HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1850-01-24, Page 3gamommimilmillimm—sitar- r —
pthe essielle ell 4M dpderlah "Shope' UPPER CANADA COLLEGE CONCIL OM ti'ng'ede are awe NM $MMM escual- NOTICE. TAKE HEED.
Iles Eaeellasey IM Gnvenor General
6r vhlnable af
bee beth pleased to soapier the following
oatltanna to furs the Conseil u1 the Roy
Ewa Inn been navel Beet of w Asses irss, ►ct 6
well wpm anal week_
LONDON E(eKTION !-DEFEAT OP' al Grammar School at Toronto under the
THE TORY CANDIDATE.! Act of lest :-
- W. Barron, Esq., Principal, and Presi
Yeeterdey, the polling commeeeed short-
ly after star o'clock, and the Towu pre-
@tinted a vett' animated with
the cuntinaal passing and repaoing of the
•Goghs be'osrieg to the contending puttee,
which were labelled with the nattier of the
opposing candidate.. Mr. I)ixon'e • ippers .
tern, iu addition to the name of thee condi•
date, bail also the " %Vide -Awake" motto,
whose parentage they mere ready to Jetty
when put os their trial recently in a Court
of Justice. No one will accuse them of
having been asleep on thin occasion. They
have done their utmost. strained every
nerve; and have been defeated. A very
•bort time his done this. It is but a few
years since the Torten could place any man
they choose. Then it woe, when " sweet
William" Draper could find no Boat that
"London in the far west pos.eesed a re-
signing member' and an easily -'o.1 con: ti
tueecy• But now times are changed. -
Loudon is no longer "fie rotten borough."
Mr. l.awrason and the remaining "four
kings' now wield only the ' mighty Stith
en •e' of a vote a -,Ince, and the c ,neegnence
la that London now takes its stand among
the Reform constituencies of the Province.
At the opening of the polio. Mr. Dixon's
friends made a rush, and polled rave davit
voles; after which. the way being clear, in
about two hours afterwards, Mr. Wilson
was some 50 votes ahead of :cis opponent,
which he maintained during the rent of the
day. At the clone of the poll yon
terday evening Mr. \Vileon'r majority was
1Vc have heard of several cases where
Mr. Dixon's voters have sworn to the
possession of deeds, when it 11 notorious
that they have none. Wo hope that these
cameo a?ll be prosecuted, if for no other ria
son that the value of ao oath may be main-
At the clone of the poll. this evenlog, the
numbers were-
St. Patrick's %Yard,
St. Andrew's Ward,
St. George's Ward,
St. Dmitri Ward,
dent ear
oho Hilliard Cameron, M. P 1' ,
Joe. C. Morrison, Esq , M. P. P•,
Thos. Ea art, 1':.y ,
'Dr. Richards ,n.
These gentlemen are all graduates of the
t ail w cy were resTHE PARTNERSHIP heretofore tells'-
_--= i ung ►etw«e JOHN STRACHAN .r
Excellent Property
'! ICA lime
Tui: Jtttwgsuir.-Tho vaeancy in the
new Coert of Common Pleas hes at length
been filled by the appointment of Robe E.
Burne, Erg., Tata Judge of the District Court
••t the Ilome District. Although Judge
Borns is a Conservative, he has never shown
himself offensive to 100 Reform party ; and
if a suitable selection could no bo made
from their ranks, we believe they will bo
far better pleased with but appointment than
w•irh either Mr. Boulton or Mr. Sprsgge.-
Wu have not roorn for further remark this
are gl id to learn that the Government have
put closed a moat favourable agreement
with the Bank of Upper Canada, for the
Province. Proposals were invited from
the several monted institutions, and that
of tete Bank of Upper Canada being the
moat favorable, was accepted. The terms
are more advantageous to Government than
heretofore enjoyed, and will afford increas-
ed facility for conducting the public busi-
ness.- Globs.
