- homae, sod note the progress which has been Ing oldie 1srdwoud table m defiance of the Rad- amd le being made by thu people of C•nad', ie.l fionn.ment, had too much of the " Aforni- mbetrin. uutil very lately, the guvcrnsneut was curtail 00 much in the saute manarr,• Rnn'a Pills" in it to he swallowed by RidiealR- as that a, which now exists In the ialaud 01 and the very hope that they would "give . p " Cuba. The people were, s►5 mart allow. ander toe.? 'opener circumstances was ao insole. permitted to I nve a tuiCe in tl.• i.ogi,I.1ti o Hnr, is torr,. ria but 11 their lettslatwn ant tin -ootid ro the The moments winged their wiy exactly with views of the tory oligarchy litat Bien prey•the same speed sod silence es though. the impor- eJ upon the total* of the Cuuotry, it war rcndar" l of no eflcci, rod the people's re I t^nl quhitos of' ford Aiayor of Goderich had prevent anter, If they • dared to 6rwLftuh, heen.wiy se item ofinere com,nsn-plsee /nasi,, were d mutase,, to their homes, or :on..Leif I Day raven/away, and the darknesa of night pull from the I'cutiucr. lint eat one hate tern formai the Iwelvr Cornedlora slinging to their spired, w bleb upcnod lite eye- ix it,. ptuplc : ,rats mad ib,,, opi.inna with'ah, same faithful Intrllp core hos barn avdol siOuruul ; *1. g y tenuity that had eharsctrns•A them in the fore• Ao.dca u(Jerp UC shrink„ ii ,, Le. n'dnv.1 anon. Time ..A "hot stuff" were doing their front power aolo muerited' z•cratein.. an.i z tbtmgh acme °1 i!•e it ''s'p 1 a., %huh tort w•o,k wdu.•oo•.y, bit the Lord Msyor besinesa raised and nourished, .1. 1 rel t In oar too'at, was •t a dead atsalettli. James Wtse^, Ent , 1 onadiana, now pnes,.•;eg the hush ploy' howevM, Ike nal IAO eight hare Iowa Mayor, loge ..1 making their ow n laws, a ill nor no length began to s••eect that Ru hralimn "wet b • much lout in nhttluia'u g the Int tier- lade of a toff'• than be had *oppnsed- li s nl tory c!aes tegrelnti°n 1 t .ems eta he begs, to doubt that he might never again have I Mbar A. Tnore ,.,u • ma- oho lair (hitt no oppnrtnni,y of tefo.ing the "highest civic the p►oplr aro pr,•gre.eing loo fast, sod that ref.. m p. inripus are o'-ing ea. ri •d too Monona" and believing that testier "leer-ltrir• fee eapw•ully to tars ruwitry ; but much 'hen ■rrer-ie-'e ll," ' half loaf is better than no hose h. eta .gtert•ir.,d by a portion of breed," he plucked op .he determination to de- th people m all aonntne., sed In all •gas .ret the ehamptoa, even at .Ali.M'.alh Astir, co0deCt. We have certain, no rr.e^n 10 be Now what we wish to say is that if eery • beta eeeey where and always. bean sed proffered himwlf as the ms- y equally •l ru,.1 as th••y now erp, wales held displeased with Col Mowca• tie the Towbar .f feted' mar of the fire thomend " able-bodied"• trrial of the first Lord Mayor of (kwbrich .' Rot the Common lkheel-we hive no by •ny fu tea cottony tor it Is hope sible he was her ih. Iri.hmaeY bdf-aw.Iswedchiek• performed note- men who reside 1s the Comities of Maros, Perth W reform too fast ..r too fir. A mighty rest i• the metier, bet we have for ower yeses sail Rowe (and who abnld npeon the Hama • nt of preen s • is Cooed oed 1',roti hoot to, re -be was " Politely Inn Iewg in Remaking !"- w41 J g g D p I t a Mr. Nimes maim, Informed him .net rr bestowed ih• twit d ear Bebe ahilitlw Is •dee- will •e es Paten 0111001 re her • Prutower, dauooeeeeeea (oily, the rapid / ,'mime„„ esti• the nese d Lr iesrsetiw, sad we a Dierret News •peal of kooa ledge, 11.e decay of history hod came Ise lou. The hoer of Radios! arm- g ."