HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-01-24, Page 4Its
14111111'A LIT111101.
6.atrU,*A.Le Dwxeeia.-Trr yeller gee
Metre neat, a Iew ,•...•ergt nen, in she
less.. elan sequu.tar re. omen prang 1.-
dtee, for ono ..f . how bu' h goalless,* deter
taioed taro's,. r. leiter.. 1e a spall et lrolw
odd of the young ladles' blew mot t e lamp,
and oar loo (need•, thinktir s1 a fee •r>.kb
mo,,wet to milks known the state of than
feelings to the fan o'oj 'et of their regard.
moved man at the Pane Inv. ant, and il.r• •'
themselves as they a ,pp..•.'.1 by 1' a la'.'•
.t le : but she had elan moved. and the re
rumen were in reality neat .'ch ..I ••.-
A• nor nit whi•i'r wlt!l..nl,
hetri;ttt ohere thou's, they h.ot4 g•ntlt^
took, as thea Thought. the .aft lit l'. heed
of ehlroter, and whet,. after • while they
.cot..red to Cl., a tender pr'Mlre, ear
•o as "red to ln•1 it 'owned with on
unnoe'wkeahle sum cr.. 1' may well he
imagined that the mn •en'o Natorarid!e. in
thin silent interrhenro of mired •1G erne
et, ,
' . r r
at the u Dsj
• weal* t
) r e
knee of the gentlemen ; ern •.f them entre.
feisty sl prod not in I rod lerly mien ed
with •Ilgbt. ,here tit °lir friends; moan lor
i IZIy .qure,in1 each others hind., and ea.
Meme delight beaming in their eves. -
Their.' consternation and the e..igry .orf the
lashes mew be imagined, Lot not sleacribed.
Roth erntlemen holed. and t.ne Wal .rile/
ward. heard to •ay that 1.s., • I!.•igh1 all the
white .Leal. --'s lura I fell tether l
'Lirerpool Times.
A Monne ileewr.-The (run .1.' heart lP
AYE jttet werelvedSaw ,h• EURfPEme and AMERICAN MARKETS, tree of ab. Clomp -
11.1 dot lied y0/TlPLENDID ASSORRft�TMMI. T of ��'},�1 }syt<� tt\y� �,�r.�s t`}'t�'
gTA 1'1/ �I ] D AN G Y .D Y l is Nie coo LtJ tJr a
p.i.•ed 4..I:e..t. P..rad Muslin', De Lune and Cashmeres, Ba!aureeas. Beres.. sad Crepes
estment and Orleans ('hall.. Alpacas nl all color., d hrestH.t styles.
*alis. Matin., and Saila Tat kr, %% ork.d Caps Collate Ikswefsl Lines Laces and Lace
I.i.ew•L.wn. and U.0 b•rcheers. and Cult.. Goads in variety,
Loire ('•ethic. nett IIunfit, ic who, Ladles U..nus,d Shoes, Gimes and Ilpnr►y,
brise, Mu", and J.tno.4 NIu.hnr, Dref.HAI,. and Scarfs, Artificial Flowers. Ribbon..
A Splendid
f Shawl
P.nn';fel a^d Fa•s (o.r. sd at ped• • that wilt emptier all ..ser,, (ns. CA.wP
ne.s. Farb-
er aW,Trew•r.in•e. 1),.. Ve•rags Comm and Lembo Word Drawers wed Shirts.
• AO AM: 1 P 1 tlyrs, VF$')TM ,A%fl'FIlOW•Ewa.
,STOCKS. 'iiur:. rad 1141.1.. Iri.b Linen. B •e'..k.a ?lits. GlomeE•tIIah, Presets .ad
C tsillb. P ill ~r 31E l411k7 4rat *
'fable Linens, Towelli,i s, Linen and Cotton Sheeting:, Counter_
I'•:u1t' N1:Irifnillc,. Quills, i)amilsk Flannels and )3linkela.
50'S'1'ALO RttBE•.'! !
tar fiev experience goy., i. I k 1.' a new i- 0•'11 511
dale flintier ; yen mar,n'•II an •!oil at ('ASI1
11 till It 0trcte'r. out a earl lune: r,n.l then
let go, it will fly rg' 1 bark 1n its ob; -hap.• ,
Their tm,rtate made of ober. :ra'hrr. 1
tu'I y•+..: Ihprc'e a plague •tyhf or wear u• •'•'
'car. I netrr keened but ora role of t'
broken he art. end that •1 ax t'nt''e•r sees. • r••
T ash'n�ton Bonita. 11e was a.r.c •rr
Ile was tall rnongh to wade arr.'s,('hwleo•
.,clown river, and ie strong as a SILK
towline,. I guess he was somewhat bra Description mad
than a fent Inngrr than the moil law and ' qua!itY
calcchi.in tan. .elle w a• a pert el pimarn
of a man'; folks used to ran to the window
when he rafted. and . alt. Tb,•ro C^rs
1V.uiliugton Err k., 1. 'it t1+e !. t.••t r Ido
believe there wasn't a golf in Lowell facto- 1
BELONGING to the aub.cnbert between
low Store ani the Ihvuton Court Of -
Ike, roe Finley lost, 13th lenient,
VI.. One JOINT NOTE against Jou.