Mumma -An affray. attended with foul cou-
seque0ces, took place in the house kept by one
Beveridge. in the vicinity of the Theatre. o0
Saturday last, the 6th instant. It now from a
dispute, in which,James Ritchie • pnvine of the
XXth Regiment announced his de:erminaaion to
accompany some fen ale who was in the house
with them. Some of those present mid she
should not go out without Icer husband. Richie
then seized a knife and brandishing swore that
he would rip up any one that would prevent him
from accompanying her. One of the Lyscanders
C•en quem sed to disarm Ritchie and in a stru -
W�lrnn. Dixon -.P g
tie that ensued, troth fel!. On. rising, Ritchie
120 - 97 rushing upon another soldier named Fouey,
5'a 42 swearing slut he would "do for" him. Alter
38 35 some grappling, aod when both were eowo
30 43 Fouey bring undermost, cried out that he was
wounded. On raining him up, it was found ro
157 217 be too Iroe-Fouey died in about thirty hours
217 afterwards.
On Saturday evening an inquest was held be-
fore Dr. Wildness. Coroner, a hich wasadjourned
Majority for Wilson, 40 • till the following day, to allow time for a post
At al( -?ant five. Mr.Wilsonaddressed
nor4,a ezaminntion, -when the tory, after Bor-
rie elector.; from ibis balcony of the Robin- ing the evidence. returned a verdidt o` wilful
son hall, thanking them (or --their support. murder agaiust Ritchie, who was .unsigned to
and for the peaceable and orderly conduct, jail on the warrant of the Coroner. -Free
kr. Ile stated that on Mondeo when the
)ieclaration lakes, Place, he would Outlier
explain by views of what a good govern-
ment ought to be. Ile then proposed three
cheers for the Queen. which were given.-£. a d. £ P. d.
After giving three cheers for Mr. R ikon, Flour per barrel, (in bbl) 0 17 6 a 0 18 0
the assembly dispersed. Flour per 1001b, (farmers) 8 9 • 0 9 0
It is perhaps worth of remark that all Fall Wh•eat per Lushrl, If 3 '0 a 0 3 1
P P- ySpring %%'heat per bad). 0 2 6 14 0 2 94
Oats, per bushel. • 0 0 9 a 0 0 10
Pease, per bushel, 0 1 9. 0 1 104
flay, per ton, 1 10 0 a 1 15 0
Ruaer (fresh) per Ib. 0• 0 6 a 0 .0 7
Batter in the keg, per Ib. 0 0 5 a 0. 0 6
Montreal, 15th January, 1850.
The amount of business done during the
last week has been extremely limited, but
n ow that the holidays are over, and the
✓ iver passable on the ice, we anticipate
more activity.
Asui..-Pasta-Receipts have been ex-
ceedingly moderate for two weeks past. -
Yesterday about 70 barrels were received at
the merest. 31s to 31s 9d have been paid
during tin week. Pearls -Are starer. ;
not much in demand, las 3.1 to 284 6d o1 r-
Ft.nea.-No transaction., end may be
quoted nominally at 21s 3d to ale 6d : and
19s 6d to 20s for Sour.
Penararo.a.-No Bales of any moment.
SToces.-Few have changed hands, but
may be dimposed of as follow@ :-Montreal
Bank 5 to 0 die.; City Bank 37 die.
Mining Consola 13a ; Quebec Mining
Company firm, and in demand at 7s 6d. -
til nrkcts.
Gun►RICH, Jan. 23, 1850.
rho officers to garrison who could vote,
voted for Mr. Dixon; that ie, for the man
who, (being Mayor of the Town) refused
to atop the insulting and blackguard burn-
ing -in -effigy in the pubic 'square; who
publicly insulted the Queen's Repreaenta-
ttre, whilst the :nest of rho town; who led
tl`tabble to St. 'Thomas for the crowed pur-
pose of breaking the law by putting down a
meeting called in accordance with an Act
of Parliament, and when tried for the
offence, bad the audacity to offer to Judge
Macaulay to fight -it -out on the Square. -
Gentlemen, who wear the Q1een'e livery
and take her pay, do you endorse all this?
I)., coo deliberately set your faces against
the (.-mernment yrs t are hued t., scree Im-
perial as well a. Colonial, Executive and
Legislative ?-Free Ps cis.
