Huron Signal, 1850-01-24, Page 21
mrd slimy. TM mot threw dews a boats o(I V mann letters of the 101b ult. *tato that
cit11 strews, *e1 1111 wpm the Tree Rossetti'• last eddies* M Dot deemed so
e glittered or. they tans*.- tile•US•
g,Pry n„e w'. Asia,„ by • AA. ss •' Orders have been received in London for
uwl•rkerl keel( upon the loob. They mel the buiIJteg ai fitti.g up el n steam
- est, sad we tbiek there is wishes ie tie mot of
the tiemosseest is etdaswAag w Amis the
Nem iefermstaes•es tbe sabott. Bee we Omaha
d the Distils' fispao.leed.em am dm prom
led and were nett for the E.ei stir til mita. [ 1 p j Q (1 bet be *apnoea to ordinaryschools and "'f.. from which cath iafasmallN ass bt.►-
Mr.a4s( hod ronosm to miff,. 11., blMse•1, y Di. Dockland declares that the •trema■ [] U Il 0 I1 O I 1 N A L e their teachers ; and 1 think he atroduu oa td•od Tbe, ars • pert of Mr. Rested
mint.'••. tree• ',mood on the .a h. They was to London will not yield a supply ul _ -. -- of a clan of pauper scb000la to the country farorus stachtaery. Dad we believe that atof
h Ito ,the air, Thee blamed Vent.loiter for the Inhabitant.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 1l. 1850. to most earnestly to be deprecated." them u•le
s der his tmaeos
dime coolish .ad oft
it„,..;. and Paint a Mw.crhaled ie.,. T,,ficial nen iuucehrent, thates mugu,atsam*1. It is worthy of remark ib.t the ead sw.wrk orirq.,.tl opposed
ppo uitothe•es W. a urea et
ry n• the lees of itis Llnw 1.w Dlt- RYERSON AND THE NEW SCHOOL objectless sre gives at numb iresterleogth, mod p
Phe tree W44 reworded for her sew.- has decided on a penal culuoy ACT. with lar mon sin u.ios thea •• o! this
somidenble extent a literal eomeltiag of the
This Mood was true to the • tient ct • f Ms fur cont'iclr io 11 sateen Australia. - y 'sem Aod, as • feeble, bet • .inti d, (need
others. The reason is simply this -'s the Not y'
love. He re'urned-hr he..,owed on her 11•' Tun new Act contains provisions misting the Ili. a sppeetieg to the fading. ad prrju- of tom Admloistr•tioe, we take Me liberty of
another rob... 1l ova. bri.'ht r •-et and ' AItRIVAI, OE' TIIE: CANADA. to the mooed and manor of .dminiog iota and statin oar honest cow...moo, that if tom cam
„nnillfed. The du+t or • " + I never - dices of the unlesrsed public, os the subject of g poem
racludug books from the schools a loch appear cooferred by the soca Aet, oa the CoNty Beard.
In „post It , t1. t set, -co, n . I,- it It •,I not Nrity 1 -oma. Jan- 11. 1850. F'res'h atomisation, and • supposed insult offer -
are diu"utehed, or soy other popular provision
roe,' it •the moth b. 1 n .1 I,• „(ane 1 t.- rt eonw e&aue1, •red 15 whItA I oar NOT wear TO
The Tree stomal stain in L,t•r finers : Om' two -rung. f y we have already quoted of the secewtA, an 'goo• of the Act imurfared with of the suggestion q
w ,v drP••ed a moire 'ham ter former Wart ! t'.'*'u i had advanced • farthing ocr Ib. rasa in Au plats." This E:ua•ro. Rrxaso. or his n the real sat
mer, a'u• .• v• eery I, r. .1 •r •od!••d., oind' l'i'en had improve!, and was toted at iia Dc Rr[aso.'s sialAwsmnraerror of the New rant man would suppose that the new Aet was pe y• ppor-
Vr q' j pa g perism - ten of the (ioreronueat will not feel compliment•
he• on ,•c• n• .els. The tor!. A •w hark In I .19, :i 3Ua for cab te, and J8e a J8. for vel- School Act, soil we appeal to any man of memo- uu •bo'n to open the floodgates Pan •
I'er, emit cane ton,( her k•anrhrr, That Charity sehool.-Poor houses- Work •d thereby.
ry intelligence, to say, If 11 la entitled to any lar- houses, sod • whole shoal of dirt ragged, lit -
their bvul•n to tom ANoot. es Thar Inners. \1•hral w,a vltghtly b. -l1.,• nest ...., i y.
n ..o.ymors (jets It is simply o rogue, gra-
* "£#11V. tris argaetise if ~flu red
of tyMllma Mhos) vont (boa srdtsary ap-
palitattmende to the.stmNls_meat of psuper
@ theols. The discrettomary almeauoa of
, ,,, , „, „„ 0 large a portion of the school feel eaioot
Mee consideration than 11.11 generally gives
too, as Flour 9,i•, ordinal 43a a Jia 40 U. tuggers were to he established a the expense ANNALS OF TIIE CORPOR ATION.