Fiorito and ('e 1).,..unarI, for 13 1 S
ed., drawn payable to J• linea Phelan ,or
hearer, And endorsed by Jawed •':.elan, ps-i
alae, -Al -u, one against M1coARL $Tartare
DI ick Sm uh, foo El I9• Art Asea°* pa• a
hie 1. 1 i rt.U.n :integer, or hearer, w, h ill
In German, also part due. This to to can
Una any person loom purchasing the .ams,
or the above parties pa.tng the N•'tn• to
env person hot the aal..rr,t er,-and env
person finding Ute above Note, will Torii
„hhge the subscriber by returning them to
him. TIIOS. M. DALY.
Stratford, Jely 16th, 1419. 2.•-n30'f
Asd 4 Agents t4rwgk nes Primas.
Hewlett'. Restorative Balsam,
Preis Is. 34. per Bottle.
Thi• M..ieine .e • tars and uBcereom.
rare for Uurrhu., Dvaenterv, Dloaly Flax.
Relaxation, and that .!,.ordered 01st. ut 1h.
Moser. en pre%al. nt during tie hoot oin1-
er, known a the Summer Complaint . ►Lo,
lar the Cb. ler. Murbu..
Hew tries Embrocation,
Pau is. 3d. per Bettis.
For the Cute of We umiti.u', BURNS,
Seattle, Brumes, Swain's, Swellings. Cramp,
Chilhlun., Oita, Garen %Voubdl, Stiffness
,n the Joints alul N eh. Numbness., Peer,
Eruptions in the Skin, kc. kc.
%tetvlett's Stomachic Tincture ;
Trice 1,. Ip1•l. per Bouts.
For the e.,re of tt eek Digestion, 8111,11.
Dieeises, Pains in the Stomach. Loon el
Appmile, Gereral Debility, Palpitation of haul, 1Nu•/RD /'E Yaa. Jf►'LAYMITURY &HSU.VA
THE Sub•crih.r heli• io inform the inhabiteste the Hent Consumption, &Le. L., TISN, INYUIS "LOUD, JAUNDICE. Lues lir Il'Ps
I Gad h h h rrrE
Tao lelah ysad
efewleel aewilwd i.. aN M ria a ge•l`aar
rM ,tNo (i�tss......►sek'aMe�.kewq r.e., to aea.Ms. bre
�rooftree eft
mml bateMa by
h. tkes.... • •rt.. ass eoo
b w 04b .f
less areealass
-1 I LL 4134111.1•11 MAIM
earns .ICTJTl dcHaO♦IC 0Niel4TEN,
rrEC7WN/ d ,w 4*1400R* w RIDLIY*
$IUOU$ =VIM tr Utas OOrirl.Atlrta.-
In tan .a,wh .ale wet. +rime Wei therm weal, lire .w
r awe Iwwar�.. rlwer. ares. W .0 ..• was ear
retie ..a�w. •dl mew.* •less w smarm Lbw
IILJUOII r:Nuub. •M .ZLUHR L•asw.e. DILL•
CO.a iNTIlit0 Used w► prat .mess. e►. .1...s.
cue* tier NUNUR&. DRUPE'S".
DW Ma s*.. w1h Um we•r•r a
ear. ars- sit mins IMMO wwismes n.wwl.W.
1*IIPTluNs V the Mea. *RV4IPEL4I. 'CITY
▪ V S R .ed •01.11C. Tw e W sew•. •!us. re
Ser .*rune One. araho.w oat be R+r,l a safe. smoir. sal
hilar remote. thaw ...lr... Sa•.'0. rrrt.m ns yrel ta •
.wan.! Ire Ear.. -..ler. by deers asoYear. ■ Imrn...a.t -
TOY 'rO"M. In aallei•11:0. AND len t.UNL'D.
O 311tI�>RAL D>08ILITlff
line, an n• .icrnitr. Ioe1 • aa P • •Thin 1lydic.ne ;u one of the brat and
reeved a Lar.. Sta.ph ui die LATEST I. LIOD! 001M. LAI1KT/.
PROVED PATTERNS of cheapest in etre,llauon. LEPROSY, LOOSENESS,
CANADIAN FRIEND: OR .. ,0.I r as a n L n t* c A NI...N."1,4
.. Noon tails w nwawu wooly ell ill• eR•N d NI...N." 1,4 ti .