At the Dinner in Woodstock Mr. Honks
said, that the Clergy Reserves and Recto -
nee miestione would be taken up at the
next session of Parliament in earnest. Let
the Government do this, and the Refvrmcrs
of Western Canada to a man will sustain
Although the Clergy Roerrvcs cannot be Ga:cffe.
abolished, or even distureJ, without the New Yurko Jan. 18th, G+ P. M.
Parliament GRAD -Rye is very quiet and steady,
sanction of the imperial Par
we believe that the Imperial Government Oars -In good demand at 35c a 38 for
will concede the demand, if a spirited ed- money ; Southern 39c a 40 ; 43c a 45 for
dress he peifgedet'the nett icemen of -Par- . Northern.
Bement on the'snhjeet. The people of ('a- Coati -Steady. Salta 2,500 bushels, old
nada most and will manage their own inter-
nal affiir- ; they are revolved upon the abd.
lition of the Clergy Rearm", and thereon
er the imperial Government vinlda rn the
Reserve quest?on, the better. Tbree-
fourihs of the pimple are In favour of abolish-
tng the Clergy Renames. Wo want no
Church endowments in Western Canada -
A church which a nal able to sustain itself
without the aid of Government, to not worth
preserving. What right has the Church of
FF ggland, more than any other Church, to
one-seventh part of the land ? " The moral
sense of mankind condemns it," and it has
gone far towards impairing the uccfolness
of the Ministers of the Church of England.
This question has been the monster griev-
ance for nearly twenty years past. In
1836, a select Committee, of which Mr.
Peter Perry was Chairman, in their report
stated that," Even previous to the year
1831, the people had, year after year, peti-
tioned for the appropriation of the Clergy
R to some useful public purpose." -
In the year following (1832) 18,000 people
petitioned the Imperial Government against
the Clergy Reserves. From that day to
this, it has been the cause of the greatest
discontent among the people of Western
.Canada. Let the people arouse themselves
as one man, and demand the abolition of the
Clergy Reserves and Rectories -let peti-
tions be cireulated-let every man who be-
lievesin religious freedom, make himself
active -let every denomination rally in de-
fence of their rights -Methodist., Baptists,
Presby Lemma, C lists make ono
noble effort in defence of religions liberty
and equality, and the vietory is leers. -
Long Point Adpneale.
Western in store at 67c ; small lots Jersey
new at 60 ; 4000 bushels new Southern
mixed, to arrive soon, at 59ic ; old round
yellow is held at 63:. and flat yellow at 62.
%VainLr-Market favors buyers with
sales 12') bbla Prison and Pa. at 27 ;
drudge dull at 26e.
Piovtnloar—Market for Pork enaettled.
Sales 250 bbla. mese at $10,64 a 10,75;
and 16 bble old thiu do. on private terms :
old prime nominal at 8,274 a 8,50, and 41101 ;
150bbls new prime sold on private terms.
BEAT -MAI at $6, for prime ; and 8,60 a
8,75 for mess
New Vette, Jan 17, 1850.
Ashes. -Market rather heavy for both
sorts, Sales at $6,56 for old Pete, 86,624
a $6,63 for new; Pearls very dull at $0,12).
Flour -A gored feeling in the flour mar-
ket and holders asking higher prices and in
Nome instances they are obtained. Cana-
dian Ir held higher. Sales 3500 bbl.. at
$5 a $5,12 for common and straight State;
$5,25 a 5,50 for Michigan; $5,50 a 5,62 for
pore Genesee. Other grades as before.
Grain -Fair demand for wheat; holders
firm; Canadian is held higher but in absence
of the Steamer's mail nothing was done:
rodeo 6000 bushels good mixed Ohio at
$1,10 and small lots Long Island at $1,74.
rrMIAT Handrail,' and COMMODIOUS
BRICK COTTAGE situate on 1M
Northern Limits of tho 'Town of Goteareb,
lately occupied by John Riach, and belong-
ing to Henry Horton.