It ‘T RE r %'F.EV TIIE FII. ti '• 41 who h the market war firm. o the .ommoo 0o and But w• would -
11 .n y coetinnr'd plenty- Commis clamed ' f g e s ig ark to caber seriousness, What u r rally the I IIarT[R Haar.
(;}tA,ti 1'V AND AI .11`116 1NhI ANS. at :I 1. Amer can eccun•ies fine and in est tnnmauoo u( t1. r mod of t A short time bebre the Municipal Election.
AT T '. E: m: 11"1.11.VPii MOUNTAINS, meaning of all this nonsense about Paupers and
worse than erre the mere omission ofsu h as took place, we wrote ami article on tom subject,
Pauperism r" The Act we think eonWns o0
llor (rase c',t,xw n. 6.rpr► R, 1V. (i•11•w•k The linlhnn in the IS ink of I:n X!and war t •'mann Id k t It advising our townsmen to avoid, as much es yor
wl,.. left here on the 21st tilt , nn 'xprnss E17,000,000t bei,,,; the large.( s,o..unt u& cant tine of d.oee c'ark mystenoue shakes of "arch word a all , bol to •uthonaiog 6lumctpsl Bible, the introduction of political feeling into
to M,j , S•n;th'• train rel,nn.I en the 111h aa..11s ever held. v ouoctls to until poor School *ecnoar it aye
tnst,y trio, oh. Po'•.,. user t'atin • loft Ihot Commercial accounts from I.,d a parte their Ent Town Council. And we took the bb•
rlM.n en t1. 8,.l heir. Ile haul retched fa..lon• erty of naming twelve men, who, irrerpetive of
there on the let roil, 4'•n..t l•alt an h Nt► The political Dews (rove Englaoil it not of erslly annnuncrJ the consequences are m their political creed, were, in our opinion, fii
bef"re Maj •r Gllln, k Iwfi lbw P.c..s, an ex much Importance.
Drees arrived fr a train 01 twelso wxenn• Pariruaent will assemble for thrdempa'cli
loaded with r-orq, whish were taw their war of buwtnc,r un 'be 3rd of E'ebruan, w hen It
down from El Nen. to ennnfr the train on is nuuured %anon• pobunl .1 ,1 rammer
der Cant. 1 ,ins, of the 3r 1 Infantry.: then dal measures will be brought the
on the Perna : Viking the ,tore. sent up I.e.n•lattt►n,
under 'Major Smith. The corn and wagon. C.1. Welsh and au'te arrive,' at Liverpool,
belonged to Mr. Crone, who, it will he men• en forte to Vienna, to commence his diptu-
membere.l, owns the rancho ennowite El matte duties at the Austrian Court.
Paso the headquarter■ of 61j'r Van (lore. Rn . a wan mok ng rapid strides toward.
On rearhint' the G tad,lene Monnta.s. the ultimate an'.j,tgatn.n of'Ptrrkey.•
*hoot 90 miter. 11.ia rid. ••f E:1 Porn, Mr. The Journal De Haute states, on the
Coons, who had only about ff ern men with a,,thonty of a private letter from the United
Liumi, wae,att*cknd by a parte of Apochee, state.. that the Cabinet of Washington
nnmberieg 70 to 80. Mr. Coons and Lu have just admitted the ju•tnesr of the de -
party eharpdd the rudiana. and were mimeo- 104511 for indemnity nua-!e by 41. Pnuraio.
sed to have kilI.'sk. me of them, but ht• re and w hush was the origin of the dispute
treating immediately the number vett! not with Mr. Clayton.
be ascertained. Of the Americans one .The Pope, It a saij,•w•i11 not return to
man was haled, Mr, Clements Howard R••,no, onttl alter the prejected Ica• has
was shot in the arm, a valuable snare Mr. been completed.
Coring was riding was shot from wider', •AUSTRIA:
him, and his saddle. said to be worth *500
wan taken by the Indians. Thompson, a A mutiny' broke out in one of the Aus-
weil known yrxpren rider had his clothes man regiments .stationed in Comore, on
torn almostentirely-fromhis back by hall.. the 18th ult., through which several supe -
Coons train then returned toward. El Pa.n; I nor officers werc,kdled by the exasperated
28 miles to a salt • lake, to find favorable men.
emends for defence, and •int an express to I Accounts from Vienne and Berlin to the
%i Pone for assistance. Two companies of
22nd tilt., stale that a rebellion on a most
of the 3rd Infantry came out from FI Pasta formidable reale had broken out in Sclavo
and e.cnrted Coote train to this side of in.
nim, and the military +._- are up is
Guadalupe mountain*, The express then arena against the Austrian Gorcrnment -
left them and came to the Peens. The
The Sclavonian and SereiaD. re•
Apaches are said to be well armed, some 01! giuncnts have revolted. Tbe cordon of the
them leaving rix shooters. Their' great 1 Turkish frontiers held at their rear, fully
hostility 1e ascribed to the attacks en them secured from their brethren in Turkey; they
by parties of Americana :n the employment
are assured leftuehand of a support which
of the frontier Stales of Mexirn, prpally will complicate the relit:inns already "offi-
sh... under the command of Chevallie and riently in.ecuro between Austria and the
Glaalon, formerly of this city. Captain Porte." , The -- re, iment'I which
Johns, on hi+ way from El Paso, just this have revolted, are among .the br. vest and
Ode of the G to lafnpe-monnrain., tort leu hamdies4soldiers in tho Austrian service.