COOK !NG, B t1 X, Hewlett's Universal ()ilatment. rAW w.•arta.nohs tw..l r••.rrRal wn+o.w nf.areet«,w►
AND PARi,OUR STO�'11:5, per COMP!AIVTS .1.11 1144•. 'emir SWEATS. ORNANKI itrr1'�Tlt ho,
Pries I s. 3d.Rattles
Which he nRers for RALE at very
For Curing Corruptions of every drarip- lel l.rfTATIUN yJ /M HEART, PAINTER', CH01.10.
ale erre n.d SALT, all of w ich •will be aoId 'at ver redue•d Prier• I•,r . REDUCED PRICES FUR CA!llil, lien, Ulcerated Sure Leg@, Bolls, Scalds, !I T U. Tan grapnel marmot mahouts
...rhos b ly we of taw
n (lA (1:+ N..p-r 4 p h Y was mind e.I.s�ul s lessn oe r
n, Markr•a61. Frim pawn.... i The Nuh•eriher also keeps nn hind. as maid. 1hllhIninn. qtr. r•,yno•sabate,
,elerirb, Lv'.h Novy, b. r. 1.449. ' 2.-n43if let his OLD STAND, a LARGE 01.4 very Si. Ilewlett'S Apperient Family Pills PiIN'R ...Ho awl, ea.. baaY. L.'Ir. }ilea sal Draw
-1:. _ •rine e•snnmrptn M H R U III A T 1 . M. 'rl... •mm,.l ani IW
prior f POR Itl)TII SEXES. ,w,a,f• *maw well b.wn do0f br u.l... stwners•
s.'3 -¢- ~ - �• e• • 1P i h r i' Tier wk"If"_i ice* Ill W.� IZ11'. of lir dry deseripi inn. A remedy for Commences, Pais* and Gid. ovum or 313.4)4)0 f. f►• NEAU, be uarv,
¢�i y �il.. v .1:,1�t a•.) i Ari,:.. ..-_.a...+ Ai Oaf afe lei' . • ' The soh-e,ihet lakes Ih., nrnnrennite armor- senna in the Head. iheorder. of the Live,, SALTRHEUN. alrLLLINrrx.
L, r nia[erre shanks I., the Pnblie for the very at nrHOri°t1gIhtO' / IOOI w
h.m•rh, and Bowels ; also, Indigestion.- g .lest ammo Y L C E R ". d *eery ,,eerlrr•'am
W on IR / , lir nu ►.a1. a•..A..,wut ..emirs M
tae.. at..aaseee P.nwm tuna., .elite uleuorw thou whew
e.et 11..1 ..leaser. as ....,weednoir, will he .mise
liberalpatronagehe hag reedived sine. -he hes price 9d. re, Boa.
■nrn's'n to Loftiness, and meal•'.'* prices. t.. lig'. WT.E a R'S
hero in busmen. in G,derich• and hopes by wile.
\lrrinn•. Pnn1., $howls Dnw. tnT.eeivr•.ha..ul oh. pabl.ep0nnnire
w Y
1 %Ywdlnu.4 err ' �nhsll Ware. II
No. 13, I;U.�'D.9-"- 7'. Goods,
. 1 Sewed Coude, lc.
tmie•, that avant, t in love w:• h him - London. -C. W.. 28'h NA.ender, 1849.
Nell u hen 1 114.3 ,ren hint, he was .oil .kin' I „ `- j, * rr `\!!
and hoar, ilko a horse turned salt9n die._, • GROCERY' DEP. -STM E T.
Ile was teetotally a mere walking skeleton
i Sm dreadfully parer. Pay- L to ere you, 1
Hank*, I inking Po peeked. !nn I•n.k like a !
•kk telrkev-hen, all Ing. ; what on .trhh!
ails Nun l rat dy'in' says lie, of a broke.. I (jet )•Dyers,
hrevl. What rats 1, h.i:e the gels rte
Bonn' von 1 No, no, .aye w. 1 hello!. .inch
a fool as tl•at neither, IYiU, envoi Ir bare I .
you made n bet speculation t Nee Pate be
Wine' Merchants, Fruiterers,
•q.V D OI1.111:,1 i
ZING, PAPER end RFL.1. HANGING e•rrieri FOR BOTH t1EXF9, PURIFY TH E 81.001).
hereonlnit ll'1LLIAa1 STORY. A remedy far ('oshvenrM, Pdi*s 0iwlGid- itn'l thin ranove all disease from the 'Tatem.
God•rich, lith Sept. 1/149. 2s.-931,( !dines• in Iiia Il�arl. D enrdrr• of the 1..,.s., •, Is list will .1-. lie L !F E P1 L l S and
T R k ..a Ins rar•1 .rale.
To the noon! perenna w lin ohjeet tIr hewn 1. w• •am...e. ale •••r, weeder.
o Stomach. Sad Dosed ;aha indleerties. p N f>:'� ix BIT E S, les
\less Tailoriil, 1'.513 3 3' )wel)t l
IN GO DER iCHithe *skier of fill., theme Powdery. • *este- Thy ae..,.,, .f 116 m
.,. ...atom are pet op seel
TlIF. ' 3911 her , In U•emme. .n ib. id. unintended, Anil (Of (Ihddren are referable. ',re. ,J 1•►.M *.ean the
rdin. • r•a.fhlrL e,"s.1
P q„e•r'r 04•.•11 SIM!. toe: ' wr•e.n• rlr.•u r•. 1..
which 1. • b•ww n( Enid.• flew. +II ,Ir.•r e. «..