This Cottage stands in a beautiful and
retired situation, and is well adapted fur a
genteel family. It will be sold on moderate
Terme : or otherwise LET for a TERM of
years ata reasonable Rent. The subscri-
ber also wishes to dtspore of a Span of good
Working HORSES, one three and the oth-
er four years old, and well broke, both to
harness ■nd saddle. For Particulars apply
to the Proprietor.
Goderich, 92nd Jan. 1850. 2v-nSl tf
CAME into the enclosure of the subscri-
ber on or about the 28th of November
last, a Black HEIFER, with a few white
spots. Also, a Red COW, with a white
face. Tho owner is requested to prove pro-
perty, pay expenses, and take thein away.
4th Con. 22nd Lot, McKillop,
January 13th, 1850. 2v-1150
holders of the Huron District Building
Society, will be held at the British Hotel,
Goderich, nn Saturday, the 28th ?natant, at
6 o'clock, P. M., for the Election of a Now
Director, in the room and place of Mr. Galt,
Resigned. Ily Order.
THOMAS KYDD, Secretary.
Goderich, 7th Jan. 1850. 2-n48
At Granby, Canada East, on the 18th instant,
by the Rev W. Slack. Mr. Jauas KAT to Miss
Aintree Honaan, both of that place.
-LI in•L..J.r,.IPI1MEI 01111MEM s.rtr 1 1 r
F4 EATHERS WANTED. -A quantity
of feathers wanted. inquire at the
Signal office.
Goderich Jan. 24th, 1850. r2 -n51.
Tbe University Reform Bill o/Jut See- CULTURAL SOCIETY.
sins em cared the Gnverement ;o a set GENTLEMEN -1 request your attsed-
r to report " a cods of pro r areae to the Yfoling on tb• tett instant, u
Statutes, Rule. and Ordieancea for the go- matters of importaace will be submitted for
versestof the University.)4i. Excel- looreonudantiow.
Iseey has we learn bees pessed to appoint D. CLARK, Preeideat.
the following gewlesne% C for Claremon4 15th January, 1150.
thio erkeee :- • NOTICE.-Reeeived n Store last No -
7'h• Hon. tb• Chancellor °flipper Casa- lee
da vtaber, per Sehuoner .lwasa»ilna, A
Let 44110N, eonefgwed to E. C., Goderteb
The Hon. John HillyardCameron. 11 the ..as is sot taken sway forthwith, it
John Witten, Req., M. P. P., will he fold to pay cots.
David Beebe*, Eteq., Cw(AATOPHER CRABB.
Dt. G.lerleh, Jae. 11, 1810. 1. -.til tf
- 1 ,
Fine £5. Costa 1 t. 3d
Godeneb, Esquire and DANIEL HOME
LIZARS, of Stratford, fgrt re, a. Bar"'
Witand Allorotee at Law, Solicitors is
Chancery, Notary Public and Coareyae
oars, I this da dissolved by Mutual con-
Witness -A. W. Suet non
Godericn, Sod January, 1840. 2v-1149
rgV1E now. doe by the late firm of
A STRACHAN k LI'/.ARS, as Barris-
ter and :Vtorntea at Law, will be paid by
John Strachan and Daniel Ilome Lions, ■t
their respective offices in Goderich and
Stratford : And the debt. due to them are
requested to be forthwith paid. Those due
the office et Goderieh, to the raid John
Stracha°, at Godericb, aforesaid, and those
dee the office at Stratford, to the said Dan-
iel Ilome Liaare, at Stratford, aforesaid.
Goderich, Pod January. 1850. tv-n49
Soliciforrin Chancery Conveyancer,
Ilas his office in West Street, Goderich.
Goderich, 2nd Januar, 1850. 2v -n49
and Conveyancer, 8olieifor in Chancery,
Ilas his office as formerly, in Stratford.
alratfoid, 2nd January, 1350. ea -n49
N. B. -51r. Strachan, of the late firm of
Strachan k L'zar., continues to act as
Agent and Counsel for Mr. bears in all
matters referred to him from Stratford.