'nen killed by the lndisne Molomon Gar- Tho grfitndr of then>iug are resistance to
mer and John 1Vondley• The Body of only I the decree of November 18th, organising
one was found, Major Smith was to leave'
the Woiwndeshoft. The chief movement
nn his return to this place on the Ith, and is in the Syria's and - Peterwardin, and in
the Baena military districts, which had
been excluded from Woiwode,hoft. The
military force alone of the -insurgents is
estimated at 120,000 men, with 110 cannon;
and if they aro joined by -the Croats, which
appears highly probable, tbey will have
20 1,000 men, with 300 cannon. Tbe num-
bers of thenneurgents are daily swelled Int
desertions from the Austrian regiments
f h l' Soh 1
tuitous insertion without urai.him t1. plight-
ground i . Nay, it is
•ici n woo make II. ie accompanied
the head " which oracles and Quacks employ to '
convey the idea of something too awful to be lit -
palProvided always, that the said Mua ici-
pal Council shall 'net authorize anysuch
School Section to receive in any year, from
the •• moat injurious and painful character," sod such School Relict Fund, a sum exceeding
hence the Rev. Supe,i.oendeot does not eater-
rain even • '• wish to make further reference " to
them ! What on amiable delicacy ! The Qua•
kyr sad " 1 will not give thee a bad Dame, bat 1
will tall thee mod dog," and, in imitation of School without such assistato y
Obadiah, Dr. RrrR-a„N does not wish to refer to section which may be convenientlynce;nor united
the consequences or allowing the County Broody to another School Section, and so be made
to remise asy authority in s -letting School ahle to euppnrt a School ; nor to any School
Beeks, bet at the same time wishes as to belie., Section which shall not Aare raised, by tura-
that the said cen..egxenres are of the mon 11.).- lion or otherwise during 46. then current
rims, anipainfaldescription. Cant and Quack-, a "al at toast egsul in amount to the
cry are two words which are not exclusively coo- sunt whisk said Municipal Council shall have
Seed to the sending of s uriou. medicine, and we nshpfwrtioned to such section+; nor unless it
n11 appear that the sum which such see -
only wish they were Ins applicable to this oh- tion shall hare hire.', shall hate been •p-
jeetion of Dr. Ry*a.on. In order, however, that plied to the payment of the Teacher of such
our readers may be able to judge for themselves, section for such year-"
we give the words of the Act as follows: There it evrisi,ly whine very alarming in al
this, and it 11501 likely that 25 per cent nor five
per cent of the school fund would be required in
Upper Canada for the purpose.
Dr. Rt[rso, winds op 'bio seventh objection
with the following .pecimes of genuine egotism:
Cap. John, was to lake his departure for
El Patio nn the came day. -Son Antonio.
Western Texan, Dec. 15. .
This remarkalablo 'man. jest deceased.
• Will born nn the 17th of 6D arch. '17.1, hi -
in Poterwardin.
ing 000 of eight children.. 1lis father was a It to said that Rusin Ms been intriguing
'lark in the ironworks at his•bnro, near to get up this insurrection, in order to have with a salary of,L70ayOar.- both Austria trod 'I'urke de or dent u on
Tbe few particulars which are known of his Y P P
• awry youth present him to us as noted fn► her-
• v
topd nature• sensibility, and extreme t!uIl•---
se's-. It was for this last gtmlftr that We tiles learned to(ook upon the idcon•
..;1 b.eezer wan sent into the foundry, white aisteney of the Tory Press, as a matter of
his -brother Gilce was promoted to the
cnetNieg-house .toot ; for on tearing school
the father was amased to find the young
poet deficient in the merest rudiments of
arithmetic. in time he became a great rea-
ler. .History and political economy were
VIM favorite auhja'ets : but he delighted in " Rcpuhcan in iia tendency -so much
the classic poen cf Greece and Rome, al- so, that some of his Tarry friends amid con•
though be could only enj iy their beauties temporaries, aro codetvoring to shift him,
through Irenalatidns. Homer and ,. wchy- by sound argument; from his fits position.
los te•►e his great favorites, std in Ms Ile stands true to h new principles and
coe*ting•hotieo might be seen, Twenty will not be shaken, by reason _or common
yuan afterwards, the driers of Achilles and .sense. Appeals to his loyalty, which here-
tofore used to prevail with him,when, noth-
ing else would; may now be made in vain.