Mahan its of 0 d•nrh, awl illi+,*,Tari she. -Price Is. 3d. per Bottle. -
r..mmrnr.d bminrd in aloe 11.nc• fine.
W *ft's
K t J w
hr ha 1)11... • i i.. severs, t,1 twa•rr.., .re *•pray
die S3.. -p Msrk.t Square. where Le w•'I 3., re. Plein Is. 3d. - r Bois.. u.• .Awe u.•.. who pn.care theme.. •lin• rajrrnor
v p M +•waJ u.a they .re L.wi••w W uwN..M i W
pared, to ♦secaee .11 or9.r• in ha lino on the An rxrellent reined, for BI lou- Complaint. •., ,y,e rich ,eD.w •opt••..; ►., if 1.s 1t,. N •.rta.,t
she,,••, .nitre. and at moderate *here'''. anJ CnrUvene•.i. • Thry raannre mil airfare- torr it.. .. mina 1. a ass e. asst *sell thaw.
N. B. -Coling done on the stern* -L entice Ikon• nn the Sionaeh, at the rinse toile me rr.r.rg1.M 111417
JOHV ADA Mei• Strrrrilhan the 1!igeatiyrOrranr, Extricate
DI/. WILLIAM S. /sorsa?,
G,derieb. Oct. 17. i8.1!J. .?937 ramie iRiM b y sumer .r /aslant wow. N.• Twit.
throe P.M' attendant upon leeorders of the
p nn � v Stnmurh. act u e Tonle -Upon Relaxed EEYJ. PARSOCV,
.. II I L JJ 11 F ►l l: R T iii 1.. Constitution,, and prodece Viler 1k.Nrolrh•
_ ON TIIE NICHT or R ri•iL,OAY, •sur 14th 1pst.•
Hewlett's s Pectoral or Cough Pills following morning.. Gnderich, Jan. �g }s18.
. bake•,•his hand, i hone i hate leo u',,h : n their twee L•p• ep•1ramahy.*..doled dark u( !Park and L.rer TEA. -Inde w . 11.6- he filen soother ■Mndoned her loran loth. Prion Is 31 par Boz
p Fin, the run of (•os¢h+ ales Alsthma
Sale Agent.
d Pubs'e.
do Co, rnp•e(fel{y.miril the Snenii..n of their
nnmrmn. enelnnrro an the to !,R early on the: sem:
n do n
l "'"1.1..0•
clear grit in Tc to tok a bid f nn leo ns. nh.l f'ro.hed SUGARS. Old Gn••mmrot, Jots, and l sguyra COFFEES New ew FRUIT inclemency nfhr t weather. end the woeld' , char.
T 0 G000 FARMS
What, under the eon, i. It then ! said I._, *me,th (i,4q_ • 1....h Pp•ce, end 0,,,,,,,i.... ity, by leaving it In any .herr pen. Thr cb'Id 1 These admirable p111. are meet beneficial to FOR SALE.
Why.ay. he; I Mail. a I.nt the fere non of ! Their Koosh of WINES i..u.•. Well cnmnlrlr-r'' i•o'4' ni S.tNDEMAN & rd GRAHAM .was then appetrnrlyahnn'r 1,,e, ...Fink', nod,. e I Iho .peaay removal n( Coughs, relieve d,gi .E within 4 miles toddle other with.
P untmer, with li.•n•enanr Os! Kno.••e,. & C,,, HUNT'S Superior Old Port. 1)1•FF G081w)?{ & co., and 1)(SMPST}:R'S Psi", (jnld• thriving, h•nlshy condition Any person wh.. cony in breathier, se try n; to A.thmattc Ontn .boot 3 mules n/ Goderieh T• we
r P gad N'(N)1) & 1' . Madeira,
Champaign, Claret,. •well give Duel, interne/ft.,n as will !red to the • eu bjecta, and praeure the Wreaking dome
that 1 Smtld shredder the beet my
he' of the , en,_ea.1 Br,wt. Shona•.- nL.1CJefUfI\.Plot. The firma Is 1..T 10 in let Come -
'Cows. it neon Frigate. Verse my he* bot' Pr1 �sd R•own nee
Par. lnn,a•ra Rwm, S�chirr;•: n, London Porter. and Edinburgh Al.. All of cou•ietion of the D•onneuri! Iwwb•r. will receive forte ul riot and *!leen.
illi aneko• reeled eo et, neat Arany. if broke wb ah will be found of the Ivrt gnallns.. An•1.91,1 •, ,,^ead'u,11'.enrl.•e'e pr'ee'• A Reward of Ten Pr..ds. ' r•vr.es. .ion, Township of Gnderieh,
my heat. Sore cnoillt' he 110 die that i MT '• ORDERS CARI;1'1! LY AT'i!:N DFD TO." „at JOSHUA CALLOWAY. HCR'iPLL'S Dinner Pi11S i
Hayfield, 27.3 November. 1,149. 3y=..f31f PRiCL n Eli CONTAINING 164 ACRES
very fell and be wan the Haile ms•rcP 1,1 1 bounced t Ill nal Leaks Huron
n eer heard tell of a broke* heart. -Sas H
stick. _ -
OUR TOWN. . 't'n 21, DUada, Street.,
Perhaps no, town in Upper Centel& - has i Z ZZ11M MU �z lei lis C >E3 A'i1�T ®.