4. w
Fine 5s. Costs 15i.
a 0
B 6
Q sass C P c.., d' a'
s�3 .2; os0:::4
-o ma_cw � 0ao,o-' 7ea 71.::ag Fc0 r+
Assault and Battery,
Willem Buchanan,
l)acember 5,
January S, 1850,
Li v
o ---
L .0,
o 0
y O 6
Assault and Battery,
o o
.0.0 .0
4 4 0
0 4 0
CLERK OF THE PEACE, United Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce.
WHEREAS my wife Ellen Maloegh,
hold. a NOTE of HAND from me for
One Pound Fire Shilling., Currency, Due
on the 271b inst. 1 lordly caution all and
every person almost accepting or perches
leg the said Note, as I will not pay ib.
seine, never having received any ratue for
n. Aad I further intimate to the public,
that i will not be responsible fur any debts
which the said Ellen M•lough may contract
after the date of this notice.
Ashfield, 5th Jan. 1850. tv-n49-31
CTAT COW.-ty Caninto the Enclosers of
t- the S.h.ertbe,s, about INC 1st Dec 1849, a
RED COW. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay charge.: and 'hake her sway.
Also, Lost •.mall red STEER Call. marked.
Any information respecting it, will be ahankfolly
received and charges paid. J. Si Al.
Lot 40, 1st Cue, Galeriv-h, Jan. 9. 49-1
IA ME into the Clearing of theaobreriber
• on the 26th December last, 2 COWS,
one Black, the other Brown, with a Bell. -
The owner it requested to prove property,
pay expense., kc. W51. ~511TH.
Gbh Con. Lot t0, Wawanosh, Jen. 8. 49
REMAINING in the Post Office at Stratford
up to 7th January, 1850.
Albert Tho or John
Arrol L A
Alexander John
Baker C
Bohm 81
Bartly Wm
Brown R"bt
Buckly John
Barker %Vll ism
Bannon Pat'k
Brennen Jan
Byers -W F:
Bickmeyer Argent
Brown Miles
Cury Monro y
Carmichael John
Cosgrif John
Clark Thee
Camgel James
Cline John
Caton John
Chowcn Thee 3
Caehise Win
Coulter Messrs R d:: SPringle Geo
Curtis Gad Phelan Michl
Johne Semi
Jordan Mr
Kamner Jacques
Keppan Alex
Alelony Mich.!
Magill David
May Mich.! 2
Maptin Philip
Muss Wm
Siaddeford John
Martin Bayern
Murry John
Murry henry
Morrison Barfly-
artlyMakin. John
CAME into the inclueure of the Sub.eri-
bit about the Int u( November, A
RED HEIFER about tomo years old, with
a white spot on the face, aid the top of the
:eft bourn nit. web a white belly, end spot
ted while and red hied leer, with the tower
part of the ole white. The owner te re
quested to prove property pay expenses tad
Like her away.
Godeneh,;Dee. 31, 1849. Ir-i4A
TRAYF:D from the sebecriber on or
about the tat of November last, One
Yoke of Black OXEN, brawn streak on the
back, rex year. old. Also three COWS,
one black, rpangted aitb white snots. One
large Red Cow wish a white Fare. Ooe
hard back brindle Cow, and one Two
years old Red Herter. Any person Ieavirg
information of the above catt'e at the Sig-
nal Office or with 51r. John Allan. Tavern
Keeper, Goderich, will be "atoned for their
trouble. SA 511- El. MiCOSK1!:RY.
Kincardine, 24'h Dec. 1149. 2t-47
AT the G.0l rich Al IA -and C •sh for Cherry
Saw Lop at Gut!erirh mid R:ry6•hl Mills,
Goderich Mii:r, 5th December, 11149 46.4
AND for pale by the Subscriber. Cheap
for ('ash or l'rodncc.
3.5 Cheelr Teas. Muvc"vado k o'hcr'Sugar.
Boxer Tobacco, 1►o Soap.