Bets established to all appearance, immove-
ably, on the reek of Republicanism. The
loyal Orangemen,•(if Whom the Statesman
is the organ, should-eodeavonr to remove
him from his position, oe^.1ie will certainly
dt.grace the fraternity of Which be is such
a prominent leader. We always under-
stood that loyalty. to }I10 " Throne and
Constitution" was an important element ie
their organization. We, perhaps', were
mistaken. Mr. Gowan'• calcu-
lated to convince us of the contrary. -
Bathurst Courier.
cowru. Vk o expect to see it as regularly
as we do our morning meal. 1t is really
amusing however, to witness the eccentrici-
ttes of the Statesman, it has twisted and
turned to all pointe of the political compass,
within the laot few months. 'It is now de -
Ajax. Elliott has often been incorrect-
ly ieetaneed as a poet ofthe working•elams-
e., but only a stall part of his life was
epees in manna) labor. He came to Shef•
field a young men, some bemired and fifty
pounds worse than nnihlne, where, after
many failures and much endurance, fortune
at length visited him. Ile began rho busi-
ness of a bar -iron merchant, ar a house it
Burgess -street, Wluch is now shown to the
traveller as one of the "sights" of Sheffield.
This place becoming too small for him, he
removed his warehouse to Giberoleer street
Sbalesfnoor, and built at Upper Throne a
handsome villa for his private residenr•e.-
At the lime ,rich was the prosperity of the
town of Sheffield, that he towel, ao he w -as
wont to relate, to .it in his chair and make
his twenty pound a day without even seeing
the goods that he sold. The Corn -laws,
he says, altered all Uu., and made him glad
In get out ofhu.inre. with port of his gam..
As it wee, the great panic of 1837 .wept
■way some £ t•000 of Ma prom-rty. Among
the massive ham which enolnved him rive
is his coun'tng-house, Elliot mode rooms,
and tinder the .haeow of Sh..k.pears ant
Raleigh in tho same place, achieved a for-
tune. 11. It's been cal. .1 the Hare• o! Ocn klas*NTs.-We are glad to be able
manufacturing life, in the .enrrtiyenen to to commnn'rvie a piece of good news to the
'tater.' hwouty, and the• b• arty rindtrarion larmrr,. The marketo ,ro 1o416 ng up, and
'.1 the richt. ,•I man, the •'n a 4i riv ,u to per. money is plenty. Wheat bring. 34 (J. -
hap. n.,t n,i,.takrn. Ili• gr.•at radio -mar, Harley, I. 101. (fat., ts. Pork, St to
wart •«f6•rnj. and hi, uses. h . counte• I Sq. Timothy Seed, 8• 9.1. Flour, 181
stance, an.! Lt- w ruing. p:,,took softly morn ' 3.1 to 17.41.1, and targe lots 17e 93. We
mese, 11,,, at1 irk. on r1.' n"•, -1,.,,,. bread- limo heard u( large transaction, at the lat-
toe,, n the' " til. el or., ter of o' ter fignr•t. Several buyers are in the mar-
•' u-:aw IC/trifler." poo. ;,a -r 1 r!,.• way G,r heti namely, Mcasr.. Coleman. hlcl(enx e,
the Lmovim. a„ I worn vo-ut,nrl ..n'tl a', F wu4 Spencer, and Campbell, fur Wheat
prince Minister corms,I ,he d„•,r.1 of ono I And other prnd,ice. an,I .lr. Collier fur Pork
n•'p•.!i.t 1ny,•l. ton. II too health had Imran' and Y .-D.odus Warier.
riving war 1 'e u•any nee tis M•Gtrw death I
owed 1,1 ,. t t', a w.,rld,l in the- A Yankee is nem.r•pNt by the astnntrh-
• i y riin'h tear of 1,r eon•. f.•eitlea m *1 n; . 11. w Ike •tnnng the Alpe with tin
due and 1 w (fought. r•, 1.• has I. ft five I hands in he pocket's, and the .poke oft s
mons. el whom two a •..,Ciel tn• iron midi cigar to sees stnnng tom mist. of Nlagarb.
*trot bn•inesr, an l two tom dawgrmen call floe orf t hu elan ean,mered hlo IAa 1a1Bco hl MMwu.
the Cbureh ./ Bn^I+M. the lightning telegraph, and asked bow ospedtent ; any thing in any laworstatute 1., Imo ;reed (res t6. 1*ape•tne G••••1 i I Thy a` men of m 11.,. sad N-
I.rnga wnnld iako in transmit a to to the contrary sotw,theta.ding- Olee to she several Notelet 8
►Mmsb`d week'' and we WAD.. lees a
N'uhni;tun. Tan mtnuter, was the re. If Mem premiums ie tar gmest*et rhe artiest thee. set the Promote, weeding is meekly equal to the boot el their fit- Tan How. ]t S•g:ewlt L•ts T.y.st1
There were , x'v-Iters r..rn of stolen zb iygaes.1....w Am,selee kwa.maa-'Mir t "WO r Ib.t thole Cpsrs nlorm N fist OV Nmu cabs
in New Orl.a•,o ..n the I b Uer. polo. 1 rant w.,t, was Ins njoisder.