increased so rapidly in pnpelalinn define AND IMPORTERS OF
the last five rear. is Simone. Permanent Sheffield, Birminnitam Wt►IYerha..., .. } and New En.v and
improvements are being ceintinuelly made
▪ block. n( brick buildings -hs (Intone
turbine'ed'ficce, and benul'fal private mon. 1•ay
K inno hate n •n aS 13 hV magic Arn••nfi Araiil.,
the mo -t hen,ttt a prim tie rex' i arra1) t..1
Copper, Tin, 1 Lsee& ?side_ Svelter. _
• Nails, % Glass,Cordage Saddlery•
Is. 3d. r s. • a e woe e by
For removing ()Antras wow nn the Chest. and at till other by 1 Public Rood, -and
felt of/ler. *.tine, n•rurutarlr .(idle njnrrer, the sccued is LOT 8 in 8th COSCaSeioa,
calved by great Weakness and Debility in Culborse, W . Division,
are 11.gestive Organ..
He�r1Ml's Infant's �oothm$ and ix situated at the Junction of two Pub-
1,500,000 ACRES OF LAND
For easing Pains In the Bowels and Ste- For Particular. Apply to
mach, so **nest with Want.. expetiinr the Goderieh, 14th June, 1849. elp-tl
have far Wind, and prntunng refreshing sleep.
Tdolma:do about 1,500,000 n RE8 OF Price Is. W. per Bottle.
i I I I • I 1.4\U dispersed throughout nu* of the MMoldbyR•PARSONS, Goderteh:. •
g Meals... P. B. 1 Jxrk b Cr,. part Sarnia.
A ill
in on n- Canada, Plnhs. b '. dole. or'+.elle, unlet Peeler. 1'rrr 1/,:(.r.r Fe It 00 Acr, 1 arr. iterate I in the 11 )ony 'react, ' Mr. Wroe Joece Sydenham, Owen Sound , THE cuboeriber having RENTED the
of Thames Watch, F eq„ which, r t C d d1 j / WAREHOUSE and WHARF belnag-
(ert, convenirrlcr, and beautiful exterior. is well kn.;wn as one of the mo -t fertile part. ; Oadench, 90th A•._en-t, 1.10.. let --929 3 ing to the Messrs. E sad ort, u( tree poste
not intentioned in uur town. QALT.-The Snftcr.Iwo..f lir for Sale 1,000 Bowels Fine Oneedaro Salt, jest landed, ez "Os- o1 the Province -it has treb:ed its popula-
/J cents." to Oswego. Also tion in tiro Carse and naw contain• u STRATFORD- basedtabtisbed Wessell a* a
A few jeer• ace,, welted en wade in tmodd. r I' 1 It 0 N F 0 U N D R Y. tro*WAA*u AN0 COMMISSION N**CCANT.
to our knees ; naw we have excelleet ride- 70 Rhlw. fat. lilite8alt, well adapted fn Packing peonage'. SOBi?_' Fine Liverpool Salt, is wards o•f•2Qpe0 inhabitants.
bins eff120 lbs. each.. 200 Bags Fine Ua••i, Salt, weigh 241bs. sac!. Priers lowf,r r.,k.- The l.4N1)S Ura oliiered by way of --- Any order or commission fross the Mer -
1. n Co. , f. R A .1 t:, for Ten Teter*, or for HOME MANUFACTURE. • • chants of Godertcb, will receive prompt
Met -
London. 23th Nn••mlrer, 1x19. ••
walks and croseinea, and our nice young
gentlemen can walk from. ono end • of the
h h 1 their
-n4 Kuhr. C .1 S H L O II' -the ,lea . f rr HE S,*tmC,ibers to returning Ihanke In town to the other wit inti soiling
-- : -- I l attention. JOHN McEWAd.
highly poliiheJ boot*. We are to hope. Ay ANTE!) -5009 Bushels TIMOTHY 8. -ED. PI which the the HighPet Piiee ie CA811 . one fifth (Jack, uad the 6,lanse in 1.stu!- I their CUPtom►no for the liberal Dnp ' Windsor, March, 1819. 2v-7otf.
another wear will enable us to do rnmething `` w.li b pa:.1• I1 PF:. BIRRELL .ft C.. ,ernes b.,. done utr..'y reilA. port they hove sec•, e.l Eines commencing
toward the improvement of our highwntr, Lonlln••, 5.1 3. Nnrr r b..; tz 19. 2v_i3 Produce Merchants. •Th. Renu payable 1et February each husinrsol, beg to intimate, that They bave
and the rnrtine n dna bride's' .w a `JA.'St et) ::-a.uuu Put'.tuy tie W UOt. tor o
minus of Norfolk and Cotboroe @fleets.- `,f p r .e Cent upon the price of the Land Upon moat ' COO
liingBox l�L Parlour St0ve8
n1 the
1.91s. when 1 6A4ED 'VU YUAbI 1 Plough. f ht d t e
ll f ihid.-etthetr
year, me about 'the Interest al Six Per or •ala At low ratter,
HOPE BIIRRELL 8 o. Prod'Irs Merehan(1. t .