25 Ws Jortins Hest old Oho) Whiskey.
40 bbla 11cl.eods double rect. %Vhiakey,
1 Iles dgaliead o(Cognac Brandy.
1 Pipe Ilighwincs 50 over proof.
English Iron Best Brands assorted.
800 bbls fine Salt.
Woolen Shawls, Do Plaids, Print", ke. ke.
Goderich Dec. 12th, 1849. n45-v2'f• '
Mc W'llume Jo. V the residence of the saber -Tiber, to the 2nd
Mclennan Duncan Cor erasion of the Township of (in Iericlr, about
McFarlane Andrew the end of November lost, • Promissory NOTE,
McLeod Arche'd motels: one Jacob Wiltson.in favor ofJohn Gal -
McKenzie Mordock lee or bearer, for £ 11 Lis. and on the 8th
Nita tan Patrick No •ember 1349, witnessed by Robin F.tbott and
O'Donnald Fad ib John Healy. This is therefore to caution any
per ton, finding or reeeleing the rigid Note, that
the raffle is still the property of the subscriber. •
ane that he has not assigned the nme to any
ore, and that the name may be delivered to Dixie
W aeon Esq. Barrister, Goderich, or to the sub•
2nd Con, Township 1°
i Goderich.
4tb December, 1849- 2•-1145-tf
Carney Wm
Dunn James
Dignum John
Dr 'ewes Chrieto
Davison %Vin
Ekersweticr Jas
Fisher Duncan
Funck Alex
Henderson John
Ilay John
Hamilton Ilugh
Boughton Joseth
Hislop Wm
Harper Jame.
Hamilton James
A. F. MiCKLE, Postmaster.
Stratford, Jan. 7th, 1850.
Russel Leonard
Rankin, James
Scott Peter
Simpson Wm
%Cott Capt
Stretdee Jnhn
Steyneoo Wm
Sbray Danail
Stewart Dunkin
Taylor %Vm
Verner Moore
Wallace 'Phomas
Wood George
%Viol Prath
r1IHE subscriber otters for SALE his
GRIST and SAW MILL, situated in
the Township of McGillivray. on the Big
Sable, within three miles of Flanagan'•
Corner. The Mile are now in operation,and
newly built. The Privilege le,,the best on
the River, and situated in the best Town-
ship in the County of Huron -well settled,
and Roads opened in all directions to favour
?t. The Machinery and materials are of
the very best quality, and pot up by the ve-
ry best Machtniete, For Particnlare in-
quire of James Crombie, Esq., Galt, or ap-
ply to the subscriber,
McGillivray, 15th January, 1850. 2v50tf
Tho Galt Reporter will insert :he
above until forbid.
Colonel Morgan ! !
For the benefit of A. JOHNSON, will
take place at the Shakespeare Hotel, on
Thursday Evening, the 24th of January.
Cavalry, l Broad Sword Exercieee,
lofantry, i A. JOHNSON.
Manual Platoon,Musket exere?ser,
Funeral Fugal, ' . A. JOHNSON.
French Foil, t E.III. MARLTON.
After which SCENES from Shakespeare's
Play of
Sey ton, c
Tickets 111. 3J. Children half price.
l'er(ormance to commence precisely at 7
o'clock. Matt,al5lns?r kc Err
NOTICE. -A Young Man, of good mord'
character, who holds a certificate of quali-
fication, of me, of the first clam, is desirous of
obtaining • Common School. He has some
knowledge of Latin, and will be ready to teach
a few of the first -elementary books in that tongue.
Apply, if by Letter, poet -paid, to this office, or
to Mr. D. McMillan, Teacher of School Sector•
No. 4, Tockersmith, London Road.
Supt. C. S. Huron District.
Education Office, iluroo District,
Goderich, 18th Dec. 1849. ( 2v-o46-tf
A N excellent Farm, being Lot No. 12.