Goad. from the " espeass of Om kraal Soperis- i• nbnseo a lama, provisoes* of the Dew f►yo as eelos min flit
TM Curt C,,e.lerr anneUSCo. (hat her ('amen to be vast! pleased. This lesson, t►"d►"t►•" w, ro• snaeA se m.a.a to thea amid aeon Mroo. i•dspesdeet position is tbo fruit .f their Reformed oy lbs teq/iew1. sf tis
y p t oopeeia rami npds the dstioo ,4 l : Upper Gee1•, 1.w boon very
Majesty'* avouchment n shortly czpec- lhoreetrhit uq.rire11, will sur• mock dissoe- The elpeemiN ihes preeeeds's sou that tom I Cuery Boards. W, •tr sit ~ iedtary sed Mr- (libbs.. ill, hot we ars \appy t• lean /rem tom Isst
tri• wetted farl,rg and rdnesa.f ase Aet `p/"d 1.a n•.sDsNerattee sf the wow g•hgs( hes bee 0se .1 the moo •calve stat •Atsiset 0bhs that be le ssevslossml-Proole-
Disctrict Gsmiaiiwa that wares es. booty of. eimilfsd.
It appears that Ogle R. Gowan has been
do -foaled as one of t',c Councillors for Kit -
ley. 'In the contest between Mr. Richards
and hien for Leeds, Iasi general election,
Mr. Gowan had a majority of Jfjy over the
Reform Candidate in this ownship.-
\Vhrr• lar. his popularity gone, that It
.hnul,l i:uf6•r him to be defeated in the
I' .wn.h•p (deletion 1 Where hove the
filly gone to r They must have heard of the
black flag" scrape ! -Bathurst Cosrier.
ten pounds currency ; And provided a so,
that it shall not authorise any portion of
the said fund to be paid to any :School Sec -
lien In which the inhabitar is May be with
riently wealthy to be able. to support a
er Thirdly. To •elect and recommend
proper books for the use of the Public
Schools of their County, and to canoe a list
of such books ap they shall select to be sent
to each Township, Town and City,Buperin-
terident of Schools in their Conaty,.fdt his
guidandance and direction : Provided al- " i can show, that I have 'not only had re -
way., that no person attending any public gars to feeble and needy school sections,
School shell be required to read or study but that ander the provisions of the exist.
anyhook containing controverted theulogi- ing law, i have invariably met the case of
cal dogmas or doctrine.." such rectuons; so that not one of them, as
(fere, thee, is all that the Act say. about ad-
for u ( baro been able to ascertain, has
omitting or excluding books, and we ask any r ,-
sonable man what "injurious and painful eoile-
quencen" could possibly result from the authority
been deprived of the advantage of the school
system on account of its po6erty nay, that
such eections have been aided in a way most
effectually to prompt and encourage local
h •re given to the County Brads of Education 1 j exertions, to exempt them from the baneful
Are we to be insulted by being told that there influence and degradation of constituting a
are not seven men in the County of Huron, just distinct class of pauper schools, and not to
as capable of making a judicious selection or'deduct a farthing from the ordinary appor-
tionments to teachers and schools,"
book, for the schools of their own County as any
seen men in Toronto 1 Or, if the present
school books are so very superior to all others
(and we believe they are onexceptioosble), can
it be supposed that the County Boards would be namely, Esher the Rer. Soperintemidest wishes
so wretchedly stupid as to supercede the use of to eon•ey the idea that thea 'feeble and needy
We do not pretend to ■odentand tlx paragraph,
but we think the reader will be compelled lo he should be thus spe•idly appointed -he 'meld
adopt one of the three following eooclosioos, insult the Government by refusing to qualify I
The only step towards compelling this Govern-
ment, was a presentment of • Tory Grand Jury
them, by introducing as inferior elan 1 This, school sections" were ma•i6eently aided from io favor of Mr. Rich, presented to Judge Sulli-
we are certain, is not ons of the •' painful minas- bis own private parse, a &opposition not the van at the Assizes in May last, which had only OUR SuBSCiBERs will excuse os for re-
quenceo" to which Dr. Ry[asos alludes, There most probable in the nature of things ! Or that the effect of making his Lordship and a few other 'minding them that the next week's Imes
is something in the decline of power -something he, like some others of the Mercian Officials, sensible men, smile at the yank!, ienerance and completes the Second Volu'ne of the Heron
in the breaking of a circle of which one forms had command of that very contrntlsl commodity presumption of the little faction. Thus ended Signal. And nein very large proportion of
the cfbter, that imfartnore psiyal Mae tits men salted " ifo^deg (. metal !" Or. that Dm. the temper for a time. No wanner, however,, nur brat year's reader, havo not found i t