Long Point.,,tldrocote. London, 28'h No•ymber, 181x, ley -ale IS ass UlitED IX) VN-wlrulst upon the rifling f the mrd. mprovedMoulds. Sel(-
BauaU. A:CIDRNt,-Up Sunday night
last, as Mr. James Duggan end Mr. Jahn '
others, according to locality, one, two, or rifling Mill Dolts, and various other coo -
throe years Rent, nowt be paid in advance,
-but these pa'vment• will free the Settler
-Beaty, o1 01. town, were returning from from further rails until 2nd, 3rd or 4th yea
the conntre, their hnroe ran away when de. of hie term of Loewe
scenting the 3.11 near the tVrnrwnrlh Mille 'THE next Diri/ion Coutts for the Heron ".erect will be held at the times mad places fol. The right to PURCHASE the FREE-
nJ da.he•I the vehicle against the. stony JL lowing: -.-1101 D d the term, is secured to the
wall of the bridge with Pilch violence so to Diri,isn. Noire of Adding CUI.1L
shatter tbo baggy to pimp., end 'yrinunl, Tet. Croat hoose at G'dc,icb- 6th April
injure the driver, by fraetarise hi. colla
bone in t 'n place.. 61r. Beaty was elan
slightly injure: We un•'eretand that the
groom at Dile of the hotel,. at Wellington
Striate, where they had t'rch, 'had hitched
the harem to 0 wrong buggy, the shafts of
which were ion short, and Thew by hre se.
glect, jenpardizrd the lives of loon! bill fel;
Tow Teo.-Dradas Warder.
Yowl. -The o(Reial annoeneemen► hu been
need. by the Secretary of Sale. Honorable
Chriitopher Morgan, that the new School
haw, anlhorizine U o opening of the eom-
mon. schonl, free, wall tutored by the pen
pie et the late elertinn ! an over%he!n,it,g
majority -219.972 entre being revise for the
law, and 91.951 against it -denying a mi.
joritl of 351,1)21 in its favor. The Aet for
the orgen•sattnn accordingly eons into nee
ration nn the 1st of the present -month -
it leading f .tilers are lie kneel.: The
2d. Dmikie's Tavern Huron Road !b,h F.b,usry
3,1, Wood's Mein, Stra1G•rd ' 2Gth February
iih. Quirks' T Lnndnn Rned. 2e dearth
51h. Ratenbor,'sTavern Clinton. 11th March.
613. S. hors! hour St. Mary's. , 2S'h February
The 8 ' .D.1Ib. ere eeta}Codes will commeee
Date. . Clerks nesse.
A. F. Morgan, E,q., Clelk.
Golierich, Jln. 17t1,, 1530.
;S't'IhA'fMONU Bit1.W EKY'
Rnbeit (far,, Esq., Clerk.
George %V,Ilf.,.., Esq.. Clerk.
Grnrer Carter, E•q , Clerk.
James Gordon, Ent., Clerk.
James Coleman, Esq., Clerk.
• puneloally at, 11 o'w,..ck. A. 111.
. -J.D.C.
NOTICE. .rr'Lll: Snh.criber returning his sinteer
'or 'bp PROVINCIAL N1LrUAL AND .1l nw tnrnu st the Inhabitants Sly. of
S'ratf.•rd. and 10 kis eenon,ere generally, far
I'IIESnh•r'ihrrhw•ingbrrnapno;ntrdArent sckn Ides
(Il:NI:RAL 1NSURANCECOMi1ANY, hrre•',he LMral patronage which he hag received der-
by m.intelrw, .hwl he to prepared to receive Snh• int the tints he. ha. berx in bageaesn; wishes to
sr,ipn•.n, far Sink in the Proprietary Mooch. intonetr 11at the improved arrangeineau which
e ,d ap yheetiona for In.nrnnees In the Mimed have reeve'Iy been made in hie esubliebreent,
*trench, and In give ',irk information on the win enable him to make a superior goalies of
mut j 'et a may be revered. 'BEER, and to fernieh it on torch termites retitle
JOHN CI.ARI. `lune to a ronlinealinn of Ire busiees• which
G,derieh, 98.b Sept 1849. !v-s34t.f;he baa hitherto erjnyed.
n r , 1 J. P. Vtv1AN.