►t paper. w. will Ikea have rp- and . s.rraoow • the irsmendnoa c• with • %av 1 which ea ewwpktsly d'sgraird on it. ow tea•- wards of sir hundred setweetheru i• thew Co...g N seeds sad ergmiatioe had pee hy, sod Oso i 3 toes 1• which hi*aseasd f 1 with which reform ie advancing, and rho proxied- vase db le osmosis ' se lir•, rvhieh, we are ashamed Is acknowledge. ty •f the death and burial of tory.am. Whet lomat oereeee, ander his ewe eawtame shat we wield be rem amedred of u increase or or pre- the can refrain from rej ',icing at Tho v"e•ewim sf blitlsgugia broke 11•ss tea feel it would he criminal to allow it se poem see •est lot. The athirst vs!ree a< ohs 3igwof see tM b•fgbt presptret which now pnrteeq it - birisg•d se. Ithe table in meat deed. We aadersud test the .eiwofthrBassi eeisn „0x1 wsra, mast ws •ilk ev,ry toe whe sett whoa og M• Algae of tie IMvs11 bs hs'.s reads ad .ylable• ! Chsreb Meeting arid es the M lest-, ass refits of hes Yr pebble sprint-w%o would wIr re ad - same t-Rrew►ford Herald. Wombs% Je.esss, Nefirntre, Aldeteee, aod I ae• .s the meths imbed e( slipway thalamic* .,slip ebsesew d dose C,ewwee.• .oleos the ieeale•lsMe of o tat c.lton of an uoeceet rising gement boost man amid reetwl from such deo r-aoowbly have warranted se to expert. We ■, ata wteh we costa say as moth for the members of eetole our ewe piny. LOST- STRAYED OR OTHERWISE GONE A -MISSING !-Sometime •,.ear the rad- of August or beginnin_ of Sep'emher last a young maw lately from S'nt'acd, went on board the Eclipse' neamM.at at Port Croda pe Lake Crow* aod delivered 1 to a person whose appearance seemed to say he war either first Mate, or Purser, or Steward of the Boai,)a parcel wrapt in strong brown paper, and addrew- cd to " The Editor of the Huron Signal, Code - rich." '1 he person who received ttws.inatroel- ed to Ins. it et the Goderich Stage Office to Hamilton, for whieh the young man paid b -m anoshilling currency. Since that time many enquiries have been made in 118miltroiebout it, but the parcel hu never yet beim heard of by any person interested in its welfare. 1f any of oar friend. nr roremporanee in Ifamdton or Toronto, who may be acquainted with the gen- tleman who usonlly takes charge of rush thins on board the Eclipse steamboat, would take the tenable n( giving him the hint that the connen,• of the parcel would be more highly prized by the owner than by any other person, they would confer a (.•or on 'THOMAS MACQUEEN. Siotrc Ornca, Godench, Jan. 31, 1850. - ilea ,be Pilot. EXTRACT FROM A LECTURE, Drlirrr'ed before the Mechanics' Institute. Jnnrary R, 18,50. By the Ree. J. 3/. Cramp, D. D, 3, 1 propose to .ddre.e you, in tho third place, on Social Pi ogress . To begin with Education. At the cnm- menrement of the nine, eentn century hut little comparatively had been done for the instruction of the m in Great Bri- tain or in Europe. in England, the Col- leges were chiefly resorted to by the rich, and the endowed schools besides being to- tally inadequate to the wantr of the popula- tion, were too commonly abused to purpo- ses for which they were not designed, whereby the poor , were defrauded f the benefits intended for them. in Scotland, the population was feat outgrowing the parochial system. There was no general providons for schools n Ireland. On the Continent the arrangements were meagre and ineefGcicnt- What is the present state of the Edu- cational movement 1 It indicates deep in- terest zeal, and activity -pervading all clines and den menet ions. There ism i. venni convict' to4 of the importance and oil. curia!, of eq Ightened education, ■nd strenuous efforts are mads to secure it, both by voluntary contribution and legisla- 'ire enactment. The results are cheering. The patriotic wish of George 111., 't Thai every poor child in his dominions might be able to read the Bible," is out yet realised, bat the errantry 'e fat tending to that eneeemmatins. Thier ark a also appli- able to Deemer!, oldand, Bel ins, Fri tree P rywl• andotheFeou ( , nlriem o/Csn- tr. Rwrnp•. Without wrenching for the It Inew of all lI employed rer exprea- Meg se opiates 0 the nature and tndes- cy of all the instreeties cosmnsieared, we may contemplate with ease& the fiat, that the isb•btteete of so arge a porticos of Europe, hate waw lb• eppertusify of giv- ing their AO/rev a useful edeeatlos, at lit- tle emit ; and to this say be added aantber fart. so tees gretifyfsg, that is every part of the world where Fath%► Semmes pre - valva, liberal eses iessets of a similar kind are in bemire' psngtrw. a Obi Untad Fkatae, r le well bows, tb: warn ass lase0 rapid sdsasc'er the