changing of ahool books. From the great Rrsttso,, like mane .other great miode, feels ■ had the New Monieipel Act become. the law of
length of the served. objection we will be obliged pleasure ie- using the fire( personal pro- the land, than the mmosldering embers nfMelo-
convenient to "pay up," we are under the
noun in all matters of b000r or importance.- pointed pride, and mortified arrogance broke mat disagreeable neceretty of iolimatiag that we
This, we this'', is the conclgsioa moat likely to into a rancorous flame. The political Ines of `re eery poor, and that however zealous we
be correct, for it would certainly be very difficult good Government, at once determined that Will -
be in advocating political Reform and
to believe that the Rev. Doctor ever relieved a ham Bennet.Rieh. Esquire, should not only be a social improvement, our circumstances will
S iegle needy school With a single paltry dollar Magistrate, but the'AA71' Magistrate of the sew not permit ns to do to gratuitously. Theta
that did not legitimately belong to the school Corporation -not from a love for Mr. Rich, nor Is certainly no place io Canada where •
fond. We herniate not one gement In believing from a coevietion that he would make the most Newspaper is conducted at more expense,
that had this discretionary power of assisting steady first Lord Mayor of Gndeeich : bat merely and at greater disadvantage than is God. -
poor school •ectiooe, been placed in the hands of in instill the Administration and ifs Goderich rich. This is owing to the renaoteuess of
Dr. Rraaso,, instead of being vested in the friends. Throngh party and secret influences. the situation, and the beery charges on the
*event Municipal Councils, there would have the sympathies of the Ward were at once enlisted carriage of paper, kc., and we believe our
been so serenN objection in Dr.,'s este- in favor of Mr. Rich, and Mesas. Gibbons, Lin- readers will give us credit for having, even
logue of errors. 'And, therefore, we again sag- easter, and McDonald. were bercefacedly told
gust the propriety of remodeling the School Aet that the Ward can■Id return any two of them, minder these disadvantages, brou t out our
Io ae to allow ample room for the Dr. to employ, who would mom ander on nhlirouinn to nppnrt paper with due regolarily. But we have
frequently and with great emphasis, the little frequently done so at a great additional
Mr. Rich as Me o.. i ere was the first ethibi•
pronoun I. tion of the elorew font. The men, as a manor emit ; and as our funds are limited, wit now
The eighth objection is *boat the laborious, of errors'• aperoedwith indigniy • Asgnnt in- feel compelled to insist upon the immediate
onerous' and difficult duties which the new Act Walt, which, in a ruder ante efs«hely, Weald payment of all accounts due to this office.
impose* on Trustees. Bot a the Chief Soper- have hero reJ•eted by spinine in the flee af the Two• year! credit is as much, or rather
iotendent admin that the late Aet was also man whed.redto ff r it.. Ds this&rue ofthings. more than our pecuniary resources will en -
blamable in this respect, we shall pass it overwWilliam Bennet Rich. F.•q , and any other two able us to give, and it must be obvious.
vilboet any comment, as one of those nomeroa liriwe things that ,nsldwrticolar. the acme of that if there is s difficulty in paying at the
rib that are more easily eop,pl•ioed of than i[,Ui ,, Bennet Ri-A with approbation, would end of two year., there will be a greater
remedied- The ainlA and lase obreeder, is • haste been elected as the Councillors of 8t. An-
n- difficulty in paying at 16. esd of gyre -
• reiteration of his former doleful complaint drcw'e Ward ! besides we are positively unable to afford
against being deprived of his satellites, and befog Mnrmn 3m,r., Hemilt*n and Dixie Weans
necessitated to receive his local iefoimaio ' longer time than we have already given ;-
bnmh .dmimted, or rather iersbr/, at the ripening amid hence we have been forced to the de -
from the County Clerks, for whom . evidently elf rhe Pell that they had no °Neer. and no inte-
eheriohes every toldrife friendship. W kava rent in coming forward b nndidsuo, farther termination, that, unless all thou who
XXXV. And be it enacted, That the already 'hewn the worthlessness of this sleet- than ie aeeere the election er Mc Rieh as are now indebted to us for the Alined' of
Municipal Council of each Township, Town poi, and hence, we throw it aside i. disgust. Mayor ! They did not pretend to represent the 1848, pay up to the present time -we will
We have now gone over the whole of the Rev.