*Chan(* are free to a:I persons needing in 1 Stratford, Nov. 4P, 1849. trlw.43
the district ns.*, R,r dna under tern•v-nor tiTRAT1:D from de wMc►ih►r lie lir whin•, _
f a 1'hr elnn'i►e anJ t awns err 'J ire missed of Remember, Three STEERS. NntlCe to Crelht0l!t.
fi Geekl d red ad'
yearn of l fear years d,,nog •e -one r • t ALT. Peranno h•v,ng Clsirhn •wamet 30-
rrgnirrd lin levy IR. Ing torr their Poppnrt. ' whhr, Mre�iip.A in ,h eR ear, -•nor red mwly, t
in the on•n, manner Ng ether IAare. I e!! Si:111 V1,IiPi1•LAT• of the Taw"'
11'111,'1. S pat,t f the lad. weal lapped in ,,, , ear.i •hip of North Fled hope In the Huron Di.-
amonnt being the •ohne As Hint rrro w d' en,i ,he n,h+r • dark mrd. carped in di. uhf ►ns..'
from the State for the •tee of the school. I sod when many pot ane barn btotten. Any'p.r-.•net, me .jrgneAr•d t.. hand them 10 the
In V,c ronnheo .n4 1,,,,,n..T! n TrnNen- - • •n ,;rine ,nG•,m.linn of the aid Steers win be Subscriber tar Eaanunation and Adjunment
of the' aerostat Schee
In lay *.timet,• oft Deaenotl►r4th, Pit
the year. before the people faf ern sty. pre. g' --___p___- '
*rifer the aonnal or .pe•tik ineet•ni Ir ----- -}------";LTRA1 EU from the $.t'necriber ihr 1•4
each District, anal tl.r•e este itte• moot he , . , j day of Argon leer, a RED HEIFER,
founded n;+..n Iwo terms of four m••nth• F,�R�iER INN �SrftATFORD...00 year old peat. wok • SI'ECKLEC i person the n're•.•ry information, a. b. the
oaeh. The yn3Mls Tier be of G.11 men, and MRN. D0it0T111 pO[,'GLAS, whine p. A C L en I whole belly. and a piece ..► • principle. of the !not,l,uon,
residen'P in the Di.treeteand if thdy refesr v* of the let. Thnman Donets, n� see the left ear teles of. Any p•r•nn 1.elinr a J.1 NI ES wATRO�f.
.,, m.k0 the eroded apMnpriation the Farmer'. Inn, Stratford. her. to meter* bet f ti••• t ,„•n ..tate
1roR,r1*altr•n at do. Nirwnl Oce well bP
Trustee* are aulhnrize•I to levy 110 Inters. thanks to Hoe fnh.h,eant. of Stratford. en. ' •$In5M fur t' eft,,,,,hies
Pvy amount noon the texaele ;,repeat, rd tM pallier plliMntly, foe the ter! hl•efel JURY BAVAGr I., con . Go4ench. H U K t,� N 1 i V T , L ,
the nwri.v for any pnrNnn of it. The •a?p•(rt which they received dnrieg tIM N„!, lel, 1„414. 20.-142.1."
t_n19(( (N)1,1'R1(ll.
Th.Iriel Collector* ere frgni►ed In rim •e *h, lel time they hese been to S1falferW.•I form
GEN flys. .nets n.pectfnlly in•
colli, for the faithful dl.eha►ge of 'heir de. Air.. D eagles beget It intimate that 0 • /121 A C �a ��TT O f� farm the ,-;..'luno of G„drrieh, and los n•
ries. and any School District O(lieer who inte*d• retrying .-h rtes buinsw M 00 hereto V 3dE ♦jw ♦ sonny. that he wall c.w.untlr '1'lI I; Subscribers +fill pay the
shall use, f ary ether purring° then the fore at )',a (lid Stand. in her ow* **Tr. and
law ,I�rrrt• 0-e f'.n11 in hi. 111mM b141lt,• hr.p"R by.trier sUrn'ine tri ills enm rt .•f, LOR f:(NM CLELAN RARI.F,Y a1 the for (vo wi Merchantable Wheat.
(n t'e )elrlet w *o f nn• .oafs' mea r f' • p'OR HIRE. '••r wn,M4 be H.tre•rlfullr eel sir.
r .MAI7LAN0 EN h ihr
.Puler. J. P. ism Ails.
G«leweh, Oct. IOi 18M. !a••*tM11
I ingl►irt•-aro regnir.•J sir:.lied for 1hp111003.1. i
he rums nrr,laI during iw)N Al.n M.KAT. 3141 Road, nr}enmith. For the Estate .4 Joseph Ynrpillit.
Y.-043lf Il.m 97th Sept.
%%11.1.1 A M SC(YI'T, A•.ignee
1819 on37 f
Leasee at a fixed dem named in 14s•e, and
an allowance a made according to 1104161 -
paled payment.
Lists of lands, and any farther informa-
tin* can be obtained. (by appllication, if by
3.5 ter poet -paid) at the COwrAii •OrP1cRa,
Toronto and Coder -kb ; of R. BIRDS* LL,
E•q•, .9spkodd. Colbert)* District ; Dr.