Maitland Concession, Township of
Goderich, containing 100 acres -30 of which
is cleared. The land is of a superior quali-
ty, and well watered. It is situated exact-
ly nine miles from the town of Goderieb on
the Iluron Road, and at the junction of six
different road.; ai-d eau. is in the center of"
a populous and prosperous locality, it is ex•
ccllently adapted for a 'Tavern stand or a
Store. This farm is well entitled to thn
attention of persons deeirnue of an eligible
situation for business, and w:11 be sold on
very reasonable terms. For particulars
apply to Thomas Dark, Tavern•keepe',
Goderich, or to the proprietor
Village rf llarpurbey.
June 15. 1849. r2ot9tf
STR,ASBURG, WATxat.on, t .
28th February, 1849.
THE Subscriber hereby intimates to hie
friends and the Travelling Publi- gene-
rally, that he has removed from New Aber-
deen to the Village nt Sirasburgh, and will
now be found in that well -known -house for-
merly occupied by Mr. Jones, -where ho
will be ready"and able to condone to this
comfort of those who rnay honor hint with
their patronage. And while he returns
thank. for peat favorr, he hope's, by strict
attention to the wante and wishes of his
customers, still to merit a eontinnanco of
their patronage.
N. B. -Good STABLES and attentive
Groom.. a 2-- n4tf
Huron District Building Society.
OF the Society will take place et the
Br?ti-h Hotel, nn Saturday the talk
Jan. at 7 o'clock, P. M.
• Ry Order,
Goderich, Jan. 17, 1850 tr-n30
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi-
cines, Perfumers', tlrushcs,
Paints, Oils. Varnishes,
A: Johnson was taught the Military Et- Dye Stuffs, R.c. &c.
ercises at the Royal • Artillery Gymnasium rl'IIE subscribers beg In inform the inhab-
Room et Woolwich, and is an rxperieced ?tants of STRATFORD and the eur-
drill N. C. Officer -he was selected one of rounding Townehipa, as wcli an the pull;.
four N. C. O. to coercive at play before Sir in general, that they harp opened the above
R. If. Vivian and his (staff, in June 1836. establishment in the Town, where they
N. B. -Mr. Johnson will in -eruct in all will also kecp constantly on hand a choice
Military Exercises erery Saturday even.ng eelect'nn of
tiering the Witt
er, at the Shakespeare Ilo- GROCERIES, 1f7.\'E.S, L/QL•ORS,
iIARI)%VARE, kc ke.
T REGINA. WI en they bore by keeping a growl
2v -n50 stock at low prices to rocs lee a slate of
public petrnnege.
Phvsictan'e pre eeriptione and family re.
c:pes d'spcnccd with the greatest accuracy
an I prornu't ti ole.
N. I1. -Craw ford k lntlnclt'a Mustard
wholesale and retail.
It. Wil.! i 5515 k Co.
Stratford, 14th January I8'O. tvn50
Jan. 15, 1850.
TIE subscriber has jitet received a inrpe
and Complete Annrtment of DRY
GOODS. GROCERIES, Hardware, Crock-
ery, Wipe, Spirits, kc. ke., which he of
fere at low remneerat'ng prices for Ca.h or
Ready) Pay. A Lew Stock of very Bupc IA51F: ,inn the enelnnmre n( INC ruhaen
riot Canadian WHISKEY, for Sale in any �,; her in December had a Black S'1 ERR,
goantiI,. Also, a good asaortment ni eomrng three years old, whit a w' ?til fare,
STOV .S, (containing of Box, Cooking and sir' horn•, a black rn g rmtrwl horh tyre,
Parlor,) Plnngghs, Sortie. Kittle., B,ke e
Ovens, and Bellied Pot.. the rip n. Bra tail w hoe, and Prime white on
The highest price paid in CASH for ant hu belly. The owner ie rAine.led to Pm"
quantity ofOood Merchantable WHEAT, P►nperty. par .•hags, and "h" hi." away.
Pork and Timoth SPad PL TER
Stanley, London Read.
All kind. M Country Nodes* taken in Jan, 15, IRSO. 2r -n.50-1
exchange for Store Goode. •TOR PRINTING of every rtercnprinn. nosey
L. %V. WATSON. 1.J and pr.spily executed at this eAier,
Forges Still Store, Jen. 1, 1830. 9v-n411tf Dseember 40, 1849.