ani City, in Upper Csoads, ,hall, in every merging of the Ward. nnr to be the hast anxious be obliged (not to cease publishing, for
year, and within the limits of Its powers •Df Chief Sapenoteodeet's objecrions t• the New for the prosperity of the Tow.. Nay, they were that would be the ruin of the Di.triey) bet
imposing taxes, cause to be levied for the School Aet. We feel satisfied that we have ready and willies to .erifiee every public int*- to stop their papers. W. have an iawtiaic-
payment of the Teachers of the Common treated them with a greater degree of conker mos, sod every priest. ' . To make live abhorrence to being in debt, and if all
Schools of its Township, Towo or City, than the Doctor has manifested towards the Act
for the then current year, molt sum of mo and iia oothor• : and we believe oar readers will the Ward • blank ind t .i'.ly nee the new Owen- who are now owing us will come forward
ney a., clear of .mll charges for Mr eollec- (cel satisfied 'bat w. have f.11y red.emed osr ration' d they tumid merely wawa,' the iaglo- Dad settle their accounts promptly and bon -
lion (hereof, shall be st least equal to the promise byehewiog that mbeobj.ctiosasre, *very rime boast that William &linen Riteh was the onbly, we will Boom hive that ieexpresaibie
amour of public money which shall have firm Meyer of Goderich-the Chief Magistrate felicity of boasting of oar i t
been apportioned (0 such Township,Town Doe, either frivolous, film oe sel6.h. Aad we
or Cut, for such year. are truly gratified to leen that aotwitbrraadia of the Town, is d. (.e. of the Radical Domes -
meat. bsenptsod arrear will In
g nest. And is the hes of these dkelmtiene,- received bythe followingGentlemen, in
Dr. Rn,aa'. " Circular," tom New Aet hse no the reckless fuof politics' lssaait the is-
gene holo oporetion in every Township, and we fury D^ y their respective localities:-
dB*. Andrew's Ward elected Morris Perth,
helioes is ►very ached sectio. is
the United James Hamlltos aid D(zie Watson in preference Patk.nham, Andrew Dickson, E.q.
Contin of Hiroo, Perth aid Arise. f3/ fir in the best preetie.l mei is Goderieh. Poor, Carlton Place,
.. ;we hove bait able to ken, the " Ced to tr" frail, ernes, blind -led, blenderieg humanity !- Broekvtile, David Robertson, Esq•
and the Aet a it mimed•, were preesmited to the Aid sew, that the babble hope has become an Toronto, Dr. Russel.
the erecting, repairing,renting, furnishing various School Meetings held re roughen( the •bonion, we ask say sees man in Rt. Andrew's Hamilton, William Dickies,
Coteries a the eighth lastest, without a Gaelph C. H. Webster, lsq
or warming of School hnnse.,-the porch* -Ward, be M Whiz. Teiy or Radical, to air, if Galt, Andrew Elliot- E
siag of necessary Woke, map., Globes, *is& exeeptto, mom decision w von in favor the mss that Mrs 1... alerted fir that Ward, g(nt meq
black boards and other apparatus for the use . d "aro Les. t%+AO field " The peepk Up- lard. A. ►, Yields, pe,,
of the Schools of such eectton,-for the pay- per Canada cherish too mach nop►et fro w' for ase moment, to M compared n there. mss 8t. doh, R., 11.s Cjyls{im, r•
ment of Teachers, and for Compton School able Geven t, sod foe thane who 'dm later who were rejected. f• is fu as the rest prosper(- I.00doe Road, Dani.) lli.R '.
purposes generally, (and over and above ty sad lowest of the Town are coseeraed l We " Jas. Horny, "
u, a.d min to Is in telt' .equiaud with ihe LoNom, Reba IRe1d, BooAsdier.
the mum of money required by this Act to
repeat Met Meson. Gibbose, Loocaerer, *ted
be equal to the publie money apportioned to pdeeipes sed .time.. of D r ejete ., to Mel)yedl have ds. a eeseeh mowed• "'IIWatham. C axles )o oe
suit Township, Town or ity),-.trek a.- y the dig6test defGreire to maedste w►ie► Ded'rieb a Taws as n other three of in is- Port
Charles Deo.
tmsemont a such Court) .Halt re to be h.'s" gest (mink Ws ..d.rersed that • ere.- y Port BsrDsa, Robert Stood.
and proper persons to represent the iateresta of
the Towo. In the 8t. Patrick's Ward, the three
candidates whom we had named were eleaed-
ie the St. Georg'. Word, one was changed -but
not from • difference to politic., -i. the St. Da -
rid'* Word, Doe was changed, but no political
difference, -and in the 8t. Andrew's Ward, the
amid ba boa( wlsewd by obit IDbabitnts ei his
ewe Ward, merely bosoms* he Demi to aright
so sopport a was whom he eseselsstisa•ly be•
Isaed be be ■ sasroby ef tom elks, is a "prow►
w 'hs mire. M..... Homilies and Waimea
Nosy M Tory timer mea is their owe wry. bet
wo eaadrdiy declare ear ewe ce.vtedw %et
they are seeker qualified este ruined a b the
Committers for 8t. Aadnw's Wad, roe may
ether Wad is Dederick. We belrerl they aro
aware of Mu fact sad hove drtsally admitted u
No mu dare dray that Meson- Gibbons. Ilwe-
e•ater sad McDseaW were kept Det sr the Coe. -
ed. ookly bee..•e they refired to pledge them-
selves n vow for Mr, Rich as Mayer. N. mien
dare deny that lb. motive for p,epatag ►Ir.
Rich was a political motives( the basest dreerip-
noo-and ao man dare alarm that the opposition
to Mr. Rich was political. Not ono Reformer
in Goderich ever objected to Mr. Rich ea aeeoaat
of his politics, sad the fact that tom Reformers
had. foo the very first, speed epos • Conserva-
tive Mayor, i. pro•.( positive that Mr. Rich was
not opposed oa political grounds. The iomrod.e-
1100 of politics tato time Municipal elections, is
Goderich, was by • few head*troag, reckless
Tories. std it has merely resulted in the total
destruction of their object -is the discomfiture
and lasting diegruc• of their party -in the retard-
ing of the puhlie bo.ine., sod the or -kindling of
• large share of bitter political animosity that
had well nigh been entombed in forgetfulness. -
We have been informed that Dr. Hamiltoo in
addressing the Electors at the Poll, split 0se of
the hardwood tables is tom British Hotel with
his fist, in .edeavortog to give weight to dm
mighty declaration that "Mr. Rich Mould b.
Mayer, be will be Mayer, and be shall he
whole th-ee whom we had named, were defeated, Mayor !" (Tremesduoos cheering!) Ws ca.
by men who are u much opposed to them to ay of thin Mayor blaster, s. Cowper shy. of Oil -
politics, as they are deficient in the requisite pie's horse baster, •' Ah ! bootless boast -'-
qualifications- Men who, in ono word, have no Thie was just a (air apecimeo of Dr. Hotailtea'o
claim upon the sympathies, confidence• or sof- policy and its socee.o. It is mere taoaNs.ry.-
frage of their fellow townsmen, except in so far He should actually let politics sod public matin
as ■ claimcan be established ons rigid adherence alone, for we declare honestly that df we wanted
to Toryisin. The men who ought to have been to spoil a good cause, we would employ Dr.
elected, sed who absolutely would have been Hamilton to advocate it, sod es ; anotba■ says,
elected, had political -rancor not usurped the he would ba sore to stork hie foot mets
place of the public interests, are Robert Gibbons, Ile' should Imre learned by this time, that his
John Lancaster, and John McDonald. Thew io#uence in Goderich is confined to a select fie,
three men are steady, honest Reformers -hut no and even, these few ens only be ioflueneed on
man dare ay they were brought forward on po- particular occa•f oos. flat is the choice o f a
Iitical grounds, -they were proposed from the • Lord Mayor, or any other thing of half that im-
best and purest motives, they are three of the portenee. he moot either be eon tested to play
moat active, enterprising and wealthy men in second fiddle, or otherwise pley no fiddle a alts
Goderich, and are. enmporatively •peaking, the
proprietors of the Ward which they proposed to
repose*eat. They were opposed on political
grounds, by William Bennet Rich, Morgan
James Hamilton, and Dixie \Vernon, in the most
rabid and ism/ring manner. Many of our ree-
oen will, no doubt, remember that the name of
William Bennet Rich, Esq., was left out of the
late Commiwiow oldie Peace for the District of towards him. Dat though we loved him boiler
Harm. and that the Tories became savagely than we do• (and we really have soma respect
proline nn the subject, and swore that the Gov- for him), we would tell him (rashly u a friend.
ernmeni would be compelled to make a special that he might no:, and could not, he Major of
appointment of the said William Bennet Rich, Goderich.
who, in his torn, swore like s trooper the after The ludicrous proceedings d the Meeting at
which • Mayor was root elected, 'will M tom sub-
ject .f the neat chapter.
He is aware that Mr. Rich 6.s iso( few elected
!llsyor-nod we tell him in the most friendly
terms, that Mr. Rich weer toil! M Mayor of
CodentA, unless (be light o1 iotelligesee eseld
De drrvee back fifteen degree* on the dial -plate
. 1 time. We have no bard or aok:od (eelisgs to-
wards Mr. Rich. The tea -dollar affair is long
since forgiven, and even then we bore so malice
to take it asunder and examine its parts sepetrats-
ly. It commences thus-" While the present
Law protects the School fund., against the loss
or application of a sixpence for the entire admia-
iaration of the school system, the new Act per-
mits the whole expense of the local Saperia-
teudence of Schools to be deducted from the
echoed fund." We are utterly enable to com-
prebend the meaning of this paragrph, mud,
therefore, we shall allow the Act to deliver its
own sentiments is reference to the " expense cif
the Inteal superintendence," .,
XVI. And be it enacted, That the Super-
intendent of Common School. et any Town-
ship, Town or City, shall be paid by such
salary or per -tentage ss the Municipal
Council of such Township, Town or City
shall spooint, and stick salary shall benised
and levied 'rateably upon the whole rateable
property in the Township, Town or City,
according to the enticement laws which
shall then be in force.
1s Section XXX., where the Trusstees are
authorized to impose and collect a Rate Bill, it
is stated, -
" And the same may be collected by
themselves, or by of them, or by
their -Collector appointed by them to col -
tett the same ; end if they employ a Collec-
tor, five per centum may be added thereto
for the cost of collection and be collected
XXX VIII. And be tt enseted, That it
'my and shall be lawful for the Municipal
Canned of each Township, Town' and City
to Upper -Canada, to miss to be levied on
the inhabitants of all or any School Section
within Its Township, Town or City, for the
purchastng or procunng of School sites, -