Ad *leo; Corte', or J. C. W. DALT, Eeq.,
Sl entford, Horns Di.te et. - -
Gtelerich, Marek 17,1848. '7
S1'RAYBT) from the HURON i (}TEL,
on Soturday evening, tOth Oetnber,-
A YOKE OF OXEN. one Bark and one
ling.. Having enraged en expt•r.eoeed IN returning thanks to his friends and no;
*whittle,. the snbeenber. elan e.tn')idently
memos Customer, for the Liberal Pat•
,ecnmmend their THRASHING 'MA- renege which he has received during the
CHINES of :he newest design, both •tae
past year, begs to iDUmat• that be hu jut
tinn•ry and moveable, and weld:solicit a received an extensive Assortment
call from intending Purchasers before buy. ®(P ''Hill 7A31IQ;,0AO RCIRII00Ss
ing el,ewhere. All orders pun'tually at. and is ready to Execute .11 Orders given to
tended to and executed with neatness and him with care and punctuality a formerly
despatch. Godsrich, April, 14th, 1819. 2t-niOlt
Stratford, 13(h Ane. 1849. v2-nt8t(. Upper Canada Rebellion Losses.
Montreal, 121h March, 1849.
TI1F. Sobaeriber begs lease to inform the Pl11tL1(' NOTICE ,s hereby given, that
inhabitants of the District of Huron, re Claiment. Reheaion Leases in
and the ne.0hhnnng Doric, I., that Ile hat. Canada Wert, who have not applied to, red
Established himself in Stratford, received payment of their Cairns from the
and is prepard to gm. Plano end Specifies r0-pective Agents of the Bank of Mnnttral,
in the several 41.tnein le herrto(ore notified
Will from and after the fir.1 day of June
next• be necres'aled to at P17) for payu rill
of the same, either pennnally or by duly
appointed Attornie., to the Parent Bank in
this city.
(Signed,) S.M. ViGER,
H. M.
wine of Public ler Private Buildings, Brldg
Red -Large Strong animals. The Black les, Mill Damn;t6tr. kc. ke., and w111 lake
one has a .line Ppnt on the root of the tail I the auperinlendence of such Erections, un
_the m.4 •,nn has very 1 roe wide horns-' toe most reasonable term.,
Ind walk. wide in the hind legs. ' Ilin thorough knowledge of hi. prol...inn
Goderich, Nev. 13. 1849. 2t-n41tf and hie practice as Builder, qualifies him for
NOTICE . 1 any undertaking in the line. Address prat
ALL thn'e indeht.d to the Subscriber, Builder, kc. kC. Strafford, C. W,
either by NOTE or Book account, are Stratford, March 161h• 1849. 2s.-n7tf
rrgnretr,l to Call and "with, their acro,nta
on it before the first day of February neer.
as all neconnte nnsetticd at that date w ill
be, without %reerar pit not far rnl{••,tu,n.
G,wlerirh, Der. 26. 1819. 9,-n47tif
ct).11 P.9 Y.
THE Snblriber having been appointed
Agent of the
in repare,l to receive proposal* for Asru-
ranee, and will be happy to all' d to any
(1. tel NAT'S.)
r�lflF: Subsrn,rr inform• hu friends and
aha Travelling Puhhr, that he has teamed
ob. large BRICK TAVERN, st the East
end of Stratford, (now the county town of
Perth.) lately accepted by Mr. Isaac May,
-where be will be ready at all time. to
afraid the usual cnref.)rt and •applies and
promote the personal convenience of his
WINES and LIQUORS of the beat de-
Rerip•ion. A steady Howler •leere in
attendance. ALBERT G. IIATI'll.
Stratford, 18th July, 1549. 2r_neS'f
Di.LiVRItY, Keen Horses and Carriages HIGHEST MARKET RiCE
'es. I h II be Eder tog• beg ► I le rteehe►gev to eataI $RCIF Y. Sob- the patresegerdthe psbhe.
,, ,i0lh and beim imprisoned soteMMi• Ware of the mobile natromtro.
J.►M� PoIRTI'D & Co.
*dost g 4 p
fog r'x maolbs, on eoovicti». Illintiord, lest A'.gaet, 11140 fr-ot9lf 1111/1 Rept. 1540 •9030-,f Goderiek, Oet. 17, 1949
Zig ()mon Signal,
la PRIRT[n APa ►11L1'*1n TNVRSDaf
orncR r*SIERT Nile/114 .e.N*ICN.
•.• Book and Job Prinug, *.mated with
edam*m aid despatch.
Tsars lir Ina 1(t.n. Rrae/i.-.TEN BH11.•
LI NGS per ssaew tf paid &wetly is mit after.
or Twel.vl Aen 811 Plums with the .spindle*
of the year.
No parer diaenariened .alit Inc.,. ore
paid apo odea the publisher lbioka,t his adraa-
tare to do a.
Any isdivideel i• the reentry becomieu 1.•
epntsiWa for six •.beeribera, shall freely. s
seventh eepy antis.
KT All letten,ddreseed to the Lditer0111'M
pest paid, lir they will set be take. est •( the
pest office
Taws et •
Rix linen sad seder. Sees inventor 18 t t
Fweh ire ..•A A 71
Ten lows sad seder. bon issrrrlse f e
FAA e*b_rgeert Woggles... 0 d
Over re. lied., bet bliesdss• Pot 1
' A Missal 1Aro/, ooh el %IM •qts
etf'eaMas W